*0080% bum Md iihww1 p4slsu um IuNew% hs,, tbI.resuj in u oue« msd va dsu 4wgitp Aui Eressu.bi Md as id bm iaslDITe md 80eheurs. AarofplaiJapanned s&d I AEkeptocmhbu& or made to 6«t sellas. JAMEs POWEUI4 4144MauON J'une 2%2:A , , .CÀD!Nt IUFURNITURIC, à; 'icp M'du .Cliaei ai gooi a là# bal. esicid . ioIra Shot,«tiir4 bisur raita nues o gluSta 5udsud warrte Mr. Ttdtu4ido 'rDtthi but qiahaR uJlatesi pgdts, soi Mmeos taui tui gpUicIhsalaPommcca aka qmsatpuDlunm se spm-tfslly Iacited te omais a COLii.Al"s totber la cqumwatiy acmet- lui st sd s . ior, tbey Cas spae4lly be Wamx»-A vslaer sud Poilsior. FOR - AL& d" tljeO : , A$itO3 h. loila LneclCi.Paint, Tupus uiu*, 'r'iR"ae&hP"tc, Phi*ats neat epsoiudpatterns, Upude aad ~Lwrughoreo sd s"ée JENKIN& hie ulewsv* e tk 0(cf GoU ~V~n, oqus,,ho. v hoisi. 'Imas whihleanaBd rtai. USr2Us IXgulhk ud Tomsce, boxes L erte sd patent wu *WîneIUIMII CLqies. as o~mts Mdd ohgasau tu0"Au'eauae uperî eoire, tA*l. Msckbl, 40 bondies t"abhCo"fe, P'or id bqu t*u& paiele Cgnac D nm M* ld o Le,, -ilace n V«7 sopewu ee Psd Sherry in boulies, Us.'te tes. per doc. 0 a inWoodl, Ilis. 3d.tac,3é. 0&pertalon. 40 !r. CulteBrdau andy. and ordi- poax lland 01,, fis.6d. pe; gallon, ouI Reàatm an sd S..FrnchCherry T and = ýI sofdo%.eaCh. T.ne4~ 5. te7s. 6&. pet gailon, Blackbuenos Madeira,. Claoepg». Olomt, andl«ernmitage, vaious braïds, But" n sd OueimeuaClaret Vintage or W.esg mdi. Shrsob, Peppermint &c. Bdde'sLedo.P.rerasid Louis Aie iu pintaistil qurts, Hope whiltky. 00 cae 0Lnon rup Sp.r. Olve. esi annr's, sud Boileal Lineeed CO1, 40 Ouem C. C. Crovu glass, 80 M lai WI.eovk, Faï N "ý ui. fussi, Bratil, Waftinta, RsrnU4 L Prope% Iga. Wpirtr LeUMoS, sWeet sme Mtow A;0&in d'boaea8U Ilos. satà, Wdipmrvs5 fri ius pous. LaueLO'nu ict yDfod*abeilliey.¶ashpatent Lher. oer 8)*oWm gldeeAitMsa, j3d. lê~eb.hê>44DeseIli.qs I ~lIkrâ T.bk 4~' R~clao Shingles (sul7 *1<.) %slç, cor *oser*** ÂW~ 1111M EubeeIO,,a bi Wi[ô 'tit, s A ucun teCOUtthee cf cObis Port. Shierry, Madeira, ,n cla m.rngti rS ihacite.r&c bor ilthe l lam Our pet te publiecontpti,, a Ont" reet, Logeson, w-Slmp5ýS. Nbr , 4, SU ç T DWELLING aoie teO T 56op--boing large, a.d%.el,,8ti rMi- esOf a repectable f.nmal, > *it~rwîbo t oaCach. «e and OntaE8sri t., i on,19tIc Anls e ' f 'Ie',f 0crîc ~ c --i!? - rib M. l' SI hm ainStact.Kfinta, r; îî48 FOR SAhiLE Bh Y JuvI I. SlMpve et I S Damprie«.01a FOR SALE ALmOW TO OUR SUBSCRIBElt I TI AMERICAN l'RoVIN, Eý W E beto anouncichat*a ýI an eiunsiaecrihers cthcc in the Provinces on ptyiccg the ve,8 tee fer 184Aliwlth the. uiderc.tacwn,. .b,, lai.e n the li*t-wclilibe pfeeec,,tl care iii a col or te lb. Acc.cc(~i. taimqsix plaIle, a tOPY (I l Ile lage a Waligo,20 inches by 2-,~ ropy Of Cabers' Edinhîrgi Journal Tris. I'rrettar si;il alok 0 tcr United States postage on iiei,, will b. deliiered to tbe buborber at currency eacla paper. Pomsone wiehcng te1 itaic t, !, (,! Washisgoan beltli. ngeîlcc.r X i , . bu chargedàatien dellars ;îcccI! ii!,-r c,~ diirons ef uîbtainiîg the 1 Washinagton, and ChaîhiberF,,ccHi1, wbole fur eiglit dollar-s, b h ci, -fli-; k parately, acould îrnurti t .a. cents. Thislittor-aîylIthe prcpr;etr r i. duiy sppreecateil. New tubscrilters will lite-r ,1; privileges nuicpeygicg onre ypîr il Thie Galler-y ciii conhîin ii, q beautifially eccgnrccou ic ctc.; . T .1>ue qi~I~-îhegîccc, le.,'141r"A prosas deacriptiong. lreauifkiv fcrm s aplendid ornanint fcIr Ilie :F table. SUPPLEMIFNTAIIY NWHît.-F Tbe, proprieinu bac ccîg îccrc-icoc.cc it Pepea aa isltty ilf M. Dc!,s:', cc r ric of the Moumenut tiuSir Ilca cr r &', i blpd in add tis te hi@s co l cpr c suberiblerrethe. n iapyiccg ther Obî for the vear 1844, Wittc the cc'rt~Jc tdey milii malin on tlIe lipt i a li hiaetwla e< the laerre plate of tciîceîcc if, Geierp & agineluee of ('lcimlr.c Jccîc-c. Msuuuivite .28W MaU'r SN-.. l, May las Iomdsrthé1emagniîaclccoi h, Mgg ses., We staje is@ ditneccccccc cc I, 0.r = syl p les- 10 In arcc by allis, natice ; and .ali l ccece 1100 luileoaleifescWo,11 4py cc le RU« ePsss.vp.roon ireaiîs T1w 1Nimragen in bFlî besoi so, l ii Iîjsterv. 1", IA1ch L4lq6 o iteeen trtdul cie 0 H ilam.ed by Ihe -aidli r l (*btr'c Sle t . uly 2iactczd aIL rsa ats u i icrr n îe e ugaL eb &li fiswilL Lugas 0ti Fb.ROBIJT ALLV lenabsigfts bgsatb tenderbhi Xtlowpblic gsemaly fil? tw vîee ,ne bus.u.d os thse estitciiclaetli lue ekag. »d eold sy the b **iimubs.arIsdon by Wbrui acest. &Ai requeais ail partices ccctl eiOW fe*& gt ub ele eir accoi 0# eçx îipiiofor oie OSîbs iber. Aise, Bran anal S RIJGH CALSI c~s0 V E S f, .dhh Itel-il', h 0asJ tnCW md, aam9 ce powl 'LB cL lui PT" i I a o r c- a ci