-I - k1pta eftlsmorj tiff te u a olaitrue, »1 atai optti i"s Étant i bavea,,awe i tmm*îaew li mlîww of t inti bave arvinimitfor aplae bem "e5toreevnw..resadeumd 4te n laIW niattu llie Wr .reidiattr. Wbem.Étie ladlies enlarai thre duii -neM the &aMrof 0< leil', the caap5eyneu. Mai tieraree eai "ma1ai asif for a Semla.a- lady Jiaeiticfat na an"a h" taresencivchar Ils vqale i or .Gluralan rdAfrdemsir a eaera.ut ti eet, van repnriiag tIen' ati kmeanfot dligli; the. Larilen Haciel and Etier vers pilird ut a ltle ilatance vih ii nlin fitir baid, whre tîit gre nt enplayreti apon, aid tire Marque mant at a table vîîb ma airera book b0 111119 ita, Wbiie b.6vat nf reding i".11. CGareovua very eeitiiy rereieei, la tat Mina. Gtaaalaavuathelb. l au renuleairlrecedr bar. s.I1bar$ deeme il kMy daty, . ilan vas- to," nid aire,"ta malle a futlaA fire. confea- aloi ta Ibis bonorable fay iÉ<lb.etiecritutkm i Inis piame i on lisena" Iii..Gaa'toa tkrled rel atuaemet: irWiber yiruag frin n ff lletiiab origin, ie wvolti ba"e enocledeli tit pis b.do a iatheie lÀrinoarcep-ittihe horablei fadi ilh a relie,>, ct cPoanfailiariy dmpoecrî raa.Wua it tha lercrntl dfer by anrlinu afffla o a speif encisaalnaet,lhatilite bnugty ll"aweiem cfr Deileti.aer ltetninz tea f(rre. Md fi ulennfea.imof itire reiraitre teenfanace Loter n, saul entircl i relier a'r.t<rvvtiv avun tlb. ignole aW of th<e dangitevofaàWhrltehita gel babednaier! Misa G!enaihan econind- AiÉt oin.rromains- te me. Iuipie Garcîita le maire a enofregaoin lay.î. iamnmlas ne a ae.vatt avare, tire lionouable illc Giitaiian. brt 1bave aenathinr te impat aebirilA lalnra imb yo-1 oantnet ilannoa l Wbnnr!' . Whi,Iben, are jimu 1- gapn'rthetic rmor. atiantu lirena, feeling sif herrethfanida&l ur. rootarinier ma' ae. uviag tta marblriri atullc -yaar are reei acqurinlea," faaili e tair atranagr. -ii lb.henaomeof Adla reflrr,Panid ailh lier unfrtunate etraugermant fvm Ille ara cleiy of her belorsi relation. i a'..iliducecîl cela. my coraasponanctvîit my Coutiit. front lialouing ta maircous rcpreanttoli'fi t'iraceerraîrg 'bis., uiticb [ ateruarda onnd véeacirculatid by a fie., vire empinyrci equal pint. la preitnnldice tient againal me.iVlien I1 rai of ,t1a'.. mecifrais tire beuse af My unrle, laricir iai liiing been anpeaent leme, aIri eft tlin u compariy vini a fnmiy oi fricoin tea-item I1iai iesu for sou.meavea rn ngiy aiîieil. 1 reaiel. ri uith tir entfr n twelveiitrriir lan Dilbyaiir, nid turing iraI imc never attrampîi la renea- iuy acquaintance 9althir m eupis, atboghri eeP- L 1 daissiaum f liom. Atieatgti I -iitdot ot> dia itbany frin; Ilhent-, a feu dorem Aler attjarrivailirattlire tiliful atdit 'arhionie' R"psr via badi hieriiamyft ier' faoiiytl Élse tirse of hil.deatii, Iai aliinnti munitcelobvt. tr.sa;a bioonale flrim. 1tara. aniaia te ea aaScnveraa rehl itr. Piilipeto, and Dtlfira. iiap bar at home won1 icalloi, i at daoi- t amuofie myaif liLtirhe piano tilt ia eturneti.$She iseeve My viit vitir munhi eligt; oui afîr a. biedcoeverseil for a lim,aire towed Me a Etuib mtfaw hkihalli bain laitt ur ber by Ilgu Oto, and smnii'rgy observi litira biglibonur bai een cofnred o.,ier liaat orn- iug, la bavlng been uppsicIo 0pommle, a n'mce Of MI persooni appearance. it appeareil Ibat ber act.,ilannali Wi!kie, wonmlantae frequent habit . eningtor lier boume ami pract'ing an lina pintai, ami liant@aie iai beca tiaeretarworuts qp.a; but àaalier txit and my enîrance %vae.bath n"a'.by te priva. don-, it lantorpviog Étita à$eyo.g am inl l.the @hp, heirirapthea sourd oe aoat < prbalpury ciicaily' aeaolairag ti. style cf tiera enovrrnce. maroii coclt.that bta.Wilina us aetrl sealiai at tbhetumet. Wiran FIgarte ainol ia '"t Nias Gavalon expreamai a wish te see Mrs. PhlaI ùl.'iaies lte ie nt I ay vitihbem &et, t1ceuli ut buip feeling a grccat dicaira teancept tlire in- vilallua; report ial informusimeutat au eim, Lor&Alfa'ed tinrleigti, van peying attention le th. lady in qural'inn, aid I Va» aninsaumieb.à psaoml judgcef ter'atttactieoms.Imagine May a=eprirno, intea nf b.ing reueitéir an I baigratiac. tan mig a bllai or bravur, 1 wia enatrete ltamsnme te ciaracter of thre -Hon- niable Mi". Gicoallan, forÉlie purpoeas of en- eap.g Lert Afredti mIn a muraage. I to nt ubia&udhtrigbt ta acrnattng le tua pcpeit mo; may conscience rrproache ni etaIÉtire tilae, and quim t.e aay tien nov; but. bil trentent. lated t=aIbath tirs mame abi fotune tea hicir 1 M leiai, vers inféera tIr lhosaturwhlcb 1 pasuoetia lealaicegt,an at tit va. miy iri reModuios0ta reni ormy dtapt'roen »pau a Lard Alfrai offeesi nme iia hami. Att Promerei aceevdîg ta mj v aire; 1Iana an eompioety attend la persaunmmfin@te day@aofirrchirtlilie, tbat 1 wn mt ertgemz.i y any aifni, relltburn a"Mi itlb.plesmure af uineir t b.îr unanici- toi aubethin..Yom bave bien the menas,.bila. Quo», esirever rtrilig,, cf betoiving en me mmibappôeea; t1uit uno. tiereore, upraiç 7« lier lhe part yen bave actai. but nihh eral esUtasuy"efer jour oe are I a Conet jour mme" tdiapomition, ami for Élie fataasif o And jouiprie bun r c jur WU"ag rnada- l Ymer PoeiaÉ brouaihit, 10 refrain from icying lb... vluetiva plan for tlb. vuof tira. abu jtavea dit edyou uuieb, faeiner or haer, are aurate recoil te01'plage te lvaulîr.' " L"y ela 5iq4hce»" opeaing. and tb. b.d 4?hoWbuta for inue lime revriving a »Matintient teetre t10Mime Ganon ris the salleteiweveage sud the adraulatefaep aent. Mn, mrenmÉlan polit of npeaartgbila Ele ta de. »W er k rbe b.va.preuteti hj ic ae- tm..'h atiaçrlin ofth allatirefue of peasictate mi mrfhtidfils, a Violt S ft of iyaleirca- Tmis n eaiulea era employaitfr ber retor. tiou; me. Allomia..eas. sgeeed 'bat Ibc« v"eternSb.l.butplace for ber, andtb i sé eaa.. »keW lit. the a teil 'ag.tire uxaiinaly ofe mvina ireitsem nthtt oeamion bs"srnbrheaiueiney of tête rock ie br.- Nau du *0 tarive marb eoietaian Imam the liadinetaof bia de e .cop , fo;i go mas absarrivai et boute.,1111.7. toldvaher it, rSassîseig tire vry ,npheuaaatpositin in vi@.&bu ea tata plu netplaie bernait and ail maumau rith rbe re bdtacceptadi teiluai. "msi eomaapnion la a dtinreaer eorqnImty, i laliadate murs..,. te ber itrareailience Ébtii Vsars 1*r m-n - aa aet .m u bgue&- (In =-a'9- 'tmo FA madahewin wa Proettp ni tm erWa b.l» alanjai. bw lM WaNa ara am e i f U.4-w e a.aboter 4m e p tn tit trnii)? luS1 t ati teitieu aS 0( i0 bÉrnt h*%ln60lir osuvuu osiy *th*a, Seau1 - Sti ri htire passa. W. cas Neusi e Geeaino ai ru v tn;-.lireaithe aptpearance af tht. niferetîe aeet'iff Au Eaitab rma buai gisb.efllovirag osof enOur ' ra aoi.ttg ra a re flh,-iut '»ie tnlt au»expea'ma,se cttai, tbr e Wfphti ;,,m UILllsniea,, andIerai rein lie hvy w&WWlt-îrti numer t fa Winebaattrpan ~t sa bavaeitti draitee aid raen tif thon 'suo he lbeuneretione rteclio ran- branchies andt lp, but aitlcft iaatdirg-aat Wigh.h b.Na aram.mejAoIoef rebaît ey stoeeine Ieir <reinan 62 5600l0 8ad prlda. 5 &^«» la oenv met airai polrbly beable ta vive (lan.122 l'M m ausff ta timtof athe catamilcua liga vircbhan Hora bac», 64 37M li mûke ie« a rougir alculation. sot leur thon Utejama os nvîxCtolNapier. lu boum .bava been dotroyed, bevitireau imnreone hie Waid poati a roogeAi, &r.,thlinabu.ira aont of tbev prapca'ny. %corepart of<11 vaat taoDtlY rir-tesa ata'isap wrebcionce Snrred ieuitýet theb.diffoent officea inthe b.cîlj, but tusa tMa-nf.var'a man en pmiove- - lie gv"ter J)Ovt ion i. a demdInl@,. "' Aatire rahemtank !*riaithe votre; s; ha- P. S. 8lime. vvlling the &avoe, tue bave iteard en omiland baengo.e:auy cft nn at etr. it statit!iat the numbea' of bones idetrayet r. Av..Ay.' a-a. the hrinerel t5poum and i "Iti t alr ishort or tva huirti ani eigltr, a.ntly tlrree emofaiNeptune and a 'Ioiy' the iand mmay tiiaithat tire. huidredttri Cc'- le, etiren umirer. Hunilmeds fa i raiesaren lartoor prteaist, r I ierm r elatintP cirflua left hirneicananti aelterl"@and maninofa ~the latrr. acoringi, r irrwe rp' anti, their bats 1 tiien arc absoltrily depantilert fejr irtaal pon a heiiaig talera in the requiita qqaatity etfnima. i-rma.nity liaI rili otvreinaistrnnfiienîtueran tuare, ere agairncranounnier vYandaioet ofaàdeaf Oaa' toany appeai that ntay re metti.. iot. narryint eveey iilciof0<«aveus. witie sy 1u--k equie.tiy ptmuaetiita taiy couse s 1 Pun.ArLAra, May 20-Tnc !.ATx Raavn. ereir ladng ilea a d ilgjetr ira lb. vals ai' AI a meeting ai tie Couty Board Ihi. mnintti, aonge pellattfripai... A tout etateriug of honte fthe County Cronrrimoer. elai lb. attention (rom tiredirectma ion in ici a vs ere preceediupof tire Boar ta tire fart thal it wvoultib. nocen- at once arued or attentionu,an maîditnij aary ti r grvide fonde forr the eramnioymeml rf irarie, gaiioing aI a fenefral paue ore the bard (;~Ptaet la lb. numenous animatebich vilii ic ron.ai. aat lut ait lier rider or brr' aba ttt put., brrirbt araloa theb.Canty for dantge accuai aid lob mteltite tinuhlt oftire ragîi panortion hy tIhe recenriola. Tiere relitb fot ity la aiç, rnsf tir,mea uesfth ie acian, waitantusttta msei'nty eparcle acttons, andi t uculi beranjuat,' on- -tet hvfbaierioli ataa ld Ri ay the Coraaraaimeherev, la expeet the Seticitrroa aicr'My rainjrclurem vere tomn veriffcit y tahe Caanty, for tae amatlicomeansation alowci @seeing Jarir viit the bilhe inont bani, aid. tnt by lateIr.cta i lb. heCounty tin Il oftirent. tivubbuig ih4rt'ineittanti datal bgrlnac coco.-'An apprriation of 81000 reaa ncieifor, ta b lenafire ulilite=bier, amihe cariai on' aller divrttiedtte oubject. wtucb requett an reter. tire chse, virci w» iaeDow I dorea, nnd taittdIo thle pa'per cetaniltee. diiappeavring mhieabiranimboteerea- 'Weli. t.ay lad, irtu' is 1 Tombuaci ovevtna.vieh t The Ralablialreti PresirYtèry oi Paigley met aea *Ay. jour honor.' gn.ped ont tis breacleslae; Friiay vagir, amdinurctedthti Ren'. A. Rennis. liraI cruary crafî une t rr;iag veil aieai, vien 'on, late of R'aley, lto the patoral chtage cf St. ,-bc'@ tudinliy tliones a it wrse quile abanir, Gerge'a Chnor, Paieley. Tiers wun an indue. itig p Iar oud ndm , sentIs meflving t item iraner linte everairg, arbore the nere min- are ba, Iarsiiaiand Fiera 1 tat ikeinlt'terifSt. George'a telivereti ran a s, <vent mitre, reti ti. ourînvlino in my flipper, wiicb ve qoolntee ltoring. auIi. jereperîci *hileaoh@a. t st .iomher staa'n, ani tiren disesof jnlutire Peaiey Adreniter- 111 a quéit o'barey juice lu a aquat.'t GUNMAI FIXE Av NEW OULBANS. 01 AND aor ctc vtLURD &T P000 -cq TROTE,. em.P.Wm m aagctMstu NEW ORL"148rany 19, 1844. A urrst destructive lire rae-ure i n or City9 ymoterdcv, lry aniici M90builings reere iemrey-t et, lb. lIo" ofviieha, togither vithhfunnilert andl oh, poea'y, may b. esiinateat aIS60- (000, cnty a l'mal] portion of anieb vas ingare&t Mamy of tie bouses b.inp occupiedi it lfxe .. iioiil'n auppowai ht ont l aiathanone lion anti metn. vmea and chiliren reure lef i a-t aout a hem aatgit. Pfa Il<ai ncua, I refît- yeun îotIePheniynne" et9Iis oni lhcugb smertfacta in connecliou bave sauce come te liph. The lOre il in mirpposet oiinatet iy accideint. but lier. aers tire. aubsquent nmerr4 of Oiariegite nigit, anthlie mevning i heur rit tvedf otbmso il vaureecafni iceundiaay tteav ers maie. Tireasi.ne doult tiraIout iIy ir.infeted itlI a gang of in- - cendtiariee .PcvLaps lthe decimicu Of Juige Ca-i nange, agnit thle "'Ronds tait..'tlicenasi bj leruo uiai yymavea-cinreicthie nunM- heeacetiirie totien ; iIzisei î t i.» cla, ir bar. prayed ptapneb.pubtie lb"fb thii clauneti, . tn oreduaperab muensures er .'ainlaiving ira MMor tier val thoan by an boacal porruit. nom. t6mPifsaamé lietreent 12 ami 1 o'ciack ysterdiy aftemneen tb. ientehst ret clrin tie caa'penlcrta amop et 54r. Gofi, "te b. Nnvtirelaeor reofFramir- lin su anti Ineis esela, wmiaicibeore tb.y couli b. ge un1kteapftearlte eadj@Wnig tenomettA viîirnigihini rnpitity. Eveny building wua.of veut, aida dry a.idr itsIlf iront tire Iong riougitt n thiaInolhiirg coulai checkr lb.cuavar pvagreae of the deorvng elarnent. Tue ire- n ameenblet imuteritey; but a. noe reeî couii b.e bîined ther thon triit>thé <ratIers their aliepta at fmat yen randet-rauteriy unu- Tire vir iwirrtamtnely île, ira tie direction te- aarthlie maenp ; iradi becu ohiervimon lb. 11-m.. vouhi haiee vpt lovandthlb.irer, ira viicir ame tirea wrud have leu no baradttal thte destruction. Ac it %uas, tiey a-rs carrnet w1iti gbirang rapitlty dinam leksora mreet, cnmmnucating la tb. bnna eon stirrvide, ami soto pvaita abrotraiminet of fnamtrî n- l ia'ei yrd. in reitu. To allempî te onr it hem1 a-a acon foud nt oirely eut ni l. paer of mean; ne reafer norati be pncret, a railins engitea vore tins rsniered ueler. Te smarte .'r furritrre va, il&U ttthe nu- fuwt-liaIs ansidentas oniebs etieonnuti blm." e 1 t.tecamiae. u itis tiey vers obmen tirsF .ene.Nu msoercdidt îeyImore tbi fort»irl lu nome bom, viricirthey tuepeti aeoul t rec ofthelb.devoaring elenient, lirastlb.danion vers aipl otlen-, andt tey vouitelygave thera- ealves by IigI.]lu th. vway the fire agetifor tirre. bou.evs tt-bp ieirtoue Il irsjtioamn Jackson teel, burmhrag ot ta CmmlnMmlitigt andi Counnmeon trieloh, aid c t Treanr Mmri, VilimareaniRobertsona, IoClaibon sitroute n *li ttaasquare&. OU il e bi itmg vbleb oicpied Iis 'cgpee. yetorday roittg nm neranoMW airMea lb. Maison de dme or Dr. siomea1tcogt?, ad a fe hoor..saong comuaon et. AItn im ivas faret liaItht Cbeity lirral nivoIt k rproyîad t wi as a morroirai ighé ta ne ik.numenoui lamateai grigfratthb einioelot ttebu boutlaIe of ioantei - rpigbefaýre ltin; but irtuinety lira faim. . itogiheh"espet, mmiaredu ecakiot in svery ticection, id i mecrmm Cama mme aret. Tire Maison duelia va, avel, but mt-at i it lamfsieiai beau remet-et.' At thie poit rei'eb i.nmue rero f Ce u d aiClaubomi straee boutmudreted tise tucigst se. te.adiwfrueaelyvece autesmie.Ti lister14Ycoulaiela:ufru. tb. firaI vue dravu ie. lie p..mis ph0 ugae trub. tar bu eaahtofl0the Ia >Toe upmtatePletoestiti son, ViiIatire ienveaient wvi?&t igaI il* vimenat. vue luteihrl. llaatoauatfoenua tu iramc m iathonsghanroe aid tasseaisud ska, aiI'W m reiic'asiyproradt tspary, for lire fenil èguae pen thin. Detids tbei- tint eu, b.urmeaimisIlsbrry-vere ras - mai S Ilabe a touhe i.Casaiam Cou- 'm os.traa WsMW"iss M'n a-tere b mb vasc râIbat sae . tai JofU lthïr homae- hulé mie. Maiy aet 4 santes of lihe ussa vertla bamng mar "mnesudm lrmity, ami 11.1v "ys tlla» uMfpli ter rmmrbomeu.trountiroir boums. Urilstu, isf f luttewsma-a 'si b- ii bus-lI, m ==eulic . k*ai act. -,oue é ieSr claé Ofsg et m*iew,4 utahi-îttr Parel. le e:e=yface. AIa mte ontaira4dapetan;am tb. Me t rt ~imaut. "0ai,94 v. vii lia ro oatâ*tt effi >L etEau trinSaut.. b allpenlir-oculermrW, ne ie- th th hi iw fa th Of at docc hi te 01 ILI D ni V 01 Pl là te ai fa la ýbi di fil D ti m Il As as areent ta iryi.r>.r rn"u e n t-e KI-GITON, TUERDAT, JUStE 4, lt-es. t lo Ing a herear people b.li maie tire inciity 'raiti wlicir lay caradlibe igatiteni and ex. ________ [cr's people unîtltere b. a uali of tire abouat tiagrîhirnihul fngettiog ta tron-ie againtathei or Zion. (RBtuturon appialrse.) But do va offert of a iigh ind nai vih asl blowirrg ttire ThreaTaratataorî,)iit of lait Taesiay cootain- belli tb. Esntianiasnt farahîhn 1No ; viat an time.-[Niagava Cirroailie. ecinl a epleent an Adires. emtitted IlSir1 rortanet ii(rait hunianity muet gavale oaimi- hnaMlaledlriiaani h.cîiaa erfectin. But Volurtarylant la mono futy.- Tact Caors.-Tie Fail Wieat if.ltrook ing ex.Chre tal dfndaiaettgetaksOv The @et cf timPrimiaytery ia fiai, aidMYijlt reecingly eîroan d huainhl, ani promisvesauaraisalate Courailnrr,t' by r'itcb il npp'iava tnt in testamn m any wie, conacientioraiy, 1 abirndani jiatni. tire Rer. Eertan Ryen ha uniertaten his loobt not, dilsent ran lte Estabistihment- Tire lpring Grain.nfat ran veaoirat, Excellency'e defenne, and prnp'inýce ta pntîniinit Ibail I ccuiemn titan 1 Ne; l'd ratier vimhir laiertiag el, ami Fartera genevatty. are hi@ remnrka ina uccessive arrttiers ai thre Cent- thma Gaiapesdif ilotio abho bdirecîti ta in gntiprte, naticipaîing a liberai relava for lit n fewrsi apltnrlyl, te sat abject remet u'e ait proe..te baie ira llrir labour. uact f.rad 01 agte eapit vito. (Contnud cbeeriug.>W On tii, aine, let We bave ici everali r Fracla iuriag the tfront 100 la 150 pages..lun Onnctian tibre-a-it me expraga or, feelings.noct by anr oxîvaci, but luat iotnight,, vicit have linne places nluirnt tMv. Ryersonastalesa lih.hb at aeceptea threa îy ara anecdote. Tara are avare tiraI evsvy par, stripppili e Plut, Cherries. anal m'en Apple office et Sugerntendent cf Eiuvatiem. Il lattai-r ai bails fauus gerso.oo It necu toeameTreeg au bave, lIraI mat.iro i ai.eieretnfare iraaer 'vlrIM.Raniiac that tiec niulaer af lhe pariai i. snetituca titlrainai an abunianace aifruit, va-lit aarrcly havee te r qrîr-tn tetNr vrnhl r (tuoum pecson. la tire paih te ubici I allai. eneragi teanrappty their oun faniie.-LVicteeia repledthtei.offire, in n ailtinniite Rev r. rr boere oaa on. veil irara-atby liehe nie ami titi. Ciroaile. Murray Iieintg prarliti for, moi aitira! camnilitiant if - daft Jeci." Jock wa aaregrlar attendant camiret b.I ulfilei, %Ie. lyeron as rawoitiriran l et cliarcir, tinss mtling a geut exampe. On. H. M. Steamer Traveiter orme traid iy aurtian his acceptancra. 1*a it appenedthelireninltervan retlirer laIe ini om Tueaiay, atie Denkytirdt i trgttin. Flei oning te fulfil hiris mlle, and bd ck nkil t to va.kaocîci oninta lIv. James Rutssall fort-ie Tire pubîlic va-lit aturaiîy inquive. nmlî't van tii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~u ofit iutl.pli.Wt iaatiam ~nprlri mi aaa £2»P. It i.ru- havo iniuced Mr. Ryern la engage in aoa'iner tea' cune into theire h o b.va satoundedtatedersîtoi thiaItteveare la-a genlemen mcnl fa- poeitical canrrey. Amdil it aautll cont fraîrr a«ee hi'plce pacoecupet, "uIbeiwg ratclar verabiy kaovo atinte navigattitn ai îte Lake Ibia adirer-tata net a word bas iberta îrinaor t to.iite. l, mt rlcovea'Whvi Ilvraiatil anti River, innracid ait fil . R. un th. pur- . iancai eteeloe te lire puipit. bock, ulecae.ir rnhrnliiw iîî~ e. rilten inlave farna i rCharle. MptrNIfe, and ilvr ornanvilehbaoallrOgt PrOlter ta niUreatihediratly ami placeti on titraroute bnrreeen King@. 1R. con na longer enduîre ta@cee ut anauttel vistritte. Tléoe mnin'v, recogniznng him. cpi, Ian anti Tcaatint. Rhe vas botigit by goverat. vihout aàtefender. Ile ay-- ledl eut, - Coma doan, Jacir; come ieon.'t lotirment fer about 9.C9 -[Cironicie. "l' irCurie. Metrait. May yl a In nPeOnhe in repty. aa.Ilt, Na, na ; came yei up ; lbey -Onf Canada, as Tbemitr'Ineea aldttA t rrhetrlaam. are a miff-necirerianal reelions generaien ; il The foltiowing documnt nîrrtferving ta Mr1. Ry. vira vire iramrandac gatnuat in- t-SiriraIbt dît lttenuc lthb 1,(Laragirer anti beerm.)t tr»au manifeste, as cina serri great astonicit. ' mxI vB.." Amid ite Public traie iteari ix orr _____ - nslptandintIemae regret rmmng te rerweeabit tevera irndi ipagesn ataccuisations agrrint tSir% <olc;aI.an'rmunerati, maniera cf tira Metirnisrt turcui Charls, la tie furet af cgeeclrem. siItieaaer, mil-1 Colnil.int hia ton, mav e rave no icablit e @mane ie .aundcommun inti*@- tilh. teiiet'ed treyt Tie rettten(C.W.>Enqua'c, a thtiTîa feeling reili b. exvcihointrry ilmrter wvire. il utdtehi. Exccliettry lthe jîiv ci ree n ear The Lndon V.) Equirrt ofthe 7th n ay Ire circrlitei.Ma'. Ryeron'à oî e nhnle n it pgso lraoigi i otent, ires tlirananexet plina n interaating tuis Occasiont"' net et - Ptheketir dee nltatci n . ag.a ao oaohg i accourt of tie ftceaI Huron Diatrict Assizea :- ligaltoracitoe.wli May lbe topptrad Ie bave lne" ir Tre te lbthb grmatert admiration for iis ttente, anti w. 1Thii. mal prceàe a"mle, lbi ut or.vr rra-f dTeAnisesr heHuoral District cîceiti frai perieclly ratirfiedthtitat itIvreet igalloar vii dune conviction. Forr itin notarloumtla eveny1 on Maeiay let, lb. firet day. Tirera eam nt a ladote cabinnment cf a mon waobos ea- ,min tint Svir arte@ Prtealie lira leen htr t criiel orerol. istict. Tu. agratue econi tie hepatir af pemce ami piety le alir upil.t"!tit bb a naling mare tlen.y-ianbeea beari te mriraale ' b itrc. l ie wai eftod atsIofaiprltmultrîfa. TiratI a'. Ryeraou lsa * Maden seiz' sice h frmaion of ii i r intacîf aa ale tefate a-inn awakmirtn iscran. 'oruil aeare a-eary et tue a-nntitien te ine m District. There veret rlfour civihlcaaes; but duel, ha trident fron thrieflippant Mnanet n iaone in amnteaeamtbarlcl.aCrai an. as t gJeaîimpotane taliemercntie uich ie Ireccire. bha iniltingla retiiaq oany ha. been tienanibetame Particimeat, a sInr hie cnmunity. Tt va. an action by a Mt. Evansit atoniandMi le tnoe boldo rallier than net replyintahIe nc aiofhis nhiiterr: arndire liai of Detroit. agnirat a Mn. M'Denatd anti Ma. muahi bto ire pliltical a-ar lirairagea@bora-cen be.vai*frr it eanr, n reonithe Hamiltonr, os patrera Ofite Huron Fiaiing Comr-hi. Eaceemcy'oe adirandiritht' pepple. 'ae enea biethcotru panty. Tire Plaintira rase vwu toudiactet by muetinaI étaeslitIMr. ityeraan' ceniburt lisa.et khasi]anam eplnnie* l e arlmeait, marecol. COiL Prince. Q. C, villa laid it dovra a. av tb..t crriet to. TIte mana aho rouit defeni Sir ileeesiohaa a goiy-mized bookr. And i ii.Sir lpart-ru a ver anveieWfe4r isbaeetfranrnc lb. iai, i. net en itaplatpriate icftr.der 'Charles anambiiieli miiail t ti to rn my. bisn Meair wy muni Fi',ablie fr' ay contraat-,tfltest policy of Sir Chara L-Melcalie. But a-a 'inmianmaiadmirera haieds t esante, na ai-l tfer byioc ir etatrnt by, un areionsb.v al I elrejirit ta titini tintthle peopte of 1844 areh lafie ci tiir retirment uira lb. < it the C mont ,mnrtenligireni taon titi7 ure in 1 M- raina atilte "speechrei. adiiuii'cea,edlri lart ai tir e i va.mntyinareGuaette. eun nTic, have tearaci ta distingraiit beltera poli.:1rommnincationa," ami pampliet@ pubirisi dby lewtir atheacasie ua .arer hi. Conue]pti liesaunireligion. TIraI bir. Ryereen iaihall lir'te loriaiamoihem presce.. Qi nltirbas beent biaînal,14ll Mte ryoint of l is orata"ciieteaedbispreseut con rpein efence ofSir Cihi re itten ia tins contrveray, wva lciera tntwlu. dirc tionPlostia ta oianta lu n a isdmait eteaifen a we u t4believe.1He iras.hb.d fra. wo. h ratt aic efor th ltflaitaat funolim is te lb d2.quenI interview$a aitb iraEucetienmny .t4oIiit h inqunir asa in talave rifSirtbalias. whic wu or fab ormi furisbd tethe m. ualbut polt ical, and eattbargh ho benoîts of bai- Tieleriea claire amindlave a'.ajorily orte.e« P"a.j top derlinedthle Depuly Rtrptrinlendstee ofcand tbey iranseiboutdiatiga i raprlinfg S& The lare an laid down h7 Col. Priesilaiun. Scitýo4 I. bert la tory itile dtntebutl ls b. ~Ce aanti difeaiing thie pciicy. Iluethc ie qnotoahly, thb.llarein Englanti. A v re c Cedia&encouragestemt a.sIa, satliedri ilu siarkbile inatantiliin tihlb.recolhactn of soel it. iW mal cor tir. iidignationrfubs o r ipaluiers» "se t m o mtter publiaiedNti la. lamrc mercantile reateraos oaeorinion l lU. ien arants.ndeithoul oulig' My eLatiratitga j cinumasaae», viltii 1lu n5arly equal. ia noile pecaofoua i maou espofflibe te thre reicir tie aauamm . cel nt quarter eoffl q.aa'y, sclienrt ira.beu rritteataginml the Btent,ittwureait, of rer1 litîla ahoit ci a mil. ha au ambiliaune". The lmisrilsa aniMrGoieruor Gaulerai, Aid jet, &aler&al thbs.. liou stelaiing, for lb. liabilttie of a tit-a, bisiase. tireir frieuds mny tlr e oittfroua tbe utsoutRyesnpt lec si h u iityhs péation (romwviré' ihail net ben gamted- indictiona of evens.. Sir Chates n ielb fbas 5tnpl h aea i i aeui'ar a Mont"ealGaetI.,gainaietie prisa, bt ie bua.net pgai"the. ps. bai ail lb. lsIr te tisiielves. »adnt ve n od - pia. InMa. Viger, Sir Charles thougit lbuse. b.d bea utuleradinim itace 0ofis E xelnry t The Londo<C. W.> Inqrarer o<îieftth it cueud,1tic, Frerari Camaidisan but tb. Motreal Tii argaument i. exiaustdti on bathmies. animve notice the satSetftIhe crepi ir a t quarter Ita sten lienlaieeposed 1 lb. bolieumnehes bis t; bave ceet toexspert amy thimg rac an tireq tibs &ildioig tarme : m#dri tamgernng rithi leth easof retigios uii.T.cl e lecunr ehu i Ont- amWi es iront tire agrietind i e 4*0 .14l iml'îiaa b. bamC= sle m fi qasiho.alTorcatinasi.houdliasetryhand nia mIn. rt artit1apratnur ae peîy v blieir. W. *allut aij tdre noipeel te Mr. Ry. iabaao en eutbs iigada stt ha toarming n atisae pretn-Tb. e ,rso8i,'s 15pape. idca.a ao»e " hea irtieny,id a boetof iesdeiet daia1 i. 0Avian lenainng tronp asud ieitlmy. eudt , . e latt u:là~<~,l~v berdSe am a ot tIle ritituloca. Bin Charltea, pemirseds a-itThe groundinr.la goodotrielr -uni lte People in. ofedprlcip. *W eauaet ubain selicoubgiMc rnon. gu4 i l. it a lhttlsalreraventiler viiisean brlieb.frtteredai n a sau seuat a itoawfylesC ute tsmor tprslatiatrhen epeekig lump feven. Ganabai groumvelt, Mdidtan AMr. Ryea'ou-[Hami" odkrt-a.i.rsovpeprpan Ittrtb.og ii seUyt . s-et a tteralie ropg. Theiii& P»r"m immeea& tirarsarala mprite, *antititm aaou. . eA .dre iofihReine.A w"tlll.5,4 dis mtira eu Bir Ciarles and iilleameroaa te- .W.nfuissmue t exthe r imentai aovtng of D ae îtiaa a-ek copiadina.the voltesta pi. r18110Al, Wfer 1hotis el& tit. iilaclîy, "iatal itheat.pur tint hlha. b.. i.m uaatir. raasat aie of tist a" idlaiern ai elies, adrames, spaewa Mn. Gavia Ruseeii tihe Cet-cnet halns o ltteal afa.i lmtisprartuce. Eloquetrechear &,aas.l e. c."c.ai W* a- eme lb. lnit« uavs bu in relaîrini.te telient à"mm*it il rac m *oeu le ten jb *b*. popo-uIt ènof ilm Île Io0b senal- wvît. re o ordteEtsa msea0(if ery oesFi« blasul b paie- W.' é re emdIsa fr a-svennent. Sesp parculiret u chunt-t lb. Steamrlit-iet atre *W il a caretitdimmi aiu- a t e CitSerlieiveagî'nii urli-rie. I .We teltrtl. ths e iSe6«sati à- .14' toyMi do «mUW nl <ortie. nas tev. ws:-[Bracirvle Rocogiea'. later part ofIltle adimin iet lr l esg s 'Itry e laMeMttthty " ThetamnHolite %ho pot asafleiniase»d ant oiraed veR lb.iean erti eilaltd evr sydauioýaiSlsiiuyrïl Drt Oteeni ou tire 10th lest, diii. t am ira tien." Alilbave an liint e th i e iut etmeega.Tt ua ut fomatet Lepatm n Tiauray tils3d.Ut, 91,.i«r vhckiiey liai ; *ami iva leim __alsolToiuri encllocir, A. M. Tire patenta et lie lad Witite emelodor ta dma n l it M raslne m thM !IM*, <aime~ ~ il nalsdlce er . va ds alet tii ur efer ee it ufi. .elyeum a i a~ -.-'i gae ame yaj e tia ao *a lrait.eaIt l u dinearthen ira ytr ufode" bb i a enaàaIanior mmsala - .)lâit alm.i tanueavoee Ijlieas. reilt uaa b. f t W siclia elefille ilra5nl. aeaid noq.theoe uleat exst te, em0us.. ssM liusd mr<shruiu*w id bj lfut b.îo, »rtrsOiu d liiipe. Ssfl(iersrt u l le ile i 1W lu. saail ee9 t s eu îb a"li of i l le eîer a. TMa Is m esias&hm*ll 10 bsmmjIDvl'4aW miriin foi.~t II -Basa»Kai1.of t inluthe lutinm tiet." bossa ni el bsivue mIniS d«Wpaavuit Mp là, ia la, à KtleaaaUmeWM aut 4W - e >aistièd e tle ràmuhy ltpaulsi agebIýM d Ilbo MW"tai ees. Fw.--onhl.ngt ef tIs 7îat . h , us Tbi isue o e b iom à in" ê' 0m tpl lei sis£eiqs e;til 1M fmai racltj jourte tthe la mrna ise au. ab bos.iut tirsGevaonr Geaurai sud thsne à *W thiVna lgll dlaiai a îe liupu.- a alababevêtii loren. ver., vii ait tileul o.blty. Îe n euiCama Illesreitba UevmurW m wi M illrog wi i l àsin Ai dmues lents. totaily cumiissad y ilat..Thil ige ,vo lé,*"dés le mm tlb i s ba M>kp ofti anl f 55 ,dcbr*Wlie5e m Mpe or aiae 41 04 om ob an le elacb dle asmues. itidiaiuala a'p sable aullte iimemu~l , ~ i and valoasan tbq irugt. ileiuimi sonoieri "m Dod uor ti avie *WtSi tr»i m soinasiaa s bot abou I tai * lt t *nt om la e, n sad iiinslyd of aGuaval reopaola le Io iapil l etrt tie aittisas no vihrami lstlu e W" ju m fe.ai et asSagi ia.ii# i si< oss*iiiaGa rb.m Mr. Salin baurai le ibiie . a.oas'1hmuIda ias 0 nit~ t irS nale af Irb m viil sae kirf tg n bali, litrljtis titulas bat IdonsatW EuWama min oieuse*sonesi esuseut-alea. dm peaid, dreppaa citIre Enm iskm plm tirs G«"erMotey "resue,a tp l -%W '.p~an4.W 11Mr soil.ia-e-i-as ga a oiip ossi liteel,4. ua itaa i. sre.4 I v inlleille ec , 1 1 , mi PaÉI sbe C&" Gndin. CO<POIt-ILO LADIRS' ACAOINT. TIis comswS ofetla.CrtbnnrgL&ai'At-. 4007 eqdb5aq ePubrrc Examumaties eft bs tPu- et0 tienj*t iae nM Frida, and saturday, 411 * a io Ti wyre, eielaaeau «aud la emiq geneuilIltatovy, Natacral Waaj Mtlmy M oNaurl lisaiary. Gogy *M ti îe ures oftire Glo Tu a adilice, te crumno urog *IMegtaucu e ere.4 e bExaminate pmeaptnem and erratea. aof tbeamen- tisau affrdîng eatiafacloy eviiloj>e itre brin.. tcy and suocem» et the Papila, 0 Weil at of the cam and abiiity of ths Teaciiera. Duvtng the inleryia iietwae the exanainationa ai lii clase, »Vers] difficarit pierea 0of Inetru. mental Musilc wreuperfaruieti.winir a tanteaani ahill rlararteritte of Uri. llulubrau aandi ber Taacbev'a instructioin. A variety 0( Paintinaa- eexhbited. aitare opta a iiliycultivatoa micarrent taeate, aira-eil as skihi ien executkLon.Amnngp ire rme natif. ai moase spteimeara of Xmitaure Paiie ta nte. fraty exsruteti, prematng a rare ami valuabte applicatioîn of tbis important ami ieiigbîfrii art. At the ceou of the examinai in areral Origi- nl Essaye uîre rend, nmfa ai-bcb displayed conaitierable ubiity. Oue of the youog Ladiep. Mise Sinaon, iravingr rantpi.teithe preacribed catira. of atudies, a Telamanial ama onferrei on ber by the Cent. mritte-a mark of istincuion na-un tire Cana. nmites det» appropanlate a igtem7beneficiai, ln etiecltig ibePuplste mare ardour aid dili. la owolualon, tira Crmmitte.e erprema titeir ffoaidesmre in lte Teacitevand lieir conviction of tire officiency ni tic Institution : ami racors. mendi t bath for ias Educatienai aivanlagen andI for the atîemîîr,n pai te tire confort ai tire $tu- dents in their vcenrnnaniationsanm otherreler- Tirage, in addition ta tie deiigitfui anti irnnthry aituation cf lthe Acaieîay, vecornmei l u othe supprt-attire public. Ira beitaîf of tht Contmitte-. JOHN IBEATTY, Ian. WM. KINGtSTON. Coboutrg, May, 1844. Ftaîa.-Since Our tant publication tira firea htave taken place in hua rneigitbnnrrol. One of titen deairorci tire extensaiveotbuiliro" ami offices of Wavrnr Nellep, Ere.. on lthe St. Ca- tharvines Ramd, amdinlamupparci ta have bhre cauai]ly carelemamen on tire part of anme labo. rera viralept la tire bava ;o inarranre. The othier conaurrian a itaymtark belomging t lthe Rev. Thomnas Creen, of ti,.Towm, amidava. vatrari br à rr fhv ir-..r.------r.mnsasi Miiry am tlae omaidereid antetaof0<the pa. pie,Ê mnsc a tby bu&d awll bave go far sut* wp ipctW"thr e vngud in cou- A greet dval i.nidW about the Gerernor b.. coula, a o.ldy. amd about Peparation. aMd atout dielnylia* tS his in aIl amenas. The peo0e 101*0L ad I@ls h*tef>hw1.m i0, wrl bim for a Wisaistietîr, and ecem. omical administration ofaf&i,,. But wun it Wise lu thre Govarnor Geam a %*tare there rig. fiatien of a Mirialvy, relu> rere baeicad ha a vote 0f<60 to 7 of thre peeple's repre.enlatirea? tg il unt lor thre weifare and bannrof athîe empire, tint thre ibabtants of thii province Pbouid enterthln feeling. of admirition at te wiadem. andof nif. fectino for thre beouflceece. of the. geureja go. rmuent touards Iheumplvpea 1 Wl. thir.end ta* aIl fortbered b. a course of action, on tire part of viceroyalty bave, whicb rompelled an large ai vole of tbe papular Amaembly agurinut il And uil fot a perveervance in Ili@ Ezceelenry's pre- sent pol:ev, %mount te a forfeiture otf lier Un-. jeaty's eriafdenc-. tind a violation of lier rom. pact ril itte people of Canada ?-[St. Cither. inta Journal. W. hatreo n nereafro nay qunrter--even Runur in.vinat urt. Reatponpible Gtr crment ia faivly uaed ni%. ira Rads andi Toripp ave vry- ing Ptili ta thre rame ton. for the distlribution of the loban d fiait... Same of thea Upper Canada ragera are- felici- tatingt teanacvea on te rrcjetted ilefenre af 5fr Charles Metralfe Lv 1Mr. liyevaen. rviiie othera are iandlinZghlm pveîy rouglly. Fno ur o-n part, vie abinir a cause muet ,r rarîiuaviv bie to nced that geticman'a support, andI 1>W. ever geci it tony ire. il viii re mn ete better for bis advocaey. Mr1. Ilverson iras bren Il things te al men, and othimg long;re lha,@n atahility, but aaime fiuenvy;ante' knawledgp, but torY luttle wiadom. lie la, andrainlu en, a reorabipper of ripine- auna-h. couvi. ilite fivov ,j ltoe.inapawer. NMinisteva of the Gospel if tey do their dutie. pvaperty, have non time te eptre an Politiena; It i. mal tiýrivocation, mnite Imit tirey mnele wiîi Il lite bptter. We ndvro r i. R. toatick tai his calling. whevety ire will anuîit making a meaile of iimmecif, antd preveot certain jaurriala reilci t Ielve imanthoiako aiaughietlai him folly when îivncrasing princip!ea divertly op- pate, <ram iaing thte aRime.by iiepraising Iin. new ha in with then.- [ lontreai Timeb. KINGSTON ITERALD. Tisa parrappi, Prne ili r a oh i. an undtriîîg, Th, addte,avi . r-tvm Association vnnlin. tletltîng 'hl tact nr PrincipiIa aa va. eoravinciag lîghî a fpetierai area af'Il ri Mr. Ryersvin ctlrijie tp lvf I hiare "imbibri hIllep icirtof lthat w. defoMt îhink lirai -SSrCharlste, '4 that is tyvannical and Lace," nov ltha' 14.1 Govevoment ila tconpari Und f dega~ treacirery," noir do l'e "hbaie antd tre- reril Crovernment." TireFe liard iè frigliten ntom@ crmrt'plea-Tie, irU; " lauglted at by ai ite li ave a ' senrIe.ri Sir. R. furtlier cnt-s lie od' oui> courrîrvnten frnm ruginkn a'iicir, he i moit r'erharaiIecînv<~ r-olve manv rtf itpm in calarî,pc titav t hote wiitt Illacetith'et r" ThiRieitalepuvelirrmarv trick whivi thtirrtiie vthen play n', eîtrlenvrrin'p tafriglirter iti, peope j, ânother rébenllion, butt tiie Peterre tae errve-ep. Thé' prren*ttCtriet polliliral. e'nd oril 'ond as ponrî0wa "'. do in Eogland. ly rsîailring tiC , ntajority.ir Chtarlces Me7ralçrp.W tain a Coumeil Iliat retîl tItilnmar'dr nof th'ce fplea rt'preFentatirrrI* J mucreed, lice Mil tlrat'v 1i i> trY ii. nance' iiian a rat elçlr, , - cev Paty Plianl it tenol)trra ire a a entitute tire Creîerniri-t. i,, Chtarles or hie ne'e-o."r ieut', andi the'torrfie annr in-, crted are' like 1,liir'î'eprrt 'oi tire worr-]vn iin ttornlr The is tit, liti ure ui ni r i l' e rt conveaiente and troubîle, Lut it, -tir liberliF e . l v iI, "Prî il an iii e r I4e il lriit Tfirr, : pvinreipioa ra-ili iltae'ia lravr"y wili c 1ctyorn. a tire arr,"; er ie :itvoi 1ii enr!c iia Vcer'% itsel ri far n.'.. slave tht ei'îi.r rnL.c nca itar'v eri i ire ('rirn i aofFii, n fle tiret inn'aimflof aIrM.tr r itri tr' irii rr ilr y i,- ie <a1,1_ Refiîr' AFmotriairiu il t'aI 1: n rV? a wore tfit. Tic ii'i o frat iing acenimpi ion l i "l'uet:ir Rypreon'e ialvrfrr'ei Ifrirrra pentiing, ilien lte' <'inia an c-riir in ivii' Il l l it n al '.na Iai r irp an 1 r art iavvrethilitfiel îttn i-raal li an innarratlei iritri-rrrnrre raniorr'n ti'o, vn trerrirti 'n cannort be goraneetI lir uChanter Vi-ir rannert Ire rflr'vne, I, r'iaP>iirrf ' Every hrntv t, noire 0ii11t fatiaila lin'.1 . pence hy Sir CCititi -Piton. aad <i'r,, itv any nilier mac or lite par'pw,- men cîroîrllia. i,' rit,er ttpno ltci'e li ra iv ' ti i ti ! al r and pvr'ha-lîiy rn'rrT I rio rai- Ret-rrm n ircalita iVll 1.1 tlicîn titratorirs !Ille ilirr -r-ria.' explrred tltii iiti LhM p -ra opin 1aet, it1i; 'r t i ift'i"' r înr'oen tlièm ni iii4fiiiîanor: iten itoraere l ong! ,L'.. TIro t',nierenverof lite lt'r'ail V Clturch wtili mrta! iiart rit UwC amhati prieif ihrrnailiin hiorIII.n ah;r'tÎi.oaiterirain I.io 're trrir'tjr, tht' Chirrhitas if it lid liera itrrgareJ hirnaraf. bVo mentiomein lamar la tuIle tr' buteirera utia han heen <'tmmitird tIl, ftreiag tir rny ain'inelvieri on iliir, risant lithenid arkvlet. Tire a nra tlrey a"rnrp rmittil i nillpiiec6" ireintyprit linnanecwravnt, ati olhthn liea. Tis- va. ifmeriatel. it'sirarimll CIunpel, KenmiitlrMickerzie, fîq.-r rtev aet smi ataier beinz rovamri'el. crprgation liaxtenvîl io renithe îLe tr mrîîng aaate tiarratse l u; lin1't liail boom iingwrrn neariy t w ait'turf' ai wrearant. Tire bottellerascre birrithiJ C iefJiuatice liolinisen onrit edrr y mt of Jlrbae ar mprit i m llte pltat It I e lield tirtea i rtvlan(If he~i andI the isearate warrante, andi the Au tia n th i ir BrI Ie <ruldhave îvltct'd IÎ cause it ras ltegai, but tht e mrtntf wreUftocandI iae ruli ttiîteti'le NIT. machpnzwteepiiedirt' '0 tie a faltse,emtuafar beiLd breiditle inll Sa tite leat warraint abatne, vîticir nIsI tgobe liegal. Tire Judge ten raid liW not-i go bayond the retura. If tde aie, a faiase tur, ire vu a la i The men Ve .tien embnddpadi a-ere trsleaîed. Eutitaviog baie@ilp &ei, liey bave camncnced tliii et, lire againratthb.m aor. (Ocea.fti ane against thee ganter, danragen laid "l anci nation.Thre "reamat rtlie 1 bvnugbt aginat tire baya'artenonmaIl the. Corporaion a sa toriYais tMthe 0< ireCororaion W.are 9glatidi or. have dutevrrinedte hring t trial, for àis ligblé ime tât mie în'en to tb. abitary proCaiingal ni' ration. Tir. butliere arce tenatt'O*a. jae of tire Corporaion, and coq il as s.nted 7 t6a i" .uueary pre f. r aiIt t - ga 115C0 bu ai.r et w Upbtb- 0 ra te etaielast iltoris Report nf Il tIos càrautitiof W T orNlm'GRAN, .STATE OPTHE vA. Tite Ir »iddvial, Quetta u 'va1?:«. mont, tira "aion of lb. Cour L tiiet Gudal ndlbave ts nabtaInt report tbat Il »15 pirtete Mna' acé atiepriseemea ne cirnocoitapita rappnaa' il atnta rthe Ganter. Tis I» ren Jury te ire r«as irliable Iolire Bhril of 0 tire eabl'aahis noas W. Rartiseti,1 ih the ~n t rve u lice ofiteb.Grand t of thle Wei. in lh gahir Im feetnlalet catplainft. atenv reapelltwutequi lequsat ver. huip te va. neu#alf" ca la by Dr. Rob y bena1hy. Ot ii boytlwtbaiîb toe maislte tira -y b. ftaidraeecai bi f sealhiubh thii. Tereic 'eil rms hy mtaeffaiç 5ay bouriat nesc nt ingirtier oan thea0 uee patoitlcd te th ctiti" OGevurMaaef04 ,nt titie Idrlip -andt lit mapatnz lan reprtai N Ftrq aIt. By th#* Report il b. roiamantire ute paw nai o18. ice lb. erat Iota, an IcI or tâte PmnlesP. tIi' prpofl ont trea SGrant Jury. viramier mltay expromce iirtrmt ohf ai intittion e 1, muet no* q4 neff !ise a the patal tMu ilsiion f4 l* lm JAUI M a along deiay r y lgit has ha eambla, quel rri la a day. Tii erres leaumabor of t nitr Swaeaserfof Ai, git ole'ft Q uni els,. lem 1@43, 414 Iaul 1104&, lm 74 Gt eai $1 aI foU lhae ami l Pep jth pe &).du,5 " lt es, le . a the t.aieA ai- uet bel_ a i 8l