s. a.)' .~-, -s-- - . 4#"4~2Y~'~J '-t ~-~L ~-~. ~?____ "4."-'--. s -* ~ 6 tbefote. cluitékmiikriàlefficr. i* as wng hehj otie? day, uIc hcouçstr reg-t0 élIttion tp vole_ ~ Off 1boi di ont stwataoew beng o*orn. aMal bouiteb gI bit opanidn cm oatls b aiita voftfor the Mr. icho watopp9g 1 d te Afly seay;. .li the argunts ucwre now frrsh on theirq nsetpy,ad lite-re coutld be- Dolame mort. fit èe4rideth < . t t . on -but aà the hon.i ileccuiaat thivr books. lieWo profn thetij - tII'W*,worrow. As 1o4Àc jffaturning Officei-, -br-hïiught le wais a ilaro maaaîstrial nUl acr. ac -',bctw--n dm.Iw pe anti this ,- Howe,ah :;.h.îlI bae left t to Ibis bouseta dýe itildciailir. Thbrda$r was ton laite-kle wailther'ttbre novz the hobe- te adînairi t utmormwnv They heard ail _the argumaents laat'.lear. on titis saîbjeci(Mn te trial of Mr. WBiawel, à'-.-he (Mr. N.) wa thtn aifoopinion that Aljjen>borib bc- fore the Rtvoutionary war; "were naturei boita sutýects, and ai the tiimîaîiaîus argu- ittens cqnaioed ln the speech of the Atty. Generali ataioccmiio, uidamat alter his opinion i the leasi. Mr. C. Joues was ln favor'of postp#Me- ment j there wert but a few buokoit ais sujet, anéd »every member wihed ta cou suii enà. He tlioogbt the canduet' cf the Rtturning'Officer on this occasion, wuahut.- Ôraih u t othe candidaU-tebihmueli, madthr countîryas te the 'Retoraing (ifficer hav- - .ing a judicial aathority, is minai bai been made,-riii on that point;- but hie conftiSaad. *sinc it- bchtard the argumtnts of the learneti CounsL I aI lt4 bar, hiiiopinion..hileont. de- grer, wa% baken ;he îherefeie hojaea_îhe httée wculdl give sufficient timte. Mr. Buril tibought it wrong for a-Rt- tua-ning Offleer teauesimie tbe autbority i dik na the* presernt occasion ; le woudmo'.v an umna<ment te the resolutioaî for the posl -ponent. Het dictamovedththit t ic i. solatd, thai certain fiatas tated in îhtetei- tien of Robert 'crry, Juti, anti others. con- plaitta; aif tbe nndîarvî clion of M. Clatît, Eiq.t1r5ang admti td by tl itBting metiber, the saît Eltton is hrteby desiamea voiai. Mr. . liune% hnpea the lion. ma<nher .Would not preas Iis motion. when bot,.' members haidkeclared tlaey were niet prt. payOd to vote. The Iesrnedl Coupsel iatti referreal ta seirral in support uf hi& doctrine, anmc h. oulcl with an oppoattuniby cf lok- lut imtothcar caseb, aabamilaaetlin miglît, perhaps, minure hbu ta -chaimge his mimiandi opinionîs. Other gentl.emnen hati drciareti that their opianions Wvr leaai4Y shakeat by Îhe argauments of tIlarned i Ciutselat tbe bar. -TIwy votre sworn bu deaide prnperly anti corrertiy, and Ibis wasa net a coimmoia pliace utaurrence. lie titerefore hopttl lhey woaid aiuow ticefor due cotibiderg.L' Mr- M'Ltaaa, as an indilvidual ,nchbr. 't sas flot îreli.trecatotagive Iis opinioni,and hot- peal tii aëstutia'aî wîtuid uialbe auhupeîad. Mt-, Rutlssn maîd tis wasm a ntainartant 2uestion ; tiaey werc sworn te decide accor-. iug tecyldence uniti aw, idbe wutlnel- n consete 0gitr lias tote, til le haui a pro- per nplportiaanaîy of aîakiaag up bas minci. Mr. Hagernt aa as tsuaishtrtithe hout. gentleana (Mr. Burwtii) %voul make sucta a moticea. licy -were tu ry ilt h wLe aiestinat: antmite principal point was wbe- ihler Mr. Bid wel id âtiaay rtght, et was n ai l competent lu oppose a litibh subjeccîlit that electionà. Tiitswathe iitlpont lheyniuait decide ; but the taon. mzmber who propotteal te prese it Rea.oltion, seemeal ta do an0li' order tit get r!d of the te her points: Seave- ral menthe rb for wbpse opinions lie ha. bite bighest riaptt, ucre uaanrepawed, and lie huptal te>wouil nat burre amy mante tagive bit oji'ion oit oa; k itwas eno b-comitiz Ib i rsvbOd> tteioso:8. Mu. BRurwst llhaltl traite ta ithdraw h;a Resuluaneai, atid Mr. Baidwii'ti Rtsolutboaa fnirIpu.ýtloaing tht ltbatetalil"btiay tirai, -ii w.put iâaiifarrird. 7Ysuirday, flf/i Feéruary. M. 1J ones saitllae w-es prepared tith sont ýJi . ae,l4titeia, but b in rer te çoilt et the - apiiateaeas of-the lion. niembers. he îoeald iait stittt lis -ot n Ju'igmant «I tis imapraut bqtebdton. Tii. Hott. in te firat Rrbalu- tion, ai' .-t'ed, hat if the. ails galdoue Couiaina- maksv.-voti the&loe ; ho woulcl now vote ilaai cantrary wiby uhen calikai oeslbdrvo.th, lie wueld u ie oatlasbul. i eaàr. ed Cooee.nt4 ut e bar suppojîcal tht Petition Cn twû gimma; Fitg, ltai -tlIç Kettgwmin -3mde nther Wsastnt au alitel. With resjwt = faoat ie (Mr. Zwteal, tought thc e t tle quçalicu. By. th. commun laiw,(theo bcd, ail persnubora citeof thr KW8 sdo»os wevaliesi, fanilte m. jeëieëîe eia4I1 -wawborn tso the la. C'ag's dneminm hh lraned <;Ommel ut the lier cqitenédd et!a j9cted.cmndlçate vMb u1stalied l W1ý loIW tahIIOS-Ui em. 2d, u XlTi miu 'Il1 ' 1 Il arguedthai ai) Astlhts«, r ~tiberal pnsbet uhsbsvîus, l4 ~ htbs~. llganast. leit, :- 1 e . pomur hallW. a zottlcd to thii I = IUWI born a i5ecit suait ' " iiesaiii m fiedid not thh1tO *t WViln went toal a arConnel foc he iose ted Stattes, w agm osov legiance by th e t. 4* V e act àf '97. agrreing to thisi treaty; but le.coe-' teaxkd thult te comim"is,.rS, autliovsed te make thet rekty by act of '82 Were authoi- ziti also tb absolve the peaple front their ai- legi.tac: by thu followint trcaty of 81~ From the Paris Moniteur, Pcb. 27'. M MAWUKL'S L&Era-.ýiWe yettertlU! received thie followingIett.îfromK . Ma. nuet te:~Jh- President flot havig been able ta réagi to the Chamber the letter whîch 1 had the.honor tu write to bi.. 1 beg that you--istbe segofid -oob it iii yuur Journal. You r, 4C. MANUEL." F ruary 26. 4Mr. President-The state of irrita- tion in which a part of ibis Clianiber is at jresent placed, makei me (erthat I1anay net &ia ýté fad in Ibis ittinga ma- -,mntý lene t coplee c:eiepres- longer niect with an! honest reprovers, when it is aeclared as 1 intended toutter t-as it ouglît 10 have been preutumed front what 1 had belore ud ; fually, vou yaturset coold flot wthout .ajustixm Ilarne. if you lhed permit ted me. tpon hibis, as aspun a fbrater occa»iwl, te finih lhe Who e phrabie. ,Ihe iniiter pretenaled to discover a grnund for %var in the fleresity of tre- leating in Spain the occurrenoce oit eff c'atastrophes which tained the Easlioih and French revulutions with blood. 1 re. .plieaithat the sins newhich lhe wold a- were beat calculated tu augment, ixâîead tf diminishing the dangers which wr siuppogged to-menace an augugit personage;. suiti in support.ot my arguament, 1 refer. redt thlie events which bad led to the o- vea throw of lte Stuai', and the. death of the unlartunate Louis XVI. et 1aktd wlether it was forgotten that ibis mistortune in France haed bren pet. aeded- byb the amemd interferencm qfthe Pruiaibe and Austrians, aa.d aecalted to recolloction, ale a tact known te, ail the. tsorld, that it wal'lem t1it revolsatiqmay 1Fr.ance, feeling the n.cesiqof defenda, herseif by nee strength (io-v'Mi.e. and energy!..limge I waa interrup. tit. If Iisi had noet happtned. my sen- tence would have been s foflowe:- "Tin revolutionary France, feeling the. n«eesi- t>' of defending herseif with new forceu andl etirgy, set n motion ait lthe massa,ý romisecl the.popuiar.pausioni. ait thé& o- Casmoned dreadl'ut excesacu, '-ad a depto. rable catastrophe ini theintidal;of noble re- sistance.» No perso' could' b. mure prepared than 1 wau beforehand, tg)ie eay ho ail the prejudicoms, and mien té tthe violence of a part of the memberi ut ibis Chaiber, whoae prnoîples ami4 cfforta I have cou- sitiered it ni>'duty trongyyte oppos, Jbe sie1 beIQeve in my imbu[ and cotioine,, : Ilat those prîucples andl efforts cumproot. ,ie;ai once the ,nterestm of the throne and the nation. But 1 ougnt asotto &t de- piveai. b> interruptions and yatmi. 1whic raueen consialered snegocusabla, of thensgbl of bing heird befor. 1 atm jadged. I deare titat iit a>' Dot beer- îaitted tW impute luo"me enmabypociitàa.. ai,11y.te a.murd dfisigo cf basely iînmuhing, wtiouî nitive, without interest, the sis. ,frortones of augut victime, 1 -_rtluts 1 illiuats ail Vneriuabliertsw-Whe, Iathl have spoken, 1,mili brave tllejudgmeae of paal onate men.,sud 1sI sahfuûesidy vait tha f jutat men. . 1 have he houurto le, MrPremi- dent, yeur ver> humble servant, , f the iizîv member of =e~hMWu~D ptatip, asui gte;iasionofoU M. Miner) 1the redmag f > M nut he vote i ithe bitdng e W ilths ath rejecteti1- -We.,ihe uw*smnd mas atofht 1CbamgbpetffDqmuius of thi e mmtu,j ve feto nbe car datyto 'bc- AU Fr"=nce . ileqi la., v in m he. M tg~cath le iffl pr2gaIe m&lI -lb._prlmlIWà wetalea fr*aliie~ and t- lahui:e410 temnoNu«t; - aomcçpBlk0 Offthse misfortanes wbicks" htiii N tpW!fte 0 dram upaonOouri c.uttry, e iStgà éti the iii gai and l oo u lately taItn for uemeu ctusiaoff . uaue lence ;with uhîch bciebas bcecstare froas <te booni of die Chambereof Depulse." .-JRELAND. TRIS L.4TA :TRr.IL OF 711.5 R0- TER& The repart off the -laie trial publiaI.4 by Mr. Miîttei foab l niiadom octave volumte, of uaearly for haiargts- çea. The. ausiety ' th ti hch il vas vaita tor. madle thetlime occt'iaiiy MOccu inii part lias appeaireal, ae aren lysapie at the celerity vith uhicit il bas beea set troain te Press. The trialisaf'*the Rilhhm-1 nien. patulted lest vinler bY Eu-- 1Ïere Ooijy about cOne fouati of ltee kagthhoff <lia vet fivve eks vert speisitiprntangtiiem. Thr. TMlaifor tb.Coospiracy lasbu .nprin- ted in a fotbigitb andi puhislted jtIs O kO criisble mauer. The foloiuîn extrects frei thsesec of the ALI.orney Geateral wyul bbh 1se ceplab .ti'bey show the candeurt*ad tmas- fiimars with wicb thait Icaratet Geai&muan diseharged hlis duty,and tht>' fsatai a c»éfa- pleze refutarlaaroftt cahtumakinthMiitu ly proptagateda aaain t e distiaagsabet No- tAreaît i te heaà of Ithe Goverassacat an tiei counIry'. MARQUIS W74LUILEY-9 GovZitm NT.î -'Andl upllea ba as ti"svioxnce, brue comnîlUeti? -1miai ull rmanae -Wmiù the citaracter of the Lord Llutenant. I à at iswhich I rai alt " r hau " .z bt 1 there arc oicpluananti simple trutitaubig1 1Iamiin grat itucethle huusand lu dutyto ti cotuntry', hoontile mstase. I bave bai Ue- qucnt commiaxions witi t al uhistrieas pt:rwouage- uben a as4vrivred.-i bmva- ludabl aaiace, off sU-iearteul frend sid ci aur exûcltst Cltif Secretar>'. Wbea ibis contry' rhibuied a scene off ateparMlleet a- trocity i tamputl, aa ubea e duvitanti horrible conptuq masw spreaing over lthe1 NortissMie m nhai disticts: on that occa- sien b. sobraittesite a labour wlkklch <e Mm- est dlerkinla-amy of tk# pubic'offies WoulI th" ua baWsef oppremd i utb. tue esuilaibne to discliarge thee impotan auai lls 4lmbiso ficee and tWiconlrbleutihe peaco-man um. pances off tiis Coumt ' .tit-is 'hiedid *t thse4 expeais Dotaif consforit Ci>'buSE pi h1 usai hla a mcuseil of wiing té put doua1 UsezPrtmlna oftitis county. Notlsng9 wu <ver mom u uae. wyoûui'Judge-11_ ,of es priacipks of mtiou, look tolu06 seu- lok tthe i messun wboan bu buas uhr benâet-I* tu thoar wbom b.ebas appelit- rdainu offce-la tistbmwt inte disisatmoui if nîercy-&ad sai> if yoa ciao dlmovcr in bit oof <ame principles wbic bhave been s au iwaçuataably impu titaitt. For-* ue te appoint me laelite uffie 1î h aàd uath a piffect ksowiedge ltaI on lte gret subject *ubich dividts the country. my cpi. nioins vert dirnt frontbis. Vet bc e novi t-r withbeid fromi me bis confidence, or bis kinduesi an <t accouai; nou mm s'qe- tion ever one, inathe course off i kdar %bti 1 have beca li office, méettiosed. If. tisere - fore, an>'mmaasserttethai the priiipise of bMt aqîsWeUciey!s Goyeaistentip ioj 'poldam sedi lu egmiAuber, iii. I.1 sarton is ultint Iataadatim. Aàmore pcv.- feci ant ievenhanded limp&rtlity, .as fur as 1 have beau abt u obueive, nevervas -dis. plaiyed." LOYALTY-THE STATUE. "»Auother iopic of defrncé relieti un s. that Mr. Partis a seau c great loyahi> ,anal urongi>' attached tte .Kig:ati il a a*ked, *"q au veouveicia lylmâasoff a»Y c-r P' «'lsiot tes lie.is, dta. ta court cf juatace. 1 adutl ill of~ a whlcfitmomucs be i. mt; a loak ie play* kés#f hy Um lyiu tt h. e doib Ss- vertige; a loy,OyBI bids AW ritsad iseh hie foier#%aàtlampdwlcb mua bis hWPer- manl a t of hi reremtative. a ilmi Rôaalui, kg wmyôof tishe.,18 ttise raeer eOrugetpms: ib"_ tachmerut ta tht tlag: lise .p#aut.1 governamene, tbm prolecdmsu-iacee p flot mrittit. ublms, tlareoe <'i&osa t tu prvef a ai.<at be eomaslsaed.tMa" "~t la tlmess eme.hi uhi.e- ,aq . misaiff s 'bits_ flat tise dvii êi~ vid~ah,, vers, jus effIla. Ca î~ '~ ~sm'e,... - mul, it ndee.d AhW "900emieeI wm orne atml é*ats is. roelgi 2 natjr-aa uId = i eeptmg bis clsaieuge-Omk'theéuiP*6 sat Geneami mt;&cQum SMU Amcà fl ti Ws1r e ii naal?'pema M aPnus md tve ub~ uuuls --- oaFiaLasaas9 ~ Ide bsadvevmeWYL suord wi<h lhi t IIBd,.IOOIS~~I5 asiplcing tihe - à W at j ahadIbis. hu~~mIPq- su b bm 1 ibulôe d e .ta - grog t>' iw a mote,texàftn »d 1ai e lues P:ur matd. bao*=.s~ou, m.- I. . ti* aaial écte < u ér w <>jjyo m.br hieues ~ ~ i - ~.-. -- - - - . -.. ~ -~ w ~ïL I ~' UtfIi 51 S U'W5 5 .W~ ~1~MÇ1U~ Sr.--tAd u flr dte btfS.J*si Cue l t4 bb krA & 4 o( mm ,Irs1; t.a. b dtb, CeSsual<o - if; Guard calhifurea paeilcmr da'c de- voilS "ulult mai5tadsOa lioie- amnoit."Ibamluçe t ia satioudalGuaeta 8ta raws.op i bisUer"li Tht «Nad" atiGo" "Wvep lie tht pupon ci s*s< sselsthulmj Il - mm u<PaemaIe dtubaIi hope,+ 6ssfa' i.ws putpebl tb Mue f3PldtaaAiLabs es ;hé aai .lalSw ski usmth 1tie 6 bot#j~ le. am « -01 -i thse te hliitf la 14 iEKé gucai inmi IF-"W«NM,'z ïi~~--;9f ýït *4 -.dii da*c * ~U,,.'toea.d is la tqapupap. mitim bedbllbeba we baU mlwc CM" th um late ~ uaa~~ tors tl The f Fi*f *e 4* I. tIssa r-- ~1 - 4 -la - il a "'4- -1 1 : 1 q "'i' "w .1 tsI~ whlcU I Chruk mu befoti bai' 'h toa - hadu 1 - u 7w -1 iùlý t, -144, --,âi -nÀ-,ýt i - .7-