L Page A4 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ August 16,2006 durhamregion.com Donor disappointed by CBS decision From page A1 lion," said Renee Naiman, Regional Director of Canadian Blood Services in a letter to This Week. "However, because the tests are so sensitive, in some cases, they react non-specifically with proteins in people's blood and the result comes up 'reactive' (positive). When we then confirm the test using a different, more specific assay that has different sensitivity sensitivity levels, it will not confirm positive and that is what we refer to as a 'false positive'." Those who have received a false positive may still qualify to be a potential bone marrow donor, said Ms. Naiman. People tend to take ineligibility personally, said Mr. Bromley. "Because it's such a personal thing - they lecl that this just isn't right, it was a mistake," he said. But, "Canadians have told us over and over again that they're happy with the way we're running the system." But, the situation doesn't make a lot of sense to Ms. Johnston. "I'm disappointed because I felt good about donating donating and this is just a bunch of red tape," she said. "I could easily donate for the next 25 to 30 years; that's a lot of blood that they won't get now." - with files from Jillian Folk'll Thousands take in the madness From page A1 more than 5,000 people, ready to meet and greet their fellow Bowmanville residents, Mr. Patterson said. "You really get that warm fuzzy feel of historic downtown Bowmanville." There were two professional acts at the evening event, Nickelkicker Comedy and Morgan Magician, Magician, but busking was this year's focus. Ten amateur buskers, from acoustic to rock and roll, lined the streets hoping people would drop a few coins in their hats or guitar cases. Public input sought From page A1 bished separately, with the first to start about 2014. The other units would be done over the following eight to 10 years. If refurbished, the reactors could remain in service until 2060. "The decision to go ahead with' a life extension won't be known until the end of the business case study," Ms. Mclnnes says, adding that wouldn't be until 2008. The CNSC is releasing the draft guidelines that will have to be followed while conducting the EA. "The process is governed and managed by the CNSC. They provide the guidelines" and OPG is still waiting for the regulator to issue them, she adds. Refurbishing the units involves replacing such components components as steam generators, feeder pipes, calandria tubes and fuel channels. "Lots of public input" will be part of the process, Ms. Mclnnes states. "There's an open house, a newsletter, a website and information displays in the information centre. There will be many, many vehicles for the public to • get information and to give it." ' Maura Mapes and Angie Cain were one of the busking acts and said they were happy to have been included. "Bowmanville does so many festivals and we arc really excited to be apart of this one," Ms. Cain said. The ladies needed to submit an application with a demo in order to be considered and are glad they did because Midnight Madness was a great way to share their acoustic sound. "We've never done this before, but it was something something we wanted to do and it turned out to be an awesome event," said Ms. Cain. E o o ■ c 0 MW 0) £ E (0 £ L 3 3 3 C 0 E 0 Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sales Licence KIMBELS 57 MILL STREET SOUTH NEWCASTLE (Indoor area) Any resident of the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must bc,rcceivcd no later than September 7, 2006. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of any objections. Anonymous objections are not considered. The personal information gathered is collected under the authority of the Liquor Licence Act. The principal purpose of the collection is to assess eligibility for the issuance of a liquor sales licence. Copies of all objections arc given to the applicant, The information may also be disclosed pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Pmtection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager, Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario at the address, telephone numbers ore-mail address listed below. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M2N 0A4. Tel: 416-326-8700 OR Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: llcenslng@agco.on.ca It's not just what you lose, it's what you gain. tjtonnfe X\W ,U ""K ■■ '7 -Vi'.; Canada's largest weight loss chain with over 320 centres. Mi ip i S-; FALLSVIEW AND CASINO NIAGARA Your Choice... You will receive a ! 20°° voucher with Niagara players card EVERY FRIDAYS, SUNDAY $23.00 PER PERSON Departures from Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering & Bowmanville 'All persona must be 19 years of age or older with valid Photo I.D. to board coach YOUR CASINO TOUR SPECIALISTS! VtSfTOtJRWBSnEfflrwww.trbuscanada.com Mtrfhwip, Tfate&é 1 ?* ftfc 8 MOTOWN DR., OSHAWA 905-576-1357 Oshawa I 1330 R ri sot. Rrj. N 905.432.6999 Oshawa II 1 34'; King St. i: 905.725.4146 Oshawa III i076 Cedar St. 905.438.8446 Bowmanville Bowmanville Mall 7A 3 King St. f: 905.697.9484 CALL 310-THIN (8446) v/w w .her b aim a g i c. ca Port Perry South Gate Mall 14.500 Sirrv.oe St. 905.985.1084 fiemai Magics H 1.11, H I tOVi ft M UIPiriOM /y U-hTO ■Monday to Wednesday 10-6 HOURS Thursday to Friday 10-9 iSaturday 10-6 & Sunday 11-4 HIGHWAY «2 m IfiliEE- --i 1414 905 I DON CHERRY'S 1 ■ KING ST. 436-3368 L p] ■B*®* Mi