- ~i-.~-~,4-*. Liî( b ¶ieaudto-à te- tmfeo n"o, thditnding al? 1 it me ubide solicitude fuor Wlbo an calculate an tire (or- p S* eOugay spaita might 1. ark, dewnmad path of hu- sub iaah~lie in accompa. ~~~wmuy gdlliug Mortification% te "nid N Mao st Ls tee st1 ugmb& withs asiin. lHe madie1 Pj 'Au.! *e4d th. bear i e f11. iismedradierIo be1 aieIyaa4o ei? p- ,atdeti le, *tsire oflôt -. ~ edpoerm'ut"nhatçt Wben vod aine pratilytouiednc iMVsod iati-ets ipt n itisot buhliltioo-then y91 be thie'eral.,ai 1; But,'aadl,'nowthatyotilaegoto- verdite sevenest iashtirat if breaklnhg It eh --11M. the-iéorer yen loet the e d mbite1 4 'se-hehstte.a s o huàràmamy b. vartt1mri; bith«nitini a single miery, m!soon over a ; wvreas yen othervise sufler i-licaticipatIo. ovey heur in tise day. litiI. ot povoty, on mach as p, Stenc iaiffia uies a -nd ----truqe -mtwm-apreud min4edOW ttpaust serqucoamo te an ed- rai evot !is shr st ming O L -asolist 1foùeahçwasonîýYaîipzistoc He hnefse ami td ammItc sat i e hé.!boowu s h.iid atday im. ttuh* asltw tnelas.!tr. thisle icldeo aed %. om lim!be hmover an-o e d eit.alaairy ina ut as m ginet lic cot tage step ukaa leard-and Mary -camé tripping, -of tke LICTy éand...fa.. .....iabm, 4 forthttiot Sa bSe vas n a pfttty ru. provtddfor tue leoemplisment of thu UIidtie eaW t 'i dress of whie; a few wid lovers obj#cL -(Yww forefliber hvM bu - e10111o9ifdi14Sl Werem twiàted in her fine hait; a fredi boom hçnore&d with tihe. grtitode 4".y dieur, dpuomib IIoIIIII11y et thea emineot faîin wu \in her cheek; lier vhole cpuntenance for liing at the period'ofthe refoiin- pleLt&avng ,tott ab"~ Ii e bemed ith smies-1 lad nover seen ber tien laid openi thoé beavenly treasures toejhniwed mii çai t .~d euppr look ço lovely.ti.ee o h«peto 'Cliee e ofo!thi esweetive govemmeUt& -1 4t u ,a '.My dear George,' crieti she, 61 am to ub oes 1tiy ued, hoo4s ere faune thoèë asaciati ooi. ami týnm glat Yomi are crme; 1 have been w a eti, an oIir retuxl*s ad ped fer pÎib. ýpio7Sd ndor tbUÏweeeclt m anti warirorjrou; aà rnin iotin af,18delr ttr. tishe-b satytrno cîh thre 1a nto atfir- u.emp ml~e.de od pa., oaritt-- met ti~at.ble under a beautiful tre . eaiin hkMwoledge of tÉlbi e, tili fu ,hi gf e tie crfta* Ia * hinti the cottage; ant i've been gatiiering vithn i at elast fiTty yoaëm he n n (munig ri1y aa mituor;ir vIN. one tif t',e most deliciois travberries, creaod -attention -to education brou itthe blet; te pro4uo0gcermet e ii e for 1 know voit are fond of ihemt-and we mnds oflthe commuon people mure oeten. Schptugres ini thre ,araouslI et have ach' elin errani-anti evety sively Int cultivation, and multipiied *ie euti; andite open. çiinnela or th* tir- a b7- wl thing la go o aet and i i uherc-Oh !' aid, readers of the Scripturês te a degree ho- cuiton a", imonelofpeoiplie, vhs éâIae f sihe, puttin lher atm vithin bis, adl-yood ail fgrmer ezatape. T otIi.. and*ý\f rmanou..ave ing up bigtiy in is iface.' oh, wvo shahlie uer casses ef £Lnilaif operation, may be..M& r l ,q"*Orteti se gnug!- ascribed thre usperrestiniation 1nté A tics it is- ploYed iniditei o or esivain fec l auh wic heSures have arises of rate hgoU e lier to hie bosom-he 'olded i.ara a- yearu,ad the sirng disposition whic6 fK W 115 Ob round lier-he kb-seuliher again and aMain tIuhais esmaimfcted te prom>qte theif.. ailhhnact tt a l*rwrmt sfo -iecoli o peak, but itomguhd r _an rcption aniong ail erders eofMau i#h trp M t s.uoad hM*p inte liii eyos. Andi ho buaoften asis l locie$y. Ati l.nuham -xpediernt vas de pOidiM7cp lb.8L I9Vilet..w me, tirat thauglir the worid bas &Ince gone vised of equal sinlicitydFlrlitandi LeonDéand tis v eni nder tire tMin.- 1 eeruit iihiOI, andi lis lhIe hansdo , for c himp iîim oroo >du.pagna of theîreumpei ma seru. b~e a apy oe.yet nover>iras hoe pe- naW. whkh pffirdes eenhia v o cnam- or; andof nie ut icnl ripnëed a momrent of ailcir unitterable (e-I rehentifl net ely thseinhiritïQ aItbeý Caledon, lUm te p inm- icty.- rih lempror the polation of 1hm4.. boue tiïluàsoii toi * It<ndorn, buttirle whole fintily o4,Men_ý. effetual iviiiha dn, fer [By particular request 4e publish thre fol- 'bis expedient vag ta -circulitte t1le sa- ,ciîristiaiiiing tàt- dark jwTs4 Îpor lowing 1'Brief view of the re itih-a4Foreign cred tert, spon which thre christians -in -tien of tiegiIn a Ame ii ljo uhS% mie swmity, and ith nat tihe saie time, general are agrei, and to which tirey a,> of the society la prosecl ltel th rtile btCatiO1f- the vimir of thre gentleman who furnishes us.;peal an tirir corumon atandard, vitiroat mcieties of fiova'scottaý ait %Iifaz,. wltiêk"or human interpretation, citiusorc -twelIve brandh ir eties, bos thse i t vkhk, hatucltos u Loer anua i~ment.TIlle proposition vas accededti PictoYaraotia'tvrpiidtsevi. -di pbesedo gveb irtecstngan i'tclv~end practiC4lty adopted by a respectable, rai in the Caiadas, and ose atIi cbce .- itie i place i their respective papers.]. Ibdy, consisti.ng of mnoîners front a va-us A national sncety lis recesttly beenst- 31,W !i LoIiox, .luly 1,igt18. cotnmunioaof mfe&<ng ciristisns-; su<l 4ised undlea"e-titi. of lie A rCa t 'be Briçf vi the Bitihc.Freg i.i u asrecommenwatio 'pubieopatrong we ~>OS'c1t' lih itir le cfte Soiety.d orig B-and support in tire year 18w4, under the ypS lf it l&iO, iUIJ 0>milial désignation of,, The British and Foruigna ries unitedti iemelves; ad the total PRZsî»zirr-Riglit. Hon. Lord Teigo- BN oit. uhro il a ç »àteVt- mouth. -'7he institution vus regartietiwth ton- ..ted States ei~eedu i'>x). ail prdc4ed, by t Vacz PR£itÙlS~Ts.'-Right 1on.-tthe arcir-, sderale ointereat. 'To/some intleeti it ap- the evâmipie-of -theo1Britishi andi Foreiîn bihpofCashel. hon and rigtit rev lord, pcared so duultful ail exiýe ment, that Bible Soteýty, ar i -in blararnony.vmith- lt, An Act t biehop qf Diram, righit rey lord biuhopL Of: tiey -egui tie th nevailed upO~ on e *istîiorculcnll îZid by is findé, Iii formai S.lbrriglit aev bihop of Chacheuter, ,mnléuiatelvu iv au.hetil val tieWs Idettire, auxlùiarysre igu rer lord bishap of Norwic h on sud ohr, nitioen t etria - l e peo«Mlr a laaé,fieo regyt lord b hop ofGlucs 9 ' grtery persuasion. uîàw in il tire -gera nof Britishr colomit a ta i iâ ii ai a 'rovlor hlmop~ hiiste, rgfri10%lor cirishn concord »aid pial hpies Barbi!os,a bôliopo!StDaid', rlgit rev lirid bliîP anti rallieIud ata aadd of i-dti te iii ýr _pfpMboho f id o,170:101 tsastand bo.le atya 4pfC M rnela.vryoed ea tadpe ! nd. fir sba, ietire Batveyea.e ual .! Ilord biglt oa aiLiepol, fiatetre LodiePeidtt.fu couuomtytu.; h etO léioin Ifft 164 ! ir tearof4c Clogthon ed ad paroniteifoi actido-l toi cale Rune tv rl t h sarI o t ar opis e @ jlnui ioeetosaiacniii by, i-osientof tre cuticl ei ln arto'ainod a raid oacetalm i 'Lt ) de l .., mea-af loGainb e ,ngitloy ' nu 1-treior - Fr ., . oaieei s*1 ote mwii lasii ehauello aI xcirquer &cIgt o u n dai cent1eatiof tia s s eratcireth epust,vrcl spabilo p asd'~pj bseclcai rgtboneuOf ivtroban ht. f Vice ibm. I Sîa.-Ix.aroseu brèyn~nr- 4 1ia Wloforh ,estmry . . Clîarl onesj an ro is etppfrn e orétr ul- hv se 1ito ent, ofS1 oianue biti t uer t lar v- it.plcan and h coirioti ofilt c eadcleti TrVink, miri mbu- eeo ht Oluioni, ordKtHe otd-athe ei and wiky isias ig.; rfnrn sbisai o! ltr uhr Ae.righ had col as, attrt, M.aP. ti y tire protaptiuder andi ibrte tiâ.re uthor, audner heir1o<tr e i chaceie o e(guraii &c,érevila Ut bon i cn oprt.ionte aids r as *qe sto ninuw.i.~U~fc ILA.~~~~~~~~~~ Retro ajsamiux e15 i miiefoe ut rin pe hc ieaoanl.sn.éi Josopir raglieaeM. A. a kb,& hottiîoh d, 'na l oclbnprvhand.oamy>~ CipEuropea, tire ;uaut14isehtu ole.inaiu-th~ e iItéyo, aigutie eno o! tamve. ch, Sa-e yat or Osertien. e~rosavr.Tr odmn tMtln;a sadwi, osoç-tt.> Bit.Jospir~.'~"aU Sri *ti t ewinc e ed h .Iosf t:he mal, . hr1uhth 1 nz..s & Grant Esq11onés %bngW@ E&q %visartosecuilÈ* at ésfthe - -t--- i.. Ievemcm 4=m 11héh menatt = iuh iisiii*y, cnbu ew. t..~t* r t? ~ rioesbd unS bthass té di*ttfromnap. tilles o? 4Tpp~t Caoad& to repeai pét oftk~ lavp nU~ im £IlIU5FIlot /. f..