J» U4ti pket s" < ltikis apt. WSil Ioxa.î' w'pr4. and genera s!,i;.panz anal cssngàemlcl Stise fW29th o1 .Airi ; Lissa', l1stu ùtse 2ua ad 1 iverptmil paperb tto 0- Is't of Mav, ail ias. ciu îivr. IVe are als'. indadstea.lto captain Willianes fur a filt uf Liverptu4 pa1scr. te t'letiretof Ma Y. 'l'ie reput of thse lmî iannspsittee umu ex at t lst we4eak tif Mav. It is aS:ld 'at Mr. 1 ierriter 'i i e aganst thet r e.T h ' [ ldî-.' wavý a Londn aie gs -p,-r, 'ilse repoîrz cata -i-t âe in lavur ofta ve- r.i4dJeu or decigde i plati for resmption (J caiehpaymuit. maid >.-t it ilautthoUa eut m. reà Sori p.01,P. . ca tf),-Suit retumption, exrlieu iir five e ar '" pf>,ItP memuli-r2 dit' te 'jaluitnlteet souli s"ut bave voteai for. .i<' Lo"at'. ;apers ristice CtYe idecreai' ol qjM.lîi, of 940,'M, p' ~.eL ,r Jt -l'suiin t"ie !;;>iiýýtar,. !eL ii i î ,,re ur#ný t.he ieat ',r. Ilit uf l'o pl"qaperi - have t rs t- Ports fr4ri Ctîý 'ree, t coe's -zittee fbf tise Il auSe CM, Co.vt1l' inflnie liancial stdte ci, ùie n'su,lr. Tlise. fn-rltes partiuld4rIv fi, thse icos' im andex,-nititreI at tht- kin;.dnim, aid ithe scÀbsal Su thsé staec! le armv. Ikt'ireposuriawe atIsaprtt fui aur realers as mturMaswe!cals flil soum. Birs dii- îecotid, t appears titat ùise reduc- t-ý toef thse army durissg tihe preseuit year vii amuss-Ilserly32,00rank ansa file, ipakinsi a total reduction sioce the eace of -neadry fifty ilstiaos Mm ue, leisving btu!l in thsepulec service m.ly sesa'nty thousasd A l'oudn pper of Apéïl 'dss.ya tisat flre more failures were yestry annaiunsed on Change. ruse lnisrerçity of' Cambridçe have-de. terinissesituopretent peittinnsatus latis ou- sw fr p-rliinent a;u4inist thse a¶lmiauio~f lLarnaoi Cituslic-tu politcal power. A rety il; on1tie poisi t or sieinitive ar- r-nzenel betwiemstise Britiis evern. mont tail it lers f ' illâch sutuilrsghts amgi comiocctal udvanu-,,es are te bc re- caîsniseal on tise minuit hahaal md eiili'rt- Thse prince rcgent hasbeen on bu ti Brig!ston by %sÏckue& A hullein datedii. tise alternoon of the 27ths of April, utateas thsat ie %vus consvaescesnt. rfise Sunslay Moo1torof ïpri i8tib,l statps the manner le visic dteaccident: befel the duke cf, York. «'As hii-ro.YAtI- higlsneaq.was in atteudance.iupon his e a l syIW i nd sur, sd iu tse act of open-1 snt duer of a roons in Windsor Caside, 'ne or' hîiî purs oeugft tise ohiut-tise hot. tam of bis pantalcons i4 ad oicasioneal tht: (ai, ulsici unfortunaately 1lroke his righit arum. 1/ Jo thse Fsrench chantier of peers ou tire 241h ur April.«thse Isbacco jjujscttood -fer discsusîoplitene nmi'wo ig ri.. lied to oppose it, the djle deelclfo=sI alone vas board. ,-ýý - 1 A serutity ivas takelit uPntis prjet. f h en tisere appeareai 1 -Mlfor its ado.ptionu, à,u 12 for ita rejecion. im.sdoaptwn- or iwat therefore proclaiased b t Opres- dent., à c. aapp*usdauaam ahloita Ms Aueveuussg p ev efAp.-il9tIsMen» Idonis, th" t 1 lmurdta u intes-; tien s sctively bss-scUsd-te accouspti*l a divorce betwéen twd*UmeWttions peeses.' Asother aulesupt 'habutaea set ~ Inuela.which bore the dsj< capt ams in.thslaie VOYagoof dci veg sad.n hoiu ul - fr sérica oi k , -a * fIarm "6 çt ord -sur f ni, bere MAd in Luais.butai10 1 msiuulstsrinu own.- fh tuç .dEum muy Km t cfit Wgnt ef CoideS piew2il t ffw. ~ it codids OIVI test .otoui,(romwha aashapred, -il eeomwcteà i atIhe t..whieh Ia*V l is *Bd éU fai presure f te tiel in a gmràe corn -g. 4 buethserespective a "Maoriii inapvpSueM Ofias, as M yes ilIU - m I wie li Ues, #i à ather unay blie emUed ioe by ,iW nsbse t.uâIMd eV- 7very U* s 1 frt, viii. tieeleu dnv Tit q é«Rýmwrpmr%-. _A W ' I8fCachtiteea, su Ibbveg ,fgjwi r pgel4& l'bateUeoeit 'z. r4v oeu Isi wayfrom V.dinbargls te (ams- ouu t fi tthe eofte In. tws « lha vewI s e vferw - -, wil the e t;"ecoach. Wa*s ver:V uneýb 1W llemi, &ufng range, sud rneve are à' _,mrd*Soteii arhe .aseployed torn a jnoed 1-1.ay «-Dg oeiiarv ofer W& DftonOmtiné 6V W3115 0(of ik on fthce «e orbai btwmMe o ke iqlf« cozresation litas iLÊfrrepersecl uii h1j- 1011e naid JW * 19emaeJineI7-ý-gtbe urne ommeof étLeýàiîc ImS or flclaiv sat very uneat, tiII bi ool.* t in motion bT F4 mp tumaisFthse ha.'. tween lob in thse ces in W"u,ic e longer ktecp dere ; ' Si,* said sFe te te'E ote Zlai wh à -S i ma ~qaer tisa¶ -land to be sustytallies aaU itl in Mc .Oef,'tcan VoutaIk inthse (islie tangue? nilier nomi e - For larg-e caiah hbeen doae before, tir if it hâtebea4ng b lanuffluseculM« the wn>dts ai 4ct- nents, the dimensionsoft isefan c»n lie ous ClOtlsuCh tins e taliy es In tise abae .description 1 have toýMpl R 8e terintHi h du, ae tmu maoay mii tt-".t pleauore, et- .courieofa ta rde i~h ne betemea tbefint t. ai h~ 1- "lai o"'>;andl mer anjies c ils cocsinos a -Dg ýY n boaday ofthetownship freinW >_th, 1- esied hir i e i iaim ene epelclydsrie s .o l saenm 6e urn sne oe lm yme. hti snsua 1,e in tâtia uo- Iisis- but those ehav vant fans of(thism af asi pitce. wer'4 a e-I'"pfion, viii 5oùdouit lbc lietter Msats-whikh is hcrebyboeCLard, n lml . la a egsw te hesIfandl the re~t oethte1 lied bi- ameu onç'm-operatima. timles lie deieame al taisosIm iee te il ally lTse eicer vai quite-conloun.J1Ibeg leave te add, that froin repeuted courseor<if cilImm e esesa em oeM4 ut ai sat ~i ~ c madie with the cosulaupu~'lhr U ttih ie. a m-Ic ouBowey' whrfthonty abremoid That trios ad afier tht >mainder et the jornev--Christian lBer t vb hl fw u sabe2Lùew .ps - f hsa n e»sa 0s the thaf every heur, adthe ee ftelreo flnsi ti _#ëiaihfinied ,ri a Tm i aacliin.e tan lie sugmested te suit the mis sàlaùha,,e s cluit exaiSdtbjrtiser. b sap4 ssçept fer comsimptigm. whicik,&s *of parchsers. In the cleaiding otf ada meor generai or deputy sarveypr gceal' ma~initien suer a pan aonaininz hall a est, &. ee ibo ung emd for teef a 1hWiusomd at. possaiof rosin and a peundaiof yelov iwax îuheat isu drawn out, and thse ubeat riddles sisal have obtaineal a licence froamd b. am- -A subscriber informa us tîsat hie frienilin!î Icliajgeil for coarser ones wiid go mth thse Pamin ta a ç u -là by'thse gourou,li- Ptlasicipkia hantniedIit witis ufÀ fas.Flaxsed and cih;-erSed are eaned t nt9«&,-Pelofambtnt sir'inri ojtisprovince W rthe tinseh- Iin a scrY. fou tate, andtut hc noIbo tsaine as ubeat. , 9cw aii~etev oa tn ~ lireâthes lrce, hi4 o'~lias left him, ad Btutht op apracticail armer, 1Ihave m.ad t ay necdi bn 0 lie et iectorates isitis easc TIsererrs;t e-ha 1 ta lainent la coomo. vwitia s ersthe dred ponds. to bià maje. . lus Wrs .îwto-ir dcuty emrating galie aud otiser in- succemors. for thre dse pefauSuof s WOI-tlty giartious seeds front het, and thse incos- office, and shaH bhave t: "n iséÈMacrÎeW- T!ýe Mat boat %%VsIk- n-th-uster let petency ef machines which 1 haâ ai op. the cath of allegiance and tise fnwing oui . Rulaleon f4,tue1 4h ju-t ir markina, withlstunty ef trying te efect tliat *4~et- 1tre tise surrevor geerai or &puty1qs - tcargo of merchandize valisea goo,ooo, ..M le me tu thse refiectiaun and eI. A. Il. dgsaea of "pr e:lalwlwi and upuardà or severt, pa..seneera, a- ruent teus bd a mmedy, s»d tise 115pred adtal ahrettdt f svye r- whoîann ere major zesîeral Brownu Patent Fa«. vhicli a Ifewdays mgo 1 offer- 11 ,gical suiiulha tv' f .aund ý,urte ITi'as h a d previnily imade ta the notice ot the (armera andl mÏllrs fetinc or partiaiitY. vawu sue. Jl' ripe tuteIetroit tlte pressent f eason tisrouglsthse medium etttse OW4apr.iSmvle remqured teeop* Uica G&ar tide resait of mn lahos; a 1dB<frr sv- Pvrçe- , or by the rtloodrc n or self that it vil lie Fouadi on imparial ei- 'of ju%.tc, and whiQà 1 wili f anffy ud (Yi iar Tènd,-1t i* fi atp n a Boston suination snd trial, lu le ans important ac-,- Wt.hi<t acesr delay salissit tothe pat, itaper. tiat the amunot f poer e -ai tsition t e seagricultural ant uilig in. trquirialg thse %amr or thé couitt dirictssg ' d fron Caucn [at rear br jý1 Amer: ter-t. -- -.nsdu±jr - 2150a plan of ssrv if required- lcana, exceedtd tiat Àv ilieI'nlhEa*t In- Itse mcre ct otdsffi*~ (an lie per- roeal memi.Tbd;su t sailw d ia aupanvuiearlr lall a millit-aof dîl- forused by winowiog, the uodm rsa& sd Pr<~o% ias am t i as vau m Jam l'li aiènsot of exporten bVtheiseme- liy our aucestors long bafore the iuvoStunu ricane sealye*gt hundreal thousiaddot. if fans, and stiltin sre by thse muas- veyo of Iasla in tbis in4sce, w-1 Ui c eý lasa lb joty oftht farsuers of everycaoty b sA W M1 -'lm -1W - tise ~separation etr garlic aalohe nx ence bosu *Loiinea, Apai 24. silds tron uheat ut thse lime of cbalue' or Pe- id ri heo Nole timtw hnde ad iry f u ect1hbai inview; if 1 baie se&'ueai 1 oir avl leutnats ecatj emqikd nreecded msu hw. (as 1ciiietly belieie V toILy Afaud' Tisa hah 4sî en for Cao to e sesthemmIves of tiseïr 1have) 1 have noe b btag.êt*MId t ~rtht nr*yoe euseAliçMa et portiotsi ibt provnc, con ýghteised puIsiG wii patroia" my ef au g=eral of ti p- vuo Ie laie "IptOr rettiosms sionsaof ovem t ,al)plilantste sssYe. andlif b lcampe- tiseaTh laU. m dtemen, mesubers eofthfe aguscul- emtatograut certificates teaba" eOc aund ta -tural aocetv of hlarildad, are aep2ctfsd- administer the liregoing cadis, wv bol*Iii LononA i IFinvte4ïoe»Ml M Mdpme.sy fn.sIal le depoeate.d ini the ssrveyor gencral'ý .4 rhbe roy. &~m~eu.j~lse~ ani teir etrsag W 511010' ~ JP'~ VIT. Andi bceit fartiser euadtedi y tise au- lavinimmptudie te' Ira it telJ .tien tu ifs utiiiy. - dSnriy aî&.wesaid. lbat i hladmeqb savctrapia, Jam, airVy isetrl, tel it fur tiseaniuoat o r re!das.- oroeueta af*luu o ts oeur.leta Uhie FWincis piperi copy li from the e trueft- '~OA ISN resnsnutrinsg t ïno.IABptcvince tastegât licecett Cr (orrespondent. .::-ar eiro.meddoa "A tandittU consistaog cf tugît persons hàd ~o JprCxna arilcto enies fed* tbOn-,Is be arrested dursgthse rniin a illage aat f-i -, genera- al acor uy .reor ~ hsa enc.. su as tog laite te truosupoit crr them cewiuc, shç wr u ~t u- A?! c 4 repeal s oancm ofethUe pov- province, of tiseircen0 gi. asi tihe Chief cf the band làr ssfr Ic e seec a.sin thse tweiaty-fiftls the theoaY 04 dpraPoiceof i hi% cruetty, andl t'ac iu-niser o cO f aisia a.yqr0 isyt?*rçugus.entitIed «* <sic 9% Ib*ullulit hé lied comnitte& Wuaconfined in an old.tov- .s*saMne 4 sMtu usrveYcrs, aad - Ândb it0- t er which bailbe omIhabted for orne ime. fa dm sisiai-ill,d jraie te VIIlT. i _qa'iL thse an- Tauhada midtiight the centine." ie us @tttL thse n -Uorosof au ct pssd hethonity aforesaid. lt ce tSr titis touer. lsaving heard i ri m dstirty esht year of hie wajesy's reigus, bae ia!takeul ansd afterwmrdà-gr-oans. m.ed ---- ---& ç» tititicil« Aimact teasacertain and cttablisih iy a"dexactu impitaea~ ut ua --u a faaètlsç the baundai7 ylier. uUIIAL conflri tihe circssmstaace; bt ý i-t t& Wis esgulate thse juajner . W ie a- their astossisiment, wuben Sa isrsai fddw tlsy r'Wîrr ola &rv . ~ ~t rw-.A yth W; la--î --t repmrtdcUstower.îh ois jsprni eded, 4id a411 bis limhu 1ma1 dete haci'r tsecause cio thcy deptaited in tise same vev#W cesof p~cde fod. AtII tlirty -Six serfrnta saisplce." . - mm dfi fifros tu j qm eLt. t tis hi. insu)s *etfou" Iinl aisce, fàïcanda uEàBf(@us«sucZ coverug h~ be,, - we have secu cf s 5,~site s au4irrqosier M 9 edhsK neltc os. tfotl Be it ewXL AmbI.tl That tuql# ao il m Oum tl iîw tis , csor thecsi çad woi théOfl DW eo su Slud fio miss h filn r w I et osais lots ~~p'evIi.Iuu*sqw.vqrta e mi lie i ~sp01sle boamahuilusuf ~ dl.~ mci tivul~i, cu~.s~~m os4~b ~W nea 'Y - -, i 4 4 -a 'v