-i <neuf u. Cimmerc lx H~il M iê iJtlie taabIlléa, o it neet oeofMi reeraru & Co.pn f l i and te ite r ndafor ilylvn ruai as pU sa" ~of ther sait-J--àepb Neaio, a il oksua of acouai, vo&chgrs, d pa- ilo <oit dCour5si put ubito <lie sal scios, r cti. <. aithé rsuit b th snargeitpithiCanadasisfor montha Potrqgndate, aileIbm aaise *aiteesi ruai as essi u ail bomkccqn, ooround ouc- reI&tn t pa eretlug ibde t iibhe ni nlhe, or so achthreofsit*aythebu nodc- màacti onbmsoaue tnihe said ams .e Khrtingatn, &U th Seabe, es18>1. aMaidriat dtrict, ok oTIacE im voh- To Wndpaiers re .121gien, < wlb tSvi- liteores arraot es oi achay e noes oui , oristhestsidn fistict Court suigt Chnlas Rth fr thiârty-fvm1 pund Ten b .i veusmdI.p n, antheat b. steofthoeW.matefrtfahentsu ouit oi s&one shiin stre. penur, axncdta hme diofe, aail Ibm eesate as Wael FI oui asnoal of 1.i Josepbe Nbeci or cod ai ooko o aconet, the sh uid lep Heoat fr tirn viin houv ton shictins ahd sit Cpourt, and peatntbai aondbmthed tions.tsuict ufJ<hnsat cat fthéb.suischortonpunvitn ibre cinsad sa _one 1af<er ibis daim Il theidesiare as. weli resu as peronal mdhe mi B oscfph ceuand isocer reatnt ere rt n ther- tae vi bactidonb, or usýte nch ihee s as Uy . ecessary ferlIhe a tief»jcionýo( cid aime. JOHN MeLENN. Sherioe M. D.e Kingston 26tb Septemoer, 183., WANTS A SITUATION, AS CLERK, &c. A MIDDLE AGED PERSON, ju .corne fro t nlandi a munfor a situâtioi.uf Iu er Ont-of-door Clerk, er Pot- tee, suber lu s Brewery, Dîstillery or Mer- caÏttiéeseuabishnant as Clçrk or Bar.keep- pi lu a tea* Boat or Tèveru ; gr, h. %vouldb b uefli in<b.esînpley of an Imec- ipepeer havintagi"4sd in trat-ebpatty. Vb. &dvett6uurwiad le hippy te Lt e.eWlil be no object. paut riculawmà&rasdence, enquire of 1.dto f ibis Pape.. ~ luiy»à l1ut. - LUMMDK, BRAN AND SHORTS, T il E subecibesa, t their Yard, Miuis- AL OM Point, Kingston, oSfer for saie a ~Srammotiment of suved LUMBER, suml ad rotai], c.nsisting of noRD, easoed sd Green LAXKS, and altckoe SCANTL1N,~ fal£lhess AWs, a Souamauyof Wb"cb ley villil u b$0fr cash, or in ezehange Wfe st Mode ofceuntxy produce. BM iAi.c asabesfor uny quantitt of Cb* ~muu lenegihu ct to order a; abort notice : aappliemîlen te Mr. Jobu-McEwan in bageof the Yard. C. à J. MeDONALD, & Co.. fafml,ç, 94bJoue, 18U4. .80 bovine tatou adwtpWs 1I'tration te the Liai. of the lite Mi- ebéaui 1me, drnceaued,à respecthlliy re- Nu Lia."te isace nuh. marne l,,de- f1ý«h a efa.dfor adjuteaest;and Chat toe lud.b:ed -té l it il pmks pPaymeut wWM*t«Iy. SUSANKAII MORAN. mugtoe, IMiJnm, 18.lu * ~~EI~M'a pouosulotagivdin oW the otj ne , ib te *J'u IoPqont m*11ël6s a" 0octaplsd by *IL Dupuy, Faq.- sala ho'd Iliq ai ~ tM uiand q ne gsntlyjad UhpCebr, Baek CStlore, ;W C: '#*tgipbw r4e. nld vl adepted sud fura vhf.biâIuleqow. àAply ?.cmcbu worijo the notice of Taverit K. aquatity fr fugededlê.ei Pths , a, -mut a Jar"e qsautitye z 1 £U~ of îhe,fir.t queliîy. A lageuaor4e salt vater lsh, Table Se1t.. C.etler, Omime ~ai a.lH ney, Fleur, ork. Oaté, Soli aud Uppeir-Lether.,eom ntiy for mie. W. P. COOK, Store t t. Ktngston, Juiy 10, 1884. INFORMATION àNE 0 i joIIsoN4, Who camo out torQe in the Spring, about four yars go from ueir Roekery, Couuty of Mo»agbum, Ir4a.nd. la lature ho i. abouit Ove feed *ight iichei bigh, iusty suaIe, fair ceimpi.xion,'t cek marked aud about 26 years of ego. e l Si a aned in -Qiiehieco a uut ahaf ui t en 0hav* Proaiet et se Torouto.U. C. Hi. pents au6m- il7 arrivet Itbis Sipïîng, ai, nov En Quuié,ec atd are in gret tialres., noet hiaag houdit from te boaoe siace hbe llIrelunit. Sbnuld this mtoatthp eym ofibe alt Rel- ent Johaison hÏ le requmt*d40 write lune- disieiy, attressett.opJohnson, Juur, cane off Mr. R. 1 tie, Q'eo. Edt lons of newspapecé in the Uppîr Proa-» ince wil greatiy oblige the relatives of tho abore by giving Insert ion ta <is notice. Quebec, 141h Juil, 1884.- T H, irpritu oite MONTREAI. C 1A1. GAZETT9, lbe s les ve 1 i nfeste i Subscribers et Kingstonadj#a vicinity, thut be bas uppiniet Mr. J'S. Greer as bis Agenti, et vhose Dr y Goods'Sicre il the corner off Storeait King Streeissmuch Sabscrihens se mal, net have boxes atà(<ho Pott office yl l it ibheir papota., Mr. Grer "I forvandtat Montreal the nattes off mch armay be disposedAi Quoi- scribe.,smdtheIbm iosf puuctue iy in dellv- ery mal bho dependet open. , , Kingson, 2d1 Joiy, 1884. Termealathe Moatd me Hu and sutaiy Cmmercial Gazette£2 ' STer~me of the aemitouakly publisd 5 ons Montuys snd&Thunat A. J. FERNS BEGS beave to inlor. hbis tteers that Bh. hasreceived b y the latestrivais, bis Sunîmer .oppiy of Ladies', Misse.setndhi- dien'. fashinnabe UOOTS and SHO0 of very doicriptlon, end viii bu disibe etofi' nt uncommnlny lotv pricev. King-ston, lune 18, 1834.  Lt PERSONS are h.rehy forbid pur- chuing a Note of band &iven by the Subscri.ber tu Aunguatue Short, for about tb' tum cf Twenty-two rounds. datet luJluna ury 182-asitil as given for Landi which have subsequentiy bean soit for rates, thon due, and ceaeqa.ntly no velue beau a n- ceived. &te.*Nspoe muto Richard V. Isvrpçuce, 4%tsd pbopt #*-JA&4$ uvf-' ton potund-ihe sm arnvuing beupidby bis ord*t. a. a. DEL Nu pae., 8th My,1884, C"aam avaquav(se"a .-t on us?0» ous.,) Kingston. U C. ¶10 EMIGRANTS rroceedinu te Upper ACanada, and it i g te profit by lb. expenleace of Ibeir predocessors, who bave et consld.qabie expense, made the Toureto th. Upper Province, and matuis ly consider- ing the dauaes sud dlsadvanitageofthç vartous ec1Ftins therof, have-.retuned tut this 11:2 burbood, purchased Fermeasnd are l y u atestafter Ivo or lbrie ye*rs criai their entire satisfaction et the'cboiae <bey have mae; 'snd are nov reapiug the mrît cf hoir iodoury., IIIPaovzD FnAims in good situaions, near a muaket coimomndng CAsa, for ove- ry description of Produce, may b. purchasui on very reasonable tas mi by applicatinu ai the above office. Town LOTS ini tbriVldg VilLiu an> auy thousand acres of cop- COted ads fur sale. àovaosg.aj «n.fuftou.5ý! THOMAÎ ASKIW, Agent. SECOND ANID LAST TlMZ 0F J OHN RrE, en etmndto amoso p al oi pcouam%"iiwpectfully "limet the attention of hie cusomsers, *ud ruSsthut amil40 whom 'ho May b. ia- ".AilI acopts due tgbh l#toM, seing .et4ld 4m4t tIc Otit <f- ey@ asy »XI, be val ceelsluly put mb (Ire lies .1an~ Te tuotitInor j'W.peli Offwgo(State of N.Y.) Wed Cobourg,- - - - Tir 4 Y el Potm ope," - - - Thotdyotb Toronto, (lalb.Yorki) Trl u bme. DOWNWARD8, -* Niagers, -onje"ey atarday ALuesasi4 Toroto,(ls<eYrk)Stds gt Port Hope, ---Sumday M.rnlug Cobourg, - - Suuday et Mralag. Oswego, (Siai. of N.Y BSiae MeI. Kingston, - ;-onyornlng. Brodkvlle, .--M.ntsy fon. ý-tsupmSjLz -_ - . g-LM- qum... .. - Am - en Iii charge t- efÙoron b.rard. I The aýcomtinôdaIons oit bord tte Gazi BairÂrl have beena mach eniergdd . proveit turieg lat wlter;-aud i.v6tyjr- tion viilb. uséid to ensure regalirty and cornfmtt te pauengers. The aboie boatwill avait the arrivai of th. passengera <bat leave Monireal on Mon~- day by the Tppr Canada Stage. Lake Ontari t lm iBout Mfie, Presoti, let April, 1884 MSP[ICAL ACADEMY. uJ UDER th4'iâuMUite patronage of Sir lobn (,o1borito, K. C. B.LiMoutendai Goiear of fJwir caad, . k. c Tbhis.e.otgblIsbm.uwilb ooiuon th leo f Auguur, a Kbigtou, U.1Y aler tbê uprnteidnc. of Mi.. ýCoLis, 8'Wgeîéa R.i N. IRanE. - £100 par auna.m, includliuttlopN,.bosrI lodgiug, undt wuag. Lb wt obad viilme i b. lnsimu.tedi lasU thp branches or the Medksil proteilo*, hbé* viiibur ac~uftalUho. t bd "ct lection of Books; auud ndepeudant of ide bours of tudy, aMr. Céle ils vii hiptdy ai ail tirnes, o qu#lt thbS ih the. si-yof sa of the Scieinces or Langoagis *yulI whiét ho lea cquiian$ed. N. B. Geuîtlemenmust, for their owu beu- efit, be articied on their entranou, uhen .one third of the firai yarly paym.ntià ez- pecwt 0 bativance«. Kiietonm, 22<1Joi, 1804. (Tb* Montreai Gamtte, bIdntrei Har- aid, sud Qoshe. Mèreuri IWli plsearnSgia tbm aboya tbreae iuértîens and claep ibe Chronicle Omfce.1.1 COMMERCIA.L ]ÂNK Os T»3 11MIL439V DIOTRICT. O tICIle eby piveu, that s meting N ai 'tho Stoçkboldon trui tis ImOsill: will urua y s#tcth&.jUn en.,iW sus poe l .estlu . DIreeor lu th-isiàOf By orleràowzthe BOssai Kinsto, 2stAugtusi,1884 » Ppeors re ird te copy 11 idrer- fit'reqa.f C. IL M O. ww=L..eopy ube *0s. -BAY ÂNb RIVER. THIrU WA. UAILSM sUAO CAPTAIN AO UCN~, w IU1LL Imla. h. esW of le Bay of VQuintie, for Kingstou nd Peeoit, ebery koudsy md ThoraIsy mrnoetiig 3 'ebock; sied b6in.ag lihinter.tl Portal, Wlii arrivé at Klnimaon t 4 .'lwk i.tate irsase t k11Mc%.day., an4wfImv- Viveit tPruotrln.tlss t. metet iii on- trgal Stage ou Tuesday sud Friday mora- inIc.UPWAIDS. and Frits1 aftwiwosi moftdît,alsysihri at * 'wthe. Mqwuuetage 1 Wiin lp. EA gtma, a#ci 4eouk aeiWede* ~ai *rn1-ths Mrt riet 4'ae b i.to. mmet . ~'u.g1taupmoiftqs1d the il arraq . I5'ataa 04~uittay SUet *y *NOlm in bu dee 44u* ais in ssh y, ., a ,.so, et mo hmt4 e l- the uemae" irupeS ih., meainflle rpvrh-bslud ou" vsau of Réybr otdei le ur mosi auJ neri ! 91 tlei Tt*et off about a wIli.4 sirtt coïtaiuulug le.. 81 à -toi tate. Thel laud tseteliandtvolte une, "d llpuOll2" d an ukt a 0 bse WIlaO and the roads are as goildasit is JemslhIeo 'bave l a li* confittt. NTII q0jf*îhàrlIfomaton tbat __iai ffiet ;Teronto, Go.Iph sud d nic,rih6 fonoinlg egatuos ln th, Horonac M 3D&e*taLoML.5 Tuer8a11 'Mcbi;mzs iLs aq. il'M h akallwofwhlire u0ulr eumaiîIvs4tîoni, a'w '.< ewo là e,. otus.and' Barri, and &boui 400,Pt~ beaing Fruit Trees. - Lot N'o. 8, - Sé ton. Norh Çro4,DIs- W3 trlctt 0f lohamon, conîaining RO,è cea. stU if* Lot No. 20,-74d Con. GeorlIus, Hoe m ni ,mS Dïtrict, co:tuining Ce19T00,TaFotfs.*o Not loN. 1'-lltcnTny c Rfoia. Distridt, contulnin 100 acres. tirectei te<o pIe Thb. above prepew<y vili hae soIt cheap .ili. for Cash, andI indlspatabe ttiles Wiii ho givea oli application te Bath, 12<6 Augusi, .L. cA. Ir , à wtwvni a , TV. M..v in ., diAU.wM"M lEdwae dsb rg .'g -Je Nos. 5asd 18 jiteli t, 15 and 1dmlb.h id Cou. nWmuly. No.-IO, lun16. 'liii Cona. Yoff. No. 8, In tb. 911 Cen. mo*tiague. Ais0.,Mates it L0tA., I»otlon;.Lan- caser, Eastern-District, G. C. STRACIAZ4. Kiugstent JIpl .l7th, 188M. TÈNT)S in th. TowràalUp of Pittsburgha Aiand Portlandt o be meId or exchanget for Lande in the western patta of the Pr qv- . .ITT5BUKGfl. Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 in the 1000 actes. 111h con. I Lotl17in the lfth con. - 180 Lots 9 à7, aud vest pan of 600 110,12%h con.11 Lotu 7k 12, sud veat pirt of 0 6, l4tb con.S Lot 1, 1 h con. - -es0 a EO. C. STLIV HAX. Kingoti, juýil , 1888.744 VALUÂBLýLAND FOR tAIl4, IN Boib Crosby, Codnty '.of lide, Dis- ,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i t Jhswn-Dlg<S lit C~on.. and Ne. . LIid Ubui. I' nu ulé 0! vîleli 4 italacLGpOl~ othueFeaca NoUe.. By ami, lii .uueïguw~ LLI*A ente? 0<e @[",I - AOO - t' * -, .W-a. -, m~j~ uaste t 1.1154 ~ALL, ~t*aOsewpI t IIfg.#MOyleg ,51 Ètdepbi tilleul isa 4ammg <liaI ta lCrealie - ma4mIuvm te I Amas.. -1 .t 11 ýt Il -'i . - battu egW,