<1 4 all foeiog Vestiels hist enfete pari o0 (elt *ie lliag iaitoanexe Cadlî, a certiirate foa',i the Sbus-tn kt"tlî»th4,%ý ,iIaft ore'hdy M'as ý F4p! at thee1, rL.froà whcnce the vewultai- bi&t 14. 1 leflet I.A-t el r- il diof -front tkheae i sc lLof her orig10n. -b routpsarn eiI! <)~ unay1t~tth cri~fv tt vi jlîrctnzravo a,%pvao 3ruuse, gM a ui(tve trbe, acai27. tritli ,ieenfi l Alt in i eriiiit t won uandpatl li'jt4 w o t;m he ' i;iran. îicwte Inih f« 1eu k iily.o t, tôwenu fhrtib htia lîspsi rbetrwmtellosde cua Ust i, , lt-se _ l0aw'éïn i'a id a-tpnrrwlt'le ON t ' inte.e.-e"l'lîe het' cw mrtlr Colotit teU, wa lt 1-a tt or thrabout n hwve ccvtttn o.Ti athruliar w tiru' e dic uyit1it P s e oun iof blletf l 'v aur i s cile ir loce w ea tithe h qagw n d hi 1Clfs tlirgsthat-iiNew t iln of a pth. Thie atopnAectjioftait iler.îu 1 <le o.t anerin th e set sii .f ceuto.,~fwnda î~, i acn rêitwue on in A ierica, oineoftel ithef ar- rth)neiôttmiînies i~t e adcte sa-in ng ent ceuntrv by trnn'r.tie% Of denrit- lthi'rian eaàv c'tit1ta(lie wat.r %whet<le-.1 dence than ailtet l-v~tetfelprn«,ieid lwits %weight. avil1 lier in population. à'd-afinst United 'r VfÀyrv imnie inrhinVi-(f4'r 1have i Itltds ayarce-of men. les knoavn in on Cie minali rn if a br',dî. where therev Great 1ritain ttan anv otier people up iii watta descent of<4 t rt îo et. 'Th>ea fIâ&cur. tfiea dlscirrpee 1u" 'l'O water was conveved ilita Ille trotilî bv a r ý M iiause thiq eztraordinary want of in. spa it whclî appr;:nîc!ir I if at n it ngIeçt,C is ta be attributerl, we s'iailni)t and fil(, trougrli w-tis illel :4-11 dî.cîarged t - i ns l t b t u t n e i l I l ( r a b o t t w t c e in a i, u ù f u . e . 1 * % m w n m . a pilia (ô tie interesting gubject %hich has PdI "'iitear3 of cori, 1N w'iclî in*b -eleW ig nexpertly presefited iÏself. houi were fon! ?'dýurptl ta a very filue lt well ktan'wn that ýthe Red i hidianx mea!. -* wag ca'îabie of - coivertiî-x3, or arean bor~inIiae n' mnwhe were 4 itut)i-t full a diW, ht. two ve vre .n Il- ltintIajong the. coutlof the island, aid dent or âguseonft'îc p,,litatin Il, ir the- ~ ietmof its-rItsc*wrry by the Europe. r- w iï _ttne 'iwîeitcii ans; biiftrath e ýl isaie they receielble td îfe ý n P "lice. In a %wet se#- p on almds the.Y have long been c*mpell- -on. whe prinj, roîti affri'l more 0 .et! ta rètir.. juta the interior, ani ta ily Wtc!i, if (l witli incrt'ia.teielertana;dr -fr'ont tultA ce tif every animal in hbun w ias taai ficeae vr.1îial -*" fias f her-eertdh atlmoit deadt y en- chine w'cs wilhofit. andi I o,eryvd -cf irnn- emyý' In 1 lie north of the i9koud theýy are dixar fawls amtit i, but afrit-ii tof fthenit).-lx frequènf+v visited by pretiat"rTparties of t i' fth-' qhaft. tel" ntvcr V('n'î.Crft t Eimux 'no' th Labadtr, ad. itî- rlonCran the m Y c Wr I c iv tal - Jeret! wier'ývir hyaa-e -met 1 To -fileP"nsp--ftit i 'tink c)iit aiav'! axce--a aith, tliey are literally huntteti liki- %îiil d di %ur or fivo toilirs t) *d<fid froue the r 1h'îw.i-kault itY i-' i towor ~<tii-udîmiic. ing Ipruvitej&, a ia for the %Lns- in Tîr wpre Il fw oLîirc;, 1I :lt< t t!J, iti w4hA they are clOthei- Atil %- nia r i~îtuîlvî tnilurke. Ii extrent - forrita pn'>eettt*ate oif the trpi<mptut city. am an 1 utilit y. «IîliltAe iv *x t'nV i' - 118'iua4' ta exyri.nre train a1ir -led by a'nç4t "vervme vi it Iil <iw at -'pA i ' anntlie ai. rmfi-n ftf nation ii'tt Icnî"n- * ~ 1 -S t lit thi -V 1' lieir anrnîarli 'vitli -eral tue Ist 1au p erwrvlI -[ fii -ttwth <t! of ' ' ' <au nding rtî'îîniiti trih, < il , ~a f<~îe t il~ ribïervel wifh -zauita t(l ine s qOri , -.- --praportîof ilte ,naclii-le.f. 1 ant 0-11 -linconsequence aof thit lîtihiîitualpprse- lie notieci thî:t tfli 1oOgil flliei with wa- clition andi cruelty, wvhich eyery weII. in. ter is liaavy eîîotgh tta raiste the better,a-.nd I i-.negl perian in thîiai ianut knows are ijot thlut can bis. azc2ntinee, anîd the proixar- pu exilgRerati i the relation, tie could nflt tienîs duly aijistel liv exernent. but believe tiat the RetI-ndiang were the CÂAt VI1N J 0 NE S. inautferocious aniuntractabie ofIlle %av- angeî-trbe-impelleti by no' motives .but Frjen a Loron Paper. iritce of huuger and i hstiti. Andi it is To one of tu iip t beIn*îýing-ta the hl viith no bu aàstouishment lhan- pleas3ure Hud-on's Biay Coniiaiy, whiclî recentiv bet that we-- l ti are woman wiicli At the river ffor their çettlenients. lieui. hif has been bm'iiýht amolit us, a géodIe Franklyn, late commander 'ai tle TIrent, the being.LOIiy aliie tae very rnilii "in' the expedliictnito reach the nor1> poie, ai pressioe abÏJdédlicate propriety oi' lier lias taken hs passage for the pirpose oiflit -ward'ofFl-itdso'sBayv. The r)ute h. is ta a)ù R"'AL CONMY.ttake %vi lIe re.,il1v thie sanie atlîa pur.iu- the Front tueNortIt Caroina Star. eil hy Ittr. Iiariine in 1770, îvho statet cal IioalnC-a.poetsi--Te uua anlethatlie reachei tii'- %pi at the entra;ic of a I tif fetetiný, Inîdien cor-n te cattie an d la' ho,&% <uc ie.Ljuvan rruln i vstefil ând slovenly in the extren. iIli e accwil particd by abtout five Eum-o- -pr The cabkmt etk Qaledthe. crwis ni-panç, o4if L ulîtia itta surge.an ; noil(n his filer groanînier- boedlit. t le avel 1 eRta- theïr arrivai at(Cop perunîne river, ar-e ta Fer liîHsieilps4gcl façt, that the gooti pursue sudli ute course as may appear me iîelfiSa aIm i euireq that alimnt. p<uer ' Foir thte stanaacli uil afrard bath nutri. l>urnz ftle voyage ai' iscovei-v oIa t mnent atiio ech:inical distenition ini(due crt< afi'Bay, a huttie w:îtg èrtwn exi rIwpisions' J lntpusuali netiad ai'feed- ino the mci train the Aexander, liiut0o. vot ea, he 1pro'iartions do flot-exiît, undIle. ant Parry, en thce '215h of' Mv,îven thiaS lIln Qdes thenutritinuis quaitv ik only partia.s'- ip off ai' pe F-Ireweli. It co,)t;iined vol l y extracté-i. The et n cpg or cn is the latitude andît longitude thet aJ'ip was of qptmnr-titues prateulA ythn who h ave then 10. Abtut if wo iiîanth4s ioýe thle bot. pre 3-iitie, and baigh iew, have not. tle wast fournuio the iuiand aif lartrasth, ma Méat is o<uetes inixeti witit.hot watP-r la Kilta la ay ani an acconh~t ai' it for- foot anti lýrnentptI. Ail tii...are, imprave. wartled f)têade mtriralîy. tix Nsurbpased-mis inetai'rf'.dir.butthse seontsufi it Inuit have ftoatetl at the rate a1 eight wo' tien te Lafir a miii ofteut irantlia; been miles per day atrôss the Atlantic. 1 l iven tedMl i coeycbotli corn anti cab - ýM. - A1Vti lote ineAi, andi ià,îiacd aiso b,' tiners in,< tl Iwinttlir lark. Thi§iimrwaveuent io.> -Nr. Esitor-Tliere ik no information.liaî Cubi. 'eb,tnh, it affbl inIf. - crt>nunicatpd te the ,public thr.ogh tii. lai self tnitoh oatrn»ený fîrnimhies-a decree 0i' medium of newslpapers, maree 'aluable ni' disqeur*rn -le flgu> totu" iwhiqh ila neceli- thain that which aves the [ives of..their col &m i 4è44 thess.bo ftt u Ng-& ptiit aMdo M j~- f t---e~stI-,aiula aboadnAfr t i in-, raars t oi or îr. W ,p ia tr~et~its oom istrect -vM irâJr~fitef!ol~ ta>ua~ w1ut tii a~~aeura ;an - yitet tu ts;espeociiy ait a V ~-ciiitt oresat#i- -- ~nu an oIyssooit ri me îan godraTdi.e ftthe nile Tendera ti* uau0oiin *o*,< u iê-immet' camp 4 d athét .choiera i-m th<aw~ktt i ~ a~bo~ . eep fsti like a 'degtroying tY ~. ~ Lia i tire wh-enu itce be a i x i4, Up ona Pl.M*M,*if itte oeiland*t a ier, M ~i'ff~tjorany tigngmq agrsae*Om& le tlai. utqu 'Parm ,àÉu lit.ka' jwhite e10u* tc4n etve r sixfret tta eti lecs. I' aiqr becie.a 4 $htal lIapil Ys covered, at4iietl bv Utale- n 1 LtamWIute!q.F~ç,P. ph"lp1, w -forace Offl a fn tralfeo &0. ulthr>d fiee à«-Iet1 ýkçeý iscep4sautireva!vanz, aneu ndl the tettolà & tt, W 4iwM Jwb .sane spot vai~ rfnt lie~o tlt oulia>taeguage'-ir *î nafion,- wlo auîîsthernselvos iwjthfis ted, by liutr alreeeiottr* l 1k W mU# î,.. rotary motion. 7Tii. lâtettie hid, whic le h trnÏhdie, aat 6t I.and%?vgh* porenlhil the apprîaach. of tii. tornaîo, ulsaoBaae P-sa.AMctIeoitya8,'t luvtng -inetease'i in size, io'aiosibiv de- .Aa1ra h-3y a>, San crit Chinese, oostAe f a noejues .~ Icerlilsto the -Jeyr re2'oti af i's evisible Telinga, 'Tamd, i, 1*. Oriss. sqe t a-tory a uatkinti, wiî,th l, -horizon. Ils whiri winiti nw increaseqin mani, Carnaticaanti sevi Otierdialecte. relÏgius, yli lieunivermiiyroei> j violence, anti sonn becmun%-ýç;terrific. Ves- Thée resuit of -these operafbons -fias been, iy untliýmtm& ,andi comsînauJ1 sIls, r bug t t e dnu dpIé their m arings th at m a y, countries reino fl~ distant.frou asied?' v"sia tecotîur. Man>ny 1egrntuts supplhaealr.adybcu-ense Itteo are swept away, trees are tam upby .jCs' t. riunantera-pc-drssti,:bareq . roots, aul wherever these whirlils ~. tive lanuaes; andi ueansq have been pro.. the oommitte eorbf th 'itsim eît their fuli)-orcetheyleve dpombevilteti l î4ienuring, anprtsemsicf r'Bible 8ocitv tu.cohe4 l traes-ofthir rores. TIWeýiâtibe Divin. Prov#idence, a dianion of saine otain auiiiry -soceWy in- tille câi a%.ents of desolation happilvy continle fi;r biessing among fliose nations iln which tii. foi, sianila- te tbosefhici, have heg 0111Y 20 or 50 minutes, amidterintoate in a SUn et revelatuan lias neyer yet risen. iishetl ie 'mverl-great muon âeavy rain. The ipresfions iuate by litis cathuolic the kringdota; L beg Isave t9e institution on the objecta aËi' is kiolness such a*milemure hmi ay M .~ .N'epuYu a a -k 3. b,tli at home and abruti, bavre matifted tien, amt that it wiii!It FR(W< EURtOPE. tliems.elvees in atidresses, repiets wM*i ex- pleasure to me it cariIîdii Tihe reg-ilan trading sîîii -' iPr aptaiui pressions ai' thse masS gencine pgtho. It Tii. Bi . t u Imm Cracker, an Iveul on Suttunul;ty fa-rn Liter- appea- npsiie(u pnosntcsa-'ulctcvcis t I pol y frits vessel ire li;re mceived MlbY preju-lice, or- destitut. of chnistian exertonofthesoiet~h~ Euraoao paer~ a-oniaur cr- . ty, tareati witiîout Pemation the. f,3-l iwd llcontribute, Ilmai~. -esponuientî. Ta caotaio Crocktr we arereg communications which evrich the s.# .'Srpuvst hme aisa indebtA !for puuiteiy fui'nishîn ci,-tY'i an-nual reporte. To receive sc- tpÀo t theie «-tIsamti to vith.i eguar licof ondn tnt!Livn- nawedgments thfien eRt ofall guffi., ions wliat tliey otherwiev < pouol pa"t'rs. a tî ~fi-r ro . n.4s sni' .rylwguage and comIfi-~ejyd~.h nsia The dehtsi)ileB'-ifish parliamentîn.tl u t aititients aàr.nd -1i, wlietlh- iro«pel.' n ii sil~ec t~e inncstîxs rCe kiiured or alien% Th un the %Iti ès 'da ~~~ renmie;ani or frae, ftbeadsts 'i-oi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r n e m i- p ; n d - t h o s d - c k n o u - l e d g m e n t s 1 t h s e c f l t t e e , rt'e Landau Courier of Juin. 9 sar' and irritten lunfteir teari s, a e lficity the reportsoft tIe.Brillt*mA" Fo~ %Ve an-' haitiv ta obuserve that coiuiide-ice whîich on words cati arequateiy express, bic Socie ; »J d - hâve -pià as in a irenî measure nevivent iii <lus r Ihe foI:owing statements yul tlirow 1hatlI e andnti n te-. tv. Gond bit1s are nî'adli'v d<ne af 4 1-2 sSii! turt!îer liglit uplon 'le oll tenon f tlat ne vel idbsier to anu xtseftî- j, ercent. Sulven an-I goit!are buthi ow 1 thîe thiev ui le activity endti ubrahitv seminatimofn e Gli ospei cou 1tIfuan-ftd ut!d ili littie deaani.' ~witii whicli tlie have beeui contincted ia - - ie:u Ao niîîteresfing aod animntued deâate an Editinnso<f scriptures printe1ti -for the. Socie- lite Bishmiip t~siha ie finiances ofi eEîgIi4h unation took ' t>', pieviously t Jue 30, 1,918. fehaerptdiboetIi- ilce iii the houçe ofcommuns oqi the Tthii< t>Ie isttnio: -ideu ttne. 14 <d Castierettgli hansw' red hMn. Èri,,vroseuja....I#Wom744.765 curired 60tii. ashp$ ÎWt f l'rnrney. . i ie-WeIlsh....................'-",m 7 91,188 !Salisbury F thse'forme- of-. woe- - Tuera ne pniati (sai lord C~.C............... .....00 2,0tia-Is reapei uouW 7aîtIereath? wlen parliament îîîust look irebrew ....................-- z10,000teresting tf6 us as UieW itaWh-ul tthe intiu'esWq of all parties, anti peniapsq1à edirb ....................... .. ants'aad tise Iatts-des&rlhes t #àom ,ut a 4itop tteaflcccu inîuiatiait of ti un Nait................50of tise /utmmtlieu raue e afuid for fthé national.benefit uni secu French................... 18-M 00 (,5w0 tua-e.'pWic whi s n,......................~0t ftt rat~eaeovrIhea ty. Hi. loi-dship theretiare proteîted a- Pttuee................. or,2te 000s -thte misrep-sentatifns whicli fthe luatiianu......... ............ - i vwtd l-ti- . LO etedesa -gt lionoftible gent lemaun I. Terneyl, Outcli..................... 1,11î» isnS o som t cordial ajsprébatnunet tse adi atttpmpterl, and irom wmmcli li 'ao : na................... Mi.n,«th firmmhmélot ttter kmîowledga ouglut to have repelled nrerk, dntatilodern... - ; 1 Q! jeagi ulae.J4ra m. (Ff.nr.) l'h. fient question Which" ,Grpk, Moderm ............ ...... 1 01 euudClora.: wlth a .w he country ouet tefalook at mn a tearless 4'aîîie.. ............... 4,3 fr> mUss.l~ at or~. id a manTy way, waq, whetli.r if oliglit tn syriae.......................,s~ui< iebtsidwitl itis financicalsituation i ~i'nin M .- k, er. osel Aci- l.tO utae , bttm im fpmior -wltrticsa.o<arwo rwno <tnik t ns<-iai.- eeyayitms , il to i e mall. to enablie nept Pr..nrll anti Englisti---------- - 5,000way l My-*w te Isuul'enu of a neir war, mhaiuid suc!> a iIaliy ..........................100w0; with mma vsh , ebern Prina-eti& Prinmfiesftai > ie urimsffa alamiti unfortunately visît ii? This «n<lecoitnnt<>'i ofien iii te nin th subj.ct ai inixenme mra' tdeasub- . uroie,,by fliblei Bt,1eTt T't et in'lapendemît of ail panSuei, anti of aIl suwiem-atiet i dhy >270,0001 2ltib0 ti ornt oituts*t1s. n arty iuterestq; and I conjure yau (saiid t;Iis rnI~t- athmoout ee.y , eothe" is ordship withigreat wirinti) ruot to suf Brkttu &k Foreign -tasate it into everyIanpqe nd er arty -feiga'ntetBible Sutipty. Jit ijuta every couufa-y- Asieif M*- lnt, iisucl iç~bt, ta dlivent o nvnom hISSUES 0 Br1.etitreqX> TES4V E VTS 'crime, if i@ oreof'a Vei-ym a, nic dsclare t vut îîît?'î tamSIt or1 THfE 39"flar. -for Our savioaa'st tishe au !at ishrr o or i. Ir.vne. B1> ibles. Test. TotaL.Se d àfgt ot in your conscience beliève fliat the- rroin Marci>7, 80f, to fle olewid itui xisfing governmenf can i le- trusteti-if 's'r'. 17, 180-5. . - -,ii aded andi at'one d if. ,ou thirik thli mincompet-ut Valn, o -N ued, lCh. uicer- . -Atter pe.~gttssec f.s alliiesteit. o nit hagnu< comm- tttj 55thnlieafrnami ipi-udence, or in hoîuesu, you oait 1tfaplried 4*h.is-.ttor,,tup, - onitauaif eSielbeaiy.-. narawi citai-acter, ta tihé beqt interests editions, oItsbW 0 h ieai the stutte, tt tegreat niSion whoçec u- VrFOin Se Pt. 170 su0, te 0-li esenlitves vop Mrt,-nfta lesitate a lune 15, 1808, (2-1 Waad.diat tIe ua I iniient1 in carrytlat opinion tate.îl'ric a-ectl-r or hadIry'1 Mt or dis tla ta cailtua-rflie tis-FM.un«I* 1, 1(8, i r gmd lissai of' those WduaIt volt liold on., 9 inô.tée 1.......2187282w 520.scripttrés, iniawy i urtii of nifleir stations. (Ioud c)esu's.) «'o arei1,140lo - g tr dilecte Ita l Itou md hoid fit the governmeie iras-a-u 1424.5~43& uu.aJs etdrtIxde ;,th-atit-w-u iîndeed q4,~er miEhîI ~0t ,' of fis coiffidnce of-th l-i ceWho MarstkOb, 1811, ()3 ' as sô trMd i4t, e p)eopie irbo have a monUIA ........8600061 s I n reJ ieti upoli it, if, miter the expression IuM<ci51llt scb an opinion, if watt base enau-"h t..........]. Doite in office: if the. hans. refused rsom VP*.I. l. e wr. rest& Sutifdlti~Itii~ie ~ I~ 18. êS eniuoLda£ conD~ ingdffl, Uey ouogitslti!ftty tei ike wu fiercohes, Whoue fi shes aiâd bopet etftthe countrè' 'l otieor t*niper 'with th ho othefér view, a gstion'aiflfe&slitr r mbIjw hp AsI w II55~to 18! to- M ;,Ù ~- a- f -7 - I - - - ~ -s ~ - '~. "t -.----- fi- IOU tum. -ýiàt dee~ ~ Il 7