KINSTNCANADA, TUE6DAY, FER»IUARY 27, MI.L VOL.X y oand agoe " they -een y kwie ie the insription un the sid" of th@e " lad e isituat oIR. Fromtalthe moment of hie lbeing rmanliic.contriesin the world, '.ant is d an ti u in It rP, 'A14 h e tlroare imatters d fgravein - Fu aeopt rem asselai, ago Zu emad of cha ne m It if a verydistincttma nïdmn e m oplo, renad.-)Jaca ed e n a, al hape fraosook himr. The 'exemphiying the verity of tire aae httuh r etob.. neryu os.ea n lm blirwili, es ,111111A1*p9sti1,ata uf ?ngWasïf ' w .:-norderer LA Rosa made no change fromt his in stranger thanfiction.i l! rwdl rejãeewith uain-toulea'rn ith aduringx Thijirig0r n orstalat-jardened and deeperate serenity.r ytedm tihapesofurbo- ge $and.t lng y o- De mila venganza e r.At three o'clock in the afternonof the se- IOaEoo1.--KhnOetirti cW i eig l agbenaguete y l b ~_~ ~end of Novemiber, they cagne forth fromn the ta- ed] the mndependence of thei Nort'i A merican 1 acs IWv"mewDEpJUUTM MleB10AN--A Mnul.Ave a it pwrigima i This may be rendered exactly in Enbglish tila, in the convent of San Felipent herwyUnion, Cngress accepted the ."siimiippi an it&s b m, uttiftlProvidencen ha v)c;à a il a AND ina ý re sL-e dc- y medi-%,rye t oexecution. An immlaense mass of the Papule-etenbudy.Teprhsofiuiaa dtHve 1LeAgcutrtndn sor. y remeO! He Who My ownei dMIh offend ion of Malaga hadl assembled to witnessthe wAs the firet transeaction that r t thilmnon 1aioy e rward tth e tbilms Our hardy Fiegr- SIY m. C ES E y , M., r. They cry the heur, with a proongedi and mon.- On my keen vngence mont depend. eencluding melancholy tact of this tragedy. lnan inch of Ind wV rest aof the M sipp>i. Te ~-n iclrpeiin fte ylb es, ed by the .lie midst of a strong detachment of troope Of tpurchase of oiiana from France -outld Out en. j nie epressi nofthe tiçe esra* opert al inte egbohodo hectyo a ig, on name of ioftheo f nTadhisal ywuthe eapolnof La "RonhduLourder- ibe liae, the muffled drumse playing the .isead title the Uttion to moretthan Fraence claimed, 1 nomb h-ti mjuriously (onrthe Devenue, "and Ithe aksof iltrhi ftheG da-edCina h rvl erthe ofrMa.laateone,=totllr. aer tionhs it hadaidonm similar work in hie narch, went Lit Rosa, walking erect and Étrl, adFac evrcamdan. ertr ws f. s h rprdtoietd cutn hc May observe, among other pleaset habitations, hvqitioleuiflaete evn boe 1 • .ethperfect self-posessiion ; at somes litle dis.-l@ errioryiMounais. orh p n . n it S uri. m wm pverf of e t o bebuttemr ary i-nter . . a bautfulkerena, r cunry ast whch a u th i Too ui bAmeth bal this ne T b -u they movd 'on frm point te point in :ance, sad and distressed, followed Dun Jou, istritsoialclimsN-,toth o - ,culony tm y titan uiiuseoo tracts ~ amalnhl ntcwe om fh -a D ofvieneand b *loodts are tan ir m egting Procama; and never baiers walking between two priest, lisiteninog totheir gave up is wycane ottme of Grale-ýSa rint everiotof the iteair hasdetnilenstt trocitisameÈcIo ,n tce wit tar e a ld. 'Amud atd, ootter for iolth emark datmonhere tofu.or sinca bave I witnssed uCh a procession Ia xbortations, and saluting hie friends and ac- tain ; fthattreaty ia onlyg, aaistSpmith e ru nce snq o tfsatre in ai ng lap- ost batone gr e anquite orhamr df 'tat -atl e fo the m padowofftth.tien. As il peausd from eaac tu place, litteral- quaintance as ie passed. When the maelancho The samne holdo trueof the alleged tre y-tfea va sonfrcsalis n ihp o thy oiagegrvmandlce sisor y of trglae ate tm the heevntIOf el tetain.iquseio frlod" elwe b yprcssonarivdtt hebrroorthfoenntdia-i ay uc teayexsteRust latnheß6 tatth fndpacd t hedip adPo l uand , m retwi ch alr e s tbeegon od i tthef mlaaon ae nt1ofmthe istur tate animmense rushmgmultitude,eager tu get space on the banaka of the Gaudal-Mfedina,%werne fnO nd o ndwStpcaslert oOertoir h So uthî 4 he j t de foýl re purpoooepm h bele. hi renaniespo wa te del I of of the country, hadaibaeept under martial lae.w .A u rieso nerstear ess o wt-e ou ld by eodst h e opos ite sid e e d eaui f5 4 n pIG neto teNrho 0 hnPs omsi e:rhsbe ey a Young lawyer, amiable in hi# deportm«0enai- This in the renton why justice, inimont esses no r ty A a teasycletvreon t penaded t theaze, il Mr 1 cori ntryaseatsl whichok he ownede his eyes&pailled!iybutMtreaties betweend these powerlsyand the Unierripk4L bie in .ociety, and eJOYirg a reputati'on uPerler dilato , was in this caseintited w vitha each zg er e ye euadSvrystrai e dtorgm a := r fithetear iaser.Look e pobter! lesant spt ed Snt aes o wi rt Brits l itane. heis jn o a pa _1 11y, a~~ ~ ~~ ..h.alloferm f oe n osrshe pid andterrible severity. 'T14à,war WitthDona(tbt e ar nderyo hed t on e we n orhelattim.Litl.hd eanicpae< ant act rdivt cliofa.theCelumba&forvet 1 i& N o is whle name, becastethe transactions to Carteshadbot yet been concluded, uan ed op Spotor on seh d bsoft etragedy. tthe Pe wm er project minei #mur eousi otr u s_ha emtenaed diovey o r the-lumirriver - t o i btj blii ers o which 1arefer are Yet comparatively recete.and tain-general of the kingdom of Grenola a llhon u m wheonrestDton dJo th beemnastabb e t io- not far fom the same o t heIOM boviller en by Capt i G re d aci i dzen of n i atie m e'-s , e A o nt a d E tm i red s d t it is enough for myl portr ntodesignatehan Ias ally lives at that City, was residing in Maia e sto rted a nde heto t hi e ail ee quein-ig« Miniouste utintramongtith a comnP s - reta elna berey dasidesot dis o u t;the r.r týive 1 e e vi el c nden fyur readnes ,vwa in ,Malaga, I saw hubin publicly shot, in thre see somne phases of Spantiathlife, wichele coulpace of rendezvous to the point where they ex- his designsasln eoe Bsds tde o ppa&h u evce aigdergrIto' that Provence of ten thouisand s Apectatora, in an, open ot otherwise bave witaessd, and aiseetdome tervct aRo ihas m t hat avGtrey took paeofsessio n n o s gre mer-i, froaitey deb h eienisofte ine n space~~ tntebnho h udlMtno edr ilfid ruh eoem n e cor ofmaignnt atsfatio, dscibe th t t1as vienttha LaRea Paremventoihannavenure1cpabero tkin poesst n pr aiviylemae- th it idwh.eth yecul e' i e tico rs olficaital trial beoe e nta tib wholeascene. te last, that Don Juan miight escape. lin a the namne of a Governmnet- osesin a,.,ai u ateprmoistion frtl er May t, riton ohcits beutilresidec m fld new bdey- ou.rTe acapta ieeal btook te allit htis un- During the course of the day, fGfty-one wit- relar trial by jry, the lawyers might have ltaken by Cook, who commandea Kinssi, a oyua rpsto frtesrr .ro h on e of an Juian's aecquiaitancewa, re nd a. hands, a in o eedw trit lainrlenta isown nesses were examinai. The murderer aluo M e much forDn Juns defence out of La befoe Grey's visit; and again by Vancouver, lC a nd T erritorial Revenues of ilhe Crown. ine h ie i a u an f a nd v ely ifepo a-dg,ranpi:ty and tn n iecmlete ng ener- tient jintomore detailed and astoundinbg disclo- Roua ama gnity Sveral timesun the waywhile sreiga h ii rywsofte i xhnefrapraetCvll n inethed of sm e ory n hfaer own riht. Boi- whelmidang. eueu, cEPlOy Lever- sures howing in part the *unis of money paid frontthe apel to the place of execution, the co sTe nly st headw Grfycla whf ic the ' tru thaet t yivl"ou il, oa pemnnt Civildeber at n de1 teedfon e ths o peandDnbJruan thregoas a". tw as butmdngt hn h th beforehand, the cool, calculating deliberation in assassin turnedlhin head and loolted back, suspi- United States cau urge rente opon the expediin thtietrm on ic re m edtattr ,mt .nac , iwicbu orte uradful re dy I lurrte i a t ive befor eth T che of the preliminary arrangement& o he m refort ateri e r'emihtohbefLe i n Cak, n h atm te ete- ecagesoldh fecear dped t h aml (). go totleamght never have orne the thre rnurderer having been noticed in rubbgbi andtitre Tie nte i aatigthirdomdvi-that getl e ne eotcaianrsi h1l"eto Atrivnthtcami eihrsrn peetfnnia oi o h onr appeaanceof giltbutlray orfrindshp.teer hndsaoiefhce fom tProveobaodtneisotm.iTedmosterperssted tallhis revius gn emn comng .nor ndisutabe, toughtrijh,*b:admttedftre husbaand, Don Joser, bwas o f frn, unupiciue his Ieth efcapttin-enetealordiestiges of statemgents, and Spoke of his crime with sucha a An open space on the Wet side of the Gua- the sake of a speedy and samricable arrangement ; 1M r P a1re enndovorbl e e:l e h busbnheatednaJtur, aael o th weriyun. ~ ou un]bi b ete atgen aes f wd He alosote terrible tranguility and self-poseion, that the dal-Medina hiadt been designated for the Diee- and al ald events it gives to the Americana noth. ;1 I' rlan ere Cou n pi fh fos ff uh*letr telofdthelme re tng.-hr aso t bwaterd pth htt e ok d tonges of hi&slaice grated with a horrid dis- tin, and thither had been carried! the corpse of ig tu the north of the route pursued by Lewis.1. 1 Speaeran Gefren he/o eoA- and D1 ua er ratronhr seorhs.I teaor ash eof th asssi, whi chiah, and snance upen the ear. Don Juan remained si- the murdered Young man ; the captain-general and Clarke. On he thr hnd GratBriai is difficult to say, or wvho vwas the temapier tothre thrown otrat different points during the close 1rsat an hc i ii lent, absrded in dreadful foorebodiaings as to the being resolved thant no circumsrtance of horror has alor1ys claimed from the Atlantic toe P- Frrery oryer'nybs er ia 'v dee o bood wic rsuledinhermier ad prsitof hewachenan aso heknfea rsut.Ateight o'clock in the evenir h hddbewn ,t etrhr rthehecm ii adhssrntened thtisclaire by the 'been devoted tteadvanocemuent of theitrte estruc ion. with wh ichte faalcblow had abe e uile ddepositiont n ofsioso h aywr o-mission of similar crime#. And imdeed the discovery-expeditions of Cooke and Mackenzie and haopiness of thtis Province and beinggsatis hin aetucin smlwi thale rgo e laus which as alfound ne ar by the y et aptt, and cluded. Then at four in h onn h sa-whole conduct of theaffairproduced an impres. lay the formai taking possession ofeCtook and Van- ie ditat a Governent composed of imividua fromt Mala;li tere lmed a tmant namtedtJos e d y h essi-eerlasimedaeg a ndihie accomplice Don Juan, with thir le- sion on the city such as never bad been made couver ; by the survey of Vancouver ; and by ofnepltclary nywilb ilsuedt a Ruse, and pot ivit r o a dey lbarer, ald n .ffc rto at as trey-gmenitea n gal deenders and thevwote body of the witnes. before. testlmnso h usnsByadN rh ia tulc dtin hve vrdiictyao . aa thed Sanirde athensi mu r i eon h -i case, ontheaartof t govrnentIandthen ses, solemnly ratiged theairteston. The faall lsquare being formnedLa Raagain W senCmais rmtetm fMce . yrlcac ofr uhaCucl n d o rcee the busofiness oftaimntheand T is vwas the day of the trial, and«the internet in a tond clear voice, insistedt on'the truthli tal] sisesaexpedition down to the timne of Autor's bal.loy earnest desoire and intention te adninister ant eS iad ass w e n t p rs mi d iercena r ons. edt he s n epssib lt of k ,tdeingaidagitaton of the publie rene to a still h iher his declarations. Beneath the anolentadjura. Ged (and by the Government of the United States the a ffrs of the Colony vwithe the advice of a a l conrfsSan sbod nw' "oe at n osqetyL o al onfesedth pi e . New confrontings took place, aM attlions of his conférao, he declared tatie for- ueutnneupoetd tep ofr or twihalisrsssol erpeet couerdtr aie ad efcas l y a ed om unds- crimie; and «seeing himself utterly lest, if alie*, cokte as ase noth ad gv o JaadLegd t e bsadr o seteetthhesuhbn f h sur f e. id esia or ni teontionattstil rtaejin ty civec. As heapeaed uat thseièexeu fsgaedaahiacopic heyugfaye uteCtuiuntelfor the accablad. An ummense pray God to pardon him ; and then, in the true the Columnbia,thadofaCuclhsco tued hej t thensre s ieMappa ea, the as of an nelevated Don J uan. crplc h ouglwe mliuetronged every avenue leadimgtu the spirit of thre Romish systemt, prayed them toSay . ---claimef*il classes niybe urged on the ae.-- statrereglarfeaure, ad sronly n o eJucmn ce..daa fthcodm nt, vent of San Febipe, where the counicil was a Credo, and a Salne to the Virgi del Carmen. George Cheyne, a Scoich physician, whe a "w of the Suvereigna : Whereae a Party Geo- ef u a re. e in lg isnmensae voua . ltd liet te o rrieeadmityof whhia u t. l ot, and anxiety and impatience enrepotae This was probably the particular appellation un-. person was talking about the sexellence of bu. ernaient would epose the Lieut. Governor, wlon cal trength. lHis face was of a citron colorfhix be diffictto tfindl any couonterpart ain the judicial n everyacutnne ta ilcl ocne e wihh a enacs mdt aehs man naturejexaimSued, " rHoot, @olan i! pu- l ost heavoi abl et nge.rnt fl ocin ial"en eye blcklageandvey wWe pat, nd heproceedaings of any other country. In the dead al res re ie o tecors f rarntwnor ronoo t heVign ar-Maiamn aur i soudei o hysoud tpe-daiost tegraadngrmfbengmdea whle expk lreion of h is cunennear and e o tf ight a body of men rapidly and silently sr raioes r heeaen laignrdl amn eulysadi ee flw n eiin" ,mtulrfrume t hof pp ressiosmeptniq of them earful in the highest degree. If you lhadt me: , rotnded thre city residienceof Don Juan, bsFath- hund uryci nor anthig ly ie itoeb t efth e criminalsReng e t ai]te D eron gqtheauoi 1.ntl omeemut o h el a ggru acln i ise s t a Mds lii f ant eveninig inathe inarrow st(reet fma, -enue adto hmfo hsbd wo ethe Lhé pprtsmpypasfral ddotcttebec, aRoatundto nJuntad "Fterainurelnineegnrld "wathwee uc a e ocnin"dhtsn you wvould have felt anlxious till you found hj ad éscarcely timae to close lhisSaye«, even if his A-afr nacBtosaddfne aera.wtlnexrsino h os itrsram des teaue P rt iv eero "W ytamlesonid"thime ah n ter Het alwayoust," tr» e Sprote onrof i e aetyat yur wn dor.conscience would have let hima, and hurried hien turi o i nedheafternoon the defence e-. asked,--" El ea la felicidad que usted me paro Bcueyutk th aprvryw kad hegn al efrewtutrer cerdir Thiisl maan ný oght h avaeedseonengh n eor h cpai-enrlt onrnths e- the cil usw e a e ht in the evtenting mtia ? ith Mis the happiness You promie o a hv o0a hmfo er. in hs be at i ouhthofOcber, whn oe nite r 1-eathe pa e a losae nitdnto he mostthe a o at i eciie tgether, to ear "Don Juan, turning to his confemor, be. Wel asured of the love tieat theMpOleof larrest ha d est e gofrom%, on h ugap'e int etd f h reeittohoeh mr atccusation»strainthe attorney-general on the soght fhim to interposte. lPur Diose que no me WANTs ]FORLTite roEaRt 1dd.-More indus- la i co hiear to the porion of our e n se enec, nfld narog pnihcp , an e, wth eal oth eumtaces ofthe iaboli a r teir d eae nt 7- - ains te pnsocog, sd ebate ese hombre antes de tiempo!" "-or try, and lem idleness ; moire economy, and lests Quee, and of %heirattachment to the cousine. ."k.eO hûe na rom herger toaitoe i, nd uu. "" ^"' "" ' " . lu Z> J - . - - . ' -.. au Lot dta and evidence lbefoethe cotrt */m're rne retrava11rance more ,nest men than Iraue;te hc id teet h ohr t:k.ý Thes aeay rntirwhi etDo Jan hadie cur- ed, Persuaded] and induced himn to commit the to i- entnc.p aten oetea eo tis kiind so lin ;emm n iy t n g ; m ore shirts Ue. a n in .a, ln s deet r ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ - p e ro r s c u r ndya pa nor e daa v;,f o rrhisau risroeer e d a n d h e. 1f t t o r ecnua le s h td n u c e t 1 w a c h a i c anisse1ocy t ea m vt et d M e tIo .ý. make v a! ,,ue, whn heshon u an h rtmethi i- co very an ,cap re th e huroed murere i n h u nwa e db hs d fn r;ianima. gether. ae e uatin hand i n ora ore ; mo r lab o frers r m ti n ivjustny afdtimpart al f p h nMmTh ar.m ee klwa ttmp leteadhna , ry ep rto tecimm,,an)theTsdden- edadlcla nd e cited in the auiece a As I atood th e compa nyo Sanish fried oes'bnß f l e aesyssbec hl ertaia~~~~ ~~~ niiweivr o ke h itn- red b h icethen bo ms of iticley. hadfa l ie de nes.cTai fL oawssmpe o h k ftheuadl-aedia, pp.ite t e e.------ sermorad securetheir aprobationand afe r, d iq lwa ets i s end, h bmrde er wias c o veDo uarw ig ; nevrteluess, etm ighs an lcoe in g mer enap lt it l acre ofex detexpectnthe ceoummtionte.igÙon, ain hteboUth be madsers m uf t M 6 ,ita i, eet han e r ie bdge (lvre pth e i ,dt. p oesae em itand te utr Ca! h acsTonandefene o boeng c oh i ft hs tbe.ragaljstieattasonmo eniofgron ira olbueal, ordtialaec ieng, t uraio.n l rive t & e loe yhn ai ih fhsoj ct, e t bsiec uar fth i •Pre yur carg nteJ awould e adntraletoisupos a t hruo h ms flierret. N tueieme otatal - -- - --.yuasthdepeenatar f tirop aen iuself, without mistake, forrthe as.. a ndo en ied adthe s u de a rda i nd o t cou Ia d adte ud to m. sym to ze in uth omarcee Thaend ubue E ratfa et ,IE erar 4 8 . HlfxN aSciEsray81 It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o 6 hobps lvno h ih fte i hh -on fteme xrodnr cnswihcnnth agsun pofed ow wta mildinopstetsreand geniasl De approatio d8c o h, as Don .il eJ el, aco m p ed y a a n e.t e re ad i h ebeen tny oelaj as ie litfu l w e r bel conevdrn t he , ofu es of aju ica l riaple w arm th,-nd our te ples w ere fannednbyandair of TbutinNG FeaEddiliPoymDEeTIA EscAPE. IN U Tt hO as retuning unsupe ct1) ilyrat kor hir oe in th might hverconrived apoerfu eece.uaasigaondiileee leai n o uhtanprn urtCn dlcos amns - i onig lbu toococM .Goz-M T E lL.D ITtC ,y from an e enincv ilasthinguseef atrien .nt eapaf lelhad noPtm e-eenft sle psup n theth noanjofthecpeced ng s epa. y rr rmamtonrndefthe verdbrea hing of ieaflxuryeque Faut auxcof his aris , w a awo e by a U N CiPAoCO U CeL hey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- haem e tteetanet n fte ta s can . THemvest ainewashfolloed up - The adefencen bei cofncude, heb Inth naurl ord llwasmncetseen_&_trnggOrDofaigt ntisrom, n ooin ot eb rme berop e issi , 4. arkt1; a -nd arrow s r dets rwit ich Maaand i th yoterbe acctiyond- eatc h.a eit was o th e nfotunalte s Jposewashonlemnulyorpste monelyand hjuerente twere to wit nesa tdoma t &eIeltt aie fo h ac ato usay e.14 84 eboundd heor Don Juani n d La R f is osa lhad &-l of ic nuea fdedimten outestull tfaes pferred ofromthe cautheodrabhee tmade 1tra m w h hd i so ne The ath eiththbe Tra newfhoue the oer ty f ohiM'ea, Heif trioa ct onn oil et thi 4d awitm i s com g.aAitLefrhe onr i onssin, anoyte roor f o t in gur-tece pogae la he t ocri:inls werth en i midnight w u e ru ers h circy o ums acst tu EauxfoEi lt e inary1,ltesa .cukneth lr le p il th tette a ohsopd n s do ,, oo facýelbtwente rioer. u bin dwesd inn@ane onrotatokp neo n peuitze lçn coulibeafe for anmoent, door aw kaUNG attE &_pttobrO oen t hALe frntei t de, nda e ace.ddwhe h uan 1w ha Icatim avncing1 th e watoftch- sIftill discord atiteir e siny, the ywere1 Lneosathe c bo oded and a enuy e a ss ca - i f suctnhcnmes nt ae eng ed w eannoaoiof w om ill Phat . IeN Uof J On TH. MakE ID LAN DT RICT UnIehsiysadt Ia,il )leAh, (Ci t ie vienea athi n dutdt heSgao o aihchrhcn liecn, mintaindthe Csae trn ndmlg nt A thapo dmmentarivedpreciely Thate n aco bcoutoftea wfu loc fat ne.ih teMdadDsrc. I a hs nene~~~~~~ !gh teeecoe thr ecme anthn ncdwha hecanteral, were thde ody e copBruwt h hc h*peadfi ta fouh rans'c enock, t a n er's s ordw s rafid inn th eyad erv ,ofti ae . r élWeahll ady aMUNIodethtoh CIA m ON CIas ied ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h pwfa ohsonhuentrmiigt u rtedsahad bge enarr e son trthe fist. I f he pc dn t e por. , .-asrr n geammge mote brtingt nof ea i t ifub ecaedfrenth ellr orAmer t Is and, b e two4I ýt r(e 1 l t e en fthe urd,it a!bose p ic spo t-asacntion.Toh ae . Whileithe sol wdile edrers rsol edtahis acocmlticsan hebdu fpo eInhegaete signdal for the odeath volle. A Ogg e i u t n srtc e . cotgnctnthot heDsrc oni f5 iie h ble pii re acmghim elfquetyn bed.eoetthe vdi t akg onJunrrorhsiedlhecrme soul nt. e rsttedandinistd o qek, alshaptepolerete the cu l ouromofexe nsieon"the pmoet a lnd he MhewoB ORDtpeet esewhc a rg~~~~~~~~~ niheoh ws akn hec b ameea de iotsbtreitinth slenhi carerganstDnJunanheteedino ozn usetaol taoaf asovr.Th hus it 1 i ws rape.n ams.Th Te harmnad1ntre1te 4.kf anhers,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ foof xctin!thw o h ahdrl hte tem liu e uch mlttudse mo p eartuae, themat the body o nan waisolled t o h tthe g rav b t a vaublheritr Diso ic tio rn ictC " a tinuh the prosai DonJo and aru t e e atc ian, ciuin g a ir ea n aene fdy ped ,n d te l ae, ,nd errv ied frthesh hoer r bored i i at i nra te lwy e r fwala a tht f osawa bui- gea d i te then o sel isftaMr. eeteMe'es-fde C s ias M ayu Du tet e re net sud adeLy by a at a s d il ars o theitnempebeoet hlieevs im , Jun imslfenesbrd o ss " e b l onardad,; h bot herhoon d cof a iy' anthB u bd m saemg etvaheablepaptrs h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ en trc mauh P m r s en ao h itnass fcrid ea tr wsoi f teb r auexfoudail y ieneam MAtigea e on os, niLer e or hewatma be aginshs acophe, nd ac tofae acued . ning te acc u sa nd ofuLa Roa, and eclar- e veditre sucnemSocan ico u ddnan d me tî t wág tet-w e'as uthv rn uuin ;cla vlcterk, Esaihm ye e t e l ena o n t h i r r d, t h e m u r d e r r dr D n ule o t 1 i n t h e , m u r d e r . a n T h e c o n t n a c o f t h e - e t h c a i tha s a ll im tre n a le e e t p in t . , Oaw f l e t i t io n . H aud t h e c a p t a i -f o r act t - sauci a ne w ea t ho the o m t h i g t a o dm o f oiM eiid M i H eris c u, S c h e r m e rhcree no àýc e tet tépi sne r.Bt en o tbt alei l n a savageknife onceald benath b capaand a n hauns me nw, hiscitro faceand Net, th preiient oftheacuncil m ed wthtletodeciionoannprompitfrhdttheil æres haatantwoo*threeminute mourSpr , btedlyiWnes f e b tres t o th e u nf o t n e K oa ed n d cea D o to w irc r an atrath f m ps m a o tathhyw e e L a , u lt us an d tio n of t bunalrthesd e t « vt e a i cat a c a ro m en P pfi er w p k i O tif th e a 4 r un oa d gvhaital male, ,uet bil " O A h apiti o ent a rrivd tre of y t a ewhic h he an itrith lwst m oof â eet li h a n ei a oor vsie a ne c o ihtecaierl hreted ft 4 oa m ng hchhas e en nefogrYnt s a S Cva t il ife yE181ATUE . - thwilehorAlitrit Mnleark aoe. l - ei wfltubsoi e r e oiespA"eto r Merdantime, di letsfarfudlonatrte foret.I an m encontcare ohpi inoaïtat p dt de t TeLg tr fna Bati e tHl- CnenCee oaot » e t r he n r e e v n t r e u g a e n e i n d a a e d d c of o n etnta dså!e y u l e a ,au h e A s n g nthw s e n i g a rd h e A Rul e S t h t riclT e uH o hn u i s t esun , of M i s r r . e i a e o d d b .n r h e bre a " e [ a " g u a à i e n t o o k p l c . W i teednfo r te r a 6 a f e r a f l l a v e t e ga l t h e g tad o n ftol e t. a ste 8 o f o f th e, M d a à D e t h eo e n d no f tt hni r e n r ert a i q i k a n t -o m taki b e n t a n g o n r a r antb i ac o m p l i e s n d g p eiar i the t S a r p r e ran t c ri a n t o i e rw u ylda i t a h o l n a 1 4 the a i n eeo i e . r m a b a wes s M r # hrohadh hoborthen r b d tri m e na ow a i ssed H a ed anp in ai e on t a e n ov ert st tl th atav en . The fac t " ense b d ngft r ap ed int y m ..T e he C aînd t e ao nb e rê r d t e g fnimo clho a a thifett at(n] lthithe bod r i t b y lefhercotrmatioreer isappsla no a- o zeum anaeM lg rm t h iltv oni tC nmaeo ad n ri c o c a e n e e t ra e , r ia t e d , b y aits e lf, b f t e at e eTody . . *.utit d e s e na g t e b o g fr t hc e o n n f a m Noaa m a d u b e d h tth ei ro e tn e a i d a m p u a n d in d U .S h ibn m t li r t 1 u n c 1 n t, * o he r watchman e agei n t h u de -- N x,1tte m ton o h0r: m lh ad o om n '"ei a m o the l w e bf Maa a; to o a J uan, yM e a o e d ner a i Jer e ta blDeks pth m r m p a d W e e . lio Josguad by e or e a n e ntas irr a n the rio n eewa e e c onp u ed, nd ti rsnd ne i r n nd ,re h b r or didig ntho . e. a d on ofL a tw ar a icti s tb r o do f e a de n ni h e ge tc chahtetacheictaeia tre s te at emperaet heliera b itya n Jnbiiai t G e y ae om e s u ed atovtha ont reprvone ame nt aca. Btàrheod t uait i'Tg W aidtem f t ogo salmffodi act- d d a uoraie, abisyieaSwd haivrwasprrdisansomFuneb ung ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pm@ int purd br LaRoraenprpos ;nbt, akin thedepantinsfneofutdneenthecoatoflfrictnerlyoppoite ibrhd-s ea"y pactied mSpan uner" ho ceÏ)08g"esee. MsmN aún, iruhed e lrthe wat hmahem ss d r pp d na.a dk rc ifihllo d imhptibolseigdi uor de e olmafnwdf strc'eyalpeat ou hdr adh.ekwa tgheés Smge e d a .'. ai nro ena camsj eo h sistbacopiess,-ane faceyte if e o ningteewhe c t usai fL oa n oiz wu rbton Ha d thlie, peraps oralntd c tro adot M& mlt sued« bm Sy letart on th ituta out e t, anred a e g iry f h " con.Tierogieareefth d ,li and the val e tinapnM Dn mu io h r ia s narry.l _edgta i ne thi Mber a ea h atte ndf hchhewa rt h is eaonwa oseofthoeSaihkiehJa nhaR s ee lcd ttmecar, a d iion aln t d pmdso d iaskr Thy th a in ore bthe bbe> çer -, budde i cnct e au e d b t im e Cap oa nd in g ne a u s m g e pve absa itr o nf a cendN of the sa e m o r ei gi n t t e chape l o t c ae g e a u m rge iw h d th t ent h ef - d mo fe th re afo m th y ensa .ped p a o th h b i t0 J$ e t o ef teu e l edi wavoth re ed s i levnge no i bakwit swhicth lmey ina cyveght their loo ad tese t, ne n tr -stino fte triu n aao etlrivs.atr ettohfthecr mue tetae b«thci off T eplie ,O a 6 n ue n byfw ich be andsive tw sta den eilewu 1red sneh d of e misai ali aounded bytixnganockhlfte »d ; a trligh. le onelfahs kainssmyp Duqivnt.JWhuet s sad of teadthMi ett be eint ie btttehhded 9ets aeso h hewi elneo h a chma n . tohaiteidato pray and m rd r pahe"ac .ts e th' y edrottc.ftreecution ofouee* a L a w s aga lke nabc eee h van C aru êe ad bAo « u edl ad , wit th h erast anhe, ao the t h e er y on a, mvind, to the mtdre " otathémnt ore inkr myo e th lac e har eratihé f a n ae no f jutwic q u on lt crl » -3 n.Cuier.ueePmr, the (« h o am n ftenlt f geelc ni ed, i mm ed telybefre thu e Rcsp-liaiknuif e hav e aasetna turaDlta te ammday o w pf r t tsee cuWties wi take av o ir un c ytom r es a dr b ote*Ne or6 'a ré e ta o ié a à cle hae e-lgtNhe heoriginpoutehas atu tde airtandgspg nkget, l le gea eD i. I* sho i hap quza , N V S O I E IIL lIR .whce u .wm à*u * m t u a io n i e d t l he p a i h t a pe l lv a i e o n g t e elo t h e m u d t o i n n h e a d e l t , o i l end b y p rzib tsth e t e d e a t h o fm a s s e s a n d M t r e t t he n e i tra ta io e d o f te M a i l ilT e L g o g t c r ar N v S n i s m t e te « t a d p tri a he sa r m t i n etn g toesta e at d e ft, ota i c r ayti oan .a rpfpres, ad m n i me se ca s us e , oan d t c b e e r nta d m i i an oai . an d eso e a f a oO nhs s a m ot m o r.s e% » e uy M & reoso wathmen i kn e some f for aouti iiigthree a f r whi mmehitri e bJo ru a cos a id b hsc o h i so eprsen eift eitiay e e nt e M n .Te B B on ili m ye ss, w .- ab bly hae t P nak enieir n a ze epr eI s m d o s a bt l ke a on - e m ib nt . f h ue gr all the ms e a a "- o f roh e rs . A i t rse a l ev gn r am t hde a rcoiet ten Oe cmae.I i nt uni el d e, wým ith absro g re , n t o ae . n at ter vase, iathe bmishworldassi not nota thsc empss the pen v . &w a u t hae d ea " eoty bn dap p l in e t ooth e m, f r o mith esth eiba c k o f w h i c hc c e cd tpt heda gat a t i o n o f t h e w u e l"c"e d p e a e"* "f t he° "f o n c e o f eeWmde s t i hrg ring r throfe houra dth e t t f the w h ohot oean te u t t rike » M, w nd l t hey .1.hlégaappyhaï,g lawy r pascod.hat day nd A al@u as they dotherclimateiguloedecihtfa6- ao. y -rpswddtphpel.aThen felau asgmighttionainbraly dity m, als a ceanences of theas 1sll Glad sgays -een qa Y rck inflgh' laledth Iurd rintat-mostsierr ukdwi aabc raisic Part nof th i nuttdreulaiti esd red. atio0'All er lt o i àe haebe a to ea ntav h at -Y ted tl m .R bi4 C - U C u4 e o A CANADIAN JOUR-NAL, PO LICA GRUL RL& ý, Il a e eadlos ry westerly ico th, ai, Trent. iherto bc Jiu], baon tegnr lnwbe 1ýresent- rgenerally useful artientarty no tx 7d with the itn' 'xport traide of Cý supliUed from that .hic hesides vield- nue to the Govern: à Forest», contin, ,ands which inight ricultural purposeF lits 01 affluence arti f thousalnds of Our long exprience in la a D"Pfy Barrey. !ttlernents, and withj ide, in the De t lorauoin, Diot pl,. iduatl, induces him ýonfidetice for, some in this uindertakine mie about ilhree by :*ated on a scale il lithopgraphe)(d il, the encry, in shieets ¿ -rs. fot b-ath copy, e Map. Subscr ij, t he Ofieof tj' A. G ray, Iyto,,, .# Puibl ic Jýnrna, -7. '.ir onje < hi TRANsORIPT. Ilhe MOil1freal fi-he present pp l.ds and Patrons, ovinice, thtat after ill r wvill be p'ubbsbe"d ry circulation ---- %il tudy-isedof breü. Thé bc e tax, ,f onie-halfIwe, Mi by the psL that theSusrb lot be, losers byv tiw f Thlursdav's "'rai le Cirenlati~on akat Satturday's couinr w% ill recalve exactiv ing mattier as; heretý' mairy Transci3ript m [(g per antaim,il 0o1 ecr-pi Tra.-ri is being it isbe-n nyied byayjur r, t he Tiralsr ipt lýa * ýfilhe Public faNo o affect public miorai opnosand p)rejud is cail hly xcud 1't il is souighýt , aind amtusing, to ib retliterature of th duLe attention is paid, th'e political rd n'iees in which 1ik wound up. In shor, is ol:e of' the C/ne hie Colony,' il is inifen ý)oraries in its litrr drevssed to M'DONALD, >ntreal Tr anscipt"l v, 1814. L'N il .. i 3d Thursdasy of 0,, y, of January,and M uptils can enter ilat ! rio of eleven w'eek uitionl in highestce for comnmon Engli n M u.ic, (W Wn Wil intungon Ivory, Freslk and Latin. Mrs. E Il those Studying ta rmi a part of ProfeO a acems te Tn interetti Loua&* fu four paMrameA r over each. N e» iffrd greaterfa ,rnditted te the failse m circulara be ho mauiun. Ma Rlev. M. Rca stoni, Air. A.1 tiOOKEl, SS. W. BaAni 4 AND HERa an. Orna)s 1M43 Nr. 47,