Ulmfu.al~-NUUii t4. upper part.pg~Vl r~qw til~I wrsan d a-rax" ~u11~L~puo.r. au b 184$, lm,14 sà 4IIitaie u!y in on .Da the iam.. %. Wtu nuday. aed.juliiymt 'c. îî aL ml ihe ainetMedauiM O riu a d I NrORNMATION WANTED ad la- pilri' WhotY wbo lthi t" Ok'tE -luc lumtt ,acovd km " Ma.M Sc1 a wil"? anud iwucbldmetliu placé wb he.t alEictia *rwl Ïthappeebeumiàt btno cal.ulOtisabasb.Bum itethm Nio0nirre .IGIagsa maiodierCa"aa'p. pers wvouluI Cofet aw Ibvor by a %Oi ntice, and any i'rormanon "la )gue- fu! ' vree.eivedlhy Mr&.Anti Souy. &uoe. bl aimi U.fbkuiWli I cS selm he.I w isu tia' . . luent- ozPq nd u- . li IW~véli a. la ms th pthe -Mi, ~ maee la6 m pi me mesonnet hiel wmod~. h . i. th4u.* 5.5-- - eS .ari1 e , a i oàwfulaiamei .I q alnw d ~- r âU T~ 4f ~Be Owen l* m bna du at -a-aum-A -Ua Sontmà Cae- : 4-4, $of> * UUs.UIuho ~emi'uM4t.~uu. * - ai emê lb..- um~ amy p ub.mn41ua. *lc1um~q4 oeil asêBos #htM* acne~ug au deettatr*pphbO ~Ia. hiah.u~uf~ f~ - b.~eu*,*Slus - loi mE CHAULES glaw~nm 60.1mb. by .a~Es - hupk,4i4mp 84 À,& ilb4ugý la a second e of JAMES OGLE. Wimer Maubb mnw,* le . E rowni. Ommum mi arm,P- Md 1.13 eoin ?-iUCo 24ltlu.621anad L Nuibum .Diavu, Bocks, vbxcb bc lLe Df. yh.P. I, ý= Aamey Olce. le fbdu. cmmomikté ndhdveriements, GIUUAL AOINCY ANI) COUJSSION 1CeruilliLoAn, opouto 44 .New Roal Exchucre T Às~* Cdmpr 'W u eiRoew, Pub. licL ies Av*ilavdSoeiiou. 0 me uniwma Saervà, P,4,uoeaPubJvi%,ofu Neu.popmrandmi <edoutt gmerafly JW tiWtg luk.immièm Ioi. fr"edoand tbe &k Celaim Pub"lin lu huuuaLl, gate ucquait tWwth »tu Wa'sdy a 'eeivxodrfor oawid qaal ant ;ine1ingag> =itiboala, peri.icml.swuspr, emtm % Ima~perfâm.oy, mand goda cfevei1, dis. ni em f iraI-rate quatity. a« the ver? loveu arIIpimoUaI-aey. qi te trmnmact bu- m 1u the l.iri ~Ebm eri rmprovided li. -.lnyhulm sd with No&ai aut " at e¶Kt eh &terubo o~ r a «rece b aau ul~ ~ ~ « fd4t. foerauidm. b ode .1a60. sud eupeu.ueilpe et" ille 1.ula- da iliacp blledrava aOftbeth. thi'u meut .oa'uiaita k eé*all eet viii, very io n .. athe. Weet Ile wth le ~ta ootu.he afuraaoce ~~.h~aaelL«#« Clon cial iamt egh mmp&deattention mand judg. usiyl, b. tinthe maill luta gi. at,.- ~na ~ *1. amy faveots wj vth lbir M IL Pâftomiimth* hove their euidren fer udoeatlda uapwtb confidencae entrout thon ce lIai m"fi opl68 rare of Mr. simmeniodI wWsud ýtipeorabe umàlullmmte, vb.re emvratteiiomImD b. pald te tbb matais 1USYSI~~~fIéI-.I 11Y of the Cif'aimui udt touý' 4lim limabuouainlong Mui pup~ae* imeAND MftLURS Di.êma i.~ aadhluewr lia - 1 peCs7 V4g.vMtau, 40Uled3mc aan,1~ mL aonig-M Liai 40 OjîlumPris"& 40 id.) im 1- I S kAmmunuuautdDlvm M lwet n O*w».Mii-iround, Povder, bicot. UrlwMd Pited le ilan S itea Te.Dm- mort,~ ~ ~ eS miTblwpo t, rm muid Tmp. liape, oità Cii âMbnes. . Laade ditta, tlnruf, Sa nal Tue Pt,bia mh ud Gerallai luiuTee1. Tus- petupINse S astiîebunsTardPlici, Pu mi t ueleaem lii enca . *tayM Wite9 outryad n o. e IAlo igaaor ntaned, cfplaiBrnlu, mi hriyelN W"AEdkinton u, lor emae1 Ia"nar aI , art aollce. Oi, or pen-SN in & lseabl er, iWBLLet A large assorth.nh of pli, Jpîed andr blcrTnerofSfare Sirept on.huait r mauhdo' orer etueort ntotce IYMTEFRI TUE, f ti.boi qAMuai aES PattErasa e. . Io m te Magputmud.etrond i arai.A ic Satuurier ^ e i.on the uabf- tie r R omule aidtsife u ile madinrotlylu mapphei i t ny artcle4 thi r domiroe. corneroiS'oSret1841. rtoM. hba Wrraui-A Vmonu lier aittalahe roudàe Aou e(pREholiwereeiv l Choted meo à ecu. te arérab i greun redacenu. tN.B-or a an ae@r" btnt f 0 ue. cf Enrtbiewmre, wbariele tey Irn%. ormeift (aT.ri.Tbite. iiapoc, AuJan. 1184. viie, wbieh tbîsy bae juil recaired, ou" ilim aiu "Il t prire ..es WM. BIMPSON &, Ca. Ontute Suringattm. Ja>y, 1843 NAEUWM WAMUU(*S. Mige ad ( néiu Bs es oe ýigE SbciÀhviag engageal tics. ex. ,tenuuve Premiaee éieeted by Wr.. Gag. ain, Ecq, mandiatetý aceupied hy Meir PZaB#m'o& Momaimra ii b. happy to Te- ceiv Co"air rjerpib.'for; Auctioo. Privvte Saluas'orvadin, IaîiccoblainCd the prom. iie Tl ermuextrnie!! favorable, he viliibe oulliséta iraett meesn Tra. Bttfat- tuy te ain p.o.Vomeo.-The eaxt ci4 Cai ipa nstroctiOnmin regard te Sales,, . vii iïnvaaiahly b. attueâ 10o. WM. THIRKELL, Kiqueto,,fmal.lM. Klglo.)a M ii183 ATiREATIaN ON Deumaitraw dfrmtia "uêpincplas DICATED' oU tmetemeoi) 1»,8 lm km Iu* U -1 Aw4 PWÇou~O TI PRiOI'- eaueaa" âÇ*1 4e UM « the ambE.oul.uMn au)~c A5faIm p'ua . 0flMîwu W» waU= Wnrig.rh. dImm *uI"mb is e. the P.*WiD ow bd.aad - 1tmt. uie aboie 'mny other will b mar ith thmla#0 ce The Apata of il. E.t.blnheuît lroughout tii. F.taaaeeLtu b. mUPphedat tbe.earfiem Op- poetiilt~ E.- ~ ut! Uoohu.llersvilii plumasirmau ir eèhm imm.diataly, Po tual parel. 2»- h. forvmrdea "4Mcas mtheb.publie- MIVfiLEYS Da u 0àafhlhî Tommimo, u#emeber 11, 1843 »VBw*t 'WAIITED. OF i PZtkGÔAS*TY. a boy Il yea sor 49% ~Who loft lWismethaer in Dumnuar, about 3 mothaqP.He bum a Séant on bW ppr hp. mand bad on glen b. lefti ome. i black clai, mada"eot mud plaid trowaeta. Any information zemjueting hlm vismd ho "huifully reeeived by hi*aaictupMret»in Duaithr. drby P'. RYAN, Per«baro Dauuter, Sepueuber &.1843. pumauAmmtiv'Ii. AT Tir LAMISTON I ULDa»9 PRINCESS 8TREEIP, KINGSTON. T ~RE s. scruluufrsbeg 10 infa<m theInlimbi. tab fKinugton, mand thèsùisundng CtorY, tht lb.1 bave now recejved their awuN 6001D». m r mi a ery large Asscriment cf the maet 3 metFïeinjoable Sty es. Theïr 8tock of GOODS consistu of afinot every dburiptlii the DRY <1001)8Line, muid au it bu àavue n their M.tto tu, Dcli fur Cmab mid t imali Proit,, bbcy viii aIil continue ta adiiere tute iniae. Their Stock tuse Searon having been pur. chAqd uer p".uliarly advantiraeuuae Terme., and alscad vitîh fleMutcare, duey fe;'I eonfideitiethair e6ntoniers viilbe perfprtlv smtimfleul vît, the selertion.s Weil au ah. ex. traordinarl Loy JPrions ihey are enabled ta Dili at. J. & R. iUTON. & C. Kingston, k1ayetl, 1843. mhaiem 'Wmimeis AMERICAN NEWS ILr-1TER AND CUaLOPEAN INTELLIOENCEIl. r ulrr . t e teuit of Tm , dddiuanol-t rrHE boveNewquper. nov enlargeul Ten A diù 1aiouMqo. w hueh ira, estmbluuheul in J aIy. 18w r uliy puhiufed ai Libe-r pool expra.uly fur transmission bY every Nleam Sbip uailiaug rom any port in Britaitu 10 any port un the United States, aod is lcailung Mature ii lu mi .am ergloses, man ccoui.uof every important vat tiretbau".ccuved je Great Briin, Europe, or Mieu, un thilutervmi beween thesamilung ot peit Staum $hip. wbetber in politics or con- mu c.-oatent sud couprehiensive Sbippiuug LiaI, lu iW iâ ie * .famnd a faithfui record ni lb. arrivai asid deprtdIeo f A-prican vessels ai Land frc agl tb. »rit lb, Buropean. suid Asiatit pora-agdirviii noticèe tsuir eauaiiia or llNmgx u e *7 fiu*-a ýMi- *u.. .i---,, complut.PiaCurrent.,inW bich " .grealeut - aue il, takoe ivq ithe latualreporta of tb. ver- joua deacriptiosus of Auerirmo produce, f<oinuthe u mnu nquemaiunable uourcu--thue rounbununge taOe abshet.a e& p.pna Sippiog Lixu. mand a Prieu Curranit. TIi. Annel Suthuription tei CHARLES Witz- uga aAyquin elNîvaLIETw.a i0 12t§. Ou. Stirig. Orderur and SubucriPtiona viuil b. ru- cflevdat i<fl of Messrs. Pouguo's & Co.,$ gFQ %»Aý E i n, the tUNITED ST&TI au31W C.ieXeA, a"dljinlloatou y Messrs. IRedd&ig &d <LC, News fgents 1Ualifaz. 5Mr. Daicer. Età- St. J04i.,N .,».O .Fenuty, morualp eav e .; Queher.tMr. Cbatl P. Fr aM.atmi-tret; St.Johnd Nevfooudiand, %le P'Coeniiru, ThaCb Ouc)' r t y bu ha-eW dh»ed te gl .Publlabei aideu sda & TaatatcNewvupiprOffice, L ouh lu-a.truu. ivergual. I(%>harela amal,4M0 berru'osLver- ]LO ca a mudapRb,-orebi Ontatin StreetKi 2m- tulm.183 Look ceut f« the appn.wbing Lamiaacy1 A. #& MaN, a polit ai, gr.uâtâl aiw tann'<tlal ' mjvU 1 *11, ml io btamé P Onai &i 0 Otb efT aeos..emt. .pe areua li aiac, Iattie ami af'lerppar prls md lt~ e t"fu -1Ie Prnc _li . pn t A 0000lppo Nov ptutu p lmmiJ IaP LONDON WA R LOU3 " e rmat, ,e roce4vedUsi Pt1ý- PO£7'A7'ION& rra,,, i diap'u aet atauc l Pi reoasvU a mI vho atudygeroom - If uthe adci deahiuiq au ah. aboreEmahjm M all. ai »Mae tite viiirelmta I ugumet d' aive chiar, or Public Palm 'hh11 htharte oerioyed. ,s ihteRIr Uauiual Caro lasbues au t,& i <100DS of appraved Manufcî 'ulaîsae citedit tic the Seller, muid canno il i,1m t factionu t> parebasr. fa 5 i Of alimait .1ery decription, ungra, hhaal et au, forum eraiai, tuer'Vr Duntusubleis d Pamy"P' fSroTus A beautifui lot orPA R A O , rieh, muadquit. uiew ini style.si Suis, -Satin@-, Skmii.ett@, cape,, 41. A na sbour.armg u Of aintoat every deirru pti.s French l ndEnglic ,ai s approed makes ofl the A ipiendjul lot af anid CLOTJiS suitahie fur Scieur every deairtIble Colour anid quai esi Vuaaimlg@iStock-,, Gente Strsu & iet. kértbiafm. An extensive Slnoc f StaîPi COroul, î lhe limie of an Advertleemenut reler ai sible t.eclmerate, but amongst lien,vi fnurd fomie empil White anud SîripeulSia Cotm;Scotch & lrlmh Linens; dilrentMibý ina [Duperdanmd Dîmil 'abie Lien,i, u& Brovn Sbeetiuuga, Whiteadc (ooured Cr~ îerpareu muid Quilta; Faruory Coîtoru,, lint, Molesk lin; Prinueu l Cl ruemuid lsîiu. à~ <ingluame. Brown muid Frech jjj, ý &c., wilh a val! agenrteul Stock of Hgéyt, Gioveo, Lacer, Mue! n Colaer& mund Shattîs UONEIT iiXUBaNS & LOWED"e, j lutI grea2rzru-i y. IIANFJ .-ltc FonaRSTEICo, Prune. Streul, laie Store Stîreet , A ou.e.Pruc Kingston, Jurie iGih, 1843. EMIG RATION FOR 184i. T HEundflignd wil gie orers ore,, in roudmandaseawnrahy restiel, onsairienlSprt and îa ha veli provudes i viiiberte. trajt, tu. muid bremul tuffe, funir ilhe vnyntge, me requrloul t ithe new Paasensger Act. Application (f by kt. ter la, b. pool kaid) ta ANT13Na r AMAAN Esq., Kingoton,to RyâN & Baomit Queber, Ageuts for i. W Byrnes, Liverpool; ar lu Wr.. Moua.Kmajx, Colloron iîri ronto. N. B. Mouiay ariens wim loo emie ure, ou rit aboie places fur amil@one, if requireu f.r th,, arcommodatioo f peru<ii.takirg puenge bymi flyrnee' ubipu. RATE OF' PASSAGE FOR1 SPRING Shl TU QUF.BEC. Sierlig Currr1mq Framieverpool.-Adultf. 2 i 3 2 6 'Childuen undar 14 ycars. 1i 1IlI x Infartsu nuder 1 year,-=Free. Prome Dublin muid Beiat- Adulte, 2 15 0O.1 9 udeu14 yeam 1 I7 6 1 14 q Frein Cork & Lundouderry.- The renacîs tu b. gond m uid oeeiwrtiyand Emd nablahe, avater, fuel amui bremd.etu frnf the. voyage, an proiuld by the New PeM.ger i,4 ffàoued sil ifwr.. rie>. 107 -H. qaî. al mand H.ad.uey if every description er incied inlathe maboie rata.. N. IL Tb* chie( regulailtioia he ew ar are, thstatt e a e ohanly rr ouit lpaser. gerstov 1 iveSi lamrgiater. 7%stOmeyeue o :;;k.usulor aofsirber foo usai evlt en tu.oW ubailbdeait « o mel aiadmit panuemr pur day. A trauecreormaec timodatio inut heigbi of the senso, mrthsa, &c, le provided tnt ais wli su sminct regnîmimone forcaurerlauni gand îiurtiuag tic ueai/ortuiieàéeaithb.vnese e pluiyed. Thé e cueis lanvlîirb ve viilcogzr fuîrth a.conicymne aof pcuugers, vilii lie " e *l a uthtM purpoée by Mfr. P. W . Byrtmi 1f ILerol. B. Q.ucboc. lIttN ov., iM43. Mttamok*dter Woreboute Priants 8&«4 MKugsfon, WIIOLME KANTI RETAII. it U subicrinvi mte Publile tterjimuto "ber uma dfra lîofurtiauu cof NEIF spRJmwasid B1 WER Q()OD& Wb" bave hau m itu dùmlue h tirn6Naiufadrtu ers tbieUga MWes, ia,tlee*iU tee itius pi ae cf Oca eaw mmlFacti primié,9 MW E~sh on aia eyt<a Zr, PDh li uai l a rie sn - s-- -- -r4.imiii, *ut i ro"' - t1rr iti . i 11ev c-ulflettTe, a fr he u1 cb iloil ilaent tapi thme el IWpruaMut tdthhle inispert mfffet vid e nb.uarrovamo iltolymb~ê hibelcute i Tb@.irgVuuul lid ow m q~,ltdy pros ed. 1>y îms1th5)5 e aniltigb a-it e,.q.lae"td .a l,-ent.AaLTh. Pb w dff. iémies fon70, lia éliJulam 1bing about Mf pfurebot (a lak«fp-6 Btructlon etimi urlella0Ielarguuu mme4 ~ hs~1Lou 1awu .4Id~ a c,ôo u&& 1Pl ~I~L1~ yILLIAM LAIfD, - -------- lei ru a 'ns- -, -, 'outil r... t - t..- n ou - 1 -1