-~ p -la Pgm le yohr ,MW a le ivpon auroma of ~a iranitot uthlit b beprocured À P 5t.hoi l 1hitge t hiend(Mr.!otbwglhaul Do longer ybai, £riead 1 tut) dtune itan te Klop <. ons00 -Yeu f&t y reMptd yor bramen afacstihUank( Cu taistolitem yen .ordlmgte oyouv U"uaicam, on be ïkif tbey bai @%#Y thq. te irad to tbe cailr at ~~lg~<oa v.1 h e he el cf it, ani ~uajtpfr~suhtly "ob<ied L8000Ç# our â; i.Y«n vent ud< o tht Cuontiaug t ht rd tufm k, ist aa Gates W Ce. sou pr.ow upan lMr. Eaaorft LiNO, for whbielà tu w*IItuear neiablenote, lu yoi ovib ravowr ut 90 d*yeiwiih ity isys interest .cIcdald pti*You dii t se y with <lue 1.600;bt oeke -thtealter paneli of LIOOO. <pt 2 it 3a. o fitand tIbm itaret!back te KI.Mua; and 1 Iti> tissai <1%! or or pf. arrirbi thus fur. .g'yei tantut ks%. 04e.ik WCe. LiwOo oï aéoàt ofthe Bée" Did yen Sir fluoka t tha tlg, m msy &on-! Were yn *vrauahlird teultend the,. Disuk;neney at 90 dmys, > 6017a fnteawaeP Wee;au çvrau l heel end illon ytm If YOel$t on ^I ac ofnt0<the Balk, vty uiI 1 -yotuot inm-iaely plnoe (itea'inote. lai tt * ank of Calts treugth ou cr al- otPiistead of Wh*b hyou kwtdrewet ft4temud Notes, andamtatly Ipot theni in là »q te h. redeenuti a<ain; buta ig a-t vooli ot bave-been the l.ay teubIll about thterection you had îhrtateud; vlisch yon medtf;an"d ,* m ichui yoau have prrfect bareo l, toit Il a mteaiug vas ralii of Storkholders. Ws ittciadoed.Mm.Whit- te>'? Wau it not rather, tiiet yen whtel toçthrt <nte hait doien ai impatient spir lIa, uhaqa you hiti cajeled lto a ki4u06t. &f. thai yoq werr a lpersecuted, an itjureld. a»d an innocet. mati? Rteklng frein your exploit. yos exfflti ittitit ;aisiabi lt * intetise cf peaise, for gualitielt yen art uni vweml lkuevlotivlmtepommena ad 5ac. ultlfsmchantea.,nidtlic natture of ublch, * ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1atamilycould nile otben tian igtir ∋ herne you put tht Snialing aîobl t vh ,st Il y ',u a' p ee dIo@ u -a m s h Ii, e* on a a been taý#a tteMuhive 1 lit ue yen procnur- ed ftýem tl ucerndslgauwpbly, tilt :*eaivteu"s~bluh ppared ini the Chro f, matuclmoral r. leotietu, what butea ceélitpuçdêlcqymm have levils o ile comit *pouirmat of 1Seaohticnî. of <atks for your merkitotw usact. sauilcertific ats tiyouî Concti ehakar id ltaw amami .gi>' uce s- fol vou bau brunn onbt.lning titei. 1 ai- tari Mr WhItue y you have your atddittéug fuil.:-Nn)w 1 recoÏmeni votéImmeiali te apply ath. m to te ejil> purpeue for wtiilu tht>un tf. RmemnherSir. th-.%tEKTomsTEO VRAISIL. 16 SARCA5TIC laKPsUACE -.- Ires Sir, ail yon euru.ib, wiug, ail yuur ploti endmi ouarseplta. xail y eut r aueuîî nr> oumtr»geu on'odmt. vouhi have bteft-inmstt créat to bave ovtruuonturInsttuton, but for <thï: r ttabe ourse,. silvrrime sut-nt algue esi3Jon Bu Dlflu.At th, telt , . &àIwaInMQuteL'mil iat hail u en,-etIe4dunt Mi.- ANa.aduenr sould , ýî , re a çco te Kingaton. wMtha msaicitul- eV o th-lto ti4he Batik et Canada, In -* tichaige aàch of our own Ntla shme diatt 'pmeiu pm us,asol th treoqulil the agitatcdriq à of metthe Publie. I wlî ed ql; M'ruqor. iu tiaq expeot*t<iof *bw4 ai sd-bow w. <lieub lea* wbae te.. pi>'bhrrer, il. <brth.tebsIU.gmac rua trc let e Mlr-.Drto%.our di- Vin ut Ibi udeeewhmeri. bal o<It mevloutv yta, aeba6 rM aatiwbs yocldXIieihiL -; - - ~ s - A .5 4.. uath. mot thebDiawdWp, *ud ioh« wl~ttM~t pnjmwoa'by vies$ ansd iteauo4" làWam acî thaýutev*>PPCfiPct ima.upou. bcWaM.49u a , alu sili oithelomd. 0T.! r. htoevJyoI ada 4wr4gfri,.udt<bat day tsite.Bor, oans1 mot kdlyy wk d ftrd hwe.__It la eay te p e leSir vhy'yandV*opeCi %bc1 kchcoibe5h0.UIrgr hi.Bart-j ;iebcfre hoLvgmbtveCouanil 1yoiu van - vie. Mr. Hagetantira.sol' e! < e ,0fl50Ciiairmtaiu eof t D osa <I.Grtxfui Ater detalling toe i.LèeIlieive COmbu cil the aucceaswhich attceuded ccitt final ne- gotiatio vih thtefloardof et! reCi. for wich yen scknowiledgè yon were ln<Icbtecl to the- active mcxl cf M r. Hagt!rmit an yotur ,haf; the remmainder of your narrative > cotufits mostly of rn#ninterestirig detauls, of omeIg f Stockbolderm appointument of clew od Agents, ati mseforth. what tibis petbob *éÏti, soi uhat titat person àaald, how ëbfîen taci one rose, aui empeolly Mr-. Ha- gtrinia. Here yen have mae a groui take, end toti oneton often for -youuroe- pue oj Mr. Hagerman'm nasin g. ALad yotlr uo testimonin aMr. ýatlet'u -fat '«. léMt. gagerman rose agin, mand be*jeqileare le asure the meeting, that if ny 1impression «ufaverable te Mr. Bartlèt'a charatt~r bad bren utertiedt-Wat e -t' and ho vould pledge himacîef abat Mr. Bart- let vas not cal> iannocent cf an>' critMI4chi as hail been insinuat,. but -thas bis condiact tuxi bren such fromt the cariiest ilah- ment cf the jnadttutio'n, as ta destrve the warmest tha-utsuof evcry individual con terruei." T[his Mr. Whitaney yau will pleaur Ca recollect wasacarlin bSeptem>er. MX> mîr. have the pleasaure tu ïtlU you- tf-r satisfacioo, that on tht 2&d of Dt-ctiber, f0dnowingalter the Ccummttce appoam<d by, the Stocieldera bld invomtgatedis4 i*rs nf the Bank, smi prepareil theur et po 4ý r. HIgermanmp of Mr. Bartiet to thlê Blamtr t5c;ham repi.atedi>' spakron S ane sd us charitably halte Mr. Whituil. ltat ,4 r..Hagarsuan, lier amn>' other mialté, clii r- * Kv fi t.ln hi@ gpower te apera etherwt. Now Sir, contrami three unolicited teâtime- ldaim of Mr. -arýJt'@ unéalledinbtegmty, with the .xtorted'adulations wbich polt t columus of tbe Chronitle, and &et your 1)vwildering cuauatng to vorl4 te drsv front themua comparmt toVour ownadvant e. tits would 4e au clvneavih sublime ' pîlu% fI.I1amn tuld air, tiie ssserted or iiîinxtd te the Legiistivu Cooincil, ehat Mr. Hagernsu bail ben feed ýày Mrt Bàriîet snd mymeif, and that he hiu. Carricil. onm.jliudtmtluecorwepcndcner witluh~«,efpatuib h thepae Of<y u narrative, -uppn-eed 4by th.elditot Ilthu 1 o tlI> ha lc ave thtetsMk asuer !ng utA obcarges, te the geatictiu ahou)hta t ht>' would fait heavinmt. ert tic>' ffltnied ln la m> ?rs!%*4afj omm-tanyoef to, wbis w w iunawtiatly uitinm my own knoir. 1 . miuuot bht admire the persevetrance. muid in .giuity of your é ffSts, t4 prove to the Le- 1 îiative Couitrit, that the dtficitneq you lied . dfore reprediw cll clared wax by Mm. . Birtglet's esubeazlemnt a; kîiwn teoyan mot e 1tianua mrnth lpriar te v.,ur -.xpulsion trou. lue Biuk. %tl ottamdit ould 11.4 'have îak. té di~~'.tt 3G. daya isubarquuutL& te your» 1 tiwlnsand t.41r. Nagerencui'. ocoupa"A . 'f Your/uiuee. Mu- h lw e «er, es 1 admirt b auri ltgeliwLy, 1 more detest your sbitei- ,able ingrm itude. îewards 'a gemtkmsn, whOie sitrnaoum exeftions In your behaUt ,lhat procur- you the c beneta yen bavq-,dc- tailed 14>pectung yaur relsmenit i <ro te i Bond, ana ether irrepeatable m atter, whiclà , oobk DIStCOgon Une d« of auriwéLnrrde. hi n enA=71 t. »t-as=evÉd-at yen Venu bave ami- puàteilthe tftfileo>'te the dclin uu "'oe Me ueman,. ertu au>' on, fr ti 'if ,, prvnîn ouir rctionn lMbly yuur bond . tdeedI1 verty> belive yo weidd .net sacrifice ou intgu, of ybur grand couictenation of 11m,. tu ave every di-, réotor. amd itoc khotr roui the ga»lloi .Imof mt aiu&**trgc tel yos, ts w dyn ime .ycuir -expulsa. on,de- Clavetito oaet.dÏdietom (Mr. luheo4) tuèt.che affkA~rs bc th Bauk v eyu eu t tu" fiuei Uit ad v o ' M? paL test eol<PW &#OUlu vitýi % feu oteka uçt !your celip ragraph.i. 4 m aabAlg btye i proveti< <wb r qe.aàtll aalve Gûai'*t~sv.ae~ auuueodi%.a4nd aut thie<haeIhu n L MItê~~f --j' ~ *4 f., bave eue;st og celved ' ysa anaa 1 moâéiti wud t me 1i <lSg ci ber afPctio%, mud WïUW ç t4ilrç ber premat, tien bave been cauîght inuit utide thte eerlam<l!'ç av* the oue f yeur cwuniing,l fui-t ~of yiuragg5ndsci Nov8W.iraise a pinn"t pey bage. perch yeueaelf OR gaze tipon yoUr bandy wor1 compunmauue naislgIn vu vel with sataoic 103,ciert >ation.ynu havç cojureti morkAhe miser,'you have affim ttiihomail tait glsâ ntIe wrvck yOU limtittion. t*at Vas the Rit of rueDistri - ' 1old Ir p 'toaýmt ywtrtýîîç lbiL emigNiSyen? laert. Irst iwgPuyoqr ldn Pyreflhl dtl byour prOtttiig. die. setfards "thatUR try frin w~ boumne Th n Mr 1Sth mit t,) the poat yo. Ucovet voui néxt ChionlCle, if von diiin thin gutte-d rogue i sa mou the hille ef.th< Corn hi,,. THoMü 4 CAMg nids, late Pitudent Of Q<he tiads, estaýllsed ttil*s, bav ed ro ubofle. ino,"Pee gem ofammondut 0slléd i of the Dreqtomu agveably te cf assocition, hmctiiately W gave o t athe V"ws eiung I st,, oevemo< gorn u m proceeedvth expedition ci>n u thle C her of cn4ufredof hi. whether hi dée.fedsteof the Upper ( ulras &i érù atramuitti ately &bout te retturu te Ki l pK*upi 1 Ge the berer of tl teclier of the Canada91 any alitemr itotiin lui M ing in thé Ibit of forwari the. UppfteCaaBu**$k a the. Canatda 4 l tu t C A closd te Mr. Whitney, *ho ver4itw thie Cahier ofthat1 been uaerWtsine at Mr. ' turned te Kingaton seot. da] ho dellOeted te the Casier n" BSak up.. bisreturc,~ Arment vititbich h. Wu c lveted to 1 the notel il bas aie* §acerwne# ti mtW eath put iioe thç,bu here, * a t eM ii ml ot 51 0 o bou t into ci hNe ave 'eo.rdngly b"e on these fattyU r oplua tht eoq vanat Whta.. teitt y te w tisa h bt Ut. mas , t our lit 'WIutuytebýq f in bl*eaet fm beae it ts»ameU rd for ber, and, andi the disgto t * J j,. b i. t,.,. amt.< be a bsum de with your meo- eqm n colt Duembut etiUç~<! a it's sum tnît, and p> tCo~a" u i i gpug 'a h rksl Crash everv ce lmdalbpesta bC5b~ or breast; and te. m*l*euio .-dorttlaIw s the scene of dtso-cotaeý p~ld~@%~t *p! Behold 1 an: bc. &4, " sie tu &q,&c am ntub spewed upun un-,medou~0t e'aihbhfavolsbÇf*bO ak i y rcomnplotent hàliga fan *y, and the hope pccia!lthe Wt tb é protrat.. a bel ' 0e; vm *m-bI4fauit <W ýet int the ire et Mtt0 <t they become 5h ttn IU DIMy ba thé :ie *= 19n mtat tIO _ï£ i fie £hi o1I foot- weber i* pai.- ibe net rôc,ç« ably I.antd let yoorob travtijor returna" ~ ~ eLuusi i iutdtko W .1 A u e . ortSo, ue e nk the taréUng. _i ý j!i pte, .e une, co getoul of er, Io entld* a i1h e uset g"kto ltUpper . iuge à" Monwid *httrco be re h Ie44saJpve Vouéeme tua#ad n tq Metresa.. and 050itV the ~Cnada Dubnke d ehasnof the e. Canada Dhak wbiêli tsthD e e* h ti UI g 1 t~ MW te the Cahier ~ <"~ kney, was imnigdi-turc; or' , f iigton, and uu 0!~ i thn-Ur. Mgygqli As the it.O àà'lBOIiuIà 4ent ,gkwovam-met kti ai ut M és 0 ifwl'be Whitney fiaai< b, .aefe naig e ig M& M otu eu omtr55'IINm$ WC". fasee by nom" La :*i ex obier of. tii. frmer, POt8 <#k0de put tiuer eco tt Cana&dsfl ad- ui T. e otd tmUL d~<le W. es vhiteey, tld bb e asItter . rom e W m buesytby Cowper charge4 tbuanet de. n < k a fe"laii u in ljgemioj &.le ti, 4'Tft8 tbeibre he IkWt -. *nj mdà of a uerçb" sit wé testo thé a..<o, hktwaa tp.dedIqWte .admit of «i tos buiova mdm &"Ooum Nw in eid" g ~Lse in womsd. UPe aied h My dacevet7 ehat Ït. i~l vguimd U~ ~ro he cp.I te or efflm t oj.ô i. pesia~gthé.advacmuoreu 'of tg.L tace u .w Of te /Ote.s lde~. u lkëd sq" e. em t».dodV utlI MA.e4 11ex- imis W$ a<uw w 10L t..b 1 At w4*- amj Î0 t. STUAIT. à 94 by *r1Yismfli j4.W. rud thbu Ur abAea* lms s~ teumi <p'a a syid~,," L eâi - te 'js*,eui lo <!seads as hua ueaat hI~Ilhms.. sait. t Imil u immoe f Ir if av ro.u Ï,i lve », yte0iè~wy.ud~begeu du. r Scouàd ifu ai aa 4om.s tir bo4 *v't .uuf» rih h Or4mherdtv. .' ffO dm,--*g Md <64uden6 * ilqpm <the Uumm vmc4- ate ut et wpmwhio eay ut% ctuWpàd e 0< thu Iwti t..' <hou I 'w aE~ i muu <ha bah Uit i -fui nid I. ote "e 'N fre au I., iq 'à SI' -e Vi ~I5! f UN Db t'. * vit >4 Wl su lb au mii la b. "'f Isu as ai i z j. 'g w L M ai * h. i * il * e W I r s E -Mthbe bbot l g --r- - * t "y- --j Il M- IllTý '1ý Ir - -- - -71 ý 1-r