Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 23 Mar 1819, p. 2

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*-M.ad.y. pý IP wl, 6VM lb lek bKJôýý -- .nMeaf , the lie ey tua I if h. biIDiSo tbe Co ris. 8 f"i~F s.. th e.quesl i prefïce ti SIVILL'I wung mlnk theUm qo Ma t rise be sv"aled n-ber 07 sin tuesdaty lait. Luo have beoit siven té, lied- ciaractero, ai1d mte Sir Philip Franciè, itive,> that more con- ifbeOpiodced, bei' 'Z tLordd<£oauGZ SAOK- Iïd ;Oolo ix-1 *1 t- -- L4.~SKt<êe.vib ctnredg e !? A. tgi0, fi PRVICILPARLIAMENT Th~e epo à i é pètiopsoôf uiiel 14ZO Wge C.8DI. A bl wrmt to bold & toll.brdge *«wr 11. Mti , s ROSS- 0F ASSEMBLY. \ ( Yu-IOArT 16i 1819.' Tuemad.yc Inrde tht thehisae bsgrae U10Ofthe AmttO tt llatng t e Eùter Towships ie ta- 1eo'nbptBcels- a'itoc derti o n Monday. O¶1 ut the bar; aimoI - t or mip. ~The gointo ceumtte o tepiflg *ie4 e4fected b. lst NoW. -Amty en Tueuday 1.i' al&h0tli RS - tinsn Mntrel, o tit'~i1Iwin a-," .fît -N mm .ef-t. . GeutIemA iefuêt .iia h r.Vm*ifolmu, àe-lm or Cw o iIhe d*-k lutwe ï J wUtif 4WAieas - etr4tas, à tesvrslité digé ce.nmunicated dthe secret ~pesenUýMajcsty. I*tersfi mschrdamC- tate. that ime tsnifo reMs.nercial estalishment which ba» at- ý int K t J trttel mch otie tainthe extent of its Mid-1111111 t th Price secul te othe <iovemut ertie. e< ~ ~ e Pe6,t lessi styW ll li ocer of jratioe, is at iength dclared ln a state1 p*Iu6reuuItltffBPun any more; that d OIîneenc. Thori of. dûs boue. Jqi' tl e le Pllightened 'spitit ed which,theugh not perbaps of the trot or- ftbimLirém v"evr ~tcIc te <er mantaineîl a very higli rank at Amn- ~,.pem~dus~pope, d l e. aterdin, 15 chieff te be as ribed to tkwe e je e mrent ac in îîl.lq s ft ie'magnitude of 4 0. of'tbi wést ho forme*1 hy stating t thsit -the coun"ry abrdsl, sud lMo et the periodt tteld 4,00,00<> o f tutus,. »ait ikéy te, pgsses. eh. confidlmeà(Vtiming a capital of 80.00,000 of franc#;1 tif Péopleéï- PIi nfiM&ted thaîn .aure and that every fail uof one per cent, tha* ilï (ifrof t'Cbo" u, iste en soute tme t"o place in the fundmi con-tituted a difL '*iuitatln d «e to#*e 'dl*tetd and ferenceet' more than 4E,00ÔL.telni ~é.ju.~ÀIh> quu §gr~ Feadlandto Se great is the infii ut wealth bruuht - bè âie te' "'l't tis.m. te the ne#àwing fishing towds andiditag.., 1W ac uont i à*mst. p.g.wr» ln- in emecpflnce orltie late successfi seï.- 318,',, thi denid thea fuhr on,- e, young nmen, siaçe theîr re- an4miIg, ifie ,begnin-te d- terin n occupied li a littie cIme fer, i th "»aviUBtI& Ul.g-te tau imarir àtt4gsd, bot baviutg n» leuer the sai5. -Arrived-lim a O%- ocomni ikasrobr Fll en, after .'puse of 8 humsthetLady. té pay fer it befem ,Julî neit, Francis Packet, wîit-Brussels-amd Gîtent 1h IM zquin '~g credit et'more dise sil paper. eof yesterday'4t date. 'Traie] n imondi; h t,î <mnd*n hau èffi'ceuWI omnuonly dcl i 0 Oend and iikely tu be ' daugi tfïspemulstiouîa luhluon, whicth*lstill more saiii -êoneqcnci eof the Bràtisha 'u', tereluelueeçg toe u melhtpors ling shut agaiî the importation of of Ï better miarket.. whpat in titis country rrom next montit. W DON MAtiKETS, De. 29. A heavy tonnage tlutv Lsa lau to lb. hnpoaed Tho»-àle Bula it i company- have on british vi.ssels everY voyage. deled ,id ae. l4th nroximno, Corn lachang.e, Lec.30-In conse% -'24'» béeltes.of wlîicl q nonce of' the advance in te.price uof 17* a e DcnýI MO00 Srats, and 1lO.ur of 59 per sak at tlwcloetMNon- abu 0 rbon cttous. day's market, there was sa increabed' de- t d Cttel ince mer là** amand for fine wheat this morniug wlick ff4mkte p sr old 2asper quarter higiter. ipeu. i,10 xu13d. and late LivarpooL Prneï, J.Tn .-Adhe,pots,1 eu e ýtb* we bev«..ere take.ft earle. 57 a 9@ 6d. çteady., Bark 16 6 oi ..aelis 6d, duli fine quajity waiittd; Fiai.t =e~4paalà #Uq. -Mepri s eed. Tbuâhel,a, for cruiwhipg. 67 a ô9h. e oreigu a iow 1aiv"u 0 Ls do sieur, 34 a 38%, poarelia- derWa -amyka1 .qfelra par* a oyeflewcan *sersorerlrnt itgTogVh dle ealow wuvas lett old as 1ev aU; prices asked ; lheat, 9 3 a 9% 9d, very MR. for moey; the manietéace bai gîven; duil and cieliing. Rice, 44 a 46â, dtýe- -'wy,, and parcha.., on the uniue ternie, mand quite suspened as it i expected isere vesterda, r-ported et Iewea, rates. that tii. duty will »e reduced te 7s. -6dt. TaIIows ane very fluctatinay are.lUma fpw veeks. Coi tala Uniand, la 4j a1 b.w",*eOf '?inn- tht thevi*rket vill 411 SM8d;4ýew Orleans, f la-Is94 , i8cm ' Iarv t'a-Wcel or two % pesions who Island. 2 '8 a Ss. 8d1, itaineti do. 17 a is. cer ér terallew, find the vhW.e quan- i11 : 'rennessee, 1 2a a s 34--tlie de- sity stipclated for, delivered te ten; and ld tdf---r cotton is very good, but th#r%.)m anàI as thev porchase on spemi ation, ne amprovenuent in prices. 'rmit.coo rai. »lever ilitendin te make or psy W tbe m dlig, 6j a 8d1; gouil t fine,' -'8J a' li0, bat te recoive lb. difference te t e the it uarket duil, but no particialar 2siters,.- Cep pre"a d .M.t et iý n wften- 'Iar, 16 al l'as(id, duli , Turpen. fail - henwes a ndea'lte*' neomsty. q«tîue, 14 a 15% Staves,,W.o0. pipe 25 à 1; s bro ht$eir pu iassjuto markehhd Ma 241; bbl. 14 a 2L -ad MwhaeverPices calab.obtaF,~ Oa .-Te eand fo r Q a i 11 FROM RIO JANERJO. bus mslaided;' lb. e se are dciî *~Capt. Reardon, of the Brig Sru- who ap- A@W Oil am aio te prchled . ,1vived aX Btltinire on Sonday eveulng, state beie 011 ai Iet nO th et accoutits Wver ecolved ir taidbirm er terni%. *- '-- .V1. LrIitoZ rhatt 2bhee.-.hepri.. erTibaeo f' tioe expected, e nin nce, -~~ - 'Vilfi0~flyng on thel - luèDNo, Pcb, 27. qiuon the pata4.«s;they snmmtd tne)i :1 otqoil# ,-ebve. 50 pin ship, twe si wradsvrl ilost ent r le ePm, ita nûi rcitOf pw aéea e Is. f iaanea y sryte the patriote. T unM ypat Of &da dptit o, that the. whelt a miÉ vM- beta stes uhlb fMét.Vdews IlIL cevece. lbuft legrudx uII mm aout41 olx-k it~u eh T Wtemso au n bject et OCCUPA'xMN grPL0RIDA. b 1 "~ ~PaeAb Lecwrw .Tii. hllowbg of Wa dWis titiVin.'lTe treatv or naly,. as UGt *1l. betwoentle niâ7 e ~Çâ~attSlie tete on~ w~, k. mnd oad m. pcm aid cAila.the smrm. moea,, envod M ueux, Gncu 1q roi, Desssalieai -? til., and IlBi. wood moved ta - le en Weluesdy,, prnqevace-"rItrel a roiee:. E aise, evovy byaulpeit-S tru te tiu E, «l'ai dans os in,.=-the lio. 4,De ' <,e puitespayedtr- M~st the battu> partadi ' luethu aut ythsua> ether t flic M hebouse vill on evcente of thi le frD r C erie oruguitiu.ç ledi teclien t f h Ointred th ie rond trearer e'tofUiltOf fiq dm"uâha SO i bec and Montrea1 taj tit t t1 ibe edstlnoua~ a rblte bo rem ii leuse, bet'r the tWeivtb March, a de- ilbided m*mtemebe. b caaiwb< iaiiodç-,it et'the weeipts and Diabursé the. second address, reue.s demandleid Vah-stFýrwv.. nder ffw4-t lotta"l*dti itia" de r la --do glild w *'UL eKId Ni lit Liglits. ounii fer the laut ti*ettty vu and'. cdl itResol , thnt axIdreGbe .esuti, retlncs opeai Io bis grace teorPr copies qete.procec-te make them *0ai, vi? .u thde hon ,qke~m4 afi digo eof tIh 1 hourd oettexw6iiv.' that tiuey çan el lue ldbptoe-the M un motion vas ei1 uhich relates to the grants et' part mlit Sessibu o et l. Ogslmwéand pays vo' et' the M > ofpet'Sherrington. An eiigteséed Mi tue h.~i or e- y..a-un - It waYmovead ft thecomninlteenet'là- tain §uai the eyaidcedIodf4yth terai commu:icatlom report if Lt in ex. exPences 6fthde civil gererumont eft'hde Z U pedint e, akeprovision for internaiprvne for the year A s, vau remd'thse ueb1. commulficition fui lte ciinty of Orlemns. Stmeettoý Brunea TIhe housedivided, Car'nied'ami erdered 1lt wa# miwed thait the hi) Vdo ai, vben BetLagu arcirdlitiSly. it vas moved in amendmeot, tt ail the Combe, La1 The report o the coi*tiusinners for the verds at'ter1<that»~boiutrue eut, sd-due Nay 71«! clurly t ofWarwick deUVered. follewing.,sqbstituted. t*e W'11 ble commît. nier, Kobitai lhe report on IA Pailleur»s blwII s'm -te toicommitte.eofthie *Iàbohuse on, xr Sierwu ceivedi, rrerrcd te a comnitte oft'hde Priday nez%, Yeu s , Nays 9. ofet' ii ole îvhole on Taemdmy. -Se the bill pass" faurther-extec Resolved Chat a a eittee eof leveti Resolvedrd.tàà LFriday acemumittee of , jas *In members b6e peinted te refer ai reporte due whoîe consider the oxpedieucy et' l -i. i t ot' Internai UC*mmunicataons , zept feir ing.-tort&Wn dîties on. suitdry, artac shn .91 ha ilte Northumberland, Devon and Orleans. potedf " M.ue iloSatsuten.-8 àdbt The boue on petition far a public bos- sudaj a~~ Uti pital isi Monrealiruîdesomeprogresa mal ithe i1ih sit' again on -monday---let i n The bounnen the.pelice nt, vent dure' The piper. laid 'beR the ohuase, mva the bill and made nmre amendm.'nits. rgrstrrnsot&onhpe '. She le ir V 'zns Saturday, Pcb. i17. 'rnton, wus referet>ti. eca.on-sne.bi Mr ei obtaneo l ave uof aWonoe nittee. re-tu @P cin taop,-..-- tor-thee-eeon-IKCvertbusiness. Wednesilay, .M'arh..ý.-A bill«' uc;sa~a Orulered, th t due Comin fmfèë o-tme m«m -nil. p! euotin te lancît Ts Insageft'biaýGrace respcîLng the Esat- tegnth en r M& Thn7IaLaschereau, ern Tlaoenàhips, enaîuare whethcr Lt ih ex. Realved, tata hmlemdrssl pedient te ereet court liouses and gaolh in prfeetet.hi. Giace px.hi& Once &rt Richelieu, C4rnwalli.,, Nortuaimb.cnlnd te order tu ho lai4 befumr«ti s. ose fire and other parti of the Province. .1detailed iccounla eof W. Hachet, apretit An enpossed bill fobr regulaling the llm Items vhicli fumlther iîfféetace ho Comman of Là-i rie vaurend. a third tvccaa thé. saariesofet'hb.e oors oft' h. Ex. ti nb% passed itmdee telith legialative eceative couqcil.'or IgtS, anid te sais ti council. - - -ted in the uetiumte for the saine Tear. TIe It a va.md diat an hubunle adulresadetailed tiAtcçowM thde oonémngsmt exi. b. pu'e e obis, gracie, Praiaagthe pnceme eof 4h'- -Shenulf'sClerks et h voii ie tbq, preo r officer, e aa &rown, Prothenetaries, =alice olUcen Me stiteunent of thei moules paid in rirtue eofMeltreal, for li8, the'4tie accoaets eh-actr-1f"ppnoprî»ton pemsdypars eftteAd1utnt.Gmnret' anmilti14, lite.- cpsa1 18 17 sud 18 8,andoýf the balance iiay.nions'-pàial uilitianie, froin 2d Novem. t repain. Thahonm- iviid, yes, tveutZ ber. 1818. nays twe. i'noo yMaolks. le as meved tdat a similsi ailles fbrr u. uehéon ofred, a petn fimeuoa bauli sttemnes frpm lte comumence- treal te open more ktricts te the. lerbour,~.,~ ment eft1h. cesatitution te the. jear US 16,! and & pré!omiu t t ~tru eeiascorilgy. Yeua tv*uty eue Mr'. Ve0a=Icw pow dthc'ue-M u kepr euà 4s 01the temmmessies.ah t a use ooýecaïssn eeed t JUIN iatts tT~o,u-' right hh.*~e 1<11be hmpfe4 eqonmeldiaht t*iey lsd pa: 1r. V14« wuas(at%4 $me pn a~l *14, end au aëc pssein he b. oe o ,*-.. 4 = t 66.p~ell *ekbf and i w& b fa raeijf the b«. se 'hhl ces, 1ps.cqnaeu lu* 1 pu 'vdiai. ý1=p tc tmy W4 sîuàtii.60il ta m M b s wnid p :. nN.C r.paelt*Zt tht e , n ov é#ài -t4e oard c" ou- e iv. aif muae.i îc!A ,.Iti te Part1tt c bi -h eoeu lk a~mpe4ti MOPê Cln two rem PU di$mledyees'ewaeey unttqýWt j-quith ie rve tel,- i-n w -s iii'- 1, t

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