35, t-ns ffm a.mlAThAe . i omeircmriuept 'ibiali eva u .lh U it -~ iet. teni Ti. han a ie" c.w. s i, tho ta. nSmum lass. isi., am OMMn »- d. de ,Ca"da rpo reji t iline Illia. MW lili-a $&n'mit ilveas J.Ril. Fila. A. ce, -ded 4 ai__ tiae usw . erer. J. Mâw. C.. e'a l.utu, "uSm ê ena"i*. e i se. r rgeEbrhickT. Towuslumt and .dl tj 9aeeautiuguockin or Inati avertiraed1 behteofde Ciamcl. mii iuu tau udteillaite*nelei àw a hm 0.cme he ai, m t, 5 bsIig OP te petitton of Th.omlethe iét.isaîat iii etort exteim a é »i m flue.d yw fte eiiee OitN mliot id<afli. Ilyattur, -aooed by Mr. e 1let»oe ori be» mtil Nie - uic.thé nstpirt of o.the «00vi, ecinn dby Mr. hit, rti tpot0<h csmitia t .&a a.w. ..«cen"hem nue Humai dosma-,ialler in tiare ofColin Uilenzie blie iei iumbu cte.nd andi adopted. cea ai m u.»"t,, ui=e ll PIj eip.l vituel- casisson * an rdoi-a'u. Or tto sw-iaMr: Mei ueondagJhjUv -qut.tMr . e~ be ii'sev 09Veit h ele pte petiton 'ifWiIL Sevuour, the.reprt ai tii. cmmtUee on ru" apnuilio« in 1*uaOe umm", otuy &bermultor t the Petitiou Of The- and brige& waé emai and adiapteti. oauueud i titilmt arw The. w" mace. 01; &'.i 1ohbre, ausiedte pelition of On mtion of Mr. Aaakb e conai e d ly 1k LMmatiait ab. Tiuin t he la re ittailn .Or- gr'lis andi cIters. Denikete Courncil ventite, 10codixlankîeolui " ange oary t.aaiy bien. andi ela sa il 1 lftiit hecoomttîeOD Finance vholecm tiie bil l utabli a ronad t CoNnat, b, tlles eoridoaco, coaladjct ioe n "" iai ~,b<~h u arport. Sa in thei rât Concouaiaa cd Kingston,Mr. eaiaadlcted by souciaou., evidhue ces.dt>q * ~.Dnua econded by ii. Forifiasseiin the chair. -Pol" Usi. Il pelqwtt of Win. Acse, prarîing Cougnail remitet.______ mu' efoie pptt arablini otan, Weu The. Chairmnnrepuitai that te C--it- .e nb t-To aretveebols amin M M__ 60r.i ~ muîtoo iac niA bai adupteaJ the.bill cii amadmunuti"lc m Osent wa.. cm odema&dattenutionaflet [« i h omte, nFnneaiA-report va. îocejved.le jv,,* O .abo1%ieci, '.,cnttesbmoglilup te memua'aal £of the ii~ ~ ~ ioe' a ion I, -iuosof Aniert la landi, chico aaunicataufrein ltie Wardon. lfona Yb= < ofart mu0ofJame Ledw. ln Piem anotaion«theMW ill ICrié. Tiiy vent iota afieNld t landMd Wrred tethocotiieton Voie- death of une of tiheaufitesMra. MiW'o' Tetp srmaiiOlMOmtapc hn idU. om e eome U. patcle.îpiiin iU. i.Ca i titiy ibrev alooes le biatt the dugeandamihua 0< M. cntoran.mecnii by i. MiCumafr.c, ccoadedb, i hid a ebteken. They %-ons. hugh batterie M)h@uliwu .atpemtded, anti the lot On imotiion of br uiizacu yU. "bl EcOooel, Esq..mian d o i 1; andi 1dFaase Consituitee 'ta rean. Douethé k rle wu' supendeand.tlaelte rti aving 'tno t.»0( mynm, the oli.hlîlpsouîde A i. De- By.Law for the asmeme lient of certain éacli oda 1 emutdis-Gai w 0a;vh. vle peti" uf Mci Iillerbec k w:areferredtri trcts fur ceclin3' ahoul hou. borei » watt boys nov withdteCntl*aWai r l. Tii. oWmnitte(n ris anti bujîlgeP.. reati a uhird tte, usiedpautieal on tiidivision, Toris bave tai. têtemailves aeery cti the 5ln If r. ltî,bie, icîr îdb M.Yeuns Mejars. àMeNeil. (Cuinmiug.,8Seyimour, n ufai me ... ce of theiDater acheai; ce mti wu orticredt Ut Messiii. Seymolur lalp taial>îi~ iegaoKingston,»ibaance the ncunt wiîh tua ot of a jutice of jO'k lieia select 6OauviU tae illuireoeani Miller, Amueetne: Nayo .ibiretaun. . haid acliol, ining lia e$15fiand tiot, or 20 géatstele re uc* b.tel aiionin On motion tof Mr. Aetine semcondai by lUt. ds mrmraet e iligahi .*-rt 1, the. igtn nd ap eouilcaat-Denke, tbe4oth cote a upesdtd i d tea-t;e Juîce laîly 'mut:apoor mounata Gael for a th a vis; 10 mailing it a Provincial Counril titrnt intouiitîîîof thlie whîle au the n«training, the said mtan Wu.- travelling front6 Dy Law tu cstalil ia road at Collina ljiieNara ntanndy m ai,)n of Ur. KIitita, Iaecrnihd LaY i. firet Ciceriiuî Kingtn r goni lot tice pttion of Inancia lVcynies Wl. te- te ~on eghair.n Il ile Bealuinby lte avertiseienîthaiet the , l,, tc oniutUitO îîiFinnce & Accottîit. Conuil niietiJ. Moelaudics' Inaitution Winimale an excursaionteio boutîîIn Ur Mr latlip, Mcsrr. Cunittinga 'The Clîairîîîaîreportei ltatte By Lac Ca the iLakeofthte Mountain and Picton nmoIt hya-. ,Lstpo wero aildeilte caîuiteun aiiopîed uaîh bouletantendimenia. athemrokvi.Tieeen 0 sied rdges.* On utcn of i. Roblin aieondteth y Ur a. utlaeu aa ery pleackÎagraieianieube rpetîi t fTlietiasa 'F-cnalienti, Gorge Seymiotur, il mtis rdencil tt a soal«a itmitts 1ont but this Win ie kiquallly atcceaaful. rucr, Jcib Shlav, JohLi . Fi!ea, Alcxanl- cotiîîg t h rii. Kîdî-patrick, Denike, andi_________ ,SMwiatid Jaiob Htilryver. îw rierefenrd l cyîtuit ppite0coaner vith te MaY- The Preidemittofthe UniltdStati,. hai anoti un toaaned B1, tu,1.0whii t or andI Corporation on fthe istrict luceln"Itent, an ordafer reurenerng lra. Gidînour te lte uîîcetil î1rt of(s~g (a,.lcr aud i til ncctidii'gpetitioli the Legiuuaure on the Brilt OC<MK, ubtakon bock 1.1a- ilît v. lcre at itîcdlaid fortial un the charge of baving tnurdeoed Clu Mr. AîCNUI ilet:: ionîmoftJohne Oun .-1iof Mr Seymaour, secon3eul by bWr. ber lboaband. arAdeîr. s rcfcrred litat lc he r t Ci.the secondi report v te Fitiarice cet. ____________________ au uonin elcihz o"I. te là lcolliaitee iiliee ' a. rferici 1vtu ierontumîîeeof thlb ON. tcvinoCuraujdSeleriicila;) rii dd.Ut , l, ,Mr. Ferguson il, bechair. t,châiiîin31t laid beture tte(titictil a ]citer "ite Ciairmait reporteai tizt lte coinmitieo AtDlteiayjthenOth Mduj.byda ft.v. W. I Nm ,the Shieriffofthf. ijidinîtti Diutrict, wll;clt w>tiadoti lte report wiîli sotieaînendjeent. «t" isU4rý. r w ,imUl8a bÎgom , dj,itlil referred t10thie couuiianî.:ttccciDij ii t ltUtion aof Mn. Strachan, accontlotfby Mr. UnOu ta.admy isl.w, thé Bah lt.et.r- prpery. ve mccriî kîî~'~the ti.patimt tii r îthe io v. elQi. , h7 te tté L*ïd UR .Cha ~ç~nnwirîa brouglit litd te oi eo tit e Fene oen lthe public voati à-êt.Ei A*.C. m~ <lirnsu uîrrtitît.in front toflir.. Ellerbecita lbe reinoedfe At. *u-5 -th it.&@* s b ote e . .Clillil iiiouve., &scculeul by Me. De-W ite. $MfIr4 gteur b h ~it. B.Matn .... ibl elect coninittec, C(IiupGacd of On motion uf Ur. Amealtiuue, nconaleti bMr. O1?riCV .c Z a , St.e Ma, 1>. D. n. euîîUr 1îiik, tuF et giuon, lie iii- Drîtike, te By Law eutabllitg a rond a o.daaiuhtr.r o mtlUorW'm i. aq * t. ai aoan ~ ~tîieîrupritty o<ilniitr[alflVginsttBay va. ruada thitim ue, pantelle anti en~. of Veqaaaai. iiam Nvl. niell lajinîr ufthlie Doitrict, witit e utrirt itîletiBy Law No. XIX, elatini. te tin tixteltMid ef riiîuîng a a on tititeo ititrily ut'titi, sion ofthhfileat Ctincection rolatoCoflin. lay, WTe eieTeasenW lm Malbua S llqWtUga.a 1 in bu le V ed. 0bc oapteîc1 le otlite formialt 'i ownship of Kingston. inTig qq5S e, upiti of rondda tirouaglut tlii': Ditrit- Moved by Ur. McNcil, secondadily Mi. irrtliit e omtat ecteatsate @e itiuun ttti Kitngston, tat a By-L-iw b aird e henext mti. lviili u rs t lpie île 'lctl, tiiS tièt lte Ir-oade recourin aendeti by the commitltee on Rond» sUbet di 8cf Ltatute llor i'tinI)î -iL iindBridges, e i han d te lest sesion_.cîyri&aq.U E X URIN tn21,eq, whiclt t ,i. . lw :r dey, gave On motion ut Mr. ltoblin, eecondei by Ur. Foir mie Beait fle de o*a Pi li £-ZC, 566 776 - 1Ilslip, te comttle aptojeteai lent sesion on mX.auoa u t nzxoe aaa rao. 'liVlrtii jrebcîitud a -rui Itflli ut%!c tDistrct prmprly, was ttupîapinted la acit uring On Board the rlegant land comnitedios Stemer e Olt tic iluoit -c of I iLtr..the. recette. BUVLE lvl nwL ticil ajouat cd. Un 11tili f MrP.ubli), tecotîulet by Mr. IYî&,CTA II L, mcl Mttt~eioeI .Arr. 1M. MiNou. ' wuordorZt-liat te soutient paid bit HE lBouard ofMBanagecmni idte Kingaon aiccuflt ilue cd h 1bicttiSattni ae'FhK r fu lauleierroneouml itfor T almcs ü"begt ontnst Iiria her, tir '1i veîu r, unI uor John lax..; be repadtelubhu,uopon lis f lipg a P-e ti tey have matie amrangemonta fo« a P&zsrcta uàiait lhi iicii,ri.LIOJI11lifti iitîtg, cato it it te Treasurer. froanlthe Servsyer G..Excuasiots lu ,li repo<rt (ifitht uc1ciIcttttunUi "It Inirail taiteetoti vas'roirelanud,neut h. P I CT ON, ae, iiilu.-rv, î% une c;d. ale for taxes Iltlihe tinte ofte mae, andt lt nat4ion (if hMr. Unnîciotte report on tii.ete antauntlie idacted front tie ic ladt ax Touchiag ai NATif, an sapping etthle e 9 linlury un, rcferrcud ili te iutiaitteetai f lb. township in viticite laid jla itualci, L"ke et the aIIutBI, lue hl r. Auou'Vlâ!:ie inl;techair. janti that a cepy of tii. eaolotiott liecommiunical.. 1AIRJLAI -iii r(uiuîîîcl. cd te the Treacuror. p...j O rirteîd titt lite crinitee had At 5 ocuci P. M. theuce Ca<u.aluondti 11158 az h.lt aht - .. . ....>. t.tuaa t Cmedt teseod e.lr G nta ai ImL fil lu lil lui ila In oc ne l tii )et h a at. The District Council o!tihei Prince Eticard District have refuit uttranàact bmitar svib te Waruhen, anti accorditigly nijourndcti vliul tioing uty. TThemuon, our rendorm ciii ru. meiulin t aat the Varuen refusedtota ign an atiiroals ta lie Governar Gencral paae by the Couanci1aI seusia.ltasaing aidreiso.tu lie (iovcreor un bis asuia ion oai office, forma Do part of te duty assignei tu tient by lac, and lterefore tie course puratteti by ithe Warn on te aairen. connat affet titeir legal bueiaimo. Otiter Cunneila have psod amlincsses, anti if othetr Wardona hal refumedt aigu tuenit a.7 coulti nt have violaieti any dty. This viole uubjeeî t ftluiessea laneuin citicb cvery pot. son ila t lierty au flle.' hie own discretion. If aaiiemai are sent, liey are replied ta as a mat- terofei ourtes7, titero in no obligation any citer. he o tihier c.c orlte ater. As va. pointai nul launtis Cootacil in kisExccllocy'* reply te theul lut Session, chou Couseilsaduraathe Governor ou his assomptiun cf office, they do ne lin titir injdividual1 capacity," and uberufere Une Waiion tMay Êgo te aairesa. or aoi as il plie".lait», for b.oa unuer na abligation te du no, auci bnsinems ieing ou1tihebusinems himt tb. Council in anliorianti by lac ta trmmacL t. in suppuuao thle Council ciile disnis.ct. The MoeaiGazisec tracta the cilefparn of ui accounl 0oflite late proccodingu by chici oui Corporation putlM ofaipublic umney, la lhiitowo pociel auxmot hoeiien, aid vindé up bis comenta e Ibo timereditable iiamo by hhe tollacimg remaria: "Tire oa b. no ieii, un tieti of lite Corporation, h.te uanytiing crongbut if ,la wuhahallairin anet a gruesa job, itinla .otally altua Lest iîuutatiouu oficie litaine bve <W a sica ltîign e îltlî,a" ,i ktnvn i.Emgimnimugi amiteiaihy ittJurouhe credit of ail Canadiiaen t. 1-r 1e lin iitDi iiitisb ntoney tuaiket. %', t- al o"t tiseiiiKAigsuton Cnrpo.j Iratit- uili $o La prnpiety ai reviâinptt..» pruccudlng. aadialtiouugh Alderutai Bgumm v-ueit mot aiiuwc-1ntonuy of bis Ovni' taulioa& tîtice Ver catit inloreat a ien b. catli ge ai cx1ii ia. a fil of easicit e have auotaihei âlue a duubr, ho ati bis clleaguesehab"turmoimb lIait tise fonde am nt Itheir 0w,»v5" tint a trust" lintonaïa! le exeamine .ater cave lia proprieluar, andt tt,uneder lie tircuststatojel ho eiititbei lu urc the fend eafualed te.bin tur hlaow uprpuava, ciatbot ae express coStteofc te party gtantung the Irueit. Il wilii e eeeon by the Procîination, ualttoe provincial l'aîhiamueitl in cuniaoneti tu Mt uitu thi despaci af businesa un Titursday, Sepleio. ber 2&. Tii officiaI Gazitte coutins a proriantallea faona Bis Exeellency te tiverot Cellerai, ait. -con*ng er àMajely'»soannent te telfth <le 11.2.0111ahParitaunentiapoing a a uy ai 3s. sterling per quarter o, femigu eah iana portcd lto cLîada. iTii Gauelle also pubisie.u teAmet thea lapinaI Par Lamnt, paisiei July 1% <,roti. ing a ttat* n wbaamiu"isa fo. uerluita per quarter of chiai ami thei ait pioer harre,aatheotle go iutaopuftibme dmîle oth day ad cleber n, . litaI thei cinuti&W .tapoet"ehfo t"ti ailne lhiii. vilii molho icaduiti b, the reduelilt. 'd"t ai a )Mi aiveum 80& pet quaster Mill.pet iioes IN ec.m m twllsla ieiaçf ua bo&e ein = = «hl in b «ts, an w .Ki& lIn,aM "lise outiMM uit ak epum ottme amnlt.SnscMeas bli Who vaEmossaieNeure ili tua dicameelt. li eovideace léMt. Tboui= fa loWe » amy lad araelousraname-de.. netsay tilt kho i apy t"g,;but i n. imply The Board ofMaisagermhave tnucb plisioros ila meueing liaI a.y haveomadearlrage- mieni. cih tb. celebratai navawlm NmmIr.I., vh i nlieo aasstt.d b, M. Tzscamuàcm]ga native Of PrumsstaIpre.ont On a ahart viit i. ibis City, te accuapany ho e Zcurmion. anti givYe itieir pnissional assistaince, urca1y sln. alru.enlly. li Boardi have pinon»iur aaaunîg " at ley have nuati.arrangement. utIlMr. Goadu.. for aoruing tic Comapany wib Leech and Diainor on best ar& in e hma tle, anti rom hie vein kmow. talents.ofahe ai us t tieNortht Anterican in titlay, uchebav, né doubt liai le viii givo evory satisfaction. No exertian ciii b. vanting on Wlipat otie Cauniittie ta rendu lb.hexcursion agneu la lion citaoeMay fayo thons dIt hteir Comepany- TICKETS.-Gentk.men, 7..UCd; Lad 5&. Chltiren mentier 12 yoars, 3à. g. ; t e ho I ,mesuis. Ramsiay, Armour & Cota, Ciroojce & Gazette Offic, J. W. Brat,, N. ialinto, anti a.e principal Batels. Threlouai tria leste GRRRS Wltrfai 8 Hotu. Joit JMaAUL&y, FRaBjcia MiUt Wàx.Txa EuAs, ROUUMT HS VSw Jeux Caxaoamt, Kingston, l ibhAget CIRCUITS, FÂLL 1843. N OTICE le ienoby givei, liai a.e Couru ofe1 Oyrand Terminer anid(Jeesal Coold.. ivsry, and af Aasise anti NmiiPrisa, in aid fr, the iemrail vitricts 0et a ftua h e a.Poiti ,d Canada, wcitciionnerly conntiti Uppoit Canais, wülilho as <choya - Eaeru-Th. Honemile Mr. Justice Zoanm 'Cornvmfl, Eaoju,3408644 95i sept L'Otigul, Otiawa, Wsdaosy. "iont. Byluucil, Dalhousie, Meny, "Out. Perth, JBathurst, Tauds»i 7ti Oct. Midlaid-The Honorable MlrJaml ac. mot. Kingstun, Fuiiianti, UnaPii a ltrockvdilo, Jdoii'tatoviaMcaiqOnOt. Pictuu, IrEl' nid, WedamayJ&iot. But leville, Victoria, imiy, 1Md oct. Heome-Theo Honourable The CiefJustica's Cobourg, Newcastle, Monday, lbisept. I',îinboroi Caliiorne, Weinsem 4th Ot. Barrie, Simca., WcdMeauay, 1lit Ocht.1 Toronto, IlItn, Civil, Ttiaiy. 17dm Oct.a Ditto. >"t. Vîiniaml, Thnr"ly, 29 Oct. Niagara-The Iioiralâlo MrJustice Melab j Siutcoe, Talbot, Mcodsy, I6* »"Le Wua&iaoch Souk, TI0 2wL&.L. lIaiîlc (lrej w51 <pI. Nisgarm, Niagai. e.a, OaOt Baumlici, Weeoam4 gU4&t1 andese aom. mandatA i.deoilo. 1 Wb mumoit - Qtanmie, K Z4.o JÏ0.UG ý.î it !, f 'l'humas Baker, anti of Ebiza. iiili iut referret lalthe Finance 11 e ,lletiin aI Juii Bush sud utitos, ru i uuruui'and others, of 'l'humias Dyer .1 rfijt- John Citryadaho and othitia, tl 0u lt h commitîce on rsis eut olîf itir. Cameron, secondeti by luit. be ILL report of the Finaooe Cumutnes ut. 'tlluli'l of Aln. Seymura, sccondeti iy Mr. vy e, LL116h rule wata. aumpeodot, ante rb e. * liti of lthe Sebool Commiesionoera af IC. rgt'as referre t u te comanttce 3 kit:Ulliftcuin thte select cumiultee, on the c"il and Naparice Macadantizeti Rond, bro't ilePull witi an addresa o ta h Legialahure, bas rend anti receivoti. lia Culitiiili8~ brengit up lte repart of the sêe. laCniînît eui lte comuuiaon of sutble x1ýl as rend. S. Del-ikue teoves, seconde] hy Mr. Miller, aftlccl curnamtîee, comprusetl cf Messrs. evn",Iltrr iNcil, aid Asbehstine, ho ap- liugit;te ilu lte dîtties pcnfo:nîced iv tg ' fJrk, Itt n salary cufitiiutsraae le t îiui tej tutc7c talet au tuu aIcNCi lvi-l, t riî'.îmitt'7.itt),ban îlîuIfu Mv. lruuut eeuttdet by Mr- iii. nucutoriai ni athe Dis triet Surror eried lu' a ioiUiittea fillte vnl aii 1 tirllie, fruit the Clattite, on Comamnt a u bluua"luî up a nepu)t, wlutrh tuas teati ai. 11 iucLiy nu tliereunî, wuiicit ut rg utilue, atit ,drued for a decoi read. f ~ tOtbrelglît ip lte ieporlt on Dinîrict nuutcl tas rendianîd tiepltd. il ndntlut-Il. FIZIDAa., Aug.Il I,,tet, Minutes reaI. uudreport ci lte Finance Cominitee 1 eInrIett icIo Catilitteout lie citule a'rn entg of lte utuluroes tu lhe Log- r. Yilu in the chiair. te tcuntcd. t4ý'j eitutrti titat thie comnuittce hal il-. ;,tIe ntdre.a 'ttout aiientirment, tuitti 't ta lte urder ut lthe dax' lthe Caunicil ai wutsnittec ofi titi % baie enr the By Lac li1te Chair. I'pncd~ a regolutien iiicb wu 'i duPîed as toloîbs*a Resuiuei, tIa t*itdetaite cf lime quîestion cf a gslma a.'itciint bo pxsenito the next Nie. aal It n Cîanmite of ticil.a Ik lt.adAmhoerst ldmin, P. ~the clatir. iii eporu0j lte bibi wui atiopel ciel. llunt, iotc, report vas recinea. ntsrtic ait e Iimstrat Suarveor, Mir. iJOVERINEXT NOTICE. S RALED TrNDEU wciii. r"eisiat the K'1Comm,iaiOnice, Luguet. a",i aè e Mtikky t*9. Uu Agni, Iranpseoms dm- sivmne( sumusamiv IIa ay'a . aeyvo ith LAN' UL.NSOIL? ailCAIiTAGE for "Aun VRAUitrm ?ws uaqm of Ire"%, Prupumad prou Kingston t e b. m.Pensain tus Pro.. vines, y Wagun&ii.ghe irawn brIw co rns, ail puovid.rd cuti oreul driver.'rity mli.. te ho cumîcdirod a ilsy'a juerney vii u de (exeeptviton cfoving ciii Truop, 'viete distance sil k regulateil b, a inarch rouae.> and foatyamins a âay'a ioumrvtunuing eanpty. Tiellies m ad Ihumu.c, .g.nsk Se to b. ai tie hem decription, »d lo b. tuttidi on thieuie eh~ itae..n o m n avit.trlingf(oua lhe Cemmissarialto iai het &# Teder te a thé:rue.per dayinu Cot. re"yfer ver=bleImmwagnor illeigi Wiitt a driver tu b. furuisfitul asafieaad, lu coney 12 cvt. Tve Mhiu ofu he rate fur a doue boiue lest, , iii b. aitewe ur atacb single lieaiw"oor Sleigh, t ecuivey 6 ccl. Var" 4'e fPeubic Morez iad Baegae inta li Citiy and uigUorktod.L TENDERS 10 express thlie poe r criant auvo or beluv tii uuidertnentiaaucd rate, AI tiîî parnies arc viiliag ta cantiact i. va, Dacyu smt trmahy a gars meOabhd a. ko~m caon. For any Loatwtiti. ii City, la. 0.j. Cýr. le. Gd. Fer any Land fien wihu., tie City la lte Poniîeu. aiîfredenelh C.m Oimnce Yar, IFiat Hen- ry orthe liespi. tal atI ?i.lHon. r, Tiramoua int raicc, Dock Yard orthe Orul nance Yard te iterai iii a- bore utentiameti rplaceslo ~ud m versa, 29. Id.3sa. (hi. Pamnnt cl k mado b, Chteck os a Citar. tereilBak. Ne Tendet ciii k recoividth at dons m arthe liactual signature of Tie party maing it, aWeil asuhe.signtu~res o tb. per mm wllig teenter iea md ith tii. Princi- pal fuithe diii performaceofaisucb Contract ae mea, ho enterodi nto upoueThieacceptance of te Tender. Tosme. empieyed ainlier Majoalnservice Bie bex ptfroua ToeiI.-oerth. Cataraqul soth,Comia ssaKit oof, Knson i 000e FRIDAY, tbe Ukh Augut: Promu peton. dmmof si upplying liii Ma. jesty's Nawvmt King.ee, viti mcii quantities odt 11M.Bc%4O08"aI& Peaue, As auq b requi ifmalit Odeeki r, Mte MAd &ipfeauer, 18"L The. tandema mout thp e lrate inCuron.. cy, ha corda aitlang I. Or vbicb cariarticle et supply di b. fumiol Sal Me BW etmiCriney pubL of 20 Oati et miCmcy pareeL. Peau. ai Consmar po osel. Tihechh te b. putoin wgond mubullatial cas, ateexp....onita.Cmuttn*. ete ie nia.theaiot uality, ani te ii varranlet te eep muet W gnd or <o, lve meetiea ftr'ii'ey et Ber MyuDcctYe* Y" Tii. Sat Usa Be..tto ekpochai sreiiy lte e nhieu! Bina i"let interier place., ine mia of100 lbo.. oacif iroquureti. Paysmnt cilhhoemade b, Cbeck oe a char. bereU Monk cm prodticin oi lb. Pame.receipt fôr the supplies. Unoxceptionablo lecmrity @abeclttae hap attoval of thi.Commuissait viii kurequired. No Tender viilk erecaive thbat doet mihelb ban tta imtum teiaprty smoking il, uasWall au tii uignatureca0ni hue prion. vill oentaer a.a Demd italtha.Principal for ta. dues pa- d mmane. e ctan mur i. entetra 1uni. up a capmmacaeft a.Tendaer. Cari. iao i ispplim er wmm in. iiib.exempt tram TolD ovrra.nCatarffli Bridge. Coa*umtra, Kingson. btiiAttguatwhisg.) To LET. ][N" bl l eci of lire-Maof Stone taMigs, lacsly erecedon tock anti Weyu'. &t.s an d k»a sa Welling- ln No. 1, or c«a« builiug..1iCollei, 60 fee by23; 2Slarge Booms in theupper poit, certgeubet orspeaai.. och 60 by 24 iw, chick cm avecc adapteetiforConcerts, Pubic Exiitions.o , eAentb . laNo. 2-I Bo vithi ma .oellsa Wa,,oam uauleara4 ad ame gond mtand Remun. boe ià aecoller, cmmavS *1be kas la No. S3L-.I <hept> W» uevaom un. de~iCmS ieced iaod icon up staira. la N.4--à luchmun dmsi rat fluor, viti Celiar andearmat, and eigk Reesesin qbu. upper part. TeSinmi rru a asiteti in orneof dmi inuit pleuant Pari. ofub oa; thte deit- langsai WtOU lIarrangad. ad are tnard.oita attiea for prvai aniua.-aor are vcdl Immealiaso possessica tea.and Ruurata ttuederate. Apjlye Wb. WIL.SON. tt WUSm vus em.. a lat e Ma bu. a*1ii.l Heu.MiaesJe.ti uiig kies at«rL sàe At Cieil Rwgesoersg, W*, 4k Ou Pai-ag 4t pose ofet Low Primt.. Tihemm.deetionuu.annrC;vil Enieeru,.viaunuu uht êrel Emgraviutu. 2 vols. 4tu, Loundon 1114, 8PerI dii. The. Iiulwma e GretBri. amid bu- iamd Lau3dua ibstl-.nd 1utn ga. by FrancimuWibaà, Civil Engineer. I va-I. 4t,~ vith numtuaaum Diagramme, Lonadon 1840. Tredgal'ue Mmnl" yPriecplos dCat- pi r.àvol . , baudaumeiy Botan, 111w.. traed iI BgvinsPotraimtick SevÀo&. il Wood u c, it au Apparudix by Peter Balow. F. ILR. &3àtEditin. Londoios,1840. The. Ponaic Cabinet Mawe. Uphamiser or and Complete Docoimir, by Peter and Michael AngoeoNicilon 1vol. ito. vith mmerau ilantraivolCB"laiig lTe Cmpenier'î New (Antde.ibiug a cotuplote Bsok et Liai.. fur Uaritentry andi .Tuutory. îiua gfmly un Practicai C;eorne- try. b7 Pt r Pkihobaun, vuit84 Copper Plaies, ito. On Painting one W1andi Water Colors for Laesa"e andi Portrais inclutiing the pro- ofCalons, Veltictea, Ouas, ec. oPaintng tn Wax, @or>hittt',.ai Illuatrate t I a nay Pue,1.jam- loreti, i vol. Imnperiat Sq». bý, î 'H. idn O. toThsq 1u !sntg. te tohich isl s.dded lUur iti 1,fit o aPainting in Wou.î Clits, 'wi.t aindex of Mixeti Tiitis: AI- 0.A.cendix conlaating a manuel of Loua-> krnpIIy- viinumeeaouIlust.ratinsa. y T. H. Fneldinug, 3d Etiîn, Enlpet. The Art of Dtawing andi Painting aimnpli- liein aieries of euampies oi parts of the Iluanan Figare, -to viticin i anuoxedth ie Art of Flowcr I'tenling, ilastrated witit twcnty Plates, by G. F. Pitillipe Piromieal Hmnts on Compesititb in Point- ing, Illusîratet by eam;,a rsa lt-Gut Masters of the Italesn, Pleotisit anti Doîumci lichools, by John Bunnet, bih Ediatioc, 1 vol. Ico. RAMSAY. ARMOUR & Co. Kingston, July 2StIt, 1843. pumaIISII Vi laBI LAUITON luLrtIMca PRINCESS STREEIZ KINGSTON. T I'IE Sucibrebe oi éru a à. Inhoii.1 tLante e0 IKiagaicsmai a. sneungl Country, U l my bIsmnovW mciled *air Etack ef C, erIi " uge Aumactmnt aorde néest a nce Yap &y" tes. ThuirSblckioai 0001)8cobuen i almusl v.sly utescpuouin. hDRY OMDO Lin., ud i hiti bu alwaysm ein liait Ma e ih fur Cashi&Bdat i mali Poité, tbe ill eviiilh continue 10 ailier. te the ea*u. Théir Stock tbis goume baving hein pur. cha" der .tpeculiarty advmttgsau. Ten, and sseeti itih egremieui ceua, îi1r fuel colst liai ili atn vill b. piri.ctiy uahitinc iiitb. s.hection. ai veli a. heex. tnaortiinary Lac Pnieu hley aem mbei ite Bell at. J. & R. HUlTON & Vo. Kingehea, May G6tb, 18lm W ILL be O4WWby lie ueinigmt, un. day 0 et sembt font, mu« Ch ounem nial bieu phq4e b uaiit ua ,;avi.Zrwýesv motot km tinTweiai ahy ois.ptemaber aixl, lie RATIONS reqliei for the suport af. lie Conviai. canfineti la the. Provincial Penitetiary, amiablo lte theudermnaioneti ScWIN ulvia: Rati" o. 1 . te conist et i lb. Bravi Brimil M-4lh. Y" But b 1.22paieof a Bmbsel ofP]oetaons, 3.44d do dePomainirlSit. 1.22 de. de Oaaeof Pfflua, 1.44 do do Quart OIVu.gr 1-88 de de Du.iel fai hid eal, 1.8 de do Plat etMolasKs 1-22 de da ,Quat o ae.. RelleeNO. 2% i Iii. Brown UrMI, 3-4 W S ait Park, 1-22 paonia bu" o( 0<Pboles 3-44 de do Poundiof Sait. 1.229dode doOumie oiPopper, 1-44 du do Quart if Viaigui, 1-88Sde de Bumh.1oflailiat Mal, 1-8 do do Pin dUelsa.aa î.22de 4o Quart orpane. Rtio. No. 3. 13.8 lb. Bravw, Bisai, 3.4 1l16 FgoSaufe, 1.22 put of a mul o ettme, 3.44 do ci a pound0<uralt. 1.22 de Ofaut Outeof Peppo., 1-44 de ef a Quarteof Viangai 1.8 deoof aPint of Moissons, 1-23 de et a Quart ciPiae. Tii. Bisaitek ..mde of liebut Wbeaiu, Flour aunholeti. Ti Biefanti Petitte bk ni lie imality hmow n au U Pium,tt, i oit <uv.asdla uiela .(Me ie. vige mtu. be imTWC aaWil mdo ihaiulaaue rmaaertte. aalai i eetOfiar, mbet qut.thy i atinefataibou ercnaefq. lie MW epl c e àhis"ae ways enibandneti.0auppfli nt. àour bomum ereAt à"qiae030 n. M. lia boe a.uplèe il qi. te 4, e of im Uiah ptofehIe ti.& Agn484 P1l &Ummte de pligqur tebo<m#W wa i .ob wm Ration, am oi Tda 'ut &W s mii se. Mait Pari i. sausi atm Jus. lýutalu"o nde m -eL Sai aeuw eqimSai. Pepper ioeltasu, Viongar de Gallos, tmil MeaPoSme HeumsdesUe uNMua, deoahl moiasi go.teh i sqlulft service ci e lf. ea. ' TW9ipu ab ai le U$ft IL <MItuL PrtwWftwi Pvovaclh Puitot; aiy T m u,,183 âe 960Ue rnh.giwm& àsuém oedIf% en tisnU mal 8Md auou" o -0 Zà oeibpm &~aaimi* tietiuniutf au 1 1 * j . ~ Paivboai Peai*1laq,>' N Auguse, *SUt Main -omthés c î'!bIiýiI ag n irce tf 'refuge fur te des- :o'r i le Dîtrîct, lut iîiîe;recoimnenti Ccuivîil îoLu pje1td OtIcuteitien outa fouse Wmr -v tthe lieint, ai iin ortier tnît aie ljuýi- utilt r itutN ea tinte, toecou. i 1c 1 iwer aliai lobet.maie 10 the i ut i r t;ire utîu!..liient of a tcoupoaiy Clxv ier relief mtti support, andtht thlie il tiltclie îut thliur dispoîsa] for taI w, iv, a lenti, cmeîîtcncing Oclot. list., ti after tîtit pirnîudail preaent chtarges on 141lctJi iuds fur ItuaI purpuhose tuaotin. .!l'1 a iltt iuppoteti by taeDistrict uat;rJ lutlite ayluta a6 a public charge Il. !jý T RE8ouirUrs a hive-ffiMercle M r-ct fm tht.Mnîaliavphrî s aiy fahe fuiluwing antkicà4 vMb4Ee3,lk Itvery redmod Prires Dem P.1'l.It l '. >v & l)ung. Foeýa.. t.ri,,ie& cradlk t S,, ht, 'deSCY4la> Pioti.& Sire-. &yrhm Sioeîm eftlte leât-. a, L .i Aqiuaaiiy ofsacier & rhurnC$ munae frm ,the beta Electru Stqivkc .mei Pustmi vt rg. Auger Àbitta, Stuc..m mWa ill#i, Sac.,. Jleuoar., eMW CARPENTER'S lOJOLS, in $ftot varmatv. Mlit cast steel Maana, Bricklavraumua Plasierdia Trowels, Spirit Y.evelha, Revois & Stwaoavth imîînorcd Brou. Biats, otu gehe ith every article in ie. Kaeiwa LiLiE, CLAMS, PIN-»Y, OIUS, & &PiriI. tef Ttuputiu. BRIGQi, & LASMI. KingutgmiJue, 1843. A U001) OPPORTUN[TY igow prewnits Ilsuli Lu Parcba.or@( AT TEE L'DNDON WAREHOUS$K, HAINVeS, FOsTESm,& ce., H AVINGrerai heu *IRING I- aBfri an irlenuive Cheapmami atlrlee ek l. Public Inspection., vi llrèv are dtenlusite diapront ainti Low Prie..Mni vll o.aimce aU1 v1. tudy Econm do g 0 lta adm en o tieming e eahi bgv ti saabiue MAia*d4*0i saine Lime i gihietain to ilinalvea liai een. rive sitar. of Publiceiatn:îaech ttey baie blhhitto enjyeui. Unuanal cara )wbeaue.tai's 11 in clt GO(>DS af arprtwei MK»auirture tabatwviildo creditto the. Sentor, and cannait filtlogivo ailla factiun la purcitaare. Of iment eveq i.deripton, in grester Vmai.y dmaai at ay formerv pod. An exnriinary ampply of Sîoev, Tane. Dainatable »dmai"c U@UUUTB & HATE A heautiful lute(i PARAtIL3,soin. v. rcit, aoi quite 00* iilyle. Blii.,Bltes, SaimueusD e od, uiehi Suis tOi the muestFaioaa=.= =a Ot abutait eV" erscription. French ati Engliit STATS, cietii ecai approîmitok.. A splendid lot et 100111 siSais CLilst, anti CLOTHS suitabla bwaumm8.mat e aa in ery deairahle Valeur andtitly. 11 VeatisgsStocks, Glats Scrii, & #Mîi, ii Id- herchief. A& extenuive Stmo 0< S I oud, Nc the. limit aa ,Adeitisenil u.dt iia siii. te se ie, but uaungt ten4 ô7, ""ouai aaPitai Wite &MaiStilped Uiigt Cllent.; Scoech& lrishi Liitam1dia.em Vwldtie in Diapo, n SanamkIwaie LlmiojiWitee*& Brown skamitig, Whiteîmm o 0eue m ,.. tet?éea" aiQuilti; Feoey CmIo, Dm & 6 Ndo"ema; Priateil Calics »d Uusliaa; VIa Giion, v a ami Fveae &15-ua,6. &e., citiil amli ancleil let X0<K ash m GI-014, Ltoe. esM lève essd8i In8M it,. N. B.--HAtuss, Foaayw & e,,' ptmm Blueet, lai. store stpeet.Ne Sirow ph=c lAin, Jette 16., 18«3 -KWCtm uy-'l 1 .. liTifiIKIBLL. R EEl JVII>ant w :z "UsL.csubaaM7 J120 Pbshig*o IBumuh and renIig A lac baledmo cha cbe. O n t a r l oW . l tI M l ' 8 w g . ont" ttutKiugsicnJuIyf190& Usy lus cil ial o > tiniElitse It î t egle ci. se a( a"c nauito ci Vi.cie ,atâes for u8"l paritamnieeelg hm 4s u mie aioday atOc #= lu.rn ay ii lrunDi e.TmUor W" ii lot iclle. lm swill b. niado Ituovn0anse a4osas4 t c