¶¶~PUBLIC. k ~ Bn~*c1h geat à"d ii~ecdeI1~ ZeihT~new : =afunnt ha.Cx prwta ",niglitewedPublle. A!i fl -Â-ti Ir zS acoeg~tate théir fel- f~ isba kW dmlbqns the ihàltants .1*hesiw'10,16i ..4* n t, te toi*plýcaa4nC car tlletbott WComipany wma aneeiaWd cf mt gm. b. 1t6ib0~ la ilnI~fthIVIItrate* 11nd at this.Uli. WiloIN, us OR 1i Inr ni higdtielve roim goI2ith he dehorçe-mboe, nuS a ii1a#trwae vji O. fh t of he 0"hm is frot au 18 ib@h ileshreda *Uuieiiby S i tI'41Chiàte . n iwfrp hiI I*S â Oher l' o d e pus de g ives a vety full ,mthe, moit ,e Ut-pu rnmtr e t ma r o Ii mtr-e.a.fw*w1a uc.,des. -Mesles beL-i [h mnulAmenican Vila, thàt a»y Po-s t ~ t o fiees,~i1OP8 tedagm~L *,h ti. 4 meta eas atepsi dr.sel e. t l ui'mvetsas àteins pour être c. (a144 t enabh (liaun ta continue their exertions, establishment of ouS 4t lr.,&.PtSdm sretoisrestrn jmuluu .c 88 lauuotly of preventing monopoly, One ntherview, frein opposite the Amer- sleSpveetMoat Eu eeYs5~tteE. ~d4uerreceto the. former extravagant jean Iadder, whicIlpreuut- jm jli Brts àCoimmiteGenemI Nct, on~1 ~ c hspo 1'âedI <11piilul. thie Americý#n n md e;r=611fa81s14iii dnQueco, le. Jajs819. viiiel wiltaemblehthe g»tnOW a"uisni ýVromp and onorale letleme' fhe estabishmet of r. Stetheo Mnlu, ng Cffarte eOo ng y , " a ce ui ow aktitn Yo rompt mîWi * d hn Fn Offi etimnl b saI mn fM. tetuMlsVtO~emon HaIf-Pay in Camada .w~pÎAùioo on land 'na*ah of il dmoI~ ii.Qucec ireOffce ffursMr. Clarke'a, 4c. givint ntathde ane time, you the seclrto f nearly three hundred ofinprpciv:teAeiaChneheV sdie ftOfcr er the monstrespectable of your felIow citimCf8 n prpvieh mrcn hueh i ehiatMeseev .(89 exclait'.nt * large sumn d moft., in the pos-ettlement cf Jadge Porter, en the Ameni- pay, or militr' peiWeins, =ru~thre On W.ded ay the ~<Ioha lu a*_fri&in er. can aide, the înterqpersed isimuads a Comanlsaaat, in tanada, waiI tranuïmit te 131h & 374 jranôan., CîLNo W Rtugec iilerequl-distinct view of Perter's Brig oa himeea gents, lit Quetc, thiraU 10ta, & siêhFée ry, r4, uer,4ny wawosthy evamons made use of or the. Oreat4ulmnd' which eparates the durits je triplicate imniediâtely after dml in the foifteuit of tbelrengagemenit the. m&two great gibets cf vuter. twenth-futh e ti.period w"en them & S4h à MhMm<hp niit thai to* "* n.vi àmwlb aerca Lddrhafpaybecomes due;- nethat the,- 7a. ~ h& Itut Ap, Tu çnrpaywMilcontinute to insure pro- .Ilsof afmoerereidignLwrCnd 4&9IM ped 1,mi a t fdes. provinces on the whîch from itsmituation premen ofs a moref i wý s"6 i~-mgerae trnis' d jilt ides of th height cf lte Waterfall, shall are at Québe beliooe lte 10(1, and 2ndt4 84 h Jnne, 4 ~ iid*eivmPteIUhave 6e utmbst confi- (white it intredalsto, view th. two s1We Iltue 0 flcaceidl.gin il Upbs ',.. dffrnoe4hat-e-h'ng publie will univermal- ofwater)than aiy cher position, n.rha tli#!U heure the. twentieth of flet 44 R W.iy '-y w, lrcm.w- rd in suPPofttof an 1om »Ilich thy sin be taken. rrITgiot, ï t w il spei-d 014, Z&Itt VIMr* gt - fittj»çe xerikofs (èinISIOtI One other view from the top of the A- 'willb le made vp As more than suffrient 8th &2fd Sej teV * imltaienvelerp"rmnent the. great ad- merican Bank, Which Vives th ue iel ie or Communications 0rah 6k& 0 fj! t'$ sthat t hss himeshort a priod bçen ifrain fde IOWI ul, ~ afdvt licuscntarv 81&ît oebr pl~tve-itto thé-oûntily at large. dvion btwen tht ns the B'iêmv". Fubt ire «Ce, May 24, x8l9. 'btenti adheBtihM 1W.B.4oiictioaforinurncetabea distinct view cf the latér.from the east. tim' tO be incoiérported inlathe* retura, 1îst t5th là 204h Decemberl uîdte au l Rub.aet in M.ontrem. AlI. ene otberview fuinrGoa.L1~t44 2Ilustremain qvtr tili lte ensuin&, peried B ~kqH .eUu~ 14 ADAM L. MIACNIDF.R. thiid, front its situation,c0a i olitroilceOf payment. .h Âumm oemr tht British, or greatf fil of watr: itho-I Commksary General'm Office, JOHN 8MALLé. No'ITSE ter, represlents the se leryandgrea1fal qeu, farch 1 81,* m C' m dunU 18herebv gven. that il percent indehted withlân.e ect. J.to d'e snbm"rber areérequlested te seule Devobinemorne lime in October, No.FO SALE. Fmiot-R-reived tnvd Poe.ki lut fus thir notes and àoc&amit by the fitst day of ~vntber ani 'December last, in perfectinq OR tl unexpired terri cf d'e Leam, OJie-Prw2 la andi 8d. Octbe ieat a mi tos rma nin @net- the delineation mnd truie permpectve of IF whdiiueei rar ro the ft HK emneahdbtha tled after'that date, vill indisctlinmtely b6ese iews,,'Mr. Wentwerth was flattered iMaiy neitthe i.prenile% at prespnt ocre B T Rermonpmeta ýthelteSoc pdtonto. .hn th.atrn> o ole-byde remarks cf the Hon. Thom». pied by the oubsrbefacing (lie market: Chîrcliat Que, on the da cf his dwath ; a *And al thow bttving iiy demmnds aginst Clarke, reuîdent near th. Falls, and by's<'uî,bigataedo o o 6 n on ;!e tékt, (in. mir. 24. ilSie. that "n fali hum ar v¶u.sdte remntthea er d-maly other gentlemen in titat vieillityjAOgMessrs. Suîith 4*Buftterv.>rth, oU noomtb I.w.u'Tgeirstht. jutient. .1TZMAS PARKER. 1« taI of the mmny viewa they had seen: the street leasing from Mr. Robert WValk- 1 Beliville.h lune, 181. * Ls - ttemptèd, these wvéft tht mont pprfect," e'& hote[ to the river. Tht bfildings on 1.M emn hie reteired &feth de hon. ThomaClarke.' the premimes congsul of n larg~e Trame preached on tihe ollowing Suiidaybtb * *NOTJOE- Mitreet, Maj. Lâeonard (ardefliôue, tire Ctoies high, well fin ithel, uêta- ke. Mr. Wilkie. 7th 3leeygvnt 4 0 ndebted Thomasm m and Jier . squintebisfren horsts. and ak,,o a bakv e nu e IS1 I~ o"LB ýtheaùéfiltvbITiXorandParkr, he r. amiton, 0 Bi r inwit à ondove inconîplute order -the ,thry book a*qesitornotel an request- aundry Éentlemen of QueentoneHoiorniel scued j1 1L Ile open.at the CouReione ed fl , Eus.SWftdM nd sattt *EthemewId' Wn. Dxon, J. S mmingil, Esq.a Iu. Uepaekv l onhthle attentio f JV every Maand md'trdayfrum d'es îda.4 ,frte flrst ny gentlemen of Niagra, their cemifle9 Japy baker, or a perso de.,irous of keeint wo qntis1feir ,,o'wJC iestrm bffettt itl e. w-opinion cf the correct reprnmattio public hou ' Forturher priiinwhereusâImfred. ll.1 Iw i: 6ixîUa'l.be ptnt m lte êVLI..p, .o = ý nttorney feé colection. 1which, d'es. views mfrd, A.nd reonmend- ïpply Ilte m*.ubecrber. onthie psemni-kenult -4 orTo Aw4 flushalg n> dmnd aw it Ihemn te td'nse mncquainted wiêhýte élD.MA DOAL. Iinayn 1 1.iM n a iserequemted a pmenet acenery.D.MCOA . Sei MWifl taL The -1bic wt1enumerted4o. fiwtm79i..lii - T framieî *'W ve Guise, m«#thse osyq TII(WoAS PA KE ter with mssty thers, have eonimued eas iulcpiottesd Survmving paJuprt81.r. air opinion of d'e ccrrectries of thm e àF, " s"' ose t Weld EeUnIk\\thJuwe, 119. * 1'n6 delineations, by belomngsubcribem's for TWO Shareé ite sTE*m4»oAT Fron- th. trot vo.wamy in Otober "; "Ml. NO'IrIcB. *on. or more coPies, eachi nd p render il emeiqit IlisOf<e *r.aette poii iltfe ite . chm~ pur-moreini his power lo do ustiç ité liie "ntecugeCeuc'LOlors 10 ta îau ï easli Aher îClborn to ai 1Mr. Wentwoffth purposes eie coin- PjIHBpeniodfor proffer bu lease the ea lrom the bep in lt otay* 'Allen,.sp th f lait ofMay 1iR5. which'pletes th paintînga aubscnibesi for, te de.. priilegpo f takin-ore on d'e Croie ment- their ahana becouse d wui 'noss n.-heface cf which wa. vote two nmontha winthe city of New-York. ritrer, ise.xtsded Id six menthe frein this Al maese lbs pràdtseTtein ~s 61ar, atigiemamckeb'm Harbor-as -for i;npaprement 'n hhst prt of dma art, Of datein erder t» afliwd tinte te C.alunumWin. Mitchll, 14'qA Mid 0-painting i w umhe . is i ut, md fi. Formanu &q as. andiother%, toea. Jsiffv189 IK .ngtoului G3 11. BR:8 Ibtn imlf at'e Sciay «ooed aCeciltproposais, which are expectesi. ra- sMrSan thereby, wllb. mmply ade up Ob hi# Pet- ta o i* *qaIatage of alun workn llitMaL Aa q. r. * nonst h.e ecelency ofthe pslalançs, dan te reine a revenue. -- Thomas Munkiassi,- NEW DS. ~~~ansid'eheteet wich is Vewo of ffi.il'olrcfi' zeenyteLet LAB«& J4 LL, Falls will produce. lHe takes ii.elid or. ofhWCoonclevtelet ir l&. - *~leI1 9 greet, te give th information le d'et.. concernwd, ZH S4LL leni Ex. Comcil. Trepren, Wm ~iOTlsteoMI tel nd it t I h. sane lime te olicit a muhcrip- k Md- the ublic, th tIi.>' ere jut "t ion front ethers, whose nailes ils hasiaot SE= 4"' S LE IBa, eeied ~ cf~rfe ~irc comn et been honored -i md. i1udt >y 'niue cfa mitlet Ix. A Prospectus al eft with lte UditwoftOi1f4 >smuioaeissmieMt etof6U FOR, e;U uset n ty hta Of 3 tel.dby iii saidisaltken M M pBoeawIIt eat I14 e ieptMe. in"ue ~ . ~ cf! =77 (~~ i la pti~s a*lSWê --r Wh11 !G:é swa 7 f9x . : ther ibeendBn~t the liberaltKulibwm further coDUtiama(~ pbi ring remet*steetrym @t ite -of -he GOLX)x t 1-cuiL s im.a tl>'d We*sd fr a$ QI paixe Bromhe s dC*MsPs BOOKS g>mdST4t,« __ riwii sema-J Tuvpsntb hedanud EUMI14' ~A ewsi 4 &à.se - IW*m,- cq« Scotch, 1P 5 a*îpIIorMe N.Alic br $ - ~ 0 - S .~uê m~ ~ * k 't