e" -' ',iee'a,~. 3.t.,tea' r ~ -t.ua.~' e e t the cfl e oplee vd'm é Intsesiiq ta CaNaduamsrtrie vay paut aitw Tiie p-blabuf l.dxu.hmisaseth la uS Mbil ,dif rsenlnor lanish chueetin'hall «V« 0 e~a ftho Packet; on #is cca., t-J e nt tOrwl e afree. a. bVia ug h aailà,etlatuit IisCeie leyaedgla - mi»opne ere e uIîbùtie Co al aswbich the, Pabet sili asee,îiu e'*efet«Oceaisu-i ta" lie will. as lia hm . ier do». afpatlspnabeGossieiate r Renaspasble Guvernme,ît as lid doacu iy Lar, Danbam Ileà'niarepaort, 90 carrii a çb §i Charleslsagot in hi. e iuisîratles, ta ai mat. -tsod.df«rby ibm, liteMiniastna in theic t",îga Ils., irflau a exenaive lbequainîalmeeM athe iekabttaiu filmot every part oaIit ias omstr3 (UOtpi iati.eo PIi"iothie auhiatnber ieuvin. fRItiý*t 0o 90Wer Ybtem ut Gîveirnmea4 yet de. "usistiwifl ig v unauclaati$tçtu t44 aspia pi. of Canada, ot b. v'ied liithli a dust bthi t4int. S'A GQsrnoeut te poiranagsetf hicl unpter"euly. , Do to 4g Ill iter8,eti.bit iviewîd ii sdasuspicion, a.~a" ucs dusflttn'.un te contrary, 40 aofflJavpnqat îwlt',cliprotocta ail anal pantp tevueIo mne but diese a bu roaliy desene.e thalle anti balle ie cunfideonce -tfte Ceuq1uy, MM49v*ntually commnsd hlie suppottortadij'wbu aie eny tourni of god Gnviraaieit. Jpp1ýait gr nawing a vider lhem btuîa cn par. ti$WsO lie ave itherta hieen estruaged , rom each oIh- hY.cmua"es orn hicia onliglhaenet pmitcl onion buasbailnoacotroa*iht wli le teprîtacî. pÏII abject OuthtitiPaciiet, la drair thesi parties tugethin andta ho heir tie ain l ilts he inteniai ut aIi te combine trgetiain at the presect criiia Xteat Parties' ie lf"Cluntey'ah ii. pc'eenît tioe, filons bis knueageditoflite Cuaaîry. h@ le ictip. fiw&ttiat nearry ail d.interetd paoltiesns in il are Of *" «eaiParty ; and tlait notblng but goua. Iapiehisabi'and c vant ortpoiictal iatfavnatia amttîtté aueea oppost tlu R'ponaitiieGI. vseuemt leepste in on pposihiont ta il. Wdîl Ibis ebjee le in es Titi Pichet ciii etdeavour tct & ter ts ea8intu ail chunneis guideal b7 pi- lot.utOferperia'.c'e andl repututioîn aa p.ititira Wrtiterie. "PPeeatitigaal wiii0 danongt'lte avaWhue viIIbu Protiaiuaed sudtaglt ou thue one lfAIs- Mi;aOln tiea: Oter, aIl disterbm ofethîe pase;- i liaioffice hoiders and paliticians;- r cl piiia arnue ail poltiel flfêbr,»Ïli Iai'a.ltea'wiat the? puiatc, *wil b. iteldtuiaie rarmeaandi hi piopevhy exposet. As luate -clap trupa" about ioyatv, allant. ffàins te the BritishiCoilttuîion, &c., aIh îiavucit astany Pruipetttea aanal Atdr"veacaahouna.thie auteisaber <oeanet ketitt hcaetary ta " ~ n, Word. Hie lai itt niy aceît, hbt exporienceti mel vllliMy perpetrated u ntier a"chlproe*. aie".. Ait hoprofesses tua avacte taguicu, abeas, ratlaail Gaireraaent, sini tethet social condition andtiniclinmations out tue thintring people of Canada; anti le caria netul by at aeu.t ia calleti, or chat id the relagiaies or natinal cou. lit Of bt» pensles Whosueppaîns, adeuca;msor Tii. rPickt mIll hi pebliabe A t procct.. lit 'g' preianed diat P»'isctt mili beeaein a VOly short tinte une uftle filet Towns in <Canada. Mo soon as lie St. Lawrnence rantal ie campletet fil xetsucb an anticiptionreali. c" aiForiai'dinig OeMofutIhe etile Westernt tItpaatty. h in aliost superfaaaus go gay llaaa *"ssPeisiMilbu taken a tiafut ber its praspeii ty; s sellastête country roued about il, latnt'd 94,by %4 St. Lawrrence anithev Ottawa Rivera. Ibos tai Mnoumiaijisesalhishd stte Sat of G;overenent, it mav tairiy le anticipiteti, rIm te tact ut tlao nîpidity aith it a I tî t ttetents ilemee immeaiaîeiy W'est ut Seata ut Gî,vern. Uebl os lMaiContinent, luit ti' particular sec. tiqu mli b filet by opulent Nigrts tfraie tit Mollet Ceantny, sbWhoa"s. erer iesiroaî et es- 11ia6ling -tLbenassves inlecaltiesflot ter n. oveditr-ibie Seut t Gauanm t. Every n. .nrul; iOi' "anÇÇ'.ed illa Alis section n i te Pro. leç, hr ta en ltoet er tor convenisece )tTaia Villa#e;Markets, Mille, Navigable RiveraCanalf,,bail, Climats andl organireti a. c'ety stands unrivalieti in Canada sli hé plei. kily pniltei ôttainrittemigrants. Tii. aulscrîler Solâcts lis . iende anti ac- qûaintance in tie -OMM aifthe Province, ai go. n asut inaacernecd that One liîoani peapu joslieai. iimpr it sil i dpîblialsl. ft ifl li aee pid od piper. sitInew type, afl, e..î ak -SheSt. Tutrme 11.petar ni put able liai yecrly or yearly icin dvalce, et tji io f t h e .ubecriben. tci orIbie is Preipetes c iliib. sent tu va- rus e pesni'n PWhu artimeion f the Province acquait-hcnces outhlie sulsebWllern b .upp Mm ir'al *,ward tie etisels ettiai papo a an l the Ise-Keepers ut Johntins, Bathunat, pal. baie, sydenlacu. Oliata sud Batera elèts anal 'tly amc Tepect" Tfly ep ta t leaisqa tiv e"srlIonsin 1YprVeeunîngpleus . TIeI. i per vlUb. locati rrthY1 e4t qthin'appor F ý WU. HARRIS. Pascuv'rMay, 1844 iib.....Aj$a r ppe-aas1"hm i<s Ppnc. is asent wjU cnfer«.oer by gaetsgil lkrea aUettond alZ." '<hr ait we 0se OM 'I<a per ix Pm COBOUJRG. CRlUMS coutarS « âd Tbureil ot Or- T.tous, liTbansdayWfJesuar7, anal îh 'rhiedcjfutMay ; but Paipil.eaenter et '4> t%, pr Teles ofelev*, ea lo. 0 f6Uor Boardland Tuitiue in halest Eueg liai, Ik-laee, and, loefo teommun Eaigliih. lnstebtchon in alto givon l inluoi. iOuanti Wa. lérCidlee,,NI intature Paniaigon lvoa~r, Freacî, 4Aiiba Italien, IVal Wartl, 'dec I rireon, WBS.KeéiA-nga Algbi aip Latin. Mrs. Il.. 'Ouertes in'Vcaeai iarth thrae etutiying liait language. The Pépitorm aspart ot Protosie dil rburt'a tiué,andeca have acceue a ad, aus eofflrimenueanal hueneat'an letun The 4calp n adivided im ftIa laua#'Iecnî. witwi Oauîjueent Touchter avalesteu. No Aca. iy'lu Yl te Country cm aZ dgutrtcl' * Ritràla. ia.ollttly eraitea te thé tlles. * 'gentlemen, tri, vie.clecciara eau hi oh. 'S. C'a'te, de na t: taiaaî, it.do . A. ol rEozg, (lm 85a.iL C a-. -it. $".'W. Ei"iar, du. >ýTMSK , do. a, ,l Toeatu, ai luiLl eaa __________________________________ -. ~~'~~~'1' 4rM tu le alil. ha MO < te 41 lasse.buy Mollul aede. aS ' a V"s lIait r n d aipose,bigh 1eand in tact ererv beaum eing raq tia< prs elieeat " e -4*î'(< liy »,w iiuI tgituddallie Wus. e. W. nas, vltéoethe pmo.sblhgae eor rilci.,taéALL luti &3p &itûlé £Vi r EXTESMAL So]t, aid et l, se ci xtrmta anaani ce e tte, "' bnafi1e4o"ed acetnt by itla dms Le nteaiav e l. imb, or ne"a. Mohair. tibuftlif tbis ai apphiied umle4 i tale ue J.ttroye by 1île acculent. It 6i traoieaglral t4~Paeaa.ae, e ls e rat. aquire for 'Caa. ne a agical 'Pain Ext ràct or Saive," ai Coq- teeli& C tai., 21 Cetisatit SdtreeNe erla. Pies 25 enta, er leur timns. ai ssolafor 80 et&. stua near tetlimes asnreucii fur a Dellar. 1 We aseure viu.tn the respblsliiy -"Of Our eharactirs, thal ayucpth ub 1r hamas »acfesla istiasea, aIleaut go part, «r r esau aiheeifa tht c simple trial sitoulti b. mate ini ais3rfftie naniibele.. Wetlinkit itauprudoe r tas mat e al y, that Mating lkWijeeor in -V dirf fe#eetue hbs ie v bpen diseeveret lunetoisisi Yen wl pIeui serie t in 46a m',vseia renuit7 tai ail caMiaints," but oaZ i= 1: t to Exièral tiapplicatmon nanti siicuretis tolMu iag:-i asBeds, Freegnti Pieaq, ClshlUMWIs Cheif oral'Oela, Chia, Teum eiJIiùapJeBief eh putne, visei, <riS..ET' SOu.% as, CULa Brufaeg., '<frt., La.a aMd Smore lna, Russuds. Wi<lesusPilesRa vorenu <ait LhaBrber 8 " , Csa0% Lswe' Puieciaa..Bi&# &WidWosto4 Féser <sdn jen inBck andMdefi, ITnduea'FW al. llîmiaaiaRkheum tism, T'ict Dolen'eu,eAgue in Pace odDeo eFtrr are, Old Burn N&ara, .Prfedp ~ imla Skd i& ,Brukea Brearfb Z. 24= ypla oigl llasala B;iaeared Suacnes, t r ssg wfan Biatoe, Wk.is SareUL1iig. Cou in Weun4 Àgor Coran, Greeau$ores snaaj Tlauugli vs havaenameal mernus afectuan., experae.e.ebas laaaglt us thlat tej!are noe ton aîaey. I& ciii ia.neci.ssy te know tiat tIc art'iualocalami Cosuî,u' a ite only ans w. can rei'tntnted; bail iaa% ciation against noms uai. titiaus liait ce baverseabe hlieve are of no aine lut injurien. We viii prinent il ta tbe pour cliii las eta i ueti ut il, andl chamum a iay sq"afori, lteua.aner h tanCONNU S' Ma xtracter. lrt~ouptry Merchat. are niqqesiud ta tale atlta> tb.itTomai on cmiouiina$5»e Branlits lieaing lteaankiri thiat ha@s leen tijacoveriti je Medicine. Titis insirtnng lagage, hut y0a uîay depenil its poer mil tuliy jastity it. 'ail en aillthi Agents tur a pamphlet gratis la ailt 1andl very it#lestilangaiseotitinamnsotali the Ciengynan.inNeYork CM A.-Bo aune andi jet Cannel'a, as cautterteits anal vaitilesi appear andin titor pàaSe'S.s hbat i is direct trace Contitoch S Co. or aeer taucit il. COIISTOCK &dC o. Pt>rsicaana andi Chemiste. SUPERJOR Q[rALITY 4 HALF PRIC voit TUME CIVBE or' Gesnal Deliiity, Cutaneeaas iaeasep, Fcaly Eruptauns afahae Skia, Tstter. Mencursal anti Sypliileial Disases eile0, troits asuntpsre habit ciL hedyi Ukcenaati utbteTitraitced Leg, Pains anti Swelii ofuthe iBoues, Livcr Affectaans, Piunpiea or Pustules on the Face,.cuti ail Dis- euses ariiing trois an imurne state of lb. Bluet, ExpresuMd Imaprudlences is Lite, Excessive Use o e icéy, di The gleat populaity ut Sarsaparila. and t. egttabtisd'cacy, rentier tl superflueua to en- tin aut puy enconicut ofls evirtaaes, or adaluci aey ovidiuee in ils laver. The Sarsapanalla in wirnanteti poitineiy as gonîd e.aaillier hbat eau b.epie ai Une Rail. Ia, ah lest hait tii priceofu thone su mucht atven. !isealsuant islrent and in slange boulles, ix: Fifty conta pet bellte, or Five Dollars per dozen. Tuàairticesà"isa <imiac S orf u310 7flhI ailer thie Dolararticles batl basa aedin vain. 1Te, be "d ofth agni oroeateck &M CEa,, ont trugboot lie country, in Neta York uni,, a.t1 Curnl'atat Street. VUE MBA@ON. Sanie peuple ame foohieiugbuta believe thiat se tannait afflintetogiae as gooti an article ut Sarsapariu!a Extract anadIl tonur0Wcel.spar bttlls$ ?&par shec e i Ï oi.btwl it, suAi fer ~bra fiat maney. Thite impe 'cc uu' ce r nl ow b. cunainc.t. WitecA'ri >faasdrf aa.ar e quaned htiiy nhbeaitsiia cohue .or leva of dvertisenenÉ tue doSici speechFias. Thevetrs w.bice tbepillaspsg kW 4*1 ua u u Whfusas g" ar*r article en toi ene aises, l ersi tn mskiaig u"i sJicle os~ubalyauoreba th l=uetor ira e una5 e hia IL is aspmrillalt.l 'dc. Ws e » tirese botles, taoune of the dollar priciti botles, nou, lite public kaus mut me charge ton i. and te îaisuet are Auch asneut ta requine lait a nen- tpatin te suataie uts repultin.. Inquîme alhussfcrom eaaa*+ cols Nna arffUa, ai )Ffy cens. a esthuai o lier. Sut.uar ýCaiuiruc dcCu, 21, CoR. .. eS... ,NEW' Y«&a 13»' Soiti by hie sluat, N. Patiner, Chumist andi Dru29-181 Aptly ta JOHN BURLEY. inuoetApra.1844. INFORMAIION WAN TED, "'TIMOXARMARY KVCOYLI1, at9nu. ue Mr 14 ,Coeîyaeatti, relanal. Wha batMra béi fcte h n'bse lea otteal. Alcal M vWIite la Elet 15,st ci dtiiiiur ut tbeiffigéeiuleMaaitiMotIt Ia<atfyt " lptbo eeted »PM eau idigreally eblge Fw ie t à~i p A>Piq te UN*TE1atimT inD ts. euheass 153 sad 1844, e. ihe soi. jeot ~ ~ ~ Îd iiheji.1wsheProvinee< as' Jurmae,, ' Idit k Jox HUL,'as Canna. Cntcf ' m'BiDé". lThe wr wil bi teiply centagite legual jete.,andalv sdio. tetpagi aé hieMd iae 0 i rtat jem ti Plobding, Pratig6&. ;Imark, ou presiesisiStatut«. r4WýtigbeaalnsWta aan fsioc iaa'aai.gLias, oet mouucoig UO ae ;ube Repore, eaC*ua. adgd a j Ibo Court ufte . each in lYpper Imide, "*ba QrteY Dire«st tiie; Noesi Md cedR- =olmeadicy#Caser dededtin t.be lis _ Law. Courts, &.d NMofetCao" ie ChaMM ut âb hal revîne% W»lt a qulerftri.~ U ofteCases eprwed'u *0 EnglWak The.lam néimbe, te hi dsiivs in asApril sert Primdie, o Sinlw~ s a ubiw, payabl. hait. criy 'en advt*W*--thae Subeeraice mfor th. estq -Y- ,payubipotheeie ofthe anstNeo Staberipajoas ui i beoeued eitihe Oic.. n > itre fuawie Geuiemen: Mesar. &retclean & Cacteroeo Toront.. Cartwrighat dcGedaies1 KinguOM. John Wais,Resquir.. Lonadon. Charte@ Raby, lIqM., Nsxiil, K 0O. Duggun. Esq,, flkmsiia& C. I.Hadi.Esq, Niegarts. D'Ar-e toit oEq, Cebug W. W. Ffflibbon, Esq, IBellUe. 3. G. Araour, Esq, Petero. C. T. fine;, £Bq., B5tawa. G. O Blaait q., Q-ob-ar 'rorontu Dec. 2hSi tAI slîm, Memreei, az = = i ectuse t 0, teeîir Sap cm f <the aurAf Orne pier. PICiSPZCTIJS c0VA NKW PtllWVà aMtlmb U* ~AMuIic. mifealk phbluqfa. 'qitAnEMBLT ULEVIIW. 1 rPIIdIttia Qaarterly Perioditai 1Thtis Work, as if. hiute indicates, will be ex. tsiveiy devoteti te Seiene; andi *illonsulb ce the. pt!sical Matures of Briish North Aterica. n il hhir kmoirvareiei,--also theIgeoaicai Statislics of its Tosuas, Haspitls, Aty>rs, Prisonia, &c. Anti laaty. ace stice, or a sue. canet accuait, su far ani Ltlieùn itsiiipennat, uf ail tuatin as raile as regardes fiels &W daatriaies iu ther and g ai4ir irnisa Md periodîcals oft n. pute. The Piriodical wili b. Eduted biy Dm. SPEÂE. assiated by i»ber litsrary and Scientilc Gen. iemoa, in vaielueasprut ftiie Provina.. t la proposed tht the deit Nrnuber beiptaiiubislian Aprîl, lid44, or as sucen n a aufficieut aumbor or Subiariers are obtuine,ta warrant lia. expense uf the uîîdertakiaîg. The Termes ut Subscription. viii b@ £1 5s. per aununt, payable in advanoe. Persans deiarous uf subscribitag, are requeat. eti ta, @enti notice (potage frte) taelthe pruposeti Publiaiaeri. Il. & W. ROWSZILL 1113 R'g iat e-ai, We-l. LT Titi Etitana of pasipns uTurono, King. MIon, Mnîneat anal Queeea are reitatedti t gire te abute Proapenîna a tow insetiona, tan whîi titey mil ha entilile a .capyðile pub. linatinn, tan tle tiret t'olre amenthe. Tloronto, Deceauber 16 *S4U Cheap <oo.de and Barpdaai TO BC "TAMIE»AT IEL MANCHESTER WAREIIOIJE, (LanbtonBuiha'.Praneu, Stee)' ifN. J Rc. IIUTTON &dCo<e, heg te intacatteir s unterous Town anti rom"irC ente, tiaI thiey base receiredtir voheuuellarge rai pial Wiutiz Stock ut BriishI DUT 006"06 direct trou the varions Manetactonjo., miaicla fo Cbcapno.s anti quaity ut Gouide,,Ilaiy cen ne. continent to b. botter valus &ban th"s bave svirn before ofi'crd in Canada. Titiy could iuvite' the attention a( their Coi. tomer. in teir large Stock of EugI it anti FrencaMeirions, Cohurg Ciotho, Jailallabual Figarea, Plain ant i Fgiaea Orleane, Singleanti tira Calot Parisiant, Englii.bantiFresnch Pritals, West ut Rogianal and Vorishi re oadi Cltho, at alStade, Braver Cloaha, in Bak, Bînoi-blacifle, Brumai andi Invisible Grenas; Casebanerea, Doealins, Magadore, Tweeds, andi Faaacy Trow.eings. Carpetingai, Dcggsls, Bazi4 ,Flsnnsi.el, Son- Ires, and Dcing, Blauket., Wbite andi Coliti Couinrpanss; Coton anti Wooulesu Herve Ruge. H-nseSietinq; Plan andTi llet Dune Siteeliag, front thirty te tuorty tachsi; Boady matie Baga, Plain anti Twillet; Table Linen andi Table Cltit,, Brownî anti Bleuchsti Damask Coves; Woratet and Cotton Tlesdoi; ITuv. ellings anti omais. An Extl ' S t ellnk ut Rioi FURS, ooupri-. ing bOuffl oa, Capes, Cartdinal@,, Ladiles, Fur Gloves anti (Iuntiels, Gents, Fur Glaire* asti GautîOs; For Cape, stidFat rhammtNgsaitd thie vérnaus escriptiens.etf 1aaiabli per@. BUFFALO ROBE& a- extraow4mnarylos Prices. a i e 0 t- A cmcpletPalaialment utfIlasienyai lahirdasib- or>', and e*ery kind of D RY 0 00 DM ta beb hiti. o ntaily tfuand i Dty Gouda Stors. J. & XR. lioN & d Cu, mault i apress upoit thein Coettera, thaI litéir n ode »tacil baught andin piruliar ativantages hy iheir tientis in Great Britîin, and caîeaeqaîenîiy, ar naiedti t1 seli thean hemritilvery Ias Prie-es.9 Nô Cin'r G(2x.-Oalg osPrfce stea. i Kingston, Nov01843.. -AGE.NCYAN TI ~HF. &àseiber re.sp"ectfnhtene"iillu o stcirs îbankat td hiàafrwïsajlanal the pnuic genaitîy, fonrdiivey libers! support lihi euva since lai co.nînanced buai- nes. in Kingston, aad legs tui acquaint daim thiat ha ilsmo. ptopaed ui arecalis e.sga montaut an> descnpt' ntifr Mp et i@ aId stand au the ÇcaCsiaaNWqIl Waf otc Princeai Sitrqet, suen esi egrtkrt it mIb. mai geotagir. asctation tai ib Whou eay. f«« bt ui aa uds ieir patteage. 1 e Foiau li.isuniî. uquat"eewitb the 14mis- genevall>aî il ot ila i ;hé 'lina diape. itpaprty %villa e a atta paiel,1 ané'» te. Iod ailntàees aoy oeierjft Niopwcn, rid- A pril. 1344. Cem~ eaguh, Seua àelu MEN.l sm Ia JOxEBa"aresadten, - d" tiqà=aRe otiIrun, houp ant d WIen, a#eoe Ca i 81*1 Sheel Irec Md iTm Us~'o M Boule, Ware Ofau doum <hl 8h teus t «Wt a.i El Ja qpl tl -aei anm scythe 8"oeN os sandaa?'r'a, « trace iA eher Cmait, suit-,'AnvuIl..lis Mad Taies, Pie.Irep g tgru P"«k*e§ Cut MaleD~ . aiue aiscross cet, pitand èmii È*4 lPiperaisTeetia. HarasSaues. Cast a"d oaai. CiA&Pzwa'zsa'à iComs' Toots Wu jgrai vaju Itr. ngisb aud AuberiamaAu. pr Lcs atbutta, lnges. scmo.aGlue, ls,Smit s asdieg, Cabinet Maker' ana àXiii Sass, round andi haitround, Powder, botti. i=giO POrting. Shut of ai] sises, Bracket anti o 1e apsa Lsdiug Lines, Hlter andi Trace A"epld Cerd and Hambru Linea. _=' addi ac and PeuKiivs; sMiai. iLzzEssorEtiinia nmatai Toc Pet, Btansua Platet iasi Genian Silver To.t, Des- sert. Md Table Spsme, bau. anad Japanat Cabilestickla, Cri Npai achinesl, &C- c. c PAIW S AD P-EST Trip . Best W ite Lead. dry andiin ail, beat Red Liati ditio, Venetian Redi, Epaniah Browe. binae, gnuye ii. Inuntiljeoù, Yelow Orhre, Lnpacraw aa boileti Linsed Oil, Tur. peetmne, minerai antiv egeabeTan, Pitch, Put- tuteperas, WiadowetGlassout lli ses, Paint -idot eBruiaha., camel'a haur peucila. Auansortsuat fbrais adi ooden CLOcES, % ý »of lde iti .Slave pipes.. 4 lePaisutenet flan. Japanned ilt bloc TE WAE kptan hanti, or matt order ai short notice. JAMES PONVELL Store St., Kingston, June 2%, 1843. NEW 44ND SPLEN DI D C*BliNET FURINITURE, .UsChcep a. he£l.ept, endi au good SCemb", b le bas emojenbs pur- chiues Wtc fltouete lbis ais building, recently Pnectet ini Montre&l Street, tiird dont (rom Ithe corner ef S*ore Street, anti ner le Mr. Thili.îdi,'s Gracery Pttire-witcre viii aiwaya lie taientias ce- nerai assotarnt ot READY MADIE PURNI- TURF, ot tic boutqualita anti latest ituterns, andi Pris«a te sui inenedueg pueeiasrsr. Pîrannse iai- riesi et psrelaasiaag ate repectuiy ineiteil te maire a rail. Aiute Saitcriber !a colintely maaaî,ta turint for sale andlhoite de, tlêy caras pedsiy li, §ePPheti With amy article thhey niav reqîr Klingstont, Jan. 1841. WaLTa'rz-A Vaasher anti Puli.'r. T.o. B. FOR SALE. Pâtet lAn5du laid Tarred Rigig C HAIN CABLES, ANCHORS, &r-., Oakum, Biocke, and Deck Lights, Cepper Iiuauucie Lanapa & Ship Lanthorre., Doiuble boiipd Linaeed 011, Paiots, Turpen' tino, Tcr, Rosin & Pîlcit, Plougioaamuet appranted patterns, Spades and Shovela--wrought ira'nd u steel bleuies, A few auperiur Hog Sitins for Sadles, IMPROYED SIKES'S HYDROMETERS, (Made by Dring &.Fage London,) vill ta- bles, &c. complete, and guaging rods, One cae superior Fowiing Pieces, double & single barrels, pocket and liorse Fist0!5, patent wcddiag, Shot Bot. & 'Puucle-Powder à drinking Flaska, d&é. &d-., The aboi, articles are a part of lait l'alla iupounatqma, and are now oforet on Ihe most favorable terom MORLEY d& JBNKINS. Kingetos, MarckI 13, 1843. 48 111>0kM JOURNAL INi MONTRE,%aL. IT in thei.ntation ofthtitiSubserilua, le pub. kacnwaediaely lenlias city ut MaunIrea esmpa.e turlaielascailei * TUIE PILOT," ad sbiwili ie 'saed Dàm.r tronlihé Lit liay Iote lelt Naneier. anti Tai-Wuc..Y truie thie lai Navember t tte lot IMay, at £1 5sa.pin cOminse,. Tiers mU le ba %EEKLY BAIl- TION fer tie cunntry. irlich it mlicaaif lte editorial and ti ailicing malter ut lb. Diy, *ad which wmllieb. puliaie at 10». pinariains. Until tie arrangemaents are tuuiy coanpleîeid, the PILOT cil b. pablatetiSma- ei on TUESDAYS andi FRIDAY, andthîe firat nom-. ber teill appear on lthe lut Aarcit. Theee trmena ut Upper Canada sillil i's hopet, sitimaiste éimportanice of baving a joimd at the Seat et Côveanent tla drecate lIas principle wianbhey haie on ail eccasiomn e eobly nuintabnel.The pic. uftlb. Weskly Editioe lais boiaud lvry ls, andthe b. u- ascriptise;muatine ail cases b. paiti in ativance. Aithough tihe main aL"oct in etabliihing tiie Pio in In seocure fSthîe ReWrerafai itieha oaargu anongan ai tie Seaultof(iveriieet.il sili adeacate the Agr'culîural, ManuWtcuring. and Ceommerciaal intercala of the. Cinadian pe- pIswlé chefehning thein rights and ti chrtWes TitiOffce of the Pn.oxir wli, tor the pneaeelt, b. atSt T re. Street. ta manda place il insic. ,qcesî.d Iait AIl ceumsiunicstians anti atvertise. meuri mal i sent. Tie praprietois aitpub- lie jaurnals hvi is luexclange cith lb. Pi. xwr, Siii b.ig niai iueugstutaormadtihe' pi pere ta! C or ;ila an thlésupportons ails. frte boita in tTpper andt Laer Canada, are nee. ituiaealto nuse actire exettionsInteprueur sa. ecribmeon tieterme @s taled &ibone. FRANCIS HINCKS. Fibruiry 27. 1844 ;WINE iL T HE Selscgin 0ivngMeb pbieh beile iieiecei t th tsis raéduaction ot 12*ý Ir'efflM"seale famer pelces, e ai â wi*ep 'vsevspeiow Olh Plat and Cloanh0 toit. N.'1-Tfte-bevo Wainiatthe nid sink or %vi oom haownserequise ey nest., WUi. SOMMPG. CUIJ Lot atd. fllawigliqcai bineCaca, «dole di «Moldne, ve de Da&rtuik, aase lJ ~Iteesa% thitumte..*lnauet-al Brandy. a Ui1 e Md) F.v e IMRASé,is 'y. Caburg; A. Beviaiin Nasc W'eI leq,ý uf@ts,iati ther B L A N X S, 'a s redibisciulea;& loba f.aig, Landau néArme., .fl ti a e le w jieud .. 4c t <-m1 sBd C. Ea'ysoe, Mmtme CtIARLE't WILLUER,. TranFaîlcntie Netapiper Office, r l, Snaauh Jainaîtoeet. iîveriaaal. HiATi 1 I IATS i 1BATS I HA TTER, Wdid glosn e4 Kt.tgaon. Au sortuant et Bat. maeutactursd by bina..?, trou tihe boit matal,emeutantly oni hanal. NO TIC E. ni ME busmnea.bitherto carried en by the. JL d *leui Sd wllini future, by thae edw.aoniedntfr. Chaules W. Brennan, au a r#r n r be c nd cteai t ndon ith e cam e ute i W. 1j". maan & Co. D. P1UENTISS POWDER MAGAZIN1g. T HE Subscrubers aire prepared tu e ceuve GUN POWDER for Storage. Apply lu MORLE'I & JENKIN». Kingate. Ang.3S, 1843. Ryses Sin, Yon uaî IYsesTwauk syy. Gatuiosier, atsud, - tgT.ae, a isue, 1'Hdf ChéotnsudnalCatty Norme,, Plug, Caveniieba NailrWalsunalLadies'Twist Toheezos Umaeabay om.eu,*@nSceste RouiedCe#ee iolIboais pd bates nut:100 =utgt e ade Dagie=I. ee. uaeais, RieeO-Onbîsàs, Op nadieusu ad 'Faitel &»b Wj ab"shoh w 'W th .Qbing edaiasi lhtt rs DRY BOS6~ dlis nvoGm C4I~s 1 T LIE antersigneti lugs titeader it. i Paroagei éu .t thie paic IgOenally fr lle tî eryh le lias hatl chu sgi, anal culie"y the b avii in fturie bu cieai un hp lateaonab. icraulat, cai leqe"est& ail parties ili couse frairsd t etîl huaccoara b R. Ah City Dikavry. Bhat-la Sîreel, Kae~sîaa 1'la. 26 1-c" CORD MWOOI) O F tieleaet decrpinfri l HUGH CALA)1 Commercial 'Wharf, Kingaton, eî. i7th,1843. STOVES T k;i Subasrieiis jual reeine,l <rom theo Foains, emade Iol Otdsr,'a Imery làarg artnisnt of ooédolin t o 0 ùm1 improveai Patienm, ofl'ea'd exeeoding les for Cash. euoglsqe be pIdlead o o U«t'u=L".Stand, s the issrlunent and rie W.e$lu 34 Hliii. Moocnai ed sai efagers, 2"0 Pacae. d I gne.tm% 40 bo. L»di piuesipatent -vé A lot of eaitation ChealaineChame.ifrocithte Wveil know aivn lciof Joaseph Pl&",. 40 baga fine Lagtaîu, Java &kroil Kacha CCocs.. MO labls Liverpool and Obnasiaga Belh, 250 - Amntsamseperite flour-, 2M M No. 1 Nertli.aluat Herringa, a fer 1ble, . Mactrel,. 40 euMs TableCoalfiab, Fine aId litais. àcpale Cognac t!ra3n13in 'noad asti bmoato Fice. claiIruihWihisky, real Hollanda andi SSeidaun G", Very auporr ad Part »Il Sherry in battit',, 0 . a 20S. pMt 0oL. tri n ocil 1Ids. 3. tuo3s.94. par galon; 40 qr. cults Bordleauxr Brsusdy, ant ardi. nany Hoiland inaa s. 6d. pin galloind 011Rationt Rataia sd fine Peencb Chftirn Brandy je cuisft fIdur. eacha, Teneriffe Wine 5a. Io. ls. 6d. per gallon, Biackburn'a Madeira, Champagne, Clinet, andl Hermitage, varionas braudil, Boue. oui Guestieu's Clairet Vintàge ot West Jirdia Siruli, Peppermint &c. Bridge'# oluPre and Leith Ale i0 40 buis.Pitn na ort Hope whikj, 9 laitts. Muhases, 100 cases Lembria Synup, Spirn. Olive. Seul, Tiaea andi Boiled L¶nseed Oi, 40 Crate'C. ý.C. onwl glaisa 20 baga Wittecort-s, P c nFrits. liard, Brazil, IWall, I'caii, Peandl Cocu& Natts, Raisins, Prunes, Fige, Winten Lemuion,, set enad bitter Aimnnas an boxes 2à BIbo. saab, West Indic preserves, By appoiu rment, Evereut's siremier Blehi ing front 51 Fetter LUne, tLondon, vîtichi wiii forge ilirilliaîacy equal tu patent Leatiei'. N. B. FirmrSydt-nliam table Ale 6s. 3d.i per dýr, hortîni letuirft. pOntrAan ilret", Kîngston,.Jta. 1844. AMEIC!AN NEWS LE'fTER ANU SIIIOPEAN IN"ELLIGECEt., Ehlaiged tu Mhe £ziamai of Tmes .tiounnl Coi. T HIE abute NetapFPeRPP, nos eilargedteiti atdtianîal Celunitg.is, claie-t u taaltniteît in July. l184, aregulirly pubiaîhact iLiter M04s cxpreasiy ton triasmission bhaey viny eani ,811ipI s.'aiieg tram auY Port in lhritsia ta any port in tie United Suateaend ti *leatisng featarin at' vive. ai of"e glawenea coaut fery Important erent tiaut las occurtiti an Greet Bi72., Europe. or Aiin, in te tîttîrail etacen tbe mailinîg u! ecni Steani 'thitp, uliether in polietir )ren uerce-i a rreet andi ciinprebenîit'e shipipng Àtt miticit mil bctEunt i taittail recorti nt the arriva] andl deli artire,,ai'taricun resiela aai anti front aJIte British,, luropean, andtiAsiatie pots-togethet iit notices ni sud.chcesaitiei. or disastera s aru tfrutîme lai hetie ur-e complote Prica eurnent, ic thtt get rare l, talien tri gir. tte fiiareports at iravar- joua deucriptuine of Ameian pniuce, ram titi miel unqueatiiable nautne-thus eontiiiîing, in ont ulucol, a Nemapapena a SWIaiping Liat, andi 'a Prices Carrent. 'the Anuaial Steve-iption lu CZAilLIE. 'ILL. *xa a -AERacàita Nwwa LIETurua s 12. . ti Stealing. Ortiers anti Subocriphiaina cUl lie ne. reioid at any ut Metes. Pomst'atl & ru"a ErPraI.On luES 10 the UITmEDSTATES sudt CAx,&An, andtin Bfflton b Y Menu-s. Reddaig & Cia, Neyas Agenfts e;aifax, Mn. Beirber, Sta. tionen; Monîreai, Mr.' Wnt Grcig. Boukeelier; St. lolîn'p. N. il., Mn. G. IL Feaîety. Murniuî Nec. Office;b Qttsli, lit. CharlesaP. Forai Mounitain.street; St .John'd New't,unaniat, Mr M'Couulrey' Timiea Offce; on îiey may b. seiia dinectei tu tite Pubiaier, addreeadan toi. J <lardé Mteett tut as m euaW5. **a ew.For.pti -e T sto.k ut WaeVnF »il by Aucttuai, at î. I .t street,thie celaient, f rr choace Port. Siir, ua pagne, Claret, 1Ilt Trer which are thetittgeo t~ ' . In uffering the aitov e r1c, heL% fls;confident un etîagtat i lut avez put to puht. Ontario Street, K; nr, IMarcit, 14, 18. eilher with or wthouî Cüach.hoîu r' ,ll>e 0ntarju St., Kingston, l9th MîNi, i.' Slarge Stock ci Chinta, l,îar" WST; te'.icih they have ju,1reert àt ioar prie«a. eied Alinefflcntignwent iif4Oî'r3tee îa""rt ery which titey will a»il II uijerat;t f Ontario Street. } Kign ~,I~:& FOR TSALE OY WM. itE i *~ TO OUR SUBScRiBiit,,; IN I AMERICAN lPROVIN( E U~E ieg lu announce :tSart ri w ana permnanent etii r tSers it, n te p.nce trianpvnrg the te,,'. taon for 1844, with hIel rdrîî~. reaiajeon lte 1o-il i Ilrer chaige witb a copy of lte1 A1i ,aail.i xplaie@, Ia cc Îe h ia Waaiîngao, ~>inchea iry 27, ta ropy uf Ciambeili' Eliîltl Jri aItii. option nf thoe ubtr. The Pîroprietor a'ill auo eilîInuee- United SStates pîtelage un the b w ill lie deltn,'red tii the auircrLer j r Persen wîvltlu -btin lie p' Iblvafgfor itot, laigethler wt,5 lie caaged ne-in laritîrs aid thta dctjnoua uofitlalitiatgthi. t;,' r, r, Wa,'bingti'n, and IL(h2r.ILerý~, "! miaitinfor naIAldtrI', tcI.rtr pai'ately, w&ultl aniui t t ,a.a cents. Ti ibtrI thet rre'rI tiuly appreiteal. Neiw M.01er ir 1 Irii çrtvleges arpsr t errre Th'le Gal!cr>' % III tti rt Duke If Iiliîjr ,I han MPalace, togi'1tLe r eIIIt ,it'I ri tîtesedeerripitire. le autirst i r fîîrîî a sphuiald ut îtaus.a. .î tnt ie tab le. Theprptr ut ; pelime s a iit y (Il M r. lI-t' rrtr 411 lite Mîiotient itri .r ltiea .tbi LeIi ieIttrl irrn r,it linir lire year 1 S44, u- t .rie LIl.r I iey w I reitaîi ,n t le t'm, r,,!'l 'f tlle large paeil -Il r'http'a I. Gallery, taa %o itruwof aife'.1r'v M¶onuîntrilt e, Sir il tti'rrPr" . anayD e ted i ailite imgir r' ait'orfi, r.. ing lihen ie enote tts dritatr,aq t t, e It 0ur ageairt. ai! tFIPFa e te evrr '! hy liais g.tî.ice ;and Iver rir! alrl r'tt'rh ut ur conteiîporarta's wilti Lm il t fii tu ifttit,iii te stiiij t n rileirt rrr. Pair. Nigintit.lier agetîl) jrait;,ru.t' arierm andi autreriîIîîrt u i ICl. 0i i ward a ful aupitv -aIf (alla'eni, ir, ».On au lte iavigat tan c<'iet. 7 DIE LET. O NRideau Strýetlirtttî1 trNotie I 0 l eraadjIiiiirag ti rartrre laclean Emq, witii Sta'liirg anrd teça i uowin a ae aIde it ili at. 115lu Kiaîtun, QOtarioi St. iaay V9, M4 1. Nr)TICEý T [TE Partineraltirt itaeto'!îre exÉtrg the !Subaaa'riblati t iie Yhtr ardi business,ti lte City irritrrvy, urrdrr rAilka IL. Aflet & Co, lia len, îiry irb AJil tuiladue lby the raid Élu, ili Ilb flul't Allai, Who a in uly antttrieil te ail accotints, anal aill carry untahie bui CAXA elS Ww the 4 aatw nrIisg am hcuiLmp6 ut -- - t"pà Md 1 l.wî *#milotâ Rig i 1 lelgI«r Sustenta mis, aies ItyheMe mm aPUflM* *6%0! lm th l e& mum t noda .ten *yl«4« le but Eeigagouited bore fusngand eeist< mur nI ut Is'r adand im tii0 de fathimits b à he bis si hurrahso fovenisg bas ttiHuerah y msss sle ati e Dgtiy ISi*$ Ip, 611 t u 'elo Saer, pareis cut ydGrenaentait lîe, il b .e ie Walr hrra ailier anal git liuai n in My =h Ites I Banhol nie actat tas:ra avralt Detars ente 1 nd, lim nn sfiywa Ion itill¶ ee 1 lun no asi er ba l I a actin li tnfries ai' rt4 uatia, cfor tIt ti a cepafrmeua ;ir aid, ne eanplapaurmi of sant mentf1 cas th e t.*'by be tn nus ta Iss e a '< in Gesalatr#n*&lér u co.my b.ecct it hp ttiir henro t- oleit Poap, Se H"ianofliaI Hals tmioants as ro llienes et i ita ,ulte enei n f we ffl an pehe .s esuec til Ler tilattoc' sense. I pak ens eecrscy, theh-g- t anlaiaiavlho h,*iaf a l o s it. op lm s. s F e5,lbristhe enn I Mt he Smels' sllhn id ne tnicly îe Oolsaa rs ig rspombimfy. - i PrUcesd ftsuaInd m b# Pauaibity 5ihiaot poin *u asm a au btemuiy.eltS las he (havissel, m M I go t on lset.i.lu Mt Mm, t"issriagu 'go hie rees f» lglofai5a 9 te u ?~ fl i5#te. WMa ' 1: