Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 20 Jul 1819, p. 2

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. ,1 . - themtwfnatlmak wasten qrg Ehwwih hav e cved the royal «Men *A. a te, .-u,peut . rtàJ frm uinder the @7s fthl e ide .. 4ýM ou& f Of mm t - 8 v t -. S. m<~-~ it yapb F itch wloent atter h u Uit,. the-C a il tof which were refss sfawo.vueert mç anu e1utaoi0as1 etp j owd* give b h ie .mt t mt v,.tvdr ii ht *veu su muèch as Spak t.e" t.gd&Uly. 'it rmat<sbi.,nce, suýO dtemaefztépr* s q ~4 strpre.osyiteýoduce iei. .odisfrbesige-t; anti Ion or iens C rtsabnHat lheduiitattnateV»Y.Who are -m nel the. iëtetdnil F or therleof loba Wekda 6. ils peut, lie wili ink her! -1mw »înj ufedby the. direct1y, must l ooWua r, intho, distit(rY« r Fbi'e eeký hgàohty Engl4ishman lias; oflat b.~eitJu ted ty iadetrueme - - w Yankees teaeh those w O alilconfdi.c T ran*'tohi maetyauW -t~4tem~ tinfrine their ri&ht -lHe imade . ITbeLivpool M= 1 y as- fesaar f ~ A ~ ' wit tw etbisships on the ves- '- Now the- fact'la, that there neyer vas inspecter aimeri o public proéinis ita ' ni S pC5tS ~ ipg -81 butf waq néwarmlyîeçceived a period in tour recollection,-when.pecenla- conntun ts propiucm thrOu i ry embsrraasnientam, distresand i ds May, o ie fect sud lidit ~dîeëLý0x- eude wwe*k Ince were so conaipicuous as at the pressat.-- ecuteFb maed vomen in te (sU~s Scarcelyaàday pasespver our heade with- ted Knom àf Great Bditin -ant r. out smne commercial failures: and every land, or in any of bis§nîajesty's tolonies, On Wednlàday evel wer cornu one we meet bu s omething to tell ns a", andi to repeal peCtof-and' amen4dan ctto the ii of1j ",cit bout- returne& bit or the abwdiWeimpos--aed --hfettid- erfbs-. nrAnèd, B4 sibiity f obainig paniena?' emtyrem. entiti An act to enabte l#Ith havinm i*itkt~eemo,,,. marne w4en havisngrma1estate, to alien qua? titla c copep1tasfrj Butfido,..unp 99. andi convey the smre.', togng andcmmnterfeiting bn The faite EMe steamn bout arrived aet- To reputl andi amend certan parts of efot ing to, 4 b"ik 'tiS cf mode7, ,Black Rock on Sat urtay last. rrom -. Mack-4,a act patsed in the tirty- orth year of the Lnitod titatofa et roca, in uwv. During an absence of 14 tiys, (4 h la majesty 's aign, entite i, An- act t m uso oeb i f of which she passed at anchor) thim boat'tablisb a cour't.for the cognizance of smaltf1 rn<b bas traversedtiie lakes upwurds ôf 160O)causes in each and every district of thi !Of the UntedStates fArne miles. t'>oeifce.' and aise of an act pàsmed in the Tlhe novelty of the scene attracteti the. tbirty.seventh ye[ r of bis majety's reignl The church cf tihe Aben ctiriosity of thenativesmn lber passage.ànd 'entit led.,J1 An aet1ro extend, the jurimdie- 4St. Francoas i, diitit6 wbale iying at Mackinav.1 tion anti regu la tte procèledings of te2 was destroyedbY' fire on the M We lteain that0ten. Brown will proceeti Distrirt Çourt and Court %&Requ s' JcuIIY the churci> plateam from Mciato-inspect the ports o 'TO'M&lte gooti Certain Inontes fsmued & saved. Thitacuidqit is Green Bay and Chicago. alav<td byis«elency thiseuctenant gretteti as the means cf It is rumored that governmen t c .ontem.- governor inpuansq te. cde f' nfru., aorgie plate establishing a pust ut the falls of St. thecommons bouge of ase.mbly et the iast :deed people whotlunk adi M1ary, bctween lake Superior and Huron, session of parlii&ienf. lic exercimes ofre estn LoNoxe' continue an act passed in the forty May be mcto 'them;t LoNoa~ Ap ail28. Second year of bis majesty's reign, entitledj which it gvsocsa ", We-understmnd that Sir Robert eell and 4' An ict te enable the governor, o rcbet tet uni lMr. W;lliam Peel, on hearing of the unfortu- s t &-- --truiae 'eter ae d nate falrotijeTawaber"kinmei ment of tis p or-, ae;te heeha atey eata uniicnt cmof any t terinice to appoint on or more additona: anter. anti a better *'w o aeysatamnfcntsr fmnyt h tears -miqpii ~ tc.. f. t.~ pn. 1u,~pi .lleiauag ~ieInpn- ' nger -endure,. ang s fi venience and distesof the letter trad àen -i -n""F roine and te appoint one. and sincere foiloweru cf the R4enr andi poarer clanis, withocw; distinction ; and on or more collectors at the sarne respetive- Friday 130 persnns received donations equal I. ta nulrt fthei s.Sxhbnvlec, Frer to'continue anact passed in the To bis excellency Sir Peregrie jas might lie expected. produced the most tirtv thirdbyear cf t - Ymaestv'ai ife- nItCmmle f h.mt tlivev and unrestrainaed sentiments ofj<y and 11eý uatt r'm f t fteBt.L h grtittieen*aanweart itornprovit thet tor the appobnt- bic malitary ordecftiBahL h gattud ~ant ar itoret tht isemnt ci re urning 0 cr t h evrl Governor of the Province eof1 ypui-se of the henige doners stili continues apen couftIls »thfs ies ofadhe smd major e ofm eta the ther inhabitants of the towsi who lbave cou tiw ahn tisprovilce.,I.ajesantyores teridnnut suffèred, adia wish te partake af theit oaen n repeat p8rt ofran act pas. i4t 8f rcl1ri, LC.Y ~boray. IIoN truiy chiistian-like is thûs! sed in the fifty seventhr jear cf bis ma*es mz *c.y nStaffordaltire paper. ty's reigo entitieti 'an uct te establish enlasmajesty's dutifulland 1 market in the town of Niagara, in tlie Ns. Jecti the. communs of tipper.C I)ompstic. agara district.' Provincial Parlianient assembleti On Nl:id-v th t wevth nst.An act te grant te bis majesty a surit had before ns a publie newmpaper, ~- (n asêytietwltl at is exceilea,- .teNia da n n cy the Iseuteaat governar lirocee-ded in state; money te provie for thle accomndatien tb _ga.r pcttoi. datedsaud n ta. dt t egimia-isve council climber, anti Of the legisiative éouncil and boume'cf as ed i a Niamar, Ou thl first iihat. l -bing seateti on the tua-eue, andi the hînume seiibly. 1crntineda puiblication _sin PCatisenubly prevat, bis excellency wasf To repeal part cf an act passect in the <rutiIy, dated liaar Ti' ta1 beiti1819, andi atdiressettthe t pî~<~~ e ~sctw is m-jsrvs's naie, ta fifty sixth yearof :is tàiestys9 reiga, # e ed'he ui tise uîsderm ntioncd acts, ai'ocoethe titled « 'nact t otneae-NiaaaSpec trand bvin5 b f esio iti ie oleiua.st passed in the fifty second year cf bis dai pub licaiontateuïl îaajestys reign, entitie Il 'a st te pre es nlcos nitatrul Honorable Gentlemen af thse Legisîativc en damage t travelleru on dte ighWays dstrbte eae Cotaucîl, andi in this province.' 1 ... asirecol Getlemen cf the House ef Assemnbly, Ttea ate adainitx aa rnî n mctihtmb rit S Icannot put ant cnd tu fuisesion nov in fre for, .,gout , ameâingantS orc:cln~ ilb coa Without expre*iU er ea atmaction' kee igin te~ pbi ulwy ni~drêh i attebeeflwhilynlaeoeJeretn ath -pro <*ers of thiemaid libel 11» b. puD- V~ -bis mu estyrs people, by adopting a priaci- To tepe1 part cf andi amenti an act pag'cuted for the. aidoffnce,by is 1ple in your assesment bill anti jour ruas! sed e in .foity eighth jear ef hum inajela. attorney FI M CLAN - laîr, which subjects ailt the granted and! tys reigni-entitled' an act te explain, 41 (SignedJALLAN M CEN >leaset la"d in the province to an equal nxend anti reduce te cee act of parIlmait, em Roiet Asse dtY: tbeugh 1IhéPe te me thte latter et thse saverailiaws nov bibbg for te15. théri-i Jmnsuge o A1849. t tiiese ucts stilli mpreved blv thse adoption sing and training tse- militia ,ut hs r ofthe marne équitable prinýiple cf grade..ince.To w ih bs et ieny a P' tien wliich is estabuiulied in the motiier lo repeal the several 1as ovin ore is'e tie. follawing re p countrv. relative te risng, Ievying anti Collêct Gentlerien, d our inclination yl, I1arn satiâfted, leati rates anti usaeîsçjents i atht. I salivve is ajety' il y>oute rencu-, asmearly us shahl itfounti fmrther te provide for the more lequal st'ud al e e ary ordr o1 pnssible, the assimiance wlîich yeu bave general assessinent of lands andi other ed h ees yo r: ben accustomedti tu-ff;)rd tilp. îegs opulent rateable property ' tlsrougbeut this.pro%,-: jur address. classes eobis majestyl's faitbfui. subjectsInce. I runee for the education of their chiltren;- andi 1 To repeal part oetsant amenti thelse nIrs eott & h ave ne doabt the vîsdom utf pardi ennove oc 'rethi!ia pbi col thse n o on a due consideration erthUe subjet tésvea isrcsChohi rvite It wilindflth Ue means et rendering i, andt teextsend thse proviiions oetthe ane, o ;w ceo Sfer more rugai grant than lias hirétofore An act te affl)rd relief te Abner Chapiri. - taken - d [t beena ia ktit- pee toiast e- GruntinY to bis njesty an additions! Ilrcsuit as inet y . . ,quaily beneficial inet IL, .dut>' où sti le suses! for the distillation 0cf Il- 1 Yeu have conulted vith laudable 1ýW_ spirituoua-.LîqomtrslsdtwScr ieflw ,y ~. respctable chré tann the manner ie whick certain wôod. 0 mltia servce, in encahling mç t ord en stilîs shail b. aned luths have a-v te an>' of its Inernerrs a, pot yt l' epa rtoUfttelasc i e obtaining in time «dpeceý ht p o n~. i umpesi dtuties on goeds, var.- n ier.se ly at hïm ova raqust, the vrdct et a chandiemported intothn(a m Ccourt mtirnsid bu have a thUe mte the United Staltea of &ni~ j turne relhevea eti ne the ieu 1eaaitne- uterrglatiena fer Wt cessl rna bovinueveroci.ontde- this proviac sud thsUe u1 t ata#a e cille hy te tii 1b <eidete, ngaacjmriclby landi andl iniqutid vga 4 by the. sanctîty of an ne,. êetneat c Geutbâti-O eAtoin.-...6l, the 4fty; Si*IIyeir Mli es 1. 'Us k yhnin the unie of bis en ctted aact t«rexivea ttf'âL .1 nea ctpassedinluthe. &ty "0 gr eof ks aades'rSep enttid<n'- ser etice 0< sue ensuing year, and ietitif amena su set ecoagradulate y,« that téplan whi<h hm otuu beeàad"Wfor mtiMthe zpente bt>' eighth year of bis-4i4je been dutetoy U..g fio c tid0< 4 'auact te cottqlte &n - ?r o otdstaecelufe. ot i fi a Y, L* :0 lez ren auaten *hiei4 in or theto Man y.--bi 1-l. Iye *OW à mir are e prmmteea sr.,f~~m o( that dl tario 1 whiert anU the aui mente1 tued: An aci

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