lot- à e as Iut oioSc. at pNei offluation lu tlii atoMethodfi aulthe ton thou J*Vs, theon je no etf the Metiiodij smaitb. spotieu fid ano stain in of thear ocety thora have heen sgaves hnving.lc or <bainMasten Upper Canadia Is authbritieo,- Neo&lise Prou have no right t thi e in dis Romn, and, on li sehisn nad( opiwmon, ho wo' Virgia Mary, a, ?f ersonalchok milet aoemfor h mnat *eOmwa for ,muet dictat. to s 'omms. noman Jddge. Whethý knows it or flot, id» f pope7 wherc' the pettic *1l11 dot onl1 gr. by ereaog fam wM aioEe lai ~nmtiwhel ggtnd fame Maty ot àa-Cd Il And, Iprov Wm- uthe Brlilté t lgo on ; *Church, et Ergil lar-o"Im by coi *eat de prive mai misse Ulm te aa a.j-if bu wii the chiomôste, « btllag mon'a ê shv'wy, le, Mdul et him net a detetios. The. kossdrts of amspiord imanmbld maioî blqown."1 OnIlia$ Excel du. in Canada, t hag, ouas wich wftthy popte 0 et Vears in abcbait oitt <oPsy the 08,1 doILs,wiuh goal whi lce st~ -~fruuaw whî kt bom ner ,Md&, -ob' ambg 50 W~,. A ex w. si ýfofft vithoul'uwr ho M.d i alatyw= L"~me lpo Slade!s = 02Me -apn i 1 i ~ 11e s4m oof die Rh;,iden MasIna.1< liti bh~hd ud attadarmi, seen in din extract gvait-brio*,tbaL iaj place "noitrcliefon oai ecompleti test th1eié I , an <. orn osocatiou oez to roos»emneds, coutilit v~a" Poinoor %Webtaan- u Sertained tlopt -thi. sur,*b" CIIIï' col <o si, ictsi are:«. »Wt ai hic th"orsuàd lois ru-tuanul;ey are ternoti. WewoMl e nsy asa spider veb1 IL viii h as a ravor, if somte of pur a t 0ppoue hien with fadai. woul ndeavour te investigate the dire ýlibl tpruuâlinsub- it54a'tmd-Ihdbr uns othe ,teeaIý ie Wuat idin, ce far at toast -correaapondence off the Bath anit W of utsar coceaict; for aller Enirlanit Society, fbr thd' encourui iàaëd lie-eft he Jamaic ton- oet Agriculture, Arts, Manuactu, M avion a charge against any Commnerce, 31r. Pryce, on. of(the con- it Idiaionibet. (and they t<cr u th"<at oIIeçtion, endeavers te - a if thotu bitter ouenies concount-for the rot in the following platioible then) snd niy two slaves nianîer: rare eveal accgsed, wlîile «I t is improbable tdot morn inccta~d nu nînerous caseo religion !*te rfood, and la y s t8 euson thle- tee r ýst 1-1- 0_iiIî eae oeuemtrs*>f*O r» proparty. Bo I[bat «An (èspecally wet ories,) whiçlî -it i '<*ilai Ïi i ns -a rea 11k e iuin -t ïï D?-1<rt Iit tl g1ia LIse t- 1h -a tiamie of fàlshoodo. a redundancy oiurba itmte ends tu maigitain that mon impulse quit ils dank and dreary habitation o chou.. for thaenselves in and its fecundily tb. greatly increaseil by er%; but ought'te fultow the auch seabons, in cenjunction with the pro- ltâte. Then does lie forget lifit warith offthe sun ¶Tiieegge tkpmai- Snter- froin the Church off ted Don tho tender gorma-are maoyojeit ih Iis oivn prnciplos, guilty off tho food lott ho stomach and inteshinew of] or-Ancestors been 6(flhis the animais, wlîenoe they are receivedit m Qid nOw ho wshipping tice<lhe lacteal venasI camred off in the. chyle Âda wafcr go..I1ie right and pas. into tho blood ; nov do tboy meet ,e iaaligioausls l uan- wit.ta ay. obstruction untiltbtey arrive at ac cuvai ity. Every man the capiltary veaselu off the ivor. Raore au »mnself; because every man the bod filtrates thmagli th.e etremne limiincfto God. Nuinait branches, answering ta hse of the rema ne in my my moral coduct; porta ini th. human body, the socovnoing cao account fur me -to my vesse are toe minute te admit the impeg- qr An Upper Canadiaul" nated ova, arhieh adhernag <o the. nom- *, is doctrines are the d<oc- braine.produce tliose animalulu <doat tuait rand if lie really heieves n pon the. liver and dostroy the sheep.- transport hinsef tu Madri, liey mach resemble the Ba isht calted met embruidorer Ferdinand piaice, are soaetimes as large ne a silver ratify lois hungry ambition, tfo-pence, are founit both i the tiver and Marquis off larralaria ;but an the pi pe (anuwveringteotadonte i.t ion in qOie si! i omo con- cao.) which conveys tho bloot fronatihe isentiments,-4the Grand tirer <o <h. heart.»1 en lie nay dememtrate by He then procéeds to erccemmenid mlt as ethott mon have n rigtt te heing pemiciau toiacit insecte, andt like- wlvoaa in reiginsaa&usà; or, wise quotas the auttioity off Lisle, who, in utins .talitir,he ay toi bookof huahendry, »Cy that a farmer tnelling," cureit hie viiole stock of the rot by gving ai doctrine ortiiodox, each sheup a hanfal off Sanish l-~Aie c bdw. and kaocks.' arisi menings succcssivel.1 visie te dingust the people On thielme dioeu anether corrops lu Govern ment, by amsoia- dent aya: «"That the. rot insocMoaloeb maximes etarbiît rY7pôer, the insecte louait in the tivor, and whlch -if lie wiahes te bring on the. are cal.4 laeJiuon, is voryr evident; but te lad a greater loadt cfpopi- accounit for <liir coming into tii. livor in pnn.cting it with principles net se easy. .On kuliaig a sbo.p Iatoly, n off hisanoral agency, and viaich wus semingly in godeaith, I es- mens machine, lot hM go aminci thei viacra catrefll Iyý, and in smm dbes te stand pillonie in of the passages lomding tu the liver (v hich zpowit te .peel'.bitter appeareit turbid) 1 faunai àwhitish thick li- e te .ettor of despotison q uar wlîich appereot te hoamt in notion. - t Mon pursue bus caneer. Un apply ing a pocket glas., I found i<te uppose that hie can escape oomtain theusands off theso mu.e, wbicli tpeople cotrac. the mr- were apparcmtly jpst hatchsd, andi about I bis mazes, and vili ot tIle ize of raites, T -if.]! heomsp iait *e ombvyo Peer vida beir mot beau kittet, vouaItsoon bav.e bWano ontemlt. their usual ciimepd rvei s ieslructon. @t ut onn cOLgOaNEt. PL,&WT.-M. Turpin hua di?covored dhat *etuberm ~pthel. cellule. off Cereus Peruvianus cosotain I hve aley ceu n yaran immense qanatity cf erystals of ozalater âng aaîecdules ef the P off li e orepremonts <hem as appoamng tolan; butL when a ,nan's en-<oa<he nakeit eye likè very fine gltteringi j upun liingratiiade shoald sand, und, under tho microscope, as restait-i ,rat& v irtus,; for «« everv gular prismes with ttraliedrat points, and a C'te bucause off the injuredl quare or paraltlrmichs;herio os variable; they are uometimes founit col- l lenc' iret coming lnoocf- tectout in-groupa cf tlree or four, but mone hureva. amnifmaîy ~ connucnly formiag radient apheroidal oins- douenatpa moi nit gocit footaitev,compomdof crystata cf varietas izes, gav much plicasaireo <othoThey oxisteit an sucb abunianco an came Distict- prts off the.tissue,ceno uforon at hat an1 f te Nonwcsmte is 8Ott- h off <hoeviolo mam. The presenos off baran wýhc lait barn Barer- sucla crystats in the'tisate ni plants, bas bopnar Prsn fe ba.meîtec-latelybehoeoeil kn o tbotaninsianit ornîus san f cao lanjletay are distinguisheit by the tone off raop- ts, fur casupilty culling, wauh- lides. They may h. founni abundantly, a o, vr a crdial, sid ho lh. th. forin off neoittes, in the camnmon ka- e saverml off ha neighbors cin<h, andt in ant succulent Monocotyl.- Sto seO s11 pirituomo tquer" dons, and in Phytelacea deicandaatey s, artaicej o.and, unme- givo a kiud off ilvery apposiacot) die apiairt, instest cf h.ing as ubticular tissu.; but n no plants hai t tey lavbe tii. nei.ghbouaig oma- beaunprevieusl>r een me abumianty, er go vid et 'the CowmRoa es, <biu largo, as la ithé ptamt vhîch Phanistheoumb- 4" b -polàr "D.edauti s5 jedf fM. Twpin'imwfr-Ullmm om bn 1u -lua tae1ffJour. Science. nadlArtsi.] u4 li dès bmtyof ar- Fi, luabssh igetti. CVIuamova wasinae nausoolk t lb.ws~aeboae iUiscVEU ETATIýOr.-We are titl>y 1 lit. U- eel. Q ne .attohid, dtonale, in an Baguaitwoak, <bal awé <n~~~~~~~ mismv olaeto .~ qg,àppie tro elnt laàï h~bo,1uttem lâ5#5a Ofetthe tidt"6ntfuvr toff alrmlp.liais Pesà, big ig o nt ani in clItbeuriterw hieî, sm. e pmoe meads eçost er liedos d off t r r l.um h as <oe r sable, *véciti -b.#'t. abourdtM arbelhoha 'Ms. ou 1h4 qs< 1ik t as te pqihée wiwve ets ap"Ob#sla on,? mev ut-ii. e«Mi-î r1w 1h1Oarp«~dF tent eitù...st <a pameste n avrbea g gpa W e e quo ms u e oi y t ~ c t ii. ailihumiledot is .n ~ comtwl V eJ treta* w e -sdPimif moi 1 Mdgei m poummi cf <ho i3d oJames H. WMd u .ti 118 Io tha'".Mb tic, to ho deitir wdvtim tiras cibwAd uaonths frona the Mboff match, at4e~ sudi peceiésa I5ý ltb 11 Wilson, ors.molrefsubbre'- samy,, aVilbe 1beld UniaS fothe fayesét, benefit, enuatlm<actaeuoff the.daim of- <b. saii Sut nad niPrehtho JOLIN I'Un, Datedit aiKingston, Siieifs, m. thic 2h Pobnamor, <889. SHERIFF'S ALE. TO Wit: '. ayofJ=snx~ offli slgton, thbefotlgving lamai aubelos* mng te William']Evans audJaum Atlimusa soazei by i eoff an exeution tesasi eut off Hie Majhmuy's Corat off King* Biincl, ai, the suit off Tbomas Marbiani viz : au <ho tiffe lateree .offJeunes Atkîncon 41o<b. fuir Iôviaag Loto viz.>Lot No. 119, partoff Lot No. 110, North sept half off Lt Ne. 19là and the North West liofetLot No. 290 li tho 'Town e! Kingen.« *Ail feme hevi gcliendo thg eyar lands or any part thareof, by .wgge o<h.rviée, are requestet eud k hlat k"ievate me on11or beffore tii. day off le. sale <o commence at 12 o'clock. - JOHN MACLKAN,- Kingston, Pub j.19th 1899: Shei . Milnd District N 8a<tNa 7.ie To Wit; çý 0 lmhdsr o Jay neit, vilh. cold nt <he CoutHou: the Town e! Kingston, <ho fellevîmg hlaut. seizcd hy virtue off a vrit off fier& à a ila- Bc<ach at <ho'suit ofJoopb (utchess insi Iho lande off «it J. McLean, vis,.al the right titi., intiesot and domandi id f<*sd Nei J. McLeaI te af.Itôvng la d rin. Tii. SentisWest part off lot X..I vita thé brohcp front off th im n n <. Wt aide offila. grand River Catars~ii in the Towu- ihip off Kingoton, cenîauiou', 197actý& mise a anahl Islandt nearly eppoÎlte te o-I n tho River Cataraqul, witainaid Tpvnsiip con<mrni 70 actes, alt. lot No. 11 on' the East side off th grand River Cataâ-qui, in. theTownsiip of Pittsburgh con<ainîng 100 a1cres, aise a trisangular piece off land or gor. calloit lot No.2e la <hoetrofelcertain lots on thes Est Sid. off the rtieIirecCatara- qul comtaimaiag 293 acres. Ait persoa cbaving claimuu uthe ébove- lands or amy part thoroof, by motge o c cîherw'sae wquaos<ed tu nalie th. arn kmowavp <o! n .ojg o~befom e "Yd'offsae sale teo comlmuneol~. JOHN bMACLEAN, viii be sold at ha Court Houss te h To. 'off Kingston; th. tollovarrg Qtanimsd ib virtue off a writ of Sio fatdes Iscumi eut off Hia ldajetyicoun of King% Bath, at the suit off Chartes Wellard against the tands sud terremontu oet <ho lt. qlaonias McMr- trio in the bandes offC auey Wokott, vie. part off lot nimber three in the first conces- ion off tho Townshipoff Thurhow on tho West asde et Front streot in Dellvrille. Ait persona having clihs où th. ahoOe lands or »my port theenof, by motgage or qtbewvlaso, are reqosted t < a ir e b.me knovn t. ne, ou or-iefors th. day off aie. Sle te commnace t Il o'eeck. JORN MACLEAN, April ISth, 18M9.obevlfl n. . Upper Canada,> 'Oit1CE ib' ofM Te.Wit: ) tuaof 4;vsrralmtoîet- tacbaueu<, lsse ot off <b.King's Remtb and ta< me ghrect, sauonia Rira. Sps*rit au abooou&oag or convea.d debtor te i< ïWaac Buchanan Wi1iam Çdaxc~e r *Wo.dtau cn&M ilaom Q t ymma, foi thaesmm of folieaa hudcoqI * dIogb ib.t pouni aseitoysa 4 doJ auIth <hO die, »W andiii poaiut îolii di l pOiuuisud ïsci. lb. the id acoust a orpue'an -minaGldt, ao. 14 ad lài....5 th b.UO ye .e L A±ë Z 1@3bave 11at-1. i ,, 1aurq ,* Doonaa,5etiuiut gSth 4po1, . 8Mb My, 28d lune, OhMa 'I sêJu, t tbJuno, a.1khabýMay nMhJnuh Oslli~ a.cwog ev ti~ bo a d e . . . . . . .e . . "me Mann"~ll pool pichetmlaipt,wl . ;zpa1 bc b m onspared in milmbi *aW greatest reKühîlDttY. Noýicpwill b. giveanibtii ù- rageoihe wmontip d Jniy,Aagt, and Septoebpç i-l18~ Prescott, t pper Càaâma. 9th pt 881- t4oTICI. QQvernmneuatIase, York, 28d Fetaruary:,18 O UDEUS la Conkil wlIh relaortor PÉ titions ai! M Sem'bthla for 0rantt of Lanit, or iolliedgd witbth at sa bject*1 Imte ho inÇo Eniteiv e Moouii Çoin!ibjoo iy dt recoive answuqul0 their Petitiains wila8pl to tbo Cliilït-Y thicegodWLon ~RE~Jt4 E LISHA HAY.V ~ ~mc4~r~ *'*1. ~Uisw-Uflub ~é BALNK OP -»=' NAA ~ OT!C a e ~vewy g Vin t1 sf'*it~IIh gut .(.« t bo s a qioiti<v.-trlisla ufaiwm, tl' stb#blo thott cbhotbtto,étohbibt ils elmig dom., Au.es unil six. monîbsefrer <ho laui t& qbtktro Aa~) for ata.nptlanto <W. p.=i It1ii . l Ii lia off Ibis Bmn&t-tho ffollbavlrng plis t its u 0'relS %vit, lu theia. 1oef Kirapstoulegiu*a, MI c4tmk ih Batg York,, Brockv#i1Io ýPeath, sawl4h - Gîiaà h.vm<brg, loiditn, coboutg,Cb.uwl,** Hamilton lui h t 0 nt t attunerKs.n <ho directiont of pBoIWhoroftev.ta b1w'na- lotewl imei. 1<1108G. RIDOLIT, FPOM su; oefi~ C"ihir.! JonAMb Sao ki ~ Bank offUppe CaitudatI, ta Compay la~"~ - N B.-n o djtoùt th 'hradu ti son Bviaptff -1,. yery tivideB.Ï»p.üs off netlath 1',- cighit per Oint m i iie4d o bopl ot éai 1I preen Slcbole h Bhim 'uIri1hI JIPTY Acres off Lend beig tise io Nottberty part off Lest N.. T .tp'i h.lthceàc"ulD of 20»MealTow~ mta Soedoiid s. te ýi o""ea, "fovmacd oirési by' John, tt alin. adée tiredbJiea off JouiClarkc. Applicationm. tebeha d X0 Sainuet lark Rail. of Qamden or <h. proprietor B. Boeh. Kingatn, l4th Fo&sAéry, 1899 l »- th TO LV4ME. FOR a teranmre- g1gteiyann lnandîa<o PQUU190iogiron .- Thst Valuablo proporty at Green flay or Barriefielit, contai t'ntabout ire acres off vainable land,:=. I gadonandt a numbor ohemetl beum, »Mem te fvhY, omuplot,,but t<btu rnstiicanfwviii b. MYee- fassito the otula wvigi. bt&<ah. Isés.0o-f., *&vcuaouil .1 i. L"j 1; " oSON, Agent.. uu WAAil9TFuW I e Ur v Tho .itu-14; ho polit puactnaily at <ho en- creuit, (but the.M wmer piratian ofsacii quartes. , -' ne usuel, -fîmther purticuars may bhoa a .p- price f«1T110 lyicig at the Hevao-Offié Klnpwhn. ne #Wv4-ý Ode ait,ý éd 4L b* s lW,4test l PUBLIC No<kqis héi eygcja n WM rv p Afut%" p l,.pns eus ý lm r upcn diesi. - tjas Cro il ul ir a atbd t<ffbW~ E7'gto EslVSékuV,' mmli mli ô. the-meal me I. mmiii. Y -.aç - i JOIINM3S',, t*b IBIS zi- t (i 4 .. - 3 T' v Fr l