..j gry.:-dla aur lperiai Gettemm ie d ue4 th an", 51 illfatiil@ dscoq"le likm 00 cacntry. IeruSRlsjqO t4zGe.CMÀas rOeu. Se iiait . spaial plnadintia e-a - eu £slesmai ho lad Imi ta menstebfreui "seEx.- -Y b 'v5'h,. McNab: -'Ittieh1 il" of Goos-naniat tatre tale,, temat. n eil renuan lier.e earle. jwuîtiuneaeoae by Jm.. AOUir, t i ared aiMeihe frFsaeen OW natresoiatioti, anit d IIiie Sent G jsrem e reorensaveat tier" rouliShea W~ o faillisonewbere, andsil;t oulS reiait km ai~l va-sabedIo0aviSarepeal 0[ the ( Ceer.) t rasonRie implOed peige sat ofc Gav eit àai5mld àiîetinud li tIcs Province, bisettise Union ras cou- OW l,, i sadsigu ne ta Malt. the Fs-cati XleýOtie En lish Frieschteauglîiar il wru a patcy esefermaiit 0;1'wC ,pecOeMr. Turc-at, ié h" ut bllee intoIR iti, but h oie erctta ~ e cs titatgantlemuainapprehenled mm arut tldin laaroirk isy CiiefJustice È> w», e <une ta Pass. Ac oSfcar oi gyavm.. 0,iehosasi l ol ot ant ho bu nalds i esspa mu. IIIIttnvote for tise resmuearai fthe Seat oi Go. «n,0 hs.asl beacottilelleti te et i oalli telW wil nDow vote ferltise rtuve'. ,tircs resnolutlin, eunllgiing Mr. flartircli'm oke fii umottatliy Wtt. GASsAàTT. Esnq. andi <,ds y HksI;tY tnnDEst.zzv'a, Esqaansi .,je iy aclamiationu J IiAFtI!i.In 3îci:nowledgiitg tise crniçli- aeneTlistîsan explanation substrtntialiy as le gavee n h, Aasembty.Ilngt tî eat 1,1j;itrt- aiisda ihaldisplîyec! an j- quen ~sticson. iut lcouic! not beago susen caUiscî,t vsa- mls'underatios, tiscu.h lie couli f-r as tls auy btnV[pper Canada hail a ,nîîithSeitn f(Goverfm@ut. As itreepa.cts litilior' tlure atis anec aeial puintL4t jouis. n îirh like n bréaci fi( faitlatri rentase ni Governimen5. lie ranlc! saser au en a~ r 1n an.)lusbef-ne anly tteccivea. I~ssfl sr lvtIii.ven ixedai ainEg- r-Fi*trii'9 i Sv-,istc!c IAfT i, d"st as so s cr aict!j fl ictc!, edîin l:it-fI Lrd t, ac tisi!Eîsstiui 1ud bisceut slecteul eniy af- , ini'uellerati asus.filat tise Ctapilal ,àd voalia t-sisu5v-ilr ile-ut an i-.ssqtivecra 'I~~r f tlia uerssecv-ac if tie cbsî,re. Ilia ,,, -pnuc1tri ty that in, ucis expressionr i, svlsv-t isenhequee.tionucamse ta ie i' ile irrd EITer iljcfty'5 Caovarnment n' -rrieitlv- jret-natscýteil ntailletie y î-,ivnth(, litait.'e 5buld Leh. tittl, jA tie Pp ie5-c renp.ivles alusulal s'ttlil, or -i tié ps.iii tir"tcilv ina :rectes 1,y "IiiBi5.~(usamss) ie a-! s-Rs.) lar e 'rasur"relpeulR i: Lli isng liven ri- ft, i. r.. r n i tut diawi, wbe lihce taI[FEu. Eeqi s'i nsi-d tby %tt. u.c, ij.njl usi rred etI,îA[ ui! , efire vischie.i Cewiigflis e'! exttrt is l oeJ f t rs itRis vnir, spin11tr Caaillth ibi pbtst harung a i insecOfciiiilI saifithie Seat cf rerttau . 0 inu cUjpr (Canad. isulbe-es iii. enlliaIfli .tller s-ss.rel aird 'na pt- ,d Nhe IMF 'Oelor ay!-i ntîi' iiacr inteh wdsunt il.i- Union, sain i-b1s Casys :-11 Tise ~'a--s- cis Ilhlnll e sIîlbyssîhiavesrepascîl in laf '1 ttr-t-iment âns] Parliataent rt- er-'n iii" tii.il ia.e h klalsrth imr ,P,,, ina iiîbt- p-ae;sr î pon itis Rimpur. 1 v obîjmtto ite ti'fqt hsi Candnc, ansd pro- i, lh'euuusci eés1-l.beiiig offlihesu'pe csf fij. IsSe, JiHiSTOit-, fl'q, Menhes- for Carleton, velil 'it-uv lr-N, issaund remarliesi st ls s- rî - , r l 1, ~ c i luIsu Iss. rienu tis e nciber 4 aui !,, iih t li, put-CanadaSal i ti igi ta >: e--.a i. W i-urss il -tLad e gus'st iglisi ira -s b5 yluva liV idftise Ocusse linS arsuvd eii .-,a- la iif 'rs--%n Mîsisv-ilaiKr . flesi lia 1 lr m~I-a itof i. flytoevu md cliîrin otise rsvi lice«. Li as bic mat- -I.lie sassai.)vle fît fsxing is:rt Psrt sus, i.~s. s luds uis ra artin ut Mon. -L t. ty thlisg as ss gisIIg ase,-grd, si ia- i aîtîsîg tliseTet. le ih.edi 10v- ha-- e14 tv-aitîsisgisout the ltuuvinrv- te) Cril .E\cllicy tu dîasuiie tise JIu.sav, il fa- , s et 5 il , r eI -mos-si tae Montreal E P 1 .su . - NWnhciler for Princelnil- tr,,is(1aeit-'îsi.,u' ot piuitrl, and fhe qa j; e.. tta s-e tise utialsi!i i ty tisat pics led (uc s-ai sI ni-- Isa tiemseserIn Fres;asit a. fiatl'plier Canrada Lai) a ighi r:! t 42il ( -Arsivat fr su 1812 the peu- 'id j rrers-eritise Province tath ie Csrsa' I"ilhýnin s t':î7. LIwriCansaacomiAlesucat 'fl taI pay part f aur dnbt but eaias 'billet lie ail Oi-uruejrvements. Eaery a 41l %s stat, c-set-y iarrel ai parka u.ary ie capst-t lei fis Lotver Casdieand ave tte Nu0 lonig tIi-in te divisiousniftheodu- 19 riÀ tht sav-fasat loyait, the indutry anad tt f pireif tVern Caada, aili er cotri. 'l"5 î0 tise teseurbuplacei ntbb c ale ltfisl lst-Canrada i 1S tise rrepouîderaasce crý7ta sa~ins favîsr of tire formet. The a-dta a. ssietthe prpen tribunal eiieciuie ;esi. ndi f il si l t sc left tastilseul, a titits goulae one li feaccof k-epiog ftie Seat se Upper Canada. rs %-s~asîircars-led snnnliaouly. tri ta M ýNcNAB %cas callesi for ansi adures- ýhe Ti itcait Borne enat, aedsaidm SLe.rd 4iti allbaSasiarea Liî en';rsorahly tisai lie S IfGcr ihn aoulal not bo rernavid fion teania. %We %serE accutatosiesita can- lise he taicent Oa iellr Mjesty's Répre. list"e, aihd auonee catIS ibave anticip*teal hsuettn w~nuhicia ailiel'eaaud ta have been e,.) intagno uiS cuat h tiroirn open. evesis hoalsibLe gt up iu every part r>wiýN. t ba. b .lol in.( y, ta. w-ci teit t'y. ly ai t 10 rCP Ie fini ii M.u %it5 fit, ho, thse lflecti aour C ctoi Met Dur ta facte gb a il. au. Acle srtti4i G us enac he ruleu lie auttu sait prit>. rettarnedl cogus sua s, rejosci s na t% eider td lignatic. sMma: tb -, Rubises Hissa fui1 sdeliver- 1 b. mix- mg< pull.- s &ir Rh. lis of ail ameridea - ef naiu i a- poiticl,94«WKW#, os'4ab eelws of .é.hs.1,. - t- viWO palotentpa>tin te *I JKLN~DS~~ bcr ieinteffute of hie rantiuent hui ,ven suim l e yuee1 R M A idC ROOL bis aMiàel" Îl e sons ifl M cawmobdyu.< the "aruentn 'a ki tl a ofcmanitai inelf zeer eleciol »-»mrau Ma, &rate Wald Le of tho e ii*. (eaerbeeags" u kasibm _c id ithe Lover Canaii- ' "i-a b bbt%#a.ise s " ot, ltChrpr tmtp îed aliaua ithdmîamin9i.o'r J rrl duiballeba sorti CXPfl~dh.iiIlag <iI nation ofer 3= a tho Mta ho tg ht bcaemhe ppotmiiit>ofmkrntriro. oaZi o0a i & i« n e. rcsbâgmubteetitil milngtVï w8 119W$, M RsF q jud a eflsse t-*mWbeu1i&*n e 4IoaecÏÏIotsa v Suck Îa*bOIt Cms btu 4thevi;T..J ___ fteib he&-fGoeiae t '> icimie Hate ljouty IV et uffl lithe cooclu.- uatgffl cunill"ence oaI di. t zlit t he h. I -eqg u f h Pmavîetiui ailviers of RIbo-Qw mxefaceRae part i ,thffleat ed bvkpri e s'n¶ et he M;Zt' iletta theuGeleral, 3; F. Moi~wbi bwebre'lc l 7. L*kltl-Tiat in Ignoranceof any edr ilt athéeTor-T. t'in'ppor rj.CX** r..,w. le ; %W.JuW- TeoM p»twnUppilcr a nnIbar o;d'tu HerEAI L) TENDËIIlSsi!tlwrteived. ,n2-' '>,,2 .l'ae.:it. T. r. f~frwr, S' Cg~. ? ~ restsorts'> anuit!>bave itufuenced the $drent Of al deafrotg ,-dude with tic affaire of Lfn r Mîhtat.Rbi. f riKi tu iCes iauestefo *lahfleCual-(hicleae Mr. llo&tt itunt i.iati drusd aSbeLiard of Works, ~'r2;w 4.L!",;WJ' th NWOIE fobbme <urder eS" , one '"' te lfldldedinthe Repiort cf the £eu. latadpWatk,fion theâbame leatermf the Tory lKi0.auoù u alvFr e ib 4'RNoveejier 1 ;G. Cfon.i(. Miii', 1 xW, R, »Is Me-'a Mn HmrmePrer euive Couoll, this Boge taurally ceind.apatyinUpper Canada aïe t Rning the. Lawer Deltfor thte Waks of;lle evtraiCA NALS Ms0tn 1 .;:vr. 1. ikrernj.uintif Md CarImh.PGrneli iCand ttblco eninue ta entertaits the al pin. =Cansn:--.Yeti and lireare itlienatie Cam- a- o Lmade betwrtothe Loncg éuuIt and A 1£e*-aunum i'r diocingn4.J ; 'gou'Inlu- t~~he prorires isà Capthi> GAw orni'-ianu te athe gemeoral PO>be7OfRie Salt of diait; wtiy hmld jeu refuse tda aiow ustePrescatt, ta wit. at Farrers Pot-Rapide cud itirdiriçthees>rcerd'ag lsSslve mmàaRJ and Vie Admrai o Me sanecfldEftlâeW. a wereh wedand aend opn inrarenpoer me vue WhouthewRderrunas *id upmI iolu a anrLespavopr.Plain of aa.at- en Pdhe Nlefer Suarr osier MTIT n.zaaa lort ExcELLEr<cT - Irinnt asi ho nhitaros téhnWP- Mmilery usmifW ght awr th Pet-Irov orks %v L es GahupS.la she (W~a'ur' oMstr~ur atr diii VioeAdmit.a end bsemi&ii t it atern ryc.juapratice? Weuî cil etheboeWr 'iî eebrutdtte~. LI TR!IINE. A. B.. T.C. ID. tu sougin- inrttt.risfior the immrc W ar Tas]stil r-a R in pt-i bspice. tebrtmçye hf ofthe Board of '%Vorts. and ut the En- 'prncipal, M. D. G. S. arir Surzwi, 8& R-e4od-That the. Législative Caunei 'Itappears ta cre. AMr. Editer. that thse Reforu- gincer'@0ffice. %Viliamshurgli, nattra: Fornais îtî. i71h~. 1sl".. That Vour Petitiorer, ave a . h i haveunit. ap- onthe tigraiod nasn ruefftifor et» in'Upper Canmaaaboutit and wtouli do rel! o f Tepdeýr, Seiiatos :stutu and atieir eaame aginn. beenibis taarie a ay to sppm'cale the bearing of suc!> language. 1 I -.oatio r i,01 O bae eniadu9oe r seertle. pvrfe tet éi r ..tau <f Set î<avenit> , c p»t erthable [octfrenarriveaîbnruet peruaneut îscthe ITldMaaygo ha llpa ie y i * 1 S e a c f G a v u m n n t c f i ip rPr v i ega t i v ed o fr h é' e u c pa n s h a o e n e aU p p e r C a r d a u - n e y e r m e t j e t h a t m f l e et hfeth e w e ri n s t a nte. quion o thar e nat e m rt of the llmeitht hs tie atofthe Sa f6 rm n a t of Miit Se fGvra to rvne1 met heUionh.buitîinpolea. Sat Gaeam ntb eT ond,!th riesace ritanie rite Aet vrm %Iinteictre%- Nil RIu eiaed Ro h al egt e er valai t Sei ain i J{Who& IR1' Ver en *itiotitrf adeiccaefri ae icY Ofpt e G e ndif. Try tome mtu i n. tbey wnaj*goon l<erasa thCrPro'te bîlwL & aller.eu te Pevincial Ex ebelieve the Sent ofha, Gissimunhnt yinetecbcianaasr edectrioreforsaiheecfa ogda At. ave as thiatam. an eec efn» eèthbe r aueàiug.d e or té Se Of .camniani ht i anteslectn tif nei ALtSMnret.<i, AÊW ~ ~ ~ rIienng teezioe lac e ipefcredit fo ioter, aity rub iins TeTr e îLe Un ofaj ppjj, car. blunder. lE SbacrSteelta litfowLOF Cua- & Firaie tioernt. frinc$ ewmlahu ef aturîyareS lmlerBiaet,' fitinia ti teate "' i ac.tiih d Mnrn"Cbnth fie mduftt e *llc th4 Legas fintur. i atOiueir Soretaga'*d eeîs of., vin bat we it adiah e i rutpetii'6 ofoea at ubi grtalytan e irass & Crle Skcth.rBrc.Sc it rlul hae hu. eeied n fyotcf ppe s, gReo endeoe4-halltece telu auar mtletrunio irIl co me and yor te ngsto0f ndOSt. 9, 16~43 ais Rk ~ ~ t oeTiè batleprriteià" e mmumga thi f,~ ieiitisn lUl4 o iion Wpïeaeilet ofota inex. voiai .bat islanexcuse, edmos u ilfrayr ~nr ragandbpoug eheedart *iit. oft thtsamipsrespec, andaieenoifiai a preexa fuorten refusieandttad n tret oppa tar Wcpt. ,ana ctton be iy B"exiten f té ,toe panee niiintiior rmrlimi t avofupp er ait e th n; u iu t aia teilyAB <btVAiaL are taseas.lie e tlmt', t haadî tapecai tbalie quistindie' ort Cnda iwhc i. teama iCaaashhttren eleetat iieformera wilblonepean WM. Ws o lILSoN. Ba a:aei atnBelyr, th adono elhel ofthe gatue d aemlpegn lsisevst otirt> th eor aIsn te, aîîd ý berit b.t ite ta itiersandW Pblie go enrad e.tIffl Sriai oel , s tLvlRv ht tl us,.queson daid inav al as ofu r eti j h.ttin.bti oe i a ir aja frî* i i l gathie _ _____ ___Cam___jour__ _____ -itttsfrnt iîl e ery t le t b H I r I Tiv. thv-e Ls it smbrwnrwict4 !su t 1 lc seletcdby ler ajeay. u t'A Plàos 1PlETforanTaTLeD rps i-crieyuu*ac j%â,tîrt ta belte e) ante jeugenerRP ,îad rsbaod i, itth eta Gaen acn t m une erivjion RoyrDal P cr' ins heReolut i nfn tsOtthe p ssible remtt fthti mpotan 1alBndextnsveGS & LA3elctç fir i Uppy es attonla;anqusion Y y omr eptiaecehnnby tinz Nis, M. aTo.- z ,, in 'mi'~ Kn-t,_ît e, 18.1 tuntomaer toft i. iléPta'enusii ae a pa ln s.Jmsadnofli.mitce.01V55IP Qeti.n;bti1 muae lî te leoirat he re aesertB EN Sre iCom&scton o t r r s tuniterf eprcsmig teirt pwnina antuusilliaper, ofC ad* i le îirn i ho e liese i e eme si ohue-n WMi.et i he" WUIL SON Betlicrtelalfi" be-iner, 'ta Cnadesp letibîc e ierde ratitdeh n d assm MpldigtdÉlearris, ' vrThme he dacs eâtin onetend belth titbexptritcoo i]t ttu.1waietho Province air WIIrs TowlES i e Ai ETAs BI i teiert c ai rtise overentthensi t!>. cabtfthy e intrgumean, " a t t raceiti pesreimprdensataato > itii. LMayl. eustalrnsîsîn Btzisa talt . c etnifiJn". i< f Stlagtauismesitn th mt. eionagain ta ls i-iher " Cruakurun, -.es Wlsi'.e e fsrisllle ,cpeilsisengvtisntittt erie loft tnsiimuho>maderebymanen betu.lier lMereby .eurnngttit. -hn aguar reavitîporesry articlirons the kanulaetaar thdei k o f t e r sa n a r e ti ti nerAp e m . nil) w i a m ia ati, t a t n d t e nt e t a s i a t b t a~ A N O Si i g a n e i a n i l ic a î î el P t n a a t o L a a r b s Dio, a s a n p ct p u lou f u ith rrrs i rer elcbar.Ynu prmaentlo atino heb Sntofa, e t TEaineraii.atruli ad t pru dntie te nanelt lF«i S a lé their hein. deeMC, I£c1d-l the ebeAINe t Stckaigl d6Le, uh A ,s n ai tyebsinhe &place &c ' Dekttis liarvert u 1noa Upper Cnd,.rFasi od~mte at!.pilc-asren ag uf 1: wlilie ri beeresita u i.Iflotni .lin r aatho limecf l}i recen uisfotunaAgoPt-PHLE.ENIT&. nîclît c 'Ftpewiwe ninghsi e, eanfdonet s f 1 Meleein aivi ulMr.aDranertise sio vng fontthe nlry n vih .vs ereiýAuro ate orunetsMMn LLkD3 ap e Se aat ; ave nd Yst o r Uneti Cn ada it bly Vi e a icl lo, a m n ahe re i s i h a s dKcte , a si t t c a ia c bs e t cf v ti i er i i. m u bu& o " M N T R " i e co e t. [ il t e e e t t le i Gn S . e t s, a borinmde, àtth ë ou t i hvasnv ippatup e-iMkerobipa h Lgîabesouei I 5 ncvin rlgobeiisryhCîtnottlet reaetrme)iabu ndraarie, a Bac rige EsishasinrncgtC.a tnofr icfr ting lsth ie penstoicafeito nThe ia itaaccamoit. ni uiin cmagds e r te Hrte Roabeua-r r ie at i S aterit a mn tiaeti ni s'eylwpie. AiBso adabajt sînî i fv si i ymIue aout cit, bu t mDrpe, 4farus)y I3& d e inthed, oubeofai ieusm on 'rut@- nsi Jipu sed esiontheIl [sl er Buadib- M f Sache sterDS. ana r oîn*IWl tue Veitature ec iae. Ba cin isba fs ise outy flasireïg". A r. au l a .yîsth trc ctotissafPr vine. p toiu c crany o atl i al atr ition ofttthTeeyb i e stra eet, ingsxtneml a talion on tîqetion peereviuuey, ai h. te Mimoal resiti.cris s. vdigtiiaserdocumets conthat il er an thex pfariion o nti au teyseS3t9Liait18e4,on e, r Mlekas, niFrsyDilal ratA i Matieté havixele c at ilwvabîvo inte er at! al. siiey Btit on . erJutn isedb.acres ei jyte Laiofaithe $eeLawH.isf th Provictîorn cILwS A SUANDREI rie tIsu ecdei , asiasbiortytaai- ai. in h ail rsie t htismtng ufrashai .bise lgtEstqCurt. mute Proine, HESto c fiVeut cfini aude at nhqI tihe ineae ft e G vern e nt s ad theicontriyng The . gstss onraio ve olirsbett dls .nayrice rs teoiqywscî~ Balgiîs plail uisr aen T w iîir th. are eImpo tation y f1 E t basastu:ifactinsiun neriîe iy, eneam tua iit. ats eecinate tit ha e rsetéR UTO C , arg itit atsin thce qetioaigoaly tempo- er Cit rl t ic(ovs n tt o tct Tlesuanm d j stitg Law.i ottb o f e i Lri-1elnstlsrpbi cpan.grgtrJly fi4 r ir n gtseb of. oppos ite, b mno extndi Uc iit ure.par ire nd uS ee perrond by iii.cunrV. l a Tisis titdaie, l'admies of us isr it. on a ld fsp lb'V U and Si.ATIURC D E.% puý r ariaa a ci i.) ur our nb ettionsu i llH mitnpibns ih iitrécttandnntti ___m ntnbnsad____________eghs haebeninp Tddicýfo te14nfaw thise baye.nt iabut 7000, hu sl gentgjelean sh ide r y ad i ansi r e d t£a andvcri tenorinel atuesate yanta ibis s riandoniiav eticnuil cl bu m d. t !,ie uty aibIoaw r ia b icin T,&c. &. &o. ipacsurof an rsheandtiuily by a Licneutsaenn iganti ud atemspoiain ndijut c ide. then aleyt Stckofottokef Joo*sb Dea cf a Grmenentr oafaipGcveCanadatSiOnFrancist Bond Az m.thasdate thnted nb!> tise ecretispristargai met twise atbîtte osrvlecthion ofirlesi by oLisoftecoTo, 6.- Ti, He4 adu , aat i obthue cnt ory, ta ie a0sis- messcsrce a ea iltad utps scnt s oiptemavrof'upae~ae xeoplie o nithe bave Sotr rdisneyc- ltuei enudrery favorabaelanM reak asi laci es i e, wan atheniy au -e Su- vrOnfu iept tilatdt u o. rr ail ps cese igrptTwep erticing lad ment t ican its f no sélectniohn of r uar &nm iasr.irsa sitbi-viefront the country answi bc! aliect tesdec alas an theirî e Cmm niaton n rel" = MhOpEiotafrblPtpe.a expudelî ccodin ts bie Iiayr'mcacultia, batito isalayd a mui tregtbas h. ro.ta lri~ iisapai~e ani atacntetedmentader I dthue s3siegiaata.uie oflatitai herteula aia hg liesîçi fi atessle £800.00oînbseermect ir U itedui an da. balaiW Visent hanceTise mritam nia ixtined lies de c at derpantthvl! e netin s.t e mn'yae rn 19na11,ts srt cf (%J I asssry herchteoaGoTe. ac s el csebcad, tutthea et sioxn dtras n b a Bt.thu pa rit n ta e i atiut an eiaggerat'a in ceiv i i fareigs lbert, bsan e ales ta enid, ien t-f a ou a nùttd ee alaiedsu ies, Orea n <cs, tlsal a nd rench Prisât, m outhe, ss'arrme.nt d tIasbise actithn ans, e.Dhattisow e t viein tratsue.sjsy ii e.str u-aduntkgaoi n eatia. is mere s us eadi n un is trive aiathe a justietand s Lan, anti bas CryosriJe,,st &layoa ndwhib v i.fo t aoutitreveaid ise y lnrist, a.utiebut haa eue.mn de andaonpR of th tn i ot antrouble- - us orspci uneS AIL O D . aboal'e dai t rtan ii Sat f ovrrmatniic s Lr e han sq.cai nterotaîsi l its m e dy aasint aled tmmneraî paat i oeee tods strotnudcneton ead veriei. bet tedy adbrate Dile. ntoo canae .se t amicd e ittîou t r m r ,injetsc e.Ifit ourrtheu t mkn fgHus tings.orr i )o ce r as fite d psrd ied t a l e lv is.il, ne xptei ac o.utD b1al jleep r.u ,aient >j' A tu era dico nt u ie aSotia v e sais fhocity ar bstyintie zateioItS aucilcoepllei a triU taecirieiveu ened an)hraemeuoaigvunaa madeda>ftarnt eexteensiveny aseneadci-RAM AY A MOU & C siseonubits m it, n; rei tiqtol vand te îe- aienua fcr se d eeeat A dn thi~e ongie- usptnievoflinthimeli andexileaof eamy aiirie nd en atoute iulitis e aw o ted a1îîiceor tica i t kc et ofLET.adad ok eulie beod avitele diaptts n ay h rpi e) scativiretith bl c urovneyial Govesr o yent alaéonteçne uusho Id rsse, 10mb ta im t e a pa t he igitnd tise is ai adve s auses- tiat tl iser. eutn d setebyrd iste, as hcbleaiesiFr%% ria Bio, n eshls Zittmîlt aa acemuliasietlfctnly c theasinemaiiaînsr ins . Bidîg. ael retala frc ai Set f ts e r neSnt ; nsa t y S ict rvid no lis-emnr.t uer îhth od a ondummr eF isih ni hear b Issesi, aso anPate-nt187-83. Vhe inguol Sre es idl ttsosîsasy taa1l acoussuimtit u te TheitrolaKivngsa upo t on or pomra-tti av fIOre s the as-base an u sessittandtc pneritdyvi ee ct an Rig eu ta he ivIanin othetteo d es . H T O p bls intiation of the s ea i b. T ei CEota lp- penC yli ttuhe vrment forothey.s e of tt hiean t o utc, ruhtryi .t e atrmsited bor h. egr an t ibia ccuai icrse ie y 3; lareRai 1l1iep e îtt reu, prve that ptb y mwrbakeing nit bruiLete .ae lcntc aedes be v iieihss aants smcfiueii at r cadn.sibts.SaueIn a rt )ihae'd dpelfa.Cueiî puasns ieroean. o frrimn oidn ,t ont t iL rtu aitafon b]pprPa-eueaprtiand reinted a thl contry. s It irs Tis Prvie, riie c td a d. Thîs Public E» hib«tiNDs, or As mIsi . file an_____u_ ofc.about.i'70,(W, thodnuiiagnleleveninostths rally tciereb t ascaiandai biscti. howbe vtrer, ba eindthroh ateants.: Ti ib. 21 Shop, jut l rs î.eian themor exresivetoiettr, batthebelctin T »trea,the nesEr Hea4esie asathe nt vait!f t daes, pan t!>. eudearin otic ifiens wa rebip anSvs poito ndijsie iinl upyt tersok f#0M ludion Pma vthe icto. avR. .Sint i vnaat ufra t cnetO Mni ienogit a h an bein grahefsec renrsieuofrancee o nth ukt h T h auats ofuner tsigana utre Wof c oter lceorfdaàvlrg yutienraoo the fnillay)i arei cail ctic leueaensi der ci !biging oseS corrup isî, anS i seeing ap.8t8t-b. ina noti ec co nty sucteseuldnmr" aenouegdtaofo t.tePOIS l N.mi ho.~eta Wueos exdtsue tno v 0.c>p a sflait, arni a tthe port onlyitrn a majorySespuieofou emlés: u is rofeSion. But Hediis onor unue-of seiottn, raan ol iolettethcai llindef tise> erontif, a CetProyesrien gooti s ozsin peopl terrison bvt aeek.k pia. O rrinay ex-vas iaureas er c nd ta supp or a be ans uvry.. ! iiteu bad iatc,%ati t.) h. b as and o n . Ly tîema in the patets gan"litiecfdettheL y. es Psareyn cecjh py i« agrlusi-bted nc!th reust as e rsove ta venmct. 51beo acuatan woe'neunt Iitia a oo asu:r nd t iatade c oner Ys-,atihrt abiititseiiota i n Tri NCo 4 4 iteluenfo the uepI m am eriostamutth wns f ieTon ad rae p!eet i at rCylieal es todrytis o a l oit!.is- lîstriybe cnere nL n r, t at c sf Po antton ei efuide tiaquestin aci) ale aesyfrd.epet fthheaduninstrationcumicis s arn- Dac or cfLavu Tiatndedirot.eclt mn aotaintadi t tasqen ne, ieJai haictheyÇe il soliuetdern caih ani eguRot. £M,(«. situg ret ie f ul ingrsesii& scb. esenoe. lie n oripjsoct ni akfsiibeti Tise tetof Iespaio Gwhc ovre nt ne >ticoamnslmsi)e- urnsîdta coresno tis C rerpat cd liy Mr. Dre r as a t iis e be ituaia n aiies e ecgat i t ite y e ssion, bas utatise pa rati n ,.conorabile msi oe b a n#,alry n tdate ssi te i ultcey liibsdtas rr fer- Tleeinry ersA v tantti inaaise% cft1o - ciurt Mvaral th an luab yhet. tiovnis cîS snec ahoie :ia ah xotd ht sucoealoae .tn esceeu tan eid, &,appIe ltaea t iseIeitdsOl wanc itid mncetofpIs- osat ,-t f t tnu tie Peo- the tater 0 ft- . to Lgimetie C oc l icsaue amenitratoiS h. repetiei regcnftsi-snig effiti tesetis e meryai u rie uc ' ntal tie stîl ise adpuw'td autu, =l n ge ar e lai nrage.). nal it bd fraso w pedreas ofeulfikle oencurence baIivten Cocum e ne. a;n:tsy oeuel a tb lg e exale and adiste uingbis s oriinvsc o aftstigandi Laroubtlefr.Ofica, or idriet_-s . Ag scJi tal tin tse Scati a agaimnt h ieUt actSd ienhamcu lénet tin nuAi arePr..oule d ilt aumnistraitiin, canotryhistheon ee tis d th Conurts otninan ý"e e oeaopi" Ces ieil, e tintRie hu t ijuit nnl mut cnrayt ees nimi~tice.l y m. httel ere. Iand feet iprae ai . rsd peelaIçd îste -im T 4 ii .e riag of ust e - A lfeaidson- l em detpr sai tintthè wre ast i th mttei n onet wili tie tS.trct i oor avneceadpé mpu Gvmrs iteAusdr A inste&d of indga , avemhn tteanista ce*,iens o raôt oder,& 'omsn aotinav itee n i usi onw a this allaer br esi!n d %b. B i n àt buh gie n PnYsviîîp cf Kio a dc nry f le beeaei fPtnt vigitandtisued est onotiettaRam. AMSYA RM i. Rtod acailrd, isutsee;in a tiibunpi",n uHan. Mr. e n tainOr btrovnc < ia e ment lu- 7 eth caepr, e rie us.euial, L aent i ta dt e lleet o f adverse Passe- aT. WIS . tt threr Ponc nesddre gre t tfuicsci bye n u og iit a l in ie irtaceion a ccaaat a rta l;à Seiigb yeKET eTt rc. (li@ je K-ito Ot.7,iS tat cthelidetlycibn u@setatle ond tisputeii v er. but led ter a rlesuuicm' ia ne aes un mych4m rufsienor-lg. -n MU. Kmuaev Te N ho plnII kblo ck f i e aey esacaipaic viib ndcet erlan-si, ha neaur mon-i sffcinttafate Ut anduigsîat, c or il, oad1843. - nei f ou uilgi s- ai ly reeo anditv allsnrstadvi *atat e id pro maid e nt t Itesret, tat meenureis mth oa iso hu EXuctLeNCY i eft C bsei,aGNlj O TI% <IE tîandb es l QtISUS mre, uil.ina-e an de.ti inet oubte i.d- es* supotora a li ame, tise Lmatur o t a map- Dm talondt oteriie:t foithrspecaont- ' i3edby-lurinth vut*131188.Wet. o) tret%, *ngnii afdtermiingtb lacit c tii seav u et heBGave ra O it.Yeoti nedh o allnct e. urpriseS the rti..Bt as!hw ifrr.il o. Leýmhe; n eter Ibed ilcastilbrd Cbu lngs, TltETz: mfUent. n,1;auete odntd n oppate nt artdisymena urtIacc.fr nt nd-tis RrenTat lakan i Ses lf nsueliB. ArdagitaMslia moy b.aneç ad a taolite Dun- I o 1 rconrKiUeYing- ". .GR, l ailiuta tii Gane-no-the e stoal orte es-. l'haccuui ith e imisitraSetem fis 42,nhu e ti n t~re heriGngand an n atettstpý;pýi b t ieg4WL an uues ocLe iii l i e lac lately o r d yse rs. 1errca s 4 - aue mentaprv cf arMilet he a wous Sof keaig i but it powrrupt iesre catetiol lfAn scé Jaee M ide llaba o onted anS D a c r i an d ia b. pe te v ib te sta tutie Laewpof - a gu ia 1ite84. IaéitdfirC me peor ta em in ev tpacfrplc e i.n te Adirtlndstfri t pe giar rov epaitinfete aéadco uty, wie sue its theoEvie ,o La ofte an. T Pule ng.hAbtS! HA'ors . I Legiîntro f im Povice houal ase.ndlitn u arc-ar.,t p rpo s. -t t is ineeniigibiiifaia.iu ttauner S tehaoaion obi s reta an-,J DE evtisl iei deietsa ie Mjabt Mns-ae alpea pblcafierlunodahtuyo e , and h n rabeS ieo f shbrn. ' an lwhwee<>bs ee.tionh heo iCILNo.2-11Sb aGtI i 4n9 l'le Sat ofhase amenat qesiytin arrydis t i d e smhae.nt cir acser a aexpre em he i thma . RuerusiWilim Ncaîm, PtO il9t fi Ir ATT.10 wierthc utst epeleceigti.f-p aathe mFdta ery meote.reree Te ess msiiui ndrsSth , htthy tre lOedt exir. f W boe wisetaasa le. lcf, w il La tareon- mae vtheai aon e . I ulBu l ee t at -,l tis Saccse he be nature ug. -tu le Aue beliointuent effets, aiatTheuftho nt -the ignatreeo %Vpdes frea-cat fthae ose a o s de s- haigpe coaus p tice ,andor tilaeeig #op.Ised at h s!n eFnI sud ienl ucesui"Iteto,"i ncou dtcriertamtesPb-eIbNo.3-1 Sso.%t t %rlî, aetrT ll.d porSa.iau iufvtGvsor&e-lf~st onclftai . proitle tabtisepeployé aes r 9WllaroesE ut the bitistt nrn.se le.th_______________________e_____ a-Clla, iin god izd oo titis Proic e d iad tyhe e let oa la c lv e t im tR lProv n c s ti n s tI ei a ret' bise dP-edcous r t he Di atrifew Y rkt.le f a'clN ta ti ikinutheiconfirentéexa ,ç inate t Upe aaa t*i. h ia rvnilPr reeagyte aau e e b mervte<cn tresnofthd- eba oàtr e ur t, cunie Keohen ba fpctto n uet mteifrmton I o.4--Atno eeOs-Ro hantethuestionaacsbie r l a est oyS~eritd e ctonts ut essngaadmntstratin, hot nô bDcttotfse.thata Mihtuer heWrenn n t oye- s tiè n iaoets L lxs, trea 1filI u- s vThChella Soerath.an egh Rots tiiobs pole7rsicibg tlo gmuut tMM la !iaoor u parta eeigarpalaa tas nh edrur ubr odeanlta uxoals iscss a us xsioetee cd pitr aeriauthbic i fauaden ening i. e9l ou reSsoad bay p othe, paIres i r e, H norbleTs e r bleysreheutas guyan ilt od ua6l hne<euu i abled toii. he ieqdtte4h a riteuls sat iedinoeto f dm lierMajstyon he sbjet. hiswoul setlèseneuta teque. tio irst e e ent c t ev *bat ot, enulsavae ei ais.l e sucditto d ittî s tan rcaeii hg m ntýeàd iletP-sn at f h or h w Ut.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~%el cf rvnca xrssStrelstertsthe appi a ure, bt nthé-ru amer s intie itori q parandstrestons r pneta ef k 1ion. coneprnaiut tv hees.riwee ilent. ae wreud letaMaetasigl ealid ndditiguiherpsiionv-arai T aid.l eeb-b C- ideseh ur&2 vaO fmsleit -i ire a 4.ss eilsit,t~ht îconuece fh se Cude n m c t. e niithe atuedw.re taiS tad tii chr-ose. Ufseld Min ireCotredisor. inbis.cutrintr pm e t edoutse jas-oa. me nt.La, Ve ya pe o ies , fur B ar asi CW , Ceira s e te t iuneive oen t r willy urmon a iuee tKnacio ôscs eas~ aîe uti n dr ebti agaus ne ocitt a Kngtosa eihe- ub i a , a llers bo ese t hse Bilal ao i*eL q e t e wship onfAlln.gston, hestsars cansPatente ita are1.e - e th Mdent. l P ly atek 5 1.ciei 4 a in f any oe etiserplte cenin asntlt- . LTaft ie fu oter s o ring' th in- 71bConsmte, n e . ÇLadtuth rjeetonhrRh. e os ns- l'aiera reILSON te a nrtajarroince weopi. cf tie Province iî iRe rive t a kig ow.l~e cam teirMeutai ie afiac ee aeton i ne, a L's O ua Wt)iKinOcton. Ott&a7.ny1843;~ ofatr. c eia e xp cato h h paret, oe lI ai Tar i¼n Up ?er atnea u e. le î4 o Wlla Al i gsi Je , W71À r aRo gato1843. n uwi&ulgifw vtilla 5. eyascn olrui,-Thi ie oueloaiteler faoarill t mesut' gbéne-ieamfienof ta fornte 1bu9e PUsiE NniaY TiE CmRsm4a w.ut. B<oSTeFowIru4kvXOmuE: riogton. et lsoâriStI.in '4M , jg a Nunsjart vcfcte filebimoftt mn.qw. em us cale Reor mea u e e lah ite nou-. lcrar en lse t aint th a olernG aoh- u M &rt4v saur, coutuhveam ieS e eaighoth> eat is-ev. Risudbasoe r selinteat cif oune t p-meni t@4il;ta h. e PmbhcNota for thlCLARENCE. Sags t . W u cties n al tho actigis thep oateri ven- P - l e 1 - lldM bu BullevIjIet the-lé a Bih. e imees nt. m* ulcaSptrei oudt c opiinatepibitmeaad tioul coinsfrein Te PavrenfilSamuelB. Ardtl: u htsis RUfipstel! t alias !I.t af)1 2.t Reverhedlea he Imperia] Pu l ame t î indîs- aeirOt le uvetit he sU5tatou iletf i m ifllintb. hs'g da iev.zaofti,lgPtiil Six oelso 5< h.A . Stae urish>sibm P ta lovui eelnU ýt 'i aver n t L y e leSa cnvia.. iit&ut t r Toey>lemier ] n , aane cf tilvOssidsih t L, y b.Arbd Bien um.o Navlgtbaei Ünl j s-c liiay . ai Qeîlaie5s.2,.843 Mngvinutea cfth pftprnSet e arthe RanS m. intleslog teAdiiebsntrtion cfhi goueh.* dIis.. iRberhisTra, i ishm ei W-Iandl but ffl-Weaiaéiiedt eain.lime f-jaeY0ped i. -- . fJa.. sentaieo l uge c Mosbt GSi- en rhlierld mueaniivo e stefat tisa keping e! bu tof (ly- ,se.. Ses-ta f Rtefo îe oo, ieun te sratnttent lupteepisiesuda et titil And lenyla &éluasu 1-s-w iesi- ~?UUI imsà~IStUnbe~jh~*emi.tp sieor a ilau .a in a it e rch lae, the t oe ie Adio rtlàtsa ien i evrantmeaiuns41 ii.la.,S.1r.ae Lsof s M1-11-__ __ o tnustroe *EV alfurîOa ,5use amu the cueunlreyea i~ts oismaccrdt. atoethem bl eseti<y£uesi e eibT..- ~ E ., RN L 8* i expendturef gibisotPo-buceihuasimbler ia ec ciet.3.lp iRp . ÈaiW5 5 t D.t iai 7 JSc us ,EIs>w *b aea i. e theas-dst fie er M aij s M ipees sfr i ate n e wêlta1tl- LiS a811 P5N~ . ~ <ltbt.~. 0.s one r, jhatel t fesaodba* amRplroine uaeuweaiy t Medout inde aitetircueraeresdlte w l.amaeT se,'aE e n sites au. - -- ay nd ilia *es..l ayi Pou.aai As torecutive Ceent téemisé Povince is. . Bta;alt s u ietnthe Session bassetaam ber înotéspSin. tiuni'JY8i.w".4,4 9 Klflt"Gls. C Jü-'.ï, IbW5. . . --s- 9 ýFl- il &M'Wt 9