i www.durhamrcgion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, September 13,2006 PAGE B7 hospital / medical ÜLI dental hospital/medical denial hospital/medical dental hospital / medical iWii-i hospital / medical denial Pf'Pi dental Lakeridge Health offers a dynamic work environment where nearly 4,000 staff and physicians use their knowledge, skills and compassion to provide excellent healthcare and service - a team that is truly Better Together! We currently have the following roles available: Nursing Positions RN - Maternal Newborn - Oshawa (P/T) RN - New Life Centre - Port Perry (P/T and Casual) RN - Critical Care - Oshawa/Bowmanville (P/T) ■ RN - Inpatient Surgical - Oshawa (P/T and Temp. P/T) RN - Mental Health - Oshawa (P/T) RN - Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit - Oshawa (P/T) RN - Medicine - Oshawa (P/T) RN - Surgical - Oshawa (F/T) RN - Medical & Surgery Float Pool - Oshawa/ Bowmanville/Port Perry (F/T) RN - Cardiopulmonary - Oshawa (P/T) RN - Emergency - Bowmanville (P/T) RPNs - Mental Health & Medicine - Oshawa (P/T) Clinical Education Leader- Surgical - Oshawa (F/T) Allied Health Positions Charge Medical Laboratory Technologist - Histopathology - Oshawa (F/T) , Medical Laboratory Technologist - Port Perry (Job Share) Physiotherapists (2) -- Oshawa (F/T & P/T) Occupational Therapists (3) - Oshawa (P/T & Temp. F/T) Radiation Therapists (16) - Durham Regional Cancer Centre - Oshawa (F/T) Dosimetrists (3) - Durham Regional Cancer Centre - Oshawa (F/T) Nuclear Medicine Technologists (2) - Oshawa (P/T) Sonographer - Echocardiology - Cardiopulmonary - Oshawa (Casual) Genetics Counsellor - Clinical Genetics- Oshawa (Temp. F/T) ' Respiratory Therapist - Respiratory Services - Oshawa (Casual) Speech-Language Pathologist - Inpatient Rehabilitation - Oshawa (Temp. F/T) Pharmacists (2) -- Pharmacy Services - Oshawa (Temp. F/T and F/T) For more information, visit www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca. Apply online, or send your resume to: Lakeridge Health, Human Resources, 1 Hospital Court, Oshawa, ON L1G 2B9. Fax: 905-721-4755. E-mail: careèrs@lakeridgehealth.on.ca. www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca , Management Positions Surgical Access Manager - Oshawa (F/T) Clinical Leader (Nurse Manager) - Oshawa (F/T) Night Co-ordinator - Performance Management - Oshawa (P/T) Administrative and Service Positions Inpatient Coding Specialist - Oshawa (F/T) HVAC/R Technician - Oshawa (F/T) Maintenance Technician - Oshawa (F/T) , 2 nd Class Engineer - Oshawa (F/T) Clinical Programs Healthy Workplace Consultant - Oshawa (F/T) ' Lakeridge Health Better Together apartments & | flats for rent DUNLOP ST. V/., Whitby, large 2 bedroom, quel 6-p'ex, hardwood, Thermapain, 2 appliances, laundry, parking. No pels. Oclcber 1st. SSOO/month. Call (416)759-5321 DURHAM RESIDENTIAL RENTALS Basemenl Apartments. Houses. Condos and Rooms For Rent. Looking lor a new place lo Home? We Can Help! NO FEE'S (905)999-RENT(7368) www durhamresidenlial rentals.com EAST OSHAWA, unique 1 bedroom bedroom with walkout lo deck, great view, parking, laundry, near' all amenities, no smoking'pels, 5725 plus hydro. Available Immediately. Immediately. Calf (505)431-3629. FOR RENT Clean & well managed 1 & 2 bedroom ants. Oshawa/Bowmanville 5 locations lo choose from. 2 Bdrms starting al$815-inclusive. . Immediate occupancy avail. Fridge/slove inc. For more information 905-623-4172 The Veltri Group - -Whitby office. Applicant must be ' friendly and highly energetic. P/T or F/T available. Fax resume to: 905-668-0350. ' , DENTAL.RECEPTIONIST, expe-. rienced full time required lor Pickering Pickering , office. .Telephone (416)267-1848 FULL TIME Denial Assislanl. Some weekends, and evenings required. Must be HARR certified. Exp. preferred.. Fax resume lo: 905-427-0247. FULL TIME EXPERIENCED DENTAL receptionist/assistant, HARP certified with AbelDent Required immediately. Please lax 'resume 905-666-9057 FULL TIME REGISTERED Massage1 Massage 1 Therapist needed immediately immediately lor busy Ajax chlropraclic praclice. Will Include days, evenings evenings and Salurdays. -Fax (905)428-0495 HYGIENIST pari lime required lor Ajax office. Fax resume lo 905-619-0564 HYGIENIST required 1 for Ortho of- lice, experience, preferred. Send resumes lo File 8280, Oshawa This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, ON L1H7L5. ■LOOKING FOR FULL lime denial denial technician, minimum 5 years - denture experience. Call (905)723-8266. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION- ISIS are in demand. Slarl your on-line career (raining today! At- home and on-site job placement- assistance lor all graduates. Acl now! 1-800-466-1535 "or www.canscribe.com 1 OSHAWA Denial praclice requires requires full-limb recepllonisl'denlal 'assistant lor maternity leave; Starling October 2nd. Please lax resume lo 905-435-0863. OSHAWA OFFICE looking for patl/lull lime level 2 denial assist- . anl. Please lax resume lo 905- 728-5139., OUR BUSY PRACTICE requires .'an experienced lull-lime denial., administrator lo join our team. Tracker experience an asset. Excellent Excellent customer service skills required. required. Please bring resume lo Heather at Source- Denial, 555 Simcoe St, S. Oshawa. PART-TIME DENTAL ASSIST- : ANT / RECEPTIONIST required, for friendly, family cenlered office in Whilby. Please reply lo life #260, P.O. Box 4SI, Oshawa, ON L1H7L5 PHYSIOTHERAPIST WANTED part-time lor established private praclice in busy medical lacilily. Please lax resume lo 905-666- . 8905 ■ PSW REOUIBED lo work in home wilh work wilh 91 year female. female. Musi woik 6,13.5/hr shills twice a month, lor Ajax area. Call (905)427-5110 - ' WANTED: FULL-TIME Level II Denial Assislanl tor busy orthodontic orthodontic praclice in Ajax. No experience experience required. Musi be HARP certified. Please lax resume lo 905-619-8885. 1 1 G Xji'j _ \ BUYING - SELLING - LEASING „„„ COMMERCIAL/JNDUSTRIAL *>-'"« REAL ESTATE/HUSINESS Contact a qualified Commercial ltcal Estate Professional Go (o www.DurhamUealEsiiilc.org & click on lire COMMERCIAL COUNCIL logo for a list of National Commercial Council Members .PAYDAY LOANS. Call 10am- ' 6pm, Mon-Fri. lor 1/2 hour ser- . vice.- Ajax, Oshawa, Whilby call - (905)430-8452. Out-of-town 1- 866-809-1201 or visit us at: www.alliedloanbrokers.com Own a home for Zero Down Free list of homes available (oac) www. zerodowndurham.ca BANK FORECLOSURES & DISTRESS SALES . , Receive a free ■ computerized • printout complete wilh pictures. Free recorded message. 1-888-599-0098 ID# 7777 or durhamoowerofsale.com Dan FCwTini'tsstnon Renta* Rouge Rkn P#«y U3 B-t+ragt office & business space BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM home, Courlice, 2 mins from ' schools. A/C, 2 bathrooms, new carpels, new windows, new rool, freshly painled, eat-in .kitchen, finished finished basemenl private court. Walk-out palio, fenced backyard.. $204,900, quick closing available. (905)433-2183 or 905-261-0771 1 BEAUTIFUL BRICK 8 Slone New Chateau Spacious Bungalow Bungalow backing onto conservation and creek totally ■ unbelievable 5184,500 - Monthly from $695 P8I-1-800-467-1766 FIXER UPPER "Bargains" These homes • need work. - . Free computerized List ol properties. Free recorded message 1-888-599-0098 ID#4048 or ' durhambuyers.ca Cm P**]*m*i hrtwion knit Rov}« PNK fcMj Iti. BrolfOj» FORMER FITNESS CENTER,' over 15,800 sq. II. plus mezzanine, mezzanine, and lois ol parking, in Bow- mânville. May be divided. Special hardwood aerobics floor and newer carpel. All air conditioned, multiple washrooms. Suitable lor fitness or many other uses. Call Ed Vanhaveibeke, Associate Broker, Broker, Royal " LePage Frank Real Estate. (905) 987-3211 direct or Toll Bee 1-866 : 987-32lt. SPACE FOR RENT in Oshawa/Whilby border. Suilable tor hair salon or professional service service lype business. $980 monthly all inclusive, Call Days (905)576- 0823 or Evenings (905)576-1018 business ' ' I opportunities THE UPS STORE. Become apart ol one ol the slrongesl brands in Canada. Rare opportunity! Existing location available in your area. Please contact 519-591- 2646 or lrillium@lheupsstore.ca. All ■ information will be kepi confidential. 1 TURF Logic Franchise Opportunity. Opportunity. 400% Pesticide-Free Lawn Care. High-Tech, Low Invest- ' menl. Protected Territory, Outdoor Outdoor Lifestyle, Full Support. P: 866.239.4056. www.lutllogic.ca ; WOMENS FITNESS franchise, Established Turn Key opportunity, Top location in' Whilby. Ideal lor Women wilh Illness and business background. S69K. Call 1-877- '428-1473. hotel / restaurant COOK AND WAITSTAFF required. required. Apply wilhin, Massey House, 27 King Avo. E. Newcastle. Newcastle. Alin: Gus or Karen FULL TIME help wanted. Evenings/weekends Evenings/weekends a must. Waitress- Ing and cash experience an asset. asset. Apply Monday-Friday 11a,m.-6p.m. 20 King SI. E. Oshawa. or lax to 905-720-2228 SERVER, APPRENTICE COOK 8 DISHWASHER req'd. lor kalian kalian Restaurant. Pail lime and lull lime. Apply In person at Casa Verde, 49 Old Kingslon Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village) MILLION $ VIEW Breathtaking -View over lhe Lako 8 Oshawa Cily for only $274.000; cozy 3+2 bdrm, 2 wrm, sep enlr, tin bsml W/ jacquzzi and fireplace, lois ol upgrades: huge mature trees loi; Inground pool yard. UNIQUE OP- PORTUNITYIII Call ALINA RA- DU, 416-495-2268-CB Terrequity Rlty NEW LUXURY ESTATE Home, huge garage, fabulous kilchon, inviting great room, incredible view ol windows on I acre by the Lake from:$267,900 • 1-877-878- 9899. PRIVATE SALE .BY OWNER. $163,000. Brighton, 1-hr east of Oshawa, 1178 Highway 30, 'less, than 1 minute form 40V. Country setting, 1.1 acres, Move-In condi- • lion. 4-bdrms, 1-1/2 balhs, main- floor laundry, updaled plumb- Ing'electrical (200 amp), new win- dows/carpet/mainlenance Iree vinyl vinyl exterior, new laminate Homing in hugo kitchen. Call (905)342- 3349 mortgages, loans SSM0NEYSS Consolidate Debts Mortgages lo 100%. No Income, bad credit OKI ONTARIOWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1-888-307-7799 From5.1% lor 5 years, Isl. & 2nd (arms lor sale, rent & wanted Mortgages lo 100% (OAC) • Best Available Rates Private Mortgage Funds Arrears RO.S Refinancing Debt Consolidation a Specially For FAST I'ROFFSStOSU. SFRVICF Call 905-666-4986 apartments & Hals lor rent apartments & | Hals lor rent (1) OSHAWA 2 bed. Quiet side street, separate entrance, 2 lev- . els, clean and bright, $850/fnclu- sive. Laundry. October 1. Call (4.16)892-8664 . 1-BEDROOM North Oshawa $735 all Inclusive, no pels, available Ocl 1st. ALSO 2-bdrm. apt, close to Oshawa Centre. ■ S790/mo. all inclusive, available Ocl 1st. No pets. 905-723-1647 or 905-720-9935. 1- BEDROOM SECOND floor apt., quiet Northeast Oshawa. home. Hardwood, clawfoot tub, separate entrance, Ocl 1st. $625 Includes hydro, water, parking. No petstsmoking, lirst/last, refer- ■ ences. (905)431-2019 2 BEDROOM at 408 Bloor, Oshawa, Brighl nice & clean, near bus & No Frills, Laundry, parking included. Available immediately., immediately., $765/mo. + hydro . (550/mlh avg.) first/last. No pels.' ' (905)668-1946 , 2 BEDROOM CONDO available immediately in Bowmanville. 51050/month. 5 Appliances. Free utilities lor 3 months. Rent to own. Lease today and receive one month free rent. (905)697- 8261 2 BEDROOMS, livingroom and kitchen, pels allowed. Weslney/Taunlon. Lots ol parking, parking, available immediately. Heat ■ included. Call 905-683-7175 or 269-314-1957. 2- BEDROOM BIG basemenl, separate enlrance, Cedar/Phillip Murray, near school, recreation. Immediate, $700+40% utilities. No smokingipels. Master bedroom- bedroom- WHITBY, north Thlckson, Master bedroom, $500 Inch No smoking/pets. Immediate. (905)409-7586, . 3 8 2 BDRM APTS lor rent in non-smoking Iwo unit house ■ North . Oshawa. Entire house also available for rent.'Beautiful house must be seen. 3 BDRM $1275 inclusive. inclusive. 2 BDRM $995 inclusive. Entire house $1500 + utilities. 1905-433-1632 email oliver@kuz- manovski.com ' 3, 2, 1, OSHAWA AREA, apart- mcnls available Inside home. En-.' joy Ihe amenities or any one ol our well maintained homes. Near, all amenities, sell contained. Call Robert Today lor viewing and details. details. Available September 1st. ■416-402-3435. '3-BEDROOM MAIN floor apt., close lo 401, Oshawa. $1250 ail inclusive. Also bachelor apt $750 all- inclusive. Both available immediately. immediately. No pels. 905-242-5557 ■ 401/PARK 1-BEDROOM, fully- furnished basemenl. Newly, renovated, renovated, new 4pc bathroomikitchen, cable, gas fireplace, private entrance, entrance, parking, A/C, lirst/last, working person preferred. S175/week. No pels. Immediately. Immediately. (905)576-6127 AJAX, Salem/Hwy #2, 1-bdrm bsml, blight 8 clean, 4-pc bathroom, bathroom, oat-ln kitchen, sep. laundry, laundry, a'c, cAr, transit,'GO bus al door. Avail. Ocl. 1st $75a'mo inclusive. inclusive. No smoking-'pels. (905)686-2239 11 apartments & 11 flats for rent ADELAIDE/THORNTON, brighl 2-bedroom upper-level apt in house. Private drive, walkout deck, Excellent neighbourhood, extra clean, appliances, laundry, ' REDUCED ' $1175/inc!usive. ' Available immediately. No smoking/pets. smoking/pets. (905)706-2200. AJAX • NEW and bright 1 8 2 bdm amazing basements. 1 bdm is walkout, private laundry, amazing amazing view, central air.- 750+ and 900+. 905-239-0367,647-271- 6660. ■ - AJAX • newer 2 bed. 4pc. bath, livingroom, eat in kitchen, shared laundry, sep. entrance, 2-car parking,, immed. possession^ close to schools, S875+75%util. Ajax Realty Ltd. 905-683-1811. AJAX 1 CHURCH/HWY 2/Picker- . ing Village • Large 1 8 2-bdrms in clean; qulel building. 1 Available Sept/Oct., $900 8 $950/mo. Call (416)540-0747 AJAX, 3-bedroom main floor, 4 appliances, lose to schools 8 shopping. .. SHOO/mot- 1/2 utilities. Avail.'October 1st. Call : - Richards days 416-601-7858, evenings 8 wknds 905-686-9662 AJAX, Available immediately, i Salem/Bayly. _Newly renovated, oversized, brighl, 1 bedroom, legal basemenl apartment, large living/dining, lull kitchen, laundry, parking. No smoking/pets. SBOO/inclusive. 416-319-7235, 416-300-2238. AJAX- SALEM/HWY 2, 2-bed- room walkout basemenl, Ocl 1st. $1000 all ■ inclusive,' lirst/last. Credil check, references a must. No smoking/pels. Professional couple preferred. (905)427-8623 aller 5pm AVAILABLE OCT. '1ST.- 2-bed- room main floor in 3-plex. Dun- das/Brock Whilby. No pels. Firsl/lasl. one-parking. $925/in- clusive. 905-983-9082.. BACHELOR APT, newly renovated, renovated, close to Hospital, 3rd floor, avail.'Celt, $600 inclusive, first 8 Iasi. Call (905)434-5149. BACHELOR APT. available immediately. immediately. $475 firsllast,-all inclusive. inclusive. Newcaslle. Clean, private enlrance, no pets or smoking. 905-987-3140. LARGE 2-bdrm has il all! Near Oshawa Centre. A/C, bay window, window, gas I/p, new carpel, internel, laundry, non-smokers, avail, immediately. immediately. $885/mo. Firsl/lasl req'd. (905)404-68 62 LARGE BACHELOR, north Oshawa, near Durham Col- lege/UOIT. Separale enlrance, lull kilchen 8 balhroom, laundry facilities. 5550/month, available immediately. No smoking/no pets. Call (905)431-5081 - LARGE NEWLY renovated 1- bedroom basemenl. in Hampton, separale enlrance, - includes heal/hydro, a/c, fridge/stove, parking, suils quiet non-smoker, no pels, S695/mo, lirst/last, references. references. Available November 1st, 905-263-4490 N.E. OSHAV/A, bachelor apartment, apartment, hospital -area. Available Sepl. 15 Clean, quiet, newly renovated no pels. $570. all inclusive. inclusive. (905) 571-7840. NEWTONVILLE AREA 3 bed.' walkoul apt. 1100 sq.ft. Large windows, 5 appliances, $1200/mo. lirsl/lasl/inclusive. Non-smoking. Really nice, a Must seel (905)785-2645 NORTH Oshawa - 2 6 3 bedroom, bedroom, Ocl. and Nov. Clean, family ' building; Heal, hydro and too appliances appliances included. Pay cable, parking and laundry lacililies. (905)723-2094 NORTH OSHAWA .- Upper 1 bdrm apartment in Century home. Beautiful wood floors throughout. Firsl/lasl. Avail, immediately. 5800/inclusive. Réferences req'd.' ■905-576-1013. NORTH OSHAWA, ' 1-bedroom for rent. Includes utilities, fridge, stove, parking. Move in Bonus Call 905-579-9777 or 416-902- 1174. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS lor rent, Newcaslle Village. Slatting Slatting al $580. plus utilities. Available October Isl and November November Isl. Call (905) 987-3211 OSHAWA Park/Adelaide • (23t) Nipigon St) 1,2 &3 Bedrooms Well maintained and newly renovated apis. Near all amenities. From $765/mo+ hydro. ' (905)723-0977 BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m - 5 p.m Evenings by appt. only 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Lid. BOWMANVILLE - 1 bedroom apl. Available Ocl.. 1st. Clean, security entrance building, $907 ■ Includes laundry lacililies, appli- ' ances, utilities and parking. Call 905-666-1074 or 905-623-0791 BOWMANVILLE 1-bedroom' apl., all appliances, private entrance with balcony, newly painted, park- FARM FOR-SALE: 95-Acres, all workable-acreage w/5 small ponds, 2-wells. Cenlury-homo w/Log 8 Vinyl-Siding. ■ Oil-Heat. Easy-Commule. www.bytheownor.com . (access-code: 31106). $265,000. (705)799 G465. teaching | opportunities SWIMMING INSTRUCTOnS NEEDED. Musi bo Red Cross/Royal life certified. Shills available, daytime, evenings or weekends. Plcaso call (416)358-2510. industrial/ commercial spaco houses for snlo $250,000 • 167 WILSON RD. S, .Oshawa. Spacious 3i1 bedroom, bedroom, Gardener's dream, now modern kilclicn/bathioom, hard- wootflcoiamlc lliioughoul. Casement Casement apailmonl/soparalo on- franco. Open House, 1-3pm, Sunday or call 1er nppolnlmonl, 905-720 0295. A MUST SEE! 1600', 3 bedrooms 2-1/2 balhs. 1-1/2 car oarage. Huilnir living areas, bedrooms. Commies elsowlioro. CiillMa on- liiilnliimonl unit. Gas liroplaco, confiai air, 6 appliances, Many upgrades. Asking $269,900, Open House Sunday 1-4 I'M. .www.bythoownor.coni,'41011/ AVOID FORECLOSURE! Iton'l min your ciodill Will buy your hoiBolor cash) 005-71)6 6313, FOR RENT Commercial Space Bowmanville from 100 lo 1-186 sq.lt. including including area suilable for daycaro bochiLCilyJiiQ- Simcoo, slails at 150 sq.lt. & For more Information 905-623-4172 The Vcitrl Group REALSTAR www.realstar.ca WE REALLY CARE WHERE YOU LIVE. Realstar offers a lull breadth ol apartments, penthouses and town houses, plus application approval within 21 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TODAY! OSHAWA Carriage Hill • Townhouse: 905-434-3972 122 Colbomo Sheet (Simeon SL, N. Colboine SI. E.) Taunton Terrace • Townhouses 905-436-3346 100 Taunton Road, East (Taunton R(l. & Slmcoo SI.) UXBRIDGE Tesla Heights 905-852-2534 Tosla llolghls (Roach SI. & Testa Rd.) WHITBY 534 Mary Street Apartments 905-666-2450 534 Maty Street Cast (Mary SI., 8 Hickory SI.) Regency Place Apartments 905-430- 7397 Vi Mf'tji'iH \ i.'V'.i fill /V.t' M i\ Hu r, h ,1 -H'l N H.MiM i'All ? fi -H. M/tM l'M ASK ABOUT OUR SENIOR'S MOVE-IN INCENTIVES Whitby Place 905-430-5420 000 Dumlas Street, East (Umulas St. 8 Gardon St.) ing, no pels. Firsl/lasl required. Available now. Call (905)623- 2381 BOWMANVILLE, 1-bedroom bachelor, self-contained main- floor country apartment, parking, privais entrance, no pets/smoking. pets/smoking. $625+ hydro. Also Horse boarding available upon separate requosl. (905)263-2727. BOWMANVILLE, 2 bedroom apl, on King St., I parking, $750 plus utilities, first/last, no pels, avail. Ocl./Nov. (905)987-5238. BRIGHT, WALK-OUT ONE bed-" room basement apartment. Picketing Picketing Brock-Finch. Laundry, a'c. New kilchen, parking available. Recently renovated. $599 all inclusive. inclusive. Firsllast required. No smoking/pots. Call 905-686- 4716. Daytime 416-286-7461. BROCK 1 401, 1 8 2 bedrooms, parking, laundry, qulel residential street. $760.$970. Call (905)420-1741 CLEAN 1 BDRM $720/1110, 2 bedroom SBOO'mo, newly decorated. decorated. Ulililies included. Sim- roe. Mill area, small quid apt. building. Call lor appl. (905)579- 9890, INDUSTRIAL/COMMEIICIAL Confiai Oshawa, 2 room bright ollico wilh 3pc. washroom/ 2 car shop willi ollico. AI.SO bachelor apl, avail, call 905 P59-2552. LOW COST INDUSTRIAL - - 4,251) sq, II, in Omni), dlivo In door, highway rmwsuio, $l,850./mo, plus utilities. Call I'll Vanhnvoiboko, Associate Broker, Royal lu I'.ign Frank Huai listait!, listait!, (905) UII/-32II, tilled or loll lieu I-I!fi6-9I)/-32II. WELCOME TO HIGHLAND TOWERS We re better than ever ! Spacious, nowly renovated 1,2 and 3 bodroonis wilh stunning views, Convonlontly located In a friendly, family community Just slops lo shopping, GO , and 401. Park liko selling. Affordably Priced from $070. Ulilillos Included. (905)668-7844 " MOVE IN BONUS " Limned Time Only CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX 2 13 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m, Evening by appl, only 905.683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Lid, COUNTRY SETTING, overlooks spring-led pond, 1-bedroom, on- suite, livingroom, kilchen, break- Iasi (iron. Covered brick patio. Near all amenities. $700/mo Inclusive, Inclusive, Single professional pro- leiiod, non smokoi/no pels, (905)428-740/. DOWNTOWN WHÏÏ5Ÿ~7bmr room In very clean 0 pfex, $940. Available Oclobnr bl. No poll- (905)666-1282. apartments & Hals for rent OSHAV/A, Newly renovated 1 8 2 bdrms in artier li'estyte fc'dgs. Large units. New kitchens 8 apptaxes. appt axes. carpeting, windows, security. security. Near schools, bus step 8 amenities. Avaiiab'e Sept. Oct. t-EeetOI-3033' or 505-432- 6912. www.apartrrenlsinonia- rip.com OSHAWA, UNDER NEW Man- agement. 1, 2, 3 bdrms 8 Penthouse Penthouse avail, in adult lifestyle bldg. Large units, new windows, security. security. Near bus, shopping. Avail. Sep'.Od. Ca'1905-723-1003 or 1- 856-601-3033 cr 905-723-3162 vww.aparlmenlsinonlario.com PICKERING - ALTONA-HWY 2 New large 2-bdrm bsml apt, full bath, separate enlrance, laundry, cab'e, parking. $950 ail inclusive. ■ Avail immed aley. Call Nick 416- 274-1939 or 505-509-8116 PICKERING, BROCK/MAJOR Oak, 2 bedroom basemenl apartment. apartment. Brighl, spacious living room located in a quiet neighborhood. neighborhood. No pels/smoking. Avail, immediately. (416)740-1819. PICKERING, Brock/Major Oaks, beautiful 2-bdrm bsmt apt, separate separate enlrance.' $850 inclusive. No smoking/pets. Avail, immediately. Call 416-899-1827 PICKERING, Finch/Brock Rd. Legal Legal 2-bedroom basement. Very clean, bright, spacious, separale w/o entrance, A/C, sep. laundry, cable, $SOO+ulifities. Immediately/October Immediately/October 1st. Firsl/lasl, refer-, ences. No péls/smoking. (416)727-1084 PICKERING, Whites/401. Large 2-bdrm bsml. in quiel family home. Separate entrance, laundry, laundry, 1-parking, no smoking/pets. Avail, immediately. S850/mo inclusive. inclusive. Call 416-531-4631 ext 269 leave msg. QUIET OSHAWA, location, 2- bedroom basemenl apartment, avail. November 1st. Close to schools/shopping, bus. Large fenced backyard. Laundry fa- cililies/parking included. S750./mo inclusive. (905)725-9803 ROSSLAND/HARWOOD, brighl bsml apl; sliding door walk-out. Avail, immediately, 1 year new. 5700/mo. Includes cable, internet, utilities: Non smokers, no pets. newer@rogers.com or (647)290- 3296,(416)699-3636 SPACIOUS/CLEAN 2-bedroom upper level of house, Oshawa.. Utilities and parking included. Close lo all amenities. No smoking/pels. smoking/pels. $900/lirsl/lasl/relerenc- 65. Avail. Ocl. 1st. (905)576-2679 houses for rent Still Renting? Why? Owning is cheaper' First lime buyers only Free list of homes available with no money down 1 From $900/mth (oac) with pictures 1-888-599-0098 use ID# 8899 or OSHAWA • 2 bedroom basement with kitchen, separate entrance, use ol laundry, 4 pee. bath, one parking, no smoking/pels. Avail. ■ immediately References, S800/mo. ■ inclusive. (905)728- 4792 or (905)995-2594 OSHAWA i 8 2 BEDROOM 1 apartments available in quiel areas, areas, $700 8 $850 all inclusive,, no pels, lirst/last. Available immediately,'Ocl. immediately,'Ocl. 1, Call (905)424-5083 OSHAWA 1-bedroom, large, very brighl, 10-11 ceilings. Quiet loca- - ' lion, parking, appliances included. included. Newly renovated, available OcM. $700/mo. firsl/lasl. No Pels. (905)434-1290, (905)922- 4411, leave message. OSHAWA 2-bedroom Simcoe North on Russell Ave„ newly ' decorated, well-maintained quiet 12-plex small building, laundry. Cable, heating 8 water, parking, included. ■ No 1 dogs. 905-576- 2982. OSHAWA APTS. Clean quiel .newer bldgs. Bachelor, 18 2- bedroom Includes utilities, parking, parking, laundry on site, no dogs. 905-571-0425, 1-888-558-2622, 905-432-8914 OSHAWA bright spacious freshly painted, new floors, 2 bdrm basemenl basemenl apl. air cond. parking included. included. Suitable for 1 person. No dogs please, firstlasl $750. 905- 666-6877 OSHAWA Centre/Bond. Brighl spacious main floor, 1-bdrm apl, recently renovated. Large front porch, parking, near all amenities. Avail immediately. $599+heal-hy- dro. No smoking/pels. (905)438- 0566 OSHAWA new modern building. Simcoe/Bloor. 2-bedroom, $770 plus hydro. Firsl/lasl required, 'available Sepl. 1st. Please contact contact Bill (905)404-9602. OSHAWA, I bedroom newly renovated, 5675/month, Includes ■ utilities, A'C, parking, privle entrance. entrance. Near amenities. Firsllast ■ required. (905)436-6205, no calls alter 9:00pm. OSHAWA, 1-BDRM S675-incl. avail Ocl 1; BACHELOR $495 avail Immediately. No smoking/pets, smoking/pets, ■ lirsL'Iast'relerences. (905)721-9789(905)922-4751 OSHAWA, 2-large bedroom, main floor, 5 appliances, large bathroom. $975/inclusivo. 2 car ^ . parking. No smoking/pols. 1 (905)436-0735 OSHAWA, beaulilul spacious 2- bedroom apt. 2 washrooms, on quid street with patking. Mins Irom 401, $900 all inclusive. Call 416-219 0070 or 416 269 2844 OSHAWA, Best Deals! Newly Renovated 1,2 83 bdim In senior senior lifestyle bldg. Largo unils, new kitchens, carpeting, windows, security. security. Near hospital, bus slop. Avail. SoplOcl, Call 905-728-, .4965 or 1-866-601-3083 www.apailmenlsInonlaiio.com OSHAWA, BLOOR 1.SIMCOE, 1-bedroom $675/ hydro, heal Included. Included. Newly renovated. 2nd floor ol house. Separate entrance. entrance. Parking, smoker ok. (416)627-0957 or lailiin.peliguinSholmail.com OSHAWA, BOND SIMCOE, Spacious Spacious apis lowiisa building. 1- bdrm $670 mo/liydro, 2-bdrm TBOO/mothydro. Both avail, Immediately. Immediately. Appliances, laundry lacililies and parking included. Call 905 240 2632 OSHAWA, KING niTSON, bright" bachelor basemenl opt, close to downtown and nil amenities, laundry, parking. $550 nil Inclusive'. Inclusive'. (905)914 3133. pHiiTw^T riiaii" floor, hardwood floors, 4-appli- ances, close lo GO, schools 8 shopping. $1350'mo i 1/2 utilities. Avail November. Call Mike dais V05'127.40// ml. 24. evenings 8 wknds «05 442 0020, VERY QUIET, beautifully furnished. furnished. Clean 1-bedroom basemenl basemenl apl., near downtown Oshawa. Parking, suits 1 person. No smoking, no pets. $650 all inclusive. inclusive. For appointment leave phone # at 905-434-7012. . WHITBY - Garden St. apt. building. building. Spacious carpeted, newly painled with balcony. Close to bus, shopping, all utilities included. included. Aval. now. First/last/no pets. ' Bachelor $700; 1-bed. $800; 2- bed. $925; 3-bdrm $1025. 905- 767-2565. WHITBY, 3 bedroom main floor apt., shared laundry, one parking, no smoking/pels, Avail Nov. $1200 8 utilities. 905-685-3664. WHITBY, DOWNTOWN, 1 bed- room apt. $775/mo. ■ inclusive,' hardwood floors, firsl/lasl, references. references. Avail October. 1 call (905)430-8327 WHITBY, large 2-bedroom basemenl basemenl apt., S900/mo, all new, includes includes ulililies and cable. No pets/smoking, references required. required. (905)683-6853 apartments & | flats wanted APARTMENT REQUIRED in Claringlon by female, non-smoker, non-smoker, semi-retired, 1 quiel selling, no attached lo business, nol basemenl. basemenl. 1-bedroom, reasonable rent please. Call collect 705-328- 9247. condominiums for rent AJAX- • Luxury 2 bedroom penlhouse suite. Large balcony with fantastic NE views ol envi- rons/lake. 5 appliances, window coverings, laundry, slorage, O/S. garage. No pels'smcking. Suits 1 retired/prof. couple. $1395/mo. inclusive. 905-426-9837. AJAX • LAKE SIDE ■ 2X one bedroom condos, appliances, insuite insuite laundry fireplace, a'c, parking/ parking/ pool, sauna, jacuzzi, exercise exercise lac., tennis, inclusives. From $1025/heat/hydro. NO PETS. Oct. 1st Nov. 1st. (905)686-6237 . AJAX, Westney/Kingston Rd. 2 spacious condos, excellent condition, condition, 5-appliances, 2-parking each, locker, pool, gym, large balconies, balconies, 2-bdrms, 2-bathrooms, 4th 8 9th floor. Avail. Oct. 1st. Call 905-683-6574 BOWMANVILLE, downtown, 2 level, 2-bedrooms, SBOO/month plus hydro. Call (416)497-4540. OSHAWA, McLaughlin Square. 2-bdrm coqdo apl, all amenities included (pool, exercise room, satellite TV) large 30-11 balcony vv/storage bin. Avail Ocl 1. $1150/mo-inclusive. Firsllast. (905)436-3722 PICKERING Brock/Pickering Parkway, 1 +1 bedroom, 2 balhs, solarium, luxury condo, pool, gym, sauna, + $1l75.fmo. inclusive.. inclusive.. avail. Ocl. I, No pels'smoking. 416-569-6506. ' PICKERING. LARGE 3-Bedroom Condo, 2 bathrooms, spacious li- vinnrm. 8 diningrm. Laundry. 1 parking space. Minutes lo shopping, shopping, community center. 8 library. 51200/mon + hydro. Call Ni&lo 905-999-7368 houses for rent •AA AWESOME OPPORTU- NITYI NO MONEY DOWN. Own your own home from $650 month. $40,000+ family Income, Reasonable Reasonable Credil • up 10 $20,000 cash back. Call Ken Coilis, Cold,veil Banker 2M Realty Bikr, Serving the public 1er .32 yeais. (905)576-5200 or 1-666-576- 5200, kencoilis@sympafco.ca 3 BEDROOM HOME lor rent, cn farm, available immediately. (305)430-7903 3 BEDROOM Northeast Oshawa Semi. New paint 8 carpel throughout. Finished basemenl. $l200iuli!ilics. (905)259-2323. 3/1 bedroom South Oshawa Semi. Finished basement. New paint 8 carpel throughout. • $1200/ulililics. 905-259-67CO. 3-BEOROOM HOME loi""ütoiT Oshawa Whitby bonier. SOBO month plus ulililies. Grass culling 8 snow removal included. Available Ocl 1st. Call Days (905)576 0023 oi Evenings (905)5/6-1018 4 BEDROOM countiy Inline on 2-K! acres. Attached parage, non-smoking. $1400 inclusive. Avail, Ocl 1.(905)9635589 ÀÏ RENTAL AGENoT 2' 3, 7 4 iHlrm houses, rondo's 8 apart- moms available In Scaiboiounh, Picketing, Ajax, Whilby Call 410 917 4614 4-BEDROOM UPPER fitter cl Whitby Bungaic.v, 2 bathrooms, recently renovated. La - g-2 private yard, ava 'ab'e Get 1st cr Nov 1st. S1350,'month. Ca'I Pat 282-314- 7555 or (965)725-7253 everting;. A ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $603 month. Up to 515,330 cash back to you! Require 535,030 + up famtiy income and reasonab'e credf. No down payment payment requrod. Why Ren! Ca'I Bill Rcka, 25 years as top sa'es reo with world's leading realtor. Re- max Spirit (505) 723-1 ECO, 1-683- 732-1600 AJAX custom built 3-bdrm, 3- baths, vaulted ceilings, skyi'ght, gourmet kilchen, fireplace, air, pool, double car garage. Avail Ocl 1. SIBOO-inclusive. (905)409- 5424:705-738-5412 AJAX NORTH by 20 minutes at . Chalk Lake unique secluded 4 bedroom, appliances, deck,finished deck,finished basement, year round re-creation re-creation area SI650 plus, November November 1st. Condclyn Mot. 965-428- 9766 AJAX SALEM/BAYLY • 3-bedroom 3-bedroom main-floor semi-bungalow, new furnace, fenced, a'c, freshly painted, $1075+parl util., Oct. 1st No pets/smoking. First'lasti're'er- ences. 2-car parking 8 laundry. laundry. 905-686-6773. AJAX, By-lhe-Lake, large 3-bdrm detached bungalow, new kitchen, 5 new appliances, c/a. S1250/mo+ utilities. No smokers. (416)704-4570 : + AJAX- 2-storey house for rent. Rossland/Westney. 3-bedrooms. Fireplace, shared laundry, 2/3 utilities, parking. $1250/mo. Firsllast. References. No pels/smoking. Available immediately. immediately. (905)428-9695. AJAX- New large bright 1605 sq. lt. 3 bdrm semi- 2.5 balhs. Also 1600 sq. end unit lown- Amazing view. Must seetll $1285+ each. 905-239-0367 ' - -647-271-6660. BEAUTIFUL, STUNNING 3 bed- room house for rent, North Oshawa, hard-wood floors, central air, new appliances, walkoul lo deck overlooking large backyard onto park, $1,300 plus ulililies. Call (905)576-0294 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA brighl . clean 3 bedroom house, fridge, stove, laundry, hookups, detached detached 'garage. $1050tu!ililies. Firsl/lasl required. Credit checks and references. 1 -800442-3947 BUNGALOW, Oshawa, Harmo- ny/Olive. 3-bdrm plus 2-bdrm bsml apl w,'separate entrance. 2 kitchens,' SI650+ utilities. Close lo school, park, 401, 6-parking, lease lo own. Avail, immediately. Call (905)427-2031. CENTRAL BOWMANVILE, small 3 ' bedroom house. Stove/fridge, garage, yard, non smoking. 51200/month, plus ulililies. Firsl/lasl. Available November 1st (905)623-5278 'LIVERPOOL/FINCH, Pickering. Spacious 3-bdrm house, main 8 upper level floors, 2 balhs, appliances, appliances, laundry, garage, fenced .yard, close lo PTC, $1200 + 2/3 utilities, avait. Oct. 1, references. (905)427-5597 NORTH OSHAWA - Brand new Tribute home 3200-sq.lt. 4 baths, 4 bdrms, double garage, near new school, SI900/mo+utilities. Firsllast, references, Avail. Ocl 1. 905-725-5150. NORTH OSHAWA, 4-bedroom ' 2200sq.fr house 2-1/2 baths, double double attached garage, hardwood floors, no pets/smoking. $1900+ utilities. First/Iasi, references required. required. Available Ocl 1st. (905)721-0060 OLIVE/GRANDVIEW 1-bedroom basement apt., separate entrance, entrance, parking, laundry, a'c,- all utilities included, use ol fenced backyard, 8700/mcnlh, firsl/lasl. No smoking/pels. Available October October 1st. Call (905)665-1520 OSHAWA $900 plus utilities,.3 bedrooms, bright, clean, well maintained, avail. Ocl.1. 301 Geneva Geneva Ave. Call Marlin, (416)999- 8075. ' ' . OSHAWA - 3 bedroom, Park Rd/King SI. area. $B50,'month plus utilties, avilable October 1st. Call 905-723-3224 days. OSHAWA, 3 bedroom Bungalow, 4 appliances, finished basement, single car garage, spatious backyard backyard with deck. $1200 plus utilities, firsllast. Available immediately. immediately. (416)717-5605 OSHAWA, 4-bdrtn semi, close to the Civic.. Fenced yard, partially (in. bsml. No pels/smoking. $12l5/mo t utilities. Firsllast: Avail. immediately/October 1st. Call (505)4300249' OSHAWA, Clean 8 bright 3 bedroom bedroom mainfloor bungalow. Hardwood flooring, 3 appliances, close to all amenities. SlOOOtimo plus hall utilities. Avail October 151.905-430-9065. OSHAWA, steps from hospital, 3- bdrm house. 5 appliances, large deck, beaulilul backyard, great established neighborhood. Avail.- Oct. 1st. S1200timo + utilities. Call (905)743-0450 PICKERING VILLAGE- immaculate immaculate 3 bedroom +1, 4 bathrooms, finished basement, main, floor family room with fireplace. Hardwood, Hardwood, ceramic floors, a'c, 5 appliances, appliances, walk out deck. Available October 1st. $1700timo. plus utilities. No pels/smoking. References, References, credit check. 905-837- 2169. PICKERING,' Brock'Hwy#2 Detached, Detached, ensuite, 2.5 baths, hardwood, hardwood, garage, backyard, appliances, appliances, A'C, C/Vac, near amenities, Hwy 401/GO no smelt- ingbels, $1300timo +6738 utilities. ALSO 1-Bedroom basemenl apartment, separata enlrance, kitchen, appliances, shared laundry, laundry, parking, $600,inclusive, Sept 15. 416-523-5375, 905-426- 5554. S.AJAX 3-BEDROOM, 2 washrooms, washrooms, near schools, park, lako. Excellent condition, newly decorated. decorated. Includes garage, large driveway, plus large 1-bedroom basement apt, Firsllast, October 1st. $1575/ utilities. (90 5)639- 4326 SMALL 2 BEDROOM house in Oshawa, very clean, suilable lor 1 ' person or single couple, available now, rent: $375/monlh plus utilities. Call 905-935-8513 lor appointment. houses for rent SMALL town of IWie'd (50 mins to Oshawa) 3 cr 4 bedroom house. 5600 mo. p'us utilities. References, Available mid Ooto- fcerca'i 1 -705-433-5453. V/HITBY Tauntcn/Anderson very large 4 bedroom detacbed.se- c'uded parktike setting app'ianc- es, avaiiab'e Cclcter, $1300 p'us ALSO 4 fcc-drccn with steep 51700. Ccrdclyn l/gt. 905 423- 5785. shared accommodation WORKING PROFESSIONAL anricr student seeks same to share house, centra'iy ideated in Oshawa. close to ail amenities, bus. 5425 pen month. (955)404- C515 II cottages for rent townhouses | for rent 3-BDRM Large, north Oshawa localism localism Near shopping, Durham coi'ege, bus routes. New carpets /paint. Very e'ean. Full basement and yard. 5965+hydrc. Ava'lab'e immedatety. Private parking 905- 259-1233 3-BDRM TOWNHOUSE avail. November 1st. Oshawa, Taun- ton/Rilson. Ctose lo all amenities. S1100'mo+ hydro. No smok- ingtipets. Call (905)434-3770 or w.rarhiiiammanagement.ca AIR CONDITIONED, 3 bedroom tcvvnhouse, ail appliances, with garage, upgraded and shows to perfection, located on bus route, in desirable area of Whitby, schools and shopping near by. No pets/smoking. S1400. Avaiiab'e October 1st. (505)656- 6843 AJAX, BRAND NEW 3 bedroom townhouse. 2.5 balhs. Finished reo room in basement. Aud- ley/Hwy. 82. 5 appliances. S1450/u|i!ilies. No peistismeking. Available immediately. Firsllast. 647-695-4574. ' AJAX, LUXURY, 3 bedroom townhouse, 1 1/2 balhs, c'a, 4 appliances. Garage, fenced backyard. backyard. Close lo schools, public transportation, shopping. No smoking/pels. S1275'month. Avail. October 1. 416-253-0767. BEAUTIFUL large 3-bedroom townhouse, attached-garage, driveway, finished-basement, close lo schools, HarwoodRoss- land. Hardwood floors, 5 appii-" ances, no pets, avail, immediately, immediately, 51400+utilities. (905)426- 1105 OSHAWA rentals S550'up 1-5 bedrooms. ALSO, Cottage cn Lake Scugog. 4-bedrooms plus tunktie, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, dcu- t'e garage. 5259.900 cr rent 51E55. Ca'I (415)417-0373 campers, trailers, | sites 1984 STARCRAFT TENT Traiter, steeps 6, ice box, stove, S2C00 cbo. Cal (505)575-5300 1994 DUTCHMEN 5th wheel traiter. Mint cond. make a rea- senab'e offer. (905)623-6550 2005 NORTHLANDER Cottager Classic, 2-bedrccms, 40x1411, brand new 2005 hardtop awning, 12x46 deck, shed. Dreamland Resort, Hastings. Asking 561,000. Call 416-918-6050'or 505-426-4972. ' www.dreamlardresorlon.ca boats & supplies 1992 15' FIBERGLASS BowRid- er wilh trailer, includes 65hp Suzuki Suzuki Outboard, with Tilt 8 Trim. New covets, Bimini Top, Garmin Fish Finder.. Great lor cruising or fishing. 54200 OBO. (905)721- 2596 . lost & found FOUND . - WAVERLEY'AREA - Bowmanville. Female short haired cat, black wilh orange markings. (905) 623-0157 COURTICE Well kept lame 3 bed* room plus den town homes. 4 appliances, 2 baths, private garages, nicely landscaped. Great Neighborhood. Close to shopping. Call to see this lovely home! (905) 404-1642, personals , SINCERE SINGLES Matchmaker since 1992. Chosen wilh care by those who care! Toll free 1-856- 719-9116 www.sinceresingies.ca ■ nannies live-in / out LIVE-OUT NANNY, Courlice. shiftwork, far 4-yr-c!d 8 1-yr-old. Duties include drop-oil,'pick-up- from school, prepare meals, activities. activities. (995)433-6572 NORTHEAST OSHAWA, 1-1/2, ..balhs, 3-bdrms, den, garage washer/dryer,. freezer fridge/slove, walkoul lo large raised fenced deck off diningroom: diningroom: accessible fenced-in pool. Avail Ocl 7/06. (415)924-0365 ' WILLOW PARK CO-OP al Bealrice 8 Wilson has 2 8 3 bedroom bedroom townhomes available immediately. immediately. ■ Call: (905)432-6809 www.ucpm.ca rooms for rent & wanted 4 ROOMS FOR RENT unfurnished unfurnished 5 minutes walk to UOlT/Durham college. $550- S700/mo all utilities, high-speed internel, yard access, near park.' share bath/kitchen. Phone extra, washer/dryer, fridge/stove. Nico- Ia.canto002@sympatico.ca, (416)435-8605,905-201-8418 BROCK RD/F|NCH, 1 furnished room, clean quiet home) TV, DVD, internet, parking included. Share bathroom and kitchen. Must love animats, available im- mediatley. FirsV last. No smoking. $400/mo. (905)426-6525 - daycare available DAYCARE. Ill COURTICE, lull and pari lime openings, free play, help wilh homework, great meats. ECE, first Aid, CPR and Police Check.. Reasonable rales. Call (605)436-9044 NEED DAYCARE NOW? I'm your daycare solution! I have 14 years experience. Main floor play area: Quiet street. Non-smoking. CPR/Firsl Aid. (505)404-0442 NEWCASTLE, Rutherdrive Dr. Stay-at-home Mom, non-smoking home. All ages 6am-6pm. Even- ings/wknds negotiable. Nutritious meals/snacks, fenced backyard, reasonable rates. References (905)987-1724 registration FALL WOODWORKING COURSES. Build an entertain- ment/armoire unit', furniture cabinet cabinet course, intro to woodworking I 8 II. and Intermediate woodworking,. woodworking,. To register or lor more information, information, call Carpenter's Square - School oi Woodworking. 905- 433-9011. FURNISHED ROOM on main floor in large - home. Close to TTC/GO, mall, rec centre. Pickering. Pickering. S450/mo inclusive. Garage space also available 560/month. (905)639-7237 QUIET SENIOR GENTLEMAN looking for male (preferred) to share north Whitby Iwo bedroom condo. Includes separate washroom/ washroom/ kitchen/laundry. 5500/month. Serious enquiries contact Lawrie 905 430-0177. ROOM AVAILABLE in new Ajax home. Cable, internet, parking. Full use of house. Close to all , amenities. Available immediately. Call (416)678-6563 ROOMS FOR RENT in large house dose lo Durham Coliege- UOIT, students welcome. Call Steve 905-431-0144 Kickboxing Taekwondo 12 months special S349+gst (includes uniform) Summer/Fall Registration Kids, Teens and Adult programs available. 905-697-3239 adamgibsontkd.com horse supplies & boarding shared | accommodation AJAX HOUSE - Clean, 'quiel home for mature person (single male preferred). 5465/indusive, furnished, cable, internet, telephone, telephone, laundry, parking. Istlast. ' ' Smoking outside. Avail, now. No pets. 905-391-3809. AT BLOOR 8 SIMCOE, .Oshawa. Share furnished apt with 2 males. Near all amenities, cab'e/internet, parking included. ■ Available immediately, Istlast, $450,'mo inclusive, Viewing (505)433-4088. 'WHITBY • GardeaDundas. 2 rooms available in townhouse, parking, laundry. Share all facilities. facilities. Non-smokers, no pets. $460 mo. inclusive. Firstlasl. 519-694-1643, 519-241-9565 or 1-B77-693-2963. WHITBY, BRADLEY/ANDER- - SON. Own bedroom and bath, parking, Istlast. ■ $4S5'monlh. Available Oct. 1st. (905)430- 6565 (Uulutmil ÿqifcstriim fflmtre ^ HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3705 Bundle Rd. (Courlice) Is now accepting new students (Children and adults) lor our riding and horsemanship programs, etc. For further information and to register call 1-905-623-7336 articles lor sale 3PC OAK VENEER wall unit. Palliser. Good condition, S3C0. (905)726-1075 j pools & supplies pools & supplies FALL SWIMMING POOL SALE Get Discount Prices! Eg. 14x26-$12,999. Some models in stock Over17yrs. exp. 416-554-8195 905-985-3491 www.innovativmarketing.com H|l personals | personals personals © Ontario NEED HELP WITH YOUR WORKPLACE INSURANCE CASE? (FORMERLY WORKERS' COMPENSATION) Tho Offlco of the Worker Advisor will bo nvnilablo for piivate consultations regarding Workplace Solely and Insurance matters on September 19, 2006, between tho hours of 12:30 p.m, and 4:00 p.m. at: Ollico of the Worker Advisor, Ministry of Labour, 67 Thornton Raod South, Main Floor Boardroom, Oshawa. There Is no foo for this clinic and no nppolnlmonl is nocossnry. Ploaso bring tho rolovnnt Workplace Snfoty and Insuranco Board doclslon(s) and lilos with you if you have Unit information. For fuilhor Information, or II you require n pre-arranged nppolnlmonl, ploaso call 1-800-267-3949. OFFICE OF THE WORKER ADVISER www, own.gov.on.cn