J Page A4 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ June 21,2006 Valuable credit lessons learned from counsellors From page A1. Why the dramatic increase? Ms. Sherk said credit is easier to acquire these days and people are generally generally greedier. : "People want it all right away, the house, the furniture, the car, they don't want to wait and save for things," she says. "It's tempting when you're told that you can buy a house full of furniture and not pay for 12 months." Credit counsellors used to warn clients to be aware of interest rales, but now they also caution about the new trend of lower monthly payments. Paying less each month might seem like a great idea, but in many cases, the client is paying more interest than principal, and could end up taking years longer to pay off the debt. Ms. Sherk advises everyone to put a budget down on paper, think long and hard about whether to get a credit card and when to use it, and come up with little ways to save money, like skipping the daily coffee or bringing lunch to work. She also stresses to ask for help when financial issues are still concerns, not full fledged problems. "Just deal with it right from the start and be prepared to work hard to fix whatever whatever is wrong," she says. "You can't spend 40 or 50 hours a week making the money, and not be willing to put in a few hours figuring out how to spend it." Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Home Annual Licence Renewal of Fosterbrooke Long Term Care Facility, Newcastle In accordance with the Nursing Homes Act, public opinion is being requested prior to a final decision being made on the above. If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring litem to the attention of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, you may submit them by July 24,2006 to: Director under the Nursing Homes Act Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Homes Branch . c/o 5700 Yonge Street, 4th Floor North York, Ontario M2M4K5 Phone: 416-327-7345 Fax: 416-326-3142 . . Please include the name of the nursing home and quote Project *051-07 on all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision. : * ,) ©Ontario durhamrcgion.com %. -it'-V Ka krfm For more information, contact the CCSDR at 905-579-1951 or visit the agency's website at www.ccsdurhamrc- gion.com. iw y Couples moving into our beautiful retirement residence by July 30th will receive the 2nd occupant FREE for three full months! Call today to book your appointment! 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