~.1 z et ~.I <~ 4..~ of Lake uidra- etf cu. the Niagr àJUS, l a.ozrea.M thM.- ah. boiin <lir respective rfe r weoumoud., pezlessmng W bU wviII 1e paid en demaud byA.. Maao.s lcda ient Fur. partlmi apd te Lobo,V. C. Fe .1,18 A VERII eligible Pertyr je lkDy 0< Quintie Nine sles fremin n. stonC*rontailintg bedhsau' extensive Droken Front.- There are urWards p One gundreal Ae. in tih beest %tâte of itamrvemort th r Meadows lldiug et présent lKigty Toms of Tinuo<y aOd Clovera TheePastures -oruuskl&y fâne. anê theofot ho wliole natof <hbe t quaiity. ý Theros a àvesl çod Hoam,inu-tihe Cottage stye. suUcsently capaclous for thie acceQdition o 1 gsrtlema*fasuiy it hsmi versndM M fet irImgthi, hig commin , à bUtiluI& ezteIult"Wpemt. eOm *ia4u m r-~A se . meIIu1try otnw-r cor 1011 0110,riqic, The Bir1s %d !tor oit-biiInu anc le 'verj pied order. (.rob foi ether rtikulan app ett heof tu4ucriber. W.R.PiYE N.W Aise.for Sale, Tw. Hundreal .A- res in tho Township of Mas burg, %W~ a um a'J *..>,t of harai 'ors, vin , tuated in'tt e T o 4IIIv~ii. Fv *kL.by the Subrs.r, BEwhole d.f lu inthetow T of Ktgso. ir d; outisof th, courtle.mcouultng of 4dumb1W et tuee fdns d au *ci@ of noeud, vit- eue amani liu"ea story am&a bar bigbw one tpe b"Morlius, oMebuilding 'ercteJý upps lie rar fuclUg w. Wtets, whids viclié m abet i etaIl $4. or atumau ted g ulpu.ze- or a WWedba mot TOGH1O) M~4.II JOHN MOORE, the publie, nwhp epetiully te intrm as lierotofre; aud lb. beg te assurethaïe s ho.may boueur hm witli <her patronsge that every ezertiouslnahebime w ilh mild te render hie Oution e ery respect sotable for tirir acconmodatiuu. Lepgton, lob. 7, 189&. MILLINER'Y. e RATRFIL te thse publie for the liii. "oral encourageaient which lias. ho. teuldered te lier, duriisg lier étal, in Kiung- stou. rsspetfulyl informs ber Iiiends and theê public that utc bau remoyed te, at of tho hum eccuidi by Mrs DARLkY. in $to-eet, w seros èhqvii atleudta an buisinbe hr line'. with neatueu aadespath Miss" lias just received, and wili ment of STRAW BONNETrS. Kingston, ost March, vieQs. 19 II suiscrber living madie arianstge- menta fur Uthe actionoef busines aé a Cenumissiom Moeuant at Kingsuton, .Uoper. Canada, oh e oafsure those wlo May couiitp,-àpertl te bis Caro for maie. that reliabaes i e oplacei on bis exer- tiens te.Sivs attifacu" kloa chages ili ho found moderato, 5 pet m nsales b@4 n ltodedt. caver t -e .jc of 0 sàrmjfO R V40*dru mmiiale a n 'dearcte b. guarautee. snd 2f pet cent on pqgc"sng or- wat tw goda. Wbc ajadeanoe is re- qu d ic salés viii ho casgsabe with A pret e"n dc aueunt alvaued lu riu of iaterct--ui ou ait ordiusrn *rausactimesntspecifimi, I par cent Wf -4 carpi A.MANAHAN. Rofer <o, 'Peter Harmony. N Yrk àtr. Patrick Maushan, & N.e. %femers. Minturu &Franklin,> 4. William James f Ce. Albany, goHoatieOstos f Co. Meatreai. OLOV En SEED. Justetvep ad, mifor sale by the i'uheciber, a quanity of exoellent iChover seed.-' - - - --- 1 Mfr. I1820& W. 1B. LAMIL TO LBT9. SA ND m.mouio.me. i u h~<.mw~çI#y 11h IB . tr MR& RRJ*4Ou (4urC the . lieWr aNhME ln&W» Z oc- oftépble 4l lconeOc Kif Ij#'on, Pi/&. libn 13 ~3IckudWikth -JIaker. . ETUR S is sucere t bi.st u mencosmetlin getoestrusti'from bis un usutl5jtt5mhiontoei t.iettheir (arthe; supor. thiuuneSm58fte tapoint eUI the el"aaa tuoe darived b tho cou- Ir#m the. elpeflnce le liash4d for up- wards oftwent omein lthe manufacture Of Ccks,aqd atobes of evawx ldeurip. tien, ho.il ce ta etasit a r. ef Pub- lic faveu r , _6 a e e assmntf 0 £lht !)ay Cluk, Gotl Silvor Watcho4eseirerc. N. B. Quims and Watdes-e<every dcscriptioo ropusred with urand pifactu- 147. . MghstkW r* efwuos 6.4au Wilvcr. Jewge rou al iae et re- p.orod. Kînaton, Nov. 1, 1821. FOR «la t <hlm Oàce, BEiafkDemeaand Memorsale; Sumnuonses; Exeudica an Stibpoeuafor ttcDistrict Cort; Dit- ta for the Court of Rairimats;.>etiousfor U. z. Lovalsta, Uc. r.* PR 1NG of aievery desciptin emecut- ed with ucnogt ataid duputh. R $PECTFULLT informa the 1m*-. o is Mdi t Viciuity, 'bus bu h ns 1ammmosd th.e vebse te vMr U- 0. -6e Houme ina Lo-emztEoau subi toauy Pft.- .N'OTICE. dya- r[MSubcabor hsMg boomuy u torizedt te émpe of [rie Foest emmoaly cOWiuSlcoe Islansd. Iersiiy for" al ai dqos cutding or car. rymaveyay s r .Odroto w iie rremrséid hiand. without bie permis- sion. By erdo*( &0tise i to XLIRKtO% J...28. 18"8 c.gSj WILL b.e1jMi fer godu srthautbl.o 5.IRLErI, 10ÏH gNJCé 'A Near Knin n S.11 - - - w~~wu 8 .t --,.t.~ * ~bv I - -t f f r 4 j ~ -~ s 'nusruai~ onren -t' * -t, <-j.- *1 * b h. soU t, srefuse or megleot te comoiy i llie rmsoltim dof te buaiorflmrsetevt or payaent to <ho ceiton ts e UUWT. STAN*TORo. - King*n, 2 eam Jar> iM23 (Yl*ý làbi icý-# i-, 0 h" at meae,-t. tasg of the Direct e'>bld "I s dy, it ResoiveI-Tbat lu order ta fix a due ta a dbe cinsd ea evcWmIdemanda eéahsm 14- w oWf ou titnttres suWala af aay m wii bu allua mter i"i. erla6. = otf mch wvtemuat be ,lii. aad in dcalt ai ithe aidtheUcpus- dècs indebted i v iiioimediately preiecii The Dirou-am s. reooumend tis a il Permus oMU ilUlsMtihe above uiaon King* W "f ksain te d and chat- mdSo tlerW ,tue tranniltted tu the that opms-a c4refu eaatu~m4m-oftIse a- fair% -of tse RBmnk. the"e appear a-p meanse to dofray tW e"rldemanda out- standiur againmiIt. DByoraier de! uc Basd of >Ircctorm. ROEv. STANT0I4. dg5vaS - Education. a is ibc thet bli nimêda teopen aay-schseloModa tb oupéeitii or. etoffl tq àMv. Bliej Caaayqrwhpié he cli u'eçhEu adtous et adauliez viiibu mmd ou is lm4eaa~md atte ié Kingstu.. Ian. à» 13M EI4~ MIN 0.91ON BILLS ITlu bJ'tthfliy reçefrod atr by h. subscA4er, i avment fur Ksndg&t <1N. v bmISI .____ lfee d iald ebauotmfad bled, dIÎcm.. -bd4 R , 1an, TAYDORJING: TejIodag - iuIman" -*Si. KWOËmtc, 1>kloeblin 8 hmir mr éme-W à 0 rsi duly autlmout ias «d « -drthstatsdiva. bowadu^ Si1.41wa.s kumqds ofc1oekuandl vijebho mis e uset a aham i'6 <publi e *r Ki.gatu, sd May. 1822. C» *»LAmJi'B. le. A m hi -ià t- r ' - t I'~L. 'I I '* -' f 1., Ntt t. ilS w - t... ~gr * - 'pi tuf.' <h. Carl -tic 'i-t-I R ccivî ahj~l Plus * eh~ TalA airai vili crip h rit -d& do. I .4 q 'i A"