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' gffvv'i; gy. .S3 ' , ' ' 1 ;;; ? :• V; îll» M-:// *m ; î ll < 1' !v4' feS B M PUfe mmfyk :S®KSwgjS î#Wwlli •ÏJM ,: Ë)À i /vgpvyg;: 1 .si eiglfillMlfjÊPEfifigAfcgAiÉfiBÊiâ Û'Âl Lïülulïiti Audk^thogk; Get 2 receivers for $98 Save $100 Enjoy 100% digital TV Dolby'digital 5.1 surround sound 500+ channels and 16 theme packs to choose from ►►FUTURE SHOP Page A10 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ June 14,2006 durhamregion.com Special transit fare supported in principal Staff instructed to investigate proposed plan BY ERIN HATFIELD Staff Writer DURHAM -- Eyeing Ottawa's transit system, the Region will investigate implementing a Durham Durham Region Transit (DRT) special special access fare. "We are not as trailblazing as we might think," said Oshawa Councillor April Cullen, who introduced the motion. "(Ottawa) has got a good system. We don't need to reinvent the wheel." Staff was instructed to investigate investigate an access fare pass for Ontario Disability Support Program Program (ODSP) recipients and report back to the DRT commission commission at the first meeting after the summer recess. The commission passed a motion supporting the pass in principle following a presentation presentation made by Terri McCabe. Ms. McCabe, a manager with Community Living in Oshawa, along with a number of her clients clients and co-workers, attended the last two commission meetings meetings to emphasize the need for an access fare pass for residents living living with intellectual disabilities and on fixed incomes. Ms. McCabe told the commission commission the nearly $90 monthly DRT bus pass was a barrier to her clients' participation in the community, as they live on no more than $954 per month. OC Transpo in Ottawa offers a community bus pass to residents who receive benefits under the ODSP. The pass costs under $30, which is nearly $60 less than the usual cost. "How it is done isn't what is relevant to us," Ms. McCabe said. "What is relevant is the importance of its existence." Her clients need the bus to travel to see family, get to doctors doctors appointments, to work and shopping. ; A wasted two years? Durham rejects winning bid for new material recovery facility in Whitby BY ERIN HATFIELD Staff Writer DURHAM - Two years of work on a material recovery facility facility went down the tubes this week when Durham council voted to reject a staff-recommended proposal. proposal. "A substantial amount of work went into it which is now all for naught," Cliff Curtis, Durham's commissioner of works, said in an interview. "But at the end of the day it is council's decision." In the last leg of the tendering process, council approval, questions questions were raised about how the winning bid was chosen, the fairness fairness of the process and the politicking politicking involved. Council voted 15-9 against the recommendation, with four members absent. The request for proposals (RFP) went out two years ago when the Region sent out a tender for the design, build and operation ; of a new Durham Region Material Material Recovery Facility on Garrard Road in Whitby, needed to accommodate accommodate Durham's recyclables. "The tender closed in fall of 2005," Mr. Curtis said. "Since then we have been evaluating the documents, there has been a very rigorous evaluation process." The Region's joint works and finance committee approved a proposal by Metro Municipal Recycling Services on May 17. ; A1 Metauro from Metro Munici- - pal Recycling Services appeared ■ Wednesday to review the submis- - sion. He said staff had chosen 7 Metro because its proposal had | received the highest technical, ; financial and combined scores in ■< the tendering process. ! Mr. Curtis explained the pro- i posais had to pass the technical ; grade before the financial envelope envelope was opened. The techni- ;'cal element included the over- jail proposal plus, management, ; company experience, project and I equipment design and functional- ! ity, schedule viability, operational ! function and health and safety, j There were three bids submit- ; ted and one, Waste Management, ; failed the technical initially. But ; Rick Growden of Waste Manage- ment of Canada Corp., who also ; appeared at council, said the RFP : process was flawed. He stated \ Waste Canada was treated unfair- ■ ly throughout the process. i Waste Management did not pass i the technical qualifications of the ! RFP, however, Mr. Growden said ! the RFP process was supposed to ! have included a 10-miniite oral | presentation, which was cancelled | by the Region. ; Blair McArthur of Miller Group • echoed the feelings expressed by ! Waste Management. Miller had | passed the technical requirement ; with its base bid but had provided ; an alternate proposal, which did ; not pass the technical evaluation. • "We believe the process to i arrive at this recommendation ! was flawed," Mr. McArthur said. I "If the evaluation process was ; sound then why would two out of ; three bids fail? ■ Mr. McArthur said Miller has I hired a lawyer to review the pro- ; cess and the lawyer indicated the ; situation was, "clearly actionable." actionable." ■ Staff however, urged council not ' to reject the recommendation. ! "You may not be pleased with the results... but we can't pretend it didn't happen and start over," Mr. Curtis said during the meeting. meeting. It is expected that with the July I changes to waste collection, which will see recyclables collected collected on a weekly bases, their will be a 20-per cent increase in material. He told council the Region can handle the July 1 launch of the green bin program and the increase in material this will bring but it will be a stretch. He said he would start talking to neighbouring recycling recycling facilities to see if they can carry the region in the interim. "We are already overloaded (at the Garrard material recovery facility in Whitby)," Mr. Curtis said. Unfortunately, Mr. Curtis said the tendering process cannot be started over because it has been tainted. Once the prices were made public it gives the companies companies involved a competitive disadvantage. disadvantage. Mr. Curtis said the works department department was working last week .trying .trying to put together for council an alternate plan to deal with recyclables. Currently, she said, the fare is too expensive for-most of her clients. Staff however, submitted a report, which discusses the issues seen in relation to a special fare. Staff reported to the commission that the ministry of community and social services would not provide 80-20 cost sharing funds for an access fare. The report also states a special fare would be open to a challenge as discriminatory discriminatory against persons with disabilities who are not in receipt ofODSP benefits. Staff estimates the increase in ridership would be less than one per cent and it would increase office and administrative costs by $830,000. * X: eXZ SUPPORT CATHOLIC EDUCATION FOR MORE THAN 160 YEARS, Ontario's Catholic Schools have offered a learning environment for students that integrates the teachings of Jesus Christ into all aspects of school life. Catholic education exists today because of the support of Catholic parents and ratepayers. Your Catholic school trustees need your help to keep Catholic education strong in Ontario. Declaring your support for Catholic schools helps ensure adequate trustee representation for your community and entitles you to vote for a trustee of the Catholic school board. Please check your property assessment notice, or check with landlord to ensure that you.are registered as a Catholic school supporter. It's your constitutional right. The next municipal election will be held on Monday, November 13,2006 If your are not a registered Catholic school supporter, you are encouraged to register now. For more information, please call the Admissions Department of the Durham Catholic District School Board at 905.576.6707 or toll free at 1.877.482.0722 ext. 2253 or contact the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association at (416) 932-9460 or ocsta@ocsta.on.ca. Offer valid from |une 1 until June 30, 2006, Service available to residential customers, whore access and line of sight permit. Valid photo ID and prc-aulhorlzallon on a credit card or with electronic funds transfer (EFT) arc required to purchase and activate a system. Subject to change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offer. Taxes extra. While quantities last. May not Ire as shown. Other conditions apply, «Based on SRI» of $99 for a 4120 system or the 4100 receiver. In-Store price reduction of $50 per system or receiver available to new customers with purchase of one system and up to 3 receivers with a 2-yr programming agreement Early termination fees apply. With 3 or more receivers, additional hardware may be required. System and receivers must be purchased at the same time and must he activated by July 30, 2006. ExpressVu Is a trade-mark of Bell ExpressVu L.P, Dolby Is a registered trademark ol Dolby laboratories Ltd. "02005, VANOC, Used under License,