q 1 A Monsuri RSur- tiaer le ony la Ofa duo" gelaeutemd et *S W mEarife mE *b -tue boutvaI~plaawpê .w: O OI U8u sua ilN TUE N. frilie. asîeailta anmeatiisppmas dam ANUICA PK V SuIC u. t a n eue e n tis bl y su W B bg mdia top*essecethdani.te wy. eg bwmi cet miii alihu e mpr tlaB is£a m Cabe ls' Edin h rJurnafd ON fanae propaly. On thîs farci lea buste psy, laI, uet t f pi"O of 4 e=mba"2b0h. De rein; 20no utitbas; Uni, se pontratas; flaPuv wrmil iaocontinue îopay tha 4d, aun asseme taxa,; ba, lm govesmetat Vied statua postsge on d'a Abion, se it ie tuse a rt there la a very sinalainupotse psy Wiin hadeilvrsi tte n asribrase a"auy Iler Icecalexpenseuasud gàvernuîaaT. lhier.arae teury "m spapaS laIn levae, but averymaia etaIparteet liber. Persn.m aimg te chIai. the Gaflay sud zry : t.m taas yqsnt !gause ibsi ha cauSumd Wdahiugaou bth, îogther vith the Albion, viin th 14 til ttairnis îlv river, uand bo ebarged sem ndcawan sd thaune wambe yh liSa ; am m m im sfor arcuthis tiber desui et ofobainlag tbe Albin., thu Gallary. frspported almobt autiuely on game thsas ta- Wa.bumnt4an id Charihersg,ii receiva dia tus. Tbera snetalslmanomuciwt"knd fuira acegia deUmrs, uhch, if puihuhd se' "ae.diffsreunas aaiong lie pac"le; but svery parsîteiy, wv amasnan tul twoele &daolra uafji man forma bis etc -cee.d and supports bis aun etuit. Muaea ai orship. Tht.. w ns, aioat ry ;- Thii. libsers iytiUne pnpriatar Lapas milL b. Whi.i, sela Laren in daitu&#"% usurpai sanha'duly açpre.at. f0itiay rigt el1ad. oser 'Vv iemaheSala u- Nawaimcribavs vWi tae titild ta tiesamae trusalme s, mlu ii sutbority, sud uL,, svsuw gote riik9"eoan aim oé Yser in adraues. thoseseadebaIy inncaltent weuhbthe char- The Gallery viii sentaite £,lloug pOO&l *ter ef peisiing amm. Pan parisa satort- bamaifnhtmogabdoaena~ ; Tii. Qiacu hounses ae mimn; foiramis u avaliaia J-Diha We gI, e= aimaftr AMi...Bil *boe ail dhing., every - I lasiiabwta simain 'isw. NlIhi.asa a Perlie a w , .,dtotg' P*fety tu isy by forageortoeshas. Everymin sehualsho% tetaguher with mamoira m&W latter w 4o passesescepili sngh te enabla bim havapans descipins.î,besutirolly boUD& eg as ta te peîchase a tam urbn<Pud acres o! land (àuni ut lora a splendid ornament for the ilimiîing-nm s. par acre Laom>ybave eveu yearw tu puy i.r table. il) buld bis bruse and taru'-îsiisi SUPPLEMENTARY NOTICE. stock bia1ad, ina Prince, lie ius n' upaclur Tha progrimso. bsvimg purcliasat at tirent ex- on earth. Ili% asnnmay be esuisîl, bat it lu =ana sqamimiy a4 Mr. Uirk' magilcent plate Lis oaa; it in is tingdoes; corcUi ny i dia Moument te Sir Waher Son, i enn. h. mcade bindicg upon hlm vitilatît hi. consent. bled la addtet I bis lbat of prasante. Alis Ie trends thtearthIî fanesiy, aud ackimolwidge-. sahacrihorsa d's on aying thair snhscniptiona 110 supremesy but Gusu d tht lav. Wliusu«for ltha yaar 184, w t he udrtandiag that .iarate labour, akdI, and cars. ha secures alita t buy *inlramain on the liai, twil bae the Chao" mua require, or that a sensible umu au ean mii a!ofthe large plat. uof Wakniago thdiAlions Thoramar airemdy in tisa nuutry millions of Gae>p a voluma of Chualiers Journal, orth oulb mosn, ma"dthoirue (tr oruideds of eil. Menameuitle Sir Waler c- m iSaoneides linstamote; acdo i amaror willbe, upafuliy .aay ha feraitiof bemaiue of tZ ho a : if on elam.icmlly o wd;au %QLuw d'air ini w vLn va staeU di son eber regits; as ail are isakrs ad exec utoft of the chas by 2*4 lias4, tii.son i is toite of ares lbas noyer Our agents Win plasma tegavera tbeaisavas helielti a nation gauler tian tis in .ut prasasit, Ly Ibis atie.; sad vo s*hall fee a ndied toay Dor say dia" p;a" o bc taLese greit Ieeaft.r. o!for ontszéporarie o voiii b itnd anoali IA« wON TRia s, mxrruvs. tae nin thetosbjecttlu Ihoir clma in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M a uî ssi aoa > h < N imm% our satlainCanada, vini recaire n aara aispgland, d'nlGuo o rshe @,ofuhe*r ";;ldrsand subscriptiona, ta mhon a shal for. path rn evperia, anti stheravn. th y ard & full sappiy of Gallerie., Platse.,&C,sas labrious, a ud ,rcnaie soau is. ti.,efmnan.the. avigtion ei ,aast pasiantale olman epl n hesrtt Natwithotandlig ttese u.llties ofthe people, aond thair pasaaaioa of a. ieaneaxtramely !r. tilt, boaadlng in Minéral riches ta a vooderfol axtent, litb inriveasamid harimor..,aiMt t gveatest commerce ar mDy nation la Iba vori- arisiimg ont of teir pwer et mnufacturisiîg pos ta an extant tbat in formn.»r imas u-aaid have baeui rugardet isa falslnua-the people of tdii iland are n a lameantable concditionu. Tht el. hilat-and aiany mre vmlthy hayanti calcul. tloo,-ma pprnîaad vitI a »s o.oinsécurity. Tiey W a id trou tIsaiavary tLîug aretaut lIe. la s. artifat tobatructed hat mcv sa- tilai dlauter may r a tisir mealth Ilatmat mua y itte maice pîlacea arected by Prince lPa- têein ta gratify thesa vnilîy cf the laipreasof @L Ptrbungiu. Buiesr*go the savereign Ott Ibse try anrusotideflenco aidgov- orfat !largeportiosOf itaecornu c! the <aiSso! the retire. Tae mn i p' ca alia. usurpai ibese and, ati caeti the tboir ava ; reieameri tbeaigates frio ail borde»s animapots;saids they more th sala egila' tains, th" rectrivanite horov aUl the turless o! h. ata eon titi cosunapapi e mthot iet the laterLava bean aveIy cectnry bacmsrslg poaeur mai ponrer, the nsagu*êasof haland hava bacomarciter ati icher. Thmcrai«era ita lei abea imsrt. the leading doctiraof înhicb i. Ibat AlmigLi, Gai cretai lUn poan on pnrpetoe ta vnrk for m'bc tiehjirtthe iapuroughttioht kapt Vary pour adteto ha y tbmimfu, fur d'air romad la anothar tarin is etaint.'Thea pour soimetWaus epres. a h at diey bati thoir retard lu tluiâ vorli; but e t ndovu sucit oa- tioaa, i iih are dsignatati blephnsaus ati se. Miienis, "vears ia have baee siatei Thmea umgua have a&ec rua the nation diaply 1mb dabt, msoi their syste a( orgvirnasIent 's0se0ex. Mu tivat the irest of the daLii the ezpnasu. a!the govarnmt, tithes< anti poov.rsue., lunount te moeana tita eistotal mîniasl rentai o! tIse uh.le of tia land. 5sethat the nation Las ta psy tLe magnm efor the entai oofisoti about IN milliiono 'm mmnsd te dt s sîte sud for the mutrat o edispoorraitas, tithe% , buiet 70 %il. limusmore;a anti th. demnds e ep lb.mba of .oclaty in a reailesa sean. tmata hichie apprebhasom ia cocaîaoi3r fatk y the. dciithat aeeothicg wyl happan deapiy afrecuing ibein, teitt the blk af the nnmimgnity fuel their it.: umitle Cehaa paul-tWiy meaenan y m-o. mtal inking undér the tytemn, that thay &il elong fora change, thongb teykaow net what liat cbaMmge oulti L. Tht farmer in Ibis coiiti7 lima te pafrisl, a a ms vent, mait- iagaon auava.aga teo*edid of thegvoa pro., daorsdi.fais h ; 2n&, tho., moamiag . lalaie placéeaoni arab!e aid ta l1a. pet sers; 3rd, pomw.atas aiea exceaaédiimg 14m. par acre; 414 coUntY.uslo ti, taxasn anrvey ing titat ha or bis family consumes. The, dm57 on tes. foc iatanes, krings " e ie amtiomal xchMeur four aulne a yeur, mithéetity an mal four rail. lien.as mitthCiaw hais of** alani-lax pai byth i suilorde aauats te only a liti e mitre timaosnamillion asv, ilaogi thlIe rontai of the hl.mdom ta, lucroseei frenaiemillion. a yearl tesxy-tire. miliioins, ya< il pays arn mint e.si lima wvhs.etaisIe miliioas. Thea areer, hoi. i.g ce mach Io psy fer vet, twes, rates, tamis, k.,buamne viruvihal teapNy l lmner. as te ej~lba piZ , s&Pd aiceaq.ty by dWi.caetd, li.lih.cam , ill.boum.i l-nones ails etottt.ei pauproor yho viiidia patupera. Theb araer «0a alays in a aof te meut *datiu ppre- boastanssd alari. nai uaiy fiaisthe cirena-ý smes iq thicli thty suemau. lmmadiatcy auqmuudat, but $ase (rua leofetuiise i masin.. Tb. fariner isova th4i f Cer am » hae certaint price. roin i. bis inevitabla fine, md»irý idhm t e dreatifai tu ihie Cooinmmaioa es Cha s laiProvidence a mmae fond chap an <luthCe pou aan aisy91 L hi is lis îg te ma pauleriy 4ji-dimfoibfflin juhfe rmar, lat tg the iretm l sa W" ie in a ledu =J hWearat. Oser biséen vtiii ha md upt litbas, ntes, Se.,ni ho asls tdhabuaI w *mmasupder vctln'lum Sthaiis ~ bc !N fsilmerduct Dot héli ru lm* asarrims ii aatares. bh odiuma- la Liscilmran s0ads.tear aire t4a sroaplial. momaale 'sgt héknevs liai làs lanilri Wmlii oma.. ata. s eand trai. s vaut,' Mai ha i. hatpéemi in a maier vay usnawary Mepl lb mad afiilg a liuIaisinaese~ opasis lis diaprosaimeao! i. laa*ed. asisimom adne ansign, WMsan . t emht uais, wsncas, mt a wtp Mhl ée R, e rusdis.- hm tbe4àI asm :c alisgda eevaie4m à tl p4sa ar oee a g alu:= eai RééUM lP i M 55ai .éoî. éI FOR SALE BY WM. SIMPSON, » lkumeh Ood OiL OiETAlO STRErr. Kiaigatn, 9thi Septemhar, 1843. LONDON WAREHOU SE,1 ataua iat Wa5.lae Eau.stabuia. ae.t eana aste s) 5* 4. Kinptoe H TAVE ew raceivel dos wlola o<their J.Llutpuvàiuafor dus Som..Inlatde seleatissu oftiueir Stock, no pains bava been spareil ta render ik deairable ad attractive ta aIl wLo study Fasision, Coaifort, &k Economy, ana by offerimsg thair extensive and mperior Stocht Iiapuuendk Lew Pries. T'bey viii uika le plaino tiat tham a, il- ling ta extemilto thiei freudeanmid tLe pulhl geaeraliy, the. ful bhefit of tise. d vanta- gea visichi hey themsehves have çined drougis the purchases made. by axpenenoed agents, in th. English. Scotch, Irish,, sud French markets, dariag their late deprosaed state. Thoma ho iahta s ecure B AR G.A NS8 sud ta seleet frant a igtock, the bemutiful va. iety of which is cahculted ta pies.. very teste, ani o! aoch supeior manufactur, as ta give satisfaction ta every purcisaser; hava only tao eil at the shore viii known Esab- lishment. vhere ocular deosatration wil prove tiha facto alludeil to, Wluolesale & Reaiu, for Ready Monay, Country Sereejrs, snd Hamkesv, mil, finil tiis mu dvutageoasa opportuily. à splecdid lot of FUR CAPS. Usas, pern, lt, Fer Chm, G&sud@ teu Camasa s ai, avua, a lot aofBissikats, Countarpacas snd Quilua, veli Wortih attea- fio. Fannels, iRed, White, Y.llw, Greenu, Blman ud Scarlet, mach under lesu years Prices, Miain andi Diamond BDamer., PILOT CLOTHS, BROAD CLOTHS5, Waterproof, snd ther Tweeds, Fancy Do' skias, Casimenes snd Clotha in great&hua- dance. Fusll CWpU satinette, Moeskins, WoollaleuPPlide. t)auwgtb, Scotch mid Irishi Limans, Tuilloil andfPlin uBaggiags, B.d Ticks, SleeàzgsWhites ud Stiped Sit mg.Plaid ad Nettei Waollem Shawla, onforters, Saov Stockinga. NtOTICE*TBE FOLLOWING. Marines, Orleas Clause, Parisiaji, Ali Péch1aourig Clotho, Syniat. Crapes. CLatit de Lainas, Chosans. Sut stripeil Zulseti Dresses, Crape Tartans, Prituteif .Plain Velvets la Coa n d 811k, sonnet * smudElowera, À * et $W aa m tGaM ods for FC=b y Ceasa, PrictesilCalicoesm, and Printe at rntnre, wiit. Disaity, C, -a umym and L, bsWaui flrm avea mPeushoorm, serge., Omtan A maou canpleta assortasent o! DecidlY-Lome 46m »MIusul, loreil snd wisite StmsFrunel andUglisimal., Nasi. Ciorckei, Plans mand ïlameyetasa- Nealin & a et o noe asad cuNouts. Léces, Cap Freuts. flmda7M hbhek and &«ny. d. for Neci soadPesbMu Smeeks, -u«0 1-g Slm vls oalsm ail cot»t WigltCaps. ,WMso.ape 0 s aa, Demies. A beu. marns la ma.. Tait.na*tb is m '- Mr 04ecMa i .sliujsF~r# 1 W9 alwile Uqmbs 49*f 10000a, - Rs~ oas lut lu.ot w@b wu*d yu. MdF.builU aa gw alsagtuemesadsast." oes* liatî l sîts tsea akdem »V Inve; th sste a( Casas 4u dmin il. Coast a0( lusausteiaintaUmm m wua Qa*staelyDirst iâed; NohmaMW a. poss o bding Cssad.ui*ud lan<ahegllsh Ceumu Law Courts, and NoUes a( Casulat Chats" inauthL mvim@s.untka qmotm M, of"Cocus rapcgtem -héb.Ewgk 2Z fret aumber.to bu deftard ia April maxi. la sdvpre biRSfl %"r pliayablit f kdLe payable anu te daliay of theafrat No. swriptians vifii ha emoiad nttheia Ecaa of *0é folowng Gentlemen- Messrs. Strachasi & Comme.ca, T~0imt. Cartwrigh'& Goddas, ZKingsto. laoin Wilson, ePAqira, Lmdio& Charles Baby, B"p, sandwich. IL 0. Dz 2gaa, a, Hsroi C.L lolq., Nuagara. D'Arc ýmn o , p C Eoorg. Goo. erwoo . , Bro"eksl W. W. IlîtzGibbon, rap, DeUriue.* J. G. Armoar, Eaq, Peterboro. C. T. Barrv, Uapq., Bptuwîm R. Clins aEq.b cstaîaL -* - _- MantreL G. O. st.art, Uap., Quota Tarunta De. 2l%184&. V7 The. Edilors of pprnTrno i loM a i, u Qe, isrthitg% te r.esre TbOocTeTUor0à A 53W P IODICAI. bitl edh b n àmeu u ul k à m uuphlcu in propnsed that a Quartenlypearîod wath the aboya titi, ha forthwt att e ini Britsh North Amr".pte This Work, M il» cama and"ctes, will baex._ clusively devoied ta Science; mand vili embnbce tbhe aYital featurmaof British North A"aric in<orknown vmietiu.-aloo tedi. MdZc Statistics of te Towns, Hospitaloi Asybuais, Prisons,&c. And laatly, a m lizuar neueac einctamunt go Mrmsnits lmitswill permtaof ail that in vamasle au regardfu~t@su andctrjaas ia athar mand simlar vanta, and perlodîcals of ru. ThM Pariu" ica lli ha Udlld by Du. SpxÂm, amisted by ibter Literary and Scenetille Gen.1 daema,.,in varions partu of the Province. It js Proposed that dhe flrst Numnher ha publisad in April, 1844, or as monta as a sufficientfnaihar or Suabacribers ara obtained, ta warrant tha axpansa of thea nndertaking. Tha Tarma of Subacriptiot:. wi ul £5&u par moau, ayable in advance. Persona onsoaf subacribing, ara raquant. ed ta send notice (postage ftes) ta d'a propoaad Pebliabers. EL~ & W. ROWSELL 163 XiEg gire, Tormaeîo 82» ThéedPitors Of papers in Tomaate, King- sdan, Motreal amnd Quabec, amr rquaatdit give dihé auaeProspmmtaa a feu insertions, for which tlîayy l ba ntitlad ta a capy afitha pub. biastion, for dia Orst tuelva montbis. Toronto, Dacanihar 16, 18a3 Chceap'C.>Ode antiBargallu, TO M 0ONAINIDAT Talc KANCRESTER WARBIOIJSE (La-"onBsilasgs, prisionssa Bree4 KmXOaTOlI. T&R. HUTTON & Coi beg te infarnu thair a anerns Tomnamnd t!aantry C <mer, that ihay bave receired thair usumlarga poil mimd Wirter iStck of British DgEIEIDU» diract frais the. vsrieus Manfactonas, mbhicb (or Cbemu aand quality cf Geada, tbay canu - cnouiaad ta ha botter value thon tii.y hava *ver bafore afaérad in Canada. They weuld invite the attention of hhafr Cas. tomera la their larga Stock cf Englieanmd French Mrina., Cerg Cloths, Jallllabad Figures, Panand Figtîrd Orleani,, Singleansd twa Color Parisiens. *nliit6miPrench PriaIs, West té Englmnd and Yorksbire flraad Clotho, af ail Shades, Be-oar Clatin. l Black, Blue'black, Bue, Brawn, and Invisible Greenas; Casaluneres, Doestins, Mogadores, Tweeads, aimdFmney Tromeri*gs Carpatinlge, DrutM2,DazasFUDDncals.er. re, and bcing, Blanketos, Whiteansd Calared oirpas; Cettain and Wooliln H .aRa HOMsa Skating; Plama sud Tor dD= 1m Bfting, ram thirty ta fortyLaes,; aoady1 mae Bage Plain and Twilad; Table ima,. msud Table &aths, Brao and Bleambad Deaset Curaers; Woraed and Cotan Tabla do; Tow. alliage and Tavels. AnU xtensiva Stock of Rich PURS, nmrs il uEI aSBoas, Capes, Cardinail.ladia'Pu GMeas nd aguntiets, Gvatq' For Glov umd GanasTtCaps, and Par Tri u d 1mm dia vai ' Mosniptiana Thianl ru. BUFFALO ROB;s a.teasmhBary lbm Priceu.*j A enaiPlet8 £asr'tment of Rosiery, Haiardoei.1 ory end every ind of DaRy 600Dz ta b* Ois*e iîiusuhllY bhid in Dfy GoudaeStOres. I.&L îwrvoî,& iJo, oielimpie.. upc. duair Castanjar that "ier Gonds ar a ail ooght coder peculiar advenasges by thoir fricalds la Gra Britain, and consqently, am elaahiagt »aIl d'au horseat very Loy Pries& No CaXE»syGtVxom-OiY as Prims aida. Kinguton, Nov. 1843. T ME Subscriberit haveecdi-e as aithea followîng articlet, vhiciltisa5y AtVery rcdmod Prioe, Bost poishile elcol HS% &Danc Ferks G"as & Craille Scythe,. Bay Rates, Scythe Soatisa 6 floes. Bcylst&oes & Scythea Rio«e. Aq@aMMuY a Of 81210É& Pirmer Ciusehsa.sl from the . lect Electro Bornajc SteaL 1 Pat-8 Amgeu'a, Auger Bru,, Brm, Mi , --, - e-" vu stad --lm JboeoeMGElY. tVrnK41 *» =19 ,claEgibiEtdàa, ma,4Mai il..Rv»Ra id Imms. Dma li as,. lhgaMd caetsa, oSisalwïK = obut m am.,la, Bu.Zize mdLU& QQ puisMmd liuw -ofu MMalsat; boit, raa. "vFe)a. ln rc sud allerCha=s, byis,*,m Viao, rairons, D.ç anas, Pleimmsl Nis ofa asuperman qnmity. rsaecisap uÀeat Nils, 1a-B.L boss m fLa, cries cet, lpitsud miii Ilama, BHmr mTendu, RarShiEbofCast sud J dta, CA*apsimams'aieCearasa'Tooua lit Vrest vsnietl. Englilb andi Amnreu Au- pta, Lais boita, buttala ige, $ttiama,1VO.Glae pzlsSiitha' Wardimg, Cabinet Molasemuid Miii Bava, round sud lwmf round, Potier, biat. W n maiaporting, BLot of ail eizes, Brocht ansd alirLaripa, LeadicLi almter mamd Trace lapa, BlCori sud HasavoLunes. (Lidgers') table Kuivas andi Forkts aclr', shoemakers', saduilera' .Jack sud Peu Kiives; Scissors, RazoM ,Britaunia netal TamsPets, Britauimia, 1'latecI sud Germais Silver Tem, Des- sert, sud Table Spoanshbras sud Japeunati Caniletlta, criaiping Machines, &c. "c ]PAIrTAND PAII TVIFD. Beat White Leati, dry and in ail, hast Red Laad ditto, Vaaetian Red, Spanieli Brama si4u, y ayellow. graunti in ail, Velhow Oea.@ =pbiack, rav sud boilet Linzenti Oil. Tor. pantins, minerai ati vegetabla Tan, Phdtel. t ty, Capperas, window Giau of aases, peint sud atber Brunhes, camn'a Loit pendis. Au assortment of brasa anti ootien CLOCKS, si ht day sid 24 houtse. sTeIEs ni ail description@. Slave Pipes. A lange asmorînsent of plain, lapasuted al bocktT N WARE kept on baoai, ut Ilade te order mi short notice. JAMES POWELL Store St, Kingmton,JIuns 22,1843. NEW AND SPLENDID CABINET FUJINITURE, A Chcap ou the <iheupeat, ,assd aa gea aaUtheus. T HE lahuctber bels ieave la iform tLe pub-. JLlie generaliy, Ihat Le bas removsd bis Fur- allure Wsre Ravi ta bis nets building, recantly trecleilanMontreai Stret, tIîird dean frocs lhe corner e!fS'.oru Street, anti near te Mr. INibedo', Grorary Store- -vIsera viilsa iaefoada sgo- moal artmvent of READY MADE FURNI- TURE, of dhe hast qualiti andi latesI pater»ndmt prices ta sait iatendiimg pareusrs. Persanasdti- mou of purchasleg atee apetfuiy livitedta tmate a coli. As the Subacribar i. constanily -imaifac- turing for sale snd te oanar, tLay cou speetiuly ha suppiiedti iliamy article lbîy assyT . T. 0. B7LeR Kingston, Jais. 1841. Wàrnrmn-A Varisber and Polishpr. T. 0. B. FOR SALE. Pàtext Lau laid Tarred Riggimg aissoavTxistes. ji HAIN CÂBLES, ANCHOIIS. &tc., %-4 Qakutis, Blocks, and Dtck Ligis., ;CapUr binnamle Lampa & Slsip Lattorns, Dou le hoileti Liaaeed 011, Paint., Turpen. tine, Tar, Rosiu & Pitch, Piotigis Mtost approveti patteras, Spadesansd Shovels--wrougitî mon andl steel blades, A few supenior Hog Skins for Saddios, IMPROVED SIBES'8 KYDROMETERS, (Maie by Dring & Fage Lonidon,) vidi ta- bles. &c. comploete, sud guaging rude, Oae time superior Vôlowing Pieces, double & single barrels, pocket aundhomse Pistais, patent wsddi.sg, Shot Boita & Poucle-Powder & driaking Flasha, dre&c. 6, The above articles are a part o!f1mI ýfalis importation, ati are nov offeroil on dia mtut favorable tevrms. MORLEY & JENKINS. Kingstons,-March 15, 1843. 48 NtE w REFORM JOURNAL IN MONTREAL. IT le lIse intention of the Subseriben te pub. lieh iumediatehy la the city of bllantresi s taaaer, t hocailei " THiE PILOT," muid uiicilbei h issueti DAn.rfrac the laC Mmy tu the laot aashabr, andci Ta-WzaaLy frt dia lot Noveaiber ta tihe let May, ai £1 5s. per amum. -Thoa vtili bha4a WEEKLf EDI.- TION for the contsry, ohls.h viii cotai. the uditonial mimd lter reading malter of tht Daily, suni miicb will ta publislied i at»OUparnmn. Umtil the arrangments are flaly coaipletéd, the PI vii hapbliseti Sem-Wehy en TUESDAY$ ati FRIDAY, adtheAfrat nain- han mii mppemr ou the 1.1 March. ThaeIReformera of Uppar Canadamis i, it is hopait, ustimuate thtireiaportaneof bving s joural at the Seat a! Govemmnmit ta advemt. lIme princpias vhich ihty havae on &licesioam do nalmaaintained. fI. priceea! the We.&iy Edidion lbas ieen ietivary lot, smat thé saL acriptions muet in ail casus la pmld in adina. Althousph the main oljac et a lbicisin gthe h't» Mr mta fleura (gr tht Reformera of Bis,ýis aici an "rgn ai thea 8eat of Gavarommnî, it mii dancate the Agricuîuural, Manui!actnuigq ad Commarcial interasofthediaCnsdimm pao. pie, vhilu efecdimsg hir regtsansd !-Iiiiu The Office of thse Pu«e, iii, for the prsaent, heaut St. Therese Street, tu mIsicL placa it in r. questi that aIl communicaioansad sverlios.. montseaiay ha seat. Those proprietors o! pal. lic joarnais aorb wiimh ta exciiaffatis ithe pi. r4w, m4l i hagondoeugh ta formai heirj pars te tha Edior; asti the supporteran( I. fori, bath in Upper sud lover Camada, s&M va queuteti ta ne. active axertions tu prouffl shi. strihars on the terme swaaetiaboya. PRANC14 aime"t. Fabraaiy27, 1844 JIJI T nECEITSD, BY WILLIAM gSiMpso*, A CHOICE Lote!fithefaloving Liqwor MavascLino, eCuracoa, donhia de Hollade Eaudevi. de Danîxicit, Ratuî mEu ÂrO0 &c,.e-&c. smAfne aSrtmmit ofPichieu, Spcs aa, Faigu ritCaudisi P-1el-Srdines, Aneisvies,&c. A f&W ~ne Brandy. Dacana. 2ud, 3.op EUbftlmri iribr Snag thle paliaMe. T Ciu sic lactiam of Wiaas, moahi ltiami per aut eider bfueainpnceus i4 a u Wl rvaultaou4niro arrau Very «Paor-O0H4Port s&W ClmnatfIlal lyeste initiu. Vierlas Hala., Uap., thea .qunty of miih eba ma mm te rqh.mq "emoo w f. swuuom.1 SLAS âFOR -$AL£. DAy! O m hITIL ..PiJat W LLAM EANb EG cmli d, cattonies t mrae T i exesive tockof ooesi , 1'lug Caveodish mailsilrdTb1849. Ae lt afmlallnthehiet Ct hee rom tbe weIhi&kextnsdieysockJoph Pimu,. 40 bar Lifine aur., Java & wl Mocell oleaM et 200 Packs vbplclnd deaSa, 450 boxeLondn superfinean paentw.. 250a~no. Noiese ariîsa A lt of.Imitoneshres r h 40 bag ne a able dJava mu M, Finel oLdirpol Waidkyrea ladS au 2Mery sup ueri r Serylu buls SU . a 0s prhdom «.n-@ae IG ibl. a 3. k .pee glln 40e i qr. ci &i pleuCBrndy mdBradi- naryHiand Guln, S.6. w alo Oldy RationRid Prand fine rry ntl,shcr 6ran. t ja20s esi do. ee, T 64er84.b Wîn39.9. pt allon,. erglln Biackbu r', Madeira, Champagne, Clarat, mnd Hermitage, varions branils, Bartena a8 Guestieur's Claret Viatag-e of 1832, West Udia 8loroîh, Peliî1wrmuîet &. Bridge's London Porter and Leith Ale ir; plats and q,,uarts, PýIIP 40,,bil.. Pk-,naJP, Hp liiy 9 bbds. Molasses, 100 cases Lenn Syrup, Sperm. Olive, -Seal, Tanner's,,and Buîled Linseed 011, 40 Crutes C. b. Crown glas$, 20> bugs UWino .uors. Fane Fruits.: Hatti, 1Btnil, Wall, Picaij, ; aadCoetaNuts, Raisàins, Prunes, Figs.. Iinter Lemns sweet muid bitter AlmouJs in boxes 25 lbo. each, West India preserves, 3y app<îîîtm.n4, Eertt's pre ioii3laek- iag froto 51 Fetter Lane, Lo«ndor,,~ljI will form ta brillinncy equal to paient Leather. N. B. Fine Sydernlmam table Aie 6s. . per dz., bottles returned. Ortario Street, King.,t,,n, Jan. 1844. 40 k Pr Hope Whi !i Lv, 1 Case 100 Grou Congreve *Matclic, 5,000 Feet IBlack XVaInutb Ji. Il. ,2, Z4 inch. & 4 X, 4 &augtlm. 1 Billiard 'Ialîfe*, 40 Buncbe h tes (say 40 M.) ýA Ln,- A general smrmnt of Dry G.cte.,. and Stationety, consistiný of i>rnb Satîcens Fan C lih,.G rwy Se-%vandýwn. Drab .,7l Coloured lMoleqkîýns, Priiîted Calicoeu, Mouain de Laine Dr-esses, Printe<1 Carpp- în md Pilot Clotho; (Irc,wu.at:d 1>cLbîe Crow9.a Papera, Nevs dt,, I)emv, Fý.NoIen n. Quarto Poslt Thick b'sîh. andi Tissue do. Ait ni hicb viliLeaSold nuîuually low for Cas,or«on approved Creifli. > 1lryliCALDER. Conhierciat Wla' f., Kingston,. 24t itune, 184.4 AMERICAN NEWS LETTER AND EUROPÉAS INÇTZLLIGE.NCE4, SE1111-9011te Eh. raeW 01aiTm. addilù, - 1 Cea. T HE aboya Newmspe now, ecnl cdTen ditl,,aai Colu ,, rîthirl tasestilrbed la Jol.h.M82, in regularly piililihei at Liver pol xpreesly for tranmsaiinioui iy aveu-y Sieîiai obi ps silimigfromn uy part in Sitaic lii muy port mi. Un*rriStatei, audit leailingtnture ieta gise, et mn4lira, an seetoft-ery imporlaf'l PuM thdisebas succarret inluC eat StiiosEurop* an Amis4 i. dwiutervaibalea thse sailiog ai ms Stamsi Sip, mhtlsar lu poitica Prn ,nuî. umaice-a correct snti cmprebansive lhippiag Liait, ua vbih imlii e haunti a failliul record of the mivail moi depart are ,f Anierlcesavassae Il and (mmouailithe British, Emsu.ac. a,îd Asiiutc part&a-together mil h oie t (sucit esaities or disastee , s. miv froaciltqe ta tiole occur-a comMeatêriee arrentl, in m-lieh the gratent cm vu tata. ta give the llttal reports or. ha van. ina. d«crciptinimsÊf Aneira proder, froci tin mort unquestkaaile sarcees-thus eoasiidug, ia meashet, a Nevapaper, a Siippng List, eapt a Pricus Curreet. Tht Annui BuieCtiln te Cmu.msaWiLL;. suisa AamazcussNt"s Lvvsa la12g. i. Sterlng. Owdrm miluheriptiîe.i mii hane. calvd tmany of Nasr. Povamov's & Co.'s ExxaaOvatas in.telia UssTA Sa" at Canétut, adin Bute. hy Mass. ltsdding & Co, NaemAgete;Halifaxr. f mlesr,. &. tionnr; Mentnemi, Mv. Wat Greig, Boaosalar; et. John, . . 1 r QIL e. .aty, meraiy Ns. lc~Queseit iChlesv. = r Meith .mtrut Joia'. Nmmlmsmdlamd, Mr mo..,Tiuornabm. o ey mohabu ii' ilte t laPuhiib«ahidasfa Ioa >- CR41158 WIIJiMlE, Treasathatis Na~er O~ 4 Isuti Jaha.staeat, Lmavpaul HATSI IIATS' BATS I CLAU~UWWIUT I H.4TTE*, i ~ ~ - sa....a t.. tt.s, . o li m tir~i~ 1-WDEE *AZE T lm Sa»iwmsaapeuri .r ct*e WPWDEaSos. Appiy teO IrXLI J*KK Kiucsiin, Mirriai ii . iHI. G ilIlit aXrt-icîtriLi £am, 6oiicioiî CLARENCE STIIEET, A.eidO ga liU"I ita ut. q/fe <.ieiytcmiei by .L BrRi N lirt,-4.i. F or Sale nt hIleHçr.ud A PP JI111LIEfl 1 "ITiE L3 ING a sediOf utCIa,, puîbliai l, iitle Iiltioic twie- the Neans iS:k9 mliiun jeu t ,f nie Statute 1lia- ifth, PJ'a Is a* of' the lei.. -iG:r' ljiundjuries asrt] 1' l)ius of Siîî maii rasias, anul iiLe l~ic,,. J.f Li inutîe earlitîinpl iim lu j JIST PUI31III, A DSC URS ,on the o, 'iî IEEfIN Il . cl ArIWiT, , AssIaai Mli.i,,- Deliveretin uST. (nrÇ' l' (m Suriaytîetii June, 1>43.mv le Vira. mEoaOR h i.î - itT, i.4.i Are5d,Unm f Ku emînid l kugarmauu, Jani 1, .lii INFORM!uATON 1NTI 0 mter lliii, Couniy Mà1ai,,lril la-t fiîe~id roui tIsey aPrc ie iii adidrertid Io E1niln 111 If, ik m t.be K igstI, fiersld, r ii, ragmmal Kimîari. malrel!12, 18441 *** The Mentriapape-s suil rrrli s fluor girl by inmerti ~thse si itua, tU~hi 'e riters n tue Flir su businest., xet iu,-.Cit y Bmlervil Ih R. APeu & Coi las tu-en idy dseîi Ail debts due t ly flhe isrins, vi] lt iotiAal/llent, smn h il u ahtF.rd a il! Twccuuîi.,aid a il caiyunamieL T t ulegreall itenrlu'T patronage 1ts.ýtîwed onuiîliee îsteul,,,n le has lied rchanrge, anîd msourlde RyytIi6 wi;l la liure t-e ri n U miii l.y siil acrouput, amul requeils 8i1ii gaicir crase forvard sud ëettie theaii~i sib naiëkr.Pcb. 2614. CORD W001). OF thiaisat deacripiiufor nie. -s.Sui-scriber. lo, B, iand, HUGH CA Comncierrii Wharf, Kingoton. 0cr. l17tb,1843. STOVES T ilE Seibscribei' bas j receiri (hider, a ver7 large assortint If consisiag la part a . eOKiNGl, PAELIf oaf thse liatst itisprovei patter-ie. offered excerdJisig lot atC0it. u issg elmevhessLe p leCam eidaabiuiied Stove Slmut,s tise assartincot smi pnice. Pniscma, lais UtflouhMau,1 gmugtanNov. 14,.1813. TO LEASE, Ftc ~ IlRa ore aatui esavanime. * lent lkv. Par py #0ta.sx WN-4ib. leu '1w joi Mmns&Ii, 144 g w ra", « :o siUdLm0u teessuleslpiiu inl TH iuer, vzial , oelb, Auc i.os, viii, sutdacontts Wjof Choe.PoimSerryiL Wb art rmulof #Le, (l aeain g I. sht a htON v lut aver put lie amit l Onari &M sîm WuI. TE DWELLINLET. ,t4a residencu of ahrgru anl fti vii, ail ber titmor wftspatae fmeh1l A pply taeW81 Otutarib St., Kingoton. ilh X r neStock o! Chia, Cs, ml mare,wb vbc hey hve jupt receimv aI 1cm prices. Ae acoasIgnaient ut 40 cratîîa ery whi h, y wil M. - 1 î i Weh)bSi &,je LETTERS of Alîorney d,,,, teiîed for toî-eigi Ciiuntile, meula ofaîl kinde. Protesti doue ta 1'eak.s nr agot surveys of tie snie. ehare Bonds orfBottraurylideuariî Coutracts rtIating bFmi "h; im R I F I lt Elac I i JNO. R. AR STRtlN;,' Kinîgstoni, March 27, 1844. i FOR SALEÏ BT m TRE s IU a SeIR la 't'O CASKS PORT ltl mapm ~ am aif au d a the meit immelt tui" diatu a u.aful « Wit céitespm mmi slle ieVi a1iqq ukg; waudit phioabe f@upd JdM î i abilag 0<11e euMauWbmit rlb Sa day May Le gai itili have limat lasu Mni ta, , iesue maudauc.,The pi rSeg tM e P sIh ehrma#4. li ar muelisp ie iim e.Agane. lace -c., répamol ia mcber ** à atp a id, moaiIis tg appwuin is mid huaem i Umm lý i t-,j i la.~ if a i nomi sa a ma m obw wu sia mmd ber a160ai Sitgo im a b"eWk»', 1 MW" *» rma il go%*d4 ,4 @àsamr maie ulmia, mi Igia s el 1 laib amer9qqaTma ti UN sufflfflum bimmit Al 1