uta., - .t- s bleu, Ûlam andl 11,,4 net .recev, tiller t Il at moderat, 14- SIMPSION & : aton, dol,, 1841. WM-pleaule 1843. tIMS IN TIIE PXOVINîEFs re ltai ai tle t~ snb.criiea ta ltm, .tI, 1in0 tbe yrar'. enderstaneing, mlii bd. A.lèox GaUery a I97 of the largelil s 1*7 27. or a cmn,.w nburgi JourtIaT imr 1 alanc Continue i2i on) the Abmim, suiscraber lmîet wiec rîlain the (hi, lher wilthIe M., i; sand timon.m 'h,.n~ hie AIbmn, tii ., r,îberp, %mi iiCmcl toltelm, t 'm lI ' e îLe enfteml t, a yetar iii a,!i lire )mi q ,tel 14ii'Q. esttma.fr jAhi. Y, 1" ieniîel", lt, eIY,, Bi,î mîd mî., n cmîd c", ,lt fierî th.e :',a 'ARY NOTWîE. 1 Plr'Ièaaae. imt b'ra î r %nciter Sola tof prpe'. Il..Ai.4 y-ing thpir aî.r~t li Ie l e wic a r u th a î e. ViP.nslhveir the . il iumbor'c jmirtaul rtt riler aNcmU. 8ot, mm, i agniludp. ni thîe epen dimenimions t.ie ho1 JI ., e tr i gverotemmmn ;hall teiiîm'ildr rho cii tac kîmld aîîoîî4 1 in (ii mme,1,i. Ul M.rî ,1 ao Lt, il, %, e shkil i.. mleriar, i<iate... &cr,u :LET. att g.xl Son ~Lmif îe" the rpeilce c-f Jinog and Cia, i llmuie% il, Osp'y lI ill R IIPSN. Mlay 29,184. ICE. Lambre exiastipg lco the Fiauur anmd BLAî.i kerv, uter lthe fia ie nl dtaly diusvohed. aid flm ill le La .d 'j; y îi*îhorized tii ccitt rny on lime iuilîrs 9 WM. SIMPSON, ROB'T' ALL.EN. i In tender bis thîti cliv tor te aarv lîbed e elbligeitmaihi voild %ay the bi (en by hin n aitl MtS 11l paraiez iîîdcimrd %0, e lbii accoulat toit R. ALLEN. mi iptiot for sale bey do <o, Bran and sien- 1 LUGH CALDEIL VES duoed Priffi' es jost receiv.ed. Judl 'las, made mn 0peu bartmeni of SI , 0 fpatlen, 'ebicti8 'or cash. Brr stan, attrl elai WIL 5iN1'80~. O.Imîlo~PU~' 18W" n.aIw, LIlY ~».ESDA WAUJDT ~ rift,. GANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITËICAT44 AG-RICLjLTtJRAL &.COMMERCIA.L. Àurs»f xxv.DA TKINGTONS 1, S" e AT A PTJBLICI MEETING md. Cout iRoses, T«wuhip et RWeud, 1lîth k.,, 8", 0y..m It : i.d, Pâ tÎn.cafl t leChair, it wu Remed-a i l u it a Townsaiip Agieu"aiSoety la.form, ole le tyled Tu£ kàz~ipoe u mu wiror lisE Mlu- UAmm D»tact Aocsaru«*l, aÂL B n,. SLlttihe aim ote. id Soci bu b d 16 Bfoadfo'rosa Dhrect o m e ial 11 1b. Chair- ,san, am more Secrefery aalMd "we.adbee zually et ith e emaiMeeting u l le Soeiety. M. 'lat the payanentOf à& anmaliY m" )COU@a"ibseWembei, 4th. 7¶at ail Subecriptionas ucE b. payable te lue Board of Metagbtituehtlime as iiey m.y thiik ece@&aty. 5d h T ua I éub. competesat for e i.lacahe t ièqiau of two mmuLina af the Board, to a ll cmeet- ing ttrevej s& list lb. Annual Meeting o( the Society " hal elelà t S kiiai , t 12 a'clock, anom, an dite third dey ,d tii Public Fair, in lhe montla of Mrda, in ccljea. 7th. Thoiaite following peron. do composthe Board of Managers for 1h. current yean, viz. DAVID ROBLIN, Chairuan, GEORGE H. DETLOR, Secrets! and Thms'iairhr ARCIIIBALD CATOPt, AMOS SCHERMEIIHORN, JAMES WILSON, 'REbERICk A. bÉùvlt, b)ANIEL McBRIDE, SAMUEL P- SHAW, E& P. DUNHAM, andl FLETCHER EMPEY. At a Meeting di the Directes, LeId aet he Court Boomn 3d AugUat, 1SM4, it anas PItioved-- ust. lihait ech Direcor lie roques tu t oi-aSubeciptioli, màkit Collections, and pay over la te Treaiuurar .11 morne a mn receaveil on or before the. firat day of September. M Mlat a Statement b. ppepaeua, nf Premitmta beb awarded at the. cening Agrknulttmla Show, la b. Itelal st tis pwae, on athe.tird Tueady in Septemnler ; aeacPrerimi o na ema andl Produce flrte .yehi 1845; andl ilam Meaara D. Roblmn, M, Slaorey, Jtau., F. A. Oliver> andl G. H. Detlor, be requesteal lu prepare the saine., 3d.TIat aci Mamiber nofte Society, lapon paymnen ofai@isSuhseriptian, ahali b. entilleal to an"y aiflte oBritishi Anmican Cultivator," exclusi;ve ni postage. 4th.laTuthlb Chairamn b. requeated tu order fÏrm the District Secretary, tWenty copies, in addition ta thoee .lne.dy eceiv cd, ofte aforemid piper, and tlItIthe.wlaole lie hldree te th Ie Secretary oati lumSociety. à*1. Thaitue Secretary be auîhorited ta publiaI t he proceediaiga nf tis Society. At a Meeting oi tlhe Special Cotaimitte., belal SU, August, 1844-Preaent, Messas. Sbarey, Oliver, andl Detlidi il vas Resove- 7 rtthelliiowing Premiua Le awarded--reserving the power ta withhlod in caethe article or anirnal b. not pnmatued of sufficient gond quelities to enîjle île.nwner ta the premiumn; and aisea lit none la. entitheal b compoea unies. Prùprielaars, being Membens, andl reuideait within the Townshlipî; andalal rnanufactured articles ranot be mad witliin die Towvnship; it and 2d 1 lat 2d 11 ' ed lIs 2 d t elBi t" 2d lI" 2d is "2d lot "2d lacami Sîchiior, 25s. iaBrOMi Mare & Colt, 25&. "Bull, 3 Io 6 yaar4, 20s. «Butl Ctfo! 1844, los. SMiich Caw, 150. <~Heifé talitaf 1844, 10.. a. oke Working Oxen, 15s. "Ratai, aver iyear, i0%. 3 SEweq,108.. ii8 LaL 10&. <~Bahn, ?ver t yen, 108. "Breling Sow, los. lst, Bd, uid Ist anti 2d liail 2d lai '<2d lai ai2d lIs "2B1 lI < 2d lai 2 d lat <c2d NAPAXEE, St Àt FOR andl 15rt «10e. 10&. " a. "àe 1844. Butraen51.Y.a.& a lsI & B2l Lest SéimpleButr vr1Ib.l.6..&5- 1 s aIl e ci ci Cbeeae, Il tg 7h. G6d. ci 5, flest Finiaaect Lumber Waggon, 158. "Improvett ho'ag108O. tg Hors. Rase, 59. " < Bee Hive, 59. "Piece Flur.ei, aven 15 ytt., 59. - "Pair Cavelets, lba. SSix paif Woallet Socita, Ue 6d,. POR 1845. 3<1 Lest Cultivcted Farm, not les. than 50 acries "Piece Winîen Wbenî a 5 CIl <'«Spring Whcat, " 2< «' I~~ ntlinn Cornil < a «' Pease, de1 f ct " Poiae, Il cc cc &L RButa Baga, id 99 1 l I & et,<' <I i 50&. 409. 308. IJGUÙST, 1844. vo a 1ia CaIlnGRUMAX meé thon ITere,rmy lttTe unef Theica dcci*e' un lby bmow, y eare clusd tu fluaer anal unI Tii7 Pulso i. quiet tlu'. nor thu'ltasak. my faîniahead yl Forea naad wii teilitg er>y heu la d havegitan iay flesh itiiii<ai 1'or 2.de 1 roalal .t boy. cnid ! tby aharp, cola futuresaspeak ()(pain, anal aant, and cars; did lie tear dn>poi on th7 ceaie ?restin atîe imiîg air. t ceimer tianîte lienest wvindi, ls, togh clinîng hulnan kind, Thy lWtvas poaert.y. Proual cn"a .y is hoavent'. al id Th,, but kini braves obey, okeep lia gitis of nature b.r'd Fon tosuviecannot paya Y hild, 'tii miil @et mn tiink Terait lever hanger mors, 'rgile ci itul eye, >t ari Fieu brads lnviiup store. to i! My, fadai floye.r, for thii Wàà tIa, Young h.ing give, s an iSalc olgt but vretchadnes, 4aid frawu* (f»- cati.and heavn' e s tIeis ie latgaof crailoal tuile Tt pha theia ppy dream, gava !uO, wOceu ili pain and lot, O PusD9biesàgleain ? Myel Uyap, th7 fate ha bIes'i, Ae 1 -aheia raliajo at W.ugiaathte wves bave miaed uat lia Peu an mey. eld repile. tse pallint useoe drivas te liaItanid the.; esoe a hg igt e ve m 70; orhapyvWtalitas il ?Iangiî'sI have liveai 10 h. »-'Wecrft h= i,,aa....a., l01 h, .Y ee ' raîher close &1ihon ic0ligt'el hava aCen, 01ukn lirougi vith mauy coas >A 'h7 Y-9aghumrbath biaoa. Or CONiVEA5C3L 9'igt larv, m yber ; vrge I th a ion .Of M a a rOonb rnqffe, il tae W"rM.aif ou 41 sas, andalie isr mnary ba:mdpo r9takiali s inngo lite.. ie ,tut narimmbs b lo _ua. Ti Of se bpua litàt m 1' <hp7orOin1~e Msi< Thias laduiiie tlciîy on lie cisapest lerna iu.,tisi ugensarlytp or f lmper for aomo days, i When jeu naanry, if yoen bave mare ainey eonsetIt e gel il for ber. lia,, yo u nov Chat ba do vwit, go sud lime 1 IWCiri la>' if. andl thenilia. vunlalcorne te anywhpes; in Beigr*v.c4iirei if you plese.- an aideralandtg vitb tiair husaia, » te rata« But, obiarwise, if 7ou pwasibi>' eau,-flla i t11e 1of travelling anal conveyaoee; asm in aII- place ln lie country. Depsnduai upu. lual a For -Oas mile ...3 arda RibbaI rotage iear a coud ta el*ahîs uponuabutt than Tva dii. i Pair S11k Stoelîiqug. auioalrunda. Nut '. lyae ramble Th doe.....-i1Petisese, . tirougi avenues anal green ases Jlea ands i oundu I oa talubious in tlianîrers ; hbut15511L-4àer oe r 1 ie . Bofa . me itpi e,on ide qfk ? i yd0....1 e c ARaàELLA andl , belote vo Csrs mari1 iaiut 1i~ mug ntluof muta, I1aup"e, aller usei ta h. eonatantly laking long e-alli mthîe the ahove cueisasion. Howver, isal manage country. Above us vas lie bitne firmaneut. ;- rin lafuture. I deo ntl bject lu ladies h.ing arnadus tiare bil uanddla;ie Slis, floons, 4propsrly remuneralai for lisir truble in v&ik. trees, meaoienmng sireumans ippling fbis, îup ne tvib thir ineonal; bol the latter,onu jcuva, site., mudîber animas; ail pleasîg taeteprinipes. of cosmSunprudeuce, seoulal kuov I Cmli. We returnsaihome ln b' h pirîr, andal vtmhe"bave le puy iekohanl w iIla gond appotilaté e of a.. tW'çe huiten. - joyed Illrselvea grsmlp>anal rere nia pobar in t ihisAu v@TlNUmi»»ilTO à?A oz-Upder1 wios cvu set ou. lii. bend the Pa"iaM&l..> rcaary arutes soe Alter tsnêaMPe1My atocalions couapelleilme curions patieulascoecwe vtt it Ilas."1 t0 eide iho l1Uv. AABELLA hegan giadnaf Somue jeans ince Mr. Jame umaEnaeffqau!Aqui.a lu la.. hep laBo for acouery, andl to labo th oay-.laaBarnI of Missouri, va. iupÉ by a moi inf îng viittia abers, lin consequence uf chici she Aknmas, ecautué . wu suspectai rt havingc eceamhe unveit. Our meI lmas reeoaameaal-munlereai lhe *"Wripht famil>," inune of!tmia mi exercise ; ad irs aollig tele meut. oùa ber cuaLitea i itai tai. amnelo tie vory lastv valkiug out svtibme. asertei bis innocence, but biseniai ame iltebo.a 1 ilsot say viere Ie litse; baes iaonraile. andhovas angd ay tlam. nul writisg foiuay Cifo'. dicaii, but Bu-tbet Il nov ppaufrou aatemmientuhle Vaunt of tie reaiers of F,,aach.W* ltuka aali je .. (re A=~) iuteliipnen, that the taraI larday. Prooding aIta adraepaLe, in about mrdorer avwe etonnianal are is confine-. Icent, minutes ve Bnai oonm.ive, in Oxford. ment iiiFayetteviI f u i tat tate. Tiare am e streem, auaiRegeuttêrcus titre, of lla.u y the Dmes nf Star and Reese,f Homuamy vife, feeling ituemeif itti. tired mi!ad hey are Ï14ite have fraquanlly ituaaloofeh set ot bristk lâ,cami a9. emehiCe = ai i te cranme. TIÔy viii ito cveiiai aa.on4 gonoytupmai.aaoppme t te roof maI l uii eliWnn u l anveimSm é lies Coui-n uanoalu iue ma-a lueadrapr'as sop. fo"io& l%ài hem convietina .11*itut rbvelra sit VlIf e teormous panas,*ad a iamp ef te innuMte talita,onet mve bis murdérréi I knos n« o b :ImCIa flery, of aU sortesndami frthe eallageof âorsfor » cmuel au ai i coiourslin te ou..;a reguea, ife-0a or lady. TiE. atos ni lie Mahuaye lsbiat tis novée trap. Mau.-traps au.m "I ad a m MMciaun"' inncence , trugy nt1 bien.î lina. ougit taie. taisvpemmeoaij kui* Aquile raee.and 1itiibrieodire"Ac t aawua.é lt u(ioo l e bi line Bares E lvcn*ty.dtzears aIetOld vood.paveu t; I iaune an z ah.w» va. Aesb. PnMO li iovandcesuli Ne ,,isfallait'6 slnd iy inviaisv; cai lisea ahastand, J"ea fr&Mdfehad uI mcavie .mUt hà%* sandm-« p bà is 1a dlg ea mder. I1fMoud mg Mad sso*tltyi matni lis0"e sxeia#iAm P Mait i; l i.. andmi e ai vu1 iuvivicUmsaa. umiber* af hq Citmof t AsusChr" 11t. lv ai fraà th thi@biîaons gnd glàwed&eesm a iefel k tmeLt We " ..te lie ftat liaed lnb- om la4usin tà:ra igsm 5.reawi ta& J es)Iboaifsefe iii.hsaup ldir Wispe haules, t, MuI w t M tII v»W h ms li'epumiS vs a I mirebtv*telobe lis deprived ofmies»ci- e tie y I. latbbaites, abe a «Mban t , i, M# vute Maov t e ore.r.fty »cIe ', te wbumja4.e etJury, enmt" oboe of moeris a:¶tpmm'a vsvlasie aehavif. S agIde *r mi e,, tuia uto w te <la atusai1 IdA mama op Potla lè e.ê" ghie atue en**%s.am hW it fil ah *eqe,*w lq - . k ds b *radwete. W tmraagdoua lgp«St luul. Annuamatie, r A Tam orpliamiajaCwaiaeti-*Mle eiage if abomt lt7 py yais.mae*amei te rosi 1th. taaputut Aleaaden'visial giplan, tiel bi& .!agae ;Ibstùisls» ppult. te ajov*T. eigtdve.famaipurla4ii»uspearMa ~ ~rdpeé lgi,S, e l iadm . asimlr th liai dmecooli plmen ou Sarp e uxIt oaataýtor eil.u &ee iolmtn c loRs dWsamuet ia Ili, a = ue stn op a om. taie i o isesbia OFt1fiNe4 <ébave SIt.-'à emu.a.se it poaauai;4-- »ad r igeslp e neam the m thT*#Mniah 01 Aaiçbut tie mliii.ofle t &MI r., poelés i ap esrdfteéd ti £4»00ea sm~lisilt lai 0'lieaie v aa li .~ e$IliY vlîa iisefsabeemdtpsa*na sii4sw siwaità r . b'tmeti1 ,h L*pl IetbUovlé tintent- .K Qmï*or e tw go'1vlee (l t to i es aghj dUi~~'fmahiétoW5.the * el la. ~ _ i.it ".rAI ols tIBjli. n Iot lune aalofrel, eallie expiration afîheir lois nbout £20110per eannelau renîtfor a part ni in v a. runcededi t. jhani. The . tol o sOv tertiitenda"vas divini-d l imtngotthe irupe aI surfito itWloriginaily vmgetcaîcîî pon andald Bsiico itoen forreal <o bring it jinaprop caltivalionm. ItwaugirentaliemmrItfrre,ei ail tic atock upon il, m* an enrooragemxî-iml ; at &round tisi vals Ji li;uled quanîîav tuf prm IY gond lacal. hici waîi*d haro bllei 5ôncdg to Ihetuand al bîi il l'as IJped themi i1ire, Sacaltalprolmg 1Cm Io reéîain. The restits lhe tirait andlsecond yeara' cru9 plaed echc lieaa men, vlan had hleer Pret 'mont ilwîacd maoy Shillang@, in olposession ot a few Jiiide one ; tre vasnotiing te prevenl il beo. mu incomne 1tuIlc, i ngteai 'ai' li, l aMW anda abI hndaineal l'eir tarins lic rculci Une.O ior îbame Ibien; lieri liave eue baci lo povenly; anal lhe landl le egrnndrone viii vaand movergiown euh bushe.-[Co itorn'a Magazine. llaràb, dotr," ra id a wâgRiaIi luriltîal o l vite, '«if 1 werc in ya'ur place i eouldl.'îLee tiaI bah. au funiotbuter au you do." a- Bulle 2o dear 1 1 acter gave it any hItlar." .. Nc bu. You potaredalout aaquart. of miv almavo l isaafleraon, and IirtIa il rn lie iioefor oear ]Y Ivo hOurs. If il d.eon'î conlit, a quantat ot bttOr bY ti ille, il iei'îtir ail of churý A Nmmx Fou TirE PlAis <iAàrivpi-Th t'r-inca de Joiînville m.i.,i great Tutga.an lthaItIt * isapenor o<if saia eltoulal h.oTaie tiirmntrii ulint £500 tu lic Wrlliiigtou andl Nelson Sli tis* Vat la if coînpared luevliat ire <id 1* nn ivai ils Royal Iliglancis mn Admirai Marksi "Didia'î ve coûtnibuîc the Brmne" aespomuble Goverxmm DFED nscaAOÂi'tiT TITIE.iTTACKS Or ras REV. EGERTON RYERSON LÈTTÉIî VI, T. nb* Fitor if.esat, Bitt,-I apohaigized in my hast latter for lhavini prer naompaoy mn tis datacuaion viti, M.. Ry alun: I1bloc relurn ta his *Iàedeâice. il1 iyn" in is hititi n aaber. Ila second chargei *that ditferénc of opinion lad nul me ly lu aP leIm.uleiaainsi their admice, but to appoint Dents, aidproposaI.le inoaireappoinlments, a Mlun tisy vers nt infaarned in &nioaanuer ut tl all pportuniîy of ciff, ring ativice oapen iah. bid pauied iv.' " This charge, Mir. ltjersoi rays., in only the assertion of lin party. anal di ni i aihils essentialsby tic olier. Neîla lis ExceIIency ourAir. Ryern, hovover, bâti daaaod lia tact, mielt appointmenL t Affbinadt cnulrary t tiseavice of ute CouniciT, or fiiaI mp paiîllumt and offers cf al>plntmooîa ers mai wathuotitei ksowîedge. Tie client toecaliet li fnuit place enuld not hava issu gteat; foi liail if bemen , ticCounuellora wnu)d blia. sigwa long icfure, andl nd ha%,§feàigsai oc the "aroun fthoopecifie apW.ttments. Whw trIev atiege in, tinitlAie>' uo.irslaod liait Ilia Ex. rellancy tuk a wideîy different iew mattiepool. <ion. duties ami responsibiliis f tle Esecutivo Councia fronit ilal. mder wiîich lia>' accepte office, amdi haro h viich they bial beon enabiei le conaluctbob Parliamo;îtary buoinets ofthei G-uvernmeprit, austilniai it àilarge mlajunity in thei popuhar branch ofuthme Legilature; anal ticy .ay oitrover, taha i Ildid et dligue bis opinin filitaheaffaira of tic monnry voulal h. morest. iafaclonily ilmnagaal by andl Ibrough tiae Gter. non iinieîf, vitinul any laecea.ily ut coincera aogilamembers of the il, or obliga lion~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i ontti atl e~r~ aParlia- .tient the acta fGo e. lié Excehieacy, ilabis expiaretion, protea agajoIins i ncus¶syisg a mîsappreienîiI-n of bus vienre and intentins, 'elici ia ne<Ionoua. lin in any part of is raoduci; onT.., a fis lu marea surnender of the prenogat ive of the Crovu for han, punpo<rs, and al n nxiely tu du jue iee t licou oero lîjurea l ie arrnge. meu ataiending lie Union. T'h. memberai ftic Exocoîlme Co4uecl tbus eauedan a exprasoei opinion, of lia Exca'lency, vbinb lie vas ai full liberty .t:aec1J-tg 10 ienjor disavovif Ise pleaaed. But hae hua, doe itiero. 1 amafofatrcm titskîng h.enouhd iisavov <hie opinion aou; in tact lh. cafnotdoe seiiital oenciig LordFaibialsossystra cf goars. mont, vieralu bath parties are repraseiad< or pro. fr** e uh. epreessnled, lu tihe cnuîivaCouon. cil: and *hore, c.osequcnlly, tananlm.ity lanDot avenuaoagiituefor rprelendeal in. I ahinà if lmay ont mafirlie b. arasmaci t Hai isExcellese>' d «xprosth"sopinin, andl liaI lie bolda il mmv, fen upn asothnr supposition eau I accouai file the appinfmlut of Ma. Vige, fnnexemlupe, uni Mr. Dralper ta lihe ae Conseil, on fer Ni r. Park. cand Mr. Suervajol bing pa'opnee a th le pabie as i» i icers ni île tact.Governmsent. lft.n lil trou, lun e in final faîlt vith iesEx.cel. iaucy fat holding anti au opinion. If ie perfect. li consisanta îi, andi nermsary to a Govero. tuent laic ites noParisnmn-esch à ust as ho vW» aecmetnMêaf lé i anal if lthie c«" w er. rulie y Goveaor afiüi Coa<cil wilicout a Par. tiamniem, lhe prenienie cf bot partie* in &i oun.. cil veau iesjusrt ma me ationnessr, i ve,, bul Laioseji assola eaied hds pm ion..if h. Ume gde sat ai @-tiro%* b air "# Cth- akitp lhia Mr.. Eerioa Ry.raca. or NM. 'akei fietii or Ne. Parta: but t have od~pmlato uft lifr iseeil..eopianfl auiauito ctuiea practice,'-a practice wvici eau hlie ailj'M nI by lte spôsten latfinu Fxcailaeyuag *ii .l n srslaai te 9a0, lItaI*4wabev hlm Cnome iass'Madé ap off lie prevailing P"r; or of 100 tor M" ypar. lie*. lie veul i cl pre1aleiy ne h.ediaimad tiss. Mm re u eedidesat Ispbmaia téiepinio. Ma 10 th* î*$ f M4eeimffl amidéhhiga"tie de:. fémth flsoffieraméetiy eein m ontor oftheIa CfmnotE Cluhé uahava autituassMri.1 RtyPem t l bl ftatit e ii ay moue alie. lnle Te énAtm I îl dumcsaa, Mta it" opwn o»u; andin itit ilifsau.. a cffairer0t kider. sure oxceI a osite1»90li e odhlait flm. »Ma ins iep appuala. -nestienatsA Gevutar fisei blsaitstrettpiintafaner-cf iahet ce;polie torai of Goveremeut, aso ie.a verypoffil Ruepoasbi. eéeistfoe Ie Cm. 'sitiai ne 0» * bcta rosira opoinmn ssisac -pai s- omdi l,thedosa rimte7 rualedéw.. aused* vers imtaite 4,Y Maa pàaaiu enat. ai l* loi I ai e" ofaheileur fMell eldvis spomalbim «' dieeos. eetèminglu 0aOe. &iter sri«auevoo*dvmot buh.a vMel o woel ami cierimIplie te$@ l&_ isa, MM e u i liute Iib - 1,1al 1, iriew ,vies lîuesâa m onmt hbis asd i egmof i Iwmmu; far île Prpe ub #he he i i daalIy touffu avnébed tenos bue. lssaà y Un. Cunaeh -A ý 1 mil. 1Coseil fur uther remw.,rn* îdýsh.. hiuhingtino bd commueniceîdi. f spraa'., u F~~~~ 1,temm, mu 1 unudnoî 0lunmas îhey **4Y a atîpaatim., but Î alîpeinaîoin terrifait.. flic cooinuedi sci die.; or hien.ay have a .ifli a"And *bat d,« hs il. îelaaone amniaft at let- agit hemr adviee., flr "h.rra.os la,, icallus Why. Sr, procimelv twthi-lgO ar vilài lltasa- 1i11 hoiethoinup hi fiwisaol ut, infie , *.blagêd te, Satause £OU<154and ilfltroualaoa o' lia "f' i da scte Anal if Ma .Excetleîîcy cash.bu <ifis Buciiin u nr l,.cal affaime n à jj.j m vii o 0 roudsreisd amvn.g fie e pnuaauribta. 8., ai, Yeu ae. tht hie £ i.e yo sAju- and ed te Lien hlhie laI. Ctouomiklw», or tes diseflou In.coutlA liotbc a Ia f,.imul atipulaiomr«»,a ai- voling tPlintentiono f acting *pou if tir. aa tapia i-ft ilvriting, wit laW ham le4 di Reosu biente athifiljv onatitis subject, or if Iafgreeuf.uî il , tite COkù,t e r fbul. atmaf Pst& lie Ezreiieury'. Boaveea 1Addoeseaetriain 1i g al ta flie I'arjsaat vmtueVI" sAa rt- a f basuait daai or disavoval. 1 arn hearty i ire enuId <o nu inaiay 'maane. Off.1 lie résignaio; W rhy etni va aranti onoaa Wb> .tien, v4sv il ae, are sot tin Par;u. an ,lep buvarda Raaponsîiblf0 Gowrtimekli, itniaur IN9pt ie14, l to uaelloarssatiffied? lia,. edl latadtasn le e t lte tein. and ai cotra-al,.. 0awe 'M Ililietuaer7wt In toila«. vyof deMmoa 'mu- îîsjyisbei franc the. pebal arît of Lord f(nli Oel t (,pdaattelai stipulahion! bey Fakasni. But I bave aa. bci »hopu myaaelf- à.." ie.y arnnm.î S r, wfor lii. ea__ne- ae. WAgon1 ilbioeni Parlitemeuî pas... over veill. lecalise!lise GairéJsoeGeneral. wvile ho mml ink it onr s..iag Esecuîto Counssllors on îwu tedp 11 tiieitpre.ai thp ue. dumm t ne-d smius of imaportaatquefftionsa; and aI>6a,*0a ui eopia.s .UK thaï nai iiil i e.Cqîmii bupolai '1 ol ille tah. unity of lbatuement andl purpose qtpebiîçmsnîto tuoffice, vouli bc a eroad "'endin 0a British aiuinistratlitg, I ihaili egie te îthe Royal Preroylve enta ille à"and lon.. bihel ile at atçtoiion i.rmaille a* ajIdovd tir bbà~~as iLe rays. " it lwuaum.isbuqimj aii tât t is 6nâ li t armlWe atbeury. And vieu 1 il;e l akiog advicl vithmut rg -,ug lve epl seeliis unaninitytprevaling over men 1i shal the PrOEPcrsronlao*Pli" or, rongratuis,. Cunada, anad Canadians of #il -par- But, Sel' the p ,coaa cotefhlated lutaliiai ,o tics, no malter vhich Party &hllT]bave the ton. adyilceOn usapponlmensinmo4ic, muat ieb. li it fidenceo0f Parliantent or oftflicsExcellery.- 1ain e laprneet-ilc&outeuipIat»d sVue atbere- r- But fi svo fini a dividaeii>ine, vithi uasabers casions ; andlif there lhe et) direor iotqv..a itY of CSuneil afooing and defoiiog diârient pris- lakîng adviceuda followinsg t-aud iibp.ei. rn- riplai. asied voing aismoaci teller, andl the scribes ta the re&*Iuîions of 1 4tvJaicJk as.r. Gi,iera til diiopiions d'lmsghain .Par. tint utr ]..cal -tid an bel, let1 lament flou.use o= lta uholsor aportionqf( lle ap@isaare, cooobîe)and infoýrnîimof i h 'li fi.c c u til I shahl aise the liberty n r nna. F 4*cutiv ý3 C t.jocml, g cticq4 a , q~ e . ô L ie ing you of u.y prescrit uritul; andl 1 shall acte ele. Couwil ciar c.ar.iudÏd ut hlm,,ied anel ,, ib ymu, whaî eise yole muid have expecteal, (roin lhai>fticspeople o( Ibis ciuntry fvould destine. flar t. th. Govroror(Jserai's avowedlprnncilaaof Go- liOr ocver Wiied be lain idly t lu <1evst ai-è verno.eoî, Iluaieh 1IMl]libye a2 bye <ail' ..' tc Cuncil: butlaonIlie colrary. vWb" eh. your attioln. tlbe Ctneii advige neuras vilcà h.oIlfinhî l. 1 met inthe uaeauîîns, h.,ever, mati. nme wrîan g, andl wiich haie herefore adjedqss te "me 0Obtievatice pu Hiei Fxcslbsuc,'d explana. oppoaoil ItatMItell psderaln.ud vistié of " -tiens gou Partiamentua <Lads eple, lté 'a~le t"f tt i1. t;.i alss«th lieu Exceiiency mye, titi ai d Co l unscliore%, a t.., a " ;âimmoe daa.Fwa t feiat, " tiat lie aboutit %greceta malie unafpoint..of t thar confidence. * motfandl nuo oer of as appoinuent cîthout No =oder., air, fileatbolitenuo - I previouply îahing the advice uft ie Council; teliatsGeo pnvemnt are utterly el aLk«sfortIlbe . the listea -f candlidates ahoulal in evsry instance <eans id recnnci:ýn* thii.poîlv tiý0 ÏtieUee li h.laid batteie line.; tha iettesabouti recom. wvith th. refutal ifu a *iPuiai-lais guIeutau entend any nther. at îheir isiellaniand l .iaî arinh.*tAî1lgmern or a "F~nityfor acti Vil lis Gouarnt* ibaverai iu dectiîinq 1t0 ile it. law dvce v ih ri, peelliveanas ikim; s iý%t i advice emmii o fmie auj appointuient pmrju. agree 1t akie advice wnufd lié fi.cro e~ dicite lei i iienl." J1 Ilor tgrda, eays, prerogativa of tiea Crovn-a dera= iOpt ,gor ratier parapiraaelI fic a eelliî.cy, "la 9Bc5lfUovsrnrGenoerai. Wiy, îbeymiydèg . elter vorduatbe l ipatronane of Un aCrore hie 12zelleýesjttobscriis e a remoiuta w il5a leoui ieudh.srrÀfdtd bthe. CaeacilkW rilt assena e eprisciple of al açe ual&1necaaleus' je porposetniParliameeîarysupport ;' tt.r.bhaoLet;aa7t callesthiea»gmeein la oan . ama a. ifthe demand dfi mfass neaha i abeant noît- i ded.adatupn lu wisi a anso=t.eu i ing. et it canon& Ii i i:ined l"ti Me ewrafurw N i#.prmgwt pIa~ io~n ee of 'faki a ice viAnai rogarding it, vmsmte ycryn nagveurî se~eI' l.proses. alrmongmalurily inPu1amet, aeyeaa m Niov w, ir,1 en y«rau conciier iftisrely a thysient! adin practica 'ehat bis UEahl 04,~ )n (sa, queûm to 1 ai ahpropos eint. Suipoefal.n'cua10Whltmdae i i.ofr a momene sti hpulatiounout of £the question. ;ý iirgntt.ilaiin abate-pepers ediMeu 't r o sppose, if tenu pisla.., lai.catpîuîateinVt a t41 leQumenandltu bis Excellene> , hil te demandai, vuld tâta pat.aphrisa;aa l oÇ iliathe erft îiidg litéErmiecy grrés etIlsOWo le word" ao!bis Exrellency, h.é justifiable Wou Id accoid? P. 1h.liting advins on svery ocasioni0,appoiant, 1%'Vien loeernora ate te aRoyai rril. le ment ta office bu a aarremier of auy prerg vtue in far asan omeaisand deia, b. se"e 1 Woteld ftici, emien ofliais ofcandîea in al.il repli. iuexpress ternes;,ilotis saine" ,r inuaaaebcisa surrendar of prebogtiva oadi i rnlr fltInl ane Viet* e. riectiving recomnudations of nUiers Iban tenddolrationte, Reîponsible Govrsu.l< cttlâ au persanonaaied in the M lie h a sarremder et pis. may h.e gatird; toit it in aloe emré ai regalive ? Ye.sa" " te(loerzot Gaerai. «ail ilit wieen Rempm,i)e f3ovu a0 et canbait hlNie si imdtit tu mm n ihmnof fat irezftè4sMoible cnol à ep#ïmjuaa, e o . adice vîtibliet refgdng il vas tienp. 88 ub ltis sa eté per#nno;'àn aÎÈiamne lime, ie dt te Iamporaat. But,, s, l irre lantact Do diffr. lie sitoalal fak itth ecrlsamum taiA aletls .4 enc. isiete aakiil. auiacamand following get itn dioe barely promsed, »e îlme réel 4 Dlues a Gevermer, et aoir nue eire euhmiltaug go of il.. Party aug lit. hedeelime Sit m d vIOie nive tihi.aeosuty of lae& tagaientg Tiare iaSit, ose isîerpaatmâtion, nad btt e t tisa vian1keo Anal vian, te avoid "Yaug quu.vtii nui ii b xelqe; acui rderatandiug on "Iimhacthe M< r. osoC.un. pôlhilcal fait i llllgiiiei-4t I uauIilnl Te cil, au. appaears hy Iheir undismd explanfatiuns, May lh. ig~t lhie Exceleiem n u$Osse dsub.d *"repeeedly anaid diaay czlieed te hie Excel- tiait appoinîhnfis ta office are aoult -sur b" W6im * ency liat bl onmdered hiifre tesa ontra- taira" suestionoalu ia herestitton ofi i#qiè dry le henair .r, idonoly claimeul an oppp.buai. vieitbis Excflsecy-an utjlIy se * y of gîving suant dice,*' i.ithe Covernor Gene: POMflt.. ie scokt k Ial.i Btffl iwiB estf at libertyluta ltat liey requareal a artreu.maun iaIpatro nage awmsan- d " a der o( flie prerogativa<of flea Cron, lapon tis live.."andal:aii sevi adny doobefel vary wtiausical anal witty argument, "s- auÎcu- i. bil titre S4leaffaira, upua n i, un* ,f otle h.imni itt1he more inrln of taitingait. n"ary. 1'lia. vou Idlieh.very flm ~a et vice vithopt regardiug k wua te prnceaete. Dfotov<sad cap<aam fpsiiemi4 iemplatil" * . 1 irièihprooef, bautameb esaé1u e Whe om O t ladie d.nie our mlain s tale lticion Witt saltt itae ai utcmb6wd qu" ;1 nte o ocei tetugw. oiSir, o! &Dihe lki biou vab 4 la tbfl t aguth, saci ableil w. an argument Irle 14 tn.lo' l ena u apaaa os f e n mvied m»d ruts"m, Go- uli tinaoapi.met ei4 vertement, ce , t i uMonfrt urgent. Ti avswy fium Illespm Oi Thteoin uofilg aid haie nitotffaireait ooeibt aeatylt die *df* te adequato importanc edaxally tis words ailse- l&vl] h teie TleI i '.ê P qusL ie inlaet 1 auppolSaeau" ih. menat at-i. Word.iexa," fairs liaioutadequately tifjing ien»orta" bâlù<h0 affilira of adoquaely çretl importance. miI>i, dRe"mmbb col. Ge.w u, suiê The%, if a syuitow f aaviaaeg viii a Co tnfcil tionlei fle noraltSJldla is pia 5*on affaire et subil importance, lh. a suffender 1*ahan ai LPeoe" tdvil estvepi of "it praqngi*e of theCrnnii rnKnmuet mleri Conkiinte ofImsutianer aPpoimiawi, ntjectaunaitl. a starronder of the perei'gativr muet fie t âlerffl a. ni*%Urlmo et bc, ta adoPi aa ysent otadvising upcn affaire wIILuIpilint m ide; i et -timporianle ! Aud if the ajaienn caueaiiter ter. retoers lt t.e ysaé h.e rac.mpizai arnd soaeil tapoe n hamasuaiins, -fie#or ouglit i 1 oe «oraga aii"c4open l brge Ilot : Ml* lA9v. - ",4. But iMs ExelIlency nom profesmo iý inla.Lta 0a~ysiahhusT'csée. î~ i ~ ~ ' r i a l n lcyr f R ospo csbi*i G v o en ,su o h e e n. bu bu ta u .t i ipo son rei . l.iaè m tiet lie proteselàeaiut 'nls isiosupposed l taI "ie V IM W" l ls ape" à li w v pis liltien vorisofa:: lcyase le9t.t ht W n. lefne h. auh.crimuelie sob r-ebe . if' à---g aembiy of 1849. a po Nate lia.resolul" ine 116~41, quoteil y thé lée tla viiaiibis miliiiiicao i muse r <mmters of Couecilti lsfeliova. ei andal wlile si. aïl ia "Ti li m ui a( in, l acetive Geverar.aeî yoeaacenorOeosgê . T su v ut Ibo preiea, biiegWllals 1lth l lmt ils bialeaPe, «* ldfiftee; t IMM l«bel ssib Govenumia rprs .t*biva f Ibo Sovereigu Doces, .u~mwh. . ui i m r e o p a n é i e t . se 1 1 1 9 0 # W A#, U t o r i l u e ; h u f v i t l t u h m I i - ~ s a p . au t Si m.v ioiaOlwsll.ieOqlWI uar alia t$W endehw oeU s pu i asiiïi&Me. seselMad ýw0rwiaep4.s maa Ta r~%;~li. i. ~ i~ Cam" in 1h.ièc P « .*gedli i 'deCo iai numiter tta éps . the v.ht*q.od >~~W l rype att~ o #lie Ç4We Adi" twte.et~1~ ~ l~ald~P& migd é m ll na icli a eg»Ith tuhea <~ aill.& eM -4 utjw. te~nt~ 1î!aeh11a sWe1 mn.i-. I e. p.pli 'oJ aé ie.: mii~ lml itnaL laei f atfelatiè li T"â n n l