Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 10 Aug 1819, p. 4

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TO TÉItfL. I L Mthnt* te tý?!5t: I1UO 10W ida4V~id ~ it8it8~1ITir V13ad lbelow t he iU loAes the day th eý'î nePeim ti imrmnoesvkiat v ere lowered t.Oneother Vi W froitheauppebmkaak r*e dcni reu ns le lau honhaN ho ovrer rI~*; ii~'a tii~ .WiIonla{iw <~t~ ~ j ~~fiIaii* d*4 mrs ui r* a a momUent bin myInuta*E., prwperty is insu- apoition near &AniùàWiiFuiIteli gpm fia ~ id~ oron rie ee md t ruderiathsithe rates ofp el h ais nishwn s ,eac in o là fse. et -de ceux q«' résident reUi rgie Wtte &tr-ad ' wnaî tre) a 'rian a0a1 rvicavant le 9'iOmc. o Ibo oargiid twelvc menthe ago! That thg: the 0erae I.e (ePI4-ha i can f, ~<s eidulsreen sfhr t tgQciri Office hm à;ë.-u -lï- T or OnaViw fr&%a4e_ able -Rock. wbh 1 nemu london J o m w o w e . p i their t n o t ve w v r > o i - m s e r e te rn q n e fa u t jp o u r t a s e t e at"a"f pwlb7 li va Ifthe entire sheets o éoiga i li cm néeum l es c, f de ls pafiter - tete n mimmrnsaituddto a ecBritish andi American Falls, that any ro- p n~et4nsle fdvtsus(>ice' ted agwu i re. in the sel- cflectuat meaux m itiomi posweues; -This alto embraces m qui n'aMvent.pal & terni pf ftrincer- of enabling them te c neuu thear exertions, establahmentof %Ir. -Street, ClareIkI&c. pors dans em re#uru, resteront jusqu'ai unI omu4iuetlycf eentnff nonpol>, Oeott.xvawf~ ~pp<,jerioda du m~îent suivant. mni!a ftectuenCe t$p tii.former extravagant cn.ader oih premrt *js daof B acn< <nîaaeG'enrl _nm or cfPrio" .the.Amcritan and lBritish fails, introditcesQub.le lr,189 Frtii, ploupt mad honorable gentIemient the establislîmeat of Mr. Street'& Mi lis, Tlo Mfiers on 11iaif- Pay in Canada. dafl ossêdhpQb.c ire Office ILrs ,~ fse ~R~M.iIWUee. Il rcof Mr. CIarke's, fr~. gvinat the sait dîne, fellow eiien ~ perspective. the Amnerican Chîan ite seired that Off cers rceivinghalf- -xttec a gtuo atie>' yln the lios- settlemnent of Judge Porter, on the Amen--ILpay, or military pens~ion% ,tFhrougb, the sea.i ite dIte faïl cdd n ergen- eau ide, the interspersed isianidsansd a Comrmusuarist. in Canada, wîiI trnumit te cierl. qmnmo qi-, Wqbi- di-iitï6 iew «ofPortee'. Bridge t g to eitaverit * eat Qtebeethei4' Te.u a eor imy vâfomWae une of or the Oreetlsland, wbmch *çparatcu the davrits ini tripiieteimediatelY after tise mmeuftnurenagsmmnttecmo- two great lshcetg of vater. tventy.foubhofthe tperi hn hi Citnet p, One view froni the 4merican Latider> ha- f-a Lcmeoue ea heaid- n otfeep vm~sp>the wieh rrosu ifs situation presants a 'oré vite o 0 finra residing l Lirnana * tkt- idea orf thc beght of th ite trNfitilla arimvë ïf-Quebec belore the luth, and .bavé 4hettmnost confi- fwhile it introduces t view tbe two sheets iose- of officers re4iding in the Uppe lciiiuttiverul. éwae) than any -utlîe oiioprhaés. Province hfoue thitweàtlet te fql iIltronm whch jthe> cmo le taken. lovring mendiât which peried tfwreturnu ~whrnefutre i~itina..ea aine One ther-view from the top of thse A- ylleaoe~ smr ia ufcei ,,iQimithattrehum mu se the a pe ad.;. mercanank, whicb gives te trime une t tre is given foir co<iînuiicatioos te reach premiIlve 6o theUiccountry at large. 1lformation of Ilb. Ainerican iFai, thfQ.bcfip ienutdsatpttoe .iQueec TrcO~lceMa>'24, 81. iimn betwepn thgt*Mn the Ilritis, nd officers' ~a,i6 sh!eb do out arrivç- in- 'W. B. Applcationus for insurance ta be a distinct view (if the lalrer front the east bict i ncoprtd nteerewrns, stuade tethe tusriber. agent in Montreal. Alon. one oherview frnmtGOttlsatad;,timuet-remain over tilt the ensuung'peiod 14, ADAM L. M.a-cNTDE.R.- thist, froin t situation, can orlv intruduce df naynient. NO IEthe Bru îish, or great fail of water : it bow- Comiasa O eneral's Office, cicr, repregénts the cen.ery and, great foJ *Qb4 Xarch i, 181j9, 2m6 tbat ail pbsonis indebted with fine ffct, .-tufr v =et5 - an arereq.ue-teî1 ta settle mvoimone timae in Octuber, No- FO)R S ILE. tgott vUc dY fvme n cebrlu, nprutn OR the unexpireti teri of the Leàse, Pu ~m au Bt hIniremni < stm the, delincation and trige, perspectve of1 w hkch igs even pars froin the first of .1r t e, wil isdiacmin<>atevbc teeves r Pmo t e iSso natonyfrcle- s iwM.Wpntwomrth was jlattered Mat next, tkt pretummes ct prement occu. fsien - b the remarke of the Hibn. Thom"s pied by the sabsriber, facing the. marketÉ Audl &Ultise . aving any cemants against UMarke, reasitent near the Fails, and b>' ear, boing Pituatati on Lot No: 46, anul0 bimtam r req etot pregient thym for ad. mati>'nother gentlemen in thui tviinity, jon eu.Sitih & Botterworth, on» juutamcnm. THOMAS PARKER. - that af the many 'vies they bati seen the street âe1g from Ifrr. Rbert Waik. Betîvitie, Mtbine. 181. 1 attemupteti, tbee mawcre te meut perfect, rsolteherv.Tebidnsn im~rccive frinthehon Thna Clarke, th premises consist of a large -frame1 %Ir. Street Maj. Lionardi, (near the file) l#we two stories high,,weIi finixhe<J, #a US erebvigvmn%,tàt ail pacsons indebtea nTomes i)ixon, anti J. Kerby, Esquirres, bc for tan horse, and aIso.a balte bmu«e -a.teth. e " o f 1Tansd Park-r, the Mr. Haiâlîons, Secerd,*Bigxrandi, iit a KOW ovenlceplt ret Coether by bq* fucpimt or.*ite) an~ requct- sudr ntiemnof Queeîiiton, flue-Hon. yard wuA' secureJ. gte ww ianmtle th. emuno, vit1 ,jn xo;. ningtqE. and ma.- :ihc pacecis wel we the attnino ogo,Çe woleregnini < ce gentlemen ef Niagara, their cartifieti any baker, or apersanfftroui cf kceping tY be psCIU~ ufm Pt loto the, opinion o the correct' repreeentatioii a hulc ege. For furtiier particularu ý ent.sThegetl, enaboie e__________t_-__________________-89. r ThePRKR _y_________have_________ grether with nian FORer, av cnfrict ~lvI1e. ltl Jan, 119. 5n6 their opinion of the correctaeu cf these FR A.E dciineations, by becoming aubseribérè for T Otar-uir aiti bisM-OffiPc u-e NOTICE. one or more Copie. cacha anal.te rentier it tnç-euirathiOfce re A.pereiar-*eecetoo - gamn u 1-more in bis poier te do Ilastice tf0thli , RsstvCouneu fi,? ~ijuga note dâiAnd, te propertv af lana- erai patronage he hbasalready ieceied, dl'itthJ rui i 9. Ç Pa '1 Alleni, qiven by Ailier Kilbor, int saiti Mr. 'ntot purposea bfer he com* " HPU Rio profler to leste thel- All m «stme the lamOf Ma>' 1815, which pletes the paintngi sul4arbe4 or, te de- . Iralg ftktgoeo i.Co va l i ;ypoueon-the face of which was vote two menthe ii fthc cit>' of New-York. river, is extenutetl te six monthe frein this 35 dollarsasd given et Sacket'# Harber-foimremnli r IS.rtfdaeioteràal'dtieteCALS' aaldnteabmc. Rf aiinting in.wh - t, tand Bat i- oTsaaGI&L, Esq. and uthers, J telie tKngton. loir 3.1819. tees himuscf -a yr oaied saeciteo proposaois, which are expected. ri- 10 aithu teÉiMp t e tmeusere the .tdvantage of uson works NRW GO'JDS. roti, al hnec f ficpaintingu iptan te miluea revejmne. LAM-& iM'DOMEL L. Jandi the etfect Wich his Vievi cf tihe By ordor of 'bis 5tielency the Lieut Market, tking Street, 1 Folle is iire m - . Iqe tues ibis osethoti oï. in s nu anti vmflIy Infrintteir fniemds teo ie flic information te thot concemiet, JOHN :iMAL.L, Cterk Ex, Caunct. m lânl thepthgc, that hie>' have jtst me- esoii atsrp ssi unt B~s aie vli And f ~ at-tIe ane timp temoliit amubsrip an nmfWsla e ooi ç s- ionromiothers,, wboenaines bholias ôt SA . .ýraetmsofi.yt beenbhonore with. Mdadd ETrit~o ricfE- uiuv<J gta~1-m~oA Pruspectus iu left with lie Editor cf 1Ikc,~ecatiou, îusd ont of 4AJ~IX -GO i1 9 - f9is aper. Tt pi * vrCCording tqlHsaMajesty'saCo f.Kini'à Beach,anti ta i gwhchagtse livng rce,.vz~, : e ofrth.e dmth hos pies h ant i -lé-dre4-aê-h uto Wet<Is n ~e291 '~* Çtompue h iliendutuo, obrt Armour aid Ume@ ~~ ~~~ m is o ite Mjant conider himseat5 id te adiref ted ena gaast the landis--d e JII11 mu i.da.-an' ssbsc tien A* éthe 1 Jcfli 044 -onj 'f John clst utie a e abImanyl o ano, Ir"iai ln- beau et«eim 'i eiag n va-ken Qq.me ecuti, as beIlpgià atthe ltiet1 bisb d* de.ll 13- bita~i iita ci udada ulublâermils nt i nuiaft---.id .SA oah <ftsthe statiic W 0 M. hoie., - n 5, UT, 9b208,104 ~~f ~ c ~$aga- 10 - Il anda !"'X Anhees e l k5A" a* a aauiiin-Wbr hm bi q I fi _,e"_,L . - refwi~u1frasp M tn, hs wuuk l. ftu. 4~ - anth, anlie dru - ter oe'1 N -â -veo te-î -î<nmelok " -- ~ f *sW1<uïl.gtf thk -feet- - * 4 IW à (eet. ~ u414 bia o NU a ou Ilv thèt ensui»g- a. te o eIt ou*~ applications ou landmaer, On Wedue«day . 7thp fith &1J le tbth Jhl By order of lis BaioeIkwy,, The Liemw4 Go~Q~remiw- C1k~ . ReC,mnciL Ï e -P i la and i8d. Dhurch.,at Queber. on 6*4 ay ï<IfiSM i the trzt.Oen. xW. 24. "Se *a~7 nett u by the vay. -T....er 2=437h Funerml Sermon, rcialon the 1ollewing Suuiday, b7 tht RV. Mr. WiUkie. t 1 JIIL ho open at tha.biutRouue V Very Mond<, and flwday$omm twu entîl four old:L i *.afièemo, where bmhclt.~ i~vi e tao* le tT.mys8 ul~ 99orTe The snoi nu tà~ ienlo14tebesd on the ftNt MfondyM octow exat ît4u< earages to 6e pïîd &t flic sawntiln The prenait p« .pajatorsn af ' O pa> théir arrearages, IolmeQ v eu froni the begnùing;ii ii dfai4utqfpory rent. their %har àb Win. M4itchel EmAq. X" a~fer 1819. Thern« toj Treusurer, Wnili MtehsJ.» &9eretaly, JohnF.euo.Ke Lbrriaa &chpl Dvexna, tf A AMgIUA irb cflt i1,ii h&ael s laflW : te CaRUon thet ete ke a asppl Concemt upime WMer Omo. ~bb h ost ve~,~,rud PafuL Bni*n suoe ctmepK B s.4cyrra »yo#m 8 ~SpiWT.rpe G.SuttI¶ N.B. ute iatsnti "d'ef a 11..4 =~8~ -I K~a~*om IWOK4S [ 1W' WRW pri4

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