e forward L u t 11ebiIY the Se biwl et w . iaho gualm~ dlletmi1w a. ers that osait!ber see is unO 1 Iutoeoi O vii th hâerdasdocision in t is ceàuntry. He hadirect-oeai cat c prtlk -ag«a Mi ed frpsecetru. lit sbwba om ulyD 'el~but tth eft1i-'e5-mfuhth dog»Moth. noble Oui tmegeneral hai been, that though lhe Sic bémeW9 gfeMba '~uatolote bgan action for damages, hoe boonm m b y tihiwmme obi i ~of héX*t Wet CG minm eviewed the. procdini .ub c 'tt1. Iiwdt im.tê ipeW tii. hai takon place.to e tih - îediÏ"tbtion tofs 'c *aUapapot. fas b oowI vitU1 àthe Dr limm Ntms Wthe.cause if deky. ui~ifmd tsn.lvB vihie haracter et a'civil war. 09hn ai~ r~ was thsî it haut beeui pro- A »OIprWacon dretl be outau gh t lebld a l. T *idnot bdod.prt bye, M dërtrxcpedin ne qOPanwsée oni ~ bi bah, uts oa ai m d&wekt6o aof a re P emnb adarisen n to ti. cod M» et The eacu m1eut arrd.buuit tsMmte -éle- i uppse thithe~ aa&OthiIReleOaE veins M'Theelmu hee guily ofaelo- azinlas apeald y 'ite -l at tic whole ta. a" l*tho so ea nd esoity in wee,,:: forJul y , t trou Essec ~et " ~ishvlg the S 1k pcul age atui-ig _ wii 'tthoe haL ales *e ýw Pt and~cto y ft b atr0da ilviof wv ri lady, w .pr quar e fru ti. pýules ut bu, Uts a k h a-te tfeor uation i-The is >eek miegus ffy slow M.' bot &tli onstcdrid.m uiofy o'athe ounciltii. arrivais ave not ben lare aRme mn" i e geroeritcod cokir s girk or in h ee raW das peut.Engloliflean up çorausom attsu qesIon. ,man o trlntl okspie;btteei oe ikn&Obàp my.- r W. 8wLihtaid.man ountsO adfr oem.lhogîoTon, ow-% j~iboit uat Mte .the omoutraes îWh icha hi ttn ,Iceda"or pi ices âw bMe là t. a v - etm e ir M th eetusi b t i a l yo f.kikf ,osImÊ d-w)md eh.. oi t Thruý u hth Wa ona~adbe the r. ,~ 1qd >loo ee it coloabif enr, _ ent hinaig LodoOContExcaneiYP26 ânvibod e. Lu cedet ge> et ! êtp llta'tr-î ndPai pd-t utdeOi npplic ti ' t el~-oiitelkirof- PTh re eat ed Co nti d in a tad eau'- A n.vêhos ith n'y oinien ros ortinLhe 1 1 aIiy ain pi nýlî oftI pae a t frocup*fihlexd êh~pesM~t.h~. f hlmprocoiigsed in hà baieg te w* t an S otced Nitdui ~uIse ýtitutuacOe boi hif imdrtaing, hie einwarhed a t tiaid to it haitan #W w *mm f. Aeofa i, ih out, o 't y h at a ly jt I. ppier urer alamp.- lb. elo,'.Otv*iII0,IOI5 roan ai vls oas. ~où ath1motheanrivaver parbenita mWêlaeth .. andtstos! tat h ueston uSer n the fr eora n at.Eelilvteaïr.s suJ id u afwue u matmjiwntcita ion . port laire the hanse ucu.lbutb. 5001n partisn Zthe u - e *dlrscu u i ~< ot ' and orfep,ahuo C fered o 2. w Su ~nuustcotas! e) di son, hati haae mu eddt Cmtorfm Ts.aplatonse iterd i.lakore u.e pi cf mlad asutowm a ho a ies c he t icili ir *loighhelkirk teOmim tatsIhtsud ui h h. d bnite o U e st foranavadidlrn. theIr.payths iitu e sain cmx beigaUsu. teSai lii... u o f r eiain medvin5 stpr c t ent iteîleetWii te.aaUcw e.) OUi uis' tbA tPSi ,~ amytayms t hlckh idet be etokhrri«edut aohag.' ;ean toinlaing are yu ~ u . Pol tntb tibano t ë ii. up i en P.- erntracpactaa. cp tucut JU oohwa ch11?hi- Pie tighen 'areda itpeAddtoilait en ~. , ~ ~élntlliced itre. ioum mt*s mev- th.t lrd sttoniet publabaily eh.mxturae whte,,, coW a -t d e t * I olice. er'4traë sdaCo p' i i la ;t sp on> lie aiee tue keiL, tvw'nei. - us e-vs.-- bât lmmm.metW. pst»l the migbWoreil etC86. -lu «60k -~ ~~a mio, mue&20 have neb or t ul I lb eoe theymmowed trs h 1»4onidsabom wtoru pstU~j~d5L K.m~ Km.i1n fr7t his rqçports, ani t o te - ticas ia ien vriglits uhuatmi l5 suet étind Oft tis c.typeuagfoaLa"*. ~< tiience g~t .ues ef excellent câu epooto felit tumber, L metalt ttate hevhe Cotton me ady, mmd <w-pis. G e n e ral J a c k so n , t h »i. S I E Sm d Bla n n i- A i , 6 a 9 bal f -theW et,-h-haa4-beast-of g9 ,< h" rc ct u as hi-, country. though bres!.te arumstu A- . I , merles:, bot gbort at Meretonha~sod Devon. A general(onr Mrtal bas been held in Plymoüth garrlis=a t L amae ot twa.0tk~hueré etsppes d e4- lent ",-u Ëb»tfe 1 o~'ra . anad-soiaatrnislol ladt agoberai everiauling of regîueatal -n.p cumptsthroughloutthe amfy! - J.mtIe oii, JUIL510. Acc*9ants trout Gaspu reeivo! lto@ting,'state, , we lament te so h% a r g e i n a u c ti r in g l b u m e aîtm e I h u a ftailed W"foru>ry a mie stering;Asi it is aulded, tjat owing te tit.is fcail ni some others, fiom 30 te 46,coo hlan9s art entirely thrown oà ofe emo"ns Aaecbent ba berna decu~ha thepersdoof Moré,'t Imtfo of sr ix W and pound8 ea- deputy ospluyudby ba &a manyfl W...8- sauguthi.-lena heZad4 qouPaL"* .ts tU N lud f thg .AuS dew i. vçry los0 à vite sumk~ufwb~ iSg, mml ils pris.6 baU *a~ vue £5 usI.~-fi iieu.WOrip~, iaw - .iamoe qf-*.ja.e ffi. uq,4erd ptrs lu, thp a602ôea P", v iIIc vith averytong ans! evirtaiàm»éM a Salis returnlmda-t wA um aor t ratu a mmu, uhe presotes bist e., anin a mannor far froïnt fimm-W tskoe » bu- denies rnbber askd Mfer isuouey. . fde galloe;;ïa àc»t h wo ,na 4th th 4 if*. teles at , wléc1auuntwertmssf se; a8%nmch go @ai.ayee but, l e- m e to nl Y e , y m st i nl a a b a ï iii. toek themuu,*'bd.,-*lthh.uk m- init hiui for. meSs. ýi#Ï" m4du"_au nul flan-ý la h*'-6 ..di. A te * ~ ~ - t t- ~ e, aper 4,3 -8-p% 4- I LL tu Aw -ffl 1=7kzz=. Z.