Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 16 Jul 1844, p. 1

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pu, and &bave I the S ,iPOI am1"match, lut, Chna 611111. and. IM Fe JIIttrecdiveul, Iflfe 1 asof 40 efiite "Md f' WN. 81)IPBQN &"r ukt«o% JaIy, lm&d rAt<ür1.ej, tract ,j rerContries. tapl aait >), P Ceigoes. and Ne>î,,"m to ]?eght andi SIiîý AN. Eaq, K 27, 1844. î,Br EJ 13S6ClaI E1 RIT IhOPE bN hIiaKy J. Il. G;RE£t 1, . 4., i)T.V' OTU, IF fi', ey Alessrs. Duar»,r~ !rie 9f .mîî ý3 criad 1844, !i n , Law f the Pro% in".. ri, rýitilnî.îi t, g b I iYiei of 4urvev riRp LE AT alita<ti ir SE. 011 the U(ii,. .'UfG' CmîrîRI Icî i.f 'A3. M. île 1- il.ý ontit, a.nd & .L rhtjN M'A NI'1 1), L AIARY ti,,î r.lv Mel', le<'ialdý WM y i"wt' in MrAl.M iley. rare of t.p EditI W:I,a 'Ii bu FI gleat a'. 1-2, lw4-1. piéterts unrilcI gut irg ti4 ah. vo uer bret, dore vxttir g briad i n the Flour aitil Daù vaev rlury nl;er thie ic bcen tiolty dimeoii<ed. lie-u aid tirn. ml lef p'a1 Il carry una Ille liu>uilF ROB'T ALL.EN. d1 b.,.a il <cier i- IW ,.T etail % for tfhe cci! hbm mt ito.ld "ay thé bn;im ricîf on by iai Dii haé .t.' Ali partiraies I Fettle thei, rcouiulu r-k SirprIl, Y1. Pf44. :1) '%OI)1 Ctifliption for loale Ild ,Aloi), Br&zbn Jshoî HUCGH CALDKE nerf, li,1 S43. OVES B.duced "wce& Pr hiaojust reccied,M. utîdries, mnade tii IM m assotntt of SWei bved patte"*. wic lie plessed iocf' ýove Stand, and CIO ff meet. # îr ~ ~ ja MWreY*S e * ~ or intll I.';. r O o e *1 %tnpton ~JcroILv. CAN~DTAN JOIJRNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICLJLWRAL & COMMERCIAL. nV. ~ZNS~N.CANADA, TUBODAY, JULY 16, 18U.--' ---- - --= 1 PROTEST UW CERTAIN 1MINISTERS AND ELDERS BELONGING TO 'tHk SYNOD 0F CANADA IN CONNEXION WITMf THE CHURtCH 0F SCOTLÂNb. WHEREÂ8 thea Churclu, a-tise dtvîne3y CM§tted bi!pbmtary sud Gtkian ofRe ealeti Truth, in aeçiàlly 6,und ta lift up fob ertirnouy for tisopartacular Trutisauhicli are at any time endseedrouebrn yyts intagoit po!era ad thie. Worl-Aad Wlsaeas tiaul'great otaadicmsnml Truaswhich respect lte uprenamcy OfCritinRaChatrei, thse airituaiindepenaleocee aiber miens, ftheir exclusive responsibiity telber Great lHead dia righta and pivilngeofetHiaepeople, andt iitpuoper reintioma which ahouNl'd stj i W eween i heChurch andt dl' Sia, are ttihe preantli day endanglered, andi bave actirally l4pgn overborna in Ea»ahhisled Chut-cia ai Scot-. land, ibrougia ecent etcrochmniet fthe litaI. taon 0Uap - . Wliaes, in rieotî teatirnony agehi« thlceeaan ngid Chut-ch have solétnl>randi deliberatety coma on1t ram lierandi ne t-al, ontthtil e ltce Faz PaoetassssoCauzczor ScerLÂAJFn--aChut-ch which lacs, duringthe bait twelve nia; enyeti nioy une-. 1 avca okens oaida. approbatien of ber Great Hea&m--Aist Whereas tiie Synoti cf the Preebytarian Cliurcla of Caaain connexion wjîh fia. Chut-cia of Scotlmnd, sart froua ail eosierationa tof'a geherci kItiat, which alaocld bava lard the, lo e laify agaînhtlice defectiona and corruptions of thie said Estaliad Ciruia, were Ppecially lidtios u do on, becuca aiofbet- connexion wih aid Chut-ch, antibecaîse ao of neitet-ateti testimotifla olemnly iati deliherately lifieti up li tihe Synod in 11rucr yeara ini behaît aof dia coataiainga ef tioe who hâve been corn- r led o seced-And W bei-oslthe due ami pi-opeit teaimony agai" thtie tiefctiona andi corruptionis of he Estlabe li= tiChatch of'Sc"landi woa aer-minatW' ef the peeuiaily c'loseeand i ithu-ate connexion iii whihi diiSynoal stead to br-And Whet-eaa il lbn been in un ordet'ly andi contlutional way puvpet o thia Synoti, having hecat mdle the saljec of petitiotia andi overturea tif congragaliionsanam Presbytea-aes, whihaî it hu lien atlsocaeti by mcmi et the membera that tuas Synod salould terminate ita connexion with caiti Chut-ch, andi alter ils deaignation aüc-crdingy-And Wherealiis Synoil, iy lice vote of a majority et its nmembaris, came te lthe deciaien that it shall not terminacho aaid connexion, non take othet- sucla action asmc e reui-l WBritzr'cic we, the andet-igneti Minitlers arnd Eldertu, mentere ?e laS>iroalof ice Preshytanien Chîtrel et rasnada ini connexion witla the Churî'h of Scoflani, 1DO, in irur own <ane, as eteil ae in the<ane oMai who ütliere le lit, bate> DISSENT and PROThPSTI agist sid dccisii.,, for lte followimcg reasorta; FîmarT-That in sur cosîcientîoas conviction, thie Sy-noil are îteliby givinz their vittuai sanction te the pro- <'udrre of the Elulabliahterdi Clcui-ch of Sciiîlsnd in the grtu hestions nt issuelleteteen tiret Chatici andt he Free pniteting Chut-ch tif Scoîlandt, andt lentlung the eteight off tem influence, es a Chutch, 10 lisé support of princi-. tlcaîvhicl at-e incompatible wili ite puriiv andi thse lierty ot any Chiarcla, b y *lcich lira> are 41lowed--nd llvilchreu ttilt thelime me imete odi, ri-esouinjury ito Îe cause sofîthe Redeemrthrocigiout the wcrld. - Sr.cota-Tliat in c cause rvlatit-ago il t Chutrh in with din hna-e nîny and ohvions ressorts for feeling ai e,cv tieep anti ahecial interco-a caus,- fooin cchidi iii l'unlaîur eut Cliit' Ct-ciin ans'!the interets of Hic King.- qfunmî sre intiintîly rruucerricd,.-t.hev- have refued tri iluil,Itiirt-h uiou uaduti- tut lifting up a fali andi uncmbi- gnust timony for the t-t, amillht-lî; ltengtlîening fise Iande etoftthe e hi at-c wiltesing tfor Christ andi ciii féring fcr Ifia etîke, Taimr-Tltat afîcr aolernnlv p'dng temcchc'ce, ;ni i-scftut-m«analrih different timre.a, te maintain the grt'at principlea tir whicli the'.Frac 'Piv-euiing Chutit ii icwno tnendixg, îand %whi(th ie EstablâiietChut-ch of Scîtlanti ha. praccically rspuiiaîet-und î-aîiciiuily after the import anti the sinccriiy et suris phetges liad heen hrîughî no question by thse aclitags of vautious F.îiîe-end even of tcne of te inferiot- Chut-eh Court-î-t.y' lîave virlualhy rereded frcm thair a.îlî.mt pla-dgua, and d<es-t ryed the iweiglit of aev expression (é their opinions in faveur of thie afotesaiti principles emhiodieda in Ihîcit recoitka -Feetne-Tlcat b>' huasing an open <itit or liste admuision aof Miniatera anti Eldere troua lie Es-tabljised 'Iuîrch rof Scalaüit, holding unsounti vicav un fihe greul prînciplesa obt-eaitl, f lev hava nisrietioualy endan- geret ilie put-il> tyofte Chut-cii, antili-riugfc îl ecn er independence imbopui, tirougis the probiable inîl-oduction ofi effice.ierer N. prepsieel le uimit tui tie ' ate eîtcruttclîuîenta cf the- civil poiwer by which the Claurcia of Scot-. landti las lcen tinsiaveti. Firri-i.-Thnî lie> bave réndercd thle relation in waiich lhey stand lawayds ltse Estahli&bcd ChurcIa of Scoet-. lantdvlsi luiiti, and eqiaivuical, flîites-un theit- des'Ltntt'.nn cf spitituai indejendence in necemMniy deprived otf at Isiganlti"ica iàud weiglit,thuai Lite ltens in *c'lîjîlt tieirendownîunts ant-jell, haét-rdben in elfect declat-edtile midui uas vai- niuîtible v- itb tise Irit-'r rcguisicf i ltii- inîeccurtse wilia chet- Chut-claua,-mnd ci-an wiîis fru-e actioin i in n> oitert-mtle ra of grt-tet- imnportanceru, andi that mos-over, the>' have euat awcv lice opportunity if pteailm iis Clt-hi <il îa affiw win-lti nit leth ttcgathereti aroanti ber a1l âgm oqmnd-beartedoaPresbyte-imnin if tluu Prmir v. Etblsmntfrnse S<XTI-x-elThat îhev Ihave gi'en cddititul veigiàt 10 the ptact-tiraargumentc tEealsheiatm-nas l'yv theît recent poicittn of tise EstabshetILlitasclc utiand--msrengthened tise lmndottose etho, ini dis Pt-s cituen t-edenvng isehawulnea ati "pedenc etlii nalonc enovints for religiouui parposeca, anti rejeclt tise~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~t cuîcumiy lictCxiihi ri-il-ehdafrdtthtaepcith ie world trthat bine trecticufa f f usant ajeacu decrncnfitn u rtîrdagtioI he ncoacmets f ueCivil Po*cr-, eere pert-llvcompati,~ Seva'rc-h'haîin tutîîr n thi-hili. cnsienes t aan u thirBraibhren waéïe aggnièveti, an-d fotnt-rlW ingreiefinreardtechna u uotîlnucaityceilh lit.îleaei o li~i-'part, ssch ia iebas nevartisclase un x JE: pffl-Waao a , for aahee anîdutti illotnts t-'ltch utiglît becalated,Wz Di)JM*T from the, Dectiion te* witicli tîia venerable Cor te rday came . andal l feeling painsfuly the aulenînty tsf ohm position, ai ddep- ]y dislresu.cd in lime view oftie osible- rcsuis, Wit SO LEt Pae'î,r-bti tis venarable Cor, bere Ced, Che Chiarcit of Christ, iaastie voniti, that it in tuer coniucientiptia belieftt iun respect efthlie reaisee, sin in mal- fera ftinîamettlal lias ituen dette by thia CourthI anmi that, -mchile aitlicesanme limae, c continue te aufliene te the Counfeussion tof Faitit and ioiber Standardsa i i his Ciuctcii econ vet.ne lonsger-, vitis àclear conc'ienceu holti cilic n îlîePresblyterian Cliîhid t Canhnin csiîînc-isuiwiîlit e Chutri<t fSi-eîlana.-'And Furt-ler, w. Protesi, tisat Ie l.h of Sciis ie n et with liai but îitàitlltkecwhîîa iaite acted in a wav selicis conpela us bto dpe.r-And eFutt o ise)îi, vu Protest, i bh&W cclf o ies amtutlI tifai it'.peele ortliit.Chat-ch, vlan nav neet or bat-enfl aihere 10, usi that we holti outseives etuîilclu ail lite pt-eperty andi etnolumntnî, otfcbales-ei kinit, »q*v in out- M. Y. STARK, Mm1ercioc.ý JOliN BAYNE, Minieler;i GEORGE CHEYNE, Miistnt-. DOX. McIKENZIE, Minister. ALEX.CALE, Miniseur. '- GEORGE SMELLIE, Minuster. ANG. MNklTOânH, Miuter. THOS. ALEXANDER, Miniser. Wx. MicALISTER, MinisIon. Wi s. MELDIJM, Minicter. HIENRY GORDON, Minitet-. Wu. RINTOU~Li Minatr; ROBT. LINDSAY, Minitar.: ALEX. MIAC LEAN, Miniliter. H. ESSON, Miniter:i ROBT, PEDEN, Ministeèr. DANIEL ALLAN, Minister. DAVID BLACK, Minister. JAMES DOtTGLAS9,Mialter. ANDREW biLNE. MIer. ALL HENDERSON, Eider. ROBT. THOMPSON, EIder. 1 JOHN MATIEBON. lle;.. Wx..LITSTEIt, Elde. DONALD PRASIfR, Eider. IALEX. LINDSAY. Bdon, IPETER IUMMONM ,Ride,. ISAAC etYldEEider fJAME OBLE, Eider. ROBI'. TUJINBULL. Btiet-. IPET. PeNAUGIITON. Elda,. UWILIIAil CLARtK, ELider. GEO. DAVhDSUN, Eider. I JOHN BUfNeSkider.-I RPtZCI8 ANDBRM#N,Elder. JAMESI WEilS'F11jEder. RALPU 9SIITS, tId.- IJAS. r. WESTL N Di Elle.> Kingston, lents day of JuIy, 1844. The within Proteet ignati in ont- prelence, 30a. C. Monnatacre, Not. Pnb. Gzo. Bitown, lYjînesa. eoT.-The Rev. J. M. Roger andth ie Rey4 Wmn. Reid gave in a"prate nmasna ef dissent ià preteat. l'mu o LD im S.W A W TE O L ar v. C. BcaIau. MIrnt te him of nid, hie tuas ofn anrd Prk, Whiîber, 'Midot falihig dev, Outr eki cheet, lb~ndaN , ent sable. Whiie CIO*a t ehavan imacii the bot a"e adait, 189 tett t- arkZ- Fat , Ib dpbtmeitr Seotpin, titmi" epoums bat' h, . d breebissre lUn Twy aeituy v-- ksbiOceOf th. lay Mi Wl :: the :le?4ea re#~' *WsiîigoPl. A. dt-it paimislostie rinaîce sky. 01uhl, titihe itioofI rais.,Our-garni Tby figure Nt"aa.wg. b«bere de pitsi- aa < Seekibea "e.pn.b iak ýpelIngtu an ket teirmiga M Ofwft ea>a>*n@Of tr ise on chPti anennê re re 411 hseewgeaervane '*c'et Painci mare,TIeela'e.rsb5cae imt e'er dek'dStise pirm4 ie th5 Teftm ppbn e.l -éoaue! Theds.ên't shaic ' Imm. wsiâÉ'.Ig,ibut- cml bat, l" ti;c.. noll am a ktoi AUI ay us>. vine h ave hume&, 1%1 csn'd teck g crj ioadc tgat oavut.bus ecese Part 5 ol den day% wrb. horion sau Tb..h fil.dai W4e0gb i n. melaldAmd smalaitbg * *8' mI ac t., bir enta*cilSnoma "ben th"~Bm 7<5 di1ta es bs'en doaInaiei5f!Il.mige re; 900 dis<>am<Pwect-qau, micasr rit doto î Lekfroc cot. U doohh-Wb1hmbe=soeb; e1ea btol"r botu«. j fnie.bm1wqIlleuaathga bbiwo 'ras Pasic, m »DTE Jocgna.-À si«"e. msan. salin in e s"bhtoi pt-eain j.dlter. eut part.0oflb.he unît>, htpitu e b. au s ion, sabena b. tbecvata lieajockey tryisng ta lake in- a teal ualý, b>. iitg lape. hite b-eks-lads4 hoefflfer a aesi me. The cfr-g>Mee mk" im t i )a t-actes, 01Lmjt-. e m boe p t-sesreai d"lingsaîillýI. m pat'bnïseAaROI deihesi the pumblasé; Mdi tbe e " 0=10 muped- - A" @ s es pivaiolf, intarfeee jeoanita. bW Iveen e.c saM »0e. "ia s>.'b sab.-ae Y« tte hi" beau lImt adg a ab êeseaq.le.riaardts eh. %miaq e* zo*»4p or vg 'hae-h pesheas uile el oute sçomst PMo aille la v»o rais. iIla hsqm t t a- th~ mai u1~w61h. . -lâ" PaacTI Gmu4te-f oa4îîme icte je beaenfta 1ià lu a&aiep accf Wanudwid blâhcke o* ollobiagnca itb ne id "la bis pockets, qitiag direction., Ispiîpa 190 àWee b cod ielosimnJ-,ti nl ,t>uafnandi saitk vbichhbu (lbe biak) bld btcis on ni a del ToCnn fe habre hinafur ' de jel0 sam1à o..ý ,e. m uet ê B-vue *miyVon re le lai. tutlerhi- 7ai%, maythre Kaiekeelsckei,tboule tireuroa 'sad pime. tt aasee o .csea .114 à"e 'as ~ e 'og o1wM aci-. Caet OwSm tell «ise- e*4à pectaia, i: l houpt - o et o~, g aslor ~ 4 ra. lbn. su. L-àh. apaM.. c-rlJ.. 5. TUE GREAT FLOOI> Tus ivna.-At ti, place, ai ouïr pré*i vritiugt 10 o'clu<it P. M. oe! Manda;'. sae îhi e ayemc salyy 'taitte floodtin i t tichigie I oeasp an ioncb, or a icca inchi-c mire, t Our- mpncea uare ltatil ill iitir.dcy co§erisirt -e-diag. Tise veaîber contintue clear ai c-rn, mi the repoiluifrom i bove on al thre tire rivets arc faqîurable. The Libarty (C'lay crrAl>.) Pioneer nf th. 21 coianbat".he ein lte Mraporti. it hai lin, lu h.bu ie (lt ilier titan it waa l in 6 or hý evn T een know os e b>' lirhe oldeat vetf.. The Pioncer continue"-. Tb1oasggre.mte of inurjer> icaugreu i totm aseti t pandtitiînrecnunuing cacsc-riii. viduai c&nru. t hsumrvaotIî pulai, ehlty faliie. fraini rosan'a andiil e hicat-e a areal1h.icumomant, mno f ilîeîuu scantof the ver>. nerey'aaie. ff blé, ant ilaIl teus iaboisn g anti-r pieatans i anioaî îrrelrevi hie, klase. A gentlean rvMerda>. gave unsa i-iti adi rtiption oethîee fibectanftire fRondtinatire San Hllitprairie, lving it a I>ceuni>., btaen Car dien mad Lez"îngton. On one ofil 1hiLIiemot th.eibille duit mareisralîercti ver ttis pt-airs4 vWhit" b e et sIalaci idugida>.in ac tancu, ini a labnrioai rp againat thue powerful curraî,t, II casa a colecson as coit a umst at entait, cd in Nuah's atk; me%, sasant, chihren a bes oxe., andiraile of ever>. descriptin; arabit tqiîela.meefp, amidioga, evea reptlesi (fia<lie kaleti a capperiteail saule heaisre tire.,) saci gahisere t gether ifeliosaaip b>. the rititi of aeh-Preervatien, camion lo hi uta ine veil a faan. The luvîag of the frîghieaed ratrle, tb neghinc of bomthese batt-ange mixture of ani mais vile anmae'.-.lnain»iîs luo bave li.rglul tel' th', "te of nalut-e.anti Iouking le tte bu îsa Mirlae ur ii- ai.ty; the deep coxietl anti agitatioo f Rie national porltinof ibis air; gular rongt-cgatioîs on tho Sabhr, ani ainid titi wi acene of ieffioatien, left an umpreeuainaor hhii md, sa. eut- tafurcant aays, whscithacc-t Lot s000 forge,, but sahicit il we net eavy ta den. r-ir., Whule bl asatera, ha saw toa a ii,,i basing bill *bout thirlen bead i*f haep, ait-cati baîf undur catai, seenulg b>' tleir loisti ieating ansi inctionlu uehacirnacînua of their laie; and nansireos fatock, hoge, &c. flnatîng b>. ileai ebtlnmiag'from fusIli, ont-alliterfront IlandtIistl anti, or dritng on log* or falien tiiabpr. 'lha MaryToIuapkins. wben neat- Liuurty Land- sag. ceisitigel nu santalexcrpit atalïs. apicked up dooing, andt or or thtrue cords of a tlitboat. -1 itJ euit-cnt eatrsed ber off itto tae Warondah prairie soie distance, lu thea grelut termertil on board, wbn leiai for cèrtain devtruictin. A pecocugertellneut t ite mnt have ir<ken d uMin OftLo ithetaileat cottauoD nil treus in i Pasg n tli prairie. .BahVGresenville @fieîerltîre rien on ta', Iorses np ho lh.in at-pstsain thsa aist r la slreuag carreat. Wîth gret-eudîficultir oie of Ibro;n% eth thlb.homes, jeas talion larîd, caid aadcd a et acavilti. autimi ra. e tUtothers saure U lbo,0eb>' a can cihicit cameo ai lhe Ou» aklIm a tSa-aiom;-Tua.. on lb.d beec na lb. sat thue. doe, anti 'tbal" soron.et lism baliifferoil a Rond dccl fnoisti. - The Leximo Express of thse Ih, eniAil the followung particuiors: The ruvan i. ton (et icher, plum atisaten, ihau ut cw- al in, mmad fall thirty f(cciabtive the. inc c aler mark. Tb* cnt-rent i.e exeeiitigly rapini. riinniag at leat teas ieas pet- lîtir. l'nie bol. teinsasort i motlh f thé main t-bannal i f ise mtrean are entirel>. inundateml, thte wator ila sotije Places being 10 or làfet deep. and ac stonng crtrelu frous blafr te blafl bearing off ecery lhing unaW ..Tbre ivet- nw premu nie one nr the mauet nuajealiat acamsa tir e ever iebfrd apen. The voter la troui St lesix mile.cie, oppoaite titis piaco. Miliaset <dolar@ euhne-nover té loeg oh PfaMett> shickbu a, huai uaiuted b>' (hie flooi. Ia the hello. oppoite tia place tsea fth-b. mta caloîbuhiaUm ae.l baaaifuî facr i n Iie-ote have lissa renderas iertbhesa. aI leur o 54e- rairae* Aàh lt. .aing tas beauuetcepta osaF Hfundreà sof h«a.emule, calilir, luegn. cbep, &c. bave heo be "h.i-nayetnrrte bluffs hava o on t mib aeti lueiofretimpropti.. The principal rebous wyMli. nmucha tocka ma. daivuet inthUe faut lirai 1h. lanti aar tleb b s0eg Sbe tisa Ba ean thea vae,.aosh ie a- tut t-sers ilenaviet-cilsa om O-ctr granlbefâil don the- fas.mladtfhmaOasie o09 ail ratr'ea, lin- le il in b>. auîoîaiug. "hite prleat rie. la biaisver>. ttpi& a eesagicig canm t irt aver, BE boume Th.eaMT*Mlgrmph extra of tetir le m T». Mississippi i. n icertgbar "n il tface ar ý!eSiMe e -betls ettîcnsent rt t. th e .Plt Uodin eeahi>. huigh, il net igie; sn-hav-. iag broeminW jet.sefo'rmr nriver at and bel»h Piratge dAu fiieninabot ighistale. ouate this plc, ils >elow ciater Dosa Ibvua oaci'>.ose- Ihied of ttle mlgha>. treato hib in larumiN1?paet eut lan& cmestraaling alnongl>'sat b.oblulit apptuarlatai <tha Missaippi. Of the. danage donttl e, iimposible i< 0kilt an>. oecle; il silarnalculabié. Oas the Mia senti. km Wesaiuéa lte.meuti, tle beiteni. ile geneacl>.inusil; the tt-ope deatntye& lb zate aheep, bagua &.c. srosan ;and eiltie inbsbiîte b ave beau noiepelljî et)i adbemécr dsahlmp mil> n aicr avé been Ocepi awy, injIhoir tearefuge s&m the hiphiacla.et-oron steaic or §aibouae.. Theire thal. e sa içh tire. iau pp4,the hhine-fo, andthbc e* btt-e andth wils ielle of lc te st *» 4uilCalc Botta.- fr-or nt ein WMtoaCaine, contamnagabout 2$Ml. 000 acres of tira fineit Jlaed ini te cturId, ceute of sahiein jta a upustat. of taltia-ation, ii.le. lied e o lte "M~ir watar. an& ,par4age.aeany teOUpoguble oGooruMolt Agânn. a quurîuîî betwee'i tn ,ati., u llEFENF» AG1AIST élo Aràtgsquelstion i. ls whone pirty iw antergeiluti ocl *19 trdri AUra vn T rCas13 prie.î ouade oftItle qu&.ý'84 irn. as a;obg.f los EV. ZERTÔN RYERSdh#i. fint Ci'nlt,. 'i iivea ie i..! Ltc..1î , Tir TlEi"' o Itel ijeandfEt. t'e t' ilil', i'.%arathu e tlce il wà qtuG os] n ti dl'lcnEd ufiered limyr. 0%a iiubecunt, r(,verîi, tiîeri atlhlefj lit îlî q;ueiîii ii îiaiin, ii unihîpî îssre:?j lîn Ejire fl Us," * uisti , iii.i.0l a n th Myi ir i at l ttc rnueila' rf r' .t of (r. ut ,' -1,1tr î Ir iprq.ril ta a q p4' - I'rt îR i. Ifenr, h. r r c remarieron s.î Mu. Ruer. 'flir, a nI. lleii£ 'gsIioi? ta ret> of tii teve'ta t- nuîa r gni e.n t i- li te a-Ide, h'ssîd e îiî4,;umr ts'n e C I.î',wie . i rulî u fo<,.> ct-sa nt heîa t p a rk u uii,irthe Dowithi iar>toe. in J ira4 ii,5!Wi l Ir ultus0 nîJhi Ifsetîîlpl i $ îb ,u,#- fib ftjî ed lî'..iado rte. f. AIf lx I t-er? b-, es n ri a l e rrogiiv fp J al- le ouî 'a he ha astli ra', uîdil îsav e ~ iiiîiîiil luw.'i t ,xc'lt a ireul .1 . Ia quel- )î eeh - Ih t if ho a s fin l i ilr u it, s tC i. irl , tel <'r ci, lvî. pe Vlle g ain If îro u r e bal ua a diguseth buw, a nirr i 1 11 ie li f i'u' i , th ie l ru i c lJ« , 4 Ii lityr,îafned c t e ar oua t i restv i rthe r i l il.I - y i ti i' , r fn nt elsr Lgj n lTnx!a, fo r anula anr i-'eî.err ena tî ait.,r i! 1 e yI l. eliîwnnr, ' *1fe, ntii.hr â t ' el Au, aîrnupîl;vve.fhrrî. ahi-h rc"eerpirroor or "'aioiiialî. luî i 1 o it-lie WAI uner*t fartrc r ol1vï çît il ir, ru x h o t O u il lieru mr i~ - ar-. ' .t V lf dre a hi e it hîîî cx telien t efgafilerin fc tp r 'htî- ('l i Sr,53 rt l il. U er ri init ony itl c.a.-.ie aiet lie c. cthbe o epiecf alI e l' - niselet e rfi !111bî n i -f . PuPeti r a c ant Ale rte tikat film ri 'ut a.tilW' A g tWa qqjelfi*l lt e alpo i nt îu1 lit ha îîînne rilla giiî sî hir aufi -b ti t îe, a ili. n E ng nal 4m ln Ca f A e1'îcI veth i sn e ueacriTftiîhv , er artir, lewn alluiita llej a i ti.s.iaorjet Ri i luit,. 11,1ai e haic ti 1 but V.leln t, e a pona1 ible p ,,< tinu r. eit lit i lse îl v'rli,nl ntier ine ol , eeRte 4 1. aseiît jaIh hau pmning-triîean e ua i lîctho e ilIhanePrfoinehnicreile, refoldeIeiaf, le li;lite mi-rycînbul) a veii lt4.d.,l.,:0 lis h e pri ft hé'e. b, lise d rcumtc hes rae itt le rag aîz e Ct iue îi i faîille P li I.tlidle aîl rcaiahs amfs lierepao-ARaîîe,-nteèc ei. c A ha. ni oe w , aî,duIlereceriîbln, dlait- i uIî,nsinil fa-irest, bpeelli. es' ie*i .t. the areioym.e la i e nianiirer, tfiet han, null e. di le luve, il en"iî hn' iandj a ndfpo i cetra l'ei a ve outer f u iepa that fr, 1chlnae hwn ,m uu ru r, su' as lit txa o ee. c in ll coistâtry intla iqcb expiîe s îr fppo le raeitven Jlet &Iowsr. i e î'l i rti~iiie, nti liwer ss-theu'a*er îieiten nw aîath li e anni a ad r.sw bl i5iii'~'lariidte P! c4ho ntuppsi-el ais t u .l4 r ai. it en h. îof pr l idaîî o, reebuu lt lihac'c . re t--tIi l e rci r..;Bsitq r -a I lle. .-rm W eti enc wheî th,.ralr e o in r.fourrîy1:. o e ti tire u etîlîlma tio n id-jr 1.-cumi herrane. t-am riergnbl a,îCnsuton of btri kn,îs Il, iI l tihi l er t ie r, wlittI l palcl hin 84 bte Ctil essitiont- bn g à)site a ysjî lti'iiîe'rila1 ist iîat 3t-of Il l te(tgoit, w rp a- rhetedh i s e ui a totl. mte ncasIfs, tnir qet(_iot:a. tr tl ct Ig t bIW iilire ilae&t t a1i, U m i far iaîtiîu n erpo Qaei wi thu its tr st fl o 'î ee a ~ , m ibîll, ea-n Ied otj rani te e opitisi pu, la,. b i ni lerdit>.. r elef i. short w t 'c ha hem ul ti harvfilm ti ae.s fia l lh ise Csattat.psn li pt lie 11sf. Ilni liîassat. i iés ii rsi CO nwihPrirerc fRpeettv er i olb e i tii cu'if ,'s;a t, abr klaea raU G n a nada moighd t betand elaiacrseîîl butig ii' hm arla îvcrsîr brhlet tc tapa oia c4lie sausishavfle a I glàrp ' <-a lia-luiforlai rvloa esa d oocîsrantor eB-onisier.ayinfeieii>apcorai ko ne f ielsij,] ld accu fîao îe ie ctiss j.e nli riha, t ue clfeica orldkuw idol atr r u t i n e i5Cr t e i !pi i JaTeda anue clit le krfý W hit: re i& » e à a toal a s n e o h e a ur a ! a t ,,c o e i h q v * ,&. anh ssit- xtan clîgof a rai cnittcash]ort-<retns - Q u pi %r itluenc e irt of e durtiolosl:aîsilj,1 on l heuld ar t lemî .if c ted the b a d a vf OnaA tie,ti hia1.Ireg ard4 aaIt ~ qa hr h a t- f e a e t e f F e ' i. Bc rt i t i li - e r ti' r h t n lti te ) t h a ir sie r a- o , l, iM p e t I u a î q j~~ ohe aciigiejto ljat Ca é i'ai a Bsaoaparîeliil a .furuie' thee o"r, a o f e R.î7i l4a -cw.j r in aaa '4' i t C ou eanue pa iawiv er- 'Intien rafaifs..ý f. v Iiit y oapq & Ua 0 b pan e abormpa ie hc.i, i i whe lîthi . f ire- h Cir t v ia tj inechpuqîh dote orua o ermnay. r1etfheti nti ecataboria- lc is cflie evbeuigl e; ated lî c lyl s~à , , ye ibe sbluete wtîortl'aga)pr oitilreonflt r tuie tn ,the si, o a nelplie, slss l tor 4 a U" I. gaeinenvtan egùirbs i. th e ann atîtiencalieti lit r ý1 ,r-i acti thefl aans4h gy O oalath aitho iu. lre tlu thwe deUnce ao( Royal, prrtie an chage sa taiioén MiT Paimen. ale'; fay Cotn1ut loie mg.in iqjlergaa lie ia rratthe ibtple ai haarunetbiîuasdtiei>uîr,îBolartee t WR iAte fhngeiis doyilid Stîetna tf i ai'acooet eaupeai1> ier > ui- g uae iepepen iitasan 'c fil bei bfi sita f îe rîtsi Em r.. -1 t -af he aisena if;ý ttaCovil f Ra go-cn W i i u i ruî h ted dRi e rsaaf De> if Aethtri e ne l e i Erulju s 'eji1 s'er 'ave te .ncteelu'5e liriso ic e fhai te Ceîî nds Ê,î i r ând uiare ro tbCpinu t- tios f nvro en wirefrnusi ase eeabiaed ý*oftheS reprc;an n a t uv i~ i laiamnîarpdg%-and re c t >hiut tsn, and etell sas> ' igra nt th ry ei înne or with liKli« yet h tbac edni*tha te r iiuiler, f r eh e ri inte Aille.upor tir ie ptiovel oa htentadlôfd Ifr a geal.itiafenibt le Ias héadrsce d. 1to u se o rt mllm ia - raio Epp gelr uui ; , liaftth mai guiit.i aain oish a ov ritie g ûntaidcfor. Ith e riiii i. lie a Iaser. e t e th e , ivttlli !' sealay hat-Ind.ia tlatte a Iroul ii ýi la ialtarouglouet of Pcangitauimwlîcmodàl land -mrber holliaètupclaiaiatepot*iea i#th anl hu Rlei" f tafià e uti aller, an 11de I litu Y. orj e xihlentaien h ec e m peoaiaî«.'ae fil X iaaei uigiaté iar @raina i la iiss4be 0 e cui lit-.e amniIit -gaie Uiajtrs Èisa1 Crewhiete îdttiu'nri gerfet ury rlieulinas.qacin o ay. mcd' o eie<arept'tcr'iti W5gt4 làrgta.entà.'nd ô 'u h. ua *Zk?î. e ecofrarantteitaler enpcrfico ifib5 'A t le-havecomtleinci ni a, gr i. litaner, .atoî bie s e ilt m ysupport<id. h le absita'iinAIad fi oé9f 1 gUeater intei l'tie feehé attheé. a ise4 Wistit t orioppose ile an iuv-îlaumï i an e, tho it again oy adkovni 4te-<ùd eus- lit maitht blea icactua M aiIie iro ict, 1 anruMoMytiur esterlinh gvua la i n ot in v 'omithe'd tM h erteuf Uaiîv. cetle au' BI Rrd..-it, IL tcIaîn ha e Ïedpcêmah the Nowee te ual. <luly fenbil pxrîakiaetil t iilli, Mpuliav - ced lia. pals i o cm ir l a r a. e o sai ile tlu.jtaiuc * lesgaies a Ont a. otl e ot. joé, u tha pbdtn'set the 1"0rogas esi e, #ii ~ ry .eisi aii spa. aliergq the soipien aitf pelaiiib teap. aB u w. la'aie itcweea ruen.ca1Wb Uttr crélenc and attenion.tdirea, bni , , ha. t-ih iuittl l» vnona aae ae alaî i iaqt vîsis atqf îu -mo insme ci4s çI RapuI. M ena r.n a«t-pmais, tse éiiptwvh*sle' tbia4» (duaaremsr'e. blocgsJlqaa t t hitecoléaie. 1 bsave 151h pepa îbri d-à abat ha.mieria c.agbmhf isai, arnot&W, ja.quelmoWA a chsaeaa t-of ci ai isa.w-41094 téeile t s eacîpl. et pbeg(fit 43evanugta, ovtba t t , ifataîh n f . anI th .a sA l em nsnmpsc ies Uaial y "dé. of Wb lahw. mo ae b eiaabeiaorssup proit. on Crwp c 1 wehéu Oi teMeeya ot.au, Wh.r8tbe Iiôvqk Uaj< on s; iiltite ri- litaii b.repa'hm noieieif1sbtdeaê caty.ê exJji m Ra'e Nei ticaen,. at4prasitinailIRas .sahdotM'. of the Renfleraa, - i - -- doies âptiiWto» , uldhi mutdÏouaie Mia; iéI Io assse tesm. iraif th.eopnoEai UpoULc etliss~p ae t is ea.i bn a. are @he iaiseinIt e leen "..patue ene,. tth i w pisie .adla îapo Uaaarsl buàe coectffcmt e l esn ofauve, tisa. a eorWg Wu~ t-u*4*mm lis psie 9 poi.al aa. thhc e*pe laîted4 ton. uf ie C le tla 1g.ii i. tsil. «,tien klass.M &Nul.esi On-up f c s oneapsaiali qmd4âeibiarair ei. m th&W"., W lièca ltself re -t eor-a~- flo ofthe reautieq J;M 0 î4-ba iS.O<ofht11&*a, l thaaece C4umpeeg "e~ latemmfimm of secans*L ,inaajp1rai" e bomlat h, ai R ýaoa m>. u.bwmm aIo(essass e b c~. n aeg«kf leahaiat .pe tfVlafatwj i1c baie mc heeex 61111 a. e m4olwmisî nteepitue~l. i#ise St Oisitis is.a"uap Mh'imwet acanIA" -Gel nieqi ~çnp<I ulaatautpr5 tire hiiipi i . pecat .1 siite - luog's.uannue. PI baethenuiaii onpein Ae -.tile bums 4*esi0t' i*f l>.uo4c hpn liseý Gen. an, 4 noAII -e, 4 j,«ffI#el e yý»m iulvi aa a t j ~ e #e, ttueeoftucaa mu Pe~oq5eelisessseao *tpMhaalS el# ofate, e 1 d-a'%a5dtroc»a44 ofof~ Môr iï tl ?oacè - on i4uof . Ideafficil and1dPo epuels « p ieU =' maâ i 'lae flut aIt*.* -q4pc ovaires beaoub ne th dsmse il, houajhefslg h ase 4e

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