~-~Lqas~ Ms , W. SX~%'êO~, & GO., W uw Jlcoiêviu& ~1, uai*tlup ~ ~ ~ m oi , Poe4ee 1943 's Fm lowTo itu W bew thae ym Pbu oauletr tev K. P Nrle. ld *dc, efthu4, in pn u italt iI*W Iu li aertatas 10 *" tedb le 1'&w w, wml byF r"etBk dnt 34osGeu >1 giocl N mird Tdmç -41" wyQ su.?, wWemuu Iyi.*q Isy Th!Ie, b ipord ea c~jni e end en eXi,ùw ý tr Lieu. kmMr ave igutwe, ' 'se 41t, fuel a'>> fthem vu,** W hje, "'byd tg lahe u ane ii pwiey ame l4e eP. W. nad tbus ar a~u f ui mea. Ta-. apP' « P -%sa apsof thosud, *on lhe . <Nwuvr' long rpeie~ 1 fS the a t n tf t4. lie &,su Oby ]r n*c5edusqenh nd , ~~" 'â par~ ei a Wit t Mime about ft4~ I' 14 r, betotyor te *ri., t li iliFILUlinU I TotMgs.-..< .f Q,ency.in a Stu .CurrtucY., o kers, furecK ,miter laisb. v.et the Offis ý-ffit tt..Ouw«Adu ete, andly A.Cray. B,t n~~~~ Tor~S'N Lhe EuI.toe, f Publi u fdh râotie an im9tinfor OR,.,, 17a (cueie. ui ihu. FRESII SUPPLIES. *d n h ~ n h ulcienerai that%, ~e e d lIauselro i a, erfrn,iip iiag uJ0<8"~.~î,ansdIF A 9lU IV A a 18 9 D 0 * b, cnitin Of a very gencrf, u#V~'r'et ueltiarticles as are m , W càmfa.yt sel fubio. la thie nirk P',ech anîd PFn gh#hSatin@,,satin 1 Gr#* de, Naples, Mcha s .loa i P, 'uml$ar(1sw.uaSatin ed Votvet itziawls,< Cur~u~.uPochMerince,, arniaflv, Ail1 Lmbý ebanoii, m"Tempes,, Gulculidi, anlOl <*kitw, figmieil sué plin; ich figTd 1V pet* rt. AJkeleeiii ls kAIî,b M bd sallie .Fringea Clared Gimp Coaii.; rupeTririn0; blrîck And white Laceseu oud., rplth Cîpe Lews; a Am" Àidaid Mach Arecophane. 'ack (r ktqmu t 44ii Il iiil. g4; Drawin Caps, prpeh lM SColiaaa and Cu, Cap Pfrons; GulTered Ito Rnud Rutiche; Plain and timîued T, C'" sut#k *ud Lt*x PNcjît Han herîluits 4alpuvree -îas.Cardinis an c 'ù lVamleweâu4 immun bonid Caî.,I qu $flti . stMW2fuiPueatu; Fvnth and 1* Uty.;Blftt Aaigola. Cabme eAdKiI bpi C h.Cbauin a*îiUucy bond Idrwer nd âlà SVeue iwýmsDtè,wop -Mark W~ ~~%* C«be*e fuI. d iM<ino lHom. 'iéPT, i Sag. louaticsand .e tt, ar Nit1 Lt fl~,tfrnpp w tlifg*dîb% uagod la ruuo &W U mi aied ~tuet. of Iaim ad arhis Clie'.; »4Jue'kM#14 lleuak& iwe.r dTuail 1140111,ua isseVut; blaIsu" al]u ; FsacV. dsiia à&c 4l o fISi f squton; Lus*is W0e th ~ Oh~êl -F 8le W4id 1 M Ose; m isf no. m tw lé 6 *Wwý~4nu r gOs 4 r. ernz; r'-'