"i-us. ~lun - potame i~ s.. -- Jia et Dyopp al ant rruAffro sogi tbm ad od u é.n3'? vIs i*<fsfilie s Rata mm us <4lu~~Lato.*I lith ieeto asbfie lhltigieylitbe imie, hbmt*4.âruspf4mibae Uepmnbew &*dm tbehe girs li u.f USAE~ uaseae lsei,.Kisgaiou V* è*m4woWholadur, sagnt.. N.g.Li t %eid ot Saem ts ena "Mestwy ciNrvma f' *'geçth# x.LV opaoiîg»iyd s49ew.a thae Lmhasm fautie 4s xtm mutab. ien-leitseusupe ubut D Jia"p*Ueje4-ti U**dVf~a evaiefrei isihlyanb itarai 400Ahm my i <cii.!Smll. bosv*bPd m u4s me toeuveuWb$ balen empalulotimit 1- et ypu ' ta.admg w eakmniarridl- .ienk.cuiiy le tteg men e a trne, streuMds l. ba#* i.fi md y fctoële am. tu MILLES IIêamEAT, mdprie s dm ktsey t-o. c lrki.ni; ilbthe ystres leyeurs b806tien .16.toast cc.ldtïmi of thibm oge;Mai :btiti olff st cOna.E~0l M 00uCtain- 4001 mqlie. 41,1 Atne mn .mt abI.e, but in d*am enamnu4;è. Baito. of l'cwrt bis m"4itn apie erf Pthe eianofJet wbl#. ,9 aire irnat come teMibc"ý taotet100m"0de.. 'ive-1vam o Ii rouf Bal" pmcýrn Inuà eaIrDao Pe aiq Bad i*wypn.c=iel i ha 1 soee pheiy ofl t di ml amn paw and i ta bwi.1au1t* uni leuftnt~Mlvba luI Icse-1 anfiti eh*wau MA4911> p* à lamd %raid. ws. in ne*u w, 4 a «soai.Llshope <04114.m h.0 of u b irei et;l t M elc' Bas of f seait rs 1; uàmkbe ,fta f . uas 8.1. tim. hte of Db- Nota ham.hmgid vta .7disse« ' B 6m»«Ù . Pore o i B y w Th 1A*dm1p.Sjl) 146 hÀ~ i.uebt U-1.1a 2, wpéail tqI -77aniiat s- C. T. sw.ive IL O% kuuM aua o w&u Twmmiagea. ~ C The Zébus %~si s. Toeoile~ Uc., MnommL amui umsoetuaig, de *uW4~ameitafra~.. .b.' " 10vi'h las n in Sritisb North Amnes. ?bb-WutAiWlt Mon iudht@s vitt lue ex eltualiuju dentua 0. elga ad nuil snbff euara.4b.Aet liat,,goumlea, A* gONo. eau ami O s M*134 se limitew orp.met qimuuâ. mmi luite» ti aits dmats-vs. 'aisi 0 l$açý upadmLh m8rd. asssta b otrLhtetrymai Bacioause Oeab. iine. a tises.parate sProvinge. lîin prepomWidthatthimeutNmdm e .pubtiaimi in Apritlm 84, or se Maso 1a a mScient aumb.r of sabreuibemasa bt ieMdteavenant dé opam lieTw~o<Smioepttm.vini b. £1 0e per mnea,= e.h l ieames. teu arue m m ribiuugame reqsMi.c i tben oitice (pmutsge tee) lIolthe 1P.oplma M. & W. ROWRELL. SM King fttroei, Tarante UJ~Tis aé %0mné orsp.inluiToronto, King. etons moeirsml MW =a irame .qaeted l iv-e " i, e» peeaafev ietiomb, Wo wvidé tbmy iii b. @uit lia CM eibm p* kuIlir tqi kmt tan maMie. W m MGe.hm» rT J'&ILmiSes MW bdJUçs. 'tea Drent,>a a a W#m u 'rn o u *q ân»memdtet. t"..160W.l *WWiWsmnetuk of "a11b »&V al 4lw ou baat u, attion Qtoidlpi tu. ofameu4 Fihiiehma Beaver Clotaie l inac, Blue-blact. Biue, Browne, an uitsible Osees; ACg D-ktiis e Mmi admTv Lima.4 .*m tm't- te bo , àmagr1 ea 09*" PMa,ïod T 5M; Ta VUm fflcýýl@tbJBr . ra d k Smeiý Ob ie 7,fl - ~ Me a oULRY WI& ENKI1S A à IoIl Il ,l AND o MOM. Oppeaite 1 heuewmvReu igo lb If-benmu. Cammw eie NanaRnmsi Pub gre.*rim ,Agr"mtkurel S .cfutsQfo.. Umln* 8oemêoet. ,Prilms, uNr I N u~ptiagi trv hie bi huisnatii Lelmalgi in leanmuail, blgute ocgemW tieg 'ha bual.Mm reiytaecienelsoriw. <w *b ai iii aY bedbin m en~, eld*lapa bl perlale. mammp% qp1~i artI Il mand gouda c;te'e *ylul ma*riieum of tbelysakWttraimae cm xe fgiéeh acetliberal tal =--:pe 6 PMosiomt>krise ui bfésdm or drafks at idi. e-t ogaabotidaes. a, i Muresee tMlme L arLivsrmsol omise for paymt. 11311 vD in recoure consignmuent MY. feepiplnoa er c adise te b. mlouoe oonuumioa mii eos mcipt of te ilmleof0<la. ding nil1 acoi la1hdrawn upon bits et tht.. m$ent ntete is licars yul mneut ihii as pmiudo l.:dmspain latheir dispouat mai mamb. 0eine itiî ibresmtent attentim te b i. - Ils oithe bmeCainur. AietMaive kmoviasge ofIgeneral busines ar uri Iledaog vidance ile sWoiu ususiextensive convie 0< ua. ume Witise mBrtiielclonies; tb.epeiuç of mverallest s nLondous ne a caloniAgep coupsi mii p utde, attention mand >ud men, I ll 0t"ilm oao bina t gi r.q à. . Parenta mendiusg home tbeir ebilsr" for edi8catiosiwa mii confidence essivumi theg on thi i'arrivai lite éc are of Mr. uneoode, nie wiii u0daviseltese.thoun placed le AMI le m4" reaçsctable mîbliahaients, vhbI esvatestla isn a )b. peita te tir molIt imC qm« aa gandcoort tT<rencem alyle made tethe puiibr o tbe luemIl,.lgton, Or te anéy or il. Canadsiene di. fusqmu emmueicaiot. jane, Il. Fm the w of coemmt H' CUBA? 00001 ClRA? Q3OLS t1 UA CL W~N. qpmsme8s(elle et tramuma muetcruviace tins.wMo m. OPeM *iM " bter bave boe.ili urela mma botral. imil *wmd are ae t soai mma. mtim4 %dmtatint me st de« of ev rt iclte quimfy am u aa ty eues Esa,4 tel4 butoi; Il.,b*hoeraita, invita- &mgsiomito Ibe fewm& .vis: Wou si zNadan mo6, Y#&sim Ciahe, la av* y tnicol0our mmand we;-,iiot% aOg'd &plaieB eaVrg4 01 Ilm~itamie; Casoi*mera.; Ommbig; Tmde reym;VeetugeBite- kam; FiaI ;Ptmig; Serger.; Nalme; Kid..irnts Spiy Im1rai.a"amicsale 0r- patiae; Ue rii.Iuç;Daaaa Bri ai. am; lodâmne; À4Algem; Orwe alPemime Amgets. ame.. Bra nud Pariin sClae; 1*aî«maua.; C.hen Broobeum iee amà coead DiWh Vlvm, t. e lmm a Tee p mu Mdiplans Grc de NApIulu %JOUIRShl B backs; Diper; liap.- O..éU ~Cdu tam fo=séw&!Iso 2oqs lmm Io C41 t Pelp uru s,#Ja et3 BAL* *f 7mbaumt<b bea.ream eu, Si'mmi. k«ýCI 3iwnaw, Cà*axtm' ià Curas' Twçue8 inam rre~ Engliab 4smori eruan =md qutîng, Bld 0ofUi mBiIU 14*116Lea* Lner Baer ndTraüe lape, Bed Cota? muilambro nems. talle t"Kmwesiand Pois, botebme, madumlore lui mA"éPan Kaieme; Scimeeemamhas, B4 riea ass"is, o sBmw Demania. pbw .!MdlGerum.&h« iTe. IU-a mot, Md T7"leSpoomu. bra ai ad aed Cnéiwtmims crempin isgNalies O. "1&& VtAm AND PAIN? UimWFL a Wbîte Lea?. dry sud len.11. but Ile I4dtioo venctian lessialsBrown, lue, .,QwJCD &N g*'coupa, ,ocu. J.MuaImm, Iag USCcmpsay cffntu9. îqme -la.. - e- ai- - "- p b WILLIAM IRLAND., Secrtary. Ck. mdt rmLot =a M mmd am*n ftufr the voyage...au uirai by *0l»b mNz- "--eaq Act. ippliend« a(i( by lot- lt te bu poipaid)îto AuTWV aaynwa m, .Kbwmgm. ta ftyÂx à Bmenmi .QvebocAgmufot P. W. Dyrame. Liverpool; orite Wu; mioat KELLY, CoI#ernco0( Cutome. Té. N. IL.Mmy orderd wilI a)» be given on the - iW. plae f W «IlmUatmeuif reqfuired for tbe aoeâwmoduion 0< portous iaiug pamage by Mr lu", aipi. 1RATE 0P PASSAGE IM~R EPRING 81111-11 TO QUEE. -Y-& laci, ka- ana? boima? Linsed Oit. Tir' r- ime L>rpwsl--A - i2( ,mra l uidrtablo Tir. Ptch.-Pet. ChMis.maioer 14 yeas. i t l1 "uiw GlassOf amli ehaM iPainst- Siméromder 1 yaa,-Frec. à f> Brumbes. caeie hait peheil.., Fines Duhlia moi Beilm- An saortuet of bras and wooden CLOCKS, Alute. 2 15 O 3 8$1) cet day and 24 hours. Undr 14yam, 1 7 6i 1 14 5 STOYEN of nil descriPtions. Store Pipes. prong Cork & Londonderry- A lage. aeortsient of plinu, lapansaedandcul Aduit%, 3 0 0 a 15fi. block T114 WARE kept oni bond, or ruade tb Unde 14yeas, 1 100 O I It ordes t short notice. The reasels t.. h ooduanmd seamovlhy, aml JAMES POWIELL in ine hr thu mater, fmal and blr«m"susftà fur store Set, Kingston. June 22,184:. voyage, e preuvideul by the m .Pùweers',t Il fiff atudixth Vcra, cbsp. 107-Ifîmpit. NEW ANDI SPLENDID miail.!d Aaduinusey of mvery adescription WLi:, CABINET FPURNITUIRE, larludeul in theabaLoe rates. .4e drp Chepeetcnd c good N. B. The rlsiel vcgslatior.s litiseuiew act A#CepcwteCa M m c olave, that theve chall te ontyy fre eduît plinien. as tlbiL gers aeveryfive tonis vegssîet. l2iclon. Iosid 7111lESiubeil begs itam. Io laforu tbe pnb- cfrrcLstuj, uo other fIod aovaee tee 1.11< neraly, tst ho b4s reuoveda? i i 0 hhhdeult outtouieacisado lt passenger lper nilud a ue Bou o abus ei builinig,, recently day. A greal cuir ease of accommuiodation isnlise rectei l Monitrai :tiet, ilird donitIrOin the hight of the deccii, berthe, &c, i. piovideil for, corser cf 8c S tre*t, mnd neuir te Mr. 'ribesic'as meli mastritn îreguiations fur ascertaiming muid &eeary tore - -here wullt aa is foutai a ga- ieurng uth eawotiiene cg lthe vemase @enc. mitasortinept cf READY MADE FURItI- ployed. The veeselu uiiinis un l engage ntit, of tib b. qushis ana? laient paltpri andma for tise conrcymora of passeongers, x-iii bu tisci poii e asit sinmîng purhehm.Persn i Di- empia e.! for that porpoSe by Mr. P. IVW.flyruis, rmu et pecmaing su-e ueetetfuty imit te maireof LirirpL R. B. à cati. As tise Subscriber lu cetsntly mou.sufac- Quebe, 14th Nov, 18411. tasinit fnr male sad tu oider, lbey ean speu.dily bho-- uppimi miit ny article theymua i CiMi Ort opeaWhikey RinXiten, Jan. 1841. 50 0 Bri$. Planter of Parla, W&Tt- Vriserad oi Te. O 1 Case 100 Gros Congreve Matches, W. S. 0. B.N5,000 Feet Blmck Wuinat, li, li. 2, W. s SO N & CO21 inch. & 4 X 4 Scaitling, t~O~1 URo1 Billiard Table. A RE no receiving a Choice selecion 40 Bncles ffli igls (ny 40 Ml.) A geiermiassmment of Dry Good, and Statoa" coaîtig o I b Sak-ene, nilcIstIsey off..' at gu.smly reduscea Pute..Poney Cantxissa.Oie> Swansdow u, Dviii N. B.-A Coisaignent of 40 Cratee of si Coloured Moleskina, Priasted Calicoe, Egrtienware, wbich :hey are utborized tu Moumin de Laine, Dreases,. Prieîed CrMtpe s01el p for Cabh. ung. ana Pilot Cobths; Crinwa, muid Donubie Ontaio Street CfiovmntPewrs, News do, Demy, Foëiucmp, gus 15 153. Uarto Pon. Tlsick IBath, amuidTisiue do. E~isga.n. Agusut~ AMlof nhich is <ttie Saisi uuully tovy for 'PME Subacnlrib uexiou. tu dia-po.. of lIeut Cash, or con approved C(redit. .J largeStock of China. Glus muid Larthon- HUGR CALDER. vam i t bm'y baveiiet recoivmd, ofer tien omria br at bm priamt.ComrilWaf Aimes coasaaentof40rratmes ntmst Cmaa. iu-2411 -. m.e1843. ery nikt boiy nl s»Ilet met ces. wNl. SWPSON & Co. Onbaro at. Kiffltous, July, 18«3. TO BE PUBLISHED INiNOVEMBLE NEXT. A TREATISE ON TUUSUBTICAL & -PaAcTICA& ILAN'D rL jr VEYXIIG, De«Moetted fiem its fwit principleu. DEDICATED TO ts l m& i dwlaUoefs Lamai «Ym eet Utttsh North.Aummulmi Doe. Kienents of Geomery, Defimuise,4 As.Algelsate fleficitions. Geommtrical Pmn. blc.e, ianding tbm Nature mand U.e of 8mlm4 ltwg4l'renm Trigoumty. Neneut&W (îeMadDistauma.Description ndi m of Iami.msantsa mloyed in servoinaaiml and eC"»a metlz o keepisug a Field .* Vai tbo ila Compame. miiiparticelar d*o vmigmaotbe i~entmtea<tbe Mg* w eofe Calculation, Location or Lamât. te mbmëffl mg pe. beft.n!vi i ee Tigf»hloug vili b. llueraed by mpn ate, SiDà%mz iw erspermed t. -la e Appeuffix w.lbe aMui Ibthe ÙM èXd demmasstrationafci ibm rueu lheWy mleiau ork< apei on -ib00 oq of le ym e vell4o, Tabla. 0 kbmtait. ane% &C, ITpurate.t in tobepiboped vrai6e foum tlrejsimmu ibe al ofw. 0 Bieném t Ploveeti 0< IWmde as te am*ca 16aii Nia.Use0 Te N . àb. or w mme, -'a 1 uma mt a e mffleo a le iemia. Laea gr Imb»ritim W* W ehaaêuéWlbe& à Uàwîg. lé qtèmwen 'w ~ .5 PkU~.R~ .icm* POWDER MAGAZNE. R E S u " b ers are prepared t o tr .. Appty lui MORLEY & JENKIlg. Kîngstous. Aog. 28. 1643. THEI KINGaTON HkIHALD. 16Wl~la Sin LaON DON, bv mi. P. L. 11MO S tDb. Agent fur the Amaasican and Orimes,<Communications and Advertiseets, carth ibmsom IIZAD&UJ4il b. r«eivd a% tbe ab,. UtaWbset AMBRICAN NEWS LBTTER AND DURLOPRAN lINTRLLIGRYcEIR. Zhhrga#0I.mtA. aw t Tm "*gnd aim.. ~I~abta Newstpaper, wer enlarged Te. àu JWFlI#e 1 giuly rpeblin a L*e givo. t m en n aàla a smv ur "puia, or A@in "Jo due imeervai l e.. m aimg «"l sea N lp wwmbein poltice - eus. mofe<-e*omtm a" dampr*moivam Ubp- Liet, in. bwih iib. <ona afaithfM = WWIà*l %W BrUifiab. Burfesu. "amui Aal #fim-.wqthfu ki ua.eeor tme qtimsrn M" m»a tumette s u ..umeamu-le a abi~iiag Lit, eriptime to CnotosWlo.s.. Pan. Leerue le i~ Si hé B.Rem.tplima. vS itnpq w 91- s4tk Au$=, Ion, lnba Tl FP7"" - 45K.s ,l 1iJ 1, e-~. sa. -"est * - * e' Y" À las M arta,è a c a r " C u A m u m v a , T vo ue m asrRI MAP Mil extenal firon tôd ? f Lake Terniscunî1, the Ott*-% anal insorder to le gene il fui, mil embeaoe the Cou ntry westerl lier:ezatson the River Trent. *1i5five mand irteresting e muid en Lake Nipuamîng, hithemt ,s i'.own,are as it were a blak 011 e nt Map oftiii Country, will00w le ad te epubulie un a ma.uuilerîiJ and emîertainuaug toallanl ud part ibnew an va3 osne reJ culiyý, t alS.t ieluohi. ofîhe e v t th 1,, * nada, is .)wnin Timber, suîpplîed frn%1 setoioteProvince. thieh Lesi,, ding a large Yetl"eleaa t he(;' ment. froro iii Woods5 and Fu'rue<î, t large and fe.dî rtie tctsf % i. lue -ode traitable for Agie;ultural li an h- tiaffordtile circuits nit fiTr lipueeelui buudreus of thousasîdî < alentitutc fello iljects. bif m1U.MNî"UusnOeu's long eciîtje tl.at part ofuthie Country, as a J)..y Or- ,itecsed %wetb iix eîîlell)v./t itt extensive Timber Trade.t, D,0 d ment Of Woods muid Frct...Lu g 1cd Limam aans if local îinfortmte i,, sessedlynv usrniiî ts iook with ia deîTree if urîsfideîwe lt ihÏle of publie patroruigeil, iliii e ru Tic Map cilii e s i bt al)i i,< gour feet, coaructly deliruuatued nia" lirenale, to euiul, i buut stylemuufulî Aut. Il il PUBILIIIEI>DY liR 15s.Curr-nny, on role!s", fr i puuvble ai dui<ervoutI ( luMhp zS tons wil lFe rcu'ivud Lit tils lle Ottawa Aulvocate, uand ly A. Crai, ]lui Er N. B. Tlhe. Edilorg ql'rt* ; gwcu g at a"aie 4ait 304' rliti7,, Ir nniw be Puliaed /ls a r fli ,. Byraseaî, 17b>uirlql T illePropriet.r te >1110111 tuaasy 0el'iflrnng )lis fi i ide un Is the Upper part tif the province, that'f 5th insu., the T.îsu.N'IPT m.il[le t1iire a wek fisr eouuiîry rclî, every J'uaestayan ud S.mait i,, tue tri. -ueekly aaicrcifu-u'. ~*i tis c hsaîge ili to aî'oid lith e . cfota\ î . ny oui calàpaier impese lit; (lie regaletlion ; mOndin order uhuttluuSt1b, tif uLc %7jilcrpmay uitle Ilîlr nlierati'.n. the contentq tf Tîrîlu' script (publisbed for borune ci l imiî< wili be uusferreul to the Stsuidsv's ce palier, Ot flui the reader isilI recruý1e r the aime amosit uf readiîîg iatriir fore. î The p*ieof the ccun!irîr rjcnî,ej FIPTÎ;N SHILLENG9 lîr aimIt ho pair! itelbr inedrausce or o%îlîju. tise; Agil M.nsaum e iy post to bl jn-1<id. '*ise circolatioa ofilse Trcnsu-r,jt ie fibre" numixer iaud, being it s 1. ]i &4grgeai eîrculat:ouai usejyed liy aiyj, initie United P>rovinces. An afanuily uewnsllr. lise raivri l.urngcjoed a long shave of thse public 9 tory tbsngCicula mitaafect public or tu asoci thse liglous opinions andip ces ofilaa.tieniar CIOsu. in crefillv ex l froin iis enlumrnas---- wiluîls iî à sugîýt bien.Iiâg thse iuatruetive auid au-uîusiiig, m terent tuien large cime. 10 whom tuie newlII im a ubsttute for tihe ctsvreuat lilu'rature of day.ý At tihe saine tine, due au(enLlu t ue erents passing in thse jolitical um mui tvoftitmeromm interens iin %1li irelfavenftise Coionv i.wousndltin, ln wbilet the Totacmîu.r uî ore uit île est paperapeabiiheallithse Coliny, i à ii or to mne of its eoui¶emporaries in its fi andl uorudeal clsarmter. Ail orJoes uobe nddreesed un D. M'DONAL1), Proprietou.et tie Mouîremi Tranicri Miseai, laIs Jaituay, 1844. T eRScnaice o a bsms lober, lot Tluarsiyof Jsnuvys Tbursdai of ]My;Wbaetpiecmueaer al lima, ~ ~ Tst oae~au u f alertai LOIN Mi Tutim la higbef kwgetueih lasg8wa ia Muale. 011 id ter Cohen.Y iîie ain tlmuiugm ry, Spanm«4. itim4, Wax Web.Ie. rIf Ba*.Kepimpa A sudm. astin. N tomum à* F*I=Wil... eetadi Jeqmeeo. lieoe usforM a portoe( tgbamlets huIy, lmidcelamitac stee1 f,ýzij lmaaate dîOziuiîiventi lebm is ildpi tt totDhai lit Ç~ry ae .aff a gai Mg gpaulM« mm taSe Surs Camelar i Il TuI g1tib ia, natmtios. M Z = Mard lsr..R;a' J. louv. de lt«.A.Rienur 3,511mr A. n du Su - îîwnU. d, aseOrîu Itua tly bmoher-1 deurth. 0 Milie of <rIaglueb. ah t u-elâbu to tby W4Q6r-4wý loema pume un) »e»MsfrnssU WIAh QI tis cqM lrface ltai" ahm tcsnuguilo me-,vgo ri ui.'Kursve it ouaof thse sa'et elshl et au Laiera ,,,u r. peg:ilea lsa al ea ta ils l u Ro of», ltj iat..aaeau itcsei.Fe - 1 l 1 t,» il ec aasber, bit and ira*wm 1. tui'55à ly l u gel$ ma mcont in il !?0 imosuo ite~ ~ VAl r~. ~W. A id~ lisp n Se ~ 4~e - t- adWhhg~sfru ~#pq ~ bi à tl