law ma n18~v~ler. *U1PUw lare 350i<> l r steraiooIde otbeiui.abatOsa iaBtter o:00. w_ýwt, aujfid them wauldJosa. ev.p th avoil.d 8 teat;sd vay"Vaet f fol PrOo.PU940,t he. W hile at Put bû»dmt f,awwL au Prince baiod .aJmemmabprool cl ý GiA..' hfead tion in> rîiro et the. feébrew nation it ini ueeab îv.g thnm ftthé 1- rs'l mel oisu eaiu ld nigIît-4inithe gouermast t f ew (Jrena. the additi.nl4ty uF u > oi da. rSierriagt sur .quottuns wttb 'Colonel M'CIrtkv tg here on board the véry remeunble.7 "rantui.., . Heis a filme manand aobIeo'.' ,anucoon took place ls fieer -,' ad it i. diubted whether he viii ashes, and Attimt bi>alJa-A fau jProreed with*[WGrego. -sooeoeTwe: i. e ,ev J ' the zltli aliti) arrived lher' the. Oe lutter sold at 4»J 6&1 u flriaimlîsW P Nfary andl Elivi, froniflublin, es 6d. t witil 130 passengers; offier4 nm n afor ea~a~. M'Gregar's army. On thie 24t1ithe brehiatpA, g.m Hlenry, froin the smre place, with 13j ; ami Tepi*~ a.-.nEglle.o.Ctq Ut cu*i t andi un thie SOtlithe. brig 'Tarantala fro:n r_ T4 > his ct a e woks5&àmsum th#"U5lymftw u!57atof- Lon"".:>,with 85; ail for the smre coR, IeingP very mrncli treuabled with aé*j t Cie queuUh iin~êp i em., M'Carthy commnands tliis detach. let, lie vent inta i, beelromi, ad *Pm- Purpom lB m raint.ged làa body al over insou vinegarsnd mm*uià wdbU*U*ftd m witt -"NORY OLK,.,#Aug. 9. cold vater. Ti.cnsqeu*vshevs ibel.IV.tep sdt Lztesfrom hi i a corpseW vthiii24 heurs fired at a<m éet u d Ici >ank.Afeu i ad têbr me" ot-irum . iiay Hfthe ship Iligson, Johnson. in 40 iays tlners, Irishven, feeln!g thirst ' -t ix place, te fui ht#ug frai Cork, vo have rmcivéd Londion PI- t rn ae~wnlt a ei mifotD0dj seh e tie es to aneme. -<yers to Ü 2th t, adCokto the a6tii draiik a boviof le. Punch. Theybeàth v. e eer - b.lielti ro<milar th1 wenoe. feeiusrtc W pww yu, b-it must b. renew dat the elp 1 (rom thÏ« ?rer, ai fifteen liter than ... fca r u~tioneiloa, tthe hua_ ton houme te wqe.u' ao tien of haf the aboie terie. Tothiii, frorn the latter place. hat tue7 aMay opée , s caetons. 0eok f -d fiumercetmiîg ~~Ina consequence or the jiaperi haîimg th i emn W iud adithat a citlaem<lda imielat ti.14ea -*i, al éatoutt h enuutiiyiithh dhyfiepro frvdar*qn6s i anf xvnof the.i.saa am te lei" teir b ,int .î~I... z~>in osa 0" w«em-..,.. couheut mf lm ag fnqL';ls DI vvenlig ýnU MissnOunit uiv net i aii COTiti ieti",Ïéth new -. -. vm texaminoe tr ! îasc±fM Ch.das 7Atin,l ,te d impsn atta eiofgcc i~ an tist ..therefore b. content withla t, e goVe.anuent ofexpérience. ter, abd prince Lgepotd. a in aste; the ' '»cintmsadipis eogecu pybrief sumniary. daike of Y-eê1 rwt.The coru. UCdsAm dively te the chatuber cf représentatives Clptaiti Johnson st*es howeverthat ai l 90c ettf'ti . Made irisna Agriut, ra ad y boaneTiro n y msf*rteve tt 4weV51 p le4Vl tethesestte he oer f adithilerumr nrvaièd e th tim of hi@have eciipseàVie wiiole and exceeded ail o- the 'blole haà mot met down unt61 nase 5 t bjtï' tin a erin~ or refuming cm. thdat the~ causé-of Sp.i:î'u u'itilblçl- ther ex impies ini an>' are or co&aîary ; they thoôu»i y e u faiarmigsaIig'th 8. T4 .ciîanber of represetathves h in-,lier siZnature te the. Amen-aýn treaty h4ve, itis 5i promuigî.t tpvf- caavak the pn'vative right,eëffcialiy, or at ties wa,that a negociittion vas pending be- h-iice, 810,000 for theest kfrino IntJat state, es sdebedaae e0 gf gestion of îny citizen vliatever, Qf or tweesi Great Bitain and S;ïain fr th. Ifii'Atieis t!ian 500 acre; 85,oooitrthe ffi-.~t m. . lals rigninu tdme nembers of tii. threW esmof ethte i,4lanel of Cuba frein the.lit. 82.000 fur the ttir 1 best, tiic latter notfas Oregenthavi4>roueuyMthe migrt ordI powors? t thé,iniçterna of staie, the e!svoys ter te the, former; andl that in thie event of titan t-va hiundred and 1WQ acret. ulationa eoftAise c41tied tom tre, ý uibè,u1 te foreigm coudts, archbiahopo and bishepothie cession o e Pii lorldits le ti nth e d '* lm g m uoomdt geapmpls eoftthe army, pgveor andl ip-Stiteta ithout at the mane time cedin- ;- ianstatioii ÎDfront ef the thrope. 1%6&distict. M Nr~oAi FALI. pnîcetasAugusta took her btteoutiAd beenJilté " rior judste ti province, and otlier ot.-CQIN te (3re;at Brit'ain, the' latter would re- For the information of the curions wo nay regentla ieft. *The dtâchesijo Rmies.herbyijs- fleers net infeno ote.araynamed, sont te ineasUreS Whiciî vOIl place e. ~ i~FUv oi tte htWtia ~ ~ e tnetr h'ieeiaarU for the crimes of treason, mis emeanhur, dinanai in rallier ani unleaant sitaatioi; few clas p-ust a very safe fot buige has b=q duke t iiolceter, the. dnk.» ot Yq - patjnd nl ation of dis public tfuneis, jr>- an the. event ot the c..ision oif that isin, c a,uuIýed extending frein Goat 1saýd teoa Ktît piepll opale >7 crase ian(ai unerte penalty or Spain with a <t'puL.ted nuiniier otfmen ~ati ._çre, w.iich hnt ptit0 rc1iéIad t wu orep Ofuth <bah ifaay ccedig e'. keep pôssesion of thii oiamtr iie ioshett ova~ter tbtween .GoatIsii- 1 n iC.amet brilliant sand unu. leca dethrnfmacodigtoiea. rdas alulldknîd thI~aierkishre. he oridgp O lÇ'4jçmtMUCW courts Cicr vitueseL IL ,, -ah deals twbh wîul revntdi 's about ifty f<cet io.g, anid crosses a' rapid Be-ides âCi me meuith iheeoyul Iy,gyala 10. Tic snate siStates fomed bfite thein.repossessing brandli of tte river about twenty fi%-e feet a- the manisters snd oI tisesfstats---Cle h. m1, l 7senators (rom th provinces. Their num- bve<le (reîofit .Ftheti.sialilsan ber aMut h qma4c Chtc is riite On the. abov ine or b> thebye, ýtii.there is mai-i te b a very.g nan rùtIcV àl»*r 1y*M vsnator, woop grade Lonton piperâ Ère net ient-tii. &om. we h Fâuth mcwa sd O t< Gd.u 4sotics; a senator (rom ka.mninstorial i ft bey ta pier, la cemrnentinst un <ur The C teC.liit.iltb5v eu ivily 1 ad th>~e irector erthti article respecting tuec ienet'bi o te ioGlieat, foi ? aiir'tir OM#.wPPVSt e-te r* o retBi nieiIt'a hv ur a- Wa eM.lê t erm et hi& office ho. Ci.ce* ex-aB tnaîaaj iithaeflii> srse otieaaaa v Bt Vêslhouaa-t cou.ader te e r a. - 'le tat cilr. Ghodtîs~a- Sinhua ialct ol uti ,..sulh ngntnlmtater cesyftm nfor the. windt tke ' n. Porter -and saladies# u wdusbeurnd sm1e tthe liniimh,'&c. Satup the Iake, jLn puratuace of him officiai vth a Scots -ribtan uslin trumme a edui a:e! i t7 lbeernu iternac'y under the influence ri . idtil ie otesioa. e w otadgpries, one sceking to The foihain philanthropie notice appears *& J!%tA . il I. 'e t fud.Neithéer party, strictiy pakinir, Royal Society for the melioratioei of Prisons t o b . r e ncw ed e v e ry fo u r y e a rs; it sh ahh o t I s u h w r . d14 7 h 12. is ehaige sha iamt twelvc aiie ter ave e tii. jwice e in ir> "TuE14,. aeth"eof i3t ino ue Wiantiaeuns.roue bedeeijed by lot who arc te haie their e ,ai ehv enmceau -nM>ia et<i 4h u~at 11 o'clockti «edi umsivs u etwudg. lne U tl chage t iicat e for ntieigt ear. ajet; ii pnce t mnim nt iavngther. wili b. cele'i-atcd at thc metropoltait t «the iaboe. idmey bhiithert et c EL. RiiÏI chage Ti.e ed fcfor sah n int y .beea Inwer than one discount, h. h cachi, a olemn inasa at which- lhe akq of, ry succsslM in t bue quarters anod he. a t for tbedirct:r Z odquarterpremiun. 'liipublic iii iety, of wikhi:oalhhighnessms pei i h. mokstMp <' unit* unI ii aunsio it the hedret thé od reentcrsta. Catý a.dîyae ii pohedo, QW# ua e ea ehice.d li the -meatIse 'inoa certain rouons, have dent. l'h, divine Office will be celcbrated ratraotw ay L4.1 The.senaters frtepoicsvryios Acle-hv ied bc eIecw manher.eeci ttl. ,with aphve épnty ea' -utte es h ;bmos hjd *1v.a powe.'t, i «ciat o t ui Itof bisdtià nwsape.roeyal de _Mx e maýp tIi v, C. 3<.r OBfERT 'aBivitNa ah. te> onesdiafouhemi',Wdy.ont. et oldwuupoint in th e atntré t ise Edtf lbU C 5 o W a icbt sai ti in th e a r. H» id utd y he ex cu t e04pè -W Vigni t irC r ec.iv- fvte y r . ho n rthe eCle the - C ad p e utd Md soind m L&---4 m i e 1i1 ,,,l e îfUmr * *ItbdotR810b lit-el end~A4 V il I ~ ~ _ 'awb. ceott4s M ML4 nom& Si h A, _A. _ IIVélMesChof A r6. *h.rn Oh.> aboli 4 absIlSa,. ILà - - 5 - A4 - i~. .,. A-' - » * ::LVlxm k 10 le mai= là