Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 May 1823, p. 3

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f'if ies cm,- )eg. ber ma Mr- tait the th ; ter- rai- titi. tion 1 t uch t he the, eais, iv lit, ealf gen sunî rnot Ut thc te v eqst De. Mr0. loch r.-of ri. tho- nt o Ilas. tu éim îm -. p-r-t 4 .1~ ~ ~sw...wsuedIjl chldreI of ito. ioTIIIS M eiceS hn 01 Fliat attie141bhen That "i rwwsla tP my ih#* atmmdbqm i aised iende bu 1 tf asa co àan. I dosin ha ua~I ne )*0ia, alliegh tii vit d~ lthbefo d vié ieTut n canne uqhn of he vehi. . 1~ a thout sotat h4eti lo e 4&îs tingM sd8- o e bcannot ooinmthti ýne IitV da c.tiif Mle methumbnl rse an ,et. Re» hpt ig ou eformhadov?. that 0do-.ne -W-- .ha imhet iaieat ine «him ami walkm<Whiad sy long towerinsg éha- dnw whetcn versulion 1 holA v*itIlOs philosepical suliet! Look,sav ils ehud-w, mt bu hm i1k. a àyouth, e ben the sun t lige i. riauraf, tii. *Klla4 ton hinal ? Zest vhien 1 lift alIe& thou~ liltest quother, 'A if thionagouldut eteo-~ ver tennacres t once; andl yet, heu potet deuvu thy letg, thy %tep te scarfcey a. mpa long;l fe t.rs l iîh youîb. He Seemq as Nféhevou d destrey or create a %vorld, anal yet, in the eund, he doo none o, thone thiNp.whi miglt have been expect- a ftomehs discourm e.ot the on nov Fm ehi->er titI thon vilLbecome %situer., as the -youth boaélkless the oiderhcgrubwm. Thas I compar*o, you 60,,lité, morning. »noon, and eveniaix shedo«r vith a hundreti- thingt; amI the ioger u a&agt thwhette veget aequîaintecL At pruent, I cao ferego .nanthings vbich Iiormer I.. cenidereal ilpsoaable necemm'auncas.-. Tu halwis n%- wmchqnd ,upodon. eter-and somgitimte servant, andl ,lomernesMmyfootman. Il is oui, a pmîy, thât, a man cannot eist in is hadow, as i midow doos ini hi. . e Well, andl wht de you sel in the even- iXt 10your shaîlow ? ln the evening a ialfm uhadow thon, a a vcry serfous thiua--tke but surist-a roui uaemente suWrA.When the hule.v runes orvard before one, emlli becomuimg loner and leu..visible, ue if already >ading *itt heal ii t h' duk b alterntyýwhI6 bobinil one i. ethe "metlfl u, nlbefoé o«e a riing sta*-.^thes Mdov lb.. accul to say, thon art on the brink of eternity, thy senis imgoing don 1 but lbose sot e.rn rage; likP me.thondieu t 1becomeo alvays gýreater j mailbetore lice la already $ss pentled a botter star. the linat iay of etér iaty- b.o d the grae. Withm aewords "i pan become se-; risce, an&t: Major aise, B4th ieokted ai «Cehqlhor'w4leucs' han witil h. a- t r, Oý îué gowi l e, ceunIrq moi11a e iok the ~rur mrby -hoehaid, sur coodutad hlm to-tuahouse. TO ALL WHOK Il MAT comucaax. CORSET&. Mrik Deuhang of lBcîhaey, li.n -lesey vus the nither of' thite amiable daitgite r». hIghly acconapliahed amd beautifi; thr yong lodes have long hotu in the habit of ràcing as- tiglt ae ny of their niiaours ; one has become quiî Infirma andl the other Ivo .ldeatIrydroop. ThW alarmed parent stated the situatin of her cijdren to her téd fricualthie vencrabie Dr. Galet of Phi- ladelphia, vho mm .aftr the receipt of htbu nate. Worardeit the fliowing rtpiy. Madsum-Tho caie of your ehanuaiq daugliters affcta ne, and mry vhole expe- rience msy ho paeie n requition to aimi them -. tat they veut heithy robqbt, anti fiue cMillr4:1 Iperllctiy recoLq inid thit thalr easha an s.Ovwpalredm urhp b.aacribed the wdaeWsteu isio Utiys uic femgwia stipus feveru. Fnam a nisa- ken notion g4fheterng tht e w ovk Of H,:avethe lia uabldi lisk bb!rhand si-enuk1 bmiKelf1 dm es. cont ofhe presautday tob. ap4ffl oaille of'toiý tomren sd V*«,y Ste quIulIMa hfGou sund Notwea-dWleyW u V tJiathe suys etc tiM #mse b. I%...m.4ho str vere -f a u :thCY Ifwth 2chi5Wy o l4ulipv img 1w.o v hite lsad kegThe- chien ai 4 # be gi ofUW jrced wt0but th e* . < h tae I tviebol- Chi*'op vanuclîe 'uà thiievu A fortune-ileieuhait19d th iemmbrale Comuttoss h w-,hu- Itolo bika. 0 palaces la the rig-p Eiabciiathat ahe shealal flt dw vie mit u fJ Ac .oaraligiv. she hestoveda ogreat clort veaklh mut huit ebtah" edIosa lres haaidaN le em.t«Mg large atOlM ai lsdwItchats- Worth, Bouver. OMctes> Md ,M by a ulugular ocl1clemu <ýr% boas. Pulpu ber ihna th Weat< Kgla to tAk% ve is 0 to bu fmibs llpîp e au la sMy ssa - &~au ~ss tbFl I"ocw bo toid a friand he nover 1 pliod the gowir, 4tiîs mlvtýt* Cuamu. the sbOraisua, vasmoie mmm- ed.,Iii an Irishi xeuman juimrveel - m -bav ilhie Tweed. la eoaevmi wtpasen lot1 ocaosi" teu efhl ulbom- boodwidi ec of thae hrof tha Oe wbip andl spur, fdeMridin, tMgebugmat, after made a~K a la c9: tuc ftluI? lae fis-t C eI , sdtinaal répl'a sevseal ujeeif uta v.uy 'ratuoblo tel,. 0d the bani-.ono là fart mabiclihui lg#ihMl,1 escaped th. acrMtlunzing ey.eât te M"n *galouoreliefitétieé. Urcureityl- * ci slrconfes,, wviset en calge, -anti .e e - pressed, a %&unis deshe th have a peep at tUns rire ceriosty. A haudmpe- real pock- et.bosîk was instutl "ald. and freiné one. ofi t1m èyihr pôckets, apièce of onetly folal1 miluliikpmer iipoaurti;-this en-1 rm &Daothet, pjir ortuimnlar femen, ut - a ter uf"sdiga.-manv wrappers1 daanlelMginosh'a aitliing, the - !rziderimat otader' van discisisti toi est vicu'. Andl pno, <enlie realer, vhae flaînkesatthn Iis rare trattecontsted i uf ?--Why niéthusag more *or lois iha-an enten s ufre1e- Anal viit pésibe cpura neiaL." ve exciimoal vith aistmniubuent, cintiis saidi stresvhave vilI> R..urt Bénsr IlWI#y air, a&idl beleiflg hi 6 relie, îvitb tht uttanotgravit y a-a i ic portiace, Iltbut.,dcvtietl mra v 1 touk t tin the very b.d on viit the,-.immaurtal Burns attas hem!"-.rstjr Cuui*r enventeal by Nir. Gerisy, wbiclu inciuîie- the vonderfai pfolpertuas 0ut ut0cce gper Wat sallety; analsi power equal M t'illest men times thatorcf auether i'istrueient. ni the. kinai hi*ei4 ilune.To luise wheu are as'quauutealv% Mtiissubject, it viii bf- .tuffiient lu amy that -Mr. (iurcey'a blou pipe is capubwi-'stperaitimg tiat tuse o(ai'a dainef he miedi feï tvelwe- sor four- tetu luchées in leiiglh when required-tha* no knifmjuàbstance rouaIs ita poer- thai a plalinquai vire a quasretfu inch ini d*anetï ertlà bitore itl fuosi q iatel; iaacco pipes hav a it nperftctil transparen 4îe eoie t da bote horitt ieas thon iait a minuàte. ftvl! ec- lecteil thattho fRami proilocea by datcoi mon contiening blov- pipe is net more iho la f sa.. inh onb and that the late Dr. Clarke, ini usênq thut.inslraaenut, cona sidoreal it acomplete triumphof art te ho able tu ineit a plminisn vire the alzia of a knitting noeale. Eveta this aias eiTected at imasunen t riai, several destructive es- -Alouiain having taken plice, Dr. C, lattr- ly resorlei b the expodient ot huikoeaig up a brick voli belveen himmeli' andl is in- -trueent.-{[Lom .pop"r. the prohbiuien or the Koran muainuit paint- ingsa sd imqk, 6the. Sultan lhomneti S-he id biltariney fer the arts., analtient Invite cGéotil Dveli, a -iVneliàn punt * ectoe."-Seonati arter h4 at Coïttahitope, Bellii. vs dilected lu * pint a piçterejm the ubject aci tle be- *hoaing oet luhaiîe h1ptlst. Wiuon the pelure -va finse, tht Sultan foti tnk iiithe represenfatiomi aitthe vueungl cil partj, tad tu alew hbi hat hbut aste * vas correct, h. imsneiatsaiy drevw hi. *scymitr1ind qlros-k of tIe hhuad etftint of bia uiaves..Bellini, ona ieaviîeg Ibtheprt. sence, thinkîug lhe hait <et bold "f -e an ug iy cumibMuer» set suil for Vecice the sainec There is nov living lu a nighhouriný' vil- * làge.ý a man Whor han bron threertimtes subir rîied; ach utiîis vive' nanea wùthet mt; ti has lIai ilure. chilaheen by catia, and euçh li.ed vith him tlietyens. He vis a owl dovsrv- belveean ccl marilge three years, haistht.. chilairen iWiag, thu thîri by tWhl aife, and, wheue burthalaye a? ithin thie daygt each ther. Miluat vif- nad tir' n dea thre vente. aid h.expectu tulie mat- aied uguls lain ru o. cthsl-Oighton Ga x«W. Ouer papes froi. 0Gi>- »aie r ara. tothe 2Ttia -f Mîirch iciîî,lae. Th. Spniah Coi-t- m utu»mik- aur li- aanIuat uttn0th. tiaanish province îl" itey. asl u, Tiiinh oftatê at taadi (.ay'.atir..&jrivru-sxal)ou mrry for tffe gltrri- cf the Iing anuaIg. a-riment ; bauaItiav are- smsif)tv ab tah. bai triitre to ehi they isbmit,es of Ui greste-.. ttuuîuartance, aicu int h ali nacuasare aour Iviii cuitribaatr., hanse aif ctualih than man% vctorts, te f.--îthe piiea.of aur eucaeu.rs. The (recke. The- Gibraltar papei caaitai.u a complet. .eunfiri.,tinaof tiècSe utrins Oewq. rt-canil, -uctiaed. ufth* auccens-s .rbt tiwd aig wtii (¶iteka a--r thifar l3itu.u'oaipp:ti..rs. Ot 2.(jtU Turk, wht îatuaietme.in uAugia-t jasa itthe Maret, oaly Ror 9.000 reamaiei ARl thei- uthrs p-rixh alc. partiy in the coinu lats that liai t tak n place. and purtiv ih% f'amne. "I'he 'Turkj.eh »uadion hautr%, turned t o Constai.îmcplîaftwr hivang aaoth er veslof 8Ô auna h)ùrnt lu itiof' the Dardaykeltea, atnd hain eg lost noir thonn Sf' vrsu lui of vir, *hic.!%vert il riven oun litort i a tenpeat 1 caat ai tscribe t'se ardeur vhich prevuils in the Archi1aelagu, nor th admiration witli vhi'-h the Englauh have lu piarrei tht- Grt. h. Dramna Alit.vhn resu, 'naindelalt Corintia. hoa ftcciutly been pi. Mkntaen &eîr.aîr, aiea-t 04 nlers. las bens tritdai t P-4ris faus uit.irlig.'dil'nua crieu, aad retalrnutilieua-l.i'îlai i'he Adlvnc.ae vas Bocal 00 f-amc..-d sen ticcai tu ba iipriîona.atont %--or; ania Ni &*aieamrehant. a i, nri5 npriioued six mesnthuit;' c u1 ay a finae cs 50 &IuuiS. Al tht Spanie-tits at Bcnte. .Raoqp-rd-i f iiachiimeitta h Uouttarîuai alia. huai t-en axpai"c byaraer of the Frencl Tht'--Duke d'Angnuknme hlad icftsetî ttu aliit tht Junta.ot Cîjtalonft litastelarpie .ieicc lita b.at chaaractr, butt lait lac voulu! it-c ive tht-mmuspnsa.te inaijvlduaaia. Ass-ucnts frn Bm nflé of the 27thi Mardi, &av, tht Gt:ocrai Guillemeuaot hai rata-n I*ta a-ai. ChargedvthA ,.iliary con- àoiàr;Icv-, tiud aoiavet: te am. uitrial. It appeirs ftm Lob apuee, f tht 201h Marila hLat hIéçent aIticPortugiars coctitationalt Iud.shatfsufe red by ibcau- t usbiy extuaileag itielf tsi tiec c*vary of tit rabis-No ippr->'-an'cna be ver, verr enterttait dthat this rebclion vouldhacenbe formiiale, us tht e ithceii~aru aleroiit itinpouioWe-hat litç.ld apromite10o- Liber provences.- ra ofso aab nemeathkIe plu- cetdiîep 0<'aiiei Svdlui k t. oehg Il'l-i * #à adeslgu toétubyrttM Coàtt lieu T;brplot vus tWpcdimy dhé.Sved, hast the sathiarsof it semurlit cam Accouais reoeivad n ian lqI gs tu %WI6 Apïl Suuday) frais4kh. Petftbr&b, ama- IMILý m saume ww#oI RUURiMUtrofflt but li ehal dir-ectiesla 1lo t mmsard. TtSpunuaui eards f uiww erulm lu the I4rdlterraiua cu- a&-- e *W il * ag crvette mdia brgig v. ' bithg ton, = o. o,11osal ver ho lyý ÇWrçcvred sati wi Tii.dbturbane, i Launlct allnrndan ~regauar bstsert Iuoit aI svrry aeehg i tloppaslsg partesa.- FioAX 149 ALSAOU. "lIbav e baoumr 10 nake kuown4 th y uuto Cur ' tht Lu te OhemnmetcWtsilercone hoet s Voited States amd etulUW r"mihCoWo sslri biiivemmi coodng aapal o0 ie-kUm cokmitiPortatuloop. Ualsemio a5t au, it. r th.e ctas r Mwmd e lte Lisot. Ceo tb. ki .11is -r w. nte iwlaésI eqam.. soir. Ru6 fàïdm athaà-VI j' 7a(' ve- «*tuate .1kiidneçs, e "oc ilàà ràdtaanthe llare qot geuursl, vadd Il - aintant; bu.k.em~ee, atmt reste, whether ve x e -le <b.d.w or fues-{ Vvglmfa I"id, Té thesmtonimhment .ofIbe puéblie; tic uprs yçaterday snnagc~u eInr -the Iegmlimi..e son ef th.1a.ghing Phi- losoper-forts4 Jvâening. in the chute- ter of (}rguJa.o! W. utidntand thul lie piayed the port fier'-the first tint, 41«- hië- [iii, in couluequence of-&betthat h.ocid ýnot .xri*el sutais thie characteu ; aid thore «ho imv him, are varc stenidu-d tin ever, that he aahamld bau. cornpleteut, sbcceed Boine gentlemen, familiar witi hg lri* rma. dntre that the, havi- neyet mes. the character i' Otheil4s better suîisdtbroughoat dt. uthcwm, hi.n ,eIfh hoeo, v its uRot coillident 0ofs»C "es. j tamomî repented that lie hast ai.. 1 W ~ n t <nThtar!day, bli eu -enoer to Iibiet. jprepre Lima.., f in' oltud.. foar the il cl-aîo uiertahing, sadin theb veninghe waas rutIied v tminethfhriendl. and ronàgratulaîed on hlm "afé reiurh front liii field oaW".(&%lty ha 'heardt% here h. had beaî) -- s," lic repled- I 1h-tv. been taa Hjken, lîkec»e thcrm.o mur-ý der un, ittoçouf ieî1" . *rite wit ne..I-. fLPi-'O8TON; .VAY2T. 1823. By tht upa tI.ee fauh>msuid M.unA48- as awle tNew-York. lorion dates to the Sîhb o AprIl have hotu n ccived. The. uccoutnti fuiueal"by the». rt1*abm, ituectng the if- fain of France muid Spaluar 11am t najac4o- "Mmon hhie.E-uloeriiat lYtAg eat. l " lWe havaroosivel privaisn.ormation fronta il -ay Pagral Me Bid.maaa an Me.24MA of Aiatc Aealatressiug accident ocerred aI MVal. laon the 1lth of .hes*rt. "On thelat dayof te Caruival. il la a caistena ta distribale breal toa nuniber aiS poor boys. Sert. hendred oft tht., vIee ussmnbleal on this occmsiok in tht corridor of tuc Convent, vhete the doora vers fiatrned tot prevent themi mingling vlth lic, Procession, muid1tSU>vers malocatea." His Eceiiency tliaiLieutenant Goyersace r turnca d toadt Quartera ou Wedêemdaý Tiie. Brst aivisi«of <the 6oth Ragimient ar -Irvel lqe on Wcdhibsd.y thr 21st m'I. ai, au. Fîiday the fBrai division eof thr 601h R gem.ý nit mbarhrd fr Lover Canada. A vornan named tMartin, vIse reuided inuBai. rack Street, vas fcanal dead on Saturday lawt. The inqucut gaes verdict-of murder, hy tses person or pensonsu nknown. Tue barbeal Sait." su claîaicaliv alIta. dt dI to b,,thet hanatral Eltor of thse Chtri- Ihat qffl te". ieuet cfUkt Unlcw So 1Cduhl , and 1 p ipd, a. av unmsha he w O1 Ithai oe1usovt~,aii4.m otsr ckMWmjaiami SiS- ltivlod for *0 ou& t 1UOf h n rit Stau ré aceuhW . ec mdu, waw. an 0 c1ube lnppcm*W rt i nidCMW Ul P.. on eedhet»,, Ori ndMeCa bh. Iawip1 o le SM the *ove ht Unted UtileaIdtuhe hmpslàat n dei aouIrrur a bewduflt otandge oath liit on ,aror mâ u, rmth à"ute h rpiu cle -United Sura, ithe . %&me; provid.daluopa.Tt tinta smach p)rfshallh tir fMqu*Dli i reamis Cousins trîsàthe id id u Colh@"Ports, sud the piaa. varns, and werchandlmt làp'rorcd in thetsmre to the United- BSIatcs.mamfco- lne topaytlhe Irl ohÈ u , the additioal dotiteS« waad ares.and .na-rchandkbe. înpole lq isn reumis ,brt stribed by' th.: 4 cI te, regulatte tie dui- 'i'-& on imports and tonnae., Apprtived the *wenty-neve.ath of Aprîl, one tboasand elght undred and ulxtren. » Von vili perceive. Mr. hou' liporat tinku * hîs aproperly authcotlcatrd-instruMfnt om e tGovermor orchrdo&rrof bis Mms- "st'a eupctia~C1o in jaNorth Am-ti- W. WWdje th West Indien. uhooid be for- vrded ,ith as Unir duelaf a» possilein wVasingt i. in 1der hat the tonnage anal dditle ly levied upmnBritiaahvrisl and cargue miagfrein hSMajesty'u Col- nies to the = &ad iea. may ceuMe t10lht 1 h..vc the bonoor lobe. Sir. ýYü*i sMont obedient humble mervant, 1. BUCHMANAN. To lht C'oirror of bitM<jety'a (mtome i a ut #i<r. RLGU.~I fiXSor awepping T AMES GIBSON bat sg breen appoutusea t> b tvt eM-giurtaainGeuréd iQuartar nasionos eitenla-a tht uwerplngof chénetys in the tovauof Khmuum, lis- Iallov kug Raies anek-Rrgulat<us arue rtuiîed to-be uhuierved I l>uthe sait 1. Gehamosand onihabi- lent% of the lowa. hut, Thail the sii mesCilisaon &hal chiage thet 'u otire. p"ce haàlfipl iii fur cvery chimnev or flue h. cauus ,to lb. %wept in e, hrieaf one mlory. farurpere lu- hieees q1"Iî-$ uai 2 tuîarira, aid 4 pence Ètif-' îa Uny Ii ,Iucs of 3s toriau. 21,it, 'r. at - lie sanilurnes Gihwab Iat cli ega.iarIv,.. ry twu neanthe lisathe aunisiet, "&ty bet w.en the firet of May snd the thirt#- tnt cf Ocîat.rr; anti once a mnth dariaeg tane rrmaitittvg pat of the year, apon et'ery .ýýasaloial for the puýpomeof sverping ai 'haiam F vhich lire niay bui ýepr.. uuaer penlaitY af fivvashillings for caièhn-glect. Sal, Ti maie il mu couvrolont au poscale 1rvery occupier oia hosam. it t lal >thLe î,îv of the saiualJames Gibsorittend oudmttice ,f lis intention te rvesy houeéholiter ain tht Iv pre, %di.g t mon he sveepsîtbAr chmî- -tvsan d lfaaies.-bslmg ai otVmtiat iay re- fumae t0 have tha*chivusuys or ques mvept ihey shati pa thei. am sas If thse vor& tai boa-n pekrfarnaa* 4th, Tii-t if any cliimney or lue awep ba- the mid Jasues Giion. uaoî take firc wtliit the aforremt-nîicmailptrliaclathe sait J. Gita- sone,all psy as ho ifurty shillings fer eacli andl tvriy.chimeusv or flue me tak5lg ire. &th. That the .-ecupiers of houses Who shall relusaito ebave ibeir chimneys or fine-i '-le, anal ain oiht imtd wlîh dadl.y itnt, ataept 1w miiJ. 0>b1n,%hall prny a fliccf tus passea bv ui vithosut doing the lightit fort e hiliiugafor ieh a d e very tnve ilgir etiimucys or Rlues may taie ire. inurv. and ve hâte only tW expir-as ar u. 6th. That ait. Buahal b* .ollecteithy fIJemnrit p!ty fas the impotent Archer that the Police officer. and accaumntrul for 1ay hien triuit ilforth., If gratîsaitoassmatons, 111e-t«,thr Magistrales in Ga-nerai Quarter fSes- rMI insiutitonsanal th. profession et' pria, sir ens,-.h eah iOcea nlAr riples that are îeraliy iiargardel lu pimo- 5j"idr .1 th Ma inwea In&'meua- vice, ettitto saiEditor t pemnneovcr AI.L , cI.EAN, his cont.nporaits. téapnred e mo CLXIS0F 7THE PXACE. willisugy yeidi tht palm to the vorthy Kisigqtmu. ma?-20. 1823. cuiduétaaesftbs Cheoncie, vho msy hesace- N Tc. ~0* forth continue le itecorote bis colamnu, or 'bis " VENDERS vililie receiweilM the or.~ pia fieuesa, vili ail 1h. flovw nt tI Leof tte C er.ef the Pouce W cthé- Pomona tan aopply. It mis 10 a amalter of Midîsuil District, uii Muudsthe se- perfect iidiffrence vjîetber the Baller ofcS od day orf Zîne4, for :mDg lag mu ihbat Journal <ea tklieordsstia&ld uih kel in tepaitth isaongs.mill mrmoeetcndctn d e i 0eo<two Y«esq miagd the .W, bhs, diamidctî ipuiastani tavre that time. have us deie.ta aiuhlsifmm ADay prlsosia Kingston, «à hmay, [81 resposai..ly liaI the fattii dicargof ,< car public dy it, amj' uijectl etnm. NE V (( (> ) . ci-m-otm r letb4 em %nm u s55 ec !i54 -in» Mr* "'dU&ai r ieett, fmm athte m»* totage"$h*s« WÇW% aite % w^W5 a 4m, aisme or bsrewdh*eVf'Ma uqufe te 00 th mew sn f tm o a Ch" . a T bd ' h o sudri z st fw sI m«%suobmAm. m 1*d emetey thereef le lb. Soua tboeljr cr.- »Mial mau tellps ms i lie 0.01ar, up.suif- of 1M00fo.t . -a 1h van lae bu cmplatss hy tl itetI e mkl tise emosunet éosMmmiz et ymr. ~~ smEé ~si Wé hma aCM ,ef the net of theIcbP.- al, Parliauet pimsel7th vMrctu 180,*- NO ;Il I T ~ a mbr~ugli 3< Oo. iv. cbup. 44,sAL-P- " :%î" h«uta lie inteicourvie belw"ve it p "><tîinï.Cr<,,y Ihrmgta perlu in glrope s«d «iniL The etiscuvdnst refesle .- 0.1, Wt~LO~&.e Avte* al et 70<DcudZ iapertei (romua >Pl te< ,I... ..ta *;c .:i mueait et 74 par --- ' ~ t ~ 4 s cent, on il reole itis.ocie&" d'titre à ie b.Wesd wltlemd idd. i.a »»-i LV 0<Custae f 0«shilling for every 1 thSIle bu- l n ,. s A ia -tis tr e t, Mml- t (peut ratter a r Omdisy. Mihnuy. Suer ranamad. May 244 to mil ,~hqtjeST.S%8681 Outsiutyirance ami>e 4mq&pi A<t'fto9 th ddWmuseisett.* .udm'm bay Coit = hy.Aq'~iv.e " oh,14Md Liett. L of heé'e bQum m FZmdeil Bi-eift.bey l h»esleu.M' SJLUtSADD1IAI 25AeM-. ofbau oncle mu The mnatch betvoon ». AlklMo% psy 1111M,' Je"uN nd'r iîedmchemcual um Lady fr. h ,=W OiaMâ uiIuiL SECOND PD4s, 2u 0 0150% bou ham's bay Coït IJAiAmr# u4 Mr- Nana. bangs bay Um are o*-v. von lu lv. h4àatu by lmmAhmle. SWIRÉPtTAK96-340.13etnsbt. 1h al a ! whemune e ntMs ud- t1rM'Donndft b"MaHbfoméC- WM ib LADIIÇ:'?êlR8E-2O 14 euace.-Dog of heatu once round the cOMMetohtait ghei the d'.«Stu poit-4hreo bornes eniteued- Mr. Atkhuos phy onsmes" ,4 xL49 Vo. awins aylinj«.e am .ich t rnondm cheIInaMe Lady .eePf-Woqi( by John DieU& fine race. Mantchh for)DU boe.à. iHck's chémlel borne ýz. FVIgA.&"d Ur. Ruua.tVm brovu mare lady logaa-Won by Prise. rihtr.: Seveml "bye» matches voie rau, U4au 5. ceUmunt font race won by Thoinu Abbot. At the 014 King% od n.uta hIa instant, by the 11ev. Arch Deacon Sbtuit, i. jarnes";a ta Miema mariMphy.

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