L PAGE B4 The Canadian Statesman November is, 2000 www.durhamrr.gion.com Fine form TEsTW S; Walter Passarella/ Metroland Durham Region Media Group OSHAWA -- Rory Craddock of St. Stephen's Secondary School returns a volley in a junior boys' LOSSA playoff match against the Donevan Blue Devils at Central High School in Oshawa. St. Stephen's defeated Donevan two games to one in the semifinal, but were denied a gold medal after getting getting swept by Dennis O'Connor in the championship match. For more on this story *< WATCH VIDEO durhamregion.com SEE OUR FLYER IN TODAY'S PAPER FOR THE Biggest Sale OF THE YEAR! 5<W off On Select Hunter Douglas and Eclipse Products Your Window Decorating Centre*" "BUNDS 6 DRAPERY www.sunshade.ca 88 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village 905-428-0937 durhami n time... ohoto ui cc £ 5 o (/) O < § 5 5) b £ cl "n 2 ® § <5 n w Û. (/) LL 0) UJ (0 = s- ü 5 1792 That's the year we elected our first parliament. Some people say the way we vote in Ontario has stood the test of time. Other people say it's time for a change. What do you think? The Ontario Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform would like to hear from as many Ontarians as possible: those who know a lot about electoral systems, and those who are just beginning to think or learn about the subject. Come out to » local meeting and join in the discussion. Register online or by phone to make a presentation to Assembly members. Send in written comments by January 15,2007, online, by mail, or by fax. The Citizens' Assembly must recommend to the government whether Ontario should keep its current electoral system or adopt a new one. If the Assembly recommends a change, it will be put to a referendum at the next provincial election on October 4,2007. The Citizens' Assembly is made up of 104 Ontarians appointed by the government: 103 randomly selected citizens - one from each of the province's electoral districts - plus the Chair. • Monday, November 20, 2006 BRAMPTON 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. YMCA 20 Union Street Tuesday, November 21,2006 OSHAWA 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Durham College 2000 Simcoe Street North Main Campus, Rm. C113 Tuesday, November 21,2006 MISSISSAUGA 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. YMCA Employment & Community Services 151 City Centre Drive, Suite 800 Wednesday, November 22, 20oè OAKVILLE 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Oakville Public Library Central Location, 120 Navy Street Please let the Citizens' Assembly Secretariat know if you require French language services or accommodation for a disability. To register to make a presentation, or for a complete list of meetings and to obtain a copy of the consultation guide, "Citizens Talking to Citizens," contact: Citizens' Assembly Secretariat 1075 Bay Street, Suite 830 Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2B1 Tel.: 416-325-0758 Toll-free: 1-866-317-3208 Fax: 416-325-8390 TTY: 416-325-6440 or 1-866-733-9751 Or visit www.citizensassembly.gov.on.ca Ontario y X Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform L'Assemblée des citoyens sur la réforme électorale Be a part of history in the making. I LOVE THE FACT THAT WHAT I DO HELPS THE ENVIRONMENT AS WELL AS THE ECONOMY Before I started working here; I knew we produced the electricity for businesses, industries and homes across Ontario. What I didn't know was how committed we were to the environment. In the last thirty years I have been part of a team that has helped create apd care for wetlands, woodlands, green spaces and nature trails across the province. We have ninnmii«i« . provided habitats that support hundreds of different plants and animais. I must say it makes, . Ull I AlilUl* U WEll me feel good.to work fof a companythat operates commercially and takes its environmental GENERATION responsibility seriously, because Ido. Steve Hounsell, Environmental Advisor ' www.opg.corn Notice of Public Information Centre #2 407 East Environmental Assessment (EÀ) Study - Route Planning Alternatives THE STUDY The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) in consultation with the Region of Durham, its constituents and surrounding municipalities, is undertaking an individual Environmental Assessment Study to address the long-term transportation needs in the Region of Durham and surrounding areas. The. Study will examine regional transportation problems and opportunities for a 30-year planning horizon. The efficient and safe movement of people and goods within the Region of Durham, the Greater Toronto Area, and the surrounding areas is critical as population and employment levels in all of these areas continue to grow. Without improvements, the movement of people and goods will be adversely affected as congestion increases and becomes more frequent. ; • THE PROCESS 1 The 407 East Environmental Assessment (EA) Study consists of two stages: (1) the Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference (ToR) and (2) the Environmental Assessment. The TqR was approved by the .Minister of the Environment on January 17 2005. The approved ToR is available for review at local municipal offices, libraries and on the.project website at www.407eastea.com. The Environmental Assessment study commenced in February 2005. The study will address the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act in accordance with the approved process detailed in the ToR. ' ] Public involvement is an important aspect of the EA Study in terms of identifying transportation problems and opportunities and assessing potential impacts and mitigation methods. Public input and feedback on the EA Study,is ■ encouraged and welcomed. In order to facilitate participation, an extensive public consultation process is underway that includes Public Information Centres (PICs) at key points throughout the Study. At any time during the Environmental Assessment Study, municipalities, stakeholders and the public can provide input and comments. At the conclusion of : the EA Study, an Environmental Assessment, Report will be submitted to the Minister of the Environment fo.r review and . approval. Further notices will be posted at that time. PUBLIC CONSULTATION The.first set of PICs held in May and June of 2006, presented the "Transportation Problems and Opportunities" and the assessment and evaluation of the "Alternatives to the Undertaking", which are functionally different ways of addressing the transportation needs in the Analysis Area. A preferred transportation alternative was presented along with a preliminary Study Area. The preferred alternative to address long-term transportation needs included the following components: • A new east-west transportation corridor (highway/transitway) extending from Highway 407, at Brock Road in Pickering, to Highway 35/115; . • • Two north-soulh.transportation corridors (links) connecting the proposed east-west corridor to Highway 401 in west and east Durham; ■ ■ 1 . • Enhancements to transit; . • Improvements to existing roads (regional and provincial); and ■ Improvements to existing transportation operations through demand and systems management. ' 1 Comments received from the first set pf PICs (PIC #1) and the associated responses are posted on the project website. The current route planning phase of the EA Study will identify possible route alternatives for the new east-west transportation corridor.and the two north-south links. The short listed practical route alternatives will be studied and evaluated to determine a technically and environmentally preferred route alternative to extend a new transportation corridor easterly from Highway 407 to Highway 35/115 and the two highway/transitway links. ' PIC It2 will present the route alternatives being considered as part of the route planning phase of the EA, the process for Identifying a short list ot route alternatives and a,refined Study Area. The PICs will be conducted in an open house formal, with no formal presentation provided. This format provides an opportunity for members of the public fo discuss the project and relay comments directly to the study team. The dates, times and locations ol the second set of PICs are:, Whitby Area Pickering/Ajax Area Clarington Area Wednesday, November 29, 2006 Thursday, November 30, 2006 Tuesday, December 5, 2006 '* 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Faith Baptist Church Ajax Community Centre Garnett B Rickard Recreation 95 Taunton Road East HMS Room Complex Whitby . 75 Centennial Road 2440 Highway 2 Ajax Bowmanville Peterborough Area Monday, December 11, 2006 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Peterborough Public Library - Main Branch 345 Aylmer Street North Peterborough Oshawa Area Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, General Sikorskl's Polish Veterans Club 1551 Stevenson's Road North Oshawa COMMENTS Interested persons may contact the project team regarding Issues of concern at any time during tiro study. Comments and Information regarding thls'projoct are continually being collected to bettor assist MTO In meeting tlio requirements ot the Ontario and Canadian Environmental Assessmont Acts. This material will bo maintained on tile tor use during the project and may be Included In project documentation. Information collected will bo used In accordance will) Iho Eroodom of Informatiûn and Protection of Privacy Act. All comments received, with the oxcopllon ot personal Information, will become part ol tlio public record. It you are unable to attend the PICs and wlslrto obtain further Information, provide comments or participate In other consultation activities, please contact one of Iho Individuals listed below. Alternatively, you can provide comments via our website at www.407oaston.com. Mr. Doug Allinghnm, P.Eng. Consultant Project Manager TSH engineers architects planners 300 Water Street Whitby, ON L1N9J2 Phono: 905-665-3474 or 1-860-840-5529 toll-free Fax: 905-068-0221 E-mail: proJocttoamO407oastoa.com Mr, Dan Romolllno, P.Eng. Projoct Manager MTO, Planning & Environmental Olllco Building "D", 3'" Floor 1201 Wilson Avonuo Downsvlow, ON M3M 1J8 Phono: 410-235-5570 Fax:410-235-3440 E-mail: Dan.Romolllnottontarlo.CH t 1 i