f PEt14'?ZST! i ~enoe mdqbtd tê the sui~uoeths~ r.- uçe$iy lnfoiîued, tht a 8ettltmu~ ~>pa4,~ îmm.dhtely. ~--~ STEPHEWMIL?~ -I .~sam w(ll APPIT t ~c CfI. w- BATI'Lw.J mitby-~ &atio~ ~~~~LL persons indebt.d te the subseriber el- U, it. aagr .iae do. I1IM O EtIser î>y ote'or book icount, 'a i-t F L sd L d iI0fT respectfully retu rus his qftd nakimeatpanntA Brockville, aO--O39 thanka teo-thsepublic, for the en ail claims againt the subscriber wiII 6ie lm- aaou 0l 0- 0 0 couaaaente hn iitiert re mdiately discharged on presenting their Gaanu,--O O--o9O accounts 'and 1provin thse le ,aity of their Kngt,--1OO-- >0 ce "asd hep lave te lnform 'îa i O&' EV!1T î». Kingson toEr- 0 5 0 ---0 3 coi laim. JO EV , lu. - n st towvh, ha. tii nines te keep that Peîvlle, June 5. 14' Aophsoe, 8 9 - ---0 6 f, MMOJ)IOUS HOIJSE Valcabte Lands For'ale, Halloweil, - -O010 0 re-atreet, wfere iéavellers and ot.h--l i onhpq 1ait Baker'sFer-ry, - 0 10- 0 O 7 6 t s~iway5 useet with the g&t*test a t- OTS Ni o sx nhpo atoSolmnes', - 0 12'6 - - - 0. 8 (1 Nosxad twelve ini the 3d Con- Belville, - 0(J15 O . . . 0_9 JAcession, containing 4oo acres. Rvrrnad 76---o1 as latel.y made some improvements Ditto ditto il and i151»the 4th Concession Rierreg pace 0 7N.0100 der i accommodations more a- Conta' iing 45o acres arigplc1 and earnetly solicitu a continu- Ditto ditto in, in tht 6th concession con- fronm îheCalrvirî i. 1 L s9 publicefuvrand patronage. taining two hsndred acres., l'lace or R. Tren t > 5J S0J- -- j 9< Tht above lands are ail lying in the town- ta vile shi p of Hanilton, Newcastle District, and Solmes', - 0 O7 6- - - 01 ROB~ SCOTJGALEj, willie sold on the most liberal ternês.. Barkeîr's, - - - 0 8 9 - - - 0 6 3 I aer .BZlk-Smitk in the For further informiation, enquire of Elias 'Hîaoweî - - O 10 0O - - () 7 6 w~er D tes, Es. Hamilton, or the subscriber ' Adophuis townl, - 0) 1 ECTFULLY informs his friends Tkoras S. Whitaker. Kingstoni, - 0 17 6 - - - 0 10O tht ublic lu gneral, that lie has Kingston, May 18, 1819. Fa-c»m tungton ta 1 5o - - - 0 enced i ie of business in its varionsui esn h aeireàelt tee- Gnnqe s. tor, whre ev-ery arotie i iMtr eo.telIelinsRo -on, deccas- Brockville, - - O01là O - - - 0 9 6, ste, h re @.;hrtstanticehs - c, ither by bond, note or iook accout, are 1 Prescott, - - - 0 17 6 - - - () 10 0 bc-4 he#-e hotc- e ,'b rqsie 1 rg mxoeiaep F 1Board andi liquors chargeti separatcly r ~~~~ment-Andi those 1t "'àw ns the saiti estate 'is Uý»FreigIst atthcutnayres Jf~a1Vor'~'W ChtWBV!/ in4ebted, will present tiseir accants duly au- of al kinds in Wrought hon, at the lnwt4t -,*c1bic:itedf for adjustment, w ithout dclay. RlULES and Regulations for tht team-boat rm-Likewime, ALLAN MLEAN. CHARLOTTE. ani lune .14. _____tf ___ Adninat rater.- First-Immediately on leaving any place e *mote rinEjg r;dan ýFoia'dn fCommission Bsiwhere pse eshace been received on% any niprtvufros Ezgiaci yorarai~ ~ Bui-board, a Bèll will le runea as a ignal for tht cbeaper rate. People residing in theies Passengers te choose their Births and Iiay Quinte -ad is Vicinity, will do well' HIE subscriberu beg leave to inform thir paissage. d cenvince themmselves.T employed a person well skilled in thieir friends, and the public that tlaey 'icind-All fieie. to lb paid for on de- art; capable of rcmoving hav e forrned a connexion ini business, the ob- I'velty gthe discases incident ta hor- ject of whicb, la tIshéhid-osmoking nlowed in the cabin, hoeing done after th ieta- Tasnraino rd~e or an-., enitleincii allowç<l te visit thse ladies: 'Îli met aP' ,Tranporatio ofProdcey cahin W*ithnt speckdl permission. rates cf charges are subnit- down the St. Lawrensce, andi of Merchamize -Na 17 iSiQ. - 6 8<1. j-every idescription frons MontredltoaiW T a4 acet. tethe-lake Ontario adErie. S T E'A M -B I t4aiskffly reotîved bllaOgdensburgh, adudrth im f Fil .M- i,À as W. L. W;hiting & Co. at Prescott. ' L8AA KL,,E ttr lilt To prevent delay, ail property destined JAM El' A K~ZIhMe foýr Kingston andtheUI Bay cf Quinte il,wiIIbe c ILL in future leave the dilYrent -~~ E.î sent up, frons Prescott, b>' tht Ste ot Ports on Use follewing daysu viz: for sale, Charlotte iwhich leaves this twice in every- Kingston, for York. onsthse lst, 11ith andi Olc. ,week. 'i Iat days of eah nsonth. c. Tht subtribers engage to freight on asYr frQentnBdI3bad231 étnued by reasonable terins as any who are engaget i us .or. ento,8, 3had 2d m'a SVol- the buisiness,andpIedging their uitti exer- ' Ydeso each mnth. sfactin, wil lie gatefuit'Dr Nagarafer, X n .,5tls. lSth ad25 me tte uti au .t- - T faâvosr. W HJBELL, d f ahmentît. 3Prestott, 28tIr May 1819. t Fromntim tot Yqrk ud Nigara' NOTICE. o - rHFsubucriber iinfýrm is Custom Frin Yrk tNi5FPM - I00' kerEIk1loltelY bethatlise will comiiisituce Children under three y cars of age, hallj - (i1UINQ OO , price; aboyé tut..m-ad fgoder tem, tt L et bis Card-ingg Machine, near An- îhirds..e et Mby. PRENICE iJ. FITCH names of pmuegsau4 the bizith'hi4i u if 89, 14 ---- they may choue ethIc timethe ~m al u semney inuit be . -Far fv Rae,, -Puûjmare alh>w.d 601h.. w ttb one utie directly back of tise a4e;ogt b r of Râm'est To*û, containia4 at the usuel rate Oenleosefl' servante land, with aq*tiedWo anfre n a a ci other ab n shdU à,sdait exellentti s i eîîIBd i: t w . -ans h'et-w ah cllto e t - Dèck Pasa es WN lllpay .1 5. and niay .~is, 4Jd Ïïg r w»lt*e othUe contry routnd etss bigtisr own proviso, orbe ~~ n ~e gle stands, furniuhédlsy thes tewamdl<ad5 thecen- For ecdi dogr bought e oý5 Rame ro. ht- AUlap$oatuoiw fW passag ub. made 'Vefi Th py-AtoCaptain Mackenzie, on hourd, M tise dis- Will b. rand te and troin the iptlimse q n . 17 'btlk, »d Floureat tise ciitoary ate, d t ~- . T Rfl~ . llvered to tse duffrent consagneet.A lma ~OipILUN. '<r'a pflaea.foITi , -nveu jp. ~~IG.5I~O kutsarsufrnt nome-nd the loods whent seew wSI at ly 06, k« fron thte Sen.Ds.i6 oad W th~~ "~" ~ ed athte riek 0 et .sêu*Ars fi e1~s*c$U nir te Alla Mlesa E M% For eaCh &matrceL, te6d. bC Iwblw >01S1tan -mut bcpaid on deliveuy - , $Mto, .Iby 4iý18 . 9t laie *1 eh. RaSALE ut tiseiu qib fkl' aataty of 1"W ~àIUlo PR~A8 el fr", de et go ted »Meu and diqMt- c oi U GiWontreal. bT-2 O L T h labb,.FÀvié.)LT itttpi~cY lpdernad. I -IPO% ~esnbl ~macon- r-UehsmrtUG kimlltn. jJvenient STORE, -in the village of ýW, IE,- 4p,bbu, Jia. V*. 4A con, and immediate possession givru. ~ ~>i~.~j. e~Stui1as1es amilton Village, Ith march 1819 a; lmA',Sandwih. ,VsetE15 Waterloo,FO Â E ~s no a. ~ pn is fx A SM ALL SLOOP of about LD ~te» tons tiurthen. Fc* imstculars, eeieat tht Herald Office. Ismper A u o claw f* arh 9. copgrtsposssible for thet LAS Ii FORL SALE. teiv#'apers, shail receive onie OT No SI in the 3d Concession of Ernekt likelqpotion for-# greacr.jL towh, Midiand District, 200 ÎLot No 13 in the lmth concession (if Ilun- 'OF ffERTIÉINc1. tingloin, 100 lu ~2s.I. first insertion,. Lot No 21 ini the 6th concessicqs cf Usaqent in eton l.ch, Home Dmbrct 200 - usdr,3 4d. firt insertion, Lot No 17 in tho 8th conccasion» of BuIr' su!m insertion, Above;est, Johnstown District, 200 Une for the, first insertion,: Lot No 7 in the 716 coilcession ot South pr r ever subsequent inser- Crosby 200 Lot No 21 in th rcssof Elms- M ýý d, d". a rged .accord- âcres 1100 ~ 6 n t- made easy. E. PIrUr ta for insertion t dlivrl- ilamilton illage., mari-ch15. - tf 1'*~ *hLom ali avs di "ast.Us. suýd Sens nu t r tent t % -ki , t b ulug duly suth*d topie afi rs of sido on- - cern. ÂE ADER-MDOlq$E14., ALLAN R. MýDONNf-hh. Kingston, 29th May_1819. x3m3 Ba an Riv'er Steam-Buat 1 iDAtLLOTTE, WILL. in futur*. leave Kingston-.for ths Bay of Quinte, çvery S&snuay rnorning ait o'clock,-stop half an houir at Ernest town haif an hour at Adolphus towvn, haif an houm arttallowet ,and-prIne-!-to .,Olmess So- ptâasburýb ;_.leavc Soltness at 2 o'ciot ii the mimrn n. Belville 6 o'clork, procced tt River Trent and the Carî4ying Place, and re- turn te Solmes' at nighit ;-eave Salines' ' uesday mormiing at '2 oclock, apeafter stopping at the -asual placei artiyç it K ing- rtozi earlv intht afternoon. I . Lçave -intn for- Prescott evMeryWedflts- day and Friday imornitig at 3 'cioc*, anîd stopping at G maoque and Broçkvifle, ar- ) Ive aI re cott ini the evebing ,--etdrng, leave Pretn at 3 oclock everv Thtsrsday &Saturday moning, and tQpp1ng at Brock- 'dUc and Gananoque, arrive ai Kingbton.iin the eveniîng of cach day-Every efWrt wull be made to be punctual in arriving! at and leaving each place'at the precise tnes as a- boe stated-For freight or peaaj> ' apply tonCaptai DýENNI S,Oci board . 7 .ST Irpnie em 13pogmains rue clay -ý! 1---