~~1s "tvahh I tà~IN t~#UOh5p~ U 4~n.t~ j flirc dit, - t is--a wkba. t am~phce div 69" t6m 1AJUZ* S =1. .a.s. LLL persans indebted tu, Mr. Joseph tScàtt, gecu, laie off Kingstan, are reqoested te epament b"oM the firsa of Augmit 'ttlaosub5ir, 'Qo àdm' yanthi- ~'â tcorn mm. If teabove me- plmwt.lugal peoceedings tii taken. . .ALL per te-pi . ord, = out te A"i diOw ona> ho hà" dbid 1w.vq Amwilsd~ .wo fugimrl M4 O 1 A , - Il - à-e 1T aad~.prv1d.attt. <ichlWUImufes Mry 'MW .1 sad c<~uo acoo; m.at azSeoLasLiix '.b.HmEelncdmcve i av7dsre aloIhes sdLd.arvdcSt sun là. " .stri."0 arriveda un ulrt" cam l~stu ~ Roslt te>of hi -* enti. asof. &W'te 6srt .fh mmd t. a n bout ai H0~dta <'m meintereive s bWieat« dis»the se37ub-dieSOf re4(ium. 7cb.O i ain]mdmrv » "hit d 0 i a..J53"trp mio nmthe aim mminns,~~ ueru ceer isritacths t bu'Wla __tahe_1:01_an__ s[Is r t mhd p r ye-e m m en . t a a m i . r 8 e afl id ae id te * obi Provisions of rep l the 1ClOtha a pro>-1tot pringpeur in ,otuo ghdeco teniir eu pase siedl adyn tiblsipsa vruemhn ilue Il 11a64 ~ mthirysoinee as ofhin o rdiip oftin- 15~huos umtaaiocn verthin9aitu.&t et te r i h are , nd t ê ~ tt e ursigsu a '-~~cai~i,1yriadadpdtt tetIed an acn ator"Y'omh1sEur, nr o f p riassdi nonheift eco O i a jeit... mdg.elvatiau îeof e pi4ali idans wpemermucte raiomin îhena igi l~o o~a~~itt¶J~2paumai ~ det oyod b tei n l ta 5à kJui. ee ! a s -a d hlmiet..t s a i 0.rao. and toi- l TH13M-a--ana, HIALD f1bdn THE P MiTEW-.No XUL '<g'the ire opnof . a- ~UtI~ o îd i.ous, eig te oanhiaeumijsyrents n it o .8 VieanduadXegicudeb t e a paov m tris ud mt reTa- m- - -.-uit OfN ane eus wJich v nov ehold provnce; ed !SI Ufl. inhbatanhai tis Prvincenmmdhoeconery I io e mtn! 1uvief, mttte ujay's r oetate naty ei&st- .knofairsure o ame and ~iO5i 0 mi Imul.ibebea'pa Id Pd e7tft Zht. < it dmai ilt bougatMatottam", m *,6 «deftiIIan mt t iraorrto snndra thiersnsp eer atiOn. . P the bledR in un N dreses myrladu, $heu thyseif art blest meBainrso r megula in g >qe.___ ___the_____ trubs~.mdtetlafraandor tari tè s ro ii e f .Bu iialtpc it wjîhne.ruge i" tdetedfvtlthît n l OfhI xclen Mo- in atthe-for .tabi.sa ie in.wie stalSe otbi ceoiiryaiid té M O fantue eanndn c. e-. > > iT .WJa" e, ou oujcho f pa-tentll>f' immeafir tuc DuMeii-t fi m en pctes of hinhbisnstinreteheo M.1i I r o ta thnudged osomther e en pauemaid î5t puse une.ndo crty the A ettaen u rtmsd nh Anroiifri e;" iammthelîif Prf o OO l'6eOi chet uta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tagon*onous sae," adur tesrens Isi J;anMetthycn e l air oo tAo ninhyarfhimaeuy'seunonofte unerigeava'ait.hes Ij o f OBaker , tl H a mttitud#etjshgh A~"n atta anesting i curasaa a.Oainirpor.execdoevepors; ottr fon 00W Ja ato, i i b@t Tii su <~5t~Ior th esate e cetaiZtritas. dielaloZMua h.reriofd a&$nuey .I fus i b d o in the puai.., c inrvd n _nu o- og'evto o uligid ne t whee n tuo thati pefr su&larti i- t hçose bheounty s pedLove Proine. tPeu bsused h 0 T M v r? 6 pouce m hve taébo ine. miiuli cus yagod2dn e.p c nti it ou~mdSeUieSae. Ou ic oaes d JS O n. The " bsi -w o inedim âdN , tece 7. nrof tareput t' sev"ental<law nw in t'lectefor "y Cie r0 3 6 O 4 6 are hrdi- tgoe..ti pais o-~»delae erai prsusthren esri b OUTE£ curse growAng stilm carcer.a Iseste- ad eeà *hic -li bVaub wi à ulA i., maeutya udio, a pi de fr th. mur t u be M mono>'sa , tand i e cansi'do bbl J it hefahiabiT 6 O I usru ît _p a t uer ou la gnt cotiptsù t o n hoalte* ' hy sgiold«hcP ot o liéeprore doo pr iL~ mrnol uta , liia .- n -i delt asmi oracrani n r~ r tpa wo1Vnt, theyoup * ______andthea- ""P iMtli erelOIng, mwibichou pot e h pi, Pnet; pasme-d L2tdtune, oin ari on hs Pvincofe;pandlniury M ~ ~ IO - shoaet.uhore, Tes,"An act to reeand pu .m medynpadcb.miyn annuJsI' a um -- tii. b olngu real u. St aa o fre tanii.- l a d o na-deu tii mree u of ity ari nutu ete> yr cethechldrn 2f he Mrto a n.ndpsiing th epInIn ýrepi e iiofpubic imen.as ntiasfor theirtune; mmd ht - At nt0F UPPeri c An ADAtM ns. 5dlS conutre imMmIbro' ovée>' clirneofcrr. -i d &_eu ofu e mtagtt ha uit nctd the a, tys and mdattitis pron c ae sa Ih;randk oroesions ne naay i1 Ûf:CORforUi we p Jintie. lun e. mrne vctd *iii os onsent toroeari o 'irpuOfsel mmd th é béat t-'u ctecetnem mtilveaer atrio ,aaylsnii o I ThmsDloEqsr.Knuo pausaiaiii the mmd ar ae no rfnerm e -8tUTaay- -tsa jl a Y acmudupe idrn retiete syl andenu lebeo 1e rorheu tée o o eeguver iay of o i t.d u AlPots U. & o 1so4W on O E tut"»teter Shai h. t nanfttgomoW o perso0 ofinist ing tw o rc ro t ns; in oe mdt aditoh asiroMtody r-b ta ùw Loe aies«d iVÊPf mndt et dii. prov ne. apitsed cs uyestbaes to am gro h, r icle*- e COJN Dm OfI4Wor ne r o aiapr r einq an c bfr.InracUc unay. ~ - Lgt orpaceotetexcellentts povide. ..a" itirothemqplit M ho andtsle S"J3A TLrrCslaer flua îuui cor- te appoipt ou. or more ce~oiec era il he aeofdce f b oanr-F u mre 'tIane Dftso ubt tasot altw tii.pr t owiaaerespecivepra ntesu z t offlun ct%sof t iins xenteausvc vO frWpce e ry&'iku d se u grj Mafmet furti i- e tie u n . met yo n e, adijoy te nefit ofcknput'a Wor an-i< ,U P th» glus. -Thé: i or ohay, ttte bi*a0nce ai07rsieessoa igsntt ai .thutnci os-fror.Thnrnne* v ~ TEa - rnb do v t airi hi lu ppuntunt etvetroIn$offcer outre Ame il t ertilen rc mmdar poceathv frn a d otii0pulic aha î ihcy.c rr 0 on t eU 1 .oe Anedvithtarcadyiiicd, ana-- abrtme.alu dc, rne thei;tto 5e 1MW! *11 s. evoai ouaie.vidla aasrothee Ir-agado anIpasinssw0ea 2oe 0M. 'Wloe'm o-0 gitlouti'o» ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ t ig. ng mdopinh yadUfics laIe rnuchin, n- ' txesore etthaty ;andeye co litit t ye itr t ne betturndif sie cofti)ri rae.ia hes ý 09Ale - , 4Cedd nhi= i «' eaetfos dt . ivomalis . eDblnpîo c 0oig 9àad rfts5 om tn prdc. u mpraexehou x orsBttglqer n m.d far0meru vi l tnUoMoe An mm- ra erstetatedioficetainriacsptea aidaiundarnag alonSth Toevocoital ex jeaen aust dbge reimitAç Mid-n peaey, o far oz emw0'ie ommanda9 L«eieCm boriiz. mdit016. jean ly'tetmt. . b s t attentio mmd dags- an ac pas cd in teus, sufd t.andatce Unitad QA Oyrreducedjaricme- dero i r.psueta gtiet tie u; sha ir araytnsarefrtefciiyO oa o ein ad o u0n3 60 3 oias uqa ais t écaecrai esnsteen pcî bsnsiso ors rw- s lsare., ats fiernaves, 0 4 . a era rammLocaritsof may an wil redil 1 oi 1 7 e maety -sal tepem d r inY; n tI lid 189.0 lu wiLheua a m i t t. nei ,btemysri a'a if 1 b1 0 A 0T7IT 0-0-8 nt aaSi .,Iuk~ nd . Su;~mm ~s.Executims meu e 4the DuvltCoun ;Dît.' eCarn ofaiRejuem Poiio.fe lING of every dosrplameu ines m addsacb fiélr tildit.ifl be t t e coud thouas.in di.Towwh$p thighour oftrmcad ds c »a asel u *tw hth eu te tnmlssct at &0di. ewt q roquired to tae .nulle., mi' NOTICL. 8 a a Utlmd agahut I r- "teof iband, a tbe Ofuia n. vebyAue boatM eme tue atofm y lwi t osso-.4.fac iwbich wus mdglnat Sckcts Harbor-. iloft. 1H. 0. RTLUG I. My 3,1819.- single nomue VwOOG4ýr, en, 21ietJsae, r9. g 1L.IMi &CON r &ÏUB UACTORY. heci the uuom bave reuaoved hum a -o i m tr tftsI, IsaI ams. t's Coe Homas, w smW -»- me ba"dm eluas uw up and.m..V*,Wu NU Rh qu t. Amis WU! lm JOSEPH UIR DOMK d'IAE i.to he mkcuclosof lte aaacriber rý,a c rdynegt the MUtsotnt. two Imilçh d ..OWS of tboi iIovu deceipton--Om à i fLmaN md cov q a white facQ andi ruipý-the o- Ume a elvmtwiUhiri te, star an hem oréas& he~meror owncrs arc ret-.g puee tD prove pepm y 'the expensl ,ifthismdvertism=taaLd*c thefliavac. Ch 9v5 -JOHIN !URNBTY116-10à lav Township Kinigston, Icly 121th, 1819. opemeda S'TRAYZErIor STQI.EN, out it te Bar OPPestoth. r7 ack X'sid m-XbigStoon u tqriht oflie @ersfe the 295k Joe, a red ow vititw hite fici, udmmi hort hnru* W t4 ea okln--Bougt of qbllty, vin 1 Zehriah 3W, I dloi m.41k co.couslo. a-ugT"k "W .*h Wlt iiigire infoaeitiatofm dl'~ :d seMWé fa bsua'oreturnmd to e b ~cr iàI ~mn!rd areward 5<d Ivo deF s lu%, or four dl~by briug ber toKlar monL--AUy pmMwith whdib ,he tmmvbe FouaiuBe ads iruta>icavlibe pro' cuted àthe utamt Rior Of the la*. WU& PLAIKEIT, yod. Reg . luu papéfs Kingetos, tbi>', 1819. 'Kuuer MOTVU MdioimiW af êsrPe roue 1. Mo9. I ai;c aar aue .m I~ j» trp- M wuet - -4 - "i - --" ç tamtrhftaeu% N re, Cmbri Si4 visD, Scamomm net.ps C ntn.e mm.=shx 1%i dom*, wh- scloudb mtrqe kw, siiae ~ -*ll5 ALSO. SAf.mer inber a.sa sn-S. 4 têf&i te add, tt hiteruti Laàide of t doneu v unl km.' port mie f Dt a tedo hase td, 'mmcd wtrio t wulifl --!