r.' s- .5, 't - t Ar-- ~' IL -. ~ t - .. ~ * ~ -\ A: -t *- uj sithé gtmmtlë* oh:,ifIBUUMI ire iaardâ~ed, v knoWut~-jeeu c.çd th, ytit r mach hImw be modafiuli ly 'O ?W*aepaiiynIg koca Meet~C.eug.feaccoilut n eivti feA 01t1M the FrénCb Mimi ti iithe moëwi olcial "aper. ») Franct,. lu9c-ur1tknow. IW uequesmuratdy tdupa.Êltaitte frucitoi, mo. ý ttl çSfq, h -ç' e fruNATIa VM. k% ÇuM>, e uie n t V4u tant Lt niffi l Fu t etia isha rd p~fc tat pirC *Ip i -~eswaai~pP gaer ahc"-10ut ci«.Unstanirfi, would lieriitibuteon ti Scôàtrary, if,-miiiorwes l" âun. ethe dm lrold te. -whçlIydiSr*lruit aternel vould hâve & ve y 'I nSao losos.'- Ti. titi tn- , ~tctaid atl mpecbwhlch hbmt îq:ý. ttiuéd. aa cou léty giin.bet'b*tbins»Îmmef au~evcry geaiualm*ct t wtooSpcamouiknow thxiIW It annthel. be More .ii;w thmm th*boostpctEo -tell hom., o4otlmuý, I' 'ThSuiwdceht ui oiMitI sf'thiigsIah¶1o maiht hea ad riet-b"rtbM Vthe conteuti w 9, peles cànect y" Mené.è9e~rt5emiploye beftofoe cuertiii eut? h Mmibat's~vemMt o f premerving . ac am Mratrli . ls bu tt Mcedemtrjyîe ep long as ahp remainse 1 certanîly am% opli4aân <1 cUbe k osly as aopinion,) hal lu inexpcdlent te brhigthIb.aunUOUuto di -&Wo é aam;bof *heu thepr tiumat aii ofe aewui be*foun. o'moun ethe pi1 ii lmMajustyla Gnerawet to withho inforitkia!)qat on <h cantrary, tht> wvou bc mou a s<i ) sm r the éist texpis Sjoisrepeciu~ htcourse 'auhctbti hit 4 in lauconnexio kh dicte trauis Mr'. tugham said h. hsd ne more1 goyt ti istinte ¶t that thte tateuieaié * lion Scrétary was ie cabi ds t*«yathe fcr ot,ébid-s im .~ie hmad mi fi _"tpr ma in iii î;:; -th- Lýï@ -i-Aww-_m atëi*tIiidB pb to Se thicli Ms. lg?ef hmOsae iE 3k .tt the.ooamu tht- whis h4ia dangr à( em ee- là*, ,~ oma~-MriMthti~awio : t~gbtw: bom~ li~sIe dhaq 4ibm 'woacot, - aa~, ose,à buïdyatVI Uh ensudva ~~ winb - &nface Apàm t he PL la eass as te render titu iaeuplto th 4 N l0. XIN M M*Wock ho ba I t Rnsd foi-, eo. saab ave nven *' r bell, w"tlchtait bro*ua ad<ia thaccfW"yrd& apdfl cOW aptt<b l'aitj of a.VemteL loeU it huadsed mpflta bae bemu withut avuf IhUtrfiSdgiated by-- Clirle Suaoù ci'Ambaqudi mii I>iIm Etiag" &ibout te qii t <ba0a4ta The Coreita&Y, tbatLord 'EitzAScer Mt hmefa;wd in the objççt "of ho mnamo Mad* ~ m wehavegeodveaon t b.qve, t4mIe« wbjct ie rcamm a tht Sa a tg atm' *The Dube 0 Of lhgtu spte -ru"! la about te peceel on msfl pSi Jammcii t the E."mra Alzand, miiSteteu< hau Imeilybeen oimsptiy tm tey May g4 yon t. ho l ists humé wl¶mevingthe t zuiosan usoi paetmc on te i.I5h F-cbeuuy., tl vu It chmt. Lna theidunavers, cf a nom "Cr of gcnln uWho have aaaociate 1 unckri the Utme of the, GMW crt&eDamuedi COi S$q.They uftw saI. capital i '2300. 000 w Jlai43000 mares, -te bul or A4 PUrC ,U twtmty <ëco teniveumsal~ cf cght homep.or, mad te b. voepleyed b 4-sPono h *Tht Ship Coluambia, arrsved ai ?i9-W Yor4 e. am"es us te lay beihie eut readera Esagbmf dates t e th ob f Mamp. Tbeot miirpct- &nt itemS et'intetlffgeaîc#furnihiby daim ar- rivai will b. <ctsýd undertheb ppewr bead-- h appearuth"t il the efft ott f tfic'. sltsaGo- veruipent t te rerve tht esa of Vuropamc likely te P"vs unavasing. Tht Commercisi Advertimer cf thet bit. Centsine M. Vbaitteubria:ud'm Speech, os the "onicufor amaupply of luJoUm livtcs. wbich occupiea ne&rly six celuas oi that papet. Re tbinks <bat -wur la indhapeimâbW e s. ive à shatcsm tpuydebae.wW.h " place lasj tbèvm euetDepmtqssaoutht 2"h la"iefftocota roeSpeaie bat âthe El- trmzdmry Cettes oIo# tté ittiiag oce . l9tJ of Februbm. TII.7h dpaed ibm su myorctheat mI ci tim u ,,tg eCadis, in gsme te 4%pkdita beb-usmaed h7 iau.a vum FerdWM A sdtesadt S.esm* 'w»*the deorot, sud te lBý 'ies w ve bIitu a- majeaty, Md ib0depoucil Uleiseasvarlseib ma~w*-m.h àed là t auetdiss Opoetb is owo 111110 =et 04Xbus~ $mi% Md t id a uIuvy.uba l-a *em cf Sei go OmMdmduegi ,~. ~I~h Pmàç bus g$te a te, bu wtge Ipf 11»h iiextil9Ol o sib, dm sould U- 'tiri a"i a v.s&desl rfIopoSUàte *5h~t Ir.5 blst haiSped (no blodiy khwa t wby)th«tis ds U i l h. eu- t- rmad 1"btipwt mvslaMjsj M'ids itO1t* ~oamtls Ms.c L o ' uthTavhmùms Daum. Z ié u. -73 »ftâiflfl*~~ itehaie& a?,l*. o~e f uâcbî ii*~Wmoee.0 tha, »am base#* haenate t ticu m 9 d fr , ai Pi"the- aidbitmqudroe~i ioadem I-matesotai- .8 the th aCam o f OdWt 8140-eVerlvelChl anve been aeoemdy sobbo&, a" <ts rmw e»'-m therdnsoUY whippe or muraSd. a. the .amwù tibivardca% th.e ég ses are Iied wvathgOâ. la pêttol, <ey àk maly a doubIt*lSb$MejmPd of s Ghmse. Tlée f~ bu h ,r, m i àimLugiSm , - utireis- ~ dae. ia*~t$tnt.tai-legond. aI.tt. The popillace boAa rnaucit-uf h*aasg btoW the boîtes crew off the Spaib, wa-d'uc rpeuily sWow theib' <tteYUlinatsii of assaisia ting Commodore Por or aoy eth.bit&- i% mlaouid tbter 1adin uH.îvaoaY' TumUevMc, 4fttlU ten teelock, aâ large wooakislding beloug te (,iÇovterpiiat. of about 100 gr -120 ft onklntbmlituate(oùiicheCqansd ocr u pirdi anthe upper stcq' m a 4cstptnttari 'hpby tet mc emplaed inabcllag' téorbaimndlatht blm!i a*plaçé. foritoa mi; quit k liss, wu dançov e.dt.bu anfil' b) the gouid oea 7 s#aswte au ci. the as miitob-b.thit sosmeac0G prblyfraii ste drylpos oCtbpVeUih log~ WIIm as tuamm ti amu iN mtilm. ilscotitm msiaatktrt qSt.w' untievmtadmet alabali. ïïtht c- ituave ortfictucs mm ,progreuet th. titidâ. 'Uht mmd sas favorabh; e dit tleuit hf as« ut itthte rdnanuoehae aid t.ý .afit:çrs' barracks a tew fet dbixuce ot), .sud ail cf wood. watitd m.vîtably bava biet cosurned. Thterc aretires jàowder maga- aines wilamn' a radaius - f-420 yards, whach ais#f thr lire auenewitat alaminiusg. Frona teeti'tMli5f the trccp sud eclusathr pragméïa 44 t e s cobliuard glbeislI s' M e t t a -a l'or Me Uppe.. <.matd lra4 t. Mi- KDriOs. a" .o Ai.uisbt the v..........op *cd relatât: tu an Union oS tht Povmc. that cf uniting Usa, aâ a pieîvefrntai£- àsaàg onilr 91w s Uuatcd bSté oemmt tiseaiot louI. wu are maiete~l mlà ýlIrrumcine lu teut, .l~ 0m secti, bvtW eSetbLua provaul, uthere a between te Uppcr Provice adi tdm.U Iti tu*; ti, -Laa un Uumm Ik entwIal te pîmeet usa&sasit" cokler -The anin- &jdverauib open tht Latter Pimbe. are m- v u mdnjtiat*me,r CI* qbc Wla pmi Loer Cana&a vcold o*m V par- Nia% igatac; et emm u tefl wdmf ýtSuino mma shosalsib.usi, uh iuOetie requrud;.wemal .probaly *44 *r îrUth am him yteUndcur Cmsumler bas in dsadvasaaa hl tgrmi 7 onisc thé tuiv eIcge VI w ita%todStht a- 4 Ae y, sd enao st s thtiaoeei>i ïa bave pmeed thmmsch iv ai s a 1 inmi ~ and bave çVbed W AL ted dimiv« m Iies t. the ie e bavemtwustiee 1,t'à6 1 r IbM d maife toi fitsan râe teer beramau mueh ldi a.i - eea iu h k u, of C mootlat hIT or . ,a s- e saiaetar) stowed by thvmc.,Tht geneyal vesssgiven e-ib"sexchiomve pcivleude ste Homme c ..omomm a ibas tht uuppâ«u r aimd uap on thé body of the zpeopl pal&eregore at ig propa th ibis iy alose uabould bave thet #.Uamg themsellei and a te ima Io"5 Me <ho Cnnacs Mfslltvb aere4bha vlisolmefc th r TeH.m te exuft luy power but that dcftrecdmg; !be,. M utprmait the lenalsai lcpor andmaentteiWmdby te Lârda ithse maode of txn the people ba niomet liti, &c.» frois which me may infrthe Repre- wuatatives ef the people have& ego ebe informait<e wlat parposes te siubil art raiscd, and me te dispose cd thena n thev may buat determine fer tht Intercet ef tht people. It wculd b. lnoasistest te inmgine the Execat ive-have, a- riglit te demend au(' deterinam'-e aponU hat smain *ail he raaed u. hJoStht people ilm-hEeigSirR pV. -V vs icpu Pamu terwhkh it la ta> b. appropwlt;lmor' do 1IImagine qui' Re- consenitat ruerpîîee wyfora the purpoameof gvabfvhng inord"nte aflhlhan If we take a vlew of the prcellings Oflte luperial Parhiament cf Great Britain, Whbo -ire ever di.poaed te i, eo t u r nal vaiit tiîd necrimitas . se shau me their intentiona to unit. the Provinces vawu wder an %re *ion it woule ne acceptable otepsnh t aad*ians as Weil nseuthe Upper Province, l3ut lest ther hJ; reiwlvtd wrong imipr.aaici j twy left it for uhe conisideratioa of a fturte essien. that the sentiments of the peopit laight lie genci'aly mcertained. and he>ond 'obt the French Canadies art aiment ta. *î.tnimoualy oppood te it, as well as ninr- -nh onb f the, population of Upper Canada, l*vet'are sIïm hp cpie of mlseuig, the ouamtitution l- b hecopent of théro"le, we lbaysr-rssoasbly coclude 4 2e-unmon(at #ea" fo 4 . rnt 'si D ot take place;- rrtintuberâet cr Rao<Aaswbty. l am dhspcaed tc bellevekt wosud b. naore "ikcly te promoute a Sent-rai dhusostemat andi ant unlik 1lesrt! te am ualichély alliance aith thteUited States. RUSticus. on Tburadaythe lTth mat. Ur. MIcBAimaDan. sic, lath Dte m yesr<ohbis sr. COIÏMUN.ICAIION. UNIE»-At Enîest Town, con Thurmdy eve- ning the bIbMt*rd. WILLIAM JOUNSTON, Emur~late Colonel of the Addington Militia mgd8yem@, tan months, and ten <laya., He wau one ofthe1t ut euera in this Country mt ter the Aoeuisan Utvchation i and ba since re- sided in tisi place. Mie Lqyshy to his King and stta.cment te bis country pe s trong traits in hi& b chtetaw bavlng merved bisMajesty fisthfully frt80 yeam ia nd during that period dahsàomeh iis. s.- e mwuat the reduction of canadah he '.yeiu 59m*" 60, and tue &ut- ceeding wata; be bad maay higly valable qualtiemk ind friendi, a genercua bemebrc. m4d the por mwuneva eus ovate go o.iam s Way frei m h aimbhde.,,i ho willb. ua" Imented hysi hiffleum daqus sua but t mee la oy cqummted ith hlm Win l"Pth ofeiin ý1lb%1wT"% ,APA i 4th IUS -BAI1KINCyI'ics.- therevm b * oi meting of u. Stockbed <ofthe 9an or, upe <Cmada, at the, Dsak ithe Wwn.1 Tofk *4èd 90 -Ocà- t mm be am- l.g u satbe &et dfreta TflS. RIDOIT. Cashier. »md 1 = i aot *,tzast U und3 aea mpt@viUOt. 18 Ton. une.%aTV, oit <Ui Tb.eualaamme eba Om i whiss ha 7,1.d 10 buaen" -t' t -t, '-t I. t s'. iýniaac4e " të-m 40 dolar. lest .e1 he wtswwce veas ,"Mgirae U ta ho aw st tZo4 S'waanrAasfor whilimI4 bAi rua for the firmer stakuse tobepd. ded--5 doaé t e te ,Otiwmu *add A U % T sonl h,-,yarid Spar. 7wawram 4doe ra .rue, f whlcb <h.Ladies' purs. wii hé add.s* frrpé qh"c*1 aing hotssare tW hoe e- claed- ne*u#iim 3Mntof ໫t twice round the curs.. Ail herses te b. entéed. * ith'the Trea- murer et lest tht.e dq6bdore th* racpu jr*nmence ; bettes eiitéoed after thattim t. pair double émtrance. -'--: Wmai.g «horsés.*p7 iulafll&aeadià .<iete o begWeeto t6é Steards of PrivaéeatcIi. Ail dispoteti pointe te b. rgferred te the Stwartis, whasedecision lu tub.eç-Qa sitlesed fiinàl. JAMES ATILINSOY4, &<rtarl nd Trraturg^ Kingston, April t8, 11 U. N. B.-A match ft3o0between - M. Richmeond% C henuut Mure La- dy MeNAB, au. Mr. At)cins' Grey Irse JOHN BULL la rin~g 6vernuiii, , ommsséiatOffice. Ktoamteo n i- IU THURSDAY tihefirat efIiay aeqt, et noon, (mutae Mrchants andi otherm.concerc- cd in (urwarding GOODS te the Lowç Province. fr the hire f rteturmaung Zz* arninent Batteaux, fram Kingstua t6 La. chine. The par*bs imroua of availing theut- selves of the. use of the lDoab wili peàI- I the rate perbarrel bu4theywilllpate z eanaMna. s.aa& citent of Transport they uil requir. tit. Thie usnasi eenanty wifr-ho rcqulred i4r- the performance ef such agreement as may lie enttred into. Tu Aprit, 188'su T HE smuw". 'Ww ini :1ve t h hIla cubprer oraMqt"aitIY riiod,, Po e,4u ,L i oe Kru" . 1 l .r IDO hoaey fl"bd all h«» Cou et witfrst mwepemmaln a> DashblA ', V,' - i~* t- '5 - t * t ici Bsoweu, Dimadiar ieb creigliton. eçe 't1 1eui Chaspine Aàdrew fumttw 2m. Lauts Hm"UhWI Hu- lhlsMarçh maqlsPutDaniel Pwrry.2. WUIl mP.eireq4 Peter Pexrry. Andr@w Pechins, IMM 3aw . Abraham SaudEr 2. 3mht scett 1;,amecbiy"vr, Jtu. JAimc swteAkro tue W4bih, Edarlt. Ji..' «bSsoaçrd*o &ulde. >mthsiclC. lpet. fi&WWVWudobal. c4u .4 a -- Il q.4