-- - -~ Thmatpis frpett shmeils - r~ 51 ueura cclnni:b ehararer sisilO , lii l.lsîssenaspopestian oft titis Cme ail n 'eptmîiq as Iote epo4i a ah9",pmtet iii -0set 1w soit. pntot.1 ahinst a ieCuL asho 'me Giveuappilus e4d lirakgLid e m aUgot u tn anti amà sd smi.. tmstat haLiy lise lais Ilinieitîrsin their rsgs tiase. yus an ctentéie gquaaawam =lI ssastaape of alnaort erery part of.ibis Country f euis. .7a5ocm eGnverhsneet yet ti. VMI'*iuI lie 0 amcs satiaeilnt tise p. OWECasi,, tillevioeetiwivl tee ilsruyt by ts, Ast'ms t, rite patronage ai miiel,, frfiblmlheusswoaimay at alter hamut, ... 111ly m m m lidlte~i euo h ieucul iiih a clo 014~stiab dîulas oùn tihe rom"tae,-sa Op" Offlfflmseaî elati prm ietanti glta lusse. te Dasebut ilio Who reaiy tioserve lwmibg tsihs ii. ,udemce ai the coeftiit7,F mwoe ! stealp cntea tîlhe DMut aiaff dia 4aio 1tderfdsWwg à Widor lge fcîtanmP"r. lien Wle1av bito bepc eslraigsd ti fema dOMWu fl o vâer e hice llglsitenei polifital epiele liesheti e.eeflo t o. raili hthîe prinat. P»4tt$WoftssPichet, ta dram thesr prties bmpWr AM t&obasem tim. bat iit is e inèesat t1 al l w eiinesotiugher aetrthe prent crisis saissemie t' Éle doactrine tisaittere mntsi t a gaopr Ib.u iis Country ai the preasuit iî.o, tram bs knosi of Itbo Couiury. le a ic6 s *omiatua nei,. Ihiolseessetipeltiusin itu k etLW oir. Party ; gdlia aauhunobouts ~~pS~Jsôîuru'ramt t peiticaf iîîusaasea "W~ ie araé.rliii < Resporisîlle (o. M4 immt U isn Opposition te i. IV il, ~i tiavit Tia Pakttimilfeastviurte Pjuroirq utoail cbannele g"dbet y Pi. 1 apuri", sund repotalîfna as plîtirai asti endgec.Jiii" a*mmg.t tien àmimii lic epeoclairueti andti ught'att h une h~4;as4so teplsrau i tuturhets of 1h 69 »WMsitho&* tboiersit d iiaa :M i Z e arit alplticail rebratie, sa tmtïr misat tlscy pi, <e, vili esit up te ~t~ a 4le $psrly Caposeti. tnlthe a"liptrapu" about icyaly,attacli »mpusai> ri etiis Çsaiutiudriee mutnd, teL 50 ita nPu 5hit.rauildr.es S-tuitunti, tIs Wpts hi a$ it ieoly seen, but exp erieniced piV111,nv potriraiest cadtersurit pro"e. i<1 Alf le professes t ativrcte is gaxil, e~p.ratnîi.~Gt vprn osuite taiothe sO&ial, a~eqniI gom-ci( ai t iuiîinug people <4ard haecalsenot lsy shai linas t i. ealiéw îis thse religinus or natiotnal tisas p~lex i it e e sa euppirte, atisuates or 1Bo arkt gI le pablibheul ai Prescot.- Ut-ft c u il cecoein laà M W ut~~i ibmnu osth iîe firat Tumusin iaratia. lu# '.tt- t.[,a&.rmetgaie.cotaolacnî vo ýil é eçtqchaàatillpttion M1.51 In&-, , _t.1tpett pci' aiSiotp anti lite no cdi aaibi i n ue a.ittise pria. misltesdiog I>u f the entire Wesrterni m stà.it lensa]acet enperffiuous ta eay that avcyp la lib.tken te firther its trnperi. '17; as auilthecountry rtrnd about ibsund é** Bell.Lamn*etae anti the Otama BRivera.à Ns t hIântréea 1 fasafbtipheti ss the eat tof givtuer, l ina!&itly ba anti ipted, , irana Il. htrftierapidty mvis h ui h'sttilamne si4macs'insietia siy NWest ci Seat, tai OtIrein. uMst hisçnI iiini', tfat tiiportienlar sec. tWsa*111le lid iiy ip'e;àiEutigraats front thej »e«Wsacounry, misiare ever tiesirous aio-u t~~g.ttetasesepj oelitifs nut faer.-1 Uséêhm lb.Seatai GoeasEnt very u. fovmuaieciieeei it ikïï b is ss of tce ire.~s suce.,Wb"itlioatn atrageibel' for coOlre q of TpîpautVillao.es, Markeir, Mil, Navi Lverq. Cnai,, B iCloat anti orgaîiuzel io. cisly stands unrisalieti in Canada twil te prom. iktl't4biàtii1 out te b )eh Linignat. 'Il s ubscrilicr sotia bis fienîha andi s- qwoba.ee 4" tlissnuînnautthe Prealuare, as mo-a Ig4terus etiadaneïi rigccord "dtt p51%ntd lfpwttsîg doutamvi. anti ils abettaru ta asiit hurt n lu suadertakitig. ~~eleas&iwascertairted tiet ie raiqiosatat iwill takee 4.açir it wmîU 8e pulibhlie, e*1 Ibo plic snctiun giaad paper, mith iiere. upeu.a Royal ttiheaî. 'Ieruatris..parennue, payablei.hl yearly or ye'arly la advauîuue, aitis aptIos of the 8subgsrb.. Copies af ibis Pr2eipetnuw vilie . sent te va- $O m, ps»in bath icclis(thcfe Provi+e Mete4w«othe tsasuhecaber wm» hsu oc ms. aiiil! <ead the objectaeft ieéps , "te ils -Ime.Kespers ut Jiàatnsi, »Miserai, Bl. bouisý#ydsolm.,Ottawaanti Reatera lisfitc &Mi lsp s*, es epefeti'ly roquestei te use ac elos .aWuuisl pneisg paaarntae. Thge pa- ferw~s eet iaer*y ftseir support. Wà. HARRJIL *suseor yal, la" lesaio su fcn-f- a g isag i 1 rt hstgsma tineTf ea4eas se "o m &$ IsOpser ièt'$. T ERMS .oiuenebiim 7baiy aiOr- 2e. pststti$ u< nter.y at i di Expeluse pftrus 6r cheveu mooake, £4 15 0 f. r Doarilt "d, Tail in higlîest te bah Branches. and tes, It, co--aonEnlish.ÏX Ieusam ei Iel., en laMuueOit à dWu- tieaiees.mm * sttiPaiin s iauerg.ren094 Saes, italiens, wa ý Wk.&n. MhiZqlei gofflqig. Alira, -andti Latie. ur. 0., sirses î inFrfotacl itulrt1iue stot!ying ib", laausgs. 'the Pepaa f9çm a pari ai Professer Hsrl1t%'pfasuuly, at'i cý aie accesa ta vari- mm Aei"iy là tditeim lit i. pattat. dsiiate Co Lunry= c orti greatos tactile lfItit i < I teý1j pemitcil t. tisi inilep'. e>Tnte rms o4ac c as leC» W i5bhthi!fl~t~flslyl. besd m q i od4" mq LONPON WAREIICYtSE, fl AVE now receivedthet o hole ofibheir -& _fý Iporttiomfortas Sreos&, latne pelection cf iheir Stock, npaina have, been sapare ta render it desiralel andtiatiove ta ail 'mlso atutiy. Fasi0%aCnfri ceoy enti by offering their extensive anti supr Stock ai tpno unp"ubusdLew Prîtes. Tkeymp 4Skobein iia hi'br e'p ing taeietenà iteir frinde andth ie publie teeral . edis oubenelu ttise.advanta- ge msel ie y uhemslves have çaiil tlrh t eprchae matie by experinceul agen ts, lin a.Eagiiah, Scotch, Irishn,ensd French markiets, during their laîo tiepressati tate. Thase who sial st ser E ARG AI NS atndta selét fronta Stoci, ie bewtiful va- niety ofmhiceini.calcultteti ta pphoto .vry UWib, n fs if ntsupitriar aio ifintite as la ,ive difiafiction toe very pclsasr; Ihave 'nly ttaiL th e &bave woU known Estais lisisunut, misere acular tiemnoaration miâi provoteic ua lludad te, 'WhoIenle & Retail, for Ready foncy, Ouat Sffitrcerperg, antid wdls,'mi <l'd. t; *6is sadvaatapeausopportuaity. A apler.jdlot or FÛR CAPS. Bo, epeft<, Ver <lfon, GtumtIuIs, lkt ClitAgtU£A i x £au, a lto f Baukets, pontep s aansi Quilis, mcli morts atten-I lion. Flannets, in e Bd, White. Yeiom, Gren, Bloe anti Scarlet, mach entier ast jasraPrices, Plain andi Diamoudi Beavers, PILOT CLO'l'HS, BROAD CLOT,rlg Waierprntfd allioter T*eeds, Fancy Doe- alîfi, C'riaemefflaand Cletho in gicat abus. dance, Fuil! CitdieSetasetis, Mleskine,' Woolien Plaidis, DruggeSc4otch Ir "lii tanes, Twies d nd rZ Baptgings, Bcd Titis, S)teetis.Wite audsaripcdhirt. isgPlauMa uJ leed Woohleu ISheI, C.s,r. $nose taclale NOTICE THE P*ELO Wl/ful Meinos. Orleas. Clotho, Pariaians, AfI Pacha, Ctboorg Clotlisa, Syriaen Crajies, Cisei de Laines. Chipian s, 8k Stripsd Zukmati Dresses. Crspuatans, Prititsi PliAis Iveto laCcitt041 a l 1k ' oti.4gi4oastiMdFiowers, A gruvert o Satm ma dbtGoonds fur Fuîtbry Canonas, Prinieti Csicoes, »J Cambraca, Pnioteti Furaittire, white Dimt>, Ceotém sets., 1Hors. Ruega. Gueasey, Mine anti Lamb'e WooI Shirts. Drainer anastiPantloooi Serges, Canione Flanr.ale, &e. A icemplete saceineni cf Decidrdaly Leu.. tiesîtoal, colored east Wyhite ">eys Fnerrçi *id Ragl"n so, Muchas, Checlîed, plain sami Bncy, ai as- MM:=g ael .farandi Cr., Naite, Laeés, eap Frosits. Essâhostliet, lbe Zast fncy, . . fur Neek andtut atet. Stoks .Mflsg ml, eousamui WM.s .t.psfig.Brae..'A beau- aemrma tuies.'Tube soticetiasBr gessepegz~o6tv4s*HurseraaFoc 4 ba l Uess t aSunîle votah 1.eAllie a i 00c4il r mPeint tof -We.hlagsee 20 mcl.. by 27. or a cnhe 4tiyj~bales' InMg4rgb Journal kw 180, - fbe Preprictet *cdl aiea ceetungote pytige Unteé iaut ~ ntlueete. AUio, Ztbsit »0 t l eire~d le lb. siberier etcao peny e egnbath, spetlier mitb île Alhisot mii ansdg«-ar; ant tos. e tsy e ýdio fobtang rthe Allie.,, tIc Jtv Waehiuigsuiend Clisaser,, iii re * ibm w"i ~ fur igle *rtfars, mich, if pelishw se- perately, mcclii lufOfltte Lrtrale 2 enifbVfy This liberai tii" proprietor hope. Win le e.sibscrilers mii leentitietiIn thée amas pildiegeofanpayint oueu y',lau ians 1%6 Gllery iii efflain 18e fuilomtg plates, beatitityelimgraoensteel; Ths qea, esfuiele Acfp liées Trac. Newe lieusesf<Peruiec nd «Wkt. NÉMI Pejece, teguiber ettb meutors mmiileuter p-ssedescriptions, bmetiilly houb&, te astt forte a sPlendidOrrnant for ihe drming-roo.a tlei. OIUPPLERMENTAISY NO7ICZ. Tise prepretr baving pu rcliaseil at greca ex- pel uses antity corUMr. Picks t.sgilaseplate te m onuteent ta Sia l ear S&W4, mea. bled te addtiis te hie.liiai of presets. Ail Li sRulsuriler» "te on psyung their selsciptions foir 1ýe ear 18MUs mit?, the Du& rtaing iliai tbey wiii teesain onnie liei, il bave île c ie, Oif tise large piste of Weshisgl the l lJon <?leLry. a vol. monif ilember's Jeersiel or the Monument te Sir Wer Scott. Sarne idea may bu formeti of the magnitude cf ibis cngrav. iusg mie.me state-is dimnesiona taulie d30in. ets'bvll Ouragteets Wili please ta gavera tfutmse!vea =' ibiow-atire; andi me shailfiel indetedto aan! ni ea ecporariee sho milie kioti enongis ta mnit te bjpet in ibeir columne. Mdr. Niimo, cour agent in Canada, mit! neceive ordera andi eubscriptuaa, te v butin e esah fr. mord e fult seppy qtof (lleriei., Plaies,&c., ast 1nri" asthe navigation ope»s. FORSUBY WU. SIIIPSN, 10 mwou a" CM1 00B7A&OW wUrN,. Kiagstm. klî Septeniber, 183. 1' AGENUT fer i sesisppr 1- T. m is Kingalca, aaatbatliqtltII ~ Possesasu ee~l 1 rl Metbl Peaids a bu h.caod-The Sc Clpuia« tIe crigîiowaand aeectsÏarticle n important in ledin. iratit. ,&";Remaille q~isaio ifteaistiga ao, or mtrodueang oslm 1s he Reporta air Cass adjuýin i île Court ofQ"eàaJlocb in lippe, r aia idIl a Qearerly Divant<hersaNotesai e. of &ma' gCases deaidfd in the Boglial Im Cusa" iNotes of Casin C1see talii.Provioes. viti a quastarI Di. a( Ciaes reports!iin the Beuglslu.. Oantinimea to lie deiseretiîle Apsal osai. Prfcc, te cShiUlings a numb-r, pale bail. ysarlin taadvancc--tiie aSasctîpîsunfor te rat bsl4yoear payable on tihe delisery of tbe Orsi lNù fflecraptions ml libereeileeilat the Offwcda the iollwiug Gentlemen- bleuik& S&racan & Caaseron.Torontop. Cart*righît & Gadles, Kingasas. John Wilson, Baquiro, 'Loadon Charce Baby, Bell, Sanduich. IL. . DWas. Eu., Handks. V ryBoulton, Esq., Co&euî Gen. Sherw oa, q, r*- W. W. FitaGibbo 4 £Bq., Brllcraile.. J. GCLPsruiur, Esq., Purr o. C. T. Borne. q, Bylowa. ILclien sq., CaramIL G. 0. Stuart, hq, Qaclia. Toronto, Dec. 28, 1843. Ilr 7%e'Edaiors <aerai as Te.od, Zuun'. sa, AaUrceL.antd Qumese ahserfag, go reMtre aeC co i îe aro.fcbamose r. 70 aBE uTZRLD TE tris whAui.. Bd"a plhi.iplitau IU3AUEWRLT IEEVIEW. in Tspropased tbtat a Quatrtely Perieilal l iLs éeahove title, lbe !oslbmith attenipted ini British North Aumuta. Ths eWoni, as ils naone îndicates, wili lie ex- cioi'relY deffet teScience; andtill iitIlc bce the. physicaileaoturea tof British North Amernts. inati their kncmn varietieo,-aiso the Medicai iltatisties ofilta Towas, Hespital., Aeylonia, Prisons, "c.Andtiîlyo sn caila, cria suc. cinct accouai. no fat ad lie hauts mili permit, cf ail tisai.t valulale sas regardesbleis and dustrines in uther anti simila, morke, &"tiperiedielassor e. The. Peruadiral miii lie Edlted liT Do. spiz, assted by ailier Literai7 andi Bcieniic Gen. tle.ee. in Tarins parts cf the Proviace. Il i. propos"ti tut the S6Mt ilubor lie pilllisiati in April, 1844, or as nmc s a aullcient nmeîut of Seliscribers are obtaineti, ta marrant the expona. of tbm undertakiag. 1The Ternis of Suliscript;on, miiliebu£1 U. per annm, payable in stivance. Putopuis dauraus et subscribing, amreorquent. ci tosinotice (postage Lie> te1lte prîspesd pib1wum. H. & V*,1k0WSIiLL 100 Eing.81reeî, Toronto. 113» The EduiteofaIpapera il, 'Toronto, King. stan, Monireai anti Qîeber, are requealedti t t'ive b tht~e. uProspectus a aew insertionis, for whc bymi le entitieti to stec cf the pub. lieatinal,Wtbeilfirsi tlcis.mnnîX. Tiorohto, Deinaler 16, 1843 CÈeap Goodo ad Eewalt TO Bz 1"OUtlI5» AT Tlu MANCHESTER WAREHOUSE, (Lannblon Buildings, Prinosa Sret4> T& R. HUJTTONI & C9., beg te inforwnthoir -3 tnumerocaTown nilud ot.7C mers, that tliey bave recuivedti tei sa large l'ail andi Winîer éStock aof Briieh IIftW io direct from tise varinus Mannlbrîiries, mblch for Clielpess antiquality <of Gonir, tbey tau ce- camota te ebotter vaise.thon tue1 have ever licftre offereti in Canada. Tlisy wnuld invite the attention a( their Cua. lomers in their large Stedli of Eangligh a"t French Marînos, Cobiurg Clotho, leilallab.d Figures, Plainland Fiuroti Orleenir, aingle ani tee Colar Parlelian, Ruiglisianti Frenchs Priais, West xe agi»aciond Yorkshire Uroati C!cds, cf ail shatier, Beaver Clei'einlaack, Biue.biack, Blue, Brown, andtiinvieible Greens; Cassiineret-, Docakins, Mogadores, Tweeds,i asti Fanry Trnwseri ciga. Carpetingo. Druggets. Ba!zeo, Fannelp. Ber. ger, andi Bocin., Blanket, %Itlie andi Coiereti Cuunterpansa; CoUsin and W"sIlenliolr.e Ruas Hielée Sbeetintt, Plain and Tiiei DasaX. Sheeting, <faon tbirty Itu forty incites,; Reaiiy maile Bage Plain saud Tiled;.,Table Lnen antd Table Clotho. BroNzcandtslleacliet Dasiak Caveras ;tVorated und Cintun Table; cTom. alliage ssii Toweis. An Zalinsise Stock of Rutl PIURS, compris. hîgMeSD Boas.Capes, Caidinri-l AdW&ca' Fur tloes andi Gauntiets, (1.-at a Pur Gege!andi Gautles; uiCaps, andi Fur Trimmngp, asti îL aiu escri îlane ni ahoal ea BOFFÂLO ROBES a' extraordiearylao Prices. A collopif l'artuiut of Hilîsier Llberdiab. araîdssykîndaf DRY.lu 0 D'3 10 lie Lad,ltaiinuxualiy foanti ia Dry lu iSores. J. & R. iirnoa & Co, eudmprssaippa Ibeir Cusiniers, lai iliir Geatia are aIl bogght unde, peulier atlvaotsges it iir irienda ln Grot Britaie, amti rnsequcity, arc enabledta t »Ue l lbleusat vsvy-Lo, Pries. NO CamnIT GIV».-twt 0» eprias saul. Kingstons, Nov. 1843. W. PuiLiTE, G' RATrE FU for tii. liberai patronage Vs eoeivert *hile kosping tha Public ilouse fve nales West from s Npanle. iaises ta tinhia bsfrienti sunthle publie tun Le lbas tallen that welil known stand owmaed end For lny hept by Mr. Okeib «Wmai lti4 liy . Uppe'easd efviacea Qur store Street, Kingateul, Mh il 'l lho nown in (ture by r t4abovi anie, *bers lie is 4Jsctutpaing exteave alteraiemo eati rpair , tras 1iabybsussmtecntbc .»&, erbis place that aaaiooate diapOSet. 51 i4ê*eusmi lie W- indwt t&ëb teebeniaiss«iiciofeh VeasA bsIsci,&'Ilt V ry suP eioO ti P rt-a niCk e, B Vais. HaUlws.5 Eq, ils qsiusye<hbt~ . IMUTUÂL plEmcimmBSUANVWU if- PANY OUB 1 .IDu*J, OFFICE tv <s Ofgj4ý5OZ DAViD JOHNS9MITSI, 3Epta, PM$&eIut Jàem Batra E£a.&» t Jatte MOW41, J. Wauusu* Reqis DsM .vel utik. Umgw Secrelary. NtzEW 1%r cm t cashRIt, a nksne ra w .~Irel Bliser anti sat SiceI, Sheet IrçsanMdTit, Plates. BIset Capper, Braie. Zinc aMdiLOI& lihkealit Kettlesi, Saace nue, Stepazw4, PtAnd Hllais Iar: ofaul dort@; ,vel antm ranSisovele, tait as!n and st conunSpadee. ,Scythes ai Scytbs Stasesi, minore and aForrlu, lce& uae andiattiscr Chaine, 22wbs'Anvils.=bleusa" Vices, Pire Irons, Doç Irons, Piciase,4Cnt Nails of a superia? qeslaty, rose, claq»Ilsti tit Naîls, RB b ons.Nailâ,t rtuiett. Pit an t il Sa, , arprTeet lon Hre Sicca, CaMsiest Wsgo Boxes; &c. &a. = 12%s Cxpcu A %tDnCootFa' Tacts in groat varicty Engligli anti Aiteritan Au. gar, ktt, bott, butte,, LhiîîueetSi rema. Glue, FilesSitis' Warding. Cl~net Matera' and Miil Sama, round andti lfi round, Powtier, blant. ing anti porting, ýZbot of ait izef, Bracket anti at er Lampa, Leadin Uines, htalter and Trac. Rape, Dan! Con and i aunbroLine. (Rutigera') table Knives anti Farts, buclier', shvemaltersa, catdiers' Jack anti Pen Kaives; tlierRans, lîrilannia retai Tea Pnto, Britania, Plateti anti German Silver Tes. Lies. sert, asti Table Spoonabrase and lapanneti Cnl'sstoicks., Crimiug Machines,.&a. &e. PAINS"AND PAINT BTIJFUP. Beat White Le&&i dry antideai.beet Red Lea i ttra.VenetiaqltRed, Spaniais.Bromn blute, grtyelicw. grfottin i cil, N'elow.Ochre Laîpbacu, amani buitiLinecOZ1,Tur. pentine, minterai anti vegetable Tar, littis, Put-. tCpperas, Wintiow Glass of aIl aizes, Paint id ot her Bruéhesi camel'. isair pentuea. An assortinent of brasa andi woodcn CLOCKS, eight day anti 24 hours. STO1V ES of ail descriptions. Rlave Pipes. A larige assottmcnt of plain, Jtpaniied seul block 'IN WARE luepi aia hand, or matie ta order et short notice. JAMES POWVELL Store St., Kingeton, Juu.e 2'2, 184l:1. NEW ANDI SPIENII CABlINET FURNITUAIE, As Chtrop as i/te Chcrspesi, aund os good as tha besi. T StE Stbarriet bexs leare leinforos tht. >cb- -Llie generally, titlhe is ternowet ibisFer- citera Wiire Pecetle bus ueushîiiireeetly ererlet iniiMontreal Steet, tiirlden rIrmms te tomner cf SioesStreet, and ue-r te Mr. Tliitadee (lrerery ftlare.-mher ilt alwne te -nnuiil errai asertneal ai RFAOY MADI. L FRNI-' TUR, of tise bet qualites adl.ltrt Iiutins, andl pies ta suit inieniiîg purchaa.-rs.liuiîatai rouis cf purcbaging slt ,.ecifuly iQstil ta este a cîll. As tise Suhsttiber is muuîiii sanoic- lurnDi for sale snu ta er.ui', ttieyranis u1urrtly hc supplieti witb any article liîeYAy îiniur. T. o. RU'ER. Kington, Jan. 1841. WàNsrtin--A Varnisiser andul liishen. T. O. IB. Piltent London li.ld 1Isarreà 1Rigging AsaOLrrrn SIZE8. C HAIN CÂBLES, ANCHiOfS, &C., Oakcaa, Bloclia, anid ec li Lgis, Copper hîninacte Lampa &'Siia Lanthornis, Daublo'laoiled Lirised Oil, Painîs, Turpen- tint', Tir, Rosîn,& Piteli, Plouglia moat approved patterns, Spatico and Sav1-vouIîirantRoui steel hiades, A lewa supcriist Iog Skuitr for sudnleq, IMPROVED MKirls' hIY1>omJÉTERS, '(Madle iy Dring & FageL.monen) aeitW' ta- bles, &a. compîcie. anid guagitig rada. One case auperiar J"owling Pirces, udoule & ingle barrels, pSuket and! horse Pistole, patent waduing, Shot Bete & Puuaes-Pomalsr & drirIking Fliuks, ée. &.' The above articles are a part cf ltet alles tmpotaiian, ant rc 00w afferet un lte nintfaoalternst. MORLEY & JENKINS.- Kingslrsn, Mlarch tri, 1842. 48 REFORN1 JOURNAL IN MuONTREAL. IT ie îLe inttniin ofiie Sîuh»rriln'r tiipplb. haiubismmeiuatetv inIlise ;t.v ,or Mtntreai a nemappeI o be r;îlodu-uT 'hH Ei125ýT," anti ehîI wll e iruuulf>àfcslues n flte lot May ta tise laot i" e'c, u- I 'lui *%*iV rin te let Nuveniblurn Isu. it Mur, Snt J1 ..Par annutn. There wili lie a WtI-EKI.Y RII- TION for the rtuoniry, whuis aig tis lb.e editarial andi othenrcadîsg maruiter of the Daiiy, seul wbiic i liac publiolied ai liaper annutu. Unil ilthc-arraigementuraief ully esunpleteti, tise l'ttor iiie api.blhfibed Serti-Neatiy on TVESDAY'S aMtiFIIAYSanti the ires autil- lier will apear oarahliseIi larcd. 'lutoore tf Upper Canada miii.R !I bep.eil ctitoate theinitu"utnrc sef basing a journal ai [lie Seat cf Guverninent ta ativeste the principle.3 whiris lhey hasea naIla reuieus se nolily aaaitaincti. The price of lise Weekly Edtiofi han beew Osaul cary lnw, andti hes«II. triptions muet iu iii caeeielie paiti in "rd*nc. Althongisthe main abject jne esablisieg tise uioTfs ta saeure for the Rerormera af Brffish enigin an argsoa ai the . Set or (;oMernllStqgsi mili atirate tIselà4riculturai, Marutiicturiag anti Comîmercial intercala uof ibm Canatiln Poo- pie 0hl iefvnirgtheir riglats ant i iierti. PtLfie aI tise1PaLUT 'ciii, kw tise Présent, b. et St. Thenasea Street. te wbich place it is r.- questci tisai ail cctunicatiuc nad tvettise. aws' may be sent. Thase praprietoro ai pub. lie jnturnala eho *ieph to cachatîge ils the P>. 1 OT, mili b. gondtienngh ta fowrant lai, r pers ta the Mlitiorand thea sepporterscf e. <orn, Loil in Upp r ant i.Limer Canada, site se. qucaiteel te use active eaicni uta pr«ets u. ferîbera on lthe WWS tale aiiae. FRANCIS HINCES, Febrary 27. 1844. W .m.SIMPSON- B BUS tu cati the attentiien of the trade to is extensive stock of Groctersa Wine«, Liqucra. &c., which lie wifl seli wholesale andi retai!. 34 Hbd&s Muscovado andi Loaf Sugpra, 200 ackgesbiak andi greasn Tes, "?g avniliniNaitrod Tobacco, 40 brsLo ado perîn andi patent wax catadies, A lot cf Imitation Cheshie Cheexe (rom the well known Jafry ofltoséph Plaît, 40 be fine Laguira, Java & teae Moche 500 bis!. Liverpool andi Onondaga Salt. M5 American superfinie fiuiur, 950 'No.liNorth-ahore Her rings..few hubit. Maekrel, 40 bundica Table Càdfish, fine aid brown &pale Cognac Brandy in wocti andi boules, Fine aid Irih Whisky, real Hollanda and Scheidam Gin, Very euperior nid Port andi Sherry in bu,îde., 659; to POs.p1er doz. od 16.. 3A. t10 3s. 9J. per gallon, 40 qr. caaks i j3rJeaau 1Brandy, and] <di- Odnary Ilolland Gin, 5s. 6d. per rgaillonl, OliRation Rom n îd fine Frenchl Cherry Brandy in casesofi1 dos. cati,. Tenerife 'Winn 5q. to 79. 6dt. per -alloun, Blackburn*sm Nndeira. Champagne, Clart. t, and Hernutdgce, varioue brandoi Barten and Guestieur's Ciaret Vintage of' 1832, West India Shrub, Pepîpermintî &. Bridg'. Lorndon Porter and ]L,.ith Ale in pinta andi quart-. F40 kls. Pi~'îî a ud]Port llopc e ikv 9 hhds. !tlolui.es, 100 cases 1.eMn,îsý up, Stierin, Oliv'e. Seul,.'l'nnrcr's, and Bîtile', Lîn«ce,] Ou, 40 Crskts C. C. Crown glass, Îo- buags Witte crks.. Eancy Fruits, Ildzel, Hrezil. Walli, 1 icai, Pea, and Cocos Nuts, Raisins, Prune, Figs. NWiîîer Lemoans. sweet and bitter Almoîida in boxes 25 lba. escin, Weat india préser è. By npp<îiî ment, Everet'a rer ine ak- ing from 51 retter Lune, London, wlticit wili form a briiliaticy equal 10 patent Leathe i N. B. Fine Sydenham table Aile 69. 3d. pcv des.4 bottica returned. Or tarin Street, Kingston, Jan. 1844. b4is~ka Port HolieWhiskey, 4680Bis. Phister of Paria," 1 Case 100 Groaa Congreve Mktti lier, 51000 Feet-llack ýtWainut, 11 . ,2, A gemea'l asanrint af DB", Goodur, and StS.tiOIiCy, coiitnswu*1 f1mb Sateens, Fancy Cantotins, Gre nad' .Du-gl and Coloured Molesliw, Prifite,] Clicîies, Mouslin de Laine Dresses. Prittt Carp--- sng. and P1¶ot Clotha; Çrrîwn, a, Voutbie Crawn Pipera, News do, Deunt. foulai up, Quarto Post, Thrck Bath, anîd Tissue 410. Ail of whieh wil itt Soi uîuauau'y iuw (fui Cash, oraon ap1roVeuJ Crediiî. HUGH CALDERl. Ccmmerrial Wb, rf. Kingston, 24tiî Junri. l841 Char]eNWillals AMEIIICAN NENVS LETTEIL ANU R UROPEAN NbLO.C . Eulorgéd ta thce tim oI o 1èn edditional Col- THlE alias. Newspaper. nom enl3rgeti Ter. -Tatditiunai Calcinas, wbuch mas eelaliibed n July, 184'Z, ii- regiîlariv publiteilati Lier rboi expreWey fort ranFve.ssion tsy egery M! e-m 19biit sailin iag 8cmny part #n Brutale ta any port in the Unee Staie,andl it»lcfIdie <sture iip, vive. et oa glae*s,an secpul ai en evy uuirarn eent Iiiat lias iiccurre in l Great Britain. urtope, or Asie, hantthe interval botvreen Lthé mailinig ai caei sîtes ipt *bediue'lepoltcs or ram. mýer-.& correct ».4 cmuiiib5U5ve 1jipptig the ariid d opatgfe (44&grrtAUv 00018 a4 ssi o ailtieIkitialiY. rape». saudiAsiatir perî...egehe' with noiées of ucseîx rmaltîes or disastrem m m"item ibo ttu àes oeu-s care i. 'sta thee gi e . sh oriaT fthe.vau4, bas descriptions 0 àAnn le. - ,frontthe' oetunquestinnaté combl-lbe amin in osse a t. a Newgppere, a 8hlpplng Liai, a a Pie". CutrotLL ue ,Aouai Snbcri t e CuUARLZa WIu.. nu--9 nz*&xNRwa Larmaid17- ..ii Utt.a.Vder. aidSuocuit ieu l iib.crW CâivÂna, and in leste.b7 messes.Reinîg W1.W. W ler msr<Î*4o; ff~tAOSns4 ~~4II4me dus~es E~~sptgppn4stI« ~iê ~&ieuhesi raitiet, tes sais aI tise Ifr~ehti Uge.. A clMÇLui oMt im*'#d+4u Lii taîhe *040.et 1 M-i'-' ini Lawe OfJie Lc4vid/ lU r iu B.utr ien. 4u'4 i. JFl . rSe :l 11wIfniluV A I 1 i. 4 1 îututli e hfcut- Iaw ttc' ' ll tEVLWNc'ic' ani. CRMI N'.ut, lu'unc lutlt1b ai iet, 1tSN uu 1u\il, ]al, 1, 10huirHita né rrrrdt'u st a' ."u Fke rua ut , ius rgirl tturtii:. t e i' N 1 ;Ti . O.CWII;!îu A.flg.ttur. ,i l ge,,ei f i r l)e'uvneuailer i i br illeri'iv. t 'er <ilaC Snetit lC 4îu uhies 14' 1 , sut a[ efi.soan s m iuel tii, trryunt Fice Kinestunt il ii.Juura 1> h 14. l>P hlIlM;tri. tel.y,~i 't luil 'uti erirry k :1, Iule 1 pat ae! te raiieu on l-,-cAet. M 'int .1 tie < b uastu ut lchare, and nId -y Lu g w Et 1 iusî e u rl 2 if b imi e tome flic Mu irn e tt1lpe te if ul-ctelllàf a ao irll lrt1u luuus. ,' stseetb l.coût ente of 75 tan,Ah' aboice Part. Sher. Madeira, Tene Pagne. Clam-i, Henuitgeic wabica arethii Vutges of1r1i.d ln o&eringt e arite ain e i <e.]a Conlldent in ang that 'h' lo ve. put ta con) 1Olpei Ontario Street, Kingston, jjý Marrl;14,1844. 'TO LET7--, TîF. DW L G .,, te taiber with or wthiut Cuacli.îîoje 44 Apply lb W and Ogtarib St., «galon, lOch ?larch.I, t HE Subcribesetant trid$a » i " reStock tof chin., îf-1 ware, whih tey have juet eik ~ ai iow pflces. Air- a comaignaent af4o cratee~ ery whb ic7 edIey w l at nimute,,epin OintartioStret, i.Inetvîojîî. 'î,I- NOTARY P IL Offce in Wellingtons done toa Vesebisor -11d I'n, un Siarveys if the scae.('r, Bonds onÇ Rteijry.l dnIu Ct)btracts riuitiug tî li1, uruu a, A . 1%N.AIIAN. E.q,A .INO. R.AiMiiî< F Kirgsutm, March 27, 1 s4't r-0 EASItlolIi 'l'E 'i\ hij »ei' bmuaim. il 00$ 1Pis- *m-9'e gift4quff4 00rmr b wv e &Imam ,bou ahue Mrl 1asn . i, ii sie a="&.v14li R. mii«bi fi lusse lii uh wvo4 sthhint la âgéescaep miemtbspma iqrm eIopRt mfing e 0,eR tbu.a bùpAs d 'in qsi mi City &kBculsy, I!r'nk Sclntl, Kinien, Feb. 211, i844. CORD WOOPi> (' bFtse bidescription for slr 0-FSlsilo AIse, BtanadPl' IWGR CALDIO Colnmeneu4î Wharf, STOVES fromm " 1 mc~Il lm cI«AdIV 'of thne latest biproeotipaiern.. ahI olilircesicetiing 1cm for Cash. I buiug isêmhsce, 4 epsasedtocagl ils asspsenî Sdptiswb nd. è ios lits POsti Si ia EU &ye ZJsY O St,' "'ru Kiogmtn, 24t1a Augias, 1843 .1 ý 1 r-.1