Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 May 1823, p. 4

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FUIR SALE. Mon# cotucnwn fle. rnpemaeofOm endréd Acre'. ID ati. ghe ok staté of ,n rovement, tht. -*I f hhy M4d lovt. lwP.iure4 sure rém .shiv no, aed the. Solled the viobsI lboubetqu.Ity.-t . ile l ire the (~otta l:ty ycapacinus fer. thea~soda*pofutazentleaian' famit 't hmcs eraa 70<>«tfontle Inguh, wb:ci moum-ads -oetitul& extensive prospect. - Theis a Lave in front, and a very Igitd Oardm in the er -Also awél andeverv --tl.er coovemuuce qued VeZ, goo' ord êt.rEIueT' ior utierîarcuiarsapply nath<le of. ice of C. A. HAeKmmm, Kat>. or to the2 W. IL- PAYSE, OR IS A LE, A PINS PMEtSTY. lyiog on the Naviga le River Thamnt., in the. ,.vimce0f Iw.eCanada. ilcea-t0 o abput Niarteeidludrea cres, o# moti excellée t hotu divided eniy b, the mii kioer. wich abounids with fine flherie* end man, ami grat advantageu. On it there are tlree excellent Mill Seats, snd ibna ajoiniasg Pue , utof3SMa- ores, which rom itii. situation, hoil.g tie mecat oi te bla n sd ,proving etti ment@ of A.nhe"tmurgh, sndwich, tsi DPri,&c. ifcj. wou d poeuwof gri va, t., auay perso tif, esitp.rpris. .-li puetetru alua it tns vo fIaté méthe rive,. »Ili catralatod for raiming fiIENI'and To IAtco, winch articles ai e lueonaug of the irat importmnsoe. Ilh.eointtueuf thia pnoprty, whii ha- ben obtaieed b the O'wôer't a great sn. orifice., willi b.muid veri cleapior it wiI bpe: hangeiffiar uny oehle eitiatimtfol. h'part.(et the -rontierbetwieen PFurt. -491 r'ý nil the Ontiet at the.heasd lt La.ke- O '-r-?. or onfteBea cout betweeniNt- Y,.. and Haifoe ron te Sea Shore f B.aile BSot anti, or W..lem. giving for r ecesving the direpeof value, live ami desd .t,.ck, trop% plaie. tine, brooks. fur.- niure. & . mirvtom bd maavaluation. On thim property ame several eosnidera- bir im0niovomeitainu a high cerree Of cul tivititb,vidi, Huse", Out H'.U-.eli, lice. The Stébsariber requi.t t te Editom fi , the.N~~rKna,à Montréal, an' Qu., ber psriers, andi the KEtitor cte.Ni..» Y.' k .',,etathîr, tu inafrf theo1 ove il their resper tive inaper.... io'hr.e- niopfhaf next enouiiag. lio'te h;iIt iii hb- laidw demanti byA. IlMatta. Kq. land Agena it York, U. C. For particilars aply te Lobo. U. C.-Pcb. i, i182s. FOR SALE., 1: Rfoloiaigands i n tie lownuhii ut LCia;0nCoanty of Leedki, asi% D»Ç'trict of Johumtown, vi:. Lotîs No. :22. Dt'lm conceq.qon. " No. 2.1. OUI î uoin Enquirri.mi' hi. Office. Vniii lo. Dec 6, i82 For Sa1p or <o ILet. (>TS N41. 2 1; au22 %il% ti. Place 01, ermsctainii.g t flmr flthe or clo ifi a goithal <cufére to the waters r4L. or ru, ther Pa-ticpilur. 'fpI>1atthe o -' *t T m.whiakpr o Irî pt4;4,.28M . as«128 YdILUdRLE t-INDS MDR 7Ki.L be s»Id ver7 ctieop for caàsh,.., » short approveti credit. 1900 a rea. e<IaL1MA Uate la th- teve.hip et Rawtlap. eits Ne14 A&6, if,6h Conesion, §9 2. m ad 24.--Tth Coa. iioe kade are vei vortb flié allen liubïe f la .beCountry, fi., arp MWte Rv'e-!)M and but a tev aâiie- diutat*eu te rou Wietq n#u m rcti *Çow iver, the . mil 1ai1 ees l1hsf the énuat qual"itv vith arge CA. IAGRM ' JORN CC»oy. UUýi.t mshey. Blacksàmjtb"s Uhop and Distilery,&A i n conipiefe repoii. poulets sion uootd ho given immediaity aind îtrmmMpaym nt "dae accommitia~tiit .' fipuiciiager.--Prurrer Jarticu Iarx lïpiicatiom e mc o ade-Iour. Parker niith one-me wièce., i Ms 8. Whi camrqe. lnpfeo. 1sSii let183. gotI. lb Selffo Let>-- HOUSE, opposte Me 'er ic Du'natd'a .M.rk4tStreaet For particulars appiy t.' Col. NcLeae, or on the Premiet.. -- Rngsta~ ~t& ay, 8. BELL VILLE .411lILLSq. (FOR SALE HY PIVAIT CONTRACT,) rI!i~ÂQva4Lsazoes cO iw Jarig j. aGristM. ba~ iii am-3ri Ma; bine. wmti imitable Ont Offices, are demirably mituated upon about four Acres of gribnd in the Town ut ik-iville, aitti wiIi b lemid meparafe or together -in ad- vianteoaus terant. Tlua ouuowba-f uf eut. Iburcha..e mibney may remain mecured tan tlic permimsesfor a u nier of years et kegal intereNt 1The above Property is deertig the attenioof a ny geîîtie-manm deirainau os. ti.bliskiing iint4el iburtmnes'. in (hiht part ot tue (Cuiery. vih bidis'fair tu becoane mte utftZ betetcommercial* situation»s in Upper Cami.de. A number tif"io*aî Loîts upon the banki. .1(h tht rii ,d* everail mumutrod Acres' of laa.d witimin e few mies ni the. Town, wiî't-h viii 6e .old in luis of filry ac.res, upoun a long t'redit te<auai mitis, lu &nible <heu, b opay flhe &me- frontu-lhe liroiurue of lihe fi.nt. Applicattioun Cubemadti<o Alun Me- L.ean. I8'q. -Kiumgaoi., or tofiattimatCotte- mon, Etiq* ther Proprietor. Beilville- Park. -T r lemmcl çcommodion» il%-ellinit boui-e in the reur of Oe;<>r..Huyeotibri k front buitl.sig samumi aide of the market. (1or particulars a py1 t IWILLIAM HAYES.L AN>pomsession given imme- a à dîteiy4 the bouse latoly o - jIj cupied b, N. r. Wiker, mituated ..'str Mr. Barle's i je..tuvn cil Kinêgston. leor terme appl to the siumcriber, a)cRrRICHARLDSON. Kinaton 22.1 Feb. 18î3. TO BIS LET PRU THE Fi ROT 0F MAy N EXT. HP HKupper part of the houae ore upi.'îl by the, ..ubý-(riber consi»tïng (if f!v- i os '-it, 4 gond CELLAR anmd STA. .9 if requir-d 1 PETER NMc DON 'iLO. Kingston. 4Afritl140%î 1823. T'O LET, [I RERoumi, in <ie auuso occimpied h> the subacriber. W.. MERRILL. Kingston. 1.ltit M, 523. FOR ISALE, Eu 'HRHas hotfn Lot No 14 3,1 ton- celSion ci Pittoburgi. !cry low f.... t-!I. Pair partie)s.ukl.s onq ireuMr. 'I. ~.Wtitalcpr, i'gt TlO LET, LROM tith t fm.y nesf, fhe Dwe.1 i Ing Heumead Park of Seimaaad mil~ ~ " l e pp t naurp tIlere une. be iong - WALTER MCCUNIFFI. CO~io>iu#MMOSE& GAR- L DHT~.adj4li* th îwisfteati lier Aeit Da Mo taror partieilara r'ýppicalios te ho mate te Mr. Daiterme, p leu 8 - N - Ti.JnrII~~t T0~ a ocatarm f el yrsand Pomme Igiv.the. Ws. Jae alfm' ituate fI-ter% Ro, ebou* rneand tou ýq, omtauning 30 liulmbeisîtiert is II Odt rj«HOHIWý and PREMIBES lato. M yDeputy Assistant Appiy to &é~ sui>'criber. JOHN fSTRANOL Kiijmao6th Mrrh, 1823. 'l'O LEI"* THRE E Chamîbersi on one fioor, aud tI>e ae Qf C l Kitchen. Ap1îIy te G. WBs'I,tf9 Store street. 'l'lié Èay and Hiver Steam -Boat CHARLOTTE, «MASTER, ~wILL beave King- ~~ia i for the Car "n mngPlace evcmy Mon- alay irmug 8 o't,ck, and rctum tu, Kingston Wedneaday afternumo soppbng nt Bath, Adolphnstonf, Hailmweili, Su phîaast>urgh. 15.1 ille and the 1Trent: leave Kiîngs.toin fr1er1,liille eve.r Thunadav mntrniiig . 8-o'lrîtck - leve BoUsville on lier relu, n Fridou, mrnin*8 o'ilotk, snd nrrive ai Kingstto in the evening . bave Kingsuoîî for Presçatît every Iarmurdas mtaring, 8 t9cineck, atopping at Ganano- que aiati Brockville :ad leave' Prefcot -every 8mnday n ler reture te Kingston.J For Frigit or Passage appiy telth Mlamer on W -a, i. .May 12tii, 1823.- R F.TUiý'4S hi» sincere atknowiedgwnents tu lki,. friimiîs and tlm.puhlic. for the, pa- t lagu- iec ieiln lthe FV(h6 C/ast. Uri-j ION CANAL 1.00r=iy.i and solicits a conti îtiucc fi in lau 15wS4THCLASSwhich ho 'tas tht .Il-aurt of prestrnt.ng tu> the public. 1I Fnac of 15,O.w im 98,00o 1 do 4,000 la 4,000 1 do- 2.33 la 2,88m 1 do r 2;u00 l 2,000 2 doe 1,000 15 *,w0 4 do 50ins uZooo 10 (Io 200 is 2,000 36 do 100 is 3,600 72 do 30 la 3,600O 432 do 12 la 5,184 3780 do 6 ià 22,680 4340 Pitmzms. 1'857400 7140 Blank,-11,480 TICKEITS. To 6e *R4 W.N un thele 10: Ju4lt, ail sin one duy. li'MkSNTr Paxct or TICKETS, Y DOL- LARS, »UT WILI. SOON -ADVANCE TO & I)ULLARb.-lackets and .5iarcs fur SALE ait LOTTERY TOFFICE. NO. 105, 9T.. PAUL STitiKE. MONTIEAL. :t% le, 1823. 19 HIATS &CAP&. JofLW IW'TTER, - HATTER,' -%.'rth mêle4fJ the Market Squazre. IlEIINS biesimnceetha-nia te due Iilla ut lar o iuf.support h bas receivet sine elite commencetbusiuem in thme abtive là, 81pbacreceiled (rote %lootrul1,* 1 ucoemeàt w HftR~# 7~1umImap.; .14 ba ndhaofehi.ma. o ie 9' Bersaev tiont of J .informe hh ie6anudp théOipublic, that habas impie a fus ocmi O «cal, vite vn ialtani-t; Mti.efflob. l7; end ma"aul..iikeme Purs-. aise, OU aa a lomid e rCap%,Mu~ eimo~1wrif md beciiidrii tp. haiamn ith Whmomvablus - vae kege l, er aetd tb.m;l hebeiiy cai i tePopubli'Rot te b r lier, or cny dechjtreaDurt Io Rive ber1<lie, oranv t < ecrdat os uSZ a4 ceonÎt; as-I wift.p e ho ldea te accouat fer the sase. wILLIAt mtSuàtiIAW> lo>l.s mri*uuwuj.d 99pues 'loqua. aq;ulpauw!a2;uIlla «.'JSIJJ Si &q> >0 OU"L -uaswmapu mi4 I;udaa t,> saaq ;ou îîpa Lalp adoq ojasqasapa 4a ffl !q kwins titia pd.aO>51141A m uoliIX y '5 saHmoudA*j aq 'q p5>ItqiJ>Iv 11810 *tug sai.iuaila3 a aia aq; osmed uaMo Jai iiua utcque2 rin'i' '5go 'F -I a4; -Pu uom>a.amiup'laampasui PIDeA& 04ma mnusd '.moqs U o> i t asn. ues oaBGisnq o4) je lusauêm»u nf *qt <4f 4paývP* il1uiead elum.'orU J4; Vj uauaaqq»t ireg je e#M leila ê44 o4in Lod o>)a."Sap s;awp.au. CI PUI «ai!addi tSUUJ.Ai<IJ, w !înaUMpuswuOD q>uil atp pua 'uido ailqnd le pJajnp î*4n uUV uolm>a1jadm .aoj Sm-là'iV -£in *aenun si 69at>!,unb lit ucoqu'4sauoni Pua atil4 01 286P>UI ufJIUq I el 0 510v icnd oiumea pue aq Lu e>spuàaq.u aq o 1),ouasnbue a4 acamiu na pue 'a.îusnbasnuoo nU jo)i siutioladdéjs.aapaaaIO > a)04L ém.nnald »uiup Louo u e i ffut -0etioS t .1511 ailalie O84 'MA .aad a4iîa> ui*4uuIO> i!J!J5511 je si 4m4 nq 'a3g;t p op01P04 a llta.-1 -~-~~'~<' ;a~ mutduaoe auiddi a» M ln~oddliaein! poé atoaq pamml3 ài -asl S " ipu cun>JOddUVo us $u14 *t un> 2U141 inum aviea.atp.nd SqI ut g!1 M sa mc u>paMdIP S1a; JaAautq.-àaSit -Oui £pau w ai ! .u. lw- O) 53180 iaqi .aapwuia a i04âiEiiîAI sae auip2ap 8sl arn~ -aq eluaqmae3ui «îuaso.ad a041. 11 ->id pue lonUli je o son!8 I;!s0 J oil -x03 : .LV4Flf JAu' U70S Y19' 01 7fli P4I ' sîîbscriber ce-ijuecîfuiy rin- A.forms tbe public that he keepa a LIVEId' STaBL.. ,the m.fansion Roua lietd K 1 N G 8 TO0N;'- Witere gentleen can be accommotiatc4 mith gond Hurses and Ceniages.at the short- est notice auuaLmapon reamaaabl± terms. SAMUJEL HICKS. Kingston, lune 22d, 1821. T NOTIC E.> TNEI. tubseibor.formerly et tiesoflue JlxdnatiJU, aYouao0f Montre. ai, having ostcbieied bimseffin Queboc. as . Genera Agent andi Commi@sion Mer chant', solicits a ichare in the. favomrs ni bis friegds -%u Uppa.r Canada, particuiarly those who are engaged inluhe Lumiier Trratie, as lie bacs fuel isi retaidcstce in tic vicinity of thme several Lumber Covesilhe cai almeat aIany tiie lie mn attebdance on <lie spot. to take li charge (on ousiçn-l ment) whatever mai ho intuusted te him. Ali he wili hav.e an oSa. ii tqw. e hO vil hoe alike resty te * çive wiiat lirticleq may hoe forvarde , t thPor t i i a. "etg.. ~EgYoUNG. N. B. J. Va'ufriendo in the. Lppor Pro vince inay i'made acquaiautei viii-thi statloo the 4uebec Market during the seao,bY cal 1 at the stores of Mr John W atnor'gr. James PL A'rmitru>g Kiegmon.3. Y. KINGSTON BILLS,. 1IILL hoe tiaktully recclved aI par WV bythe ubschbr, Su payaient Ifr oit deba.S.MIU Kai-rgtee, Rh Noveauhor, sSII. PB TEki-ÀY>JVLAwe.. go le8iaue tobMerm tW bile e» "y.af ho hlie b . bad (r tendd@ 9L 10 e ?é U lte *or As viho mu, henuor hui # -thatuo'serti" a sf.,*éeui mmd t e dur yh i moo've suit.ilile fothu4 r a m = Kùegtoc, Fuit. 7, 18â8. FÉ& $~ eb-àcriber requ 1esmsalppap TinALAYeI'q. tothe HKMcte ef Rosior ifACULAI 99 aristr.0 at-law, lately decesed, te iit* imme aie pyot - AdJh*mm wlheaveldemanI td u the. said :tt are aim» desfred- te liiivi febrwaurd-Iheir aiims, duly aotheniented witboaýîdelay. JOHN MACAULAY 'Administratot. Kingstn, S h Marcb, 1823. r, - ~LS I 'r -r' ~ r. ~ TAYLORING., T'. Tjr@llorli3usilnez je the BHous hoongtog te Mr. Uanctiard. opot a ao mmta hare or the publié,patrenage. 4t.One or <vo Jtmrucymen Tayloris wanied. -SAMUEL UMERRtil.. Kingston, loch Dhcembet Th-1 e3#î -NOTICE. T HE Creditors o et lte l 1u. lkRowvn, giq. vii. have not yet rsn. &«ed teir accounts to thé, Administra. tor', areieere ode èô 10wltnout dé1W - uy authenticaied, Loeotthat a *di;ýI. .Ion Pr o .proeaof hbu efrts niay bo inase. A. mR e AP.9 ,? Admoinistra& ANup»îIo u 5sit 7IA> 1822. NOTICE9. ÎLL persons are heroby caitioned a gtainst purthàpilng a certain Notenof lIandgiven by the subucriber to William Ireland .1 tYs Townchp of M urray, or wi'der, as 1 bave receved no- value for the same.-rPdate e oe, 19thOctr. 1821-ma. Mount, £8 a. le W ;ANTD, byMrm. O&ForrelIvwo A ticTD es ,te fie Drus Ma. kiugad MIit i¶7ry bàineem.*me eè"71 appiy lÏai those of, respectable cone.' Kingston., tIi Marcit, lm1 -NOTICE. ALL perneasarem e!y autioned agampst taking tve Notes tif iandý, jvena by lie ubscruber, and paypble te listasS UaIP, ofthfe Coum at, eof Mont>o mery itee t. et New York or bis orderl- oilte oiderieuionecl.aies analameunt. ast liv d Notes werc e R in paymmwnt for a lAt of Und for vhaci ttc aad*Sumti cen gise ne tille.- On(be for 1001. payable Nov, 1. 1816 iOn. for .1001. paable No%1,8 JONCMMING Kk»g. »February 21, 181 C SH BRL ili be gveai for dlean athfe meralditinag Office. Kingston, Der. . A&«A:tIAOI5for i1838, tçOK-i WNTBD * . ,4pply ït tbles O&mc. A1a"wàOijýàâ m Jisups., 1818. 'r. -.4 4 r, 5fr hamertbon ~ bu ~er- tpeuqmhr.h. t. --r . ~-'- - I fi LL ýt .-- 1 t .................. J'IL

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