www.durhamrGgion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, November 15,2006 PAGE B7 auctions auctions auctions auctions auctions auctions auctions auctions auctions auctions AUCTION SALE Sunday Nov. 19th, 9:30 AM MacGregor Auctions, Located in ORONO.Take 115 Hwy. & Exit at Main St. Orono to Mill Pond Rd. Auctions features a varied' selection of quality articles past-to-present, partial list includes antique furniture, dressers, tables, chairs, sofas, Lazyboys, pool table, 2 large wardrobes, piano, kitchen & country collectables, glass & china, linens, bedroom sets, hand & electirc tools, garden tools, ladders, hardware, Stihl chainsaw & cut off cement saw, back pack y blower, Craftsman snowblower, plus many more quality items. Call For All Your Auction Needs Terms (cash, cheque, Visa & M/C & Interac) 5% Buyers Premium See (www.macgregor.theauctionadvertlser.com) MacGregor Auctions 1-800-363-6799 905-987-2112 ' SAT. NOV. 18th -10 a.m. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES from local Estates @ Vanhaven Arena, 722 Davis Dr., Uxbridge L9P 1R2. Details & photos on website garyhill.theauclionadvertiser.com $Lr GARY HILL AUCTIONS Têt 905-852-9538 /1 -800-654-4647 Cell 416-518-6401 tree service tree service IEPMCSREE- H I Tree's & Shrubs Sold, Planted, Removed & Pruned. Certified Arborist \ Call Stevaii Evans 905-718-9528 cars for sale 2002 NISSAN ALTIMA SË, only tS.OOOkms. Too Good To Be True - 1 Know! auto, silver , on black leather. Nissan's most elite Altima. 240 Sheer Horsepower. A rare opportunily. Passionately, yours. Only al AJAX NISSAN, 1-866-304-7326. durhamcredilzone.com 1 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, SLX ' 4- door. 4 speed automatic transmission. transmission. A/C. Power locks/ remote. remote. .Till steering. ABS brakes with traction control. Rear spoiler. spoiler. Certified. 89,000 km. $7988. 905-606-4044/416-817-6785. 2003 CHRYSLER SEBRINGLXI Spotless, 2.7.LV6 with leather interior, interior, 6 disc CD, power everything, everything, A/C, sunroof, singie owner, full service history, 84,600km. Warranty remaining. $11,498. Certified. Call Paul 905-427- 7896,Ajax. 2005 MUSTANG GT, 4.6L, 5- speed slandard. Black wilh black/grey doth seals. 22,500km vans / 4-wheel drive 1992 CHEV LUMINA VAN, In .good condition. 7-passenger, polymer body can't rust. Asking $1,200. obo. as is. 905-623-5258 Bowmanville. 1992 DODGE CARAVAN $3,500 excellent shape, .certified and E- lesled last week. 905-372-3341 or view/drive @ Eagleson Mutiler S Brakes, 74 Shuler St., Pori Hope 905-885-9995. (lolly loaded). Asking $31,000. (905)261-4402 or 905-435-9960 2005 PONTIAC WAVE, 4 door, 5-speed, air, 36,000km, lake over lease @ $225/monlh lor next 28 months. Call 905-9B6-5650 -2 VEHICLES - 2003 Vibe GT, 6. speed, $14,500. 1998 Jimmy, 4 door, 4x4, $6,000. 1998 GMC Z71 extend a cab, short box, $8,500. All are E-lesled and Certified. Certified. 905-373-4388. .... FABULOUS LEASE TAKEOVER Opportunily. 2004 Hyundai Accent Accent GSi,. S295/month. Nicely equipped Including air, lint X sunroof. sunroof. Lots ol km. left. Please call 905-261-8400 or 905-260-0772 cars wanted $ $ ADAM il RON'S SCRAP cars, truçks, vans. Pay cash, tree pick up 1 7 days/week (anytime) 905-424-3508 $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE. Tops all cash lor good cars and trucks or tree removal lor scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655-4009 or (416)285-6156. I A • ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars X trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime - (905)431-0407. $ $ AA1 AARON 4 LEO Scrap Cars X Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 dayskveek anytime. Pleases Pleases call 905-426-0357. ■ $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays tor vehicles. vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771 ; 416-896-7066 A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars X trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 ' (Pickering/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whiiby). CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be In running condition. Call or come to 479 1996 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER VOYAGER SE, 7 passenger, V6, Auto, Auto, loaded, new transmission, brakes, etc. $2600 just spent on new repairs. Runs great ' 232,000kms. $2999 certified. Call 905-259-9846 1998 FORD E-350 CUBE VAN, 7.3L lurbo diesel,14' healed box, well-maintained, new rad, new starter, 312k, certified X e-tested $8500. Call Tom (905)579-3760 or (905)431-9545. - ' 2000 CARAVAN, silver 3.0L.V6, loaded, great condilion, 156k, new brakes, asking $5500. Can be seen at 1400 Bayly St. Office Mall #2 Pickering during business hours. Doug 905-831-1757 2002 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT, Fully loaded,- dual. keyless remote sliding 1 doors, quad sealing, sealing, rear bumper sensors, remole start, 4 snow fires on rims. $9750. (905)706-9370. 2005 NISSAN X-TRAIL. All wheel drive, 4dr, Sporl Utility. ■ Black on black leather. Every conceivable option possible. Meticulous Meticulous service history. In showroom showroom condition. Sale Priced al $22,425. Shop and Compare. Only al AJAX NISSAN, 1-866- 304-7326. durhamcredilzone.com home. improvements Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905)623-9709 Robert E. Jackson HEATING . ELECTRICAL - Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sired Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer (905)983-6221 plumbing Bayly SI. East, Ajax al MURAD AUTO SALES trucks for sale 1989 FORD RANGER with cap, auto, 2.9L, needs somo mechanical mechanical and body work. Best oiler, as is. 905-925-9256 Greg 2000 DODGE DIESEL, extended ,cab, long box, pickup, ,5 speed,- jake brake, running boards, tolly loaded, extras, air, body oiled each year, never winter driven, 78,000 kil., $21,900. Phone (905)655-5220 LICENSED PLUMBING ✓ New Work . ✓ Renovations ✓ Repairs Nights & Weekends 905-442-3543 905-435-1169 painting & decorating vans / 4-wheel drive 1991 Jeep Renegade, $3999; 1993 Jeep Cherokee $3999; 1094 Chev. Silverado $5490; 1995 Isuzu Rodeo $3999; 1995 Ford Explorer $3690; Olheis from $1699 and up. Certified and E-tested. (Kelly and Sons sinco 1976). 905-683-7301; or 905; 424-9002 www.kcllyandsonsaulo.com coming events A & M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting Free estimates. - (905) 623-3902 or Cell (905) 213-9749 coming events UN EVENING OF SACRED MUSIC Cory Kuipers, Director featuring Maranatha Choir, Bowmanville and First Baptist Ch'oir, Oshawa _J:, | h-:f. (Please note change/of date) I' ff Saturday |lovembejr 18,12006 8:00 p.m. 0 \t Maranatha Christian Reformed Churdh, Bowmanville *26J09 Hwy 2 East Sunday,November 19,2006 7:00 p.m. First Baptist Church, 812 Hortop Street, Oshawa CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, November 17th al 4:30 p.m. 3 miles East ol Little Britain on Kawarlha Lakes Rd. 4 The Estate ol V/alter Fox cl Lindsay plus ethers, oak side- by-side china cabinet with leaded glass doors, oak high boy dresser, maple table and chairs, washstand, ornate lern stand, decoys, old fishing tackle, parlor tables, 5 piece mahogany mahogany 4 poster bedroom set, cedar chest on legs, mahogany mahogany china cabinet, round oak table and chairs, 3 piece chesterfield set, Moorecroft teapot and cream and sugar, Moorecroft 12' vase, Mossier decanter, RD Figurines HD 2422, 2158, '836, 2113, 2271, 2281, 2335, walnut desk, settee, 6pc modern dining room set, oak ent unit, piano stool, parlor tables, 3pc settee set, Oly. ol mechanics tools to include Snap On roll away tool box, Mac tool roll.away tool box, Snap On wrenches and socket sets, air power tools, engine hoist, metal cut off saw, chain saws, V/acker G 3.7 generator, table lop drill press, upright air compressor, compressor, 100 gal weed spray tank and 300" ol hose, Roper washing machine (6 months old), Kelvinalor upright freezer, freezer, 3 Maytag coin operated washing machines, Oty. ol china, china, glass, household 8 collectable items. Don 8 Greg Cornell Auctioneers 1241 Salem Rd., R.R.#1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 for more info, or pictures go to: www.cornell.theauctionadvertfser.com Open lor viewing Thursday from 8:30 to 5pm and 7pm and 9pm and Friday morning at 8:30 am EVENING BRED COW SALE Wednesday. November 22 - 7nm at Kawarlha Lakes Co-op 580 Woodville Rd, Woodville. Ont Included in the sale: 65 fully vaccinated Charolais cows (third culvers) bred Charolais. Vic properly of Robert Philps. 50 x-bred cows bred Black Angus & 30 Charolais cows bred Charolais -all vaccinated Charolais cows bred Charolais. The properly of Weslriilj'C Farms. 20 fully vaccinated Charolais cows bred Charolais. The properly of Lawrence Fitzgerald 14 Charolais cows- moslly 2nd & 3rd calvcrs due for spring & a Purebred Charolais bull. The properly of Wayne McMaim. Also consigned arc 25 Purebred Hereford Cows bred Hereford, Murray Grey cows plus many x-bred cows. . For more info on this sale call the sale barn at 705-439-4444 or Kevin Barker at 705-878-2947 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd: 4:45 pm Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Collectables from a Slouffville home, selling at Neil Bacon Auclions Ltd., 1 km west of Utica To Include: Kenmore side by side fridge, stove, Whirlpool washer and dryer, apt. size washer and dryer, dining room suite, burgundy leather chesterfield and chair, 5pc oak bedroom suite, signed seat from Maple Leaf Gardens, 32" RCA TV, VCR, DVDs, large quantity ol items from a music studio including Yamaha KX88 keyboard, Steinberg Midex 8LTB, microphones, records, Boss speakers, Sony stereo, Kurzwil K2000R, Mackie 30MKII, plus a large quantity ol music related items. Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, and Interac, paid in full on day ol sale. Sale Managed and Sold By NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 AUCTION,THURSDAY, NOV16th-5:30PM at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy#2 just west ofCOLBORNE Selling contents from home cl Mrs. Brawn of Trenton, plus articles from the sheds cl Mr. 1/cCcrmlck including a quantify c! rough cut lunrter various kinds, lengths and sizes 1" and 2", old single horse ptsw, 3 pt hitch sprayer with 150 ga! lark, alum X wooden ladders, gas weed eater plus mere. Hcusehc'd includes: good doub ] e bed, e'edrlc adjustable sing's bed with remote control original $4,000. bed in new ccndtlon, exceptional retro bedroom suite with mirror X padded fronts, lights mirror and sound in head board (a tfferent retro retro set) oak dinette, antique 9 pc walnut dnlng reem suite all orignal in excel'enl ccrdïcn, antique arm char, nice love seat, good coca- serai chairs, electric 4 wheel irva'ds cart in excellent condition, 4 drawer lateral Ding cabinet, selection dressers, chests ol drawers, gas lawn mower, EHP snew-btower, Xmas decorations, coffee X end lab'es, pictures, frames, p'us countess m'scei'anecus articles, smalls, kn'ck knacks, pc's, pans, small appliances, and more all to be sod wilh no reserves. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, M.C, Interac Gary Warner - Auctioneer - 905-355-2105 www.warnersaucllon.com PUBLIC AUCTION Sat. Nov 18 th , 12 noon Safe & Soiind Self Storage 1700 Alliance Road Pickering 905-831-5555 Auction Sale Sat. Nov 16@ 4 pm Haydon Auction Barn 2498 Con Rd 8 Haydon. Coins/Currency, Bar Fridge, Sofa, Love Seat.Bedrm Furn., Cane Seat Chairs,. Glider Rocker/Ottoman, Nic Nacs/Collectibles, Books, Glass/China,Tools. Coins incl.:1901 Can silver .25(EF),1911 Nfld .50, 1816 Wellington-Waterloo Halfpenny,1914 Halfpenny,1914 can. silver .50(F),1903 Can silver ,25(F-15),1996 NHL Hockey Coins,Shinplaslers,1820 Bril. King George 3rd six pence.Silver Dollars,Curren- cy.email stephensonauctions@sympatlco.ca for complete complete list.Auctloneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 SAT. NOV. 18 -10AM PUBLIC AUTO/EQUIPMENT AUCTION AT MCLEAN AUCTIONS 2194 Little Britain Rd, Lindsay special consignment of surplus vehicles and equipment from the City ol Kawarlha Lakes Snow plow/dump trucks, pickups, 4x4's with plows, Ambulances, Ambulances, 3 Fire pumper trucks, Ini. front end loader, Holder sidewalk plow/sander, Comp air diesel air compressor, etc, about 50 cars, trucks, 4x4's, vans, trailer, Rv, trailers, trailers, snowmobiles, 2007 tent trailer, 60 Nissan 90001b lift yard truck, Ford 1710 Diesel tractor, New Idea manure spreader, plus consignments from Alan Lawson, Fisher Trustees in Bankruptcy, wholesalers and others, GUARANTEED GUARANTEED Clear Titles, Don't miss this interesting sale, to consign or call for list 705-324-2783 MCLEAN AUCTIONS AUCTIONS or view at www.mcleanauctions.com AUCTION - SATURDAY, NOV 18th - 10:00AM. Selling from the estate ol the late B. Mellon p'us others with antiques, colleclib-'es, household furnishings, etc., to be so'd al WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy#2 just west ofCOLBORNE Antique walnut dining room suite table needs refinishing, antique oak side beard with mirror back all original, rare mahogany chest ol drapers, excellent modern wall unit, antique drop leaf table needs refinishing, antique chest drawers painted, exceptional sofa X chair set, also exceplional glass 3 side curio cabinet wilh mirror back glass shelves and light - a solid walnut Canatfan made curio cabinet cabinet an original $3,000. cabinet in pristine condition, an exceptional antique double side by side china cabinet with 2 glass side doors, bevelled mirror ail in - cut oak and immaculate condition resting on original casters, excellent oak parlour table also mini condilion plus countless other pieces, including a large quantity ol boxes still packed and unseen al lime ol advertising, include lamps, pictures and miscellaneous household articles. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, M.C, Interac Warner - Auctioneer - 905-355-2106 Gary V www.warnersauctlon.com cards of thanks cards of thanks professional | directory REMOVE / YOUR CRIMINAL records Fast. We do Pardons and US' Waivers. Don't be embarrassed. embarrassed. 1-800-298-5520 govemmenlpardons.ca" - FAX YOUR AD 905- 579-4218 birthdays birthdays birthdays birthdays TO ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION IN OUR PLEASE CALL Happy 90 th Birthday Win Brown turns the big Nine-0 on December 7th, 2006 Much love from your family Happy 80 lh Birthday to our Mother, Grandmother & Great-grandmother MARION TENNANT Family & Friends are invited to come & celebrate with Marion on November 25,2006 2-4 p.m. If you wish at 5 o'clock Pot Luck Dinner Just Bring a Dish! Orono Seniors Complex 200 Station St. W., Orono Best Wishes Only! A Special Thank-you Bill and I feel very fortunate and honored to have all you dear friends tvho came to help celebrate our 60th Anniversary Thank-you to all our children; Sharon for all your hard work and planning on such short notice, thanks to S Thanks to Suzanne Fallis and her catering team with a lovely lunch. Thankyou for all the lovely cards, gifts and good wishes help to make our day special and beautiful. God bless you all Rose and Bill Mann that if you place your Christmas Tribute with a colour (or black & White) photo, your tribute will automatically appear on our ntilestonedurhamregion.com website. For further information please call our Classified Sales Representative 905-576-9335 Tor. Line 1-416-798-7259 Oshawa • Whitby • Clarington This Week . CAMPBELL Margaret Edith (Advocate and Committee Member, Community Housing, Community Living) Peacefully, at Lakeridge Health Corp. Oshawa on Friday, November 10, 2006, Margaret (nee Beamish) in her 90th year. Beloved wife of the late Walter. Loving mother ol John and his wile Arlene, Alexander and his wife Ginny and the late Stuart and David. Mother-in-law of Gwenna Campbell. Dear grandmother ol Vicki and Jim, Sandy, Jeffrey and Shelley, Cathy and Jody, Carolyn and Steve, Shauna and Scott, Jon and Alison. and Christopher. Great-grandmother of 1 Taylor, Zachary, Hayley, Clair, Atasha, Courtney, Branden, Olivia and Zackary. Sister ol Donald Beamish and his wile Barbara, Lillian Beamish and Kay Helleur; predeceased by Bill Beamish, Ross Shalfer and Helen Winter. Sisler-in-law to Joyce Beamish, Churyl Shaffer and Bill Winter. Relatives and friends will be received al McINTOSH- ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME, 152 King St. E„ Oshawa (905-433-5558) on Monday from 7-9 p.m. Service in the chapel on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. Interment Graveside Cemetery. Donations in memory ol Margaret may be made to' a charity of choice. CLARK, Gordon Alpin - Peacefully at Lakeridge Health - Oshawa on Friday, November 10th, 2006. Gordon Clark, in his 81st year. Beloved husband of Betty Jean (nee Tippett). Dear brother of Leslie of Maxville, Ontario, Earl and his wife Nancy of Cobourg and Marian McRae of Vankleek Hill, Ontario. Lovingly remembered by his many nieces and nephews. Friends may .call at OSHAWA FUNERAL HOME, 847 King Street West, Oshawa (905-721-1234) for visitation on Saturday, November November 18th, 2006 from 1:00 P.M. until time of Service of Remembrance in the Chapel at 2:00 P.M. In lieu of flowers, Memorial Donations to the Arthritis Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation or Centennial-Albert Centennial-Albert United Church would be appreciated. JOHNSTON, Allen Bruce After lengthy illness, Allen Bruce Johnston passed away peacefully on November 11, 2006 at the age of 84. Beloved husband husband of Eunice for 62 years, and loving, caring father father to sons Robert (Susan), Greg (Marlene), Richard Richard (Bev) and daughter Linda (Roger). He will be sadly missed by his many grandchildren and great grandchildren. The family would like to express their appreciation to the stall of the Extendicare Nursing Home in Oshawa and Dr. Wu. Private family interment will be held. j GAY, Richard H. (President Gay Company Limited) Suddenly on Saturday, November 11th, 2006 at the age of 60. Son ot the late Harry and Ann Gay. Beloved husband of Debbie (nee Leslie). Loving father of Lawson Richard and his wife Julie, Mamie Anne and her husband Dan, Derick Harry James, Richard, Harry Jr. and the late Julie Lynette. Papa of Henry and Grace. Son-in-law of Shirley and the late James Leslie. Rick will be lovingly remembered by aunts Bernice Gay, Babe Brown, and his extended family and friends. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL HOME, 847 King St. West (905-721-1234) for visitation on Tuesday, November 14th from 2 - 4 and 6 - 9 P.M. and Wednesday, November 15th at EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH, 1669 Courtice Rd. S. from 12 Noon until time of Service al 1:00 o'clock. Interment Ebenezer United Church Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Durham Regional Cancer Centre or Ebenezer United Church would be appreciated. LeFLER, Helen Lena - Passed away at Lakeridge Health - Oshawa on Wednesday, November 8th, 2006 in her 83rd year. Special friend of Austin and Kelsey. Helen will be sadly missed ty friends, Dan and Mystie, and Pam ana her brother Fred. At Helen's request no service will be held. Cremation has taken place. Memorial donations to C.N.I.B. in memory of Helen may be made through OSHAWA FUNERAL HOME, 847 King Street West (905-721- 1234). ADAMS In loving memory of our clear Mother, Jessie, who passed away 20 years ago on November 17,1986 and our dear Father, Lawrence who passed away 3 years ago on August 10,2003. The years may pass but still you stay as Near and dear as yesterday. An empty place, no one can fill, Wc miss you and always will. 'Close in our hearts you will stay. Loved and remembered every day. Sadly missed by Don, Sharon and Janice and their families. AQUILINA, Maryann "Annie" - Passed away peacefully at her home surrounded by her family hours before her 72nd birthday Friday, November 10,2006. Dearly beloved wile ol Joseph. Loving mother of Elizabeth and Iter husband Michael, Doris and Iter husband Mario, and Jessie and her husband Tod. Cherished Nana ol Kalrina, Elissa, Richard, Mark, Sloven and his wile Lisa, Jason and his wilo Laura, and Patricia and her husband Michael. Groat-Nana ol Eric, Mathew, Alexandra and Natalie. Annie will bo sadly missed by her sisters sisters Georgina and Emmanuola, Iter brother Peter and their families. Fondly remembered by many nlocos, nephews, and friends. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL HOME, 047 King Street Wosl, (905-721-1234) lor visitation Monday, November November 13llt Iront 2-4 & 7-9 RM. Mass ol Christian Christian Burial al HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH (91 Rlbblesdalo Drivo, Whitby) on Tuesday, November November 14th at 10:00 A.M. Entombment Resurrection Resurrection Cemetery. Memorial donations to tho Canadian Canadian Cancer Society would bo greatly approeiatod. CANE Doris L. At Lakeridge Health Oshawa on Monday, November 13th, 2006. Born in Oshawa, she attended Mary Street School and O.C.V.I. She worked at the Skinner Company Limited and the Factory Payroll Department of General Motors of Canada. Her first husband, Lieutenant Edwin D. Friend died 'In Action' while serving wilh the Canadian Armed Forces (The Governor General Horse Guards, Armoured Unit) in Italy during World War II. Predeceased by her parents Fred and 'Mac' (Elizabeth Lynde) McBrien ol Lynbrook Park, Whitby, Ontario artd her sister Eileen and her husband Frank A. Wilson. Curling was her favourite sport and she learned the game al the Oshawa Curling Club - a student ol her lather. Later she enjoyed the game at the Sydney Curling Club in Nova Scotia, The Glencoe Club in Calgary, Alberta and The Oshawa Goll and Curling Club ol Oshawa, Ontario. She was also active on the executive ol the I.O.D.E. in Calgary and Moncton. Doris is survived by her husband William G. Cane ol Oshawa, their son Frederick William ol Toronto and Iheir daughter Lynn Lorraine McAlpino and grandsons Matthew and Cameron McAlpine ol Grand Prairie, Alberta. Relatives and Iriends may call at MclNTOSH-ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME, 152 King Street East, Oshawa (905- 433-5558) on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Service will be held in the chapel on Friday, November 17lh, 2006 al 1:00 p.m. wilh interment at Mount Lawn Cemetery, Whitby. For those who wish, the family would appreciate donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Cancer Cancer Society, or a favourite charity. To place your personalized in Memoriam, call 905-576-9335 and let one of our professional advisors help you. HIRD, Douglas Melville BA, FLMI, AIIC - Peacefully in Orillia on Sunday November 12, 2006 in his 68th year. Doug (formerly of Whitby) beloved husband ol Joyce (nee Harris) Loved brother of John Edgar Hird and vyife Anne of Oakville and brother-in-law of Evelyn Fulford and husband Roy of Mealord, Ron Harris and wile Julie ol Orono, Douglas Harris of Kendal, Linda Sears and husband Bill of New Jersey and Charles Harris and wife Amie of Orono. Dear uncle of Sheila English and husband Brian of Rugby and Paul Hird of Oakville. He will also be missed by many other nieces, nephews and cousins. Doug was always a strong believer in supporting the volunteer sector and contributed much time and effort to a number ol organizations. He has served, amongst others, as President of the Whitby Tennis Club, President of the Whitby Curling Club, Founding member and President ot the Alzheimer Society ol Durham Region, Founding Member and President ol the Alzheimer Association of Ontario, Peoples and Rectors Warden ol All Saints' Anglican Church, Whitby, Member of the Archbishop's Human Resources Advisory Committee for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, Founding Secretary and President of the FLMI Association ol Toronto, Member of the National Society lor Performance and Instruction (an International Organization), Founding Secretary lor the Community Care Access Centre of Durham Region (CCAC), Founding Secretary ol the Community Care Foundation ol Durham Region, Founding Chair lor the Durham Warm Water Aquatic Program (DWWAP), Member ol the Newfoundland Dog Club ol Canada and Central Region, Founding Member of the Newfoundland Dog Club ol Canada - South Eastern Ontario Region (SEOR), Member ot the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron - Oshawa and Orillia. Family and Friends were received at the DOOLITTLE CHAPEL OF CARSON FUNERAL HOMES, 54 Coldwater Street East Orillia (705)326-3595, on Tuesday- from 7-9 PM. and at St. James' Anglican Church, 58 Peter St. N„ Orillia on Wednesday, November 15th from 12 noon until time ol Funeral Service at 1 o'clock followed by cremation. It desired, memorial donations made to The Alzheimors Society o! Durham Region or the charily ol your choice would be appreciated by the (amity. Online Messages ol Condolence aro welcome al www.CarsonFuneralHomes.com. A Memorial Tree will be planted by the Doolittle Chapel ol Carson Funeral Homes, LUNNEY, Douglas Charles - In loving memory of Douglas Charles Lunney, who passed away peacefully at Lakeridge Health-Whilby on Monday, November 13th, 2006 in his 96th year. Survived by his loving wife Ruby of 70 years, daughter Betty Musselman and her husband Jim. Lovingly remembered remembered by his grandchildren Jay (Jackie), Lisa Vanelst (Steve) and Daryl (Andrea) and his six great grandchildren Dylan, Connor, Alexandria, Samantha, Douglas and Lily. Doug was a long time resident of Whitby since 1949. Arrangements being made through OSHAWA FUNERAL HOME, 847 King St. West (905-721-1234). A private family family memorial service will be held to celebrate Doug's long and happy life. In lieu ol flowers, donations can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Alzheimers Society. , MACE, Arthur - Sunday, November 12th, 2006 at Lakeridge Health Corporation Bowmanville. Beloved Beloved husband of Doris. Loving father ol Dianne Batchelor. Proud grandfather of Jeffery Pierce and his wife Julia, Michael Pierce, Bryan Pierce, Addison Batchelor, Sarah Batchelor, Eryn Batchelor, Batchelor, Hailey Batchelor. Great grandfather ol Eric. Dear Brother of Charlotte Clark, Liza and her husband husband Neville Smith, Peggy Mace and Tom Mace. Brother-in-law ol Ken and Sheila Foulds, Albert Wood and his wife Gladys and their families. Uncle Uncle ol Janice and her husband Phillip Goulding, Stuart Mace and his wife Kathy, Michael Mace and his wile Janice, Trevor Mace, Paul Mace and his wife Kendal and Shelley Mace and their families. Arthur will be missed by many friends and neighbours. neighbours. Thank you to Dr. Kassirer and the nursing stall at Lakeridge Health Corporation Bowmanville. Resting at the COURTICE FUNERAL CHAPEL, 1587 Highway #2, Courtice 905-423-8484 with Funeral Service in the Chapel on Friday, November November 17th, 2006 at 11:00 AM. Friends of Arthur will be received-1 hour prior to service time. In lieu ol flowers, Memorial Donations to Sunnybrook Hospital would be appreciated. Vnwfvlfffhapcf Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one Insertion in the event of an error. METCALFE, Frederick "Rick"- Alter a courageous battle with Leukemia, at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Rick passed away on Saturday November 11, 2006 in his 63rd year. Loving husband ol Wilma. Dear lather ol Rick, Rob and his wife Joanne. Doting grandfather ol Amelia and Olivia. Dear son ol Edith and the late Fred Metcalfe. Brother ol Sandra Kaes, Brenda Downer and her husband Butch, Brian and his wile Teri, Sharon Heal and her husband Mark, and Rosalie Keating and her husband Joe. Rick will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by family and many Rested at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL 124 King Street East, Oshawa. A Funeral Service look place in the Chapel on Tuesday November 14, 2006 at 2:30pm. Visitation was on Monday from 7-9pm, and Tuesday Iront 1:30pm • 2:30 pm. Interment Ml. Lawn Memorial Gardens, Donations in Rick's memory to Tito Durham Regional Cancer Centro would be greatly appreciated by the family. many Iriends. HOME,