- I 4 -~ -~ Uit bforev vent tera1 IItIlE5Bt04WVIMoib *t nu ~,o w, aa mit m Issuý i~~tus rpos ip LuOt os Aat ne more tIia thre s b. bottermotprunitloi agmu to-motrow, th lesJn s% ta iÎMgaea jetsou s -pM po y-ý6Ih*,mne re * w11o liéediii&cftbaHe1i nc*thlnkhW wiIý ne lUtO On b , qustion ai thtîlire mayste4 btte a. embor ento a&liteop o coursete mmuOue o î eýrieere prpote olei,'ng sutihav. R.slc-t a l tr phiola tm -Mr.se tam t onsidetaifn ci gavetan o- 011 "ithe Im eai Palizuent vas ostpcnl jroIt anti iî.f want inius ndn i qt*W.ed-t iho ret Reresnton justld u exoresainmthe Pilo ite Uontitit o n a gnit r b naelhya~ irmsg th Onstitutio-o-th cowautry, hav biltntflested prte ions.a'te coerfrMlte Y f 01 a change; md ido noa tiee lthn selas ce Ipon lousethsipres eov c it tefe prseeus any oinn, the great êy oet hepopTha ing iempinin ofmail ilobevn the ei teron of tpeMon an iiehfroo nttheprie v a ouainofthe Impero Mr. Geat-j y. a 4i n a id, eo theu Union, the aimethould b. diasecu tmd f he ople lswdo tecae, iv vuld in pprsyingteoii of te Mr. Ztiba Wlson sntd, h.0 nver hai tng te onie~seionf th ontfry, from t hu5iorsMlsiemb per R -ai Grenvilem heda n of ne rort paedge ;lnd o b t*afret ing ieqe 4Wsr tone >thir se atroark c pait, if oexpro ntoiion. bhebis C ott entte speprt ang nion ovoldi ahhonghh..- so eelinere pposani renis onganes rectas nthe fastofdth, î hrvad potht o outionofheIerhia Mr.mbe or Gramilo aie. foetisHu Mr". teBarliant shofelpulle picasiai tande opio Mth o mur e the cae. H, would i th ngo s e ny easia .tM. couotry, o ucrmaw e ue i jes mohe ir nsentimnsd ho v:e troit Mr. Hag-emensiiwsGrevle wsoed bcras astotiret pege n cio. t-Whewln Ck t pan, iofsae wrin s~tons byis Constitu ene ton ssuport o. e out donilg a -t' e' aie bw ekiftougboeith Pm « ô( Othe people Mof <tucmtu - -coWith "- vIowl- he w«Ü Joàes bad nondifficmyle mt'in. ibid lehV»C 'ioa sUn".ns"d v Md. u bn. p Mmeua .wiid rathr the lit i si b e bu.mi w~ ~ b 60>ghî ottr l b *ÉÊo ueId ta M" the - dvijààsetao ;M wg il this Proitic. The Constitution was nt altered t anà uteu*loonIf the- tar4wl - -o- __v- c *1w Logluieturoeiésulodits ÎLogisistivo r woe iftePwiciPl« Otf .ou Constiîti- *tion wim inSua tgree violated-4f v *citlos f tii,Çnoaill Our silence vwmId iceatwal ho *eefor urt. prtienlar- eiy-5&Vm eue, 4vaumt.lhaidt ivosi ob olein.-Asmadiu1 aithesfred à lent, vhen tiioso rgb*s ers in imminent i danger.' Wit ye net elortyobr*elveb ite sve te ve o f ststé,eneut4iq.pei a in" Ortbo pitilesa storm treston lits rein 1 Dol orduty sud yeo sv dieu refurf *te your coestitueste. vith s ight.heart end -teil theusy"u have doue ail ou coul o 1their asdvantsge. If Tii he ectioné1de clauses of the b~il 4t 1.*booppoit e héther iwe iplrove et- SthoUmiêýa or ut. 'Thot les aseconudr *coawderatien, the rights -and interoats ot rthépopesethe firit. bi ý--irVvesavwo hale ne right ta give sny opinion.v;'shall give up the iberties of if the people, voe Bslait on Our constitution. t- Mr. Nlchoi concurred in the sentiments Sof the hon. Speaker, and tihe hon. member ftounteeod-ttiey vert calleci on hy C. il ery thiuag sacred tui express an opinion oni ~th#& occasion. It vabb said that thié ues- lion houid ha reserved for the coanierq bc tien of the -people ;'whao a4e the peou le, bu but the Represontativos of this bos-1 Thers vere oui> two petitii6ns botore tbem-ecfil. the Covnty of W eut- 1, orth, sud aitother -romn the Basyofiuin- ti-sud thiy eould -notb e cnsiiterod as e xpressîingtâh.oinions of the peope of in thîs Prvnce.. t the> d d not express an i.opinion but leff it te tlle Importal Parlia' îmenthe saW that the. resuit vould bo 'that the Union Bill vouît pa#s, vitla ail ~its objectionable clauses; but if tIi.> vo- te-' in faveur of the bill, they might have t wîth perfection, n auch remenstrances acould ha sent home as wibuld have thèse e clause* taken out of thébil. It vas al- be -s ailudoit te by bis Excellene> in bit i. spetch, as lying ever for tlie expretés pur- le pose of getting the *sentiments of the peu- Spie oftbl*,Count>. Itvasaaidtheyver rdnotloatedt tegivo s. opinon on eau>- lo joiofuitmgitude; -. atblrnvmld ay, to that they vore theOeil p ol ve of the jbo pepIe-sad thora vsitene cUber 1tg5 n voice.if prisent. Look ut the Nothur 'u Coutry-vas the Parliament of Irelanit n- , lisoived ilttis occasionP Ne; ft.,v w. er. muneimois afiuctdoy s Union thi vo-TIi. Pariam«et .Engantdd ný ut vsnt te cousl the poople, bectouse if va% for tIieir goed that uîcasuro wss carned M lie would oppose the presont resolutions n es hollow, lusidueusa, defective sud dis- e guial, e Mir. J. Jonos aroi trait te-observa-- of tiens of tIie hon. membor vi,. s poke fat, of witi sentecotompt, sufara relatedtut y the'resolutions; buthe vouildeny thaf they rdwere eIeçted fortdiipurpos e xpress ing an opihion 'on this q nesloDnd Ki s o that hie> verr-fteonti1 ll'oce lot thl ne people in this istance.'- Th lion. Speak- lu, eo si the oîvernor calot thoar atten- th tien te the bill. and that it vas poefpt i Afor us te express or opinions but it vas ltpostposai tef ta ka the opinions cf thepen r - p et f the.Country, and Del thejr tapre- Q *ntfler4 osnstifuted as thty nov arre- hi Thie hon. Speaker' a* said the Union o would take place, and tht. vo heuld ro. Il. mon.trate sattint *a oIjectionablo claule as He vas te oopsason the. Unien, wvotl Ol "0 place ,but ho thout thogvat oma. th - ë_ a ih*èýiui a" ho vo&ldiwvu y aata M kfaseK Mg Pari Pariamnt in. the. masser ro seby the bon. member for Lo "W"MeIusl se express hie opinions in dec. ange.UIM* &e 3 at of tob ata Kiugýa btae iýva e' Wk Otmel o * teLias Pone v of."'ut ta ieidvh ioufdu*t. vhcoeiceFbisW NI ~ ~ oi t4tudaai a lieut~a er te~~~~ tesf1CUStIa. hj . ho. ho lbaI ié'T 1aalinsy Corlis l eo t.. Ciz g ote uttite r ous l am Wd apta Cte- n e tbe ,ol.salonM feignr th -ieei oth'deeuorlfrajeuty àhoeet an- feor levî-h apitlaatiog them OU havInK acp clitrary teaIbia commande in muakiiii ppWuttaa u<laiebhaul recolu- edthLie looaiatqe îoso. Atoeci ring thatlmwqid toé smupi ltyt devra., ho noquire t toii saters .týa ait' render their.,salof oeié. ..o 4 of itentuatieuwia coutrsgned by,1s the Iduitss<ofi me, lpou n au $ang wvh bM t lai hi«gu eeordin& te lb. o4);a th,<at a"e ocf itheete 'who. &iAoj y e açld 1j Ifor suueh a ~rpos vo.iflrstagi eodec rot, andi dupe hieva nrosig tien. As sooM .o- V~s bac ant pbie,"'reat agi- tation teck paceintheda -a-à -_-tlba -_ mong the. psrhausoe. the miiaturasn* ý the party [4 ll nt pprtad the decree ofthie Crtû* wohic _ a M est> s 'hev, et -such repugnance. A ctevd colletet arouud tic Paliace, vocférating menaces against tue persan of the Ling-rahicg oui 4Mr ad Rgesi testifyin i Vs vay. their itlgutiuê >iti.musl or ,4initeMa,4 i ts osuas '74,ncrovit vu oct iresahw s4pma tu ud by »M teproseitgleils im~d groat mlUence; thoy vcbld, e, -baie~vo veir entered ma d P:rW.t* 0 . fl mont& of tbe &in& iditham bet 6i-We- trained6thé'dii. grasor t tue teiitîa wbe diçzt e tle. Eea vhibatl r.- mained = sIthL Ing, et lonoh obtained t'rm.biia sother idce <otero lieh »ale s te iMinutersof uhifhe lied de- prived i.- s-Tho t epoWso iniatura wore, therefata, leplceit in tueir respec- tive situatioe sud Lthe pubie trinquitity wu restored. Oùn he ol oi ivigday, [the 201h,] a mulitituide met in tbç P ace Ma- 'jor.and tW aàpetiiendemaiding a i nst <h. uhahiasbelmleb.ewrk Of intrigue ai o ios, thereun eaholit- ed boforit*sa thogh rudeqt tenmale a- a - 1 1 <urh puwebl-tra'qtn-- liy h* kilouor saspecueit*lh4 is Ma< ty teheit oridt if thte min"tre 4r~ i orteuilles e t.Cen- ser-llra iof B Te, crtéesthaa'efore passet a e that tIiou ta sCaseuhlor < t4te ;tcopt etmlit*ry appoint- laent ho *c(ld net become sd inLuu-iço min- ister. Wlasiterfeur, te Kinigrquired. the res'geuiuof .1 'moen patriote:' ho muet bave knowpq. that he o îu dbo vwithout a govermeoàf and # et ho muet intruat Oie selse ýo the chef ecirrks iiboce. lu <is situa lion Ïvomidthle Kingléma b. lefI, vhile internai trouble arè oré oappeaetsudd foreign ifflst*.s. e ad. If osà theother bandt, b. vascsnaolled by a poplar movemehé te reiditatu bis dismissed t ti- nistors, fho e"sI>ysecompliabieit khipur- pose, iusoving te t<b oa.videutarei titat 'ho éasl a captive, that h. roséIy w afi ^o"è44«L he o cIh!neititer perh7om the. IN.as, w .u»joy the prnll.gas of bisetti' FRA4CE lauthe FoquiçitChb&rof Deputies m tho LOtIt < aFbruary, tue distussioa on the. pt48ct ofsalau reWaivo te au extra- eudiusy treMid of1 tahdritd million vas rasete. ite delîsta ubidu teq was -terbs$pthe ti.utrame, <la chai- eut tse dep. lias upcealsadt i %m" _q( M. Nonu W"ee .ie oa dm Wà4lwu F84 aMit usieoi"M a ~ f«wý assit agu e wIis 'e~ ~ ~~ bt ter ftuss*0fl peta owu he Smfw - lissil. t d 0bàM -t- i t -t '-'4 - -t '- ~. k - - 't XMthe imn d issrs~. a ot te tia4toria4Psà1 lw io laer=0 1b dÎle.fVstih: ~~tedrb te sadulct*W lb W tplois gcie Hye di Nnieu t u ShuL w forthd«t fFrat uhd bt "- * 1q e 10 ih ufepsin a t he t riu i-5 do se nýie d ela4< n t sNe- eir,tstanc e ie ebetuminchof an fi te ]Oantabadt1. * di -P rint is"d "pSetu, . Mne 4-vaio ft'w gh ad ,tr MCroy e Sol e H posureadis a threur f - wls ubg. M. d d M nue vas~siéd vit«ý Édin- tr rrooace sfreîn ïï*the eb so ngbéfty Daet ud tis, çbamtetias s14.cmnuelM unxmnlitt rosr, Tho&me igmicdynaba fortsyi te reeig ide. ou î' rtl ofi pu ro Satndolredflu Nesitns M. Manuel repatsoedvg» astdsd tbg çbe as tee te scèite gt a. ueo.legi. »oput ie evithde to of g fotu restu derveoint, Peecfc p*rneburet sud ed a thll. in ss M. Manuhseuiauedlouteiet tais crhi rlage. 64 IMiaspesuho& <ut t h rcoutal, Bitreax a"e thuleistinforem Pto lf In of vhat hait pusedit h he îmrbot.1.43 At four o'cièck the sitti ng uaresum tensime of mony cf the Dqputies. 1 vste aunouacuit that the membure haitoided i in the. Buroaua, dtsa s oÏmision shoilit bl a iroutinatei fbvtr edevie n e maasrot rprs sri cand aud.l tioo on theo part cf au __ -«CPilA~ .ytbi. TntComamission vs acerlh7é, ly appoueit. .' o Soà gr uthseictuapultinthie affsr- cc nocm semosisthat Uic Prositent dissolveit le the sitting. Binding himcpossie to'mai- <0 taint order. th Mitting ef Tlturediy, Feb. 27. n Birfore the opeIf the Chamber, teai Deputiels absembird iu their Bureaux, to ex- et amine the profositions msade 6y M. MA. Do- th pessis de Grenedao, mand Labou dnaet e Thty gvreo rded ais follow :. M. DuplI eass Grentdiu-1 .Ipruq>osthat .<i M. Manuel bc exprlîrd fron thite Chauer s iworthy ta oit ini it. - . .. . M.de Lebourdoauaye-1 have ibe honoor a, teo aeoho~spr. thatIthcy lse siedby e4 loli" ~tbody. ti o(paIg.sg of the olrences commuîted iay ont ni oi its menibers in the exemori is fune-.i dtons, anlintheavttcf its dtiberqljcos eûpellig fro its basaleM. U=. D PU- p ty ofLàendte. A violent delé tom*s., tu a"d Continue dirought isa day. , i liropostaceid M. de Labouardounaye vas si ultimatelly.put Io vot, amg reerred to tht , Bureaux. t Parie.Ménsisrv 2-hava fmeinliai la rid of the utBîb bas both iis day rrnceived by t an extraarclinfy çhamic Ter tgsun der the fiarofa *e, airevsrua full nd cadhre aumaty te smtatte IIOuyWI1 wb vibaveo asuis in thrir bauds. Gemossi.MOrIlea to itho Kuqg la rewmvoto Sffvie. e VeO e psipn.,ike.1 . l ut av test actdv hje rai - t t thug:l0 the Freàcit r w v en tter flaibo«te t MWdoiMafteh- t the latret e Frmaifosi papotie te the 20thb. voet- M"vi -tb1 a tuua alii.' SIX M lu~iglsx* "w,.l ue F«cs M14 te MW villihava oe beeleie r ere * t t-e j' - --rk ty i e oi4be 00% i1aitlng*e hhitit, i amticupiates a si, on the DàIsa* e Madrd ol âail pasi10-q' ksi lgt~sb tts V.uy mo!"et. lufori Don E'va D meMaiàletVadlila, I»n Fi - tuAis Navar .P4igue$WI làpes Ba- fd Dmon i C t% , e'faîw- qr~m,~.Ii roeun~ 'cm-i marnent anulludvoid.. scàmsqzèkjd per Ezcelurcy, vili y uion .'m.1 iend you <a tt hep aIW ,t a? ngb om ited en îImr cImno le-ss on titat cf the i.cuthy hbtnsof tauccîcpital. Idee yo ur P~ icy moà yeaé. Ib4m*atite Palace, ma to o-cWcA ae *tof the î9t1s i. 1823. - I - ftngd) 1 -blANAO G .' BRflI4H PAR LIAMENT. Humet i. tlae*î k eces*iry»tepreface - ono WhIc hf u abosut to uale. by àçteboSso <ht hevwouldunot tics. ýmg on hg attunUm. ABt ue, ho under- ,thc inientiou ai 1grolstette a<paSO edon ;-theyhýa&, heni'ecd to-Items, .i their intutioa%' sMd vère satisiiete ise of theé Â-cps iu Cana; scutul r ~illa >.otheoinNova Scotia th tseoftsci180, sathey -veo 4suisod to th* baose 8111141821- Teo aéde oisceet tie honorable membft *de cke4 fer amm*.1 4cOnl5 "iewo e c1usef, vre governdby dto in the boit chmci i sich disant ice : où«e t perVSiot the Intet1i Fthose setlcmcts ubwMs uriju re i Conil ;-uuutlr the ambhoiY4 of our, a revenue tth %e saotat -ofone wu vas d rast iipractice tht hôn. ber msutneud t. b. contrary toc 1mw, , th lau cof aglsadce man cao be ta:- - haut bis own cornent, resad thre5 - _eahn.4membcru sseesasoein the sums raetad iu thp mnnr-aâdIltmars lt vas if te iývotstte uo coltiex- ure, sant the large rt.Wiltmsce made dt àoiter coumtry. The hanséevas t of theft difficultbes four thei;comWtt- E 141 calai m onlst.rs lta lay befo» març tcril te Enlindrt.The hm, cie "ai ~t *aia prîneiple. thet uluea us vero uabUe te defrsy tbirron4mw cit. inbteat cf bring sasousce cf savie or hiruefit. ttey ere a drain sMd a nui- touhe maltaiCowbtry.' Such W46 dhs fS bis - wcpar thmçequa., menùr cit tbuatifhe cowoisi Polsss vote syered inu4"e, stwsR d#e ienoe, tihétinlaAUl O md M lutîoet tybve **,Vê 09 th btiaet-il vu~ jbo a4 d~ Fe coep France, uequesi Yit shc ém, otrat **ctty 1 ho mot hmn. , a2tr Wl dt Of %ii inforin bc moi Mr. UVer 1"'. '1- --2- . 1 1