ïd I UiU Dal uEI gr1 asseIbe MU *9 Vod Ail iruits Mmée immelhe ïMp 24b o 70 *r,19*1 Wten-tbe fiMa e ' 0 ' P pa f WIfmCaoie WotdkSo iL4w Oehq F*i da, «isOdAv.hreh dcare mc eetobafimU and ,oad.: 4ers and élu.dtoa as May y offce, o rpuisdn.fqth.edjuat. Yqkfa là'ithe pf yan& thé tâidejdorte. th. i auit< fer de- 4fa~ Fort Wiflint; IfitiftS& bie on v ion of dot- ùe Iutd rae by l a ce f stock 0W IPope -i linjuI. , rwamitid s pet Cent. <Md Twipeand ,N'eta, opva en r1Iu là abe fomthe OlJ aidd4mapge Ilm»Mo MS defs.of 0 i!£adsTobacço, ~aDa lS h F ni 8. JOI~ GZL lie 9)4" lots iflih.uoi n 'Jhe smtlêe N UIW éek4da con a'irabopipoid ~ê bein the IttD O 1ntorr, .~~ ont of hlw trqtM cai, *Î Vr~Mt5 WtMet m tue ei "Macudo i cf bb~ iwoev.'t or fC re-- if