Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 17 Oct 1843, p. 4

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60 la adusxuu ehy mm ap.c.am a-dm 0, ltluts 1.g i t a» i wbt 'memIjhls. mO ed. t l la ms ad 1 Oua it s »W han otilla loa otU remi'0 i ~iwhI m i. à ula liýMW m vOa etne be'bem ois or * oi i vadu"aimthe Ieathy alatt O s d Ils igelv iq»Wwl l kW«talb iha Pilla 1w.ir 0*huea lutse bofnt PhysciesiW d- rodee st ean oll * lasmr at aILihiay'aPlMade ors, bu t aifu. = hompmtmea <by cot; aui <at wllI oitp t'1iI qUit ese. ah lot at AT, ' ee tree, 1kmedaeb Dg~LAUMAMa IuuaiviLun- fni..mg Pwmn.' w. a elm <b, o- dn e~,ioa lb. iliuai . ê lac, the cf- fOeta Istlulgefd,"blave <b. p!r<::;: meeey refodfti e <.plis 'lire hoiliOe boahl.1:> Tab. lad of CHARLES Stog ueetinglon. ConsTocit& Tvz.za,New Yok, Wb.IieulsAgent-. DIL LISIBY's BlI TERS are a certain ruts e yplm d Mero A&tems: tht.y ta pecoliaty adapute irme" litme s d.eag ompdioet, mot by rootaatly pbydiig, bat by ..aemtening tho sydet.. Ne &tenter momtake ,uba matie tbnîta ppos lIai Dyrpepy, Or »Y reyàjjàm as rwaig front debli cla cpb. oued hy fieqaamLfoiceti action on <bhemls mita pet.- gativoediatidmre. Whoîi lauu. cmplaita exst, th lb. ayte salroady to.nmmm, e"very aitt- lamai As. <cdi tome aoil mure e llitter, en t.ecotray, actlag ai a <0mbe, atngtbea <bue fod6mv o=aimd asist t hein ta eiofru. "r falssimteadigesi. H.,mceilta iamd feb acclna slu nton tilssopcliar te ett% , mieb am .taue fteqaemly trm ueak- allilliafrean, yotiierc&me. The ageti ami laite .ofbatha aixem, entipersan of eientary hb- ita pime tacestvenes, whe bae s ufferetitrou logo if at"s<le, havi szperi-uce gueat bni t ro bia àconviascence front fevers, anti oller Od'e dserders, it resterea arugtb anti inilviti- " a ctuti midi Nerva liotiacL, rondi otler de#* loaets of Liai nrvoufni me, have been sitirsl e red by h lis tonmdy. $S>-For " lsy ÇHIAES HEATH, Princeas Street, KAuçten. Couics & TYLEa, New York Wneieiale Agi aut. D QC'TOR ALLEN&u DALSAM 0OF HOAR- ROUND, LtVERWORT à PLEURISY ROOT, lMr roughe, eldie1 consomption & ilver Oaiâi4eIgt, amptien a a diueue o0 ai- M91 ilak0g in the ujutema for Years loe. ber. s l. Igutcoiplaint of lb. longs; anti in tbis 111We SIco e ereti a electually anal ai certain- lylai amy 041,r disse, otmtPouas deluy the ef p.4icine, a"t hIaegaare aenibi'y Wbot. h'la dute se e a teeo* oDr. Allen's iam of I:vermort. TfiA. modicine bas provoti «#a% lb.i 64"ooqaerof Phsic an,"fer mich te. baniidmi ave abus umt cause t l liieIb 1 f jaevdenc. larenComplainL ua.D.Ai--Di -elr-l Ibsvecnasalyour Bâiea o f loalasemi, Liverwmt andi Feurbisy Rota in i y practice for solvi monthi nat, aA frenthe monatIerful nflects ithla. Ifans faly aatisfieti<bel t pousees mfresraivirtues in Ltheen eof Lit Co- pluiet anti Consomption. I aimu stmaagly reern- uçad il ta te public aad the f.êeaty. *npeet*eî'y 'J D. Racaianaom, M. D. - WahLogsmatiLou of Voire Cn.i- Mary mmx, sidesI timugiaar cf Coirin J. Aia bean nei o ua fýms 2àloings itai <the. mg t*_# yeenabadgcncreily à cougi, paie cnomitemcm »I lim ehs<nnga; talas veahaosaofhaula. m loeogmtioutil ah8 mOattual te sPek A ioud word. flien sedical ativiser gave It a isuOpinion thsta s mraî in consurnition, anda that no reatonstle hope retali b. entertaimeti of hbrn ecovPry. The âfia . lait Match biecommênned jasing D. %Iens 9&limaof Haaâbeumd, Livermonrt anti Pleursy Boi 1the bet it elad lion ber mias tnsbing;. she regainedti ceaandi bealt, santislaperfect. y 1 ben finaIl symptons ef ceusuamiionnor m.ak ijgoa. The. bovo ia Iae acclat-Of y deuagi. tor$ case. COLVaIN.J. AeAaes, Satan. Mono Attniian7; Efcts et Dr. Alen'& Bal. "im. A asori turne aga anu lti lady camin nt e Mie. ta' get a holsof Dr. Aliens Bale, of Iloarbeunti, Liveimont and Plsoriq I100, liilier *Ugtsr, Vite, es* S mal, wma iud goani son- am mo Sh8h bit ailboea te lase a-o @m s oru. eks. Th&alad lady t a but"I nosmsud gave il tl e br des iter. 8ielam s 1,-lta hemedicime bud foutdy bitaos ellevu ablé tuLonet, andi actualy cmlliiietaisr us Piaiotpeifectiy curet. Secb, dean reater is ils a1"tWfIi onderfailuciol. NMais uauie e b. protiuti et i$a&7bav âlti.. Feie i, wbeosuMdntetil,hy Wu. A.Tyler es Bar- chy StretNewYork, Aie, by CIAUEZS IL TW4 Ptincom êStreet, Klagalo. * NOTIC£, T HE buoineui ioertoiWedeonby the adiaion o r hales W. Bremmn, a s a irmr be eenducted under iL. manie0c' C. -kiu&,tom, 161 April, 18E4& SS indebted ti gb.ofsthe f b A late~~nLasher, Rsq, on toqueeita l m'a luiditapayimont <o Laibar& Stèven. soie4 ath.d or UnmgS & Ladmsr, Kington, iatttyperon avig aimse-sn theousate, ii . SAMUEL LASE , blmatonM 1lu&80 »R FAMIZlES 'f GENTL.EMEN, DY Ir. W. auiiu, (Ite bond Coo te Rist P lacy hgîtC. MqLegt p eqst orseIV=e. m =')uason.t Amie 13SBOTEL teing embt nmw om banniss Ir-,i -, - aty . - c «»$msanti comius. e la by alkay temk bbum intbe rovnce Ume ls ezisllence bath e as i geaf i.Cee&e et le thé Cifooeoam bicb atm ccnductd n& &«Wm nstyle. .emry se"set dfra 0 ain- aupfflietieb e,<a M dm*u% meb inthof 19. me 4mliomsiy mdeit am lb. e .sO 01881«* t I7m or ïLeu" ms .4be W".usmai Liqnorum ai .seeh4« fand ilparis.e KligaumMa y o&, S < bis rviu& aNp lmeâoa%) wiâ ab, Teaboi «"» a apart of lmt al f!p.stalion, muée »nW edu Oèb h MORLECY & JBNKNS. Kmgaso là.ué 184& 0.48 C«" GUN PWAItINE Sm Appljy to MORLUT & JMK1NL 0 JW m é«IiftýyoI aud, a imLd.b5ý- - JAMESHOGLE. NEW GOOD8. î D. Mecu, erdiait Tuie. OVULD trectfolly cail Lb. attentionocf W-~Ikdb <io.àm o Ble, Mc cfron Olive. OiSon ana GaaDamomd EsaveasPi- lo., 8uSd Ciathé ofan Ilcolan., Caasineee Dos-ikine. Twuudi, Kerasy, Emck.kinu. Ar.SO-A lkmçevaviey of Tosnge, Figared and Plein, Macîntb os anta, nma to cadet;r ant a gemat vaaiety cf Raady.uaade Clotbinqxt-aH" C Brries., Cmvata, Stocke, Gloveo. Ibirtu, = WufforaDravers, Sacke h, iiiab. "UE KINGSTON HEIRALD. Oer W MLONONb, 1Mr. P. L i 0 ,Agn fer the Amuerican andi Canadsa Nowagaap.s% 1,11m m oe Nîoqppr and Aukertiuing Ageucy O&-eien (orbll, tthelb lapi zebango.) malemiioma md Adverti»enents, fer tb. Knuow HaaiaA%; mAilb. receiveti il the abqo Eoabiahntu GENEEAL AGUNCY AND COMMISSION OFFICP, 18 Cornhli, Lontiona Opposite the Now Royal Exiliang To. eraams ComaaeciolN.m RctaPub. hliAbrtes, Agrilw 8-mSois, (I peeraof *1. Usi*oService, Prùiwa, Puisers of Nsaoappem amniai CWuits saruy. P. L. SIMMO <DS, GouraiAgsag aii omnasuaamMera IN Norimg hi@ survie« siohWafrm.nde andl the JLColonial publie Ain geer, bge tu acqumimi them tbat hb.ilacoor ready t. receave <trs for supplies t any intianti quntity, includingaeta. hou ,periedals, m pea pitimag m aLi,perfumaeryantigonds a " eeydl. cripticu of fire-raé qualdty. aetlb.he r, lomuet aikitprie« nf the dzy. ami t aimmeS usi- msuonte mot liberal larows, proviald o i preiuriy furnied ei itl fatia or drats et eitb. or long ortondates or a r»S ee o somm Louduna or Liverpool fioise for pymi P. L. SIMMONDS milIela.cninot of amy tincwripf ion o emrtaduastoe b.volicion commission, an" spon receipt o e i lls cf la-. ding mil ccâ$ bille drao«uissetai re naottas for Imo-thudu the mmout-counain menti intreitailtoI <i. cars AIl niéait vih evçry possible deipatcia l tb.ir tilaposal, &almaes b. Ccdw it mthetb.greamet;attention tbib.ein Lritsa fthe. consigner An.tstevsImekomledofgoaoealbi usies acliroi uong ieeg resiisee tn he Wet Deuse mth tboe ritgh coloies; tb.expevince of several ypara n Lonomin -a colonial t, cotapled i mth prumpitude, attention soi! jmadg- ment, iii, h.etusta, enabl i bIolegive satis- faction to 4thoe.vI ay fsvor hi.iwitb <boit cotamande. N. B. Parents oinding boeeheir chuharen for caucation may witla confidence eniut thema on beir arrivai b <the car. of 1Mr. Simmontis, mbo wiii undertake o tnsetlienaplacut in irat rate anti nepectable establishaments. wbere ovin' atentin a*hall b.epoi to their morale, impovemet amidemral cifort. Refenence" s lemaietothepublisher f b. Huralt, Kiaigtun. or te any cf the. Canadien ad- tors, ith al cf mbomnMr.&S ba bien la long anti freeet coammunication. TFARMEftS AND MILLERS. A R heflOL8eptembsr. the aab- 'nscribetr Wnlib ae Md te sy the Jlens t i li.*hue ~(btle SUe) Oatario E'N. B ~ KIM 8 N Kingslaiu, Sth Auguste 1843. 0 Bris.Pla;=fetPare, 1Ca 100 Gros. Cogr Msktcles, ?) ih ,&'4 14 4 Ses.0ag 1 Biwd Table, 40Buaem Shiagle. (- 0NL) -AL5s- Agenorawanttmont of DiGeoel, andi sfat«w.conumntiaDofPbfb~temu Fawanadomai,,Dra.7 and Cok e lemb5pe, Pristed Caice., Monaelma d anaDcts,?W4ntoCarpot- iq> *Wlie 011. O an d Ueaab Crs.. Ppw, N esseitiDemsv.Fdipocmn, 9 Quhut. Fn l 1k -Bab, unef Tir..do. Ail. ai ch viiib. Saliennal ev for IIUGfl- CALDtR. *ý *"mech ju 8 womT"8 arme t o e 1tb e i*e~ll thi ta 4ese, 18b h-a me -Oo* M e il cOMaP tel SaIl- 1i antiot0b Md ey Pe 'Avie . anlm ViensP es., I>m o;aqIsu, Piclazu, Cnt lamal Barra>. Testh, HOr sbocu, Catmamd Waggon Boses,. "o omu,,Cazaus i mi Corna' Tooua iA gravauiety. Egih a Aimecn U. Mil lame, round andi haf round, Powdor, hiasi. u* prting. OSho f m&H sises, Brâchet ami Lsi-0. là&,Loinos, HlndatiTrace flops, l»M CotaiandlllamaroLimos. (Roff ' table Kmavis mmd Foule, betcb.s, Wom m', satiilersJack u m Fn ives; &M«14egaMbas rlatnaa i&Mtai Te.Pote, Enianaia, PkMatet atGema Silvir Tua, Dss- soit, andi Tille Bpisas., brios ami Japmano Csndlmk i, 4C Am iNacbuae,&. e Y Rsli, SaN-isi Browm ,blme, .isoyel mond ia ehl, yelk Ocitre, aanpblacl, ra . yâ ..-.,Ii1> pentase, mierai ami vegtale '!i,.4V - Lty, Cparai, WimawiomGa. eofsu sise, Paint mmdbe rBroa camil'm bait peucile. An aisotnexmi of hian anti ooden GLOCK2,fl siglit day ana 24 houri. 9TOVUe iofml descriptions. Steve Pipes. Alargoa otnent of plain, Japanneti anti block TI ARE kept on banti, or matie to order at $hort notice. JAMES POWELL Store St, Kingston, lune 24 1843. NEW AND SPLENDID CABINET FURNITURE, .4e Cheap m Me .Cheupest, «d tus pod ts lh# bust. T E uasrbe eleaseIoleinforma b. Pub- lic gmeraiy, bathobs remoavot bis Fer-e mitra srbon <obasnum buiing, recenlly à trectiti In Montreal S'truet, tiird donr froua thef corner of Store Street, andi niai le Mr. Tbbdl Grocery $tors ee. itwil lwys ho fonnti a g- morl amortmaet af READY MADE FURNI-c TURE, of lthe t qealiy sud latest pattera, andta praes te sit mintnding parebsanas. Potnmis ciI tao etpreiaasng arc respectfolly invitedtin ake. a eaui. uth Sobseriber la consaatly mineflie-t toing fersaie ani te aier, llaey cas apeily bu gappiied i mth amy article <boy ma. . 'kmre. T.0.BIT lingt", Jan. 184 1. WaaxaD-A Vamniaber anti Poilabr. T. 0.1S. CURE VFm WOIRlU a.a. i urocKo vE&MuaOZ, B. A. F.hmdsock *4'Co. PA&tUrgl, Pa. T HIS pruparation bai nom setocdthelb test of1 evers] year's trial, amdins comfidomtly ie- coommkendtaia safe antieffecaa metiicimo fori sxpelliaag morama froua the systein. Thneune:- anapieti sceousthat hba ttontiotiits adiministra- Iin. emc hr h ain ural agfictdd mtIt omeuscertanly rentiers k vortiy1 th attention of Phyticiant.9 TIi propriter baimais it a Point to aums- tain th remt of iti uneoini sncbcases as came. mkthi lis Inomietige anti observation ;andi b. inariaby fomard ik o produce the. mout mîutary efets meam nntrecquiaatîy aftar neariy &miithe or- iinary preparatiome necomnented fu or msbat hion previoualy resed te mitimut amy poTin. mmntativantagThis fact As atteateti y hyeb.cor- lilcete ad.ti.nu t fbundretis of respoct&- hePU jepea sduffrent parte or ihe ceut" : ant aboultiinduce families m%]-yu ta keep amvilii efh prepiratien in their p= mmesion t la miii in iteppermtio, andlnaybadmimitedti m i perfect safety tgte ho nt delicatu infant. Tbe <onDine Vermifuge As nowv put up in os. OMMcoViala, wiih this impresion nu the la VAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE,"al l directions accompamnying ecb vimi have tm lb.ia nature of ihe proçaietor; amy maedicine put op a a plain ounce viale, anti ho signature cf mbicla dosa Do corfeepomal with Ithe aboya description, is ot aMy Genuin. Vermifuge., The. anhicrilior deemu k i i uty te use the above preemuticuas n ortier tn guardthelb public againgt miitaking other marin preparations fur bis deurvetlyoplar Vermifuge. Tbe abover!Moicim can behati et wbloîsale of M. C. C. Bristol No 207 main t, Buffalo N. Y, or in Nem York City of Meue. lloidey, Pheipe & Co No. 142 mater t. B. AFabuestob & C. For sale in Kingston by Charles IHeatha, Noble Palmer, a&rd J. W. BroatA, Esqrs. CAUTION. The publie are cutimeti op"nstaspariota ar- tilela:Z utRmb% a wtlea uao5r5 i t New Y City whi la ro maltd t bmh mmsains a amoks.&'This.article in emtirely moribsea iaving MOheb.vînmes Of omes-x cillent emedy, do ely socaiityte ihe pablie la te b. very particular ta enquir. orB. A. FilmaS.ý focks YoTlAfugsandi avoit I al preparations bav- img inlar Dmesc. 1-AIR! HAIR! BALDNiESI-auriiaTAtT iiISYE5-TEE ONRAT NYUERYTaFOUrNDOUlT AT LA5T. D %L STEILRY'S HAllR EGENERATOL- 1kD. slerm y, aiter ruech attention tellbe lin. portant subject cf peserviug thi bain afier mat. ny exporimints chonical anti playoical, hea able ta dlacemer an article aricl iei nom ofered mith h grates confidence for the tout, ns the boit tbiaag ev«r iumwemd, fur lia soRtm ati poce- <ralag qeakay. tuoprotime anti me fi &a- tu krvn tEm fou liamg offWbmin boi la appreleued-toeitore t mhin haltisos ba tuâies Place, anti tu pmaen it fron tauaiaag "u. "It la nmors morialtag'b- p-uomna.-atique cil, or Cologmo ater. It ia beautifual artil fur ladies' curie-Ait naite teomb i oftaandtirAe. ly, anti prodec e uomin hilbooy. TIi.- sandahave testut it auparior vis-fL fs ati sel.. lie, ant i ninvory instines At t a"dswani%-alld It inau an fallibie amire i&aI aictlansof lhe s"aon"<ta lid-es dosKlz .,e., Evry âaul "be ippliid mtI a Iotle of al .il, =ib it. ppicationte<9.lb nd1mai antib of chusdvse, <h hutitlud tiormaumla appan. dsgéo f as h adet of ar, w" eb an u a »Wppie us uap b. mssomed. Er n l al.1p Chle. ilistia, Pr"nn,Iet. W. SImrSôN, & Co.. nA RIS vaga.choieg %emlc whah ii7olaer eutendwy ris Earth.amare, vbuolata7uimuhoimd se bo rddw ytb. WmpsNebda *iejAcFOR TIE PROV- IN< or CANADA, 4Mpu e*@u«m Al m î atim s 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ A t -~sbi t<.E m-mua ol ab ilu do sre ye. luneavustWàl. mmm ~Seoala mier MW* e goeralb m kma deoomiaeaomI., h»aat Yserand as do. @4Ma4 »« msi Mrthenuse cf tb. ilotbodist paut OUILe jbatortbrel us gen. oraly. siae oflait year'a Ainmâ&mas W OR s exp .tto f tb. Publiher; ami fil b.toa te a lae. theii. rce iinom be lean; sotat, mble above mmmcother publicationso in maland intellectuel value, it wiiih be a par mith thora in pries. The Aponte of the Eatablihruent throaagbout tIi Prviemiii hi upplinti at the cariantop- paetnmty. Merchants andi Boobullers wiii pliaistraa t <ber rdera immediately, ac that paels may b. formardot aus oon ais<ths public. ation i isset WxsLrrmu 30E8ETAULISHMEtET, 9 Wciasgom Builings. Toroolo Septeinber 1l, 18a3 INFU«MATr[INWANTWED. 0 F PETER GARRETY. a boy Illy«erof nge. wbmlolft bii mother in Dammaer, about 3 mouthfi ago. He bas a saan on bis upper lip, and bai on wb.n h. lsft homa., a black cloth rouatmut and plaid tromeua. Any information repet&nlin votlti b. tbankfully receiveti by Peterbioro - * - - - - k,.1 Y Dummer, September 5, 18a3. FERESIIIAUtRigVIL AT TB£E Ui(elNisEITEEWAIEEEOURS LAUBRTONIt5TLDiNG14 PRINCESS STREETr, KINGSTON THE Subecribers b.g tu inform tbe Intiabi. tante of Kingaton, and the surrnundimg Country, that they bave nom receiveti their Stock eh spRlIva GOODS, Ccmpnimi'g a very large Assortmnent of the nemosa mm most Fashinablahe Sty e. Their Stock cf GOODS consiets of mîmost ev -ry dsrptionayn <lie DRY GOODS Lame, anti ai l as avsbien tb.ir Motto to Seli fur cash anti t malilProfite, <bey mil stil continue toa atheru te the omre. Their Stock Ibis Season bving been pur. chasud unden pecuiiarly advantageous Terms, anti seected mitb the greatest cure, tboy féei satimfieai mith the seleeticai, as wmou au the ex. tmardinaty Ijam Puces tlaey are enabiedtu te lI at. J. & R. IIUTTON & Go. Kingston, May 26t0m, 184._____ haesWlllmaer's AMERICAN NEWS LET1TER AND KUROPEAN tNTELLIGEY CEE, EnLnted te the exteni of Tnainal Col- UaMMi. T HE alaise Nemapapan, mcm enlargdlTee atititional Columno, mhich wuas ctablisheti an JuIy, 1842, is aegulariy publishedeta Liver- polepmIfor transmission liy every Stam phi a iiag from amy port an Britain to any port in tLb Unitedi States, end its leadimg featuno le tu gAe, ame <heera, an accotnt cf overy important «vat <at bai occiarreti in Great Britain, Euro.e or Asie, in ithe intenvai helmeen h uaiing cf eea Steas Slip, miather in poulies or con. amoce-a correct anti compreliensive S=hippiiug Aiim iilii b fouamia falthfui e of o <h rriai ad eaartaeof Auaeican vousoie mi andi fronmIlah i.erii= European. andi Asiatie pet&-Loothen ih notices of aucli casualtiie or dimiater anal froan tare te timi occn-a comaplets Ptem Crnent, in mluicia dan graest cmire i tabou te giveI lth "reports of the ver- iom es scriptions of Ameican protince, frein the remet unqaiatinalle sources-tins combining, in aua shot, a liemspaper, a Sbappig Lit, anti a Fric.. Cunnent. The. Annela Subicniption ta CZAamLRS WML. rgxas Auumsca.uNtwi LZTTYXa As 1e.f0& Sterling. Onders anti Submcriplions mil b.lie-o. ceiveti at amy of Messe. Pouaae's & Cea.' EXpauE$$OFFICES n the Usxxxn STATES ati CAvADA, and n boston i v Messrs. Retidimg & Ca., Nems Agents; Halifax, Mr. Becher, $ta. tioer; Motreal, Mn. Wm. Grcig, Bookeier; St. Jotu's, N. B, Mr. G. E. Femety, Morniang Noms Office; Quebec, Mr. Charles F. Fond Mouniain-atnuet; St.Jolit'.a Newfoundlandt Mr M'Coahrey, Tintes Office . or they may b. sema dirocete tu taho Publiahet, aduroeet as foi CHARLES WILLIIER,d Tramiatlantic Newspaper Office, .5, South lebn-&lnent, 1iverpwal. fil is 1311 Flic! STITIO ER. I RAMSAY, ARMOUR & Go., bave Iatliy RreWved an exteunive asortmsnt of Plainae ami Faaacy staiiary. w"te fe wSi ai very modrati prices, am-og a-ay otber Ar- ticlues ie holme raccmnpisell :- Aecoceum Bom.-LAtigorm.Journals, Day Bols, GarnI s..1, BillBoua, Bletun ind mini- suhemary Boossoft raous sise, Ruli ami iding& - Wanise PAzu.-Super Royal. RoyalMe. diAna, Demy, Faut, Fooiscip>miPtc ain D"ivno Parmse.-Etrpeme, Antiquarian, Doublisei.lplant, Colombier, Atla. BEpohta lampial, Sduper Royal4Roai, Mediumn, Demy anti Csritigeàa( fes et qu:aitiei. Bmtarea Bouj,s-Of dfferent aire. andi thicmses, 4tinlediaipan T..me axa.Frnb Ianti k gA mn- Coiww .-Dm.y, Foubuap anti Times. P4sise Dok-Caomon lrmm aperia! and îRoya ai dCrae uGray. »Vue Fauuaa-Of varions Rnlngt, Plain aMW FnaCY.1 Qua.x.a-FMoaa W.9&. te 158.-Ual.par um. BruIEP»ns-IBa <tstVarWoy, BD» IIIanti Pamne S& VairanoCASn.Fiir aa A-d nML. Iqerin naaodd s-hr Tàmbirs sagâo L&c, TWa tiGîÎ, Simd Bot. deradiLotesseA xu sa.u spus anti I* lomises, ef Neowu% ,Azi'a, WIbti7undTsuryo leistastis. a" igPce la Gisaes, P08uW . k,~gWs.v. Pla e vet Fny; Watéàa 33@w0k%=ii; DriUming ati $à" nomei; C." Md ieble at leebs; mIse. v.ltdaima.; Wsmg , = n ase Lasse Wauiua Umi£I jIe,. e. NU# TARIFF. ~s s.imi.uaèsale.tebahsimti. uSer TAH. uBq"&s utdlkmm ess10 s.Iim 'oé1. - » - -1'%M'ýo M--C," OnuwetzK apsos Sl 80 A GOOD OPPORTIrIY N.w pr«ese Iticif <o Purchaser of1 '4T TUE LONDON WAREHOUSE, PrimnsSjreg. KuJFsme, BIAINElIlà emSing, *&i, a AVNG ecevedtiasiSPEINO IM- IPORTATIONS, we tbevslay enabledt t ofuer an extensve Ciaeap »md atttative Sln te Pubic Inopictiom. miel <bey a4» ietrmlnuigo is ose et ai ncla LourPries.» as mkcouvinco ai ab tndy Ecomony, et the ativantagsof daing at the abova Establishmont. and ti athe sane ies iii retain <o themaseveo i t mexten- sive ahareo f public patronage, miaicia Jey bave. bithurto enjyeti. Unam cars bai been talon in elscting GOODS cf approveti Manufacture abat ii do credit ie the Seller, anti cannet fail %ogive satin- factionta perctaaers. 0f ainut every de&cripo, in gi-caler variuly than at any former perioti. An extraortiuaary saapply ef Stnaw, Tuacan, Dumitable anti Faney amOENiTz aRAT&. A beantiful lot of PARASOLS, nmevery ricia, anti quit. nm iin style. Suil atins. Satinett, DeCapes, at oh, Silka of the mon tFaabienable Shatica. A ,aem assorhuimeo 0f amical vorydescripti. Fi-sncb andi Eaglih STATA. ut Ibo anot approveti makes anti CLOTHS imitable for Sumo, Wear, inî overdeirable Coinur amd QuaU Veting@, Stocke, Genta $cara, & Silk fliad- kurchiefa. An extensive Stock of Staple Goodr, n lich the limita cf an Ativertisement rentier it impos. cible to emaîmerate, but amaongal thean, îîi li e round soms capital Whlite anti Stripeti Shirting Cotton@; Scotch & Irish Linens; différent widthp, an Diapere anti Damauk Table Linons, WVhite & Browni Sheelînge. White anti Culoured Coun. tarpanea anti Quille; Factory Cottons, Drilla & Moleakina; Pnnteti Calicot. anti Muelima; lPlaid Gimghaima, Bnown anti French Hollauds, &c. &c, with a mou apsennteti Stock cf Ilosiery and Glovea, Lares, Mualin Collars anti Slawls, BONNET IaBONa & IiLOWERU, In greai rarîaty. N. B.-Hhir(Eq. FORSTER Co.. Pritie ai Street, lata Store Stree'. No Seco .Price. Kington, June tMh, 1803. THIE LONDON PICTORTAL TIMES- TUST received and for sale, a aupply cf Fthe mlove beautifually Illustrated News- paper RAMISAY, ARMOUR & C.. Kingston, Sept. 5t1î, 1843. EMIGRATION FOR 1843. T IIE untiersigneti will giveOer or ns,. sages ta Canada, from the pots o f li«er. pool, Dublin, Cork, llelfasi. andi Londonderry, in gaiantiseamorthy veinule <o eaunext SPriaa,, ant ta b. veil provitieti ith berthe, mater, fuel ant breati stufre, for the voyage, as, reqiaired by the nem Pasienqer Act. Application (if by let- ten ta b. pont paitla AuTivrTn aaxEsQ., Klngotonto RvAis & BRovn-Ems. Queher, Agenîts for P. W. Bynnes, Liaverpool ; or ta W.IMaumeKELLY,(Collector fcf Cumm', To- N. B. Money cora -a-ut miasa o g iven onta he aeve places f a il suint, if reiîaired fi-n <ho accomodatofo persoa takiaug passage by Mn Bynnesa bipe. RATE 0F PASSAGE FOR SPItING 81111'S, TO QUEBLr. Sieafiieg. Currency. Frain Livorpool-AduIli', 2 10 () 3 2 6i Chiltire «n onler 14 yeam 1 I5 0 1 i1i-3 Infante untier 1 year-Free. From Dublin anti Belfat- Adultts, 2 15 0 3 8 9 U mier 4 y a re1 7 6 114 f5 Froin Corl & Londonderry- Adutz.13 0 03a15f Under14 yeare, I 10 0 1 17 6 The vessels a e gondi and meawontlî an foutu] inberthe, mater, fuel aid rp-at-ertui for the voyage, an provi-1e4itiih - New, Putenmr Act, fif;h ati su-f h lor a, ca')ap. 107.-HFoapit- ai sud Ileaimoîe-y of every descripion leii:g ineludel in the idiote ratee. N. B. The nhirat reizuations in tlIa. m ct e ara', tbat ibere seliI hoonly i-re. aduit paen- gen toevervfive tonnsregii;tt-r. 77aat oms eîama off reo.etoffs, or cf otOier"footi eqaîivaieuat ihete- ta, @hahlie deait out to nscb aillt pa-nrfiger day. A great encrease et acconmaiodatiom antha height of <lie decks, berthe, &r., in pro iaI tort as eli au strict regulations fur ascatrtaauiiag aaud thnin ia eimsortminess Oet<lha visse s em- playti.The reis inn haie mli egg for tbs coaveyanre nf paieurere, nl b. "thos- emaployti an lat purpose by Mr. 1P. W. Byrnes, .f Li=eroB . L Quebec, l4ub Nov., 1842. id ie TO BE PUBLI8HED IN- NovEMML VaEXT * A TREA TISE ON THrUEIREWUCAL & PRACTICAL LAND SIURVETNG, Demomstrated from ils firat principcua. DEDICATED <UY Pt*Ua@in> TO TUEE lu. Imm sdini. loiri (iONTENTS: Douai. raelaoas, quar R904zbmw W ime<ry, D.mtAoss &c94 AigaIsak »o$neime G.oulrical Pro- bleu, !Anc tbe Nat#iistiUm of Suk, I;r itsw4PlamaTnip-uoneryt, M.nscso eta qc.,Ilstata.ani s muid eeme"somaili,, i hipiaga YWh Baik V dial &M isCoaaqie. m t arlinlr lr- - imtlao(tiifgu- 'o mtel1Cmiltio4 Locatioa of L»&uini mIsseS esvp"buaiWoriami mi th b easI« The Pebsms ii b. alluilalmti y s 8. ils b.tIyortif lb. il la mu AppMmaiii b. idmi &W isva.t lies ami ti.uentrat« te <hinie. niieL 111. i 4is e, sipuimlly9. ls Ngss- -Nos ma JV4 ueba Iplue4oflrî vsspaaisu L-oo ut for th alroacla in, lEa f Ilie PitqlrE anal cauencmal ne Xipolitiai i, " ' picton on t the(ilof Sept. -Terma la ammbum in adrance, on 156. attiaei-.d al't exclusive e o tage. The Su"ainl lie pbliohle.J î'e, mom-ing. antigrill comiain 21 cla,, tu, pinteti mamiir. (teimg fouiCCn'n" o,,r the Prinlce EtimartiGazette.) vll e thi on a gondati <ong abeet tif pran I pi or type; anti aroruPetent wOrk,i.îhL egagagiaï, the mnechairal e-xpeutî0 -l~ coMPere ih, andi'in mayisal Il 'bal cf otb.r pair. an " I c Sun ay eli arure t t hane cultural, Commercia.mm lter i tb. District milI . rompîinl,, n -5 tenddotit. The procedn ý areh-1~ t anti al fcieignantildomela ai iaîlonesting a îî5rct. e s'rcet io an dpl possible ieay, anti fniairn, ý le matievmitla corresponden -g ieaii àu Eunopean Nemws w I. le Lnti a n, many conlemporary journaal. . tVili pReaponaibie Govermymentan e Prov;nce, anti a steaile adj ll.)îm fer -Il andi Constitution(4et Great jt" " thw the cbiof fMiture of our Polit 'rai cr4îtIlln 1ili exposedelîmquencv and iWd 'inay lb. founti;ackno montî,e - t gard to saccIor Part,,andd a plud -n, tuaîintain the prege-n nn 1 , at~aPiad ment, knoming gtal itettChiet C Justice minld wîtb Men, , .u- shahl b. II-ifa. ha$a ,i.,l îîiî Ouria il JOHN D I-1l,elars aunaid~-,-, Eduîaar oal n t l,,i griacaa' l, -l ý U I 1,1aa 1î'îîi Hj ~E Substcrilier. lu,, f a T wng Nvalaulaî-Sa l Science and tilac Arts,.~'î t pose of al Low lPit-'n I. L The Transacion> ia,i fle 1I,ill;o 1Engineers, with tarasru-at,. r 2 vois. -lin, Londonii 42 S i I land, practicallxdi rlca na Francis Whi5l~,j, ~ilE with numaerou, I1aigramsnI_,1 . - l' i '.lredgolds Eleitiutiaary 'i'ijl' P e n , r y . i v i . t , l i a i d î , a , î , l ' o u a t i , . aI W~Nood Cuis.' Ntill M h d ly Pter Barlow, F. III. aS. 311 lt itd~î TIie Practiial(in t ilc Vdtti er and Corripi-ti' Deîiaru, I, I'ir&r M1,ichael Atzelo 1Ila. t,0. sal numerousIllustrati;îe F'EiIravitig,. The Carpeitîrs Ni'vhii u-i Joinery, Ircitintafr uI, tan Pr:ii *tuî il i t try, by Peter N ichoilsonî, wMil , 11G-e Plates, 4îîî. On IPainitinigian 01 iad for Ci, h Lan&-apes and IPortraits. iii lut1 -il p- parution cf Colors, Vl1I~ t Methoalof Paimiag ina W ax, cLr 'u Illustraaied Nvth riany Pl atesa i, ' loreal, 1 vol. lirperial Sa-o, tii1'.iIl. i-,!* irii, On the Tlic'ry tif Paantli,tiia added an introduhctioniito Iit iw~ Color,, mw hban Indehx ofNixta i is:A. sol Appeaidix cortaiaing a maniai i.F LeIa, grapby, iiitta nurnerîium iatrt itI H. Fielding, 3d1 Ealitiaîn 1- niir, d The Art of I)raîvirg uand Iittm lied, in a icries off a- in 1i- I-f 1a rt, Ii 't Hurnan Figuare, ltu Nvi idi î i, au- au- rI ti- cf Flower Pain.itng~. iii it rata -IIitiit s rat' 3Plates, by G. F. Phlli1is Practical Iii ils î: onGini1ioýiti an ilPa an, Illucîrated hy rxamplu<. ion lia (unt Maten cf the Italian, Fieli-'i,li mnl atil Schaols, by John Burnait, 5tli ELitian, 1Ivol 4to. RAMSAY, AIIMOI'R k- Co. Kingston, July 2$tli, 1S13. CHEAP SCHOOI. Dh'TIONARY <OF THE ENGISH LANGiUAGE. NhJuIunson', ai-firt iot, aie naiihittil with slers pramurou-aaliaisIi. itt imgr i a much mure iuiatabuaa-k irakSfi, o.ie iluan amy that lias y t pneu-i-Id. a iiitt asc a vocabulary of (reh, hai.'li-i proper nines ; a liat of Aianuai-as .ii cismp, andi other n-oral o e li aimdal ir iiýek ing anti mriting, anti Fulton anal Knigt". uniatioiîe of certalin Scniptuue uaianem, p i in eler type, upain a goti peper snd toaîly bitunti. Price 2,. tW. A liberal detiaition nmae sai taken i quantities. RAMSAY ARMOUR &Co. STORE WAM F OR SALE, au axtensiearomrotmeuuî d BTONE WAR, mboiesala &mi a, Il Wm. TIIhRKELL T AUtP oii-Sporim, Ofl.iLarà d, 5S. 1.iby the capk or gallon, at the ,ohn-rtui-ui WM. SINýiiSoN. Ontario Street, Kigton, MuY, 43 uMAmRU WASREMOU§F A UC T ION, &MW uaead Commissie' Bai"t' THE Subocriber baying egagea! tbùmeo taumive Protnmesurtdby Wa.Gd" x&= r, qanti lateiy occupied by<mes- rgxssnmi& A cGnuie, mill b. hippy lii niVo Gmjaagnanentseitb.r for Auctioni.Plia sle, or Yonmwatdiin. RaningohaiaO p~ lmema o.Tenai sarea1iyfauorblet blil u eniali te' tmscBuina0 onTenn5ist< tory <o ail pnosconcerWe.--TbO naiCai the pamausat i Hba la. mant _altesi ai a esu inluaml be 1andnst*mtiy olSI Ceuo eos in H sifil KASsk 2,e lni.mhtee byfl'i WU. HIRELI .'~SUA. tvf C L gwzoto liam it, his 8 LÀ l K 8 F R SALI cm-tua z -b ci à % à ~IIII iui;L~~~ -a-j. a ~ Ogarw - ta~>ii i. '.1 F. ta ~ -I - t- il. ta. ~ -i fi ans- lit i ~b Oê4S~ Kingamos, PLIa 5spouéev~180. ki t IL Il 11

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