iii bas.- N ,.- ai, ~te.a7 impie amolia la - iB~ft.~u te t aie 11* mmesutsa sim srm lio ami t i rol.aaswba %eIlsC. l0(ais. Saui w -it Viil wu sM bts au * lMd dUne d th elqdel. atî a imd em iesi. ifluendlitmal dast i amof su riasitgMM e wsdsd w mttal i avim la .h 0,'0d te Mdièni1w 100liaisnsa31in Ne tioe gavitha Wod of csmanmi ,wW dcoolitio dif ebati.sudlit, .. ja i" i t lattalouer eu tta ion __% on. il ruiadA te vIole "pufu(ll oDriot téissua Of..«ilioea Pm-. <me. ket ii lng go-i iibau-it.b 'wk th Carmanîtliflrumi, tns ueparâted ,mtl day, titi quet a , picmile village2 marki tBrchirewuitintouite mutrntioa, en dWiarint ut te. lBe a lsd du the tieDevllem ru4gll Il i ct.dov the Menai. Iti helievid *.wctemmilt viehtici ow lpremile tiroagI. laoomobem autriprion of te peluipa].. Mog ma ouatil 5(Dmemmilea*aoptes! lm the ehalitante cf thehr m sl pe o éitalvy mnd frnqtei LAI!UNCII OF THE IRON STEAYX. eul iras atemmera Great Entai,5" w . j fkthetraie btvsa U Lrepooldm i jek ad tae lrait ^__ _C lel sar ,a umvched i iigiirait poap la ars.= in he19h.Asilwuvii known th« AroI hl ai eita i tvitaotintutoi le1 nt Bristol tas ilràngied wyulmobiliy and q* il ar the khqdu.Thibon..à MMel wu lttad oplte accomumdate io i mi pens, aid i wu* nu o lmi OMsru tvicias m "ville. A Image ad ladies vet@ presont tii Isuqusl, oileildmmach, of cou rua, t e. Iwtlva spirit of tte are.. Ttipulo meai aililthe termiuof ttsillu y IflI Ci authriien cf Bristol, ani allr hWih. éilby te gaytth ociety ê11w-il ffinire. &é wa esorte *W tmw iio and otiirdcomticns, thmtuube. mufiton, and hming rasas.emil tisa an M uber the rock@ cr SL Viuoaii, pro. tlile rd of titi seaunsbsip. Haevwu q inthe anre-roon,,and thn«i toniue> iis ock of the slip5 whinceta fw ievus- illie iiternaI irratigensonti. lea 4ivW nqet-room. Aiter titi sumptanuebles- a 'ove,, lie Prince re.aIoealsthîe plat.. mal proceude to a landomi Chiinsi tIeple ai the end of ilhtolee néle gv p¶he rame otite Great Briaim, lyiml otle ot wine t her bow. Bavmrai 1. iwrr lred during the day, and the ;er-1 îVenturrp-teîîted the Prince vathlimaie a il thir gel !,1in a golden heu. The tt ten lauinched, amid tIt he loita of ii 'Great Briain in a lpiuiid lostiug«talace ha aen erm, ades cryqI»tam sie jier kir.h itt, and doUblerivas Ont 'Te hiin ladvidml ia ennui, Mut; the docks are ise in imu@";miW il le prpe led ity thei Aclsislerrerai,. eue reqired ity te fourenglusest of Il2 SCOU'ANI>. W iruption in the Chai uitmhllibiut ai Wi erre full mand coplei. Uy tle lht t' irppears thât iparisaoffour buIn. ad fîy oftilite muet »&zaalun " . ua. 'bête seedei, relinquimd tlelr lem"sai iii aiandonid il comecia. vite. àllkurg alloyanco for the vovldlyovn êsPIaycd jr ascirtai.oig feeman tisede-. Of ublie support likaly te le reeeived, and Cing titat curcit extae osy lave le thei Ullmcprings oft l we i.ii inl 'lateqnto tiumn ai iimot vi. = =r s it ecdid e t t. aveu Ws k te doinîireedm l h"ba §edu- si int, tu lave houa. m amoe. ami(ru. È1 in lie declîjocf là,Wt mm ndiidi laltatillio ir hui.aleiupu .arme- 'I t tieprecro»italaiht'ofa vl. q iriptpioe, je placeof oe atabllpis lorrîen rehicit they blan «. » , na Cloat.d ripou jas scureyauu a laiteallu réati. 1poO the routaa otim t'lat y~fômousy jù rdw d i10 te '10a hape at iiheNavuld i~ tWI5 datgacuvi rl e caûllel lu. E lueUhccpie& are imisme l bu a *. i tlie accmmdaiono M "'fend RNal Tuant s lva»t"rn r, ite 21@t btithe l. ss-se s if4 n"', 'bout two niilesftrom fie tomm M "'Y Crmercsusly attemi au" lavei Ili, paaed O'Crnneîîmdeaedelti~ alt withepole ofAmpgean l", who bil db oen ile lIon, wualida 'te plceen, ofa 'm i ae laial alrn., If gou thé I<tant its auu.pte 'tuS ilite.c r u vil SPAIN. of Hapasmi. wu&St w-%b8i A~ ~ l1a6au~m h ttet 9~ tua b 4» wer 1c.tem *0 Pâm b. *note 1% éuedirhlteu lie-m AtLPw4mershlthe fi lut4jm%.tboo Owmen eg ulu 1,ap *tu 'y 6e.boue.4 i e CedsMll atm wupewuci e ..s t *I lt .TIi Um taw w "u ! - .m- vriub y m<t a d uZ= musi miie Tii paaeugevvie v»» aosai te CO. haitarriai e speel hae0pn1aIdais.i- ie e~eef 1alutte C.kt Bi M a a1 ofdi. or= tKea kvue-vipu et mbi y aa umSVo . t twi the Day a Tei bos.muiduisi 1711 bi pbsu'. la ti1ue.saT.cé.,t oulatiwt neai, muse erict vu ebteiua# lic 9Cuva,4 ImtNouais.Cuti7 M&iDauMIu.eil i t1mo lwfor irM 1, gttaa»uton MOexplsi of , ato.a Itmnlg pedet aila, wab he hllm et vo livue. à "of cai.UtID o beAa w,èebasiowby 8, serg«,* ew+»cf milli, .uscsaiiW-e r.etmaa rffqla batiul eà. N*uf Liie ,dO Rchsùom. lb. tbeAmaie iam t dvNht per- hs"umth by qts avn uda tilut"Uu uemb tomi&tg7neb ei VW u LN .CdIh. thelu2M et uly.Ina lidmys; lad eaWimaSt Re tude-vaite leste for 11.1km au theil.of AuatritCounmiucu-Oi the NSU et *0i SOSI01 etieidah"abut saha CVJb Peniew4aledte. ai.lbait Ravis. &M éeethl. a.im cliamedmmfi gei islam. weuid le iumdocoé. ornaas w fietth approbel f et piplre o ftIvelasL I. t'hel iotrWdiceà on te ti . M- ale, P-94se Homus f lm& .e 0 2it] le butIW fhmn Couai àf»11w,*.i Mof tis m-bi. wmau MW a 11tti. sudpaumésa lue Ihp.e dLiada ib m of lieusabCmue oa. e. allai7. wauepmid&rm £olve ar té tobmiai, yw "Yae caeisi, lme0»»@"et ai i lU gqsiu muY 26ueu.1eaad Ou Il. luth. 0 e . léa, euei:- - aa »ie aoulruuetu. W hot. bo hualIm- mtyml.pbut outb LOrb*ugiuiM traty of *2.1avlta onatàh i. lmai e. a Mo * 1,00(ge t OIie V el. e a MÉWint*At.1e.. tbbuno W"1 ebee ioit pruôai vl. 1 ips lot ml. ak~, f"atw. lâte i mmc4w tti0- vin e5"0 psly, m*ni W* a<aae~gaaeglm iuIv tiregh bagua. m eM o4welm tmpel."Mura'tahe uw wu ut am le upea mmle d no*, a fue, e. *11. imu psudlct es--- Wb" t *s OMM !W ha"lj f.m l 6" r aitdwii e u lm, * mai t tethm . w, lam1=L in lOinwsudiii i ty dC Our duivec. of ia pouce aid tnmqiy, FI I e île ami amu siuumaIot.pfuue-tchersj COUOMEICIA'L BUMNARY. ?aI% usueleusainethie ,quîami Bidate W"bu' 11 lit &ifa W mtiswe put. Ai easpWei vittha faiat Wbviie iusitwt smls eu% tâin am uibusrsew tlt iwal ue, va tbie âaaimt-eluThocet i in hW fliieuq 4!Mil .Osuihy mp - s--.- -- - At l. im >w.vrh e (-> ha Mi"fu us ifui sStu a»it s..l e.- £le<jýWub .leL tu % jepdwa b bis-t vii ~ m* stn i&o Trueàm Ooeui,~±ouaibIsl he eobvlmle7 $mtmiteqa2~iew ddm ad u",o.e f vrII ~nw amlyJ-mo Pria.. E *eamttorimed to Ki ÀA.guma&~U. LANDNUOL m ATOl am K 14d t is uasilatltte Ps- ILCI. laU T6Sâo d t5iW5w* 1u il tIti jh sll mie k am en- Mm 4mthe ffllS «thé a*Kiw m. ~huammu<8dom PlaIp*ja*q lada, mu- 'la" f =t1 ,dnP"» m*W .»- MIWm*#. i &«bJ le agug Tf. uée -oie 111wpatis Wetdsamrto -71 - - - --i - -- ëjRan Ub 7m , ne b ridl mtiHàwu q1GS& A~* m uantmtt w eto lathe MamTen ab te##~WR84V* ofanU -YW, YTAVuq ise- l4 it PJ. [la.w im lautiw4m ee Imshd tue" 1: 13.5 . Bm m. %i if' 1êlob -m ai ma -d'