beli"Wem@o f vin M-dum mon mm 1 bea dm »irum louemrat, W 4 6 6 1 1 m b e i s A d t M W. m d e . u u 1m m gî~oem.m u a-te mogam* (Cdfrwe----- , a««ut lut inam ii . uI7 waabu Ju Iit Puýà dbuhoum pey I& m Vou1m aiulee eé'Ibo . .viqWb*. 4 wW vi te nd eimuai hev, lbb ice il est uap ud îwei ~dupe..of 1 *88 SUD it i y Pomile to tvalitu ers..i wa« oge«Waie eme..,a"d 1geratboutt M ov dit ulemua. Tbiieiai y ie-t #ama; ce My lre à augay. 5 S,,prhnm t a pftWé eCoeTapo.demL 1 CI" aouerme1 bave seaMd am 1 ICW ovorww guwewva*tce e t na l tbmodaef ti$ Povince. il. cailslbu h ~mâlo-lI. u»er-fallegw iwmwet thel 1 bwdag-the ppe sourcmeteodiellord, .ife1 - battu.Relu m i alypnty btbu tai 'ust tmgialet bom aab eoejd h. ueo- = nto - thieAflamir, "ild Iiabody1 fo bml- &r, l&r IL, linlalitti, ta. dlvd-tO-'i 11 nhbing. aftey ti. ciiarf« her boutionti or tvelue ae btte1ulty la, ln theaeteuu. ni viant thii. the. nvor.failing #n Of ite. ment bore, Fm u t"di ti ioln, th" il the Uni on.l y«joft eAb.queulion uuet uoi ldiav theagitatino t i.ito tuive ,.w Provice, vier.. amoopi ai) t ie, thb e ut-. cet <ai,,rehigome dauiomie, la hithierto un- k».u.. Ibo. mufty fer a metlemenî boom..s à..hiy tou. Tian Goi, 1 aevwe it. m j bill. of whici Iumtlyo a coy. bau gooe Itsg a tie A.ubly by a msiahrale nmity, thirtyi t. tw#îve. and 1foui cocident tiatCc il fia isr h.e. don. ais iti. dme miwiII i <fmmoS «amipgo 0aias m:thelo"m ceci ail lieope 7y mamma" or aemid. hila mw ac n" oe ai vu tolea immedim. IlVon ciii lugiuetme; bottif It ure Poilai.. M to mda spou md.r.lmed tii mats o<feelin ipII"bietatic, &W tiie vilsuhai b.h Illm.taoehm t"9@4 wed. hci oncannotdo, yon 4,a uOI e. 1 unE.... to, mm I d1 1. hop». Q teeus4inh Ae Aàeenbly. For ie.,, >.rWel (Goveranhmordny mai. lh* tuailei a.Ver <9M !'ZIid C«theAm.embly, uhach fer t. ainc ja bua volidl for tuat. and agala.t taCourent la sncb a plan. Il Y tbt'l ool wo tamime pur.4 Pro. »uI bave do.. . Ton mambea., who bed alwaphekfevoted for oeuMion or pblic k§4 , voed rgeerraly (Sr ne tlie lime, Itbu tb@i mi m oe tiair uditu iy h."' ae- nr aaaParhiameuL 1 1I bave proragued.'"ya, ny parliamentl and 1 ienmd yoenîty speilech. Neyer wu. mch uni.imilj! Whou the Speaker resd ii thieq Ceminons, allier tbe prorogation, tbey gave me1 lirbe iwi ab @vsioin ithenAi..a. itud1 la fac, ae the. mater taw's noor, the Provincet la inaà uttle of peac« andi harmemy wich, tire. Menthe eto.Jtlicgiit cus. utteniy hopelCa. Hmu long il ill tiati aoer er.. But if i omuilel etti theUnion bihll h ave et il oraandthe lbrd, do a pseict iiilergy Reeervea 6billI1am conmBlenti sabic h. hi, l beep the peace, mkaeaamlroui Govevmeul, madi M.eilIh. lucontme mgeatdestoftrou. heand 1ahm eloonkagbt &Moiday et it,q But 1wumovetdtonthe thing.. Theogleati mistke amade bere, hitherto, %ras, hautvery1 Goveanor throw imueif ito the hande of on, arty or tbe otiior, andl becanie their slave. 1I bae nett m oandleéel tbat 1will ild to neilier of iba--Ibai Ieml taiee imodormti f hota Partie.-ujeel govero aminhckright, and aol as tii.y <bey. 1lau c saiolituat the mus of0<thb.people am muo -nioderate in theîr demande,..n atatéeatitae c Brillaiinstitutions 4tt tbey havi bemenppa1 sudby a miserable a le oigareiy on lie one ba& and exciteti by a feu faction. demmge" 1 as.tlie «ber Iea maie a miiiling smoingà party, 1 (cel sure, hici uill put doaehbath. SYen eu n atpo iduaeltàe mamier a. ubicb a Colonial Pariiamemt tnaoech if. hmnm. .I tboI1u io«maparatve erds' ted de.omeyJ ermotaud mr.4am *IF WWW dnglumi bui elle ae l e ! L! l lieuud . "»M a& Il a b alla~~ e uP elealiai. uuomp.a #«a iea.uj*4and hWbsamichetode. Mdeai vlmi stim ai oàMd , * dtiuismgb 01auir stagu.maaqurtr 41 40 el Ommeotil 1 grealea aivatqm m a" 1e<tn v be, #bi i ciliib possi e i flihe MW- VeMM ai1 IeçI.Imui.a"iabove ait, a im" pm iii Ini ais0<.my.votu-WWiliu tu*tn. 1 W" Mt aiagin aimtiag forupml iii:And *9i1 liy 49elreied . . ajeh le esl.g li e i deelma tW bPiisatt m o 1 havi ashbock tin om ué hmueam Un w e comaaimtin tlPricme. le k lai nuo@L buivum Md Promaei- lmatalale 6omflMiUpperCanada. Tbu ete-1 uemwLie butait Imm I ie vevq. nlq =- iitsfr plilcl'opau, 1m ibis le~ -memel Lard SaeetI usa îfukayardimassa Tiebasinite GemmetS lrly ma eer M mmlsa îAnd l 110111 lé li umr Ï11a a fer aakis .r eCum,4 bvip=alale o. Yen glailaou liamer ne more or *e"ani~ad lmree. le reucive a power, in aetliam fret tlaa tb.7 de of odluleeasm vid mc poeriai te Grer, abaebeedmancilde la flue. aMinutes. wonI or-GenM I i me li t. edelegaîs. This i. aes- tan. lhey May laboausrfor cmp. Dut fkW pea. aeL U .TiPrerilicese OOSmllee laong, mdIlpi. cao aMbri topuy fe labour. Labouer mm cifl »Mat 0"eoet ailc W un chou ve eou b vuale accriuagtaea14 val»eof uha iti confia i iilhui mpossible tan magq e. Vupreduceeu; mol the fermmersieCao 'meUmoreg.v gae m,uéay hpm .gal£MiCUayw a& tae a dallar a day vih hm la Zcsr. outaide. for ch at lumol, ni... * inthefint. Iltam.thorea n H l im crme u utus15.8m:-çroM 09-7 11-e lbuer. m un mue bbrim; Yeu Mi about mi àiak. h w lboter unembotaWb-ia I eui te theatof lising lieu, lt u am efer uaro, ubici [ailoSeta thelb unissait h. iurt iheua,, «Mi<um, im verwgnar ts aw mistbetamesofenier camm icl ii lye *bu caiMot ouas <Comle. atuoepiemu. Tisote ulbe. Eue. 41eYmr -muhal( of sure, if il cen a ife tae la~ laie ia rntsmm Ibanese@apmphr rbv butinae, andate qusimtiy fil, i olihM be 'u tt. t ai.., h fMr ré. oeb. Worl inom - lhliboSafeloc, -Mi< ng . a ride vithbmya& &.- mv@ie mThisin .a boi picture of tlb chance fer mmii. tilt dimmr; ea i dos, ti ; Z ,« gratace= W oa alge male, ef ebici yen talîmgo titIar et merag. iin ismy daiyu . Il- in Englani. Butaêi bah Icouuiier il vie.ricm..ti tîlen.wiinîbaveconb..impossible t ra M am tPt m,mnch mu peo- pany, ciÉici la about lielime. -ceeu; ex.ppe eemto l olkfoi', and eblit ha.uboom leeal cepi cm uigit in the w«14 chiu I eein about ai, bail neyer axplia4in LiteDlua.'. Ru.._ 150 piaptel. vii dam, sis&, amuse iiemuelvei prt. 1by nomc ioudespair oh guse 1 @I s SM rie boreme.aend Dr. Rolpi ta Englmmi &gain ta 2tef, mSU& " 1 bave doue m"nl arme gooa ly a little if iposible, pnmlule the seniing owpiople by excuriicu1Imale1mai cool up thichliutheomelvce., tliritlandlord., et ibela pariaIe., an»orond b he b ila bc k ; iredaym of 9ileinthi way 1 hve mo doabl 0of gettiag it air aidexerciue. Tihe cemiser cwe ovely, lentî teice u many ext Ymer a ais. ia@bal] 2z Mi vrybotee1uly ferrilding. Thte ievte all my meansau hie aide oibth e & o mi <geiug mabutîi. cêhvemeant aicagi. 1 aeîliog lhiueiîiir chlb people lehomalyie taohmà amli steamer, icmearrieimem bommable ta affri l, a py for labour, of cblch tIasa. n tint 1 eSmli have ahi boat weaemvor I pla. are mnt, thosighaDot MaRy-or ic locale liens et, and ride 1me thea country ta m e iidifférent in cicr. public caris ame plae.i uahod ta viil mcmy fron thte river. being cmnt'ei on, nsun comblne seutlement Tae soniie hoiering itishe Richelieu witi cmgea. Tthis by thi>ye. 1 have already cire formerly the garden of Louer Ca";ada;onseite greal avantace h. yleur; but flot buv lbe nil nleh gtam degie. ,but th" stcking lb.e iigranit himpelf there, wcbaa iooca, up campletely brhs. abominable modie of cati. aothing ah clearsng orlife in dmn buh; bu% hy vation pormrniy lihe kaNtiu6 andm proeuta a naking a place for bim labiou. iy rmnplmting meahohy picture; the population napidly oldcoutisman hisitber igta il e fmaet. Lat. cremai, anad the.people uncillimg la quit ha, ]y, by umiertel. many public con. au 1 eighbarbacal tuamee oonaec lamani, mact-mcli. "à .5SY jei tAraugli, chers thb migrant liy aterved eOnt. Tuti ignorance ami croiulity car! t neeO employaient, may same moey, b. are unboontiei, ati no couder lb.y hecime th-_ cere accumiameti ha lie country, clsouae anti victima of the ugiaors cii atirnodt le. op tu banisilpa oh bush 11<, anal eventaaily provide for roe]in la1837 ant i183; for il ibis dis* ricî vwu ihenislve. aselders. By iirecting mli aoyr.. th. fc m onîubreak. To i bure, a mimrr-sourcem 10 lheuo objecta, and contbining thons, I able onlaruak il va. ; put dwn citi the ut.. elieve thal much god ielmyb produce in im ve foet ease by a ingle romitaent."$ or six yema; tuiily or forty thoupani a yemr - bingilredaceti of chou probably tua thirds 7- iei t-,7 T.usi;% L,. Collecte. anay romain, ami male gond orimen. BuIta CIsAums,SU allampti taieomare, ia li. Colony, ila amore 'TII..townhipelpa ire 1 ou au, are reli-t. euin Iy vorli meing. Tbey ar te oeil reafy van. At aother date, b.ienrtas, on tue mrme ui. able part of Lover Canaa, outide the tauns of iffl Quebe andi Motreal. But due7 are spieoid! Italai you, in my luit, liait Wakefiald'm dec- Il le tiieueanery the Wye anti of We.lmore. trane can'l do in Canada. Ta ferce concentre. landi; only -fuer £n ithber or both. Hilmand ton liste latbe greateal of aburtitie.. Tbar. val]«. mOoaatains in th a bolgra.nd. heauiflileno feu Of people mprsmaing Ion n"li.Ne etreaus uni laleu, andI foret.e ofhei ceci, nian cl go fat n ta the vocaeif lbe. mn uep it. pin"., in tue groatusi luxuriance. The. district The evil of lieue Province., or ralbirorf the sn a.paribed front lebOuandmi-.1.1<e, thioga Upper, c aia the cnly field ta blhought et tlackly Iinaltethache of the St. Lawrence'lyor colonisation, bas bonu tb. impreuitient griot a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o 7ti h it o i0 ms < gyoonn f land ta indliiuls, cho have becosme pauses. &ad Mer. thia por ixullue (su na.? eg In. Bat Sea cf immneatsam b,.foastie aof the coint- il in o u ucepihl cf g<toi prevm ul, W try. ubaci they holi cathout dtingta y thang ta caises thoaeinenmecatur ;m h a nd ; o ltent niprevinli gany .atlleu laeven in pladue. tiastfore, saii brougiilte a m ît, tir negliourboIl b; bir refusa]itlecmals except lbe caIlle vbich eau 'va&i.Seulement, rs. iicemmunicalsau.Bo ftt ruim a iigb Ileefore, proccida locly, amd vilS mot alvane c rce binOg e...tlalà " Wakefield ba , 1, macha, .specially citAs Upper Canada (uhicisbu vonît ieihngly <lue lini ta seelers via came aIl tii luxuriance amd tha ebol caler cOunsu- baatajid la eutmblihu iensse, anal coalilent- uicationnbeelles) bitidimg aint it in lb.etr<ggstu aaale tuis, &c- But lier. e, &m4a! lot Of !abandmi etlement. Thietuais, hou.,noue ta <lue. except chatin le ntiereti vaînelea. ever, are gooi, and the people (geuerally Amern, by lia eighbarlaaad of daime curaei land jelibers, coire or Englieb) lintrieu nd miitali L t.cicul offamlacces, tea t. Talk ofa ibgb My eteption, te ire, ba bon enonéla "t price, indeei -I eoli bny any number of put mg lu gond u mur cti them -: for h have ibouaand sere. of liesupeole aai Znsppace. aon@ molhing ler lu e dy. but pose ander tria.. Tii vort evul of ail la tae grant ta Compuies, pbl arche., miii receave aMtreaes o hanksanmoi sncbau tb. Canada Company, andi the Briis praime. I havi duosea gond demI for Ihîm parn of North Amfericais Comipany. anaccampanheti by tae ooumry, i tae ay of liu.taukimg, mand lb.7 c i iontiatI ettiinsentd m sloaliehicarrnet on are ptaportionahely gratefuL" by lb.m. They have bocoste an-joihrs&aua; Aa a intane o bis Lnlalip's game.of0<the penu Iheir capitalin bobyimg moto land,îiuleai Indierois, eCive tt Eoicng fros a privai. Of imprnim< anti setllsg chaiwuems giol letter mhed et tae fal. of Niagara: Ibeni; ai bava added 10ltheatier nasisce. liHor. 1amen my rami îo the Welnd Tie i nt alep, hberefore, le ta coupe! the bld. vit the ii miii h aicony of My roue ac.. on of lande ta hring thgsino ttiimakt ita ha ing tie atunt mmgnifeiral ighl on eaaib, vittapriuib oai iîno aih beauîifuh cotien; moi, if lisy vouli give mme hem Ihoosulimu. I cenhi illingly havieamg- 'a minute'@ reagot r ui mandmiihow, very gegted i lai, ta hi laimd on t hom, ~as Lord aiispoei ta enjoy mymeil.1 ammiveon Su"dy, Duradom ineias Report ; bt I do mal hhlie anal mean la coniplete my ceel steirly. Aa or tue Coloies wuosdEel iai. ion m of 0<hbeis id. atempting ta deucrîte he lb<lu, il leimpossible 1 bare idojitet a courue ubicb 1 know viii prove ta convey uny idem of t Itr. Vmigary1 l amiefieîlitcob;uariy a<lelilbi Sil tw gsua nmmil-danus, andinbpainting tuey itanlu lli hii Districh Concilu thse paver of can oeily ppano; bail tice fet tii7 pruire. levying a ate fer mrtde bridgea, 6dm Tii me. on tise mini, rue their magnitude, . iniu-sci. ment thsy <et the pouer tîbey ciii met ; miud hable. tien Rod.hye trilhejulabers: for the imabit. 6-Wo houe a bout oh Yakees, telier in themt. réel lb caa, 0<oftisir suffring ; andi by boaue, or anrivimgdiiy rai the opposite *h m mig the a equally b.avy on encultivaieti a gustail of, e meMa.GovemrTheenSo. as on cultivatea lelnt%. lhay cili veryaheehhy bhnsg Yon never smu nor ceauimagine mocl a am of ba gmhmmt lcl mîymehcib peei.;beldu y re ral fn. gva thoeu themeantinme, lbe fouli tar thtoasands ofamoi- apevipl e t e re y,0rlb 0 feu. 1 et lugrant. upam ntae romai.anti communicationsu im. à ie utidaygl he 0 a. tt '«4intabmde. anti milotonts of land <luen ther. kik onniena eeig h illeyul gonlier -or purcliaseal by îheu aiea tuey Cid ok. Wl uie eil ja'a u huioaum theRefala Imnaeditely previoma ta the openang of tbe Caissae Miiia!' Amatit eau lta me, Unitetd Pmrlimuest, Lord 57t..han cries la uneWag, 1 preaume, la pay me tiheglasat co- Lord Johne Russell : plinsut. 1 opniomiai. dumhyeare ili Gar j11I1thimi ue @hall do very ccii hers. I have oud Hickory,' (jebe)-iyoq dciii, hem ever. remlly a very (air boni. for the Aaaembly anti Isting locala et plaeegaersan md cc'nt sauni Council tameel a; & tae accomomoalaton vouit -mpbat ymo epfltly tre yen. bIlougt splendid hy ont mauher. of tise gn te"a. on thebhalcey, a Ybke. lad y eau imb Houa. M Comuona. But lb. fellow lan emllunt vith Wbatie girin; lb. child idi, thee« Calonsieuabave n spahItby aIl nomtuof 'Marais, I eom'lth, t.Uponwcia mm.laxuie.. large aru-chbair%. deu. ls stattiOmay sin otblitdggaruet bg% Mdi 8@i,4'lieu am bohore«Cmcaan anti heaven Imeus Wlat. Se 1 Y«u laua ir e e l w*Cone? rtYn "eI mapapath ty cmli ceuplaisa. Th. e n amy. I an'ittlle e thlm' Sncbm1 eai.I oin in utlya vey fiee 00e-or rather el Cf inae.Wb"a tin, pm-"">ahlyjeu li i vin Inhalai; chah cWitjesutsitue m"yiag <rai m 4"e bai.arrivai of my socememor; and the publie eudlces rmeimoua balcamy lin .e ommm oo a re fer botter *lima et aiMontrent or Teme. tebme; mai thIelesota jo" lady Inmhlua t. mtcofmoafIlnvei-tee hala Wbie diamotWv*»P sui dbiastar!Ingorne midlthepractical roousmutiou et thp un- lae * t iu o or vo aeu% Wh" in e iu ion h, r fuuro tr fot a a @sigs pu. gg <hsemiautu preisa. *7<toihl"' peitof 1we suhliertalme g~ee - muet~~. ami Je lisd4auky <uitdImp Upon thie iportant aubl ildmoaaîeand i pe ndertaidwbvisans "Ilylfe Biserai Euigrmiiaa. hi pas- heasif.1Ilavi MM tte y oua p«ers etu "Tiiestyblqkaautmu mge birvilci ut e ta ecm t <lb ofiu Celle- Jw alolheI4a itii, ameed»A"satiedmduaUn met- y 7w. ae aiti roefe e @tàd eudgratica. 11. fret emau de aiin life, l th a timlprovomeu wvicl v. lavé- eltar fe a 4dnmq'#Mam eutbauiuâl me" tcarnet eoriaiusld ta a positioanin chicli tay ~~~aPalaiesu~te my juein aie..,mih.eaMM cam"iai. muscl e - u - --u- - lavtauN Z. ieomtuhmblRqaet.iuita.uF r Lam0, Ulm'ep s am M i ppai leeimiif pe pl Oé11040et ai f or..CeulAdministration, l" Tîb Que.. tlu,:tm iliVmW mmdr IeitenleS.Trede, &&. a"dîboueme vér, m .cifu lasa "For - ~ iai. dam ion nerly mil qii heu olcilsxnclu, lbir îcrit lieu posibe, ai ltAs.mau~u;but[de feembgtaftrtaueeng0 tirue, aite m al n e b . . . * pla nrie l aeaui T h e L » 1 b Jely . p-t - ' m lob es m e epemtie My séem.(Mais. ai in etliig an> aie laits or inattin a lchr m m 1eoaie. us.letaeralioe-Nmtli gtls.refoceuao ivpraveot ora - ~i ~a o feui, ive ubur.. mt lenti cplete sucres., a*Bd Canada t~e*Mal r iaireufer. liene<cnard Ir il a o n. rtimlsa i la muni =*= rý = ýtNM Uclemlly.- se- ternibly miamesga.~ 4 w i lbiwtapomner h ie a goute. Pý«. pen pmwha ole& Lard SYdeuiiauâ.palitiCalanmoiaîri4y carier twt*ffmeany thais e.- bmw»uétast d ier legta cAa.. '1W ame or a'aaNàwe jbttt is"ébailemye; is. ealthbai hbug vruetim..tipih. Coutlino uniilba bssi meIeédII onbolstmuVs el n old-huuutp ga...: he fatWg uai mte ie uh .lnl~ odloupsr-paimlal u Is b i mm aonu xmvlom a. (iovermer (uesM amt Nisteamicr My. . Wb ute every day holte ta *nrvixé te e everity 0a( aoit Canadiamo of uhe meeinlg. Tiresut, 'iouever, hu beet winter. Soemly aMlarda,181. & eu cwrifes ý ý mmes. 1ba* WC the large majori- ta hie brother-à t< Ieau tody ta0 uopçogime e. nyol " 1 astei tmm an, andcan oldthe1 ques .tisai Laraime; and, sémt ainoter, psu widi den t T;:-Y. ottii .ikm ,, o tboronghly convinceal thai their coustituemte, sao uiat fit 1 bave bail in ivelve montis, te cIa is far mstebcoie of Unor Canada aaid the Eut. r.ahly mcje1oý IYéterdaylI nailti carcely aign isa pat fLwft 'epescam Il rummmeo>oorereehhabe an nevet bageliiiif they 44*et. Wve r l,« enceil ha hb + ei. ilbualipt loto bfeovuMe pou, mmy. uttiuan hélep taher ie.tband n nib ufri. ioi e. .vemyhu.gquiet a ~le ciîh=c or.Tiser. rbly ummeanal stif."ýergti 7r ht e my ia .lliutthei l ebCivil Lian - ___ haatdeonet m itedi. jeo ibai iaaepaet ail the gremit bpieae.-.uhe lUnion, ]&"poou" Govomu~i, tae Pariiimentary ccmiioee< ta 'Un..e Act, edoldeo in thia dminitr@n, SuîruoliN euaum-opraieSae -eeeyeauhimt 00 viich'excilet Migit met e f Arrivais, Tonnage mmd Passengers. eai boe bn raesiamidtm agitalonm have emildi. thia Port, fruata in the year. 1842 anti1%43, Jymd sigmally fRiiei. F.xcept lie rnasp oftbeaUp ho thi 2&hinstant inclusive:-.N oýdHo liof0<Auniy cf Louer Canad antidesZ.Tmtme oraes tva or tre. ultra.iWmiealsewio bave tope over wilta ml Solicilor-Generil uboro1Ibave <Ct rial August 2&, 1842,5411 201,041 32»37 1 of. evey mnbe.hin acondhmfly !viiime andi jny August 26, 1843, M5 M0,231 *lI,84 Gouernmeoî. Thun ce miali go quielly t Mra tu ea, - - van aat the mouirea ai hmprovesa.oî ch oela i er,312 104,194 lau 0,017 have prepated, moi ci are sure of a paiceml -a and u.efu sesion. The. Goueroment o offcra CRTRAm, Augunl X6. viii have lime ta mquire praclice l intrne*av tbstknarssi nlte ato vacation ; the Engliui andi French liemlsers Vjfl Wleibsh nauemleatrprIo letr aru ndeais.iariacliotber'a ml ii s am lb. yod front 5s. ta 5. 64 N. Y. currency, perc opino; and lie rezuit vil ieb ta increimu tb. bush. but caine. la alowl>r anti in siau quanti.f majority whicb the Goverenenî airady las, îles. Farinera appear luulbe holding on fur Ou.. and rentier the mec ystent perfectly ouabli' citb every prosipect of realizing. 'ia1 baIhave seen, licuevor, miioflitebdo< No icnmnd fur otler grain. in tii course of tbe laat lt.. voeees, strength. oeu my opinion of the aisolui, ecemaiy of' your Tuit Co-r or WÂLR-Tlt o fllowing ate- meaiing eus as My aucceasor sanieone cillament i ic anfaon the " Philnsophy ah Mis- cos f Commuone andi Ministerial babi es 0." by J Camipbell, D. :-Atth revolu. -a prsa cA cli ni aiini<ro ca a ielin in 1688, tbe natonal debl vas 11111e nore'- -ha persa goernet d, aimefroncb rka mn Ibm hal( ai nalaltun, anal tb.interesl oi ortyF who illgovraau do hisee Suc a anIbouanal pounal,. Tlen bxn oua J n' mgu a soltiior, but statesman-cali fini ne diSE. beg sans aa oulies in hlm pat tah o scannot eauily sur. aur mieery. Tise car of Wiliam tit rd.;W t Mount; for everytbing cl L e in gruovesa u ed the revî,luîion cenet £91,000,000. The carf aing of itteif, anti nnîy rcojiriag general direc. af the Spaniab succession coul £44$00,000.t The 8paniahi ar anal Ansirian saccession cost " You are ight in aayinlltt if mater. bai Nova7,000.107,The,0e0.nhe ar abot = d egnan favorably ausîtey have, all that aanoacta,£000.0. Te arib il-ipuioppouitisconlal do under the Union out Americian co!oniem, £151,000,00.Tbe Act, caula lib te retard the poprîty of h@ i'-.ovîthelbFrenchi revolution ceet £472.000000. colny.Ba Ihn bae sot h pret'. rde The car agamnsl IBonaparte cou; £585.00000. Sooin g B tt; ami bave sr fore ibulteTa tbeuemuetliLe adici tb. stihi more terrible Gnpormneinî ctd;d ave en oncated, ami ea. m<t, ltaI sucb cars rosi Englanti n one uay fatsErnmnti cohv nceIdn'tetband>«auor anciher, Iroinsfour ta 6v. nmillion@ ch men. foald a e bnir oablrealI mai' op. mi n>r.... hat maInes.! Whit anicidai 'wckedneicau 4 pouls oihave btonuipdmypeind -ieîîî.Thiaenortocas isgovcrnmenl ha. entailetiaF pat I aouiti cthave be n aisietib ay h ue vor curie upon tbe British amp sn uhicta ciii cleaveà AnI bcroti ont boavehbattiif h ktbs ame 1 er throa;Iaout a I generaliomu. lu a country a ieonga ubalyu bad gieaml Iod e eauehike England (oaerve. tise Edimburgh Review>) Ianshug cul peuuiedtAilhienead ont alie. here could iebno debt, and ne bortbon cf taxesq, vise., Tbe pepl ian lthe Assmnbly ame very i ir m ocr slou, ta e ure, aduse a gootl demI oh limaein umesa tait. Hovrever every day ada mrengthh The Royal Navy aI the prerent lime consista, ta the mode et governaent ebicla I have adopt. d7 te inpashre Telegrap% ,oh 230 vcvsela of mi, aîd ce. shaIl gel on cith buiness futer by ah eecriptions, nounning 3471 guns, namely 31 anti by 1 have no daui. Wbai Iase oh AsUOI. yachts, 14 sea.going ]iia-of-battle slips, 311 bIle', hovever, confirans, cypinion Of having 6fraivei, 35sirop5oh cr. 84 etema i vslu, tione rgbl lu getiolno s nsch accompliahobe 68in eansvae,25uryigese,<iI. the Specia Council. The legislahiua wbicb din 9 elcamoe',) 9 truup ehipe. 1 hespital sbip, p»tete cauld have taken tan yemrs of an at 10 atahtionary guard-mbips. The force aiz A.membly. Andl nov, perhaps,timay ont getl al hansee îtuiit'oh 780(an. editerranean (L'A,y 1 viol tbraugi; but I shal] even in thi cainBtazils 451,.Lut Indies 56«.Cape ani Coast carry mmny monti ueful anti important mesunres. a5. afmica,rtsranvica md Wurvesî laitue0 and thb teat viii ollou. The Union, ah t 15 aanuarsric b .uveig 21 evetsis rml mn irevoabl euab ud Troopers 58, Lakes 3 ; total 3471. T iinn eheto in v mlyandnl thocugbly oranliazel.Iaugmentation tof 8 vem.els, but a reductitm oh <met ati la mnt tia l oplets, amila 34gi.since the commencement of tbe year. cull renier lhe working of theavaleto mono easy, NxwmrÀrxa STàrrmraca.--It appears, frein andaiture batever i. nov canting."thlu ernmdtiPaimt.bttee "I1 have ent bomne a long report on orm lb lare l roet 138mate e Papescultatdin tion, citicl suos.fchyen wan'l lika, becaure iart a piet 1 r eumptipeof ciculatet la tell, lhe trota, anti derlares that ta lirou starv- Lonon; ihe year'y ciruain bc moa ing ami dimemaiimigrantsu umer tue rock et ta 36.271,M)1 papers, and lb. aivertleeset du. Qaseheoghl ho ipuniaitiausumurder. Sendti y amouota t£4%,179 10a. Tiero are 214 me ot gati ian En~mh emanta ho uocEngliala country pua in Smcirculation, lb. total me at go out e;g is eu t mana ai' pttiag yearly sale ch ebich amolanta le 16,857,000 pi- up the Country CMI)or 700 miles cher. fil im ta pers; .bouing liai, tboog thelb.nnmber of jour. ho bsal, ami 1 i vîîtaie ausmoy a. yon cao <et, nais conviierablv exceeda tbe numbor in Lotndo moi pM»»au lieu isaependetoe. Or gi e me tbe yeatly circuulatin os net amount ta baif oh nomie yeomen uili a feu hundreti aurilse" thelb circulation la the metropolis. Tiie yearly ami le thau take prudent iivice--butekeew iansoont of msvertiteenet duty on lb. county feii'uu-.-ti row tbeauohveu mb îlit bosi, papers la £19,766 18.. ho Seijhandti ler. are uhere tbl yare au b.ipleuas lb.y vouliehii. t eait5 i lgeen piper. ln circulation, nearîy tue geat edoeni; ant i iiimeur. tii e Sforl one-Eurti .tsf uicli arepublimbetinluEtlituargis, andi ndepemaence eaI ihiiemifaicouple 0ofylents and tinbu orthr,*iremark liai. folcitbstaaaling --bulmt m mmyi..UlW inating neyer t, ohe lbeealib ohtframlCity, hminree monoto aily atmioneti. Pigai, pri, tour, ptie, oa.newepa r pablimbetitiers.Tii yearlyamniant ta ride, c<o t miii ; bai yen muai est ail ylerof circis ation in Scotîand inle1.478,940 andtihIe prdce, for deuil a porcbaser ia t.hs.'ound. ativertasemenlt uinua£17,M6 12 In Wales Hocever, the an'u chief vantsarae suppliai, teeaetnpaipers in circulation, lia. bigieut andtise of bim fanrily; ho lbanoreoutlorltares Oh ubichaveragea only 1.500per ceek. The ta pay, anal b.onghlie a hiaifeti. But @endicuela"rtaohe b. mi luuncortaio, omelimeu me no Irisu paupersnrt Yonng gentlemen citi risingita 10,O100per monli, anti metinsa aling £500 or £M0. uho ancy that upon tual iby ta 1,000. The total yearly circulaionmin 88,(00 May li ie, andam rehardi7 aseti homsethey andtihlb.aavertisemprint ini£305 1%.. 6i. cannot get £M0 or £3W afleat for it. Th There aria laent .five pipera cirenliteti in Deb. protuince absolately ernawit persoasoh tii lin, tIb yearly Meof wici arnsana ta 3,W66- cbanater-lauyors, bruken-alown merchania, 406 ppars andthe amtvertliainl ialy la £4,- clerka, soldiet-ebo have conte out hore ta> .W9sm. Tiare areÎ 58 Irish coumtry papens, iran; tost their money thraugh Iheir ignorance the yearly swculatinaof hlcbil. 2,485,068, anti of bsins; or bave heen anable to brook pion.1%000 unvpleaienta. The iiveriement dut7 ty witiout tb. onjoymé ofltm icvihimeti lJe--the anluntu 1te £33MII le lot of thue cisc succeibenl; andi ail lie.e are applicanlu for places, of chici Ihere sn one, pet..0 Thome curiosi huc matters houe nec mn balte, ta on b unirai candidate.. Ho yon «0pportunity oh seoinq ini openatiou aItiieDock, couapetiion le nearly me rife bote As ia Ibe Mao, chat ie a novehty ia Canada vin. a Diaii.g BeLL, tir counftry." by means ohfclaich thlb Comansy have beem On the 4dm of Augusl, 1841, Lord Sytieniam @tuuenging the Railwmy, anti are norovem. thua v ng ont tue basin anti elip fron tcobubtucliqal thgconcleely narratesta leLord iobn Rusuphl esain e lapse of tire bave aaeulatedti hre. chat he bai beun enabledta Io during lb. pe- la. The bclhl a lirge enougb te cota«îr lu mJen iai oh hi. administration of Lh. Goveramenl :- visa, iy mcmi.ohfma air puir pitarmhe di .- " 1 am sure yen viii letao th pleaure " main unaler vuter for sol pariado i m-t cut proceeduegu ere go on properouuly. 1 ;iuybeireqiliredînfrthemroperatüotiu.Tllufrke' bave &« throub tva moul implortant memuarus of the Company are ten no elen«t ier, soi ruad anmd i if heSessO ~ ions udn mr, I *Iiuy bau b. ggeogtbse in anci a are alauli bave dm»gond ervicem i e**y an te li capable of~iag luthe largeut <.11ev 0îowrmpidly, mai I de ntdespaur 0ofdsuuelu «, tii Laie. " rynwu ml boc aees c inlequit. d« ex- . have t hli«e .im aCOPUo aît CSnoectioe villaNOM iAmeema an ,k Comme« la àee.raa l WSeu'aoatmieled te g h.U C1j IerV4 D iMsMet m u mt metite uWb"" de k pe' a k ii lai*ia exit Vena5it, »ii eMe=-eti9Z., ,en vil! otventure l ar aim moa ay Saeaa <~melrdamimMjjb State iekoreer prodaceWbhW . notemi a ching.. Oms provia c mtiant a ha-ui- atbary pou-cai caceq mpV , yg&, ui gon las-ltiIl.vils rmue.ork. bath 0(1he.alu et eieri.alniation bgeis xiaitt r~ivd y lm ail ise $qet îji, >pliere of oak tal ouit ithe rena,, Cm. weiglai.ti f a bilack orandi ver, sa cul, t the ~ tan frornt he ak o iii h, yýj tAdnul,r,* seanter front Tocrm,s modehea otStaptîn litri 20ce. T! lie b steans ressel lthà as bftfleâ-'orato The louagerr'leil fu,-ns ~ on,,sud ere i9 proof îtha, the gatIOti"aslmac Open fer îcose, i b q c,5 the sa t tecao on Lais M.-h 1 iancttai abouaebct a te N- ELrCT1ON,......'e0uttder.t.,,,an 7%melli f yesterday, lthat the ;- frinUselie it as reccîved a Dn t ý fr ntres. 1). S. 1,tger and Ranîlie, NI.; thero hat iMauice Dt-ltie, E.q ,hW~ hi, M s RePreenîîîve fur tat~, 'a tbrougr bis acceplance oh ofice. ' o It ils aaa, ltaiein the same Joornà: Willian Walker, Esq. Ni. p. P. for1, 'f RýoeIîe, h la.pacet] in lthe Sph,e bis rn.ipilaion ras Member for th paxe,b , Thierear o w four Vacaucie, t 'r (c which, iutre bei ng tilled beture th, h meet. vit :-Raisehl, Chanmplain, îtv Rouville. PARMI OF THlE hioN0r ,jn. L,j P'lNrÀu-Alexandç,r ltîchi,aoî ' acting for lier Majesty, ANttonryi terday robe n the court ni- K*u' 10 timalel hi, mst rucîtu 111r 2 it h@, enter a uluii prosequi in lthe indtie' ot crime utflîîgb ireason, agait 1,î,,Il f pieati. Thomas tori liw.a, I î 11,111, Dt Wch true t,.ls bheu,,n ,,, the Grand Jury of the i)î,tr.î t utni,' A.çke.-Priceo uof pot miij , 'U advance, anîd iî' are Dot%~ ,, ~ e, 12),1 3j1. Penne sii,,î 2 Ii parcele, but are nut 8a, ,,hII , 11 , llur.-Since iîar 1i1,tîi'i", but uitile has heentiîLot' t, I,if ir'i.,, ha@ subsidel, anti sales out ,.11 ý ,, f,ý lion are made aI 12sa 9J1for' -'ailind it. 'do flot hear of any lraiîsaî'Iti,icii X,111 ,-, Ihieai.-Note tuf the unetrî t,' Purk.-Meu', continues, t , ,i 4 ,, with a iitnited detinatiti. i,'c i r Moottreal inspecitti, 184:l,1h1, "~n te~j nd even attlitiis prit e Fo~i ,,] Press an itnwilliitgniîs ti oil Ln" ta lttile dçniand, fiowever. N,ýtgar8.-Prices are eî onîy ,Il,c, ý 47d 6d bcbng the rate askei lot,'rr l, ,iu o pies ; inaceal, some 121 ittmis. s,,id Il,, ait publie sale ill itte hast 'A cii. Brandies, RUIV,c.c.-~Rei,:i .î îî ,% t in price, the former i taure in dciî,i,î j,al,i, lit lbe last six weli., ut 11, ruItti 'r k intiu of apirt4s, Ihere t îî,ît a îîîgj, le . i kasovn.allà Tras.-Thre olias fiee, taulight t jinr, tbe borne atarket, o hirbliria lthe i,1îe il manal. ha. not had ti i etrcct lt iijjlrirlg ug r lier. Fretighis.-To lAou.3is 6(m or fiar, for abies is difficuit tii he biss. andi sorne 7000)tble, have ire-' iui , a rate, '27,ouI.1tla iven t h tiste , rt t,,r ail, imnprtime itin the dotoand k dtimritc t uiN, York -[Traiscript. KIN GSTNTONDA, IIP'F. S, i. W. have copie1 iniit i il iinhq'r Set roi e, tracts from, the ir e of téurd svIteriit, rcetl publishieti n Londonui. Thcv arc ut,fir,t t tise peopleofthif iProvinre, r'hi,wi,, lit lbu ithip's opinonun Othe vari.s, inattrrtiîî 'ut ai,',' le bhall telt, hie Inetihut] of duu'c,,,,, culie., andathels.taqiuinp experjtîtjit. fî, 1f Ibarmiealof ltheecor thi,.plaîts. Tf," reco is inatruclive--mt oui nilthe reai gie.tul il effecteti andi renîiured permanet, bat allin sl mattera in wiich itaitoles have lice, dutjj it cd. Hi. Lordahip atierta Ib isalue Comne tactieb" as having tserve ino in atead in mranaging the Aveuibiy. Tiiwîast casei, citholat douisi; but if tiser. lbadteen les management, or it had becu dircctîd lut peril nmut resas, voilier thtan 1t emrporacy vurre,, hi, Lordship would have crialen in aa, tu rfi dent tente, andi have doublei strongiy mfi -the systein liesbâti shîrted couli lie expecrult continue,. Every biody krows Ihat lais euan at thb gionieg of the lsession cas premnarire and liai il vwu cilli thegrealest diffirii tha bie anes were cardalh efore it cied. T Govertiment wsoe several tintes in a miaraOrt th. mosti mportant of abeir easure,(the Ni, ntaipal Ciainicil Bil,) wa, carriel uîîiy li a caot. ing vote ; the bill for inquiry ;ntbe lteLoer Ca ada election., whbich tise goivemont r'satse laib aIl îlaeir lmiaras mioppedivin th Legisiative Cacll; andi un the payaient of re nianeraition te nembera, tiie goverrnteutt l yield ejîli aluagrace, anal nuch aialst tiîe incinmation. AU thi. gave Eull preof ahst Le Sydsohaam'ssueceala. laonly lempursry, a prepaed tireve rcimg man tu expect Craîil oaale champ., lenanaerca seaioe en halt igu L1,«eip rmmi* te condut affar nrslergs'. Auj gien ve compare Lord Sydenham ,a0 cani- t l ie bail uverconse 2il -1 Yint,mMdelAi mauy tamk fornbislm t viii fl mc m thley bave a-ncere se u jallbeau, mmcl« intelligent nan »Y 0"ta *fIblitiatnu eami direct tenduiicY Of Pi5b lc iea4baM4jrm' tie - uildig O rock *o bel OUIyrumtingloe the, aat. 4«» ll of *y1papenhavie adetati teell h"*- d aieaniamu duhcle mhaa ite ill y qul sl . th Thn,eot' I~~~Mot ninrai, i II~I~ebic &tt «d lm e*ué.ocleý tom ydcabaua'ugaver b al <aile ho Pr atl emumkui, thatl rélaimd b bisîle-01 ghareai.,cmreteri tom b ita, es MW lie meuhif of bief mou" l u rw7ogo-l 1:4ellib»lte oloi in g a t. Geol eCh ~~~1'gmas m1. pot lien the body -Ib IlbtHomoratble CAU'PoU LETT THO W.hbelCoutîty ah Kent, and Canada. Iwo Sept. 13. 17M9 Joli rciemof Loodon andiSt. 1 a ne <mian eIly m" vrud bimeelf ta0lteservice of 1 Ia aOl i parliamefllfor Dover anad «.Vice Pti dent ofh1the Bolr Front1 188:3lfl4, pidlr weicth a Seat la th, FItn n18.34 Iu August IN Who iaeStas appointe ç~yums4tiEÀOFciBatteais N' CA. Wii iti i bistation hb. me Tiielte.uuion ofthle Cana And laboreti unceapingi tv imgl a "tieom of Institutions fil TheiIloanmd prosperily of this Afiai accidantocfl>ionfed hi, Preni et t1a Place en the lgth Sept. Ik -lie reams frono bis abors, and i follov bina." Kglp ocT os CIftERaCt'.-A oui el aqcb,.eCe isslumego. lo 4 s,e of uoie "Ilrtyia Kingston d M emsit emoatei to above LI10 ,Os midi agalmmet .decimion, a ,aaI. hast the enta of tAie appeai £Ms. Tins nearly hall oh the vrai Pal bau aluemdyRolletu lb.he viii Ilae rail if tb. reinainter d Amal the variaosm ehurai1 04 Malu',no.ei.r njeI eldot han thof thhe enomioaoleaelof lau-a s lintlaboqu e fefecting tAla cilla a tlaiti f lswye inm tlae Aie imure, os iuieve. Prapoaitiu matie for redacing tbe Balaie@ of 1 kmr 25 or 30 per ceni.; ciii no niise ail lau expemas 50 pler * "peule ile tteesels of the.Il drircul la a shinil gomes Tis Eganauerpuisêsth e f ' i tpru glu dis Unitedi Statua expor therelo, talon rom Ast iWalingo, & amy. bo Iml ,imaumuciasvce hall cba pbiliaimg mueh facta only se Mu Pelmeuit.Osurvernalirefermel wr tuiingsmdo netaapeer an t tm, samiwu aPeifeely coret; mentieme t lai matglipg àIra, sanda, and the. Umm"eypati for wr publiceW inEiglho b9 Ilil, amuggu4a, lapaCeaia Io $ lis mm"ey »oghtin1mb the COUD' émnent, andi by zEigmro. W lhat thebaimcceof trmie uilth apinst us, but me isaieti tii vi 1510< lMa tiauppui me for euh 1 rarrvney te suit sLé Thi.talle sapmute tib States uem Ilg tera e espeete MWrgsquel thther; and or Epebrlvers 180, '41 eeil gt1ir «Iel Mluagbin br &exmPoa no Ttral Exposikl al Ja" 4e-U i %e M aié plu l fqgdrm ierml