Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 7 May 1844, p. 2

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k. p mail péd.I~s 22- çmmtom"lmidbb- uae4rwahutqu otwe bof .suigte absdff nom s.' dvcllng. md otru *f ~s4rusIls oérgbtMa9 à%" sexiian.hcd -aivgédm AMU emui*0ifs ertçn bmut wam de 1( boand y« neUgbt. tOîsh* ?p3ï. ih. ...,lis eïa mp.sc mast ⻫e a rt m. thcrpies,. 1sl htbut: sds. ls. u vt at .51 Wpiiit tutu crt ai aid emil» hsiemw.sfiid ju ugt , Immé ht .oduIBgheiurvesmg* a uga..*allyasthe samysas jurhs*M. bhaatwia' j'ymscplevcr bo ser l à à f c" bu. 1t1 Tz 1Nom wu iasiu - léa ô.Wi> Awefad btu &la Wjâe~a Ii~.tus4~ ~tb tleu a fO me-sts4o i -16 sikm à tbbn tise1 Lvii. mie ami bWne bie. ao be*.s. If~t he ov u Woseu" wR - a, t egs 5Ud luy s gb4mse pffl Ce -maule 110107lat." plI.ihaudl, .0.5d n@ m*m gpoe u udI tuta"lmi ýTie rsimd Sv »V40 %=ai is "aviteaitif ia, ai"diseve .at0% éme S lpomat a( ad01ir am'hbsdMlY*@ et4 w aim sl us, mdi l cumgmsthtbuusolfaa cabas tsfraoesu ee uMutugI cm " di buiWsl SNd~aiel 0& ne meôvme.-sasgi justaaedô.mmutUt <eMsbIug uW" vasmatheben% 10IsmUaçelI. &ae, '. ti a me gave th m sud a&W is *m in. lcor" VIlla1, mmmiou i. pea or is th* laom"& W. bave seu bora u baler aisY nom uneode »that ft evlUa I rmybe beugi lieboi mslt im ..W. sudwrtam4i.ate ýmom tuk tb lis ri 1w b0va M i==l m, Id-P ttio mowai ma et W 04 cassAcesu.- a aa ofese i 1 47btIe7lfl aà( . aailI sfSmt a usou cESe k'. é u c eahe dsDm àMitaIrmum -vhlaY imu lm. eins u mi *ss , -r'w(~Ssi Ps Ilm spel,,uS m b't isa.wb4-me mmè lp maawIdoue iii olE., oi ula .11 o '~ ~ isàpiui usuiau Nipleu& isses 'st ê&duIsés m mdli l.tde éu '0ipommer bus 6et ab.~taiabc eta us a e,-su v. a i5Lii rsmlsgm the F bs u$dteons opistht.< ata, Ciehoe t u isefltuté -- is - - m esr*ô *sv, tihui fanaIi a" t5wu*ihhasl dgaheI 6~ - mcd- - j.u; am-g-b *NW@llb An. UO MdL. W.iai% - t.Ui -wbmm3mm, (Cah.Iu ba.iumd in cée. with 7j lm Tic u"W 1Im amuà 'VaaAga. meLVO a" ad se ber £fa wbr orob mm.rmg.b(Hc.ay;) et gsl*Ort *fIcWrame, sud in tory ci eym iJseecP«14. Hamu,&e.-48t Wa ieu a te hrn thatma daccidi e.udt Wlilliu~utw ast week. ubili ta an ami"bleYoung womicaof i. W lompffl wau ah.daughiter of Mr. Farqd Im"ti thtPlaceam dWhite pmmsu ber fatb.rua reuldonce tu Lancastef, in wsggsnsemuapanli dby thre t.. s utanko fri<ht end van intotLe Riveai aubere both hotus. and Nia. blLuua CAawAL.tm,..OftW n aay Ltaa1 lis Um of 5dwad Whiie. a Brick-nu ysldh1 84 the Eut cnd of tbe Town, lsd "Muie by h.ug i bmsi n bis c on ITidey mle a ebld about ah, uld intbe mam quarter of the Townu by "b accidetel dlach.rge of a Gun-q "edy usornng a chibi belungi.g to Newton eoffias l4th Regiacent wu . tee e.hai valeu (mmu thé bcd into a tub airImm. .Alexander. anri. MH oit Useao, crouu.d oi e oPoint "II lrint. te comun«sce ty o mINitayromd of commuucation butwemc ïaend mlifaz.-[QAu cGam"ts Duit Rh*.-Au ftheP9ditoe cd the Chr Gomme u ha. r e i set tht folkio oieatiou auto " tcolauque or abati &W mde t tatmwill bave ne bei fW0àO.UinOOuiebrepM évemm goof a ge"Portion of aiWty cea"an -if des% publicity in rnsu$fsuuspctAh.oural * % m .m ¶ te Kin, ft imusa'. l»sw 3994 -mi KIdcoqusu a.ypml is mRalue,,ce or 8 Iausi donga curc-lr Il b m t thq bui »'y bue. h in vamimahi miel., Wb"el «M vtb asmmcl &MW e srobater *0 aw- h kw *Uwww. i'hs tv.s4 t- -~ --w- ~a. lVeqsiisat "B.- . ý APOU ië m I ynb% idkl mte e lll ahthe ritstil oui afill mi Hamds. n le my ho au-iab avsc usr i e ole, ta 1 uthhsliqpas t ie barss tait'avl'uidi kw O * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & %au- k~i . 'hsh.v aàtIj,. aet lu a manne,. ---eum.--in.a mluto dl trial! -e. ilm Win" %bsuuch i7.tha Iad anldaiiinto hi. a né ma? ffwk»MdlaE2 i5i m Il àt t atit ise a ae 'ayo ag osami plu n ahtea, »dong uhocilaiber e l a incC frtilt ie.t a rel amiauuâcrtse fl,. an. rouht e lay, and ihgrml duty tqicn tht Tg" 'fie-ai. tbey? Wl. umlt ley? No 4o"aNlier* sr uoua' autliorit v ?ynulv ~ as;ttey and tberiefues lbavesortit toguti. ITien. ecete- . .YOUhave gle eaitiaates i iooe m higtt"nm. .The rers jtiated the pestio. that tsi a q e ubisi ,ueassvdoi bWbedainesuallosred top thiitbtw'ssop ouieanfil .cil mo ; b"te »b.semof t ha.telhty cttlaany pale:. casedfor -tbeir înterpiatl »Pluut *aube.thse oled ia' ter ch ne a swOi.ld lave bfiluslfor thé iauss of hud sant slarrbsa' # of a&%"d esrm,snthe prcupolty cff Sait Audr.'s <ipat souri m tafile country lt.uihicb leamoni asg h" ontetalhcdtbemoelaes tn e ~ and sece. a,. ai aetrated, lua ailthse apleniot partiesatin ins ner collet foreir si. fa tb mm aloçfry Wittb uhicis eempiehlettnsive Ieiuam»d IlThert bau be. either -'hgolr Ctae. citI de toleraces' exibited by theltionaa, et wur uitetaoutibuDr.Bore wll eer rri sethedefined their Positbon Clearly,1 ." r~smraui*Invatiosu in the Temsple of Peiniealt he g'.ibota hy dîe~3 se mnmpL " l Padua. D au'long ansuhe poilaitî it o, cf elle stbongs.it and clearsit 1t iOPflii' oiquan sd literature f tloeia.ed mli oeepy &ntiouated et olerane twhicb have iW th ~l tf@#"aDg pwhîch mordildaitosii.to tilem iîîfslageae.oftamodem toilsa1iT Bt.eU ut -ilaiui heîege of those ibln eloed the. the. dosaoflet th h gin m lVie- domfSILAodte.'5 Churcli aainat bhen?1WittITis ie not iailesancsnn hi l e Stepèetinft f l.iusiiit o ie h Leitt & perfection of Clioestial , ZlÈ, esS 1 14% 1 denetifthai ay will. They ha"ve hy Lte dcpived a large tiar of jm si&%g"aaducumusea;il falipreervethei ama esu anud adberent.e t Saint Attirex ie laat h.. a.ey enifiat t eh.prestrvai. uf ah. privilege et htaring the hinter.If de iq l e.et iyou aie heard Dr'. Bone uplad jlreï a vaita aubICUt119411 trana1îîrvîîin h, ges" i'the sacs. ofthe FateCtsarcle etrectiî.labat ltar a lnd nterbeue c #inr Ne. i set proiere in yen, mini felrluagla diffirais ts nCburrb. ln the Church ciftlier fai,l 'd" ble- oa, tisas. ilha@ predetesiby yomar own versiniiae ai dsn forced, andcempelled tu e ck, aibl eac1 bld lika'ety mauil ta koalasfreon t lPaI ti- aoayitm from lether denotraiiiaî,<,, ' fi dubl p y berdDr.Boneiadulgiap in l evgitlloa I o bjinhgetry surrintelerarice i tla. au ~ ar..r gia h Rciua. liane na. i- Pang fairly L-etvneec parties.. Tf1,il non were t Wail hais f eriasawhie inKingetavn; 1Icri the precite prineiple ù afl~ityUl,, it the 1 lad". Ieard the Dr. Inislâim ithe Trautfa frons rairnt et se ai)'rearon a vthe IKing,, nt. Un is lfcrmaguaiffltahi. brk aud mtot, r hurch tocabosula:! nut have as aîîuch riglîîiiiî a oieuti fSl md.huilatating trutaittey autre'; ha rnait istaDuke@ te play Tyrant, sud lird i. ce l âlb. elp Ihavehen tis r. prieîait:lithe Gusi. conscience* and rigbtaeof the peopi v,, oct-pel iteesoupnt ly. tec o ante their charga.tl Tatrhi~ cmi- y " eurd Dar. »rs a n$n You saityIlthey, h rl datsoi îanidweredepaymprssudtibt hl rente nflotutewrerve fronet a(catlefriu S utlimeuc ofraab ristity. chirh Issues? ,n position) hy any temperaav yexied,er ndy-. fWssdlad eaaisaely train bis flps, but again hadl accuse these genlemen of goq l ou Pfi. ai, wçbearo a1Repidumry'emacnsud 1fied elin St. really tfil uh.Their dearel"î and iriidieun» Andîu'. Cbhta s ame alitsiensachicli were fripaidu couldi net rcin, t1iatcredit foi lhen abof va. ise fn* vlhne ee iltwdtsuaccuse in a Il agina.lihel lupîri the Itflr. the 9nades cf gim a ptiality for grnaîingmthe fard capaciti'.ftlirabte fgentienyi to al edifica a. mch auoae." $aich aparagrapis athe have actcs? aiah grillairennle inFer v tht , rGl .abos e uld cl)-.ma@Mae foian thse peri of a rani. hive exbibited a icournful sCol.facle of th, otle îAu- pant RIaffialaary, or an:Entael :ic . i thal croc clorien or ord Cary rilelîî lait Lal $me hing ora Pseyl Wh inill hubledince, orctiniFlrgariîtî-Fe it c, Oragadjidgnau r iacriesalanat al uss aamiale alies deumnet iîîrtitiite art altnfIr li, IlhQu'l teae th" itisa lpdtaidary or tise Si:utivityen fur aatribufaitg tu, hem a iî.Iifi,lit,, Enutzo. Tht Puseyite finitosof aI rier tsetreulîich til really oe ttpocan'y thetecia. TIeSeutvôab Eraurian derai.. lier rais neot rwerving frat'ii pol iee sny pas'ur, sdam uendera lsniac.tl toe i.reeouaeeiahle alwil lselieri he permat tise saute, or tamilaura'rsudcrss evcry partiele of aitre.aune, and wavril aaeii. Put a peuti elpivituafl isdeprudaeinte atteeteterft banda of adhereete a peaitien, ha' ii rigt,1ni or v. Oir hatus Gaami. Tht Dr.prealasithe suib. Desof tis atmal prasaineuit iratti, Slinm. Trottis.ef Cbritaity. 0 9. itéer ef eh.evoiai.., sud ignoance, and of thie Sctid nirtniCem <lroaicla Waudrilly inprned vith tbema; estions, n ar wli àa, et al Bigoteaud Zn toraI.1 Mh. filt t tor.nifailM me tlee i thean Iciltelerafil .fil JaeaG (ahan, = a Dtruathsteob.ptoelagassaiiin Bt. Aaarw'msChaîrcj', fiuatilothe-poefaioneise bai talleat de Lis i.. b1se1 .the »Oisr mmd, allesiu.taiste doaraaaj-son, lais pri. ud bhie bsugltnature itheceis.. cdatateof thesbody fracas hlebl li e aehoui- bisrmeurs. (lu thse aeereaaa ut thae in tl al "diof i piu. fellow Dîviais. lat te Illyea jChealchdierapim.isnet in oelleii Lima' l. ay.l ae.moidtêtealluuio eu.a *gefelsaos.jbrmgged con ths'ataira et Whjtital ailat ide t~~t~ Tis hle m.*te. e efitrdoei laolamsi wuv ent 1feltrent, soi]rassua, a eal"estoia iratieta tuaIltsenla, or -tii tay tfuril;ri id th:i ta igue@ui #sl uey i, uwith tte MitAut ofthe Cbrozii. b.ietfl te pst aidrof san Ilbal i li oi. a 0M zzat a msanqmrpb. _ 1 du. cunadwu.thtdarridai 'f <'lu > regtet és af.uteh auyalporion w hleu abastaire day. ataerm'ards, uvil lie t'iri lài s. 4-Tise Lv. M Haca ala ueconfei aý, crthiety. hsd»ior.aaed te FOUR l1115 4, amont b s..anjdekm te i. bd lis asiogi 4I>MUVNTI. lIemibereel inmlt,auj le, h@" i for on. la, ii.tifas a s usk be4aws Da. BEle.' mci dseol acu t he Truatren, ail (d ', »M *0uic aa bW. s ty.t» a frevursail baub 'uis sus mdore bin; igosal wg'm4 .a.s um Mispasteral derttel.-1aidit, if gaie apieat Trpiteea. Tkey tenir a certain font ap. bs u wultsi paialecu a &0.fricsdahp forabctise nd rackiauset al ceeeequenea, ahel adhi j ~~~ Lv. M aueq.balet m"Jaiivejuitsue il ,if. Ifthey bai bec amen if r'.i c ait YÔ ths ha ye owul Id «YstbriatthuÇamoterItaie.n etiint rIt . $neî, hmg e ri istfwk V«,,youn uin iq tgm provaiaitabave morecis "hys oei Sir Jaue' ne ahpi'.aue *P.Ms aa, p ai c he c hin ethe a&mie hameau, goveriad fi juis ofeuld mfatiffe a'. javfocés coassaituiiebavoiy smane fealitag.u. ?hmolsli$ iiahUata-. li latsid Wiassi. J1udsrasiathe Rer.al as .il% hapreta, mffoais amile. ]lietah. vie cage 1 Ch.'ek mas S-day ; tésnt lievue. ta tumral eut .lin1. acala, ildm thetis n e a il ile all~miait uMe &meu. .5ait &Wmialean d tte t eeoute portal bi the, aession ei sua igitMait idrales 4 Ùifelie.Andrel MabrelasumgIo t e ibiis,,ca dts4 ctuld a l eauY- Y" ie.ouly te ba.tation the tact, that on Fril sa ebars&yon ub&*fiscs ords. " Whee ce as.- aemstlsmax alivieng one r 1olti Iaiid ba ail aide Is cM ole eimpliid. if usW OelfWIituu muenm nts abt diroetiou is iau i tf Dr. 4 isitE, Ssas iste usdigtaiait .Mr. Mia- dont dissen ritai « 01pmntu et a. Chanpe kahm té cWi ngjW i l iaumtd u 40 aeectred all s rnq exprieaiti te titeir feeliangs a i la- - Theudapra ai id rg 'Fa mie l'ie i. t lb ispmestct ofaital. Thisi àe ntg*.asm, i tr, coaxIlreaielltie BR. Dr.. yocr fii" ie aheirfieuse ni.. tia l 4O a Usine s ý et mont intnatioa nu e aa biel a nateal olu ia t oel tiuhe aC amiieesd ALlit..Iti. abole mera ,ua. foelagUM trd » tien claoais a hi anrc. ofil *48uang tat abatibjstct or Dr. fitscal gainat etleTroustees, tin thîibi i tu falar rip a it t. Liaptn% silmu asair du atraitomsane. Yumethas0ea ale,7r embues ulfusa a »arisur nMtAîVy eaaeauaaqf4l. Toc bave-bS e aliaint. if yen inaîîle tht dé ýim rasm mcd great injustice. Tuailibel iq ~ldgai.uicssias rily fi -, cp t'bat sat craally. Yen litiel Dwiéuo px lseseaycutuuel h scihea uaisa*sd i. leiis pnec anaetoland miil %%-hmabesam uplu cntr.eaiv sute, pîven si Stta& mhiul r a he arge ando1lltbtcned ati SIcSti a ise sere di fi Il soriai. Dî. Murl todu"ap by tbâte reling of the collne -. !ejm dvleicc" in Mr. Mà-chita'.cep.l ia Txmwea. ai is9 te a wvidat xildng wu.failler frouabLs heurt. tofo, suie directaiasilil eplutahe ttes ~ ~ be MWdut Sd -tW m iicandïan mc , tou.s ufd iROWlIEÀLam'Lt dhu~; fa étal s.anabite a ssvsauîeiMs,< lavS.ac usesd eoraiala u e 'cfhai-I.e fori ao»usmoment fali maieet mv tien abalant mi den10& is bteo».myloir bois1 cmoli ta, apas tht'Ise sa, -y-eabtitaL s~4Iei I.UWM. Wis et 4 ernaaluuftorile sl W aiqteIiisgcatl utsmic u a-Mit, M", l' 5 embi iae ariMs e t&IL n 5 g1. gl isu aauwà*.tm unxma ub ~5li dOdiEe a mattr veu lnlehabab sugb.Iureititc ui iuaq teS PUPffM te 1i*ll a eein'et .bol iTr iS s tlcbi. a s~a . isutin'alumus.,atdmulsial à.,isiafaip s tpn.lsis fesg u"scev earmti ml aîir 1ju hm s& etIcwl bsi sin sat @Miséînte.ndinu tht r laees bo nsv umfod oitble m(lliwupi*elle sS. nts rb, fta tg oWdW*vWh, '-msubsrsOuipsu-howelde.biS.iu 1 et. BiSai 9bsultw.-5t.d1i.trffh owibUs liliW,. ahoil ait soUsatl tête mb. of &toiJu ~s~ qodhle vnid- s PJJgubité S fb lDr. Demi, the d . Tsme.iaiueumciUMea. Ima~.pa.ct.a.ms.aaasefttami thi ~ ~ a.,*caIse.deeuofEthe -P" asa .h« e d Ëiotm - 1 ,IM opr 6eqoi . am i tb ft »d a rUmmTdii l otsantmbie a#m1emqeciiqtah S.. is mtIheaalon. ps u t"gi r h 5lm5T aa 7 = b" î, ci g m sme t~ssoi 4uI lv miuik ~ ~,~pcSe'gvi ha bs bO5IIB is WbJuc 1 te » l il k Juqassc4g~m~ e.. vif. have au'. CIsr*agaiaiet laite ami Ride.,. uho qseatioc. IlS i"tlsa ar~l au sébWt'aaut i ,if met faustieNs, sp aimasiga dmp. te~ L.ai~ sususabis meeuimuhl1iS w swn. 4eey b

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