rktai Wei ui4e ficmren.of à bcoln .h~tS te oerfluetlt ataoe, aait inibis rotin- anthiit thwre pû tesl ail (abarcvi.epeeh of Iis tassave et wllii wmidOl rneoSJydevs,.t.oc antiniii ader tu receve that bowiy and fi- try.,,ne wau.thereforL of .piion ~t M.mdonyrcvr:* 4ti pohuuitftirit1fsue@t iiit V. aAi l>4~ h vour àd the guverni.uint, who iflvittd tutsi. IkdwUelthe ecaudidaw,.wàsrttuiil dta iltht Vit' .7jdar ih~l e~un ci oth.2 ac'quirwgouucauec L l tit ittt Tbey wtve no. howçver,.caUtd o toait îhm uriviirges of,&&Bill" Sbul j CL i udfIttYàrçien5'i1uoandihgerwîWvm t l4tthyfU eu à question -vîicl.1 lovolycU the' intcreste ibissC*n.-ja4 ~, eetiuat Ineîory-yeur tk oIaip 1metC ~ tn le ofail mch permda itis Province. l rkîa adttr o ~oubi ,nuitr âd~eeoerctilt4h r naidt4~ but 1i kià c n fe i s e d ie v as a k n y i d ji f r ~ a n eorf u l , t a t i t î a i e l t t e . ' C 'b f r àt f a a b ' w i t r e lie f u n a y l i l n hl* Wb à . Mr! o f--t ~ opinion whileti lit i utcrtained, but ou petitione octPcr.J imioLeualforded ta the k *Ie of tesaid 11.11u dhij -expect > fiee a d&domm fch va «'ireilec.laon, ad lting thibe argu- were truc ey eesfiwtt nk ol. est expectationl s tta1~~l 'hm" ~ deidi x Menis on thet oh r malC, liewuaconfirnicd th e lection : lie hought thebi aikegatifns V iehmuedite iure of the said Blitk 1meb lom couf samuotala ictta elîther lin~ ~ ~ , exet vii p e ntitit ,v-r teptfo pblcqgîsc hp !d %er bc a lle It s.. ut ho he -nm - a pcts ète aveceocrr vitait r0 fobl ef î2i e rvn s ho hrs ~ oditi id e carr cd tiain shfiuki licmade '.osd. H n n rewrt f i tly te iotal co iavct e o ilati tteaW cc« lest fo s l ic. tiry monaln&D Ailul a-i1lit at u th ltyo in Ritià tiubs m1h..iho eniber àofitàï' Tl u,s.mnc a ice el.tl cào Stat m nl Ws '&' h - tth t vwId b cIois - e ts o f * l t mr, a b h e ci aih &- vf deted àini le cw asatisfw r tli t e uirca- Jett wrç-se vriua owéevrrle woluid Tit e 1 i ofl~ f the mai14 la M ay U Z i ll, 83. ito t ai ffae p rovinc Iui Legtsa Wfc coul ditjus ' w ctu u , f o efO lk sit s tw as àditgted o ut ait ud . i n'te cq uiy,,Iai> t . avebeen mtie 1»i a .W» a t* i .with d s dèlîbut p i n im . o r e a c t e o f U ic B r i t i \ \ j a r i a .- t h a t Id i s io u g e * s a sim l W n t t e m a d r c î i ý t h rt i ii nt i R a t t h en t s t a t e t t h e ât k . u * . - n g i , ' i a i wi »i e ~e h r e n t i e q u o te d e t e r t t oi l I . b t h ies t.10 1 f a l i n ag r , a m i if t l e y t ed t id O < ' e e f , w d ) u u , p i gf~é D * ~ m u m * e d b i i a w l * v C«P~ acto lrr it o t u. i a petit d ltu ii tit î&V Wt WSR cuda id1 o ehS, i-fu oiu4e J'ct;but lci <114 ns y go te * ___________*>en_1__________ . Statule Jein îtmlProvinuce, wbrn Ià turb the freliutgs of thutis4and of *the~ t W- tdby aytroinia is tlttto ttiyPùvsl~kl co.JlMUJA 1 am tant perfectly aisave if 1 amctt he o aidd.mttdtuthob bert~ a y nut g auiy rOvinCial 1m~uituuiî5'~Ot1h!. ~r~iic; ICI TIONS. reet i m miSu ivmob uuç euma memiUur oo of car e aueriud the'd*I5~G imt> t it rwitie the, Brit ih Statu tn w uld avibid îing f> p osill e A t h it. râtfica - à ru e t u r h s m t: f e t o vsýt o have more torc** litre, ttmoui- owmtproviot- tien of tie îreaty ut 'b.. itêIr pcruan:us came. b e'qP &. C. IItrahic. ct.ta tl e* *- cteiguJ infotlàlitf hti utmisq cal -acte. Tite do-cine u aiogr ucas trnte Uuited S # I'i ~t ddi th, t[ Il diputeï.s, d &n ' rcle 1bEiSit si riiut0it htIdt cocfyrmiesiiig~tttàiti et laid dw b'crsosia Oppïmcd i ta r. But rigîitîsad prlviicgvesof sutîjccis ; andtl-veaiu "lie argument like mntter oftact ls." in ii e name id My cosattrytucofà? mucewauJ halffll c f ateO. te retuit vatsil eÀpei. Weil, f adott? oud r, mition und* thrgv 18 n mny fst imn# tiusiI<roail publi et- afiels OtladtItI rmvitetrenrs'tYu n'Y'nu« ot wher theUapotpheckete wacet uai;mt - cacan velIteut-aIli en ttand a,'coun ed iltotry un o r tiîe.gnuermu t tttt nuyia Omuimt(ii.ttpb I ire sad hcarty thanko4 fowyuitW el imed al tavuk. htjcacOdnyf. te a s h o c k n g a ta le -aiia d o f o u t n d fo r t tis l w o a v u , lIsa i ib l ur n t b tl w d t e g u t roust ome alinch prffl v W ttt a enf%, v nuc lt hu hu a e apOlt a i e tiss t c atite. Co tthet ' m t o ahavum e O Eti g a ui. a t tit , c e d bu t r e i dl du m s W ' titan wnuh not b'il.flbas rKingi ton Bank Act in which Ilail sate c it motion as teth .e 4igumut la Uemi w i .sd u a dm sed rt4 ¶ th e i wmidterby obut pnutaomrin othter coulatels & inaua mid bc atutended with y-artftclY îu veyaice orti-auutr iewtat'i et t e iii m of btetonig-tg in-ay à? MCatch laut. bucysmithatce rot inwhegate.b nm would expaiBt±limselt by goîimig out of a %hould nut th-donc. be- lrpoltry t ieL i nd svecoBalaby i. iaunulof maà? et. *' trit e tr nain a 9eujl toave. clia certainuiastate, lbut 'hé assensib el e B t1 M r. W uulh s id the hn , e dir for min W hi'uty -" (and o ii p rm ui,- s c nid b r a it n fw n w rh al wc- n v i e u t ii t .t is ii)e-h l lista govtrimeuit diffler..very niocl troums Kingston was w-iliiug tu trcemve teuiats %ub- n thtpros ut- PkiÉNstaloir, Gentlemen#)-ou aetuiu .mus tlerrwli i eko h th e stric li s vi ic li w a s e m d a v otr i d tu b e ic n s . if i ey h ait « <lu ýcl.r d il,. i l tit io n t .11'~ nut, c tl i c n t e m l a i n ai t (aaur ugtl co fl iur b es t he ne l v o, lu itt tus aoint ofq m ialta mu gtol'tvtrth C ttuOit i tea r d i t utw-edtotiisquestion, in litis couttt-bemug mcii j'Ont.lcWac, <IIIl ediai-cil 1 e cjrtudtttIt un ont. -oj.uiuiwdsof F11535mltitde 5 - iy Ohrnations have uatur'dizeciBratma.ii out) opiion Iabatif kany tîma on o ltttnaet.lak lr ovmedwinttcrowded it. It van a scene wlirh would, t-i f' d"IitdioÜitbth', pa 6tie *iRty fem-of" jetts, tere vas rot--Miore cuumtt tlen m uimien a l lt arH bntit rias aîrrady statèd, i1viitat prese'nuim ehtpy of .~hiv-7mîMt ed t7ë- liar -est"flt r. Forliom-e tebei %,tuces O tuai . p as..',..r. -~ tu.ir. h pît' uhr., unmtheqit ahatdi ieci ;umd the uul'cat' A îcric etisait came tefa is r vF oi lh ttlaceriit.i aul h en 1îudu ceà h l, n tetio th ii5ppyWtt for mC n0<th us u4ioe i mebfr c detitMonment a l bo -I f put pwr- ood jailli of this govertiment, and te titi the canin<a îv vwas a sub Jetn 1wUutat c fit,- ofuu tvvauca.c %%y' es acsîo uidfr mruaDlCae co tl v r' walmgii a fului r t h e m n o v th a i t h y m u s I fu r i v< t r r e m a in d <u r i u g t h e l i et o a , ît r e u i n g o f fi c u-e lu t s o n atcemi u a ti u g m u t o k e u t t h i d e U r s a n c l clbu h a b i ai nu< v o a l i c U h l c dt & .,d-i i allum, w ould lbc a nockM yon lk i ui a ti . voulu ')r ju aifutd in t rft iug him '; lb ut thiý 'y h eIc di c r iaiaus o t e t rou ft hi at - ue of<s arr i ant i sl t hm e U nivhtd s at u en * t e d e u f l d a l h e t r - b n T1hepeople oi the UnitdStates have berirnw« nflt the case vith irM. !filwell, an,,lit eOent ofthe enumertrt ifict'u'5ofthe tBank duce& those persans.and their fumili« tdue_"k m ViCe .Mmny of tliacuit ailfien oit tois, ncýradino ibis cutyby theSvenCasiete t tis province10vrat-s bucu':.n.u-lamstutt hoetitbuviutg the.daiagers of ehhe daa ilift comlr oa,ciCand coueytul a a rnof and,. tif ' verddj mient andi were ait y reqîmîreul ta naturaliz..tte war, îlîert fore lie Sablie ubcopttuulei.1 la 81 the towimlip <of Kiuîeon, for thep c ssa thtAtliantic z-be1 cont tesusan inOf. en; whist etitru we en;ing %il, i îurnt a Mta3 StO . lidi -ttirai 'ulj-'t.He vli tsuppose (o<ait fs.enhnfe this ceuni"'- what Horace invites bki ts, ethc riiaItpit..ouSs nd-hctrt rerding screanîi, pt ofsit hsadrdanud iftv pounds. pai tmbè l)wic drwi C;.; ro'ths a it etatuîe vas ronlintuacu by our ovn provincial .tàncc, thaï Mr. Blveil 1 utiIiasrd lantd smglu BmkBi.Tts trntir a m, qit Td" esct hc ttUhi* eus owh huai mones" cnce umthoscnape aanti yey W t re aîiowrd 'ta bring a Cer- after camîug ta this 1noviice, rccluei ' u h a kuow4 k Btige autd etiitfepmuat4oId, no &flt, t %r stUt4acus btwohadsm caceonsae.2 i tanactit fSueadba niit hita fwt 1oitg i heVe vert niany womrn on board,,witil tai qtatiy f oos ndbagage autn the, grant o taimt ram titis Govet'f!t.tt ttt f alre of the- Bank. bring afer tli:,tsi ail on efiito bulmaissuab or;<a h vug ldrn Dl bm teyciugw< province duuy fi-e.- anti the magistrat"l were unoher parson voulu attemîpt lu udrive himut t-avent anti b~efote 'lue ftaluu-he cf lut- act * anti wor authorizvd . tt -Guvernor taàibirniisten ft-om hi. lands liy force, -laiti hahe a. bumc ~anti ' d moy&) the p >man it ~t pi'n it. ittethrv' tfudns m Iia cet tdeti ait tht the tean of but itima c.tonater.e ana dapiayahatht fni s i n etitis by te irf aatilr- 4 ~the oiîtb*ofaaltgiance'ttntei. lHe *[Mn. peailedt othis housse; t ittiuiu'at u. iihasbcîmevotuitiàmi tàfCCfftj t. die mofgeiitt"enmiiych adPt Chavethernitic gpuîy. ve ot peh'i.rumater. I'iaf t ~ Wi!,i) haicotitulltl ueveral bocks o it lis laon auch conduct ?-crirtaiiy fhat. 110 t and even -14fritut tuîeut,.' bforce Of îiiua('x ttin in Quebcc, Metrtsluand elevewl . a.eMill alng ,ferIme n bci îit ad ,Ec-tîasl .ct4andout ciht týtrinkàtg vreck. A puer sullier biudl isTi iCt', und re aui itt h 'lduced tu itiink laeUuuught it a nitre lbugbvttrteo ay h10 w.tt-)f gond -aractt-r, aati rt-t.1a.'ctabie Coi,,as x gnce liliving aima P tht IAiniruasaft r resiuing seven years tiuttl ilgihie ta a se. intitishOîuset. Ail pt-r- btvit whqi.pSctau frbsPio l.F/:ace et' anth biîbt dmrîildeifaeran, tîd va ofnbi'ven- ti Canadia, aid ttkittg tle oAth ofait-giaice, sons cauing ihto this puutt rvtuaiiiioWiuo biO1touîutrntave fur i al - N B. U ilde creswnt e n th~ue absotNw- tle 1 ri aafritîm ha unnait h would i bcconide-red as oaieuns in kite custoni the lait! wai %vere CSitreui as utitumtiSttul 0iltithu ortt un <i:uiiltt M ru r. Tourg aigk o Bl th lvvaitIisI'-oine anth RML C- iE. n that :îtiu ituation which vas du-iietlt te 1ýueln Eîtgiulen, atm liirÉciig there. jects aller couipling'With the provision% i alorta~.lmaei nsori a cteo oto Hw, he ashti, uid the'Eicacutive goverti. the iaw, and it vAs net ttiliftler the var ibat and ti ivo lvàètrproperty, lci% ,1)hnia sI'hot muali ,scieo hro ,rà r-ttcn h r ? T e ireivtd ac tayimpresitîtLstmrt e cçaiXsti tht n ce 'e t Io l tis arnm if which 1I 'i.hb slon ben e u le , tdsclcabna -'cn îluîfl. ?-'rieyien. HIt< ai ,d ISC Là ANE' )IJS. ai Ïs liai ey er behold ii."'1 liaiUtJ " umuetilgoiidue ol t itf-wi 4ûÈ- Tt a timisProvinfce atn aauy of theilaait U. respect te prrsans .coita n l oliluiiagruunisuah ie nItrvluti_______ E..LoyalltireGeîved grtts oi land fi-re of. titet-fore vot focthe resoluàtaiiu s iar t i te ha pasif ttré'ethousanu> dollars; oail îThis majet. dmencul shiévvrrck atipears eter fm#--aîh cru received granuîs, and wecachar- Mur, Blulel. ahat, n th, natitme,helitaif bren tondient -LO07 TF.ALERT PACKET. fr-ontthe information vhich ve have becil - it gedi feiasas nîther ubj-ct-a. It wsr évitdent Ms1mia. laits ami Baldvitis résoutiions nil'Wtn a ltritllg. and lstigratit.d. h% -ale te gutier, te havebeen cstttul ti îe -théât tht heBrtih ovi-iitit ossierltitM çr pt ndnrliiet.apuich S e s uîî ta eThe tioWatg painfiflly iitereuiin particu- packet-beieg kept close In vith teWeit he subjectis. as,, General Lee, and main>' cie Mir. Nuclol, suconded b>' Mr, Randali, me- p*etaîturciith. a flt t-oifta 'rBunk lars ofuttitis melanchtily catatastrophe, amredi. shorae. If là keasel can- an b t tb- "e revotittutar offcers t'eeit"ti ueurbailveti - o tvogu.b-rgaineait lsl ualuveti fruit the oral relation -et, p"eof the cabuaisSherVies amndthe mi luuthe, -11.te in, pyin the Unteild Stattes%, front the Brits. Iblt. l'bat Ik lie resoiveti, hat the allkga voimt! l.go, - al, ut uinoat smali )u amnrs epaihttseuiaii ie.aeoie~ad theycnilrîi ~î PtIY - "so Rb;rt l-r"puol. who vas fortailytuatud. Tlbc iumai tenecid u.ii upci a u aietvr Ait on. gentiiman haul ad, that if Mr y. lui. Ra iuthrrs, rurolers uof ittt t i îuhas et o putheint, iut lwoco re. ttiua ninuofemi. Ki'ag-nu pçteii viW " , ani aslrngctu- llweli vere a Britishl ubjct, Madritm, 1orateti Coutittt-t ILettox auisud tgtît ttitdai leiitdeliugItimu mii.o lt e aiei rm uetigo.!ouu, ubln rrt unitei ttalrétsoeuhr~I'ake- Jt ffermon, amnd Monro, iiglit Côme Ilit, c nu.auclîig the electioui of M.îthew Cirk, tiiarotcmmtià i t-pit-nist-! ; hut te ttt at hai au &c thP e'tî- i Tu lay .rail g nthrafinag nte iecin fteb -;teruni ttprilegva of Briîih nobjecte, airepue. E'.q. ho epretseut the said ttopaittt f sar tiiiou gi adyforî-Xc it hetifwput. erly as i ccm i uea, 5e1taing. almnof lnwhi malt e sud te'. rîcnitii- "'e n.... opie f Iis P rov inc in Parlia- lou ufl s th H o tî'eof A ss e l)ly out h l:s q u i ci d f r t* ut l euu, the puie ge. e htdbog1 my u dl.lage, b t l i t ve ha la lagt noupnc e , e r-I b ttiius-gntlitnnCouti rea-w tei allegianc,%ni elcton J t-Crii.i- eçlvui' anti of no tf ci; amid thtcvià hait an infant &oualaern e the nd <>14 b or.ing;h taaropseî an l i ptite g ei- t ifthlîy ihotaglat proper; the door vas iti o- 2d. -Rt-aoivrd, litait the conduct oif the R, - tr th-reby rolibeul et uiot only thte price uot The appearanme of the. cibla pSsoeoe va ircafrmu snt n bisert. dThe géra t-' pen ta all. fi-osa i te Prsiclent clown te theturnirîg Offi-tr iin ftstng tt tiiotaMdrlatummird îu ltlt vleu ai aemîi etcpctbe ea aieulti u caunmon ex -eutonen; but the offirrrs o .Buwietq t i ol> i mi lu-ini ne>' expmenucon co.t. tirotghout the -nighL muid made ho'ý*eh stance cf ili.eprececllng narmat v as not r stahe neuîr coutil vithaut repralimig the art liom, vas att iili issîta a" avr mtSunie uoftue 1)rector'a. ta secui thie largu- -toat mi n the smor.lt.Abu tcecoco dc bn ie *aiva rftn e oflant tessiosi, take thetir scais as meniben. violation of hbis tit' anti a higi breach ute.( o ieuwwe ad.de »kb;b"%î btltma i lut the heuîe. 'l'bat aucî as puissmctet ex tht' privilgr 'of thuaHousas Weili sa iaa %oreuilctht and gave mortl béctaie brezSducdavu'm ail 1 u i. a individuesl -opinion. lm Weilias the opimiit orcfpeu tht foete ak gv org"ofr re th eliiI, tt eh mrltrdwl ho it aWý i.ta ciuulc such men as J flersSt, &. fin c'fineet tthe rghts f the wbt*e boul iitte attatouto tte it)ulhLae fo ck. it4i ~- Imuiteiy esrons illa w tM h capvethat in parliaunittl. aai&liyibtaitid the unamtiou- tot Eleutors oftibis Proviite.-.mCai'rt-d. alosate, e lt cuu.l Tt o rigten wror e <iMÀeeittbat-Iadunft &otfent. Uwt Twietvunimpeta~mble»oheules ae b4qn ciatîl ai Mr. Bîdwrilh. He vouli ask litaitlihnt inmeo loig te Ktturniuta <Jiictr li sri- ui lrcicnutt ' kv affther caf titi of (calmé,nemain titis lc vas uanhapglly diusp gtientn what i*as thte ohl jct tut-y ha in but oct atcot'runLiy or mahicieush>lait b ut tiat t-rcdot eré urut airr. .tnbi s li ee att ihpddissas~Adltuai ' ' ioa<h viwwhn daysupporteul a bihllîrte ent auîicnception of isdhity, asmd thatithis houuu îa'i not fih.Amot -.ting pmitremtth afotlte.tldtqiitho' n Y citmlpriant f heloisoferal ofth ote SfliitoaYsle&il.cor*neoAcou tîtelaîgioffcer ai îte uraidutnuta sal anl toieyacttf tirperty, wattb.'ut b&W pi ~itpJCkb.i55yitcopied froun theLiyei'poolMèer sending te peopIe ot titis Proncte? Diii saiti Raue-ning Omurcer for hi., tonutlit titt hnltehepehnietens a'laWnu> i ,tu t t, fIle*'- r MKnsc apaia ainps the>' nul, b> tht pamsiflg ot litaIact.trecul-i irî lt t ion.-Caied. i.aale, cautheaucellnieter ~imo -m'n'W Tht ybtitt the Zan, vs mae-,(atvecfSciitnt> ai;-ierlt.i nize the'.itrinciple. thita, lifone il amn, 4th. l'bat the miàitMarshal S. Bidssltl in îî I cnlîiea a el i Tis iîh aoum n.i tMduplFbiy a a uis in th ct apcnd) m atrtat tht-y wvire upon coutio-rmnistg viitthe' pratu.i- iar an-i% allegiauce is cauucu-ueulc, wauant is uteuîe toareyaces. Thre emargage.S iven fteunîcthé imu n di te ca"m-iti a Ote eOfcraI. blancsite llertha thee uepr- sieste ai star -6;tîulet qtitlifiecl te rt pimésentltaigibic tea astat iîtuthis 1lloue carrUiitd. roç " ft.tt, tutti it .tl ofsin= ue',1im a 1» pncae t !S avourdtsuitre tasee n h the peopile of titis Pr vugic htty, ieKINGSTON BANK. -hidrouituquenth>' in a al, iwan ncn ek'adAusunei vfuin e ele sv heneveiu bo- ~nîereî er .iisid t h tmec M.J.Jtins»f thc select cinttrotteatttii- - -_if u:tn atiltvethetir.nlcta iecatdtuumut ttai'tllr soupports bon gin1c.u eestsie ltetmeo r litiofthat wri ktown tact ; tot iai t 1 retutrnecf tte icabtn, asddlmtor cill ht ttctatcotulcl> upu the pasiig lg at a t, tdit iwh umen vert Kiungstonî Biunkstiutitttd a relîoàtaiici a bll M aie - heat toton," alitinabt-fore the pè ebt n- tOtto b. dtsclibed, t '.at % cWUr è,,nd that ôancia aveul. Amoogst higi ivould nt aCt isu absuteti as la pas a bmlli t ue e unts ofthat establishtment, atnti kgail in *fteat ie r ird siiti a.i h - ism d twc blie h eih 4 a i ep ce n -. -vent tht ir..repiretuiting the t peauh ! zbng thue bossais ai tht (ateiicr andmt t" it-ouftvicadu!t noue t-ft-cL" *btiaw i'ncruud witb tisse nc * a aiutiner.- lil'atrmant niunher ainengt tbe lant. Mr.one Me I. W.] aiw vthe- nccrsityet paaiiugth ie Batitk, wiih utilier pt-in lmouts for relu.im pplteImokhlet jdaiaullclsle etsrcut iî 1lihkrnRihrl1lr, fClae 9gnlmnmc that tauli; il passi botihouses ununimausi>tht-bintu'rers b>' aliitttitutnn. tegnlmn r t a n -accei.Tesmdpprall h ap tvo and Snmnsatitlli-ti vert the Executive ut titis Mr. Joncs s-Adin briuugitag forwarul îbiiuîrreuitorai ot the umimovetiBatakvmIlforatt etlmn ee lvc i tt aineucy uuspether. ThsamdpapLerutCl.ls ht na te Provice, f th--isloin diaireiyrt q imtteiedoutic 11 cxte à of rr.aidm.ag Nutgu'ore. caumtrv <isiva. who vas dicot- lads 'îmuui'ai&Wrteb4,îtti ti10 . 1 3 istl uicckutueîWC tue mhau.AIt'urt'd b>'mirne pe~rs foond on bis pel'isal. D bouses in te plumsmtg oi that bil, Ibuitbis amining traniatesi u lt KtaaaiBitmk, arg.c1e tht-dresit i e nii 'n il., ~cy puo Excellnt>itht-pr-orocgation of Parlia ftaîîcte -of irauan md inîutàity wvas Jet elot dt n »Iecume fot i uu->,s momcnt'the caler Obe te a cter- '-rite faIla'ýing verethealittancescfai ttcahitai ac. tisitv etofl itinesinwvtç '.t na e* t he fcss e ah i. h eiglat i u tiide by h pa" eey i.an os'-alk r.5 taed-m'; eno GBattite- - d nie t tam kcd us pattitilrî' <r iaI amir etre ht cam ilet, t;r.eIt T het>o>' lhmu nce--y ta te, vus.on s he dpai andthet t~t îon cta as rut iu edon thta bil its i ct lur wi M . Luisae , fol Ln t er G n te the vol h o o o eti aie ais attaabtractiont of the tuttîlu of lie lak. mutatuiuonf tilles. n itt. nthho.tuho h o tefrl i e.ds ota tita; the Exe<mtiue of uIjur Caails, t*le üb>' cth the pubihi ae bu-rit i c raiided- mi .it. udlt uuont. 1iDow mv,fu'tet-ttiehtot M-.Uqht Gshrn He;M-.T- enrosd n clmmlct(ri tewilmssqit iI nccini itypIPI a nsiti> rjui tlvemî- lestia sietridistance front thtehtr'omtty 0f iii55,UrIart, Geswmr. Cotel Nittimu enrise ui ,i~utl ilueviroaand lic committc-e cw-te prfecti> saéîbafituibt' atîd egalinfintun in4t1the Pu-ovice, vooli thît thia fraudtu ascom.aitteul tw the t u i, of detaMs slrw' ustaiphldplittted Itlthet boweprit. cit ueersl the pakei çrw adtvint tis ExiltncY t timk,ilt ibis speech tient, tlile Cauiieoth lier gl e m Ilt' iie - ncséumqby n> v> tcad.lief eu ederorI htt'i.Ccluisiiiiue. W.laentt% froun thç lhrou, buth hautsaifPaliament tue>' could isset-dtertialle u qcf » ea asaogitl tmcoseiderr roppiii>for it. get lunt ote t uh- 1IW*000 si . mne serg.e n' accurat lat ti butke Worthe paung ot a bill, timluttht>' saw a gui!>' ci it, Viet commite tberufor cdrec w M~h atr tcatiee> tp~~oî fh csoi uouittd-to 01 nect-mltY for it& enactmelt f Ht a un m iepeua tl ettgtetiso ie wal sure ut)< thel.es' vîh, e mebillts dtat f vg the fondsi4ttCofCathebinul*>tOçdl.fret thr>é cottîcinet; au> le vamusunpried tu batik in Cammiaiuer4, unchi egaliing the'itamtçuyî.nam ho-i rini. tslel tnu beboal wed w entend The Pttrlot -e tntsthe tomber at pré. set thte gentlemen ' ao advotmted tant- tes tail tiotidaof the Cumatlr anud Tel. 'Mu torwthty tic oIa ci, tu mcta iggn#mid tt' Amms~ol ~i @fI psepsjUsrva 2.ti alu%. te uteeimlt>' otthat êset, dit>, l> hei"r *eretat present dielal. *rb 'r nk Prloat or, uus. epomia.ha yr the i so f bingmmtpd dUoetuth argnlnta lte 'alc e ilîhm fsessioan ' the Dan it tpossessioni ot the notelof ~- te h etuper uI'çao aiPOa 0Wii, ~ Y00ÂDYS-D .-i --As tlhe itaîneuofMadimon,. 6ha it ew B.umkte msmuoot tfLOO uil ~ liujeuilttari .a~a~ tutstioed, hé ceuld notice a mas,lwo witiîltmut a cnpeldti =07110ipi lti-i.oiiis iegfae~~ ae u-m - e. etaàn liit-tll i , - att arewlOiutmay point 61 v , eto4 fartaa- bis nti ssu r. io a ~hri ~ ir¶ t#,atst e~~'-o «ie rth haex. allafho lieu tuua.-. ati eu al, bails tstm f aii4M . the0. ê'c8'nd' tij tniiit :ove hbos-tm»6!.m it. Miemul- er, for LIOQ. k vouit -ite Wf'tdu- j - I ' V" -sui -. votc lte aiiarchy anudrebelilon ;'a a" *hu via esoithatuhe tondoct of the Pmiista114ahdner a -un-u-wto Md ~~~ lh l auut-Stehr*tivotlnl- diqpwcfhîl. andi that tht -Cemuioi rsi* au 1b& iul-1:011:aM rstn -'ehgb*e te~ ~B .' à.- r saclar- d*, ab o< Bummlnvhe it toibi tllree b4 bytOcraut et ...cemeutwto ia avimr' ssl a" echie,- --aul teD è mXeçiprcW. b'slh frif-" ditoiueicaed<U. n .e'sd hifgw uthet - - -~ml *hibiWe tia-a iuattn gs ptUiq in~h ok.~mtelsl'iiî.tei ttroetfil,.Hrul uicim eVt~ i euaoc peym *~~=v~--a-' ~1~~'~~ _ --- - - - - - - -- -~- - -- --- -- - m v ~ . - ~-at - - - '~-~j: id '- ,~ - - 4' -5*~l 5 '-.----0'~ - --------.- I --au -- - - . ' a - ' -. ' ~t~ah. - -~. . I J - - '--J---.-a-.-- - -- - -', -v