__ 1 -.1 ___ 1 .- - 1 - ý -1 __ - - - , ___ - ý 1 - - - 1 - - 1 1 .-,-- -.- --- - ý - ----«-týý .........b..,-. - - ..-,ý-..,ýý ý-»---..W..." impTEMBEIL. Arabella bas the etild. botwoffl ber kpmo4 and ard I)ouglad4 M. P., Mr. Ac . I.tndNI.P,,10r.(-ot-ll.'c,---,-,--iiisiblf,- G o ue if, iiýli,ý'h-e!!ý-,,i,:,fýIr.l.;,ýý,.ýlýýý:ý v il'iq;i.-!t)-i,ýý.Ie, Ij,ý,-I;:i._,. [L'i'. out tirait. beine. ,Ji - jour as Wag in cdiaking hie Influent witL ir; let laid ton, tire Governor of the batik, Mesures. Brooking, 1 VernM ent ,e,,.,.r (i,:,lr;ii, oeil .. --.Ie I-J IPý, il lel ,ri- : 1".ý,ý.!,l %, rý, ii;,ý -r.!,,.ýe rie bis Voinai ftý,i t»"O lady in Lontion, bis mille ut Br,,,,rèr-t says moment. Crawley, and others. l'lie roccatotrit ma& a very 1 111-i : RD AGAINS7 -ý :tE -N rTN, i.ý tri ,ýIiE 1. 'l,>-It Ii.."I.r'i', ýGr ', - Mi. ILý.r-,ý..., 'loir! 1 4-i'n- [ 1,,,ittii,-d report uIrrýy %,.t,.vs ; lie glIfirertre menséses maitey animer P-t- September Lumeil, thi tu 1 lie diable vibrer mains afier ber, aiTecLiiIg and plea,îým mirel. mur. Ille feus eu, Le. 1 - irend l"'. l>-,i. il, !,% - :,,Il - y Ili itr,,, - ii,:, i;', ]ý , tJ,ýr ue ï, lit; F-G ER-rON , dell Pýti ý'\ - 1 - ris le Il ,lit n étoirivaied et.. R r- V. N. lui 1 I--',ý',i,!, ý lieil .1 a>iý :i:-,,::.. ý.ý:,:;.";.. tri lie re8puil« el ,,,,t,,,I,,.Jeelinlncyenr;- -1 Droit briteurs mg déar papa:" and " entlyhe cause iris voie altavot w tu .le Ç ,ch ci RYERSý2 ýernir-etiý. lutt ; ý,4. ai il I: ;,ii(":ý , i !",.,!v fi ,g I 1 lonelineso and pouce : in in lourd ton, and &troupeau soucelly, es bis herbe Eugl;nd ; and we cadrent Wt tijijik rieur ber 11, S. M& gootla« ý - - .oitIercul at Ille, :ell,.ietll i*"",!,if (',-,,>I.!ieiý , r. .1 ý,i.,e ; Ir &iýc e.cr, - - il; Il ", - Il aie% w bien, Ai lie failifig come, Dister. &;aile %ould lie more efflective If gifflifac M.Palý 'l'lie l',j,.ý -ý..t ... -- r,-,.,,,. -- .. . , ng ,essor erre t 4uming May. And en it in tient tisonne pou blemaingne are sent were more generally adopted. The IIavý ýý Lîtý L E TT V il X 1 . principi, 1 . et tIaý G., z-r , , ui, _ý 'V'i t c . le lM,!""Il e%,!., !"",ýcli ! Ilirrhy, Sir the (je, ber fil the fui Il , - 1 r,-ýi... ."ii,,- :,ý , ,et -«ý-,,,,,.j 1--ý.ý,,,,. ,,;iit.ui II :è !"Ivhy Sir, refore leide the favorite f Ibo mortel, -yearning alter that fat" river hie crêpes. Sup- tractant! corituderable nottce white. lying lie lier, TI, tIPý E-fil ., ,Ir ce- F:ý,ii.,,r. lire Iéùiý"ridI Lul;-rlý ..;"Ii0. Il'l c:r. Z. r, ', ïlre 1 1,1 :l;., .:,;i,ý'r;"i...iiý.---I*ýý, Il. .P. Tic, Sir, unir Pouille, minds. tonne they illacier bio ! Why. the opotkes thirigs Tifiames off the firunswick-pier et B!U(.kt, il!! ,- 1 ,est Mont h of ail tu Fu ridian man, muet tilleuls and go out &pire levait the eompany ut lier tuatbead was diqlayed 011 el), . "i), ,aie S ýý -Mr. Rversori Ili his .,:xtll leiter izifýIrii- :I,,.y datýeeIiVI mith fl- ,eýI .ý..,ýl;.;: ýr ' y', ;lj,., : :il,, ,1ýjI->t!-101, II 1 iý Il 1 ý- , e,,;iet,,ibility of tbar w fat opent; sast the me . iwd bte,,, the r,,.,7ýýetiý:I. lo.-0.1 al.il Mý"!Iii j"- i i 1 ýe",r..ir («Il'; ' 1 il I e elle 1-olleriiid -Itgtbority, or seretjy smilirg aitF. attempered hennin, in whacla tiroir find bills- The drinking gores on, rtalorl ta the nantirai autha. .*i:-., ,% aille - " I ý - - 'IlIrt encre iý -lot mie exoupirc il, l. le 1, - stoppait; I>Ul on4ilisi -,o.ýoV tîr1y 'If Il rat Io , 7.- te, ý I: ýiiirrl PLr--,;i tu time pe,,plp .miidandt, Ofuiw- th jckeo sied fun gret imestair and lamier. Alertent. ....il . - I, 1 t ' ý, 1 ý ; 1 , .iý,1.rJ,!, eow, t:Iý c,,:,,-e,ý,r,...,.,ý,,rL -.il 1:e. . . ;,.,tkib,: Iý gentry don ai tire any varices speculatiol,; or; ILL ,r- l ,,,,., 4'.., jll%,Crtlfli.cilz il, li;-ý, .1 Pi , ;,; ý_o lie.!arr. II init tj. , I:tý% erliI,.;ý. , ,1,,I jr..,!i;,.,ý,- ,.; ( ýl.,-ý,,ý, wil, 14.- ;,ýep,;".ý bility ,ratiglit bý elle le us yetion, lustre, gren , priately eriib!iýtagýeLl. Iri ri , , lýý , 1 a! AI i ; !,avorg tcea (AI,üI ý L-à, Ii. , " ý ýoIé,rt.Itù .or vos and Wonder, la hy thig time hein àmim l'le rident thold adiftf elle -arme vif the Bishop of Newfeui Ipp -- ý - ., il! i ý 4 le.: S . njo ,,,, 1./ ! , . ý ., l; r 1 1 ý - ,,.,l K,-,,iinl,,.-., -I 1'>Il ! i ifIý It-,t. lieu, tý,,,. t with v.11,iiua bues; in fier chie, and es kjt*ing out ut the montrer in mi. tic il , , l-.rr-,ý i ý: il .'ý j': , il i, ,,il by one night'a fruit % '_ýý 1 I;,Ut SI sien , ,v J'je lvith (Io. r.1, c-, ,,, ýr!-ý, ý,ili -ý..C.- 1 ,., . , ý , lild rP,. lit a_ - il, ý te V, t 1 ý*ý,a%,,n Il of the lil, ý a leaf away, out fi'Iý9 or six persans Ili lie ri -, - ! lit t?,- %aý_ ý . à, il., ree.-L..,e 1, il .*, lit 1_ , - * -- ,,Iý .i:i.! uý ! ý ýjr , -I or C ,,, vet ni) wold han swept lance. an the ciiiidma bretelles, round ber a soli Ir 'UkSrfortt, ."". ill, 1 i f P. V, - - 1: Il - 1 - ,-,.ii.lý!llt Ili rite ý ci_ Il rit-il. Il were a end del:ght charme of alun-ber. fier morther jet Illustre refaire nous ivilie; of rite Netvf(,uir.!] il, i ri ýý. ýi 1 - l a \. 1.ý: , Il' il. , i"lAtimitki.ý, (;i-;r,ý;,;) Piri ili- , 1 tý- . le.'t', (,-i,ý,.I'ý,, - VNý,.,a, ' the Fin(x)tlistream toglide,&ge'e et tinc'ed alerte, mailing 1" irlmémtmuns.'-ahighýhoul- ,!ýrgy, scho,ýlmas-crî, ,ý--c. lit, , Il ý- .:ý'. il ', 1 1 ý Ir, - r, ir-ly tiee-lü,l the JI..r:wýz-i, iýý , s'ove i .,.iI..,Mlltativc Oi rue ýý,,tt,., . . 1 L'un ; lie aýe*,,j-tk. dererl, hIok-nýwed, lent, mardi mesurant. Sim . the . Id e ;'. 'Iqu' rater, , tire de, ;ýo-ai i, -,; - ,i-, itli tir týi %: 1, ýy ýIl,, . .-, JO lu'i ewi,',ý:- ý! ý,!à, Ir, ('rnIý,i1'L 1.* the tIý»L cart, btluk, ,lier, ail the gorgeons filles, . tost of filleul; out tire flai, ÏKI 1'l j ý!r '. ', _ . , : . ý , Il' ý; 1 Ili:.Ze plýs$t""ý rr,ýp.e111.%e 17i'. I.-Cai ,,iiý i- - !!,, Mi eýi., iý.,r-I.[ ý , -ý,r.-rs.lè-rt lui, Iteý-poiedèbIe Ua. M-ontlerr ber daugliter dou't curne clown ta tes- will lie eefrayed front a ,:pPcýýiý i(.:I.ý. ý hý ý - ý 1 :, roi !;le 1 : ir, li'ru., rail, or purple affire effilent , 1 .. l . , ýl 'ii,,,,, 1 .9 placed le, F:11-;ýII-1. o-ýf,, ', ..,.".i'. iltýi- ' .":!*rý--.i*-tý,ii. ', !!At.àerei :elwayg bu sirriglY, or in lutte, or frireâtre IhIrk, there id ber cup quitur cold, with the effilera stalz- scriie meilleure entier the ;li:-pir-rý ri t!7, Sii,-,ýi, i 1, , ý !i 1-I (.r"ilali il!, ,,, M. l",ri:I Lý1 beýui >i,..,I.!e, t', 1 lut peIp:ý , 1'ut orr , ý-.l;. fl ,; :- -1 . 1 .1 - 1 1 ,il , maj, 6ti lu ý, N 1, -iiI..:blý,, vîý,tp-i lie a dýgra. the, ;bore@ ; ta se, perbape, the @ide nain on the surface, and ber work-basket by ira fur the l'ropagation of t hc (il, jcr, 1. i ý . 1 o ý.Pu-n to Cxpla;ii iI.-I %:rýv. l, r : 1W, i).,(;.. - . . ý 1 1 .1tiI.,.t lire âI;vic-ý of ý.di,--- 1't- 111.1 rý.'o. ;ll; iv ý .1-- -il ,ý: :1., ,fi ,r.,rtiýr .Ie.!,!;i Offl "P' Il ,,relation Igh mou nt rellectild la.,,,ý"ow,.,. 1 ordre. taleth a pair of man's ellippens nearly doue, - II 1 Ilitlot > race t i ut p--1ý.! fille l'ieriýý:e,ýý-,t ý l -'.oi.,o.y, uil.-ý., il, brý.,,,i a 1:,e (,:!ll il-,- ý ": 1. ,ý ý:.,: I . . . ý -1 - .dir1,1,,! .ý Il( ;1ýc plýr";;Stivç i A curer Fi AIx r.ý.-Tliý Liifri. .., - - ý1oi1tLoýf Ullý!lltýii'I'I le- 1 :il 1 il! et, bri, . eh and one lazy deravoil frow hmier hurlement, Jour lines OSITT fil 1 i ;l - i ... il sý,it;sfied MI !* - P ' 1 rainai proie'pitr ý,Iý,,r) Ils file c ... le, V oi, VI . . ! '_ ý, I. ^lit Colors, inter univ, and ton deys clef. But Arabella Lereçu correspondent ofifir- E-ý,o) Atii,>, riiiýes ;1_ý il 1 el ý -1 ' ',,fi?!!ý Viiole Il) lirrý,. bv ai lý rl ilie. lýt'KW- ' , > irii:- 1 , - N,:ýý ýl Let grecte. N'es, jet more dweeL'y &ad ' « ,%,:,j wýliý puiii-'tjt.x 1-ei..m«týtg whor , i.:ý. .'lWe 4;over"tu.ýlIt. ' l ind lhat I,,.,ý Stanley, jet les spc"ch aWay, thinLing, thinking, and preferrilig tu lie a curiosity in shau 1, ýý!,.ilut Let,, [,!.!":"(!i > 'a "' 1 il,, nd,ýr',n the npPo fieldéî, and fleur, !. ],!et allait es ;IS d,ýiiile afr-ur Cort, :;,il ýý ,a- 1, P, ý 'P'i . -.1 ý ý 1.ofle ve,%I tir Ille fais. t il,,$ haut, the nmiidâ.y flottille page, allerre. Tire girl hall a sweet, soit heurt, and Jitý roi nt the men lui, "Il triaui;,CýL-,_, . , Cet .1 - ii,%biý exercie,». %,,i,1;!.:,ný lainseli f0w.- lercytral. tir. 1.,%cr--ý,t ; brrr et. '? Ille ti,,,triii,, ý Il r ,,.* i' . - ' ,ý i, I, ýý Il ýý ý tNletýýý:i,-- Ili;ýt hé WLS bal-. * I-1 il 1 t , ci ý insecte of file summer'li LIight : lie sympathy witir the mutineries, coarre rigA, l'aiellev, wliere t'-,ý _i ý» , >ý'y ritL, , , 1 ý I '. 1 serePt ta file Lit f.-r llln'iýi,,, il", lil.;,ýiti.Ii « Il 'l'Il, . . - il "'il (ieIei, 1 Lier l,_.ý r-IPIoa-ýe fi, et,,- Ille, , ii 1 ai,ý;.- 1 - , , -I I- -- ,i,,..L iti-ýt et Charles elletzallelit Py i I,: f-.,ý : 'Meurt, bu" was ulPt iv ,a rý'o:"L,-, ,il Ir, 'abere lately buzzing @Noaréim encre stroug-mindedsiature. Tl;eonlytinietiieyquat. elle Kgli P le n-,t,ýii-,, ý,i,- 1,:, ý-,. fil isl-1. ý',e . il IrIlv aloire, be luilsZ L'I ,ý.,', ,,ý.i.t.e,-ci-tiIRI;iýl>il. i - .ý,,,i-!,,ý ý !L, r-7,,t-,,ý-!.ýiý i,, ~Fur whal tuant, 1 r 1 in, M-lien tim uld lady calier lier soi)-io-law a there Ivàs grelot ZL..iI ý:' 1 efill 1_JI1ýrý - - Il' il V ; ' 'Ia- ' 'u ýLy RilvrucB Ili hire.cli fi.rd ;ý ,Ilý,.i,[- 1 lie-* , - !1.11 1 ;,;Vý,,ýým. (ý.ý-le...i ta ho r0espellir1le. il, relie long roving bore and there, brute ; tirera lieu young une tires up and direforeds cipal niinufarlilrî-,, , ril ,ilel,, .,:il ,!,,'l il." J 111- ý, W- 4 ; lirCi-Y il' h - I'rýUl11y. INIi'iý,' il 1P.Pe L.,ul of Ille ,ý,ýei,.tI1Y, IlAe. delýi,.-,._, iluI G ,eu ! : lit 'ý r 'Thri il si., Illivu .if l'atr.tl.t,;e." ' Su a single fi-,el, but ail in Vieil ; ber ,leva iike a little Arijazirn. Pte of l'aislry Fr:J-ýcî ei grrýf!y [fi il a ri, -1 ,-ru- ý 1 :i.rs respotl'oniay tu tire té,rl..,ýdi il 1*.ý;I,:tý, : il il, -, ,-, r -irý_ýio :, ,:r t!,i,,(, bigin authurities,- - 211 'v' ' i-,-- .ýl:,j-.ýý'it ,n :ý . ýiand. deri tir Soi pre,,.4ý,Iive on ý ri-,rr,,, qulrk il fi a louder hum IN bat in fleur secret of love! Hom dons it lion in the tr;uýe vf il , tiý,x il, 1 %- ".* "' a'- alorte, gmue Vil lo ey, 1, aloi, tii-ýrfl:;"." Il... Ca- i % ,u Il il ,:.,- te,, ;.,i.a il lity o: !lie (;.IertiIýr-Geit- enne., Citrins round and ratind bis bond, sprireg ! Ilow es itthat rie neglect eau kili it ? lu Queeu Vict«,i-i.j, lý,il-(,Ii;,sed ereera! 1',,iSi.ýY' 1, l' ', l'i' , ,ýi('lii,,-, Minititers .i Stale ýi.d IjlI-IflýIài nadian llari;F&.,I$-It and p'n le ha"il Il!, riiýhI, il, - ; , r: il - , i , - ý,ý le i., ý;I,,I cl' 1, e Il, i 1 reý p,,n@ibili, iý - 1 i 1 iý, - i:, loti have vainly ai feint,, cri t lie linou, pur. ' ' . 1 1, l, , ,> Liiim caloi-ence fi) bu oiserveil lit by tire 1 fi cloue away, truth, les origin and endurance are striera ul.terly rofa bigla ,ý,,el, fi, J,ýiini7.l, e'n'eýý;;, ... m(ri 'il iil!eritire wilii tien e>;E:rtýe ai Lhe prtr-."Iý(,. ý t', , , retentir y1fig 1"' - : bill r1ill 1 allant [relire fias briill [JI, t; Î brtri! 1 I., r Il 1, 1 I, 1 ids a test arlieu ; aboutit and mirOasonable. What secret freiner j turc,, in cor,>rqiif»lc-r ri M!, ch il.,, i,ý,týl le ei, ri "W Pr il, iiiqulr'! ait') Ille ý,IVIe'e il bill ibe lie ' Fý,!I r- 1. -rit .',:,,,41-,-y ,alibi noir bra- hirensolit ar ultina the ..,d'aid'e ,unny sillet Ivais et that fui this delicate niinded ynunF 1 f",I!., V, ý! fil" (ji;rp,,'ý; C"\airpie, i.,,l th,ý «ri ,le ý laIl r,! rjlits-tit)defiýiitiI)ti of Ru,ýpoVribie Go- et in exere..ezi, or Io e.,k ri--ý,.,i!ý,biitiý, ,,,ýq,- -1 , 'a il li,,i..-:, pie'uto'elit lu éîrý"u" ire layor olla .. ' -fiall I -t .ý:l%1 ,,Iý1C r, U,, tir elle Ii---i , !;".cýz. , Iii l'Y elle snver,,iýii. Lhefl for ira eýIer<--, ' tiie 't.-sl o:i0s; ý ý Il , il ,c riý-ii lit I'L ' r:iat 111 Ille S1lý1rIIjgu. He o I ,il maroc, n.tiiI,,,,, ëa'e, lier , cricature ; v, tic had baron bred no irisera the purent ' li ( -, - 1 f:,ý Il 1 ý 1":' 1 l' P "a t l' a r 1 . i M i. l'y c es I 'il 'N 0 u 1 il h ', e bee n ,.ý";,Id 1,qve heI'rie,--ut the Le wti>i'ý ü,;ý'ti.,,..", -- 1 C;,..;ii o- Ie ginit v ,il elle wand"t ali"iirct.iiy tel l'Id of ititýi.ellm, by tire èaluirrel dropped ý d,ýtrititýs of the sainteil Airs. Chapelle ; wheu liait i !,:-;,7.1 rtir:, si y rtl,,r, .,I 1, ire il ,- ,,ý, ýwi tri,.,. ,ý ' . . .. 1 ý 1 . , p, tIýl býcrh, f, ing rater' the belli crever Vionght aurait love ; %vbr% riciple seul, tend ' il . 1 . a"'i Lia , 1 Intel ,,, vaille,, cu:ihýcitcv ai N.rot ta): - - ýrf.s1,1%i 1 >ni, i--,t.>tiiIltc,1, il ýr f ,r ç,ý ,- a %, ý , gua-1 argument a,ý,.i,,ý*, iLe litre (,*,,i;;ýýel. -il init -ý ing t Il ,i Il 1%;I. Ili ;.ý -1*1 race %ville Britielle, - =ýý- -- = be.en utteriv nbaorbed tri lier tarte daily durits. 1 ', î;l 'riýi-'i i,,,l,'t,>ve, V il !"ý t'or ef;-,ý, -, . cýtIýcr C- ý 1,r . :!il 1. t4y iýtitII14'(1 air exacinnation .! lire ,e't.fideri,-e il] F'rcrviii.iul M.Ieiettl,, (lut Pari;a- I j' .,ýel,ýLilI"l'Ij li,-:l!ý'L ; :u-d .orcly et is tiVt uport - - , . (ii"-,.:,"ý ile-rerai, ,ý';r1t a ,,i.-,ý- ,if disqual, lier litanie tarte practice, ber French leras-re. lier ! 1, ;- ,ýiýa bc warn aý-«,, "' , P y t%%«" ti,,,e,!,(ýr, ir .,ýý 'Y'ng .... ýf!t woul-1 i.R%ý boeil Ie*,Ii;,,,ýers-or «tiý:.rs to 1 M, J,ý,li r'ý- 1-i;,,I L:4.,ý), or-. tirait elle peuffle lit liariti terre of elle gl.,bes, lier carriry terril, and lier Mii'. ! ,ci ýili !.i-,r, irc,,r;l ' 1 1wl . Il lot lie uni tierce) able or Nýi'!ifiI., ta (1.,-Irliýe . Il ; .;i-ý !a !h,ý ciilri, v ,I ii- %-.r. ,Ire authoritier, ciftbe :."l!IF",-ý, 1,:Ie [ter .%;ijesty*ý : CailIdâ cii!i bc pc:ý-iiJJ in lutte air accOrd. naU'Is qiie.tIuii6-wh el 1 id et flint IoIk'-ý-ý : Ci. Mr. Kerr, ,f il.;;,',Iv, i, il:., ,:ýtcr-r . , il R-; "! -1le GoermuýîIt. But t Irey riil n., .r.o.11 .. [ý,aýt 1 admit rýutqrI, ;c. itut Iliti IZý ý.1!ýt',ý,li IiIi 1 loir r,, a eny, ' ý 4 ý_ 1 _-. Thry al;eed tient Ilis Excellenry b"Il ,,,, 1 F«,ý. etýý'Ç.,- 4,,,ýe1,1,ý m.g"i.t- tires delicate girl all of a sudien expinil in, . a ::, ý .u, ,Ivre, ', !,! iiý 1ccü,!,,rIýý!,-I 1 lie, v%,i.t, . , t li 1 ( lia conclude. Ir e-týthl!4,eI loial re-il.1tPlh.- 1 Pur, ýVt rio ii,,;I,:r,) m luit w es lieu (invertirait lerriail and ai 1101illi- lir the paëeiiýn Of luve fur a voutig sugar b;.I.er, ý,!,.;, > . l _, i., ol'e pie(e , f 0's "\tiý,i r , 1,trv i , exi : ý- ,,il Vit , vifiâ Il, beac-, ,,.,,ed ripait, uere 1, V, becall'e shi, tricot$ hi' tierce tentes rilfiriv il ý ii. 1.1 \l , . : 1 .II:ý,10 M tell theil. (.i.ttl!,Ua" e In îrîýi'- - m Fý ic h iieither t 1. e (il % il: i P) r C el, P *s Miii. l (;Piierýij's diety, ii ire p- die, wPI e,,,,icilitiuuely g ý N, ;. , il ii P",I:.;lzl(.ed tri !,ci a z, ;c;.Iýt:c P;oririr et, ,, ""' lit trio arproval al the 11-ilile ,Nli,.iie,ý Coutil l Ilf'*--,(iIl Ir,,ý-, i.ý,, Co.in, il ! file- dIty w Rel, cer. TO.FAUFA, liuýliANI). 1 Ordre on Clapliam calmant and rI!ierm;lr,ý ,;,: l' i -! 1 ,r ,,,,,ai,.-r tItýr,,. ilikiti ;4!Iv tlr:.." al' et,,- kilý'i ari", 1:ipref"rf.. tiocy rý-,,greil. T. week this ifl""t ýVitIIout thils C.,ea.kL boe il-, 1- 1xnintele ý liIilt!%-, il Il to act iiiitii,)tiI !rIntly q;ý, ai!výce and Pte ,s'lm much fruit] in Ille pictUre bore aly rogue !) cri half a dezeil occ.irýi,:ýs :Il ýI,-r ! il i!f !7 ý epprareil île elle frecich' c.,i;L,ý1'týl-!l l 1 C; i, - , MId tir er;zjiinat,?, ilicia. bis ENI ellercy has (';Oerzime:it. Witii et, tire peapie of Ca,à.,id,, arc i tlý1-1"tý %'ýiýll thiI é 1 "r-14al J'ri-ýic. c . 1 lieri o . i ait- i: ý til tu delille Reba.,;:ýýir!c (;;"errl:,!L.n!.- nieri. Thenre are leu ilen-iy I, eh flusbander l unt's ai tes Il What tri if tient i.,iký,s, lier f..ý'! r liý;Iiwý1,'urQs. 1 ' Ille judges of tlicir uii ciiiiiI:,iie,-ýi il< ir 1 Sible (-I, ...... Iý'fll. 1 1 s duty wam tu stick attirer a ' 'e , He i-, dime it voluillur.1v. If Ili$ dpfii:,.,,is ho out, ,%allie and wuibee. Anie, ' i f 1 hte 1, c , .ýl 1 ! ag. rie with, bien. llnleof- bit V'erld. J 1 that a yoti!i4 singer baller es Oie fItal i,ýý.,; %, th 1 . 1 Il 1 1 , ý,Ii i fal. ri ý lill uncoiietitutittj"tl. tilpy cý.9).ýII)t lie de. ,iecrd .il ý . ,i ".,i, , Il rir, se ,lelp!e uha ,f il,,, "' il elsewhere whSla lier existence te bound tri, ; fvi t!o tcaclieili Ille lisn (if i f . ,il. i-, '11.1 fi il le - Ili- Il !ir, 1 (Ir!:iý -npfiv - -f file Crowel, they aýe ,eýl)"!Iý. bi-l' ,ý.-tl.. lisiot. fdi -,-,iL'Iýf trit by pr).bi!:;Iily havu , !,,ItI.F 1 i ira tire grouiid thlit éeanitý5ioI were iirt 1 i 1 ,ý- .ilia nici] ,% lire illir. Wa'n'Uný"'Vin'. ho id and W'afr te, nia'rry bien ; flaci Il: rit in si.. Il e , , 1 '"', .-,ý.r "1(,.Lir-d of lleýlling %vr ' ýPr.vvd c'r cuit I.y Ille aulli'.Ijies 1 tire Elle. , t-ýrr ý ý.. 1 . ý Il- . "" ', - -v fi, le,, et aI , A lire elsci rt.ý,ii, lvithci tranq ing opale ý_,., : tieititer c- iiraciic. contrat . 1 ,;'IV l"I griiierous and agrE treglect and indifférence ; ,ýr!,,re lI;,., ,-) n!l ilifliv - fi 1: G. E:e"y ; il A ( il a >1 - ý -i. - pire ; Lieu t'ý!;creever a Griverilor ,eoeýril. .,!.ý.,ýe. ý 1t-ýsj,,Iil%îLfe rrr:iiciiý. Il lire new adviverro 1 di i. , , ;ýs, ho Suppuricu Leause the fb-ýîiiýtiýID' Ufned -ut of the City . ... ..... -1 -_ , - , trier a halt-hotir's kindness frotte hýei vi,,re 1 !-ai ! let 1. 1,, (il E na ý ýý KQ w; Il Q l"I' Ii,', L' y'r', nie eyr. i 8 tu net withurel. .z-.dv:ce. and Nritbout prodlici- te, ! trifij.oI!ý il to fi the, coiifileiice ait Partialement 1 , ý T l1Irý le railed f.r ; soit, 111t " 'rit' or ;,rý"ter the country eh,, Per,- who are re-,,,,l;eibi,7 17,r j Pli ,%,.i-ili la, i,-,It. Tire (.(Iveritr*p acte wottti . . 0, 1,)J>tely "; ! .:X".ýs ; e teall.flg drille g-,.d huinor. lie lias a 1 balances a nionth's brutaiiiv _«'I ý:, 1 G 0, Cve i., ; : C "! ""ItIeiice, ileflIiit,.,n.4 ait Lis part, 41,,,Lli(-r NI, 1 1) C, 1 P") o rce ; U li, - i '!,ý,i. tir: ,tistaý-'.'eýi, not by Lis love diterretitir ,rd f,,r roery hmlý, ai,#! cvery mari a gt ad w.niati's hri ! l ýr le cri t il. avis, Ire ils C.,&,Iltwt*ýng Ille (ilvellulont in ' frit , ý 1 1 11- ,ir truc, ,A ill ni t alter tri. position as ' Il -;tri I,;ý il ;,:!(,r,, ,nd si, 1 - liey ; 4 ' tir, ý""ý , , i ý . l ci leiliance ofthe principlu of 14,sp.ii.stbie (»averti. ý but by the ad'ice ,f hille Minierritr'd. If luite nom 1. in. Scii;le baci.elt-r sa)s, ' %%*agi niv 1 NV2Ijetatr, Po sillendid m . L' 1ý KI 1 ,,or , , f bis il a ' . Iere le a %inte-bait pari at Grrenwich ; , gerrerous un îiitrifeif, is roýt r- - ;iýij;ii*( urir Ir hilare 1 . ".v il, Re!ýpuitsible Gocr!iiiieýtt, i , D K Deci-y ; U L 8 C Ne ý ,Iti',, ' e sceri. i cli, - - aient whicIt fie pirertends fi) have adopted Ir ' ;r.IViýeý-s li:i,,IC::t-d flot ta Paillerai; thé rocifideore ' I i, ; are tliCL'iletitutiunal. iv Iler*ý . 1 ,a te Pte !, lie llcîitaics. Il pr.iiIied ý fie pays trio bills mille uirýy a feý% ntýbli these Brit.bit principles are (leciaired Nla- J pi i'"r -aillent, Lfien would pelace &ail tran.lullltt* ý IL Studient living aked tor a e'eý:!!.i' 1 1 illive et Pressent ta des] with bis Excellenev's 'l i allie- 1 -_ - 1 t ,il n ý,f flic ; i . jesty's Mitiisters ta lie tenconstout'l'ilie il C ' I- e- -rilir cet ta a (.,,versi(,i-'o discretion, tddz %%".,,,,Iafft,, lie leune ai dnier,' says lie ; , s(eintho'k lie lenvies bis % iti Il .: el lit en I1.1ý,;«. Lýý-,ýe ý ý - aud Ctarily, deriaritirofoir and deriiiitions. for which. accordiitff da, flic, me Lave ni) loriger R"I.ibrls;ble (Io Illie'ell pilicý %výtiulet ho followed %illicite the ped- 4, lie -yý hial, i*,iu n'av [;o Sure lie will ! will give it il) any bod i y r:iili-ýr tIjýin tir fii-r; a LIiteu cardinal vittiel Falth, Ilpe . 1 jevli tire peuple of Caoada rirhioll'i 'ernineril ; and if el, ci.in, lte8pý)Ie>i!,!e Givtý..i- i 1)ir af (ýï,l;,idýt W-Uld Condeuln. . , ., ', .ý , , ý rr,,e of bilIiardg in ' fact 01 which be Iiiiiiiieil w, >ý,,rv I;ý,I,, 11-11%van! rtplýf.,d am fi,!!,,%vb ; Ir, ,et . ý ", , , , ýrl ", 1"", , -, i and rentête : ut thI4 minute, or of tlIfý t rit;;],iv t f hii %%-ife lie je,! uilitr surir docile ouitgations. Thelle doclier- 'l'he (J'tier[14)r Generai's orpeul ta the nom- iiII Ii,, ulý pýây 1.1i el"Iner, ' 7 uteInt ,,:,tary in the opinion of Hff.ý IIljewly,> 11-t :ýl11,Cfi'J' i"ýe air lis are, in .Nlr. liyerrson's voile, in .,ý, , , 1 , Q id 'A 1'ùbýs ! Qord nict 1 id, S. 1 * * - 1-a"iý-,")v ýlln,,t,,, bc rbllin, then Ivre are tztel@. But 1 bt'r (A afii;ýkýlltluellls "'aile un tirs recOmtue*duý ý4 abord Lis por %vite arsking Crie il. In terrier t ) âvi,.,l t i.s asIi:ýg, Ille ý'Ilký;.t es Failli ! %% arat "O une l'c"d- ; . : 1, tire liesolutionte ai l'AI ; First, ber , , ,! il, rüýur,,. fi viril ark hiver fi, swolie pourgil gres ilirouuii iii'.ýaiJ I-i , ,-l,:i,,:,,:,,, -,L,,,' . aie "e' the question wbether %o are Io admit or d.iv i tir.ii of tire Cuteucil. or his assertion of 64 tire i ire u ý r du si, i,ý; ir,,ri,;.,-, and gces hunie perforer,, i lie i Y, It e ri i i ,titi i ý Il, k ,r (il il v 1 Ir c e, t, Ir fi est Spre, JI l'anc ire Pays, they are declIred te, ho Po b, the cotieidloratien" ho find evinced toivarde ý . . A vieil .. . i - ,et statril, en in Englarirl, ail ai M'hall riplare that ive are in the enitýyirieiii of Re.pvi)eible Gi. ý grent 1 , ,v . .11f, iý'., ,,!iý,!. lire 1,r,.,r iruut te- (Irp,,e, litr>, .ý r, r iiI,:I-itý,, iýiid ,i, - ,!lr-ý0P ! el eV : It ;s 1 10l" ! il ai veritinent remailles as mueli as livrer utlhettied.- r;'i'>' n ,ý ! -ý, s. ', 1 errent k no ensuite relatives or rivent Illitteur hie , l : ,,,ý>ier,,te crel,,:,,ý.. o;,:,e she user] 1 cridireu ,,ui - ! i ' 1 II r,ýý,,Itiliono ne elle practicil billir. ,if C;,ri If Ive allait du without et we cause, and filera j,, 1 deniril î7li epsential principle of Lemponsible .r,ýr ,>il il il, A".. ( ei:iý;11 drini- Q":,ý' ri C 1ý ",.:/,l - ! ,11a, elle ra, è"m. ' ' I. elle titrent ririondreratiotrel, lm , ï ýý Ill ; i1:rý : , i"::" ý ;, !. le precl:ce J tics, (ý.:Ip.z, I,.,l .. iir.-,, ,;I;ýrI I, hà,r iitl!.ý:--, hi\r? ý-i,- %'N !ra', 1. cIrartty ! A grevait rrtyý. :l. Gtivernerrail ail Of W[I-tll L'ýL'IUre t'le in enil tu the argurnetit ; but rite priboLier caný 1 (;4)%er:ltl'Pt-t ; for ', ýc ý;]:"l lie,. ',lie -,,.eý tu lied lieu alid !lrttlýI, Ii:-_ý P :;IV; a ý lit. 0n,-,ýhýi ,bri ý ___ 1 l,1ý'ýi'1Iis of Sir Cbarleés Melcaifc ta bc lit harinally aloi for P"ýý.IWi L'y .,I;1,r'rity th'tt!,«,t"e,1,iiioF, ! ýýlI ..I."ýý,..j tu bii, se .Iei i'f S'.r. lerti (aval 7ie(ý, la .beu lie [,:(":,ee. 1 l; u; ,rie rinalittioril, -Pl wüJ& lhe practice #if aile tý,e witil blows an freely fur hiin, ad th- pars. ý and flic tilennetituti(,il;ýl right tu act inrIeripe d &,ýt.1 CI". r ý- il 1 pri. ymy"mm il ,trop w.,illiý, Nl.%TR!.ýIONIÀ[. Sl,,"[,T.,.-Sir Plilite 'ýS%-drl,%- 1 'il 1 ý pi'l, ý:-1j:lIP.,a. Par f'r il] il. 110 ilev. Nt ýli pa"s ', , ,,:ill a el ; ,çlliýrt,;ts lier Laix e,;i,( Faý s :- %Virer lm Éirate, even ta iny lire, i. tý.,r ý 1 1i1%î.'ý; il lii-.ýj,,)n.ýibit- (;tjLeriiiiienl.*' rectifier ou*,ýaJjr,, %virose %vice fleurettistes te the i ently of ;,Il adire, ira as much vineried in tous ý%i mr u,,;,:ijii ,,,,,rIl il, (lie clrlill(!rl, , r tu file ;S a [;erýc, : ,!"V.Uret uf 1%'!,>tc,,ý,te, li rlv,-r 1 ýIove ; fini tLe scrc-L ui illy Iriend je Flot illi:ic." 1 141, Ityerdon ni et «.,pPeurs ta file, havril receýFe.8 ,ý,£ Lis duiigeou. paragraph tir trio explatiation as leidiewhore.. , ý Ir ii, [jIli ;"iy . j'o bI"ke lits bfýDis, rr lo >els 1, r I , , Il-, il Miri,,i, %C-lýý-t lLý!t >trilies hiý litiar rial, ye !,,vi,,,, rivives and i)us!,,iiiýI.-, vil il, l t%,rtte!i. tirs dellence iii the expectation rieur mont Now, 8a, as fillette le as yet no Royal Procla. . The ei:.,Itnctit)n caafeot lie kept ton plaitelly for . ers mollet] confine tiroir researchri relation, or .%IiliLary Provienne) agai , heiweýq a Utrverr)nr.General'u -procwktg k Sle %%,ýF," lie %rould. lie c(-,,:e, !..I"iýv f:ý.,, ,,, u lý :11 Lè su--c 1. t P,!,iýI! hi : Irýrt if jj;ý- reud ril th, .[est opinion,- VICW ý 1 -1lLýllieulj:cate et. cadi .!lier in a cellulite Ietrt-id- SI.-ýýr. exact y luttai il.i ,ger;llg albqit, a il II Lirillent il, ý le) 1. ývýrtiIgS. 1 Caliticet on avy other principle Cuuncil ta acte rontrary ta tiroir 1 1 unies before ('i".le !IVý%t Il, - ý; .. ý ng Il elice, et" thiiIý'r vole kilow, RIA a thowsalid ý , let us taire tire liberty ni exagiiiii, I g frit ourse Ives t'te aisolit of a . lie lits !il. tea AId ]lis liewepaper iii II. L 1lýî"" "'I - l 1. Wýnru't1 ;ire -', PjilitirilaZ t4ý- . liýeuwr wiPat advanta,«e lie could have bollud Io [lier Fx(-eilenr-y's doclielaticens ; and, il) the firot opinionsi, sied the exercise of a prorogative M. dest datigiiter lirî;i&ý tue palier tri, ,i:,il 1,ý.ý I -ïï ý! il fi .ýý, ,lý,.ut ý1JIc1I ille li'r'ls of duc crýa- li'.11tia ,--o dou'l ripou; and have 1'. ;%ýIht te- Il ai'%%': 1 ga Ir ly .iýfertiti.u tient either Sir (Uinri Met- place, bis explitelation tu l'allieraient, winch 1 le. depend-4111V or their assent. Sucre a couumiL il I!r riwii ,,ecretý, elle 'stciels ol tour iI[-ýII 'S :i![(L ru ,,,ý I icelaratiuns or acte were lachired by traiter fias lately chuse'! --- fa" a ab" .'t, 1ý;lj ,ý,rs %, il le tire Ica. il le bars a 1, ,.'i 1 : - ý I - ýr- f ri. , , Iý-. cli of vour imarnnttviýs ! H,,;ir 0,-,; , ,tout your leaders to look rural w itý par ence sied air the Gov' . ý iLc le - au lie sceller for, would depend ertirely espoir hiew 1 f 1 r,, -hs thO lit Ic ,,,Ili*, t,.ýý , 1 J ..,!,: il ,i Vil ilhef 1 on P Faiv Arlhalla J', ý Brt,ýs Stilleurnentru bc tri haririony vi lire attention, fecerping lie minci leva assertions of 'Il 11,,' r, %:,I . - ilnd reý-)rrit yýýuT cristrerni ; and #,ut wýr(i t,ýr il, , ' iýle bel, wilich 1 dellir il, IIý br:,tlv bemel, aini Laildi. et 'Ir, li ". 1 ý_ý , ý ;. , prioctî,e of British Re2jpoiieible (;.vernuier;t.- priù st ngth, and enuld net refuse t heur coiieunenc« - ý ý 1 1 lill).'4!1 of verv i.:-ý!r brerri vir, -"ir! ii-ere M ,11 uL leilet ci;vy'.1,ýte!,,u>y, býiIcrliý-, - çý . a ta have the$ motter . te ""' li Iiiauley, justified leir Chattes Nletcal Poil judri aud whtch 1 date ,Mr. Ryri to coin. in arry acte dictaied by iiiiii. If they sh«Id toi, ad prilfrisse î a proil el cris urten i , !. ,.- ý 'Orable shareI <il 1 , . , Ii!IV tirelire ; %%>P!'; kli'derst.i.difis., mali'e, aller ail other tizj,-Ii ,rit- tire firtund, tient althüuuh in England rite' u ts,ýýér*,, entier in tL*ury or by relerreuce ter Brit- , , l -et in loi. . . 1 e,.%e. supportred by Ilarlianient, the Guvertilmut womd '. ileil in k-i,,,ti,,i, .helhéi 'Ntiris Wff.-,It l ,ý ýý J ý il ,,, ý-._, ta %V:.;,,tit! 'S lIýltlýe, Ilbi) lia. it!,ienebe terni. filtre roui irii-to Say uotiiiii', lit ' ven'elis a falPitied wiih lier ; and Ivl.,re, 1 i Il , 1 :, P ýi:-ý 4 us tri [elle. liý;,I', Rý',r.-I- a bel s,,iiidal, Illander, niisreprepeiitit;(jti, et»siF>, aloi igli %as n.,t responfible, aile], tuerelure, d'il &ýh.practîte. > bc comstitul fur they wouli W ru" nsible. . . l'ires "fl;rdt-rute ilialigIitty," as il A ... cils .'il iý,,*irnally exerciee puiitical fermer. ver in a Tire first or, Tient ihpre muet, accordingto the and rincer individuel opinions a matter of indiffer- 11-les lier atwer, ho je llet-te il% the fiili', 1 ý, - ll.L,! !o: 1, 1 - s, in the oI;i:;ýiI,*s ibbel:i.,, test,- 1 ' 'l' ,,,eI, a"d dors Out cilla a une IarIýl:i- ý - . ,lit l - ta 1 1 e t!::,%, ing r,,ol.!, ,% fch ire ftlitýi,,,.el I.)pie Cail ' C-ýIoný te wart wholly ditificrent ; fur tLe IliS of principiri ltti8l>rrsiý;e G,,Yeritin-Iiit, bc munie i rence: but étill thpre would not ho the cernent. tire rtisli C(,n«tituti,,ii Cueillir flot te extended versoir or persans. tel Gra Coluny, or in otio,_r 1 rsIP«IGe..1ýrýPepnujhhs ndviý,,ep, But the Gaver. ,lbatthe l'rite 'plil Savéi. lie llýý J'l-ill-t'l I l , , v !'. i, ù, il!: - 1 ',!:ere sat I lie lar'v If the 1jouce, et ceived, eu lier il lilubtrai ion&." t , « . P ar je. et, e dill'l tir .ýuîtlvv .ý à Bov tý,cIrl Ili - irq., l, r-, ,i IL tii-ý:t-, %ý rite lier ch, il ý rritil.ti,ý ut lier I a Célony. I.Awd Stasilev juatified Sir Clipr:es worde auttre, persona wlio can bc ronde receveurs lia exploitation, gels@ the length, ý iý!.e cmild li.ir-11%,',pý,,Ik ý wlicit lit 1 roin. ý . 1; 1 0. A correspondent of the Illanters' Bonnet, « liletrate fur refusing à s"LiPulation wll;clk lie, hie, (tir Sel act ci the reprpsetitative of the of asserting /lis right ta exercime his dittreeoit, wrl- t Lord Sanlev. muet untruly, though Iviib Lýiiii:Len- Quecri, re.-pec9iiiý the local affairer Of tire Co. in contrardsotinctiou tu discretion adti»4 in any S!,- ire a fine tziýi I.,s.,, and cIrr rial ;il O 1 1 ",-IM1 -t ii,,I",:7,týiiid wli-,t nrrýVý, Nlre. 'ývz- toig grain New Orleans. Ventiler tLe signatuere (4 - 1 ý nýl,, ; and th..Ugh et %Il ' tional influera in bis part, atiserteil écrieral titres lony : tirer% es the eààierice of Resporisible (;ovetn- quartier. lie avil Ili» ritlâttbaçt uPOn " - , I , rio iiIi - il ý,i, 1,; ý, ý silfil ,11-ii -- 1-;k su oeil P !v tYli;liv "', S(.rl$f. .. 1 ,,býIalPks," libres @poules Il( tire la.,ba'nd .1 tire iýri.IIcII et.£ Irr,,,uýP illimt Ast ip% ý-. 1 i: il , , - , ý: ' . . in bis M)eecti te have been deni.itrderý terrier the tirent. . d ilcretion ; lie bord vicied report et ; and, in si, ý ý - 1 ý- -!i,!geI, ;,ri,-%,ý,r il traiers, a"I te. ladies fillette :-I. Il es trupli .,h,,, are Novom, («iveror'd hand and ileal. Lord Sianley drew 'l'lie second, in a practical conspillience of Il bel] Ile ,Il ali iririn boule, %%*ýýýý,;-, il- 1 ' ' , 1 , .-:% .; arr ,,ý;ýý !r:eod tri elle@ 8@"a".e iinli !:JllOPl)lta- aloi perhapâ siuckvréty, but rite ladie,,' (Ir lie acting, produced nu advmisjcrbbu%ý;Lýhatitwuetere tache rite. h, arilly u . l0i Prent iiiý r: i .-, !te II-e I ble vvav. et rang, thiNt tires le merle covjeciurru. 1 I *', a ri distinction lectueller ;ý, Culonv aril tire first, and uiay ho tbus blatrel-that tri order ' ta EPullbtble- lie, tlierefu ý ,lii, " "' ý , NI, flair Country, di, ith res plier il, tire il istribut ion prescrive hariiiony the. adviFý",ot file Crawl - r£,@poi-ýàbiIity tu tire authoriLiers of the au ieý 1 Il lien lie ils au ai, t lit, r fi ni 1 Pr, Grid 1 ý Lý, "i i el llr.z, c iraient of thý Si".illý, 'f cirel ,le ,,,ý,,pb-lly VI,-l'le, and würe il []lit IIýat 1 .. , or- leirf.- ',rý,, l"Ilill', tie-Iil *f.1ý,:! il il .. In tlt'.l 1 ri ý,'. ; ..- !!ic 1l'.ýttin Of lirEr IIAI, ille proud luttera ,,, jeune elle bu>vm Of Ille toile au le ý o c ire î'ý'.ý ý ;!, Irinualle. Upün thi,,se diý,t,,ietiend h@ de« ahoulti have the cotlfiWtàcr or 1 rhanient. for tirait ail local attelaient. sud the Çouncil .ý ,, LII1 io-l ýrc:_', ý endel Il - ' The tirait prifflPlie la eéI8e.,iJ;ýi, and ab, ni(] bc M ý te bourell ta tire *dantry tu place tbeamIvç:ý - ,:S - -.1 !ý,).,V lit. > ý il :& il: -- Iý,, 1 1 ,Il * 1, , aristtýrr:ý. ,ý, i - ii:cl. :,lz,, fi prier muera lis tàiey put ait ut tire býdi,.eti, elle yuu"-' , son ý outil have us helleve, il.,t 'Lord Stanley inviolable botter in theut -%,llt à l. ly ! l., ', , r! ., - l ; il %.-, , I, -ý ýI /- , ;-ýi1 i .'-r ildéIt >,,ýi, .SI , tIkiii!.c(l ti.eni lutu wuu:d lie dýCi)llso;utt..,, 1 decIaý,I1 Sir Chartes àIetca!ý,,*r, views alid (Ic- datation, lui acte ry doit filatrice. Aoy de. fil IL Position in misclose. tiens bLutling Wliti&e. ;u-! "i'v au ay ,'Ii il, Iý. ti ,: UIýr,,realur,! ,,%,:I% 1,ý.,t,'%- 1;, li'r a Pill(,%V-tizit 1, I 1, ! IV e 11,1% o rimarilv trivalves a reverra. ment of principle. They sied sourit; atidfwýLbte 1 1 ý rl.,Ii,," 1 "*ti:e Ili lii , ,ý fr.,L1.111 Ilr'r :;"Lý;.) c . %- ';,,li! irion ailler th;lt 1 il ,.%v the lire!- VI:KT ilFFECTIo.,A-,.t.--l- phillkiril, je;,r," 6.,;ii 1 Claralaille, ta bc in barri ý ijy NI elle British prac. diction te if, lm a contradiitioia tu lieripousible they are muid tu lie disaffected. . - .ý . . -', f ,,v l'es ;!te l' ,, ! ri ,I,1,.--%Vl-,., . - "Ill osI 1 lie ne. a lovitg lici fi, fi.s 1, Y&I epýluýe, u lia vri', t lire. 1 Iý; îL 'bat th->c %% lo M'ill faite tien trou- Goyerniuent itarelf. The récond, as me have trais 1,,el..ý(1 Pot, a"d with th--1ý Il . - * 'in mules the» distinction still more ,plain, lpW 1i,ý l", ,,,Il ', - 111, "!!I, i,ý,,, ,Nrv'I'ý :".Ile,ý. ,1,,I-t!.ý-Y -,,trewi.itedui-L,-\\' iý,-:ýP's ,vt;:Zii seeralyears tire ilir1wr. uthatd. ville bi'y lu 1 ble ta refer tu Lord "U.t:ey,.q soirech wili find dol for ul raîtretillest past, may ho liriolai in lis fur rite malle of argument. admit the priactitielle l'" , iL, Lii:u 1. i 0 là ', ,,ii,ý piti, elle a 1 cd %, 1: le (tuckz- 'i.s uit-I was making ilii,.!. ;nio white 'Il':% Ic. ta 012 %%'(:'t !" Il 011 l'P) i;2;1',;il ý filet tel, -teillerait directil; tire contrary. The art practicp, and a (;ýveraMent nifil, bc carried on allemand by flou Guyernar Gerberai, of.his désesse. ý lilli, il! il ,., r ,:'., iý, :!., tf"v rn;l:tý,,,, ,lu-k:",ý;- for Litle Fred. Ific i-!-ýa. Yr te rc, ,,I:ec t when i"ýl,,j-,, lie tel( ver.] i mille % Lirh Mr. Ryeritou lias clailfied the guppitrt without thoý.Suftdeoos ut Forliametit; ètý, the t oir ta everbear'tbe advice of bit'Coutbei4 miellée. r. 1 j,ý sure, 1 il ,* , ;:, o ,F à 171:1'i i P zm Tl;ý t-iiiL aiticied mc. 1 ri lile tc, bave 0"! 1 bretc, Le wiýr5 rs pilier as Me aloi 'u7ii(i lie i'. ,Pli of British Staresmi 1 have already expressif- simple sacrifice ut Lits Imiècle and bariiiony of uutseekinir tri assient, &-sd livettrout peurchacial; ý !ic , :,,,ý, : 1 1, w li Il: y "rre.ý il lire rýr.e,], or,;y it es tin:iianly ; and ta cry about a pair ;il thrte yearâ wurth a bucidred ttý,,uâani dollars.*' [le dures notepenly rafle the distinctions M Ilicle the couritry. go long as intention of ýduu, country ta the tI'ulitrY vibrer advieem Lait ilis akffpootw 1 il Il o> ! . . It : l.ýe lie-,rl.,,ck igirl !-- If 1,»,:Ie !ýuý,,ýcl,, s !_I efli J;ý-.C Iýi have ficI75ed latin soirominent il icert of Lord Stantey's de- ,an lie round in the Culuny. wht) %;ill taille the tient in tlIe 410verrêment tfi Were affl otw« do -, - l,ý -. ,il ý 1 1 - . A Conte Otil in a 6hame Il, raille tire Pr- fonce. lie lias pamsed thora by. He kreu, 11-ey 1 respo»ibtjlty of advieing sceller a Govertourent. thils doctrine, audout ofdourâ holding thoume e. - _ Il; lile- iel;rl of Mrs- lier agri sied hu-vd lier tu ruy sirlews (et tire flatte,] !Slairrer 4ire ?hir c,,,,ý,1"1- ' lé. 1 Il il - - .1, ý ,,, L, .:> -'s Pr a y'l Y iriend re-art ; l'Ut kilo %%outil have o-crè-7!,.ed, and long we'uld bel offensive ioýIf liatefuito lire liberal -â- 1 Nom Sir, the Govera« Getieral'o objection, riseprialorible ; lot ne .qupptme ais actde4w whq - , 'r i lý ýýý,, %%,,,:,ý , rWiwr il, Le i-t art J,-ý,,i fi, 4Iý,w file down stairs ; ,,, 1 i;iý,tiisci et logo futi thereon paircred Ibo likPness of &Il ance tir Pacte a bumitieri said a Jarry (en obbervirg il ,a; and lie know., Illat to certitravert I!ielu 1 accardit'ig la hie Oeil exploration tu fille nfemand the country 40uld flot bear-41beu),OUL in. aA4 W .1 ý 1 ý -- :. ý !ý,, ,S - gu'd natureil, roY feeliog, bY litati 013 flic I;ii' of JI bik-luiel the Pmeidents hangii,,, belore a te.veri.. d naýither pleure bis merisier or hie tory Ikili. whicil bit etatraisi ta have foi made by the Joie ud BLWM"e illeir iréirignation. The ]Pariiotbl'Vbt ý , j . .1 ; , Il porters. lie, therrelore, cavers them wille a Courviellurir, was not becau» of a reai or sup. viril then have a regret tu douband.apua wjkqe "" .'ýýI,, Ithutre zquealing caused a d;%,r.;oii. r- ý 1 ý il, , 1. 0 PrPrOLYRII%'e Passait stipulation, but beeipuse ait agreement ,ta advice the act was 1-1- 'liq ,;-;,i-ntmpr.i-îlri- élit 1 sl,;,Il noyer fori tl.-e lerceches. P".>ýN. Fou Dr'Im ,ý.-A geri;!e:iiau h av ing cloud, through v0lich irrerilioritribl dulie. 'rhutrueauewcrýw4lri ý: I ,!'1V;ý.ý '- as et* Ir Wi're Pe- %V!I;lt ! %%-iegstLfl* je flati la a Ceint ,If Nu. tiried î'nire arguaient Ire favoir ci dIil-kioýý c enc lu- rnay bc open by onr parry and British Culiatitu- Lake advce on ail accarsons Of appýitmirt)'eeit,- bc, tient it ma@ w bou . IWyjye.. and 4a" ugmý 1 i ý_ ii, Fi'.. "I', . lixille; with a tri- g-,I!'., a il il bis IoIn bas effet sencet, humble tailor, i rild %vert, -- You know sir, drinkao, driveil ilway tiotral pricticc«by the vibrer. wiel lie a surretideref the PrerogaLte of the the Glorturiroir Ge= dinctetion. ,Wbo.ýirimki ý, ., , i J makes one forger M hie W diagriceable. Crayon, l' as et coutil, rien lie tiiaitet&tgteei, thaïe, the Libers bc respo%&*Ie 1 &ho G ý . "::. : .., t: '. > t Illi, iýlcný the, J-r. Ill, agý.te.fr je preptering for fliackwali, and lai es cale, aie ,. Mr. Ryereion is noyer tired ni reiterating le -o G R4 - ". 1 %%'ou:dyeu net allow a riran toil in fleurir case!" argument, oTbat the Ilead of file Fxeculive encre form of takiog advift witheut legarding il, To embraser 1 Te duel Hom = T te ý ý ", 4ý il , 1.1, ý!.brrrI, vviliduvvel; ho if Il: Il Wite piying ber goutte needlil. Wisgistaff ,I - ' A T&t#e&ý > 1 '" "iý: Liý' et - S Guvernmelit of this Province bering Withili the tentes the procroiers etmemplated." -1-le app«Wd then..the Brireileilà #«pentible Ouveraq»ut ulIrl 1 know tirait elle je ýe1s a off plate and frothing vvirié, and Arabella Yeu, rit. replied Johnson,' tir et tic at next tu iimite of his Goyeraîtrient the Repre.entative of mettre nuinbet-*f appointments made by ferme on élyrerrion upholds*-ý-Lo fallici 1' il.; 1iIP,ýrà,l'I. 1",ý', nom, and then site jvvii tu cohl fauteuil ire the nursery, %villa lier Yllu*I' ý . 1 ait chariein, 4 ý - - ', ý -:, i i', Ir. t t ', t * e O ' thrice a year, trille uneil nelgret abeut ber. %N'agotaff egi;i)ya A"IENCE or bliNilýA gentleman down .elist the Scrvereigni, 1-3 reepoi!eible ta t> Itoporial elle ruellitterriendatienire of the Cieuricil. and ta in- colis es àto waroi!ýattack4 1 lit .çegtainly,, - ha ý1 - rring, and no wonder et *" Id lie ». fur et au ther ýi f,ý, bý, lIlýp(7- na week dayI, -Arahella Futfrg. lie dingi about bis gold : sineing lits pretty muid %ville bill wile's barillet un aut rity saine 4 fleur; tire authority ta litancest in bore he and alimenterait froin, conte !"',, S krp t,ý: ýl;, ,I , ",,,,,I,;-)-ev.iy, nold ,leu trieý tir litrelie off evil di . which t3ir Charte@ 4neltlealfe es alerte respolisible approialinents aie limier opponetite, au fur»Wittig liponsible uf)vemrmi et avertie Cmm mgrcl - ý_. , 3 by IRtie Say- kieuled ber, supperating et Io lie the II rosi oi;c."- *àice fuel. lerviencied sida.' clis Ide t >tic %% ,:"., N% l. ' acq hum deciared tirait bçfhýhiâ ,wiews and pral: percales ut the gre.air conài*ration lm -ýe Ili hillithe deliý,,IIt- ]legs of meek pence. Wagmtàîý sites,' and aile He discovered bis eriur thruugh file assiste ýç Lime of Lum àyd«nbnM_;ý n» - i >. ý , ,,q u ce ze P tels aria lorgives-and are coustitutional accurdilig tu the reao!utioris of towarde the Couricil in libre droîtriésurion of par- . ý' ' ý ' ;'ýý'Iiý.IIILI trumille, fumes, and bulles on, in Plate of bis serra. . . 1 11ýi 1. - . ý in Ibo Illespousible Gerverriment4racelýwd in Ili - :' il > lui ci ,lie 1.4 su liippv. And Po et t;arele#3jiues4 and êçld es, mi cri i x a- ge. lie at the senti ' obiterchail au ho -sIý dia-40 aiturt. overywhore W the Euàpicu buý ' ýý ý- lie lis as goo.1 a t'cil,,W« If Yeu have no distinct idea of your tiricestots. Nom ilie doctrine of despoli il av t ways had danse te ilième exclusive dWribtrt" or k;ngi&W illoredif. :-, ý ý ,,ýý as lever vigance. ,haracterre, prircip!es arc! occupa. . al a the t,;,e their habits, ( world, iî freuvelled (in the irreilý,etibibility ,,f',ove- patronage willaparry ;intense sied maintairred the Iffyaene W a secouent a caser tb» ,, 1 -! -e res,ý%eA 1 let out the This ire the ;nnýl of the, last story. 0. ye ti.ost get normanter! yar FlIner) JIrr.rnýneIit office, 1 i n deuil t authirerity, týd yole, ha% a pet- prifteiplittitai -union ouI ira ha gierans ta the ter LI* , , o o. id le jing. sorti a sein igiquivi made si the , =1 1 ý ý,,i,)- j " ,' Ire ,[(,esllt. Eteryone %ý'ilgiatl.ý al' tiers wcitld,'profit by et. 0 y ge a opporrit ý icla firmes Witt give you your go- reIgn.i. ut . . ý 1 ý . M Ille à trtbowd obDaxitplelq* - ' - ,ý a 1 t , - ý nore.1 di)ý,v:, in rire peur s,,tjl*s tic, nuilek augels of Arabellas, bc amok and gen- fecîaet;prtiorn. ,Thé di-.-ine right %if Kingé, tu 'nain heurt 41,14lifind to-ronder efficient servicesse ta te wbulu Itiff , 1 i ý, , 'l he'e wili tell te. sied exorcise prer -P, the stiste, arýd sirènes Mm ma nu a" p"ýemin. Pulb'IOF : illuisifitre, 8 Il wiýdbea74bobe ai mfttnkm le si, nealogy in the fartheit renielVkl. ru. oguili m ide aI:crruita- ý« 14, ll(,ýýic as Faý%,t'd rhys. Ke t ýLi,,,. If al, ange, tallit raclaient j falaut Who 4 .ý. la friméractimie, ,:il ,:111:p you whatyý>uree*-t graadfàîberpýeierrid fur biity.tantbeveryotieuverthrtjwn by tire te. e»cehearvlrtèdhisrigUtu exervierse, ki. reliure- t;lunà. __ , - - C sied %il ', , l"ildly ; ai!,' tbere id noir (.lie can ! . . .... dinner. limitations làrroi - _. . i-, . ý . tbë£tr,.iaaoegbttwywofie am ,hg 4, jrtAwpwn: L e ý- ci ds %% iam ,lie u ou If visit 'r r . . voicition of 16%. It la truc that the - 1 . pd give M ,thing ta hm Oie Ball,- " au of prero.17ative, then introduced, brouglit fin Pol, The latin Cot»elletr», " wili observe, de- that,,,].& Uo,, Illie Guvefq4g ý qep«t4 IIM Wd ýi. IR i Io % hein 81.0 Witt n,.t bc sure Trier. Disirop cet N&wfouýiDyýÀ14p's Clitificla imV il tlibt la ex 1.i, lî7e',ext lut recoutiti:ig the wondc 1 rerpç-n4ibility of the Sovereign, but t (mW the 4pointm«*j made coder tiroir edwice. 1 lien . -r- Siu>.--,ýSotue triturent bas festin Lately excited Il up country lazur tu ber lover an evelrifli air two, bons . hey ý "ýçffl ," cun Tienne apýointçvWnis haire beau apprernerrosil by tire lard diocmti-ch wd tbat.,Ibçy , ' produced an actuel and practical n4ec*%Pldi, liait . , W ..= .ý ý. tire Ettitàg out of a schelotroir fur dire ube of the mince. -. The Si me Id _ irrité ý ,,]es-,'!, the tilac 1 n as elescri Il- Bisfiup ut Lire veillera colormil at.Newl'oundlatld in - %Vel4" &assister! lie, " dia-it L'ut an oId brin-, ail the ;adversaire ahuuld ha trempon4itel . Patiemment. sied by tireur valet majoinery et the peu- Tirent, il jet, o cey.fi"eý"attaitm tè4 .1 ýýý iilt Dilir', Il,,,,', Il,,,,, . al Constitution of filinglaiend fruit id Illier, pire. The Govermor Gerieml inairmaints duel. the country ; aud-IMMItýtbeuW -- 1- .1- .--ý. , , odimis Frelloit hier vaittations. 14 ins deg4ned th" dia vensel die cWx% and yon eau lemair brin barioler &'Inatilst aüy Pr&cttc l. . L. il , , 1 Leu ci.' as a church id th ý . point of viens lie defined aluillest. in the %vacille of courscil sestèglit tbediguibutimof partisane si tho tulIQaýbhmtitâmi Co ;iz.414-0ý' - ý ý alter, ind tiroir üglinc, and aboula bc &Leu mied ý? *muraille- tires Yeu liàe." ý ý l ,ýrc, 1 uns tllilk",ng ,If Ar;,UeFii fat .and more ren"o uètUemçutm4 ariel j * - . ý tir Calendula Resolution ; rieur flic fleuri of the excluneilire ferret minoré. The cou»euS4 nul, liste (.'tm*«LW» avoided. by Une imoit - . ' lire . i' ý 'ýzýl"-e a"i hl,-,ie. 1 (lecture nettoie ycrt;,.ai.giilbouàogoiprayer. Avery et aez-ut:ve GoveMmect eu Etiý,,Iand in reuptouti hie tbey advised filient dimeiwigèen ad Pétrodollar deur, ab Lirers, p,àwer-a rm4uatma, . 1 '4 'lie ,tas PeVer ,,,, , Pr ty yacht, th - 1. diiul Tire imbabit-ints and ffc«JàQ;" ýUý t Q .- . 1 Of mY thoumille fur c Hawk, of ab"Il 1 W tous. (a berger tressai air gloiiiathe thsar they do al Ibert suft4, lu Le P authority alerte. Accorditbg tu Durclor té) Indistincte cermillensi -1: - cause their etoinachi are a coixf-uiiJGd éligl't the Sacbever.il et vien rebellion tu question elle acte thé (iavernmotèt = " peuple. o Ili atteindront miel of wafwiç,k. WIMI, et mie, . ý "O- Si:c "as 'lie ir,,,raliftýhellar- livrer lie un& fur Tlé W uIW navigation of die 'Jeu largi of the teste. 1 ' pasi bi !!& h. Ï'ie ti111,;el mllile-robed, opterions, liarr-w creeks Of elle isiand.) fias bereur, givent tu of the Sovereigsl ; but thien id Pot wbat fe-Iluwti, aven approverd of the conduira e the lisortrernement am thitV.-two.ia * nemkçr. vi**Q W»ýn" - ý - ý ,,'L-,e: .f a %%.ife-thillk ý . 1 , , -,,P.,, Il il 9 about lier the Birrhop of ,Xcwfoundland Je Private Clergy- A Yar*« bas soivented yellew spectacles. fur acccrding la tien British Coputitution. Respire- an they "vi»d rit, final mtbelubW allaient of the osent and i&4i«isatàm thille attermoirele té, ipe igm 1 . . ýaMeN1ir' ý « 1 3ritiàh peuple hold the Çrowiè . and the grubutitutit» of Hie %telle «e bourbead 44, the,, -" M se" ý ý alliong the tawdr r-rtd-for- osan. Mr. rdeu, the restoir aibility witbout peines in a contradiction and an Penalty contifinjurd lis, ý bu *" ilbiet«ed tu Ilm ljx--elle«y tboýprenâpý ',' %-ý,I,',rl l' II U-8111à. On butter- making lard loi lettre butter. Tibey are a gritait ý - and &las Exc4ii*ým- en , , . 1, ý ý izz ! there g in expeuse, au lard talon si et le tienne soleti- ;Iýardity, accarding lie- Lard Stanley, and pormiele ý the satigfattim Wýtém quoinglicy, .f tinsir P" 1«1 . Y. en bno,,Qporpfi» . , " "I-r'-. .%Ir. W%_ grues tire filet Clay tPe Bibhop of Londont inapecterril the Il Church Pavin . d Imithout respensibility in tyranny. Tu escape Li the introduction cd viSý Irai antageaism, by Mm approbu" . :- , .il ' l ý%J, 1 -taff in mailing a Ion- ,'ïibtp" previlleus ta ber departure, which taire@ tâcles rans, tutes very murtir the âanie as Etewe luid se;ýý »fýiwt - . ý il ,, rIcIt .ý,eabtýlginie. a - ; the' mW*iow i« sied catechi.tu ail.. t.lim tyranny the 1 Dey'* diacre. 1 . . . a ist ni araires in th. LMMk of acting vrilleront eurivice i and the tien. for tbe jadifument of reurtisommoilleme adv"m. puf*uu4.in ,tofming tu agroe&W« 1 , ý1 ý ez Ï1.1 a1zy. ta perroccund tu Nowluutbdl"d more- ý y ý , die. le il A ynuung man witbout manuel is Jette a lire"*- " the advie«agesponaible. This inca But, whwtigd*dig«elim wkiý-b the etieurer. recueilli pfflulptive et 4h& ,t4ov4m6,,, 0 1. le ý4i-,e niuon is shiteing in, and bis t»rdabi> by les, lever; ývvjtWut fuel. fie can't erri gx) ahead."- - th - "" ý li,ýÏ,,t Là1v -1, h,11 1 hum the soumet frabihty . . . . . ý ' -:r, . ý ýldl= purpou sinire et des saine tirait sa- cloudly o a overniffle, of act la -ntible nor Generai aumtu the -vilM ýe «Oremug- luincy SL» &»«an W44ja inmbmqto .. Atnong the ladies ha lot like a nelloire, ire a out I'C"f' ][Le- %vient il. th. pli ý . 1 . '-F I,ý r"l>'-' lie second celle. Virginie " aly Colutmil tend ta Gadin prot«t4ii cars. The nl,êeru,'is volatil and trýÜufv sibet essence of outregatierre whwb ho W«id " Star- &4bd.AddingL«,With a l- ý. 1 . , 1 1 ! Hawk bas leurrerre iluppW lurette, the »cooury ce- night st He ralentit mlline.' ý sponiibbe Garrotteraient. Àdmit fora moment the rouiller ? lit in S"dimmüm of tetmg Mm fi axiiieula se »ppffl bien in i'tIs r,,ýirq udh lau.gteter-%Vag. Il "O' - ý , . 1 1 o! «iau&ical iiiiIiiiii, capaéditrîr or potrever of the So*qreign ta do indi- ciel a judgamu «" ry te luismielie, or musette t ad- bùtu ' ' ' ý, & il - . - Il , Il lhe vIli i - Y. Who givers a el ý : ' 1 17,1 ,fi, ouchau plate, an alter, Lui se; Uneh pleilleure laiers, il& pang,11 là; t bc bee saW ai üoml frémiregarivere cd ý . . Libration ci divine aljug oitû Illie maielle! el al fm4wiib " ýîc_ y ,Jjrif - :ý i, ' 'ho Inillee$", - , sein ùe obuved bis - tcti4 sud the doctrine of Pastilles vieý tb* dWdt"onot judgiwg lier frimerai lestien, I*IW«I'e lièrelle à- d ý .e ' ý I,, ,ni -,._,'ý ý - - 1 service. by the privatoomtrib'àtiont effile ferieralles rsbe flairait admirer. ýý i«ce and non-resie-atice trottoirs inevitably tre bout quatifiéd te remonter **ciwmn âwv.c«. #-'iffh»ke ' 'w *'--- --;-;o,- ý . , .L- , --- . Iz , ,IIV ire tp.k,,ig a,,y the ilsh hostiles. &C, Jus, tête rincent c YWilleil public a fait .fimgýnsibility of tire Suvereiga. What. the ettater, nord ellemere the» se" »M Pr*-euà»fite 1 ýou- W - .- 1 I ý __ __ ý 1 - ý __ liey ,ï1Z 1wFý - - :._ýL.-- - ý __ __ ic M1 ii- Prit% ow a( 74 and Wou Am Viau, im dm U.Y 4M mp«iIàq'ý am 14 and Weil a4 Imirr% Peç!oàle fàrwly. Wal. ggen. lm àd&fth, - »---------- lpk MI-bug'»tl p0*019 rd Cbn4 Isid *WB i»t received, c«iý os KINGSTON, CANADA, TV£SD.ý ý ý SE PTr,311317,lt 17, Nv, r to OIAIiin the cal logslher with the Albln Uars; and fliose % hn lm i!ý the Albion, ihý G. ill rp'pi', publi'w icunt le tavelle da&,, ,W the prnPrietor h.pý. "'I a will te entilled le tle il, nne e..t.,,enr.in stivante. a th ful os-ing p ted on steel ; The il, Westminster Aul, of Plâffiament, and B. ýher wilh memoirs an' 9; beautifully boune, -s fiainent fer the dra%% UTARY NOTICE 11, urchasied ai KRK tengD 'a phapificent tâ, Sir- , àér &OU. lé bii prusente. AU 10 a -1iý Ir vubý , «itit bal, lundergiandiig a th but, will bavelhet 1 of 1K-gakingtoli, tile À af Clamber's javrnd4 es r Waker Seuil. seme 1 the lhagnitude Of th i' ' 1 1 ils dispensions tu ils ýM d wu ghall I i"dpWedio ries *ho will bp Li'd en wt la fwr roltimilp. r agent in Canada, 11 117 ions ta whnth kt ion âpeilp. reet. tsio good Siens èwiý Ûning the remidencé l-f b Stabling and Coil rection apply te _ WILLIAM RIMNmý rio st. May 29, 1'W NOTICE. ýip heretofore existing Wid en in the 19our and ity Ikerv, under the Dm 1 au been d;ily dispolved. ' the paid lira, wili bt?,Ioâl duly autborired to tâ ivill curry un the blaînelii wM. siMPSON, ROB'T ALLEN. Feb. 1844. %ad begs ta tir nder bis geverally for the v«Y d un the establighineilt Of W and would moy the be0m ;rried un by hie, un b4 4 2eftà :11 parties jadebtel 1 seul their &cc-to W R. 'ALLFJL, ý,ck Sttret, ý.26, ý184& ýRD WOOI), descriptîon for »le I'Y Alun, Branand,9bdk nijGU CALDa' Bed»ed Prim ber bu jus& received , lis! 'cundries, made in OM ge amrtinent bf 8110 of la pAumbim iebk auoFMh reved patterns. wbkh g 1 or Cub- Be pleugea to cou 3tove $%and, wil exw ad prire. JAMM »'vol, es 4. ige j Dataient 400 bulfs,' obi Onoâdqo lit ferons, joli ffl- 0 LEASE, or more YMM d*Beeý With audoadmol Nt low. Y«,ïw*ow wu. élu#ON, 1814. =====-;e ires 500 store in--as ffied te. obîmintt or id lis idvëoetq fille f Pr ion of fwý=- CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICUIÀTUPt,-,ý-L LAI