I 4 Att ti clthe cf tii.fl.t ! t s opýQ e toeetbeir 14:knowlolgçoeentà a: thdn%.jb, rtihand mmurecedented c, ~ or .t7thtmnetgb»àjtignt has e Penenbw4kom an enlHghutdil ic.Au Mt the saiêtethe iy coogrtu tethefr fé Jou cdmtla" athe inhahitants oM thege pe vinces gcnerafly, on the complet. attaimmel ofthe.object tthscn>pqny, ns asboçiate x*r I't~etiispcef1six mj#iti roi r _"y thé. o&ie vasopened, premiuns o!rmene a&ainst fire were loweredi le" iman haîf the former 'rate,; and at th ittomejit-m imaqhswànce, propertv i s s thr h ratesof prenm .ichatza twelvemonths ago! That ti, thezQmbec Fire <)ffieli- ,e ted tii, indisputabl-Ir7cannot tnerc fore bc too strongly inculcaie or ton cfte need, that to support tht. company ta th ut taid terpaver, by giving them a pre re illnurnes intendedto beee 5~t~~.t c~tinue their exertioni aM Ioneqientyrof preventing monopoly and a à einOe to the former exti aiagan rltes of premini. For the. prompt XM honorable settlemen of ail loues, the Quebec Fit-e. Office offlù yoSztbe aecurity of neariji threé- buiii.edo the muot respectable of your fellow citizens ezex4 sn .lagfs o oney in the pos seSsioe of the directors for suddcn e nergeii cies; No delay or indulgence will bç requi. ted, nov any unworthy evasiéns made use c lu the fuiflment of their engagement the mo. ment that a los, la aacertained. *Tltis company wiIl continue to meure pro. perty in, RU -parts cf tRese province,, onith Mosit moderate termes. * And the direcer. have the utmost eoati« * dece (W ita discerning putblic w*11tur.vermi. ly and heartfly coin forwufttiwrapp6ft ofMsi in«sttuIo whose-future exertions can aline maintainand tender permanent the great id. lmntagt t as ha.n goshort a period beer prodeivecftathoceuntrv at large. Quubec lrtr#>Ihe. Mav 24, î819. N. B. Applications for insumrnce to bc *madte to the subocriher. agent in Montreal. 14 -ADAM L. MXACXIER. NO nc E SThereby given. that ail persons indebted te tRhe subacriber are requested to settle their noctes sud accounts by the first day of Çc$ofma next, as all those remidning unset- tiad tm' tRat date, vil i ndisctiminatelv bc pnt intothe banda cf an attorney for coilec- don. And l al those. having any demande against biin, am. rquésted tu prMent tlîem for ad- j fWl MAS PARK ER. NOTICE ~~~lwnt a il prasindebted W tb teRraof Ta ' 01= and rker, bockaceount Or note) ayrrqcuest- udt. cossefor ud d ettRe the 4ame vitit 4hscibe r rinmedlva.y-.m aaftev the St-at dg# eofltoW r neg~r.the viioe remainin un- àtthdll âdiaerhnàWaey bepet loto thie se ~IOheuimg azty demande against ate, botapresent td*ustment. urvug partner. ove e.tlcad against pur- h.md5 Uic erty of Jona- *II~byAiler KilhoMu t said ofth ai May 1815, which #oliuim..he face o wc h a MeU. zERrHaoNo. ciguel 4 141 o's LAMBE8c WDONEY.L. Opitthe NMarkee, King Street, 4Sotaent of DRY UO<>DS, atong fh m ~BiowIdnt.ticles, z, crape ntn Crape catiohIris aid t r ann m d oGud uilqmadL Y W at lc 4MbaS Gem m.Tdrd -ii gît#s~ V q n t U I ~ L I M I 9 . x ~~Pain *sTraLN Iii from éeight nd frointneua Ç whseh givaa ul. f~idea of *oih Re' ï "te e n- b al, olsa anmd below deVW1ysfemmait - n s o n r y o i p d % 4 . e 4 l l i t 7r 4 I a f U * u - r resdenice or îiUàLTlWaêCe to One. other riew tpI~b ahk ,e- r eDS edemnr t h ma Ir.Wilson',.(a. called) whch i Wo i& d«d ois lrffl MWIhd~t &MI lu-a poqition near and initsiatey p1 a Canada, pourront amver 1 ub te Fals; and shoivingan* true a forai e a e Oe td ecuqJ ei i the. hor4e-shoe, (so named) 'penrhapa, a: cqu daml la Haut PZOIIAa aat4e 2go"Èedi b. fi~'m iher positin. - m41stafratilaq épriodu tes retour ~ n 'M front t h e Tabl5Rockl, wich se feront. C oalme l'on donne plusdi ,l gîves a very fitil and the iaoat erfect teins qu'il ne faut- pour transmettre le view of the entire sheets of trater cr tRie commfunications à Qtzebec, dles -posterte. Britsh ad Amlicn Fala, lîatany plPus éloinés, les affidavits des Officier s 'aition possesses. Tlhisa4ao einbraces tRhe qut n'arvn"a ita.pu teic :9, estabi isin ent of Mr. Street, ('Iarke, &c. pores dans ces retours, resteront jusqulai Y. One otiter viewv, from opposite the Amner- perto<Ie du pavement suivant . t ican Iadder, which presenta a9 just idea 0t Bureau du CotmisaireGeneral,- the American and Briti atsaintroduç Que~>c !1r 89 rthe establishmnent of Mr. Stréet'à lf,~O oronHl-aiCnd f -Ne. Clarkes, «c. givitîg, at the saune »n1fceio Ul-ayi Caàl 'SI in perspective; the American Channel, the 'rTi dhsi'ed lhat Officers receivlnghalf 54 settleement of JucIge. Porter, On the Ameni. I pay, or military pensions. through.the ri- can side, the interspersed istands and a Comminssariat, in Canada,. wiil transmit te i- distinct view of' Porters Bridge to Goat their st*rAl Agents, at Quebec, tlteir affi. 'or the Great-Island, wlîîcli sellarates the drivits in truplîcate imniediately mfter thé -twe great sheeta of water. "' tienty-fourth of the péruiwl when theii - One view front the Aierican Ladder, hilf-piy becmes due; s0 that tRie affida. Le whiclî (rom its situation presentaa.à more vite cf officers residing in Lower Canada jutit ides cf di.elieiglit of thie,.waterfall, shail e rri fQbccefor eti01, sud - whale it introduces te view the two sheets tliese cf officerà reçiding iu the. Upper -of wterîtan auj otlier position, perliapti, Province hefre tîe twentieth f thi. fol f romn which, they cari b. ta ken. . - owing mentit, at which perind the. returna le One other view front the top cf the A- will b. made ug. As more thîn suficient làmerican Bauk, whiclî give% the true lune finie is given for communications tu reach and formation of the American Fait, the 1 Quebc fCromn the most distant posta, tRos. division!betièen tht and the Britiah, anid officerg' affidavits which do net arrive in e a distinct view of tile latter fronithte east. tme te be incorporatcd in flicse returns, Also,,oee ther view fromt Gnat lsland ; must remain over tili thi.eliuâingà period this, frein itî situation, tan only intebd4uce OF pyet ti. ritish, or great (ail cf vater: it hoîv- Cmmsry Gpneril'a Office, ever, represents te scenery and great falh Quebe<e, Aarclr i, 18 19, 2M6 with fine effect. Devotin IIom tintîi October, Ne- FOR SALE. veinher an5liecember asf, in perftecting FOUth. unexpir-ed termi cf the Lease, tRi4- delineation and tria, perspectve of w lich isseven ycars frointhtRi first oft these views, Mr. Wentworth was flattered Ma y ne'xt, the prermises at pregeut accu- by the. remît-k. cf the )Von. Thomap;eby the subscriber, facing the mar-ket CMarkc, resudent near the Falls, amd.by stae, beint situated on Lot No. 46, and unany other gent lehleat in, that onngM s. Smith & Butterwirt, on that cf tîte mati> views they aaccu nthe street leading front Mr. Robert Walk- attcmpted. these were tRie most prect," *r'a hotel to th ii. ruv. The bui ldings on he received from the hon.'lThomas Clarke, thie premises consiat cf a lam. liante Mr. Street, Maj. Leonard., (near the, fails) floute, tweo, taries high, wel finuahed, ga- Thiomas Diron, and J. KerbY, EsquivebI for ten herses, and aima a bake houa. the. Mr. Hamiltons, Secord, Bizgar. and witi a god oven in complue order -the sundry Ientlemen cf Queenston,-the Bou, yardwvell secured. Win. Duxon, 1. Svmmnington, Esq. and'ma- Ihe place is weillvotthe bi attention or ny entlemen o( Niagara, their certified any baker, oria persan desirous cf k g opinion -ofth Re correct representation a public house. For firther partaLIr1 vhtti thesa views ai,rd, and rccommend- appi>'ta. the. subucriber, on tie premk 1 iniç theun ta thos. unicquaint*-d vitli the se&. 1.- scener>'. D. MACDONALD. Tegentlemen above Meunrated-* --t g*n4w» 7, 1819. Tt thr wih ayohrhvcnfme opinoncf- tho correctniesi cf fIese O S L mîny "iiets have onfit8ed i dclinmreation t lyiiecouung -suMNu-bem-a for amintJie~TE.1M.fOAT Frmi.. one or more copies eîch: and te rendier it tenac-enquire at titis oiîce mtore in hie power te do justicete ftie lib *aegeCuclOlke,? cmai patronage hiehba already receive& Yorisk, iSîIa .pril, 1819.F Mr. Wentwoéffi purposes befere h.e com.-FR~E pet-lad for proffer to Icate the pletes the p Jtings subscribeil for, te de. Iprivlege ôf"tak ngove on the Cm-eu vote tuoeXiig in the. city ef New-York, river, is extendad tf0 Mlx montha t'r6m titis for improveaaent in tisai art of thce art of datein ordoer to aFord timne te CHARL19S painting in. w/ic . e i léfcient, mand fiat- FovnmiticLL, Esq and otlier*, tu - make ters hinseif .thf fthe dola>' occaioncd pecific proposai$. iharc expected, ma- tlereby, will b. ampl>' niade up te uhs pat. tRer .te secure the. a utage of!tron. works Irous, in -te excellency of the paintingae tian te t-aise a revenue. and'the efFect which his.,Viewa of tt B' re ! sEcelayfb iu Faits vwilii reducer H. takestdii.method Gev. in Council. ýgive the information ta those concerned, JOHN MALE,, Clerk Ex. 3ouncil.- ad iL di. saime ftne ta solicit aa secrip- tion &ô~motiiers. whose nanies lie liasnut SlýIKIIFF'rS 1ALE. yet been honorcd viith. *1d1.-ml-v-,Jy virtûsef a rit of 190. AProspectus is 1eR tithe- itor cf Disfrit,Ç U.ecution, issued oufto thia paper. The prices Vary, according ta flusaï"~ety% ourt of,-Kiog's Bench, andl thie ize of' thc painting wîîîîed, sud are tomme ciireced ai tRi suif of William very uuodrae. To trtoe prices lie vilI blendein, Rbrt Arihour and James . net quider humself bound te aditere for Ifendai-gan, al*"ut fRi lands-miii feue- ayýslsaiptio erte1setof. Jul>', as niants of' Jobna ~Esquiree Iliave tfa-0 lie te undej the impreasiou tht the.improve. kenami an ecù=ufïri bel te tfiea ment le viltiimae, alded by hi. greaf de. said John Stu4 f lftes u=,re acres, sire to do justice te die subjeçt, viii coin- in the. fownshiret' Âuaeliaaburgh. in thie muîd an aîlvsnce in price. cotant7 of Prince Edwavd, mid District, Au>' comnmunication ft Mr. Thomson, bain& qtsIs93,-94, 95,97,.98, 103. 104,- h'm. persons eamditnc.yu . nd. Mod 1îo$ Wa,«âICogScuajn...AIsve bd te; but subscripfioasa ill Dot b.iabRi- bu.d . inthe. frpit of Amh#u&l.- laor n it part of' r. Weiit*QW~t,to an4, bu - ç'mm .- %~5, 2t;mallah tif7 unIeu. one fSofth e i.subscrp. i-r(-<s N. 7-th, wvheie -ofwhidu J lon Price inpald in advance. vii bÏ,ru4d t PithutoAuctm-tt tIi. - ne Hum. Allai, Maclean, (te whom a Coht fume liift-h& towu o! Kingatonou eference foropiinion, may hmd) lias men Sotaid>' *e 18M i4my tt0< u , bremof -the.Vieras in question, &ûi laa wie.'lolu u teom Uis~ ibscribér for-coptes. -u .ldu1f11.o lamsrm hea PRlCDS.&aIsd, .oranj per t ! thm re ag * Onl pamiUu mou anvm. red te Make the au"o knowe atm of 6 &et ii engfli, Varniahedct pe pi-tot tithe V, f ale. rom ,QN WLIAX, 4fet - -- - jr ~ 4II23D 4- - - 14 KII5tuIdmchAr9. 8 Q 4 -> . & . b o a a l o p ç i p o e d u n i l M o . '1t ! lemTu -uqso 'Y4 uthman zCSlpt et 5 1î.i.aD £i4i&o. Pl. ApI't o .Fm'rjustwho iM [JJIT 'lte fiÔudh Ii dydsaÉ. > U v'r eu can r.<ej7,ty proving mnufual conset.J. .imnL F s ry p Z, Kingeon, pi 20, 1819, -Kingston, Ma'- 29, g819. Rxete onnciljie, u Yos-, 89t/c Dec. 1818. iS OTICE la hereby ven. th"t tiie Exet- Dragat, Patira and Sta-i -4 cutive CoaLncilfa' , aFar c tti po vince, will assemble in the folloiug <ep unS T ORER. lte !ensuiinZ year, ta take inttounsdçrtiun N.pAWU&C app lica tiaà on imand m att as th ,. e On Weditesday thje thez liberal support thev hgve 1sth & 27th Januai-y, their commencement l further continuance ofuli 1Oth & 24th Eebruary, ving receutîy recived aui r îth & 24W Mïrch, îe&~ ~th&1stAilat th. siga cof the GPLD 2nd 16th Sr 3thJlune, tL-rt f> sem r 4th &'28th JuIy, more complete tRi ay I lth & 2Oth August, rZ Ia~~~Si the~ * th &à2Und September, t lto jrý athey- Oth &-flhOctoberiag, k%* ~a "ply cf the ad & 17th Novembei-,DRI8 ME Ist 15th-& 29thi December, By orties-oà t xceUeuy, ptn T/se Gete-iorm- JOHN 8M~LL. - d 8uxlphuric Juirt Received andi Foraak,.at hif Water aéd OU(ooaes Ojice-Prce leawami8<1. t TESermon preachd b>' the 'lateo! aimait e&r ku, 'ygrudin oU !T Rev. Dr. SPARK, ini 4h. Sotch: fitted fotrtebt = L -,ic= Chut-ch, a Queb., on thedaybf hie death j ortment of on the teit Gen. xiv. 24. "Se that you filA <ia.»t.ig àjCi?*à g et ouI bjthe va>'." TaJ, thurviflandth recidFanerai Sermon, prahton thie follouiug Suaday, b>' the. Liueed jCsri~. Itev. Mr. Wilkte. 7th DYE-WOODS ,4vI »/e IIGSTOX~LIB .R y, BOOKS sud PAT%» U open'at the Court.Hom Cotton TiaWh& evr odyadThur&dayfrom ere subscriptions fer reodiag vii b. ta- A cam-lete ua«uaft a ken at Tèirty Shilliugu eren G~ D g! k ~ mhlbglup er q earr am ia bop T so sleu t ie umeua, atiti& uou r ubscritin. -------- Ile a.tnual subscription to be pa'_d on thêflràtMinondalclêbnext; the ar-, The present proprietol amr 1irdf psy their amraraes, ta take up ve gumn. eau from the begioning.; in defait of par ment, their shirt s become forfoited. Ali moni.. te b. paid te the Treasurer, Win. Mitchell, Esq. vatgrf. 89 Lv Mr Stuart; Allan Macleéan.E&q. TItomas Markla q Lavrence lRerR5q MuhnKjhby, Fan Tr.uupg, W. m mitu*tuitýýâq. &fcestrg, Jo" er»ason, Euq Libraruan, Richari d vere, -8tf A FARM FOR SALE; D JOININO Hy ay.luthe Town.- Aship of F"edksbugh, the Baut etf cf otu 2,'li Ith.Second cosesie, coutaining 100 acres, andhablu¶tbut 40 &Ores under amItiration. witu a ob ouae id barn mpm it, F6ée t s ' jl te Curnwa . VAN, 81 Mmd lJ.¶vanpmr nev and elent asgne i~ LeWt, Stvaw Bmeiets,,.& fashions. SPanlsh >SegersPaper i bacco, Scotch, Rapee t M s . urne mu ~1j 'A M5D i tai-sos- il. MT a.bu7, hm WeybAv toà oT&êp ji r, -* *~ *~. - -'Ltr~ - - t b A r ,-. i lv' 'p At~ Lii" W.H. Jais' ~'LM.I r4, u~1