Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Aug 1819, p. 4

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fini Dro Iald, Wl Lput 0o S t ht 1 amoe alarge tuwO"ominaldck, con 'tnthie', à3dh,#is&*Ii of timt ~~~~~a Miol~~ ada4 the thoan veut tmg en àa maildiil Plate Pr égIMIV.sXE ter i fifty. y'as lWve 'Ibew, idred,â aho e-a n *reot msu *eip1 d othe art of theima. kerj V 'c ~matue-for, o. 'the.large la d Wyfth ô t a ilt ihur, U *~g *&uçrld, smd thepr. sof the bIÀ0lng uçit% d4sly theivaiîàïioos, <poi- ti oj.p~ene f theearth and th( hé à àdii ~ r- 4surpsom shi%: ni&q4er Tus' *etch ctaimis the divî.ýononcf time' sdç4 -emai luded, mure -groon.l,tssesuti c Ï. fthe -meuh and- the meon, wi t I Pirovr tiis watch, aid describe the, coum e as or n selg t FqriA .Wws Tho panket miai4> CouriBowiie, safled tl< foreoqifocUerpdl.Amone th pas"seý gesth4 eni n1%r vre admirl ai te <t q ~ att~1ntlnu .hi n~ to hs xceller boumer 16!pmIAi s ou gfvçrmnnt. dentgua1tirpiIprte ihe 3Otlt. On titi * ..in. .J 2w in . Bovie, Kmm John ~ tqIL baristér kt làw; 'anc d n0fthe atiriey S eneral of thqrovitRi! on *hufan I ng monlg a eWousinqa What 'ýe"todyc e fth l4m k --w e Pm o1'aswaOrtetuaithc Heufa' a4 mtd tVoard uy cfthe ércf.tyt OW raishar J n ew* prabrrkmtrt ani with.*etkootl Idoni, prt,'ofth hu Moia1p'es p*'tO ~ ~ ~ drme t~'idsel4a he e ffl . *I7r.CD "w a-styleut one bôxeriMi ,à big feelings atan Iw4Iuslainntfl ~itcerly the sad ~~vulSWICI ýlaced bis frientiamI thit ba fpon their tiai for îîJ39tiO'e ld# -À the Tmenn of"Poch a crfine, as uM' tg any ni n coultido. emedfl ,urv ihe indoigence andth te juStice *f4s obf Nova scotia hall invariabhlyd~' 4pe!M01 b li~t bfor tje !Ai 1il aia *,fti.ces.lîe 'r ethat 7-l letuberate and i jost ilecîsion take plâcL- 'te duscribed the provocation lie hati r ,eived, tiie steps taken to obtain satwsfa jP'eon ini a <çnciiatry way-*nd a*Ii %Vbat alternative regained to him at lust >tqueétly to subeffi to the wound hi 'innqor halrectiveti, or seek redre» n -i latt.. Ré had degeenft-d frein a 41 -0 'neestors, Who hall sistaineil lj. wltht eputation which waï not to be sullied bi Idm Reat g 4obe it-DJ ft.lingm. of malice againt Me. Bç.îet vish to aliel bis bloot-he hait «me tk -'uintainis -honor, and bis character jà twrsMr. Bo*tc, Up_ M4onday Pipeeid'ing the unfortunaéte cfu rophle bat been couîideretias unjut t, 1vuu hs"e hewn the instructions of hi' ' nisim if bie hall oerte.ppeti thea 'veinsfartlty made a moqt ample apole a letter was handed i hm from Mr 'lowiP ;iaspersed hi; chara'ter ; itchas ~ed lm ithfaluehood, andi with cm Afting bis honor. lie could not-stoo<iw le insut; h.e nbnittcd the It Uer th hi 'ý,end, whiom lhe instructeit. if tue anieu ~vaa' t fkwere not-. ti4w tg naethe- néssairyarrangeneb for- iwtnand gave into hi@ care a lettel or Mr. Bowie to that--eRi ----Heben .oke in the highiest ternis of regard Of hi riend-.he considered him in the pouse ion of every virtue which orîanents life characterlses the gentleman-hi% cool ,es, his prudence, jwFnient, a d drir 4 effect a recoe".ii ation betweeu Mif omie and hm, were as conqpcuoîs 1a ywere laudable ani praisewortiy- îe calleti upon tihe parties, hie repemenb 1the. injustice of the expressions in tii "Itter which had been set tal-kt 'ia4e every effort to prevent a eu mîîhlu effiits vere v&în, andi the timaai ýs!#ce of meetin% veré determined, lem <adth e 1itéi DMéWia rawUPn, .îmnnl decred, and lhe called "'ps'i hi 'rot tii ewltness the declaration, that.ii weuld have gone upon is knCes and '~ >~ied o M. owle for auny ISn.W ,legt have upposedlhe liai commt The. meeting teok place-lie nov calW zpn tle juror tu uy if amy malica p eared in the. conduct of himomif or flapi -hsadversary'5pistole wareaconsiderai lefectivei and those.lhe hait takeq ntpîu rred;- ana mnwlllngtt Mbl.houl4 'bah he least avan tr hli.' frind t0* 1r. itowie wmi ure thetaa -adt the duel va, îglit wlth bis ovuP M.r. lUnleeke theu conduded yt Ste th tAii. , tat lhehad i î efflt, withoutw. eord~i ____heu i isfeeling! où receiving, OW éuer frets M. Unuleo *0 .domeh iôtt Wtted- thee place,* wWF O #ggdm sud atiscemi tfflumd wW jIIackmy; ft,*rd g tg tow-c. mnte té tiprnee~r aid for lwr. Bevie, wouluI b. stti-. I~4a nmalice tevardi Mr. Boi&î bMI ave ýbeen hanboret inl bits brçAmt- on.- Mi Mackesv vas acain calleil le %Ir. x'Rwiney ahuke bands witi the. dé xateti; heard. hum mmliif b. had an, harge t make against Mr. Uniacke r~ imeif-ta which h. unsvgeryl 0<netl malet e beieves he hdded '«eIrzg tAS ur. x'Swuiiey smre time, avYs iteituit ,daveryhiah opinion of bisa. -Col. atachet. 6th regt. capt. Sweue' !tt rert. >a i obin, Roq. asud IiB ifen nit Lyster, Rt. A. Wid kown air. eu meiy for à-long, timie-some iof thesa fi lîany year laether- countries; andi ai ae te his charater the mn ooai M.Martyt' tasi't etataot ta ourlsbefÏooe'MiÏ BovAe dieti. be cbargte ,in ta say toa mr. Uniacke-That lie frei# lfoerae ha: Ile deponent obetenu ta Lim that he vas confident the contint %f air. Unincke was fair asud honorable- the deceaseti exclainiet, 6'Fou haire aai *Sir-I can make any allonce fin ai ttomîey, who in support -of-his client akr- Mbertdes flot st other times warranttsl(b cai -neyer tiiink it becoming agent eniai any situation or for any pu wsenha! 'ver, asserting thungs as facta frovi bis ow - knowledge which Ji. is co;îvincet! la ni --e --- do therefo e say that ln assertin je y00 did that day, dhat'1 treateti vout note as a guilty man wouldi have dont meu tolti an untruth; for -you kneîv pe, îctIy, that althouck 1 titi net write i y«, yet tiat.1 met yen in the street *da_ 'r Wo alter, and stateti the cirurstar -s, sud thit you tiien toid me tut -o would have nothing ta dowith.-tue W imd, that hopor t logh1f. vas yen r am Ltmerfore cteil on uto retract vii:.t van have thie dy msrtet, or allow me' imod ledto thhank yen a"e osîng ight t, th ihseue of honor yen msamuch vak id yourseif oui andta tsray at once jou p iot a'mnao of trath. Youns, 4eC. Wu. BOWIE. Halifax, 29th J4dy, z819. 8f-letenor of your letter atidreuse ta me andi delieird býr air. Deblois, at oIif4 ireclute the. possubîlity cf mypi a n myeif ena. par with 700 iim expinmnir, suerfiotis matie solely mnder the influenci <yoir imagintion.Suffiçient vii- tbu kir my character (iove ver muchi1e J *aing eom»Cled te piace myselfoen iae'- ipre wI tacarry intothe fugIest *c lhe arrnàment wbhi il b. atie by* igatmiaui ho hem ths. "ta yipn u e çr eooet.t rm vidnon*Iis~toduedQhÇ ue.ot.i~w ~frnc m> km utne tus.. -- -rrt u ri erantkA "Ve Ttereeiu oalUi ap j!Cabbe.mt ,%eiich in nortu e efton he £sp tiii.6 ~Pri. Cobb-aafe$ o te edtr .1t of e.,tht mumh, at Lthoe ppei l te 26& lune nbS4 dyire. te Preoin t sailg ct. .Caobbeeia me~~~ -olwgnt rmep Càn. eassq. matie d'uiing the cOMi ahea ,ýY.ipcinments- vkh'his ingtru~ef 'nove thie cumiesibiity eor vater brzgM in me tZ-&wicldad vwas ,afie ., immersion of the machine. froin 60, t 1100 feet below the sunrface cOf the e éW- is Bamehomis- a perit -oUh'l*- ,4unntt, and is as true-in a ta eree.e as a ctlui-idicatiflK a thrn-ià iessii.'Ludetb aullu~ofthe Sm - H.COFFIN... Accotmnt s froîn Naples of the 41bheo ane state that a tireaifi eruption ol munt Etna hati broken out, vhi ttitatd !et! total destruction to the oity of Cata la. Frm aont Yesviîas a very 241 reptioti of lava imailtak"sPae M, -il ection of Pompel.. Snn violent ,.l ,f an eartliquake bail -beeu f, tt .arW it was believeti parliamnt vofflm >urn about the lOtb July. Sir Franch ifrleft "'as about te tirig forWard t ii uemtien oîf par!iamhentary reforin.. Accounts front Paris are Io the Udt 3»e. Frenc h stocks, 68f1%e Ti.Fjusut -*i1 erîîment have publisheti un orditianct 'o*win ii. exiportation tif fleur *ati b T'he king of Prusia it i0ssid la ab 1b. niarred te a, priac.esa ofWaIp In the. Prevèh chambets it'basheug -qed te estabirnb C«nsàç4 1mb r" ah. l , .î 'id~ ~ ~ w toi f'wna in>' o* W ýr n-abormsat Cork, bas tkonp~ rthe wumîjet of. their1î ; ioo pensons ameeletIMO Pi ýn a peition ta patiiament, PCYfJc4- '.tueio Of taxe%* tan ufpOu âtk :'oprietors, and for the. repeut oftbe meetings have. aise meenheld 'at . eçter, andi .rDwsbu te mYorkuhir#. in -the houseioran, lord !<ugent» At that ho undçrebped tii. admiru1hyii arrying galti frosn ouhAe icàftl panihgvrtietat t tsted o be 7iio r. Ciseler in seeit sh up re>ci, !480 pe h ut i i. f v fpapets mi t WWh Oaa euha U iftwf.e iiuc sr", tepeopleavej s-ceoqeIta mtt t,! gnage,~*iiea, ~u ~40~ tua~ijnt ad-A ih~rt iii ivened tfa l wm nue &Ipp -d1o o Md it w&S foeunti t wedit was ,am nis i Mr pouce awrt ici.e muft arret th e attelel le 6i the V ltd $tates,1j aùd' Amu Ïu d na.tw" O'ehmf4 e ttnr- ,fter paying costa au$*.wu leéf andiPa~rmee ne repent, i *t emm de i éape wh1 1omm ~kt~!.o~ti Àn4 be' I PdObe I j 4 .4- c I I il r j

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