L Page A12 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ September 20,2006 OP G hosts nuclear open houses Refurbishing reactors to be discussed DURHAM -- A series of open houses arc being held next week to gather input on refurbishing four reactors at the Pickering nuclear station. Ontario Power Generation Generation has to conduct an environmental assessment assessment (EA) as part of the refurbishment process. The company's federal regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Commission, will decide if work can continue once the EA is completed. If approved, refurbishment refurbishment Work would start in 2014 and take up to 10 years to complete all four units on the 'B' side. The reactors could operate operate until 2060 once refurbished. refurbished. In Scarborough on Wednesday, Sept. 20, the open house is being held in the Banquet Hall of the Royal Canadian Legion at 45 Lawson Rd. The final open house is. on Thursday, Sept. 21, in the Iroquois Room of the Iroquois Park Complex, at 500 Victoria St. W., Whitby All open houses will run from 3 to 9 p.m. with presentations at 7 p.m. ' ' OPG staff and consultants consultants will be on hand to answer questions. For more information about these meetings, call 1-866-487-4600, e-mail pickerngb@opg.com or. visit www.opg.com/Pick- eringB. If You Are... Moving Expecting a Baby Planning a Wedding New Business Appointment Looking for a Career Call Welcome Wagon Today! HU 905-434-2010 www.welcomewagon.ca; It's absolutely FREE! Internet: bringing Local Community information & gifts What's going on in your community? 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Made at home here, totally renewable, is wood and pellet burning appliances. Let's look at the Pro's and Cons of each. Whitfield Pellet Operated Appliances: this is sawdust and other by-products of the wood mill process which when compressed under high pressure pressure into a pellet form, contains a fair amount of energy. Hardwood pellets arc best and the lower the ash content means the cleaner the product will burn with less residue. . - Pros • Can be vented out through the wall, no chimney required • Bags arc approx. -lOibs each - handling . is easier than wood • Hopper holds at least one bag of pellets pellets at a time • Window stays cleaner than wood • Heat output can be regulated via controls • Thermostat can regulate the on-off of the stove. • stove lights itself Wood Operated Stoves & Fireplaces: Pros • Look of a real fire • If you have woodlot you have a low cost of energy • LowEmissions from new models • Wide range of sizes and heating ranges Cons • If power goes off will need generator or batter)' inverter systems as electronics electronics and auger feed motor will not function • Energy content in cord wood is higher than in pellets • The authentic look of a wood fireplace is not the same • With a wood stove there is little to fail • Requires regular cleaning to maintain performance Cons ■ • Handling and storage issues ; • Fuel must be properly seasoned • Feeding of fuel must be done manually • Heat Regulation is difficult to achieve • Clearances and floor protection and chimney requirements make the cost of wood higher than pellets in.somc cases Hopefully from above one can see the pros and cons of each. Let's look at 1 example. . * ■; , ; : -V ;V vc V Lzf Situation #1: Dave Brown and his wife Joan live in Tyrone, no natural gas but have a 1 acre lot.They both work, make good incomes and enjoy their quiet times with the kids in family activities. He lias a newer house and.it has no chimney. Solution: This customer would enjoy a Wjwkf pellet stove as it suits his busy lifestyle and its automatic operation is a big bonus. Plus the cost of the product will be less than with wood as no expensive chimney is required. r SPECIALSOFTHE WEEK "* |, Gas Direct Vent Fireplaces $899.00 * jTWood Stoves from $599.00 ■ Lots of Demo Deals on Fireplace and Cabinets i FURNACE SALE NOW ON! L -- -- ' -- -- -- . J 1 it immtmri ^itnpue 160 Baseline Rd. E. Bowmanvilfe J (905) 623-2956 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-6, Sat. 10-4, Sun 12-4 website: www.comfortshoppe.com Email: glenn@comfortshopp.com TJM Serving Durham Region Since 1979 WEHMSEfSMEi . September; 22; &\23i( ■ g> ni A 'I « mmmm iw# ■<*> 111 ».l . njiuriuini r N twmvmmmto itw Fridày/9,-5L$aturdayy9j4j ■jiiKinwynnwwwpr ■ i# .iji iwn'im n»i,wA nrnm * f MlfrriftTrti 25 yr. warranty 8.3mm NEW/ PyrjKeronmj fegSiB Come and see what everyone's talking a from ILywim Hrwra yfc'ni iHeSUREMENTSil Cera m i c^iMbrble^^Viinyll lyila m i na te^M ArejaIRugsj ë wlÊÊÊtÊÊÊil^WÊSÊ^'. ie ÊÊtÊmë^ Bam liite Ltd!. F23.0 LambsRd., Bp>ymanyille,