Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 15 Aug 1843, p. 4

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15 L. mdIa. ué al ~ A *w impoier mN.1.. frR.&I., ~m.mv mbMdin mil.sfis.o. - ~u te blmy ~l5etl uWanomti Pm-a- WbUdi.p Béat Bois kPi à-.P@ d &dakag 1'h- we *u9s Lib by% Pllse 1 brks,&4& =*Ol !bedMopuI.hraz bm Ps*» Tiicheassidu"»e - of p lm fTi& busi U.Z » Ibye51h1 e ORLEY & JENKIS. ouuccbslbon j e;blaid & tbeil bMI& KftIred IL& T. RAE mfe 6f4cih. u *hm w. uww bs Mi, M "ticOumd maomere soi rit. .Tb bd u4 GHAULU Ermt Town. ng&r% MM ages.. EJOIO@. JAMES HOGLE. ____________ NEW GOODS. D 18r S.L iT'.a TU$S e a e««"s cme eDjrpesy naid Nerou Alrtlun; Ib.yI D.à NCVUE, NV«t Talle. .m1 pffltiity iépie essimm i tabm .dWiIl<X~OLD res-Ifaly Sâ.U t0 attention off ..«08lito, sm by eoutautly phyuleiu. batel bleteM <ifmte *b "rteaqL.atem. Ne ý Wmoq, E ..M dULiUg Eee w.. ~é bLidsth. emppsn bat=leacuY ie., dGraai ey Dmedlblue, Pi. ehai~~~~~ d=e. silg tmih3C« M cuta mjte. haedCod d I. il esiens. Caimmes, kv~ ~ ~ d M*qettstiaLe -ls vh pwa. HmhTwooie..paUgcha..i w1bstimba tuywurUA. &ao-A ar hmulsY Of Voetuge, Pigam liaimm l.mIsit ee 5as i n- mcts, ci~~~~~OC L esimlgaaLii,. b.aat VUmI aiM etady-msdcChthoânMte 0- te omar ___io Ma moeCm , race. Cmvawik, ULek, Gleves,Siule, teatie s -.0-d.Md.au" - on i.ahailor. un«% MW04SuIs whib b. te h.- ,foufr*w in tigesdisses..pmrmla aiKh ~&J4 Slmi. =oOae., Md i p a .. tî.queatly Ira i:,aafetheasad pUNI< f0M5 hId. TU Lul.hv i, laLONOON. by NM. P. L it Pm"oe <lhuemo b ae w c hVd &ii m 'siuAOlbs, Ai"Ote cAimrias auai bavsezpm ram atbum@&flou ci.i à emagP @ms.iae hm tves, md ethcî ý-Ottb. emrvous SuLR4, haibma ats for *0 uos isamLe, Winl b reoffetvsi eatbv âed i . reb d. l msble above ab.sment. Ca5VSILý NWO%, N I Ssos la tii. bingLbinhabit- w: 'e w u" QKlm.ua" elsvkclrnty, forth D ot.cre Auffl MuZMssaPeMIE a ilbhssesaqIela( *8Liilup;aMd ibi Miaalleet olsb aCiI uMeaelly mi Me otu- îyMau dbu ismse. lm asu Pnoum dolbya$L un il mode% e ha, alS oqs a.aisu l" m uh bdmis.a.. rossale Dr. =A he iftai t«il""ci» ouv. ef ofl~oSIuICUet aq*ie.amns-fliet duLid"emu mi bmBCmti !pe tcs ee hW aatsput, mi(. b eae 1 ei Lis bl.la.W«y mtsrýd thUke- uis lit -.-laove gMd e. Lic ce.et Laie Cou i md L lm hepsbbscab tw aa Pomm hsspetmay, J. 1D. lacusausea, MD. W« emLurMpadA&M..et ValseCors- basy £hmed lnt sgbs etCalvin J. MA" ba"ulmon"tram mailosagamaise bo et il yogis, b.dgeftewy a cag, pib ceuoate mlm o msrag; thà vmealms of ilumr ja- fieodaal &aviss« eri is eplaisa 804 mli wa i e emcsmend ilthst meresmmMeebelle ec.ld b. sstuKalud of be r covy. 11. test e.laflat eliebmieesncciuiag Dr. AU..' htid4m « Nuouimi, Uret S ail P.ey n3e - L cfmt 8boai op« Whua uueubg; M.;= ieiber islm 9esbalti, a i i.pecwet. Iy, ftee hemil um to as. omVoiae l 11ois eAsbouimbim uof etDr. Mic'. Li- a.. Aà eMStmeegse Id la dy mtur"e aur MW* egot -*bitte of Dr. Alk&i a Doum et Ilsmabesd, Livumau m MdPiuvily 1oto, tber Wbiow.wuabta mbauesb, tourmowbwvm t t eb.Ira" buIerai w a m m w » d euM » s i . d y e k a m a t Libsb moela b.tAie ejabites mmi w lie Iap em, aaetualely ufle ol Saorses im4 Fbmgilrw laeffle.c. Nets.mosi f c, pb. eimait lusbia taliMW. Te ails, urehil édu, by lWu. A. Tyr ca Ir- et" &et, New Mali, Abeby ChAUtLE Tii Pames.Stut, ines.. NOTICK. è[Ebueiuaec hishuo airrimd cn hy thi adululan 1i harles W. Dremma, ua bu ouimeduni e mm.- of C. D. PEENTIES Kicss. lit Avitlu&11 ALLPWS WW$ililt te LbNatls oftW d tesbr Nq.aeeqae. havsg ciabl..lb.Setnii " «M L ue~IeW'ilai IWMLASHM Vua KeuaIR&Y 114 IMU HIAT$V II"À"! BATS t Oppasiail x.. Ros MW ui% Laaemoilut of 1.emotatuuibp 0 Vari betub" -àd a MAs. I. bi ls7en le ich"ie me W eing esbuw in tallu aboe, 1et ., epmd 1igi rcakoa 0f Lb. un but sWiptium, «miii b.emos u Lhib heoain mar&at cqftmhi ni W i xingtoea . Z. M stol5gmm. NOT1CE. smun, meule bot have Le latheLthat Mr. Wil- liam Binpomu spurced uec ek in trais, ail tale e pemismui, me bil attendi preuptly tt Lbr omisus. Tic hescribmr aiscocuinlareaeiaensi- ing sOr. lsimpamma Que mih e beliare. lu f.liy eosptenr, attentive, upigbt, bonorable, namt mail mortiy off publie tausa, ail meulithre- ti» on hie hohl rupmetbllly eclicit a continu- acm of tt hem" ppcst mblch tLb bouse ha hati icretofous CHAMLS hALES. Kingeton, PFb 2,. lS Reae ilfor . Si&y it . Sberiber 5 BALESo iets oceo, AfkW casne et H«esichuracc, En de vie, de Dantrim ma thr tLiers, A wa Tierce. bright and du-k Muscoado Su. gar, W0 hanelc Omoudga Sale SON OntarioiSrabB q 83 GENERAL AGrNCY ANUCO OMISSION 18 Cchi1, Leadon, Oppmait"LbNew layaiExchangtt To Marchants, C.ssum;welN. £».e., s. Nmqmppm M d CeIsolasgmmrdl of P. L. SIMMONDB, oesrd 5A" goï cmmsskim as uoct, l ples off ybI Md t u mltpt m a zmbis odiss.wcomm," or ias put iglo, «md g#ais la igloo P.uILisf n laopOy leus afMW tdex f Licdaet mdt tbu os lesm .f am lopIinmea 8e b ie o eam.ssla,»Z X a pt"M hLbetiom ffb -W. B-&Pumbst hadelends mq du* Iheisndale nVivlaluil Md md-va* Nad%, . Ra- eNaiecne c 7-àpi -» Ii Savs, Hnzew TeetI, RHum me m». oua"l Jesuae', CàauawtzAa' uaCoommes'Toou. bm gmet Vasbli;£*0"glsu d Auimo Au- Suiv ardinYt«LtMalue'aIU Miii Bam e umidmil"hM rsai, Pei, l. =l ai seti-Mgoh S undues, %B ab i wbeirs., ',asa' JacImd Pue Enive.; Seieas,, imuleamm MW ealTets,o biLami, Puamd Gmum a Be TOIa Dos- sert m ailel@Poonas, boa.. md Jamunna c Crizý Nwdàm && f SOM Wbite lm&idry nad se -lboultled JIlmo dbtt. VeunRi& R, paleisBromen, bina, yalem goml iiYelmvOclIs, panins miera mm vaeahlàmear.itb, u. Au att 0 ofhus a"md ooden CLOCKS, ori iot antime. JAMES POWELL StreStKistnJaeum 2% 0. NEW AND> SPLENDIO CABINET TURNITUIC, à$. Ckteau us ahu lspms, Mmd as Tct ma tat h. u nti. m "ie Monlivral Stne, buildmngus athe esser et 8.are Street, endsi amer H. Thbade' GOmery Shes--whare ii l ae b. feuila go- sciai aflhtmt ot EEADY MADE FURNI- TIUE, o e boaetquatl mud latosi pttaU, and puices te suit iatenduag parchuem ru. ....ls- meu ot parchigeme tfally itaite Mal. a «Bl. As theB. * hme lua tatly mmdat- twit o mi te aide, Lbby cmn upodily b. ieta, Jan. 1841. WAvM»-A Vaoiser Mmd Polaher. T. 0. IL CWIM eut BW@BUS. B. . dmdckJkCo. Pftsigm P.. T lm eprngn u m M L thettof e..amdod ma" am e mdectual mediema haS .zpsiiiq or m ruthce yt.Tic tmmm- =wWormscmiey rreM kM i ortby the attention et Physicais Tb. "jfwapltbsua"s a àPontte n"ce- taintbr..c fltu.b umt - iaa. withie hi. lncwhe4g ad eborvation ; MWl b. invarslyluit Ltopuiap e tins aatn dimry e~eatoa rcm.dsl1mo ebad hanpeaaly r » to g ithont aMy percas. aent ad atg.Th. fact ileattetd by the car- tlfiateuad talaentsoffhandOdurespecta. hWc persoos in differeut part the Lbcom"q: mil ehoul Ince famiift alwaya te bnp a vial of the "Upuiuboin thci prsmm"o. Tinmilsi in ita opperation, and may b adminiuteel mith perfect cahty teothetout delcate ingfant Tha asuae Vermnifuge i.nome pet up in one oucanels. slith thiom"mm oi e rier, « PAHNESTOCK'8 #BRUIFIi&"and the directonss accouffmytmg *Wb vual have th.eai* nature of the propistor jsy medmejuepot op u plaisoauncesvile, and the signature ofwhch doe mt coreaondwitli thce bove de.cntiou.le net My cennine Vermifuge. Tha subscribur deemne iL hie duty te mmetLb ahave promaotions in aider te gaud the public against mietahng other worm preparatiens fe him damfttdy poulor Vermifuge. The abat* màocm ecabhad et ibolessie cf Mi.C. C. Bristol No. 207 Main et., su"a N. Y, or la INew York city of Mesue. iiodky, Phelpe & Ce No. 142 wmar ta BL A. Fabuestcclk C0. For sae.in Kington.by Cherlues ath,1Noble Palmer, ai L .W. EraNqMe CAUTIOK.. Tepublie are cauticolmwt a spwaff asa,. tc.latelypu, kethhby ameim ntefeit Ne iy , Wb"chlarepveaomed te b. th "smiaiFausteh'.< Tlu tini.entirell mortumhs. bicg wac f tbem uirtua of O ur m«. clteo edy theeuvyàpttetheelpubeieâu toen eady,p Lb oste uMrit4tL thop£blie te-s .VeigOp aiMvun ilpqepràioue ho- ing eimdet UNes. RIGIIT HUNDRE» '1'IOUSAND ACRES 0F LANDI ré bu uma Oueta cana" wct, <ate Upper Caada.) AND OflIRs. HE CNtoADAluCLb PAiNYlLis ibsRie , m u aruocha oeainsm tramOF 00te 90510'.q CAAD OMAN is euricit"EaUTHrmlaxuBlokssasa> Aceafrort uO teL9M aici siueti luuicWeeataDistuict. ami in scattere i Ltte, coclining tram 80tu M0 A-us emils, sksteuinlabmint iemy Tow" in laCanaa Wu«. on tersas, it èsje ieed, the mnat libraimd ivotagaamtiat haie yd bisa mis ublic-* h is miW plan, tic Cosmpany dispos. a7 bur ias b my ffLaussafeiar a utfTwiVaRSs- meeesybolsg w.qabvIdw. The Reste payalane aliy bimg obily mqmlLa tLb Juterit pec.tLb present u utvlueof thLb LAanis-thua fot r xmpasppoee 100> Acres, besg »n omrth 10&. par Acre ins= wbInternat thOmreic£3, mh ttas Bu, md us us esLbaao t ite .pais]ea.ehyer-ful pcv- e being smcuradtu th b e tter tu PurAoes Me Prilald and] tala bis Doasl for the Lanulha occupie«, ai ~ ~ ~ h ayLmerigL Lass, w msont cmv.aimn tutehimself at mtda ive acupon tLb pmta Ipm eticO' ad ofcSorse, tberahy veviag alil tutee payaient of Rente. Aseaming the vaIne Io seasab-*., (10&. par acrm) the asivancer fumrelte aDees]oulaI ha lx. 34id.frpid vithin the dum ii. yems frocs date aiteut e . 61.par Acreativance, if paiti subsequent y ans] previous te the expiration et LbeIas.. 1'- Landeoiset (exceptiag cnly Lbe Park &Mt Toma Lots in Guelph) vry in prie. frolta 92& nP tu 138 DL pur Acr-4ha Rente upae mhich vouls b recpictiveiy as fkAloms, via- La. n Upc. 100 Acres apset price being Upr2e. , fth mleania a e and Do - do - - 30. do - - do --0lIRO DO - do - - 4s.do - - do - -14 0 Do - do - - 0& do - do - -1Io o Do - do - -Ceos 3de - - dû - -117 6 DO - do - - 7s6d do - - do - -2 5 0 1)o - do - - RhT9d d do - - 9 12 - Do - do - - 10& do - - do - -3 00 - DO - do - - lis3d do - do - 37 6 1Do - do - - làs 6ddo - - do - -3 15 0 DO - do - - 13a 9d d - - du - -4 2 6 lu crIer 10 affuiasieverY assistnceta indostrione and providcnt Setters, th CANADA comprAsmy m'IU raceave a7My @% onetthewM smlltLb amouat may lie. fiwbich their Bttiers nMay flot have imaudiaeM ant, c09Dspesif,-allawing Ihtareset atheirate Or Sx Per Cent. per anno. for the mana; but it in clearly undersicesi that the full amnat with interest accinesi, sah alt alil ime, La aibdisposai b eumr, itiact notice. For tht.uoma thie Comnpany hava openasi an Ac. conut, mhich ia t*imM d at'# PrecidelOr Soei.gi B61* 4ocut,"--tausafarding 10 the pro. vidt ent 88er, very faciliy fer aecuanulating sufficient monjeY tw p-rdas the Freeholsi of the Lansi mhich b. Leusm. weanever he chos.. ta do so. mithin the tares of Ton Years ; but shuulId bal liarvietu, or amy other unforusen mistotunea visit him ha bas always th. aptounst der«s.îîel, mth leut accrueat hie dispO osai 0 etb.. The LiaIs are ais. ta> ha diposedOf upan the Company's former plan. viz.-for Cash dlown, or Liv Ome..tifh Cmii. and balance in Ave equai Annuel Instalments, vith Inlerest. The CompaIl tmit ftrmCaeailesaMyeU cf b00e, har: ssl th. aniant, tna ny part OesLbUntd tand ga free c ahlcharge. bCompany ill i so remit any SUIT&,of mOOeYJSle-" uratef Canada, hy Lattera cf Credit upIm tLblr Comraissioners in the Province frec of expemu, thus ise.ring th. heaelk of us p ranlin Of ichautga ota heEmigrr. t. sud ikewire 'iamh. fro h . lb . novac. Md sitOo frOqaeat lkcsarlsng fron brining his money with Lim in coût. Ma. The CcepaDY, it a view tb memmoda" Ènim' te Ih#ing ro ionmadimte use for thair fu ni,, WÛIi RIow Inteeci. et Four per Cent. per adlitifManey left with them for any periosi fot less t0- NineOtY 1bys-tue snonmy, however, baing aimays eitic Emigrat':idisposai. without ien! ic. Xvmry liai ncf IyroaUAT O ffuouCANADA, and]Ibrectione, that can po.iibly Lbe useful to irttvnsl ing Emigrante t. Caiada. in hii rendily fumaleaifen cf ail charge. by spplyins, peuetanally or by latter, ttebCOOmpmY'sO()I- tuEghand-Canad&iloaa, Mt. ileien'.. Pace.B lliopog,-t-Streeî. Leondon. The new printal Liste ai Lansis, (wlich may aima h. sean inevery Pout.Offe.e andi StoIre in Cuita._ da West.) andi any pariculesmay bc obtained, FRamaor CuARGEr, upon application (if by Icettr, Pcit-peid) te the Com»aemys Oc et T«Orto. CANADA COuPANT'i OMMPaIEtuJC-SfLEET, Terwto, iti Pebruary, 1843. Gharil Wime:'si AMERICAN NEW@ LETTEIL AND DUXOPEAN INTELLIGENCER. Ediages te f.in teng of Tem itditai Cd.- Som.. T E bove Nevsppr, nov elargeti Ton TM'aitilo cuusm hch vwu astabluieou in Jaiy.4, Ilaragularly puhliha at Lives lea epssyfer trnemaiin y Overy maa Ship miliugfrom a"y part in Eritan te any pr in Lbe Unites taaantiuleain tore ita glu., et on gLamoe anu auient fuvry important eyant Utstuo ocurres inlaGreal Brilain, Europe, or Amsin tmhL intmrval btmemn tic sailing of each &Sta Shipvhoer in poiias or cote- maes-e* cometAualcophuennive Sipp Lion, imi " *111 b. m mpiaf"bItl r.ain& Lbe arrivai ail depeture of America.vs.alia ail froata m tLbBrii, Esropee MmaniAsiatie pot-4cgsl ich ilanotices of »ech casmtima or disstersan astay fro t lune teulme occnv-a complets Pries. carrent, imnmi b egrenatasu cmr la tale a t e u ltesE reparte of the var- louesccriptions cf American pros]nce, trout 1h. tomst onqueitienable sourcs-thus coubining, in ont shei, a Neaepapor, a Shipping Liet, andi a lricc. Curant. iTlh. Annuel Suliscription ta CHAREa.S IVILL. m'.AuaîwrN:twm LrTnuzi12& 6d1. Srlg.O"ier.ans] Bubscriptioas yl b e- = 9;a t ay etMaers. Pouvac'c &- Co.la ExpazasOrnacES in the UMEnaaSTATES andI Caawma,and ini Boston by Meus. Radding& Co, News Agente; Halifax, Mu. heichat. ta tioner; Montreant Mr. Win. Graig, Bmoîeller; Ot. Jotmils, N. B, Mr. G. B. TIety, Morniar News Ofic; Qneeac. Mr. Chaules F. Fold Meunta"nmret; St. John', Newfoaslasas],Mn M'Cesnhrey. Times Office; or th.y us y ha se- sirectasl tu the Publishar, aulsraee as fol homae: CHARLES WILLMER. Traneatlantic Newipapir Office, 3, S"th Joinatreet Iàverpmaol. p il tAN AUT HIC!IIONEI. ' MAAMOUR & Cà, have lateiy R=.eiJaunu e tnia a.srtnt a li aD mw Ta&M"llioy. mhieh tLb, ferhaae aitrmceaspecs iogmn oLbr Ar. tUCIS un wi Accouu ne Bols, Casha 2%e B"22. I - I *~' pe ereeu «M .e» e ià iuars-snou.d gret ob«Mlulty mm i.Levie fuim aic la Lb Pmt ".It a .Ueib"aimtrm enmei- m%,to "gime usi, b in mlan&d. eMy, but "MM8*11li"e bdof u tma, tu Lboir au4s.;uda-l ibaseIdOra hmca at qbs4os4. by M'us#N eus,. vineom S i b:~uyor fpus. MIN ofm teatsl.g ' ml vitbu eta is iLyaai aa i bftseeàs. tufa« a of r.m IL = 10-TIlgat Er Ndu by Cha" uls lai, Pii.s.s Inue Kiqmua. uÂama<NEEÂro.- - t, n a- BMIO RATION FOR 1813. I1underaigiiasi mal gîve orders lttr pn..- T 11saga. te Canada, from the îtorti of .er poo, Dbla, on.ilefamtandi lenontnderry, =ng10 ds]seawaoruhy a-ssola totîîl aext Spra ig, m t. taz voîl pmiiuesi ith beous. water, fuel anti breasl st uflf., for thse voyage, as reqaîtred hly the ne Pesangar Act. Applicationî (if by Ict. tar tue hpost pai) to Amwo-4y b MAHAEmal..Kingston, te IRAN & BREoRmaS. Quahoxe, Agets fut 1'. W. Byrnas, ]Liverpool; or te WIa. MOsaa KELLY# Collector of Cur-uoms,'ro. N. a. Moey orders -*11 mro a eglenns lhe above plaes i;t snbalsunaiif rèquifea i f'ribe accommodation of persons taking passauge by Mir D>yuaehipi. RATE 0F 11>11hAGE FOR SPRINC S1IIiIS, TO QUEBE-3. FrointLivarpol-Adultîs 2 10 Ù .3 2 di Chiidren mcoder 14 yoaraa1 i5 0 I Il1 Jutants mader 1 ymr-Free. Pronubshlin and]Belfast- Adulte. 2 15 0 3 8 1) Under14 years, 1 7 63 1 14 5 Front Cork & Lcndosadrry.- AdtIie,3 0 03a858' insir14 years, 1 10 0 1 17 di The vasse ta ba gond and smawniet , andi Idonsin berthe, mater, tuei and bhead.ualsfor the voyage, as provideias] he LbNew Psassen.gms Ac4 fifà «Wt #ix1h raero, rhcp. 107-- H caspit- al ansi Headlno-iayo! vey descreon iaboir.; iiaciudesl in Lb aboya rate&. N. IL Tha chia! ogfalations in the nour act are# that tiseashall bhaonhy tAre aduhilaisaeal. geastoeverv lre tons tair'wer. 7%aloaelounds e! 4lrsd.fus. sr o! eter fuoslenuivalotiat ihasa. te, shall bu deit out tueaech aslt psasetigs'r pet day. A gretencieeoa f acconmnodation ina 1h boîghl of Lbeaecs, berths, &e, ih proa lies]for, as mail se strict rfgnlations for msertiing anad ansnnng the seax-orthinams ci thé vessre sau. ployedL Tic vesiele av hick me miii engage for the convayasaca cf pasmngams, milI b ho ioi esnployed ter lia purposa hy bMr. P. W. Byrned, off LÀverpooL IR. B- I LOTION, LOTION. ioeLlger., b. YrMGaisN bols DII Bocs, lett. an] TIGLY *usisea oGr caring itIlEra ptoes, "Y huées. duTarm em. ln auCoaomwtwsRla@es, aid Pupsesos lb.th T acs, Neel or Handa, &M u eiîly claaag maPi-Saper lapai.Rlyal, Me- Lb Complexion ail reoving ail iiseas 0of the Pst Fc.Isap &Pd Pote, ofvataimaesli. Nainteatributu. se mach te our ganaral Pasaas-Pfrpwwa. AetIqa eMes in lite. sMau ealgaging firotappoaranca. &et, Culomiier, A* zo"Tbii otIesbkdmioimeauasamtunmt moild, p- loyaal l. MtmuDemy uic *ae al reatly etaeifor *àisvrtues esm.-fdraeu aus, ail ail oephmo4m injurii te femais beauy, anti tîLU amidplain.reseurneg te dhiibiaerofpwit? aua.FrschaildREglicibleu. A beaitdel m alufU omptsx.m .L 'd aUE«ho.pfienkil us emvy cftbe. D&.-DaPoomcp mTse mue. I Wu dspseief k ugmwmd àAg-l ppuraacm aLb bW treceonel. mmm» Guy. t"s; a&W ou Lb Beatlfrog Lotiou puies lb. ma w an.. lamg, pl.. #kWIs-ildram-ea aiplpes, listaba,4Tds, 8a~souI RIsonami0pse* pus a «bissa. ram lis. &to go&Id per boa. fa, bas,stithe siyeusamtis a lir la 0» ut iciM4ptai af"ueï 5Jg ~ ~ ~ ~~h gr vriqbu. st Gu Ls m i . MAm O dew ife u Es.= M & bee u ied i utute a lbnsurasi la 4., TIflml ik lée Bl,.-I ii PM" .u*d c usioien"ssai cecWetau OMMM OF in ttnmag tduabond prmamqiy mai&-Pillemilais ismdssoff gsZy amie, Welbesvm MT.eàr' .bJh hi.HoPiei aa ; loouand Bbc P*euilN imelmL ad P 1-lit lgsPc i mm lain asi Pis rw0- H O I . and lem colauai, ferscsi .t8 . Mi. s. 6 ».d OW * a;Wlte Ja~ i Ce, .1Md TRE lsm Gém Yyb.,18. Ai. ~ ~m, Sbu WM- ILli e . n 4" 1 TO LET, M$Et'SIQaixoxGIVEN 0"TIi!flwro heretSe bed la;C. ill, T, isattches a Del. tore îîîtî - in weil aslapted for a wl(,esll wili ha Lat witb or .na a1eh. Offices or gentlemn l î- t t o!G taient dearitnerts, aill lirtd lie ,«~ venient aus] cuan eîî, i Pair. Stahling can bc Le,, "t1 linge, if requirea. iii. te iid. APPlY on the premies t0 Ontauio (late Front) ietI 1VORNlS IVc)RNIS r IL l. iIIITCHCtO(,h8calejai for IVor,.q.. 'hie înali -l oec testte.l bthe exjaerien,,e t îîî,irai t te ;rivte use. ansiadit:"aiiterel a1 oI.îcttt $01111 (Il vartous a"si i ii u. Lt0t plaint, for an nu une alolitlîttj aî.3 r where it bas been unr-J a,pbi, I di cectionsa, trot t ever t.i,I ho-t as tere are n a truliiko atrîîd i* l- e d LrS li yCa rleparad titinri s Goods o& ain Fcipiati iitcy iai t l l IE: drantager tit , ln,,, -nj. llî.int, qit th necssity of irttii p.is ,vil t lthe atny treto nftirjîtrv tic.It Idp attnd oexn titesnt ar .e(jlland il' t ei istock r.git till((ia.igt , BOOSuni prhargeî isat Mral. Qu o aes, l4tha Ap'iIIn-ai-Gi.i,1 Slnac and Mnutisvio &îlCo Kigson Suaciar -- , la.cigcîltt. Saeoreowadig liu'riiigeî-î-Itc eT ll h tranat lat.red o Ivii.sai tothe viaioeno, oîirvcil- e cIe ai Kinto<sndirt a li d ctIi-e.' St. P1n8ignetweenitrsct oi nrgd toLaec, plin, anvicy e vesai.. Tire Cotnny mv 2îîta 'tî:t ot ,Ie.Fhtp:cc'î, J. ioti~ij lr;ii L E sri ain cthes rm' -l',titttifM Irln ] b u . ein t i la , ha" ngt vt c for al poriewih l itis pti îrea. Iîh l Do ad, L mr M c Iaît a pac v ihey thin l4hAie ilotîra1$4t:1.îiî 81osag nomreisia Conmmissione ata tt tusf arE axiuscrn hav i etrttig in . AnanoErqu, an e 1,l ctid I %, *8 eire onsigaientt- ii i"" atyb ta. suslmr Smohehet%,Il enbldingsl angext lensi aiorîm ti f toeTS, rof 8hc ilatPreltfaireion, a Gourd saentcf g1 el 1nd Ilcave nd St. Cmrne es tu fite aserISid em wileivaityea mialedr hlSpan. N. B.-Ia ha.ilso cp ned i i,,W ingaedlsto, ly2itheprs18 1 r:1. sS P We caILInAMcf vite i'. colores1 ri g0md illaFIn'i Gambroo , oirk ino, Comtetrn %oeier Jart, Cl, re.rd NIr Pirlais abousi Cstte ons. sA excelln fnoCrpal e-t mnd 0parentsh wth v sgemeresmarTh int of atia le Dl M onld, Lambble Spiug , 1.1 inda. Cyo or William, orlaeirsniaquail hmTience bi y rtinforat bu WlaraIlF p Br re ii ng in ati i Reanddentslu~'e offr Lb no ae taslil ad Ibai ll par are nos iha vr heim elcti tbhei s s'ili»"0 hs, ela utbi i(hmt ygim-the ~ eteiertre biSa erm. bScSeetiYep lelue lsho t Ws. e* , mjaw du %0 nil li CIÀ sp os IbpdMig ys Ummeasi uu5bcM i W ~ i a#i M"i "mem offl#sgl -b à* ý 1 OMM du Md st homm ý 1 ý 1 15 @J ~yI. ketpti LIL eou~~ s'y- sud ý ý 1 ý

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